tateannawrestling · 3 years
[creds to photo owner]
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
Go check out my Youtube channel. It’s hilarious, at least to me lol
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
My daily rant
I swear if WWE makes Kenny Williams leave NXT UK then they better put him on NXT 
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
AEW - 4/14/21
I can’t get over hot hawt Matt Jackson looked in that promo Wednesday-
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
Call me
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Another boring day on the job. I work at Don's Pizza. Nothing is ever happening here besides kids making messes 24/7. Which, guess who has to clean them up. Fridays were always busy for us. And to make things worse, I was the only one, well there were two other people on shift but they were too busy drinking and smoking out back while I'm actually busting my A-double dollar signs.
I was coming back to behind the counter (where I take orders) from cleaning a spill that some stupid kid made. As I got closer to the counter the sound of a dinging bell became more louder and more clear. "I'm coming! Jeez!" I yell making my way to the counter. Once I got there I noticed it was three men. The one in the middle was the one obnoxiously tapping the bell. He wore shades, and a nice denim jacket. He was kind of hot, but also annoying for ringing the bell as if was a child. "Hi, welcome to Don's, what can I get you?" I say almost out of breath. The guy slightly pushed down his sunglasses to get a better view of me. Smirking, he pulled them back up and looked up at the menu. "So, what's up with the shades inside? Do you think you're just the baddest boy in the wide world?" I ask, jokingly of course. The other guys laugh as the hot one just says, "Haha, funny. You should do stand up" "Uhm can we have (whatever the heck Trent likes to get)" One of the other guys asked "Uhm yes. And is that it?" I ask "Ye-" Two of the three guys began to say but was quickly cut off by the one in shades "No. Let me get your number" He says "Haha, funny. You should do stand up" I reply walking off preparing their order
- Cassidy's POV
"No. Let me get your number" I say cutting off Trent and Chuck "Haha, funny. You should do stand up" She replies causing Trent to laugh. She walks off swaying her hips and I can't hep but stare. "Damn, not going to lie that was hot. C'mon" I say to the guys as we get a table.
"So, that Y/N chic, you think she's hot?" Chuck asks me as we sit at our table "I mean duh, have you seen her?" I say "I think she is the only one here. I didn't see anyone else" Trent says "I know, I kinda feel bad" I say "Well if you felt bad then why were you a dick to her earlier?" Trent asks "Because man, you know I don't know how to express my feelings. Especially when it comes to girls" I say "Maybe you should apologize" Chuck chimes in "Whatever just forget it" I say . A few minutes later Y/N  comes to our table. "Are you the only one working?" Chuck asks her "Yes, well, there are two other people suppose to be working but they care more about weed then they do their own job, so" She replies. Damn now I am really starting to feel bad for her. "It's okay baby" I say stroking her arm "Uhm..yeah" She smiles and walks away "Dude?" Trent says "What?" I reply "Baby? Really?" He says "So what? She liked it" I smirked
- Y/N's POV
"It's okay baby" The hot one  says as he strokes my arm. I hate to admit it but, it made me really wet, so I had to leave immediately. "Uhm..yeah" I say walking, well, power walking away from there table. I walked behind the counter to take a breather. "Y/N! What are you doing" I don't even have to turn around to know who that is, I recognize that annoying voice anywhere. It was my stupid boss. "Sorry I was just taking a breather. I have been running around this place since the moment I walked in the door." I say "Yeah, I know. It can be hard at times..." She begins in a soft tone "...but sadly, I don't care. Life is hard. Everything isn't going to get handed to you around here" She says as her soft tone turned into a now rude loud tone. "Now. Where are those other two at?" She asks "Outback, smoking." I reply. She walks off with what seemed to be an even angrier attitude.
"Why would you lie on your co-workers like that?"  I hear my boss' voice again "What do you mean?" I ask "Don't play dumb. Their in there cleaning up the kitchen, something I told you to do from now on." She replied "What?! They were just outside a minu- You know what, never mind." I say not wanting an argument "Yeah, that's what I thought" She replies walking off
- 2 Hours, 47 Minutes Later
Almost three hours later those guys were still here. My boss forced me to tell them to leave because they were taking up room for other people to sit.
"I'm sorry, but my manager told me that I have to tell you to leave. You've been here for a long time and you've only had one pizza and seven refills....EACH" I say "Look babe, I'm only here to get your number. I was going to wait 'til you weren't busy though" He says making me blush a little "Oh. W-well um, I-" I stutter  "Y/N! Why aren't they gone yet? I told you to dismiss them not flirt with them" My boss scolds me "I-I-I was ju-" I struggle to get out any words "Look. It wasn't her fault, we was actually just about to leave." The hot guy says sticking up for me, oh my gosh, now I really want his number "Yeah you better. Now. Y/N clean up this mess of a table." My boss demands "Yes, ma'am" I reply. As I was cleaning up the tables I seen a napkin had some writing on it. Curious, I looked at it to see what it read.
317-421-9880 call me ;)
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
It’s normal
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Kenny is my boyfriend who I have been trying to come out to for ages now, just every time I do I always back out last minute.
Me and Kenny were going to go to my parents' house for dinner. "You ready baby?" I ask Kenny "Yeah, you look cute today" Kenny smiles "So, did I look bad yesterday?" I reply jokingly knowing he was going to take it to heart "Oh, no. No, that's not what I meant. I-" He panics as I cut him off "Babe! I know, I was just kidding" I say "Oh, okay." Kenny says flashing that cute ass smile of his.
- At the dinner
I was already out to my parents and I told them that I were out to Kenny even though I wasn't. The only reason I told them that you were out to him was because I didn't want them to think that Kenny was a bad guy and would leave you if you were bi. However I was a little scared of that myself, which is why I have yet to come out to him. Outside of his cocky character everyone sees on television, he was actually a sweetheart. Especially to me. But I was still concerned he may leave me if he were to find out.
"So, Kenny. How did you react when Y/N came out to you? Did you splash a glass of water her face haha" My dad joked. That was a running gag in our family. Because my last boyfriend threw water in my face after I came out to him. While it was a tragedy at the time it has became an inside joke among our family. "I'm sorry what? What do you mean, come out?" Kenny asks "Oh, uhm.." I begin, not knowing what to say. "You are out to Kenny, right hun?" My mom asks. Tears began to form in my eyes "...No" I manage to get out "What's wrong, love?" Kenny asks "I'm bi. And before you say anything; I-I-I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you'd l-leave me" I say while a tear left my eye "What? Babe, of course not. I love you for you. And that means every part, every aspect, of you. I love you Y/N" Kenny replies "Really?" I ask "Yes, yes, of course!" Kenny says "I love you too" I say as he begins to lean for a kiss but the quickly transitions into a hug remembering we are in front of my parents. "Awwee" My parents say in sync.
- At your guys' house
Kenny was changing out of his formal clothes into more comfortable clothes, while I was sat on the bed on my phone. Kenny was in grey sweats and no shirt, it kind of turned me on. But anyway-
"This isn't going to change anything between us, right?" I ask him "What?" He asks joining me on the bed "You know... the fact that I'm bi. Is it going to change anything between us?" I ask more clearly this time "No, of course not, love. I don't know why you think that this is a dramatic change in our relationship. It's normal to like girls and guys. I support you one hundred percent. Babe, I love you. And your sexuality isn't going to change that" Kenny replies honestly "Awe. I love you too baby" I reply and kiss him as he kisses back softly.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
Charlie Morgan
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Charlie and I have been together for seven months and we’ve decided that it was about time that she’d meet my parents.
I hung up the phone call with my mom, “So we figured out a time” I say to my girlfriend who was sat on our bed. “Ugh, when?” Charlie asks with an annoyed tone. She never really wanted to go in the first place, she was afraid that my parents might not like her or that she wasn’t good enough. And she was generally a nice person so whenever she’s mad she uses annoyance as a place holder for anger. “Two days from now!” I reply with joy trying to cheer up my girlfriend, as she just rolls her eyes and throws her back onto the bed. “Look, babe, you can at least act like you’re happy to go.” I tell her, “Yippee kai yay motherfu-” She starts “Don’t you dare” I cut her off. She laughs and kisses me. 
[Two days later]
“Are you ready?” I ask my girlfriend with my hands full of bags, “No” She responds with sarcasm, “Babe, what did I tell you? At least pretend to be happy, okay? For me.” I tell her while dropping my bags and holding her face in my hands. She doesn’t reply, instead just stares at me with a blank expression, which was quickly morphing into a soft one, as I gave her the puppy dog eyes. “Fine” She says over exaggeratedly rolling her eyes. “Yay! Thank you baby!” I say “Of course, darling” She replies and kisses me. 
Once we are packed, I drive us to my parents house. We have a good time along the way, music, dancing, singing, laughing, everything. When we pull up to the driveway of my parents’ house that’s when Charlie’s expression had an immediate change, her happy, smiling face, turned into an arrogant and afraid- dare I say- expression. “Babe” I say calmly putting my hand on her thigh, “Please” I finish; looking her in the eye. She doesn’t respond, she just nods in agreement.
“Hey, baby!” My mom says in a high-pitched voice “Hey mom!” I reply matching her tone, I give her a hug. “And, dad, hey!” I say hugging him, “Hey, how you been?” He asks “Great! Oh, um, this is my girlfriend Charlie!” I say “Hey, Y/N has told us so much about you” My mom says as Charlie just gives an awkward smile, “So, Charlie huh? You don’t talk much, do you?” My dad asks “I-” Charlie begins “Actually no, she talks all the time. Like, she never shuts u-” I start to ramble but then look at Charlie, realizes I didn’t give her a chance to speak “Sorry” I say. Charlie laughs as she begins her sentence “I actually do talk a lot, as you know” She says pointing at me as both my mom and dad laugh, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, can we come inside now?” I say “Oh, right! C’mon I will help you guys with your bags” my mom opts.
“Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention this over the phone. But you and Charlie are in separate rooms.” My mom says “What? Why?” I whine “Oh, c’mon, we all know why you guys are not going to be sharing one room.” My mom says, as a smirk grows on the face of Charlie’s. “Yeah, good call, Mrs. Y/L/N” Charlie jokes as I just roll my eyes
Me and Charlie are in my room, unpacking and talking, well mostly talking. “Hey, girls, me and Y/M/N are going to go to the store to pick up a few things for the house, do you want to go?” My dad asks “Oh, uh, no thanks. We will just finish helping each other unpack.” I respond “Okay, I’ll see you two in a bit” He says slightly closing the door. Me and Charlie finish unpacking, and our conversation. Until Charlie heard their car pull out of the driveway. “C’mon” Charlie says grabbing me by my waist and pushing me softly against the wall. She starts to kiss me. “Mm, Charlie, what are you doing?” I ask breaking the kiss “Y/N, c’mon, your parents aren’t gonna be gone for long, let’s have some fun, yeah?” Charlie smiles “No, baby, they don’t want us having sex in their house” I reply “It’s not like they will know, especially if we make it quick, so stop stalling and let’s go!” Charlie demands grabbing me and pushing me back up against the wall again, this time a bit rougher. She kisses me, our kiss immediately turning into a make out session, she moves to my neck, kissing me there. “Mmm, Charlie” I moan as she takes off my shirt, shortly after my bra, then pants, everything. Luckily my parents were out for almost 2 hours giving us plenty time.
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
German Hawtie
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Me and Aliyah are best friends with Liv Morgan, and have been ever since she was in NXT. But since she got singed to the main roster a couple years back, us three made a group chat to keep in contact. Even though me and Aliyah seen each other every week, it was still fun to text in our group chat rather than actually go talk in person. Now, this group chat was always crazy. We mostly talk about boys which is the main reason why our group chat is crazy, either two of us are making fun of a crush that the other girl has or all of us are fighting over who a certain guy would date if he had to pick between us three, etc. But of course, since we are best friends, our chat had its sentimental moments as well. Such as, Liv coming out to us, or Aliyah venting to us about a break up, or me, crying to them because McDonalds got my order wrong. Either way, we all love each other and this group chat was a crucial part of our friendship.
Thursday, March 11th, 2021
"Hot Girlz"
Y/N: Liv did u see nxt last night?
Liv: I did, y?
Ali: yeah, why?
Y/N: Cuz I was wondering if you seen that German Hawtie Marcel Barthel, in his promo
Ali: lmao
Liv: u like him???
Liv: talk to him then
Ali: yeah i will help u
Y/N: Nah he prob has a gf
Liv: what if he doesn't?
Y/N: I'm going to assume he does so I don't have to talk to him
Ali: if u won't talk to him I will
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tonight was NXT and last Thursday in the group chat Aliyah said she was going to tell Marcel. Granite, she was probably kidding.
I was pacing around backstage, deciding whether or not I should tell Marcel how I feel about him. I had my locker room door slightly opened. "Should I tell him? What if he has a girlfriend, what if I'm not pretty enough" I aloud to myself while still pacing "God, Marcel, why do you have to be so damn hot?" I question as I plop myself on to the sofa. "I could say the same thing to you, love" I hear a cute German accent say
Marcel's POV:
I was walking with Fabian and Alexander, I notice that we pass by Y/N's locker room. "Hey, uh, guys, I will catch up with you later." I say to them as I go to Y/N's locker room. I have always liked her, she is so gorgeous, I just don't know how to tell her. Any opportunity I get to tell her I take, but end up backing out last minute because I am too afraid she will reject me. As I made my way to her locker room I stand outside of her slightly opened door. Looking in, I see her pacing around mumbling obscenities to herself. I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying but I did hear her call herself “not pretty”, which, by the way, was far from the truth. But the next sentence that came out of her mouth, I heard plain as day, "God, Marcel, why do you have to be so damn hot?" Then that's when it hit me, she thinks that she is not pretty enough to be with me? Wow, I have got to make my move right now. 
"I could say the same thing to you, love" I say as I walk into her locker room shutting the door behind me. "Uhm, Mar-Marcel, how long have you been standing there?" She asks. She is so cute when she's nervous "Long enough to know that you think I'm hot" I smirk "Shut up" She replies as I just laugh and sit on the sofa next to her "I also heard you say that you don't think you are pretty enough to be with me, that's untrue. I think you are the most beautiful person ever, and I would love it if I could take you out sometime?" I ask hoping for a yes "Oh- Uhm, yeah sure! S-Sorry this is a lot to process" She laughs. Oh my, her laugh is so cute "It's okay, liebe" I say leaning in to kiss her, she kisses back. It was better than I imagined.
Y/N's POV:
Marcel walked toward the sofa, what the hell was he doing? He sits down next to me, "I also heard you say that you don't think you are pretty enough to be with me, that's s untrue. I think you are the most beautiful person ever, and I would love it if I could take you out sometime?" Marcel asks, making me hella shocked. I stutter and accept. But then... he kisses me. I did not see that coming. 
We pull away, "Holy shit" I curse causing him to laugh and say, "Language, love" "Sorry" I apologize "It's okay, I thinks it hot" He says smirking, knowing exactly what he's doing. We kiss again, well we start making out, after we run out of breath, we pull away, "You kiss like a god" I say "Oh, you haven't seen nothing yet, Darling" Marcel replies creating butterflies in my stomach. Just thinking what he means by that turns me on so much.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
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My boyfriend of two years, Jordan Devlin, is currently in the UK. Due to Covid we aren't able to be together because both of our travel is banned.
Today is Thursday and I was lowkey kind of pissed because I had to work overtime at my job last night, meaning I missed NXT and Regal's two major announcements. You see, I'm not a wrestler like my boyfriend, I actually have a pretty normal life and job. I work at Starbucks. Which is actually how I met my Jordan. He came in ordered some coffee, we got to know each other and we started dating! I live in an apartment, I have one dog, and if you looked at me or my lifestyle you wouldn't think that I am dating the WWE Cruiserweight champion.
Today is Thursday so I had work, and Thursdays are our busiest days. No one really knows why but people like to drink coffee on Thursdays.
I watched highlights on YouTube from last nights show, since I didn't have time to watch the full show. I was leant over the counter watching my phone, as Regal introduce the new women's tag titles. "Y/N!" I hear my boss say, "Drive Thru duty!" My boss demands "Right, I'm sorry" I reply, "Sorry isn't going to cut it, give me your phone." He says "Ugh, fine. Here" I say giving him my phone. Gosh, he always speaks to me as if I'm in the principal's office or something.
Four hours later, I was finally able to go home. I was greeted by my dog and sister who always dog-sits for me. Once my sister left, I showered and watched Atypical on Netflix, I ended up falling asleep.
One Week Later: Monday
I sighed as I got up from my bed getting ready for another boring day of work. I got in the shower then into uniform.
I arrived early, 6:30 am to be exact. There was only two other people there. They were both girls I was friends with, Kiara and Riley. "Yes!" I whispered to myself as I walked through the doors and behind the counter. "At least I get to open up the store with people I actually like" I say with a laugh "Right", "Thank god" The girls laugh. We open at 8 am. But there was a knock at our door, if it was an employee they would have just opened the door, unless it's Tyrone he always forgets his key, idiot. But anyways, it was only 6: 52. "Who is that?" Kiara asks "I don't know" I respond "I swear if it's Tyrone again Ima beat his a-" Riley began, "Tyrone is coming in today he texted me saying he was sick" Kiara says "What if it's a serial killer?" Riley fools, "It's not a serial killer" I laugh "Well then go open it!" Riley says "Hell no, it's a serial killer!" I whisper yell "I know I'm black, but I'm not dying first" Kiara says "Oh just shut up I'll go get it!" I say as Kiara and Riley slowly follow behind me as I got closer to the door, the figure looked familiar, it was dark and gloomy out so I couldn't make out the face. I open it and notice it was Jordan! "Surprise!" Jordan says "Oh my god, Jordan!" I yell as I jump into his arms wrapping my legs around him. The girls sigh in relief. "Baby, what are doing here?" I ask "Well, first off, theses are for you" He begins as he gives me flowers "And, I'm here because I wanted to surprise you. So, I talked to management and they allowed me to have some storylines with Santos in NXT." Jordan finished "Wow, that's great baby I'm  so proud of you." I tell him as he kisses me "Gag" Kiara says with a fake look of disgust and Riley just stands there in awe. "Ah, yes, Kiara, how are you, lass?" Jordan says sitting down catching up with us three.
Jordan stays the whole day until I got off. Gosh, what a sweetheart. He's such a busy man and to think he took time out of his day just to watch me serve coffee to randos off the street is so adorable, I love him.
After work me and Jordan went to my apartment, my sister agreed to take my dog to her house and watch him for the rest of the week. Me and Jordan went to my room and he sat on my bed, while I got dressed in more comfortable clothes. Me and Jordan have never had sex before but he has seen me naked, well half naked. In my bra and underwear, that's why I didn't mind getting (un)dress in front of him. After I was finished I sat on the bed with Jordan, "Babe, I have another surprise for you" He says grabbing my hand "I love you, and I want to share a home with you, so I bought us a house here in Florida." He says with his cute ass smile "Really? Baby! Oh my gosh, I- I- Uh. Thank you so much." I scramble my words from excitement "Anything for you, love" He says kissing my cheek "We can go check it out tomorrow, but as of right now" He says staring deeply into my eyes, probably my soul too, and licking his lips. He kisses me and I kiss back. His usual sweet kisses turned into more sexual kisses, it turned me on. So, I slid one of my hands up his shirt feeling his abs. I got on top of him and began straddling his hips. He put one of his hands on my ass and the other on my hip. I began to ride him. Jordan moaned, he moaned, he fricking moaned, that was the first time I heard him moan, it was so hot. He took my shirt off, I took off his, ect. You know what happened next.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
A Different I Love You
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Me and BSS have been friends for 5 years now, it has always been the four of us. We spent all of our free time together, shared secrets no one else knew. We were the best of friends. That all ended when Tyler got a new girlfriend, Toni Storm. Well, he said that they were just friends but we all knew that wasn't true.
Me, Pete, and Trent were playing GTA, something that we usually do with Tyler, but when we invited him he said he had "an important night with Toni".
"No, no, jump, you have to ju-" I began to direct Trent who was playing, but I was cut off by the door opening. Behind it was Tyler and Toni. Trent paused the game and all of us looked at them, "What happened to your important night?" Pete asked Tyler and Toni in annoyance "They said that they didn't have our reservations" Tyler replied in air quotes "Hah! Losers!" I reply taking the controller off of Trent's lap unpausing the game. "What's your problem?" Toni finally spoke, "You." I reply in jealousy "Awe, how cute, she's jealous." She replies "Are you jealous? Are you? Are you?" She continued in a baby voice, getting close to my face, "Hey! Leave her alone!" Tyler yells, "What are doing? Why are you sticking up for her? Is she your side piece or somethin'?" Toni yells "No! But she is someone I love very much. And I'm not going to sit here and let you treat her like that." Tyler yelled back as Trent and Pete sit there in surprise at Tyler's actions. "Okay whatever, have her. I never liked you anyways" She admits as she storms off. Everyone except Tyler was shocked, we never saw that coming, not in a million years. They were always so lovey-dovey. "Wow.." Trent and Pete say in sync. "Y/N, may I talk to you, love?" Tyler asks, I nod and go with him to the other room, "Use protection!" Trent yells as we were walking to the other room, I just flipped him off. The other guys started up the game again while me and Tyler were talking.
"So, I- um, well, I-I-I love you." Tyler confesses as we are both sat on the bed in the dimmed room. "I love you too, Ty" I reply. Tyler has told me that he loves me so many times, this time was different though, I don't know how to explain it, it was just a different I love you. "No, love, you don't understand, I- I hooked up with Toni thinkin' it would make you jealous. You were getting so close to Pete and I felt like I was losin' you." Tyler confessed "Wait, so, you never had feelings for her?" I ask "No, love. The only girl I have feelings for is you." Tyler replies honestly, "You're so sweet, Ty and I love you so, so, so much-" I start "But..?" Tyler says thinking I was going to say that, "But. Right now, I want to kiss you more." I say staring at his lips, "Really?" Tyler asks "Really." I nod and kiss his lips, he kisses back. After about 1 minute of kissing, we pull away, "I love you" Tyler says "I love you too baby" I reply "B-Baby? Are we dating? Are you my girlfriend? Are you kiddin'?" He says super fast scrambling his words. I laugh and say, "Yes, we are dating" Then I kiss his lips once more, it turns into a bit of a make out sesh. It lasted 3 minutes until Trent walked, "Completed the mission" He says referring to the game, "You did, yes!" I say as I jump up going to the living room. "Looks like you did too" Trent said winking at Tyler as he was walking out of the door following behind me. Soon, we were all on the couch playing the game, "Just like old times" Tyler says pulling me under his right arm "Just like old times" I smile at him and kiss him, "Gross" we hear Pete say, as we all laugh.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
Bay Bay
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Me and Adam Cole are set to have a mixed tag match against two fourths of The Way, Austin Theory and Indi Hartwell. Now, me and Adam aren't besties or anything but we have a normal relationship that co-workers have. The match was starting after the Kacy Catanzaro vs Xia Lee was over and their match had just begun. I decided to go talk to Adam. As I was looking around for him I ran into one of my old friends, Bianca Belair.
"Oh, wow hey Y/N" Bianca said, "Oh my gosh, hey! What are you doing here?" I say "Well I wanted to check the place out. Things have changed a lot since I left." She replied "Yeah, I guess so." I laugh, we continue to talk for about three minutes "Uhm, well it was nice catching up with you but I'm going to go find Adam now, I'll see you later" I say "Ouu, I see you girl." Bianca said with a smile "Bianca!" I say in annoyance "Okay, okay, sorry. Go find your mans." Bianca says "Ugh you're still as annoying as you were when you left." I say playfully rolling my eyes "Whatever, girl. Bye!" She says "Bye" I say walking off and kind of start thinking about if me and Adam were together. That's when I ran into someone;
Adam. " Woah, oh- hey. You ready for our match?" "Uh... yeah. You?" I struggle to get out because of how close our bodies were "Of course I am, I'm always ready. Let me drive you to the hotel tonight, you can stay in my room, Bay bay." Adam winked and walked off smirking. Not going to lie, he lowkey turned me on. Anyways, lets get off that topic. Me and Adam's match was up. Austin and Indi made their way to the ring, accompany by Johnny Gargano and Candice Lerae, of course. After there entrance Adam came out and did his, me quickly following. Before the ring announcer said anything me and Adam were discussing who should go first, obviously Adam got his way and went first. The match had just begun Austin and Adam were going at it in the ring. It had been a good four-five minutes and I seen Indi eager to get in the match, eventually Austin tagged in Indi leaving me no choice but to get in the ring.
"You wanna go?" Indi said "Yeah" "Oh, yeah?" At this point I just wanted my fist in her face "Yeah, bitch, lets go." I said as she got mad and slapped me across to the face. I then jumped on her and started to punch her. She threw punches, I threw punches, and I eventually found myself going to the top rope, as I was I saw Indi begging for mercy, I looked at her with a confused yet still smartass look and flipped her off, let's just say my character was known to be an arrogant little bi- then jumped from the top rope and pinned her for the three count. The crowd loved it, as well as Adam. He went in the ring and raised my hand same for the official except he was already in the ring. We then made eye contact and he looked me up and down and smirk at me. He really make me want to pull a Debby Ryan smirk. And! Also! Again! He turned me on. But let's avoid that fact, shall we?
Me and Adam headed backstage. I saw Bianca running up to me. "Hey Y/N/N, that was an amazing match!" Bianca greeted me but then stopped in her tracks when she saw Adam. Bianca looked at Adam then back at me. "Okay, Imma leave you two." She said obnoxiously winking at me. "B, I done told you its-" I began but before I could finish my sentence she walked off. Me and Adam look at each other, he looked me up and down licking his lips. He slowly walked off. I swear this boy is just telling me to pull that Debby Ryan smirk.
Later on, Adam opted to drive me to the hotel I was staying at since we both were going to be there for the rest of the week. I felt a bit weird seeing how our last interaction was just him admiring me.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
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I was laying in bed with my boyfriend Finn, he looks so cute when he sleeps. I just couldn't do the same. It's not like this is a one time thing, I can never go to sleep, it's like my body is tired but my mind is wide awake.
After about an hour of trying to fall asleep, I just decided that I wasn't going to sleep and opened my laptop because we didn't have a television set in our bedroom. I went on Netflix and saw that Fuller House had came out with a new season so I had to watch it. I was a few episodes in when Finn slid one of his arms on my waist and leaned up to see what I was watching. "Baby, why aren't you sleeping?" He asks "I don't know, I just can't." I reply honestly "C'mon" Finn suggests. I gave him a confused look. He just grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest, shutting the laptop. Cuddling with me "I love you" I tell him "I love you too baby girl." He replies creating butterflies in my stomach. He stayed awake until I fell asleep. God, I don't know what I would do without him.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
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"Just go out with him already!" My friend, Shotzi tells me. "No, he's not my type." I tell her. "Oh, come on dude. He is such a simp for you!" She says "No he is not" I respond, "Uh. Yeah, he is. He would walk through fire for you, and you two aren't even dating!" Shotzi rambles. "Sunday is Valentines day, if he is really that into me then he'd ask me out." I say filling Shotzi's head up with thoughts "Wait, so if he did, what would you say?" Shotzi asks "I don't know, probably no." I say just to anger Shotzi, "What?! C'mon Y/N/N you would have to yes!" She replies "You're saying as if he is actually going to ask me out." I say "What if he does" Shotzi asks "I will say yes" I say truthfully. "Wait really?! I thought you didn't like him?" Shotzi says "No, I do like him, I just like watching your blood boil more." I laugh, Shotzi just flips me off.  "I'll see you later" I say walking off "Bye!" Shotzi yells after I'm already 6 feet down the hallway.
(Sunday, Takeover Vengeance Day)
I was walking through the Capital Wrestling Center seeing couples everywhere, ugh I hated Valentines day. "Hey!" I turn around as I see Shotzi in her ring gear, "Wassup!" I reply "Soo.. has Kyle asked you out yet?" Shotzi asks "No." I say "You seem bummed did you want him to ask you out?" Shotzi asks "Kind of" I say playing with the rips on my jeans "Well you still have the rest of the night" Shotzi assures me. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I respond. "Okay well I have to go finish getting ready for a match, see ya!" Shotzi says "Bye Shotzi!" I reply. After an hour, I was sitting watching the Dusty Cup match on the monitor, then I felt a presence behind me. I turn around and see Kyle. "Hi!" I say "Hey" Kyle smiles "Uhm, can I ask you something?" Kyle asks "Sure" I smile "W-Will you be m-my Valentine?" Kyle manages to say, "Uhm. Yeah, yeah. Yes! Of course." I smile "Okay then these are for you" He says as he pulls out three fruit roll-ups from his pocket, "I know you don't like chocolate, so Shotzi said to get you these" Kyle says "Thank you, but, Shotzi?" I ask "Yeah. She helped me to build the courage to ask you out." Kyle tells me "Oh, okay." I say "So, does this mean that we are dating or?" Kyle asks hoping to receive a yes "That's only if you wanna be" I tease already knowing the answer. "Yes, I do!" Kyle says almost yells. "Okay then it's official!" I say as he kisses your cheek, I look at him and smile then kiss his lips, then walked off. "She has no idea what she does to me." Kyle whispered to himself as he watches me walk off.
source: wattpad- tateannawrestling
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tateannawrestling · 3 years
My Altar Ego
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CHARLIE'S POV: Today was Wrestle Queendom, which is basically like a pay-per-view but for Pro Wrestling EVE. And I was going to go head to head with Sammi Jade for the EVE championship, I was excited, there was going to be so many people watching us wrestle. I also heard that there will be a special musical performance before our match. I wasn't sure who it was, I just over heard some people talking and I know that the singer is a girl and she's from the states, but that's about it.
Just as I was preparing for my match which was happening in a half an hour I heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" I shout. It was Kay Lee Ray, a friend of mine, "Hey, did you hear Y/N is playing her hit song before your match?" Kayleigh asks "Oh, that's her name? I barley even know who she is." I answer "Oh. Well she's pretty hot!!" Kayleigh responds, "Oh, shut up." I say she is always shipping me with random girls that I don't even know! I mean I think that it's nice she is trying, but it can be annoying at times. "Is she even gay?" I ask with concernment, "Yeah, she's bi" Kay answers, "Oh, well I'm sure she won't be into me anyways" I say, "Uhm, funny you say that actually.." Kayleigh answers making me very concerned. "What do you mean?" I ask, "Well. I talked to Y/N earlier and I asked her about her thoughts on you and she said that she thought you were cool, kind of like her altar ego. "I think she is pretty cool. She's kind of like my altar ego."  Then I asked her if she thought that you were hot, and she said yes but you probably wouldn't be into her "Yeah, but I don't think that she'd like me." " Kayleigh replies, "Wow. Well she thinks I'm hot." I say looking at Kayleigh and raising an eyebrow. "Yes, she think you're hot" Kay says playfully rolling her eyes, "What does she look like?" I ask Kay, "Well you're going to wait and find out!" Kay laughs as she walks out. I was going to just look her up on my phone but now I kind of want to be a surprise.
Y/N POV: After my little talk with Kay Lee Ray I realized that I may have a tiny crush on Charlie Morgan...Okay, a huge crush. I haven't even seen her in person yet, but just thinking of her gives me butterflies.
There were just five minutes before my performance I still haven't had the chance to talk to Charlie yet. I take that back actually, I have had the chance, I'm just too nervous to, so I have been pushing it to the side. Apart from that, I'm really excited to preform my new hit single! (i'm gonna show you crazy by Bebe Rexha) It was perfect for this event. This is the second largest crown I have preformed in front of. My dream is to preform in front of tens and millions like at the Super bowl. Or maybe even Wrestlemainia! But for now, I'm grateful for this chance. "You go on stage in one minute" My hair dresser told me, "Okay!" I say giving him a thumbs up. Gosh I was so nervous and I could tell it. I don't even think I'm nervous to preform in front of all these fans, I think I'm nervous to preform in front of Charlie. After all I was singing right before her match, no pressure or anything.
I go out. And begin to sing. "There's a war inside my head. Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken. So I call this therapist. And she said girl you can't be fixed just take this." I sang my heart out removing all of the thoughts from my brain, only focusing on my singing. Before I knew it I was almost done, finishing up my last few verses, "Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath Yeah, I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you Yeah, I'm gonna show you"  I sang as I wrapped up my song. I just took a few seconds to take in the crowd and their support, I'm so grateful to be in this position. Just a few moments after I heard someone's theme song play behind me. I turn around to see Charlie Morgan! Charlie. F'N. Morgan. I got really nervous, my stomach filled with butterflies. That's when Charlie looked at me and whispered, "Nice performance, love" and winked then went off into the ring, continuing her entrance. I was blushing so hard. I hurried backstage before Sammi came out so I wouldn't disturb any more of the match. As I was walking back to my locker room someone tapped me in the shoulder, it was Kay Lee. "Oh, hey!" I say. "Hey. Uhm by any chance did you fall any harder for Charlie out there?" She asks, already knowing the answer to that question "Are you kidding, yes! Did you see me, I was about ready to faint after she called me love" I reply dramatically. "I think that means she likes you, ouu" Kayleigh teases "Well maybe she does" I smile "I think you two should get together." Kay says "What?! I haven't even spoken to her yet, and you want us to date?" I ask "Well yeah, it's obvious to see that you both like each other, just go out already!" Kayleigh says, well more like demands "Okay fine! But you have to help me, what do I say?" I ask "Just be yourself and ask her if she wants to go out for lunch some time." Kay helps, "Okay, I will." I respond. "Ok, bye!" Kay says with a grin on her face. "Bye Kay Lee." I reply.
It's been 7 minutes since Charlie's match. She won the Pro Wrestling EVE championship. I don't know whether I should wait and let her savor the moment or go in there and ask her out I have given her almost 10 minutes but I don't know I feel like I will just ruin the celebration. But what if she leaves? I question myself. “Okay forget it!” I say as I walk toward Charlie's locker room. I knock on the closed door. "Come in!" I heard Charlie yell. I open the door slowly, "Hey." I say standing outside of the locker room with the door covering up most of me. "Hey," She laughs a little "What are you doing out there, come in!" Charlie finishes, as I slowly walk in.  I stand there awkwardly and Charlie was just staring at me, I think in amusement, or fascination. Maybe she really does like me. "Uhm, sorry." Charlie says snapping out of her thoughts. "Y-You're uhm.. so pretty, I couldn't help but stare." Charlie apologies making me blush. "I uhm, actually came here to congratulate you on your win...congratulations." I lie, the real reason I came was to ask her out. "Thank you, darling"  She says making me blush again, jeez what is wrong me? "Uhm. I-I-I'm gonna go now. Bye" I say trying to get out but I'm quickly pulled back by a stronger force, "Wait, Y/N" Charlie says "I really liked your song" She complements me "Oh, thank you" I laugh a bit and she smiles at me. "Could I get your number?" Charlie asks "Sure." Yes! She asked for my number! After we trade numbers I begin to walk out of her locker room, until I was pulled back once again. "Ye-" I was cut off by Charlie kissing me. Our kiss turned into a make out session. As Charlie closed the cracked door and pushed me up against it and turned off the light. Charlie begins to pull up my shirt but I stop her, "Woah, woah, woah. Shouldn't we wait, I mean we just met and I don't think that this is a good place to do this anyways." I say even though I wouldn't have minded it, I had to be responsible. "Yeah, you're right. Want to come to place" Charlie laughs "Sure, I was actually just going to stay at a hotel" I respond "Oh, you really want to come to my place?" She asks seriously this time "Yeah, if it's fine with you of course." I say "Okay" Charlie smiles "Get your stuff then, love." She says "Okay!" I say walking out, blushing.
source: wattpad- tateannawrestling 
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