tarot4enlightenment · 10 months
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A Message from Spirit:
Even if you are unsure of your faith in ascended masters, that doesn't mean you can't call upon the ones you feel most drawn to as you explore your own energy and ability to achieve mastery (examples include, but by no means are limited to Christ, Buddha, Muhammed, etc).
The two masters who appear in this card have specific messages that may resonate with you. Hilarion embodies the spirit of discovery. However, his appearance highlights the need to see a project through to completion. Don't give in to the temptation of procrastination.
St. Germaine embodies group energy and ceremony (how appropriate for the holidays!). His appearance encourages peaceful resolutions amid discord.
With the holiday season of many faiths among us, perhaps this card encourages both preparation for celebrations as well as solving personal issues with others for a peaceful season.
Love, light, and happy holidays to all!
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tarot4enlightenment · 10 months
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"Manifest Your Dreams!"
Release all negative thoughts that block your mind and create self-limiting beliefs. Physical activity such as walking and yoga will be beneficial in visualizing your goals, especially if you engage all of your senses.
Mindset is critical. What is the saying? Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right. I believe that was Henry Ford. The Universe listens to the messages you send them. Make sure they are positive ones.
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tarot4enlightenment · 10 months
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Spirit seems to be putting an emphasis on manifestation today, as you will see in another post.
Acting "as if" your manifestation has already appeared will put you in a spirit of gratitude. Combine gratitude with a positive outlook, and they appear much more quickly, often in surprising ways.
So don't just dream, do! Co-create your dreams with Spirit.
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tarot4enlightenment · 10 months
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A message from Spirit: "The world is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Embody the love you wish to see in the world."
Are you struggling with self-love and self-esteem? The Sacred Pool is asking you to reflect and find peace within yourself. Think of how far you have come and the challenges you have conquered. We all have the spark of the Divine, and when you co-create with Spirit your manifestations appear more quickly when you have an attitude of gratitude and are at peace with yourself. When you share the love within you with others, your blessings will return tenfold.
Feel at peace, for you are beautiful and loved. Success will be yours, no matter what you are enduring at this time.
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Spirit is asking us to release our lack mentality. Too many of us feel unworthy of what Spirit has to offer, and Spirit is eager to share the gifts of the universe.
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but I'm sending hugs. This is a card of anxiety and overthinking. Everything will be okay in the end. Take a deep breath, and remember that anything that is meant for you will never pass you by.
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Spirit gave us three cards with a common theme to meditate on today. Each card is linked to the idea of renewal and rebirth. What is the dream you are bringing into the world? It's an ideal time to be creative and embrace the authentic you.
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Today's guidance from your spirit animals:
Have fun today, but don't overdo it! And I would highly discourage any "hold my beer" moments.
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