tarot-reader · 9 days
I’m going to find time to post more. I miss this space.
The Oracle is in.
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tarot-reader · 6 months
I'll be posting again reasonably soon. Much to occupy this oracular sphinx. Seers are needed often and abroad.
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tarot-reader · 9 months
Does he still loves me ? Does he feels the same way ? I'm on my twinflame journey
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Fondness remains. Circumstances changed but a glimmer of hope remains. Maintain positivity as the Three of Cups has sometimes come to be seen as reconciliation. While it doesn't guarantee you may reintegrate into each others lives right away or ever, it is still a positive sign they wish you well and harbor positive love for you in their heart. Corresponding with positive energy may yield desired results. Time heals all. Outcome: Three of Cups. Friendship. Deep connections. Celebration. Having a nice time. Receiving hospitality. Working well together. Togetherness. Reconciliation. Positive reciprocity.
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tarot-reader · 9 months
How much are your readings?
First question is free if the person commits to give me feedback on my reading. Subsequent questions are $2 per question.
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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Magic Square Spread 01, 02, 03 01 – 03 What they're thinking or planning. 04, 05, 06 04 – 06 What they're doing, actions. 07, 08, 09 07 – 09 Undercurrent. Emotional undercurrent and how it affects querent or situation. Round 1: Mind 01, What you were thinking. 02, What you are thinking. 03, What you will be thinking. 04, What you were doing. 05, What you are doing. 06, What you will be doing. 07, What you were feeling. 08, What you are feeling. 09, What you will be feeling. Round 2: Circumstance 01, Wealth & Prosperity 02, Fame & Reputation 03, Love & Relationships 04, Children & Creativity 05, Spiritual Health, Well-being 06, Family & Physical Health 07, Wisdom, Knowledge, Epiphany 08, Career, Travel, Moving 09, Helpful people, Luck Round 3: Undercurrent 01, Individuality, What affects the situation now 02, External Influences, Unexpected factors 03, Environmental factors, Family Home, Friends 04, Hopes & Fears of the consultant 05, Alternatives, Options to problem, Opportunity 06, Belieds & Aspirations regarding query 07, Limiting Factors, Contrarian factors 08. Positive Influences, Key to success 09. Strength. Power in face of a problem This spread adds many layers of information and context to only nine cards. This is a great spread to try with majors only tarot decks, full tarot decks, playing card decks, lenormand decks, and some oracles.
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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My querent asks, “ Will something romantic happen between A and JP?” Fool - Strength - Nine of Cups - Four of Cups - Devil - Sun Six cards fall on the table. Fool: New beginnings, not thinking things through and jumping in. A new chapter. Learning through fresh eyes. Caution against being naive. Strength: Passion, attraction. Cautions not to get ahead of ourselves. Nine of Cups: The wish is granted. Enjoying good company. Having days you feel empowered and rewarded. Four of Cups: The cups have spilled. This one is nursing what feels like a hangover. Day dreaming of better days, partially dissatisfied with internal thoughts or feelings. The need to wait to hear important news. The Devil: Overindulgent fun, vice, responsibilities limiting circumstances. Feeling you lack the resources to make the impression you really want to, but being tempted anyway. Lessons in self-mastery. The Sun: Brimming joy. Hot days. Fun and play. Feeling good about yourself, your life and the people in it. Yes. Don't enjoy the sweet nectar from the cups too quickly, or you'll end up with a short affair. This can and should be a happy time, a time of laughing together and connecting through the magic of having a jovial good time when you meet. To ensnare, smile bright and enjoy the chemistry that will naturally surface between you two. The time spent on the project is set to be motivational. When meeting in the right mindset, the connection takes off effortlessly and with proper support. The Devil cautions from overindulgence. Take impassioned strides with small steps to enjoy the magic of the moment. A joyful, unexpected type of friendship could blossom. All is possible when the wish is granted. The two cards answering the question on the right brim with positivity, joyfulness and getting what you want. The present cards offer the advice. Strength is the mastery of the self, being in control of our instincts. On the occasions the subject opens the lion's mouth, those impassioned instincts crawl out. There is a time to hold back and a time to pounce. The Devil cautions you to pay attention when making choices. Ever the enabler, he also motivates you to go indulge and have fun. The Fool and the Four of Cups tells me the connection can come at a time you both feel you need a change in routine, or something to motivate you. With a positive mindset and first foot forward this can be a positive connection. Smile, be kind. Enjoy interacting. See what possibilities life has in store.
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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Magic Square of Nine Three of Wands. A short duration, waiting a few days. Three days time, or within a week. Being expectant of time passing, people coming your way, anticipating an event or a visit. Thinking about where you are at this point in time, possibly while pausing for a break or spending some leisurely time. Two of Wands. Making quick decisions. Either one or the other. Polarized opinions, events, problems, people, moods or mindsets. A short wait. Keeping things in balance. Considering two major paths or options. Ten of Cups. Joy. Happiness. Being elated or at a point of deep love and satisfaction for life, family, circumstances, mindset, existence. Sharing the love with others is easy when you have it in abundance. Hearts sing together, it brings everybody closer into a tight knit community. Helping each other out in groups or moving forward with the assurance you have one another's' backs. Ace of Wands. A dash of energy, a jolt of inspiration. Effort and energy in a burst, about to be spent. Being impassioned in speech or craft. Passion as a feeling or an action. Knight of Wands. Quickly, in a flash. Quick, impassioned circumstances. Hot, albeit sometimes inconsistent lovers. There in a moment, in swift motion the next. Circumstances changing quickly before your eyes. Being in action. Open and immense. Take advantage of personal potential. Authoritarian. Strong willpower. Non-tolerant or impatient. The burning torch in his hand symbolizes the vision of introducing ways to recognize the new world. The symbol of innovation and the ability to move towards new goals. The unicorn is the instinct that was tamed. Six of Coins. A sense of finding balance. An exchange, business deals or trades. Commerce, bargaining, currency exchanges or items. A helpful hand or person. Overcoming a difficult period. Gaining material. Harmony and abundance. Helping others, getting help when needed. The Devil. Allure, desire. Fun, at times getting rowdy. Finances. Spending lots. Giving in to temptations. Living an alternate course or path in life. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your desired outcome? Are you willing to enslave yourself to it? The limiting circumstances or people barring the way forward. Responsibilities and enslavement. The concern of finances dominating my choices. Temptations. Strong power or craving. Awareness of a complete and authentic self. Bringing light into the not-so pretty aspects of it. Ace of Coins. A gain, trinket or gift. Something small. A literal coin or piece of gold/jewelry. Currency. The ability to spend or invest in something. Ideas taking physical form. Embodiment of concepts, the birth of ideas from the ethereal realm of thought and into a tangible existence. Nine of Coins: Goals being materialized. Satisfaction and happiness from all the wealth and prosperity achieved. Material success, luxury. Financial luck. Achievements. Satisfaction with circumstances. It pleased me to see this card come out last because it leaves you with a sweet aftertaste. The promise that long years of arduous effort will be worth it. Tomorrow I'll list all the houses of the magic square.
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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High Priestess. The Sun. Hierophant. High Priestess. Observation. Silence. Watching without assuming. Allowing the information to come to you naturally and not because you go out in search of it. Harnessing your intuition with intention and control. Making connections quietly. The Sun. Joy, enjoyment of life and all its beauty. Your life in bloom. Enjoying your day in the sun. Fruitful relationships. Divine intervention or presence of deities/the angelic. Signs that you are doing what you are called to. Enjoying life for you, as opposed to living to make others happy. Being grateful for what you have. Shining because of your talents and happiness. Hierophant. Lifelong lessons and commitments. Wisdom. Mentorship, tutoring. Finding the answers that you have been seeking. A strong foundation. Spiritual protection. This spread is a trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a sense. It shows the bright resplendence of unity. Living rightly or in balance between your light and dark sides, or inner and outer worlds. Having learned from prior experience, even if you didn't share those lessons with anybody else. The act of maturing, or going from a chaotic life to a pleasant one. Enlightenment, sudden mindset of understanding. Meditating on happy moments. The warmth you get from feeling you are in alignment with your purpose.
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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....Lets also make a post with these old Warcraft Tarot cards I used to make. Still a series id want to finish one day!
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tarot-reader · 10 months
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Ace of Wands: Heat, creativity, momentum, expulsion of blunt energy force. Circumstances in bloom. Project in bloom. Queen of Swords: The logical thinker, and gifted analytic. Enforcer of boundaries, distant from others. Going online. King of Swords: Analytical man of high mental caliber. A mind with calculated intentions. A restless and at times tormented mind. King of Cups: A loving man of sensitive nature. Prone to enjoy music in harmonious environments. Enjoys seeing everybody around him get along. Two of Cups: Loving mirror images of one another. Knight of Swords: Events happening quickly. Days passing quickly. Many conversations had over a short span of time. A surprise visit. Pain for the man, unexplored mental paths for the lady. Events flowing in motion.
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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I asked how my lover sees me. Nine cards fall on the table.
We are hand in hand, he is at the center of it all and I am coming out of my past. We meet in the middle. The love is true, but the path is no less challenging when you face mountains of tasks together. Plans to get away help cut the bitterness of the routine.
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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the high priestess
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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the moon
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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the tower
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tarot-reader · 11 months
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three of swords ✶
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