#marcel barthel fanfiction
sydsaint · 2 years
Imperium hottie incoming!!!!!
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Summary: The night before the readers debut on Smackdown she goes out for a drink where she meets a charming German pretty boy. Unaware that he's about to become much more than just a random one-night stand.
It's a crisp Thursday night in a new city. You are set to start your new job working for the WWE with your childhood friend, Pete, tomorrow night. So you're out celebrating tonight.
Sat on a barstool and nursing a drink, you survey the pick of single men at your disposal tonight. A couple of them look like they might be interesting to talk too for a bit. But none of them really pique your interest. That is until you spot a fine-looking man sitting at the end of the bar.
'Pretty boy.' Is the first thing to comes to mind when you see him. "Hmm." You hum to yourself and carefully make your way down the bar. "Evening." You initiate conversation with a friendly smile.
Your greeting catches your pretty boys attention and he glances your way. "Evening, love." He replies, accent laid on thick.
The strangers accent throws you for a bit of a loop. 'Very pretty boy.' You think to yourself. "That accent local?" You joke to break the ice further.
"Not exactly." The man chuckles lightly and turns to you. "I'm, Marcel. Can I get you another drink?" He introduces himself and takes notice of your nearly empty glass.
"I'm, Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Marcel." You grin at him. "And yes, I'd love another drink. Thank you."
Marcel beckons the bartender over and gets another drink for himself as well as you. The two of you chat about the city and you learn that he's also in town for work. Though neither of you bother to ask what the other does for a living.
A few drinks and couple of hours later and you find yourself getting pulled into the back of an Uber by your handsome and charming new friend. The two of you head back to Marcel's hotel, which happens to be across the street from the one that you're staying at. But that coincidence is the furthest thing from your mind at the moment.
The next morning you wake with a yawn and rise to your feet. Marcel stirs in bed next to you, so you tiptoe to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before you leave.
"Morning, Y/N." Marcel trudges into the bathroom after you a few minutes later. "You sleep alright?" He jokes, knowing that neither of you bothered to get much sleep last night.
You giggle and brush through your hair with your fingers to rid it of a few tangles. "Oh, yeah! Lot's of sleep." You roll your eyes playfully.
"I don't suppose that I could interest you in a shower and some breakfast?" Marcel offers in an attempt to get you to stay a bit longer.
You frown, remembering that you promised to meet Pete for breakfast. "Damn, I'd love to Marcel. But I can't miss breakfast with my brother." You explain.
"That's too bad." Marcel sighs but understands your excuse. "I was really hoping to hold on to you for a little bit longer." He grins at you.
You share Marcel's desire not to part ways just yet and glance at the clock in the other room "You know what? I think that I might be able to squeeze in a shower." You inform him with a grin.
"Oh?" Marcel quirks a brow at you. "Well then, I think I'll have breakfast in the shower today then." He teases you suggestively.
Two hours later you scramble across the street to your hotel and pray that your brother isn't looking for you. You manage to make it to the floor that your room is on but find Pete in the hall about to knock on your door.
"Shit." You mumble to yourself and sigh. "Pete! I'm over here!" You call out to him.
Pete turns around with a confused look as you walk over to him. "Y/N? Why are you out here? And why've you got a wrinkled dress on?" He asks you, clearly puzzled by your current state.
"I went out last night for a couple of drinks." You explain quickly and unlock your room door. "And I guess that one could say that I met someone while I was out." You add.
Pete follows you into your room and shuts the door behind you. "So you slept with someone last night, then?" He asks you.
"Yeah." You nod and walk to the bathroom. "He was this super charming, pretty boy, at the bar." You explain further. "Super hot accent, German I think."
Pete shakes his head and sits down on your bed. "Are you showering?" He asks when he hears running water.
"Yeah." You call back from the other side of the semi-closed door. "Why?"
"Your hair is still wet." Pete replies. "Haven't you already showered at your pretty boy's place?" He asks you.
You laugh as you once again strip off your dress. "Let's just say that neither of us got very clean in that shower."
"Y/N!" Pete scrunches his nose.
"What?" You laugh again. "You asked."
You take a quick shower then head out to breakfast with Pete like you promised. He goes over a few pointers for your first night on Smackdown to make sure that you're ready.
Later that night Pete introduces you to your new teammates, Sheamus and Ridge. The four of you chat for a bit to get acquainted before it's show time. Everyone heads out to the ring so Ridge can have his match against some guy named Giovanni Vinci.
"Oh my god." Your mouth hangs open when you see Vinci and his pals from Imperium come down to the ring. "Pete! Pete!" You smack his arm.
"What?" Pete looks down at you with worry. "What's wrong?" He asks you.
Sheepishly you point to the other side of the ring as Imperium come down the ramp. "Remember my cute German guy from last night?" You ask. "That's him on the right." You point across the ring.
Pete follows your prompt over to where Marcel is now standing next to Gunter. He looks back at you and puts his palm to his forehead.
"Y/N!" He scolds you. "You slept with Marcel Barthel last night?" He questions you.
"It looks like it, yeah." You nod. "And he's staring at me right now." You add.
Pete glances across the ring and sure enough, Marcel is attempting to catch your attention. "Oh I'm going to beat his ass." Pete scowls and pushes up his sleeves.
"Pete!" You grab him by the arm and stop him. "Don't you dare!" You warn him. "I'll handle it."
Pete tries to protest but you shut him up and march over to the other side of the ring. Marcel waits for you leaning casually against one of the ring posts.
"Well then, back for more already?" He asks you with a chuckle.
You laugh with him but keep to the task at hand. "Oh but we're enemies now, Marcel." You remind him.
"Well you know what they say, love." Marcel replies and pushes off the ring post. "Enemies always do make the best lovers." He leans in close.
Before either of you can close the gap for a kiss, Pete barrels around the corner and shoves Marcel out of the way and to the floor.
"Y/N! Fight now, flirt later!" He reminds you with a glare.
"Right!" You snap back to reality. "Damn, this job just got so much more fun!" You laugh as Marcel picks himself off the floor.
"You got that right." Marcel agrees. "I look forward to converting you to Imperium then, love."
A grin plays on your face. "I'd like to see you try, pretty boy." You challenge him.
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What Is Mine - Marcel x Reader x Fabian
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So, with the latest episode of NXT, @wwzentertainment asked for Imperium x Reader. 
Here it is~ Almost the quickest I’ve wrote anything; just over an hour. 
Warnings? : Polygamous relationship (pretty much it). Small fight scene, multiple translations of German and Italian, little bit of body insecurity near the end
TAG LIST @starwithaheart​ @shedevil22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ @barthelsimperium​ (because i think you’ll like this too)
Note: Funny Marcel gif i found at the end because <3 
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I stood backstage, just out of sight, as I watched my two boys do an interview about their win last week at Halloween Havoc. What we had between us was… unusual… but between the three of us, we made it work.
I love Marcel. He was quiet but strong; demanding, yet gentle. Compassionate and funny but also stern.
I love Fabian. He was a giant teddy bear and a protective Sheppard; he joked a lot but was also romantic.
I knew, back in 2019 when we met, that there was no way I could ever choose one over the other. They seemed to know too, and to understand. Which made our current… arrangement—work, all the more. Never before had I even thought of being in a Polygamous relationship—and they hadn’t either, they admitted one night as we cuddled on the couch.
But it was what we had, and what worked. Thinking back on that night, I couldn’t help but smile—it was also the first night we all slept together. It was a fun night—despite the soreness I felt the next few days.
“—we don’t compromise with American ideals.” Fabian wrapped up in Italian, as Marcel looked over at him with his usual smug frown.
Seeing the two of them act so differently in front of camera compared to when it was just us, it caused a small chuckle. Unfortunately, my cheery mood quickly was squashed as I watched Gigi and Jayce walked onto the screen.
“Congratulations on becoming new NXT tag team champions,” Gigi told them, eyeing Marcel in a way I did not like,” You definitely… look… the part.” She reached out with her black rose and gentle ran it down Marcel’s jawline, seemingly catching his interest.
I stood there, jaw clenched, not moving. My whole body was frozen in place—not in fear. In anger.
“And so do we,” Jacy pointed out, gesturing between her and Gigi, as she pulled away from Marcel. I was barely aware of Fabian glancing in my direction, as the camera panned in on the ladies.
“Actually, we just found out we have a six woman tag team match next week,” Jacy continued, smiling at the thought, eyeballing Marcel some more, as Gigi looked from her partner to Marcel,” And I think… you guys should watch us.” The camera panned away, bringing both Marcel and Fabian into screen again, looking like they held some interest—or at least, curiosity.
Marcel leaned over towards Fabian, a smirk on his face, whispering,” We definitely will,” before continuing in German.
“The mat is sacred, but American has its benefits.” I heard him say, being able to translate his words since he had been teaching me German—and Fabian teaching me Italian. Italian was strangely the more difficult of the two languages, as I picked up on German a lot quicker. They watched in interest as the Gigi and Jacy walked away, eyeballing them up and down.
My heart dropped, and I felt not only pissed off but sick to my stomach.
The interview wrapped up, as Mackenzie walked away with the camera man, and I saw Fabian gently elbow Marcel, whisper something—and then Marcel look over in my direction. His eyes were slightly wide, like he feared something.
Just as they made a step towards me, I spun on heel and stalked off.
“Principessa!” (ts: Princess)
“Kleiner, warte!” (ts: Little one, wait)
Ignoring them, I picked up my pace as I knew they were getting close to catching up with me. Damn their long legs!
“Kleiner—” Marcel began, but I spun around to face them, stopping them dead in the tracks. (ts: little one)
“Nein!” I exclaimed, pointing a finger at him,” Nein nein nein nein! Just—just leave mich alone!” (ts: no / me)
“Amore—” Fabian tried but quieted with a look from me. With that, I spun back around and stomped off towards the women’s locker room. Unfortunately, that didn’t help matters, because low and behold– -who was standing just outside the door?
Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin.
Great. Just great.
As I got closer, all intent to just pass on by them and ignore them, went out the window when I heard Jacy let Marcel’s name slip.
“—kind of, but Marcel is. All those muscles—”
“You leave Marcel alone!” I snapped, getting in her face. I’d get in trouble for the altercation no doubt, but right now, I didn’t care.
“Why? You’re in a thing with Aichner—”
“—Dunno why—” Gigi muttered.
“—Unless you’re sneaking around behind his back with Marcel—”
“It’s none of your business! Just stay AWAY from Marcel and Fabian! Do you understand me?!” I yelled at both of them.
“Why? What are you gonna do about it?” Gigi asked, eyeballing me up and down.
I couldn’t do it—I couldn’t fight them. Medical hadn’t cleared me yet from my foot injury. I just had to walk away—
“We said—what are you going to do?” Jacy repeated, as Gigi shoved my shoulder—and then I saw red. My right leg flew up, foot connecting with Jacy’s abdomen, shoving her backwards on her ass. In the second of confusion for Gigi, I brought my elbow around and knocked her right in the face as she turned back towards me. Stunned for a second, I bent her over a bit and started punching at her back, trying to knock the wind out of her lungs. My focus on her, I didn’t see Jacy come at me until I felt her hands grab my hair and slam me face first into the wall. Gaining the upper hand, they began shouting and belittling me as they attacked, gaining attention from the surrounding backstage personnel, as they tried to separate us. They pulled Jacy and Gigi away from me, thinking I wasn’t going to antagonize the situation, that I was the calmer of the three—but not this time.
As soon as I had the chance, I launched myself at the two of them—including the personel and other talent holding them back—leading with overhead punches, trying to get as much damage as possible. Arms wrapped around my waist, trying to pull me away and in my bought of adrenaline, my elbow hooked around behind me and got the guy in the face. They let me go, stumbling away.
The yelling and arguing among talent, Gigi and Jacy yelling at me and my anger kept the area extremely loud, and I couldn’t hear one person over the other.
Another set of arms wrapped around me, this time slightly tighter, and instead of pulling me straight back, I felt my lower half get lifted as well, and then pulled away from the commotion.
“Basta amore mio! You’ll reinjure yourself—Fermare!” (ts: Enough my love! / Stop!)
Recognizing the Italian, I stopped struggling as much. He put my feet back on the floor, but still held me against his chest. I saw Marcel cupping the side of his face, only looking slightly annoyed.
“Du bist Fertig?” Marcel asked. (ts: You finished?)
“Nein,” I muttered, averting my gaze from his, as I leaned back into Fabian’s chest. (ts: no)
“Mi amore,” Fabian whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my ear,” Come, let’s talk elsewhere.” (ts: my love)
“Somewhere more quiet,” Marcel frowned at the commotion still going on ten feet behind us. Wordlessly, I nodded, following them down the hall to their locker room. Marcel closed the door behind us, and I softly pried myself from Fabian’s embrace.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours amore?” Fabian asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. (ts: love)
“Rede mi tuns… bitte leibling.” (Talk to us / please darling)
“I just—I don’t know!” I frowned, turning away from them as I crossed my arms in front of my chest,” I—I saw them shamelessly flirting with you guys—especially Marcel—and I just—”
“You got jealous,” Fabian finished, a slight smirk on his face.
“Nein,” I muttered under my breath. (ts: no)
“Kleiner…” Marcel drawled out, talking slow steps towards me. (ts: little one)
“Nein,” I repeated, trying more to convince myself then them at this point.
“Leibe, look at me bitte.” (ts: Love / please)
Slowly, I turned around but refused to meet his gaze. Briefly, my eyes met Fabian’s and I saw the soft smile his had on his face, but it only made me feel more ashamed, so I let my gaze fall to the floor. Fingertips traced my jaw down to my chin, before lifting my attention up until I finally met Marcel’s eyes.
His beautiful, captivating blue eyes. Those eyes were the first thing to draw me towards him—just as Fabian’s smile did.
“Liebe… You know I would never cheat on you, right?” (ts: Love)
I nodded slowly.
“Then why all this?”
“I just—I don’t know… I guess… with me not really being out there—maybe… maybe I’m feeling insecure? I mean—they are both, kinda attractive in their own—”
“Nein,” Marcel bit out, his posture tightening slightly before he relaxed,” I can’t speak for Fabian—but you…. You are all I need. All I want. Du bist wunderschon…. Komisch… clever… stark… Perfekt wie du bist.” (ts: no / you are beautiful, funny, smart, strong. Perfect as you are)
“Marcel…” I whispered, my eyes tearing up as I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into him as his wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.
“Si, mi amore,” Fabian agreed,” Marcel and I—back before we all agreed to do this relationship—we both were attracted to you in our own ways. People can come on to us all they want—flirt all they want… but at the end of the day, all we want is you, Principessa.” (ts: Yes, my love / Princess)
“You’ve nothing to be jealous over, we promise,” I heard Marcel assure me, and I glanced up at him.
“I’m sorry I elbowed you in the face,” I frowned, as he looked down at me with a grin.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ve done worse before,” Marcel chuckled, before pressing a kiss to my forehead,” Does your foot hurt any?”
“Hmm? Oh,” I thought, stretching it out a bit and considering, before shaking my head,” No. Doesn’t seem to. Doctor did tell me I should be good to go, but to keep an eye on it for a few weeks.”
“So, you’re cleared to be in the ring again?”
“Not technically, yet anyway. I think they will after my check up tomorrow. Which is good news for me,” I smiled deviously.
“Why’s that, Princepessa?” (ts: princess)
“You heard Jayne. They’ve got a 3-woman tag match next week. It’d be a shame if one of their opponents couldn’t make the match for… any… reason.”
“Questa e’ la nostra ragazza.” (ts: That’s our girl)
“Wir werden zuschauen.” (ts: We will be watching)
“I do hope so,” I smirked,” They’ll learn, one way or another, they’ll learn. You don’t mess with what’s mine.” 
The two Europeans just smiled down at me, before giving me each a breath taking kiss. Next week was a ways away– for now, they started with making me feel beautiful, loved and extra motivated. 
EXTRA MARCEL READJUST GIF -hearteyes- imdying
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Soooo, after the meeting in the alley with the cigarette, my brain traveled to the aftermath. Still blaming @caranoirs But now we've also added Walter, Marcel, Fabian, and Drew into the mix!
Send help.
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“This is ridiculous!” Ridge yelled in frustration. “They think they can just come right onto our terf and cause trouble. And keep messing with you! Completely unacceptable and we need to do something about this.”
He was pacing around the large living room like area of the house Sheamus owned where they all spent a lot of their time. Kate was sitting on a couch, Ridge looking over at her from time to time while he spoke. Also in the room standing around were Fabian and Marcel. They had been spending more time together since Sheamus and Walter began working on their merger. Eventually Drew’s men would come over and fall in suit once everything was in place. Ridge was concerned when he first got to Kate, but after he made sure she was okay. He was seeing red. Even while on the phone with Sheamus letting him know what happened he was pissed. Kate tried to be in the background telling him that she was fine and everything was okay, but Ridge was seething.
“I don’t know who the hell this guy thinks he is thinking he can just come into town and take over,” Fabian added.
“Someone needs to put him in his place,” Ridge agreed.
“What about us?” Marcel suggested. “He’s always going around, sneaking up on people. Why don’t we do the same to him?”
“Let’s go. I’m more than ready to bash his fuckin’ face in.”
“Hold on Ridge, not just yet.” Fabian stopped him.
“Why the hell not?”
“You’re too angry. You need some time to calm down. Formulate a plan. You run in there like this just bulldozing through everyone being angry, it’s not going to end well,” Marcel answered.
Ridge rubbed his head and breathed out frustrated, but deep down he knew Marcel was right. They needed to have a plan or else they’d easily be taken down.
“We’ll go tomorrow. Let them think their safe since there wasn’t retaliation. Give Kate some time to rest. Then we’ll ambush them in the morning.”
“I wouldn’t mind cutting Tyler’s dick off while we’re at it,” Kate mumbled.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Ridge ordered.
“Excuse me?” Kate asked as she stood up to face him.
“They won’t leave you alone. We’re not going to bring you to them on a silver platter!”
“Listen Ridge, you’re…” Kate began before being interrupted by Marcel.
“Do you think leaving her here by herself is a good idea?”
“Why not? Better than dragging her into the lion’s den.” Ridge answered.
“Because what if they see all of us there and Trent realizes she’s alone. I wouldn’t put it past him to send someone out to try and find her. Especially since he knows Sheamus and Walter are out of town,” Fabian explained.
“Exactly. Therefore, I’m going.”
Ridge didn’t want to admit it, but Fabian had a good point. That doesn’t mean he was still happy with it. The look that he shot Kate with her smartass reply about winning the argument showed that.
“I’ll stay by her the whole time,” Marcel ensured.
Ridge eventually sighed, giving in. “Alright. She can come.”
The next morning, they were up and ready before sunrise. Ridge was still pissed. He probably hadn’t actually slept at all. Getting into Trent’s property was easy. Sneaking past the gates and cameras was the most challenging, but at that hour not too hard. They just broke down the front door with no one there, and bulldozing through everyone thar got in their way. It didn’t take them long to reach Trent. Another floor up he was in a large relatively empty room. Unfortunately for them, he was already up and dressed for the day. He was also joined by Pete and Tyler at his side. They all stood in a silent standoff for a few moments. Marcel keeping his word, never leaving Kate’s side. Always ready to have a protective arm reach out and push her away if needed, keeping her safe so Ridge could pounce without worry.
“Well isn’t this a nice surprise! Good thing I’m a morning person and can be up to greet my guests,” Trent stated breaking the silence with his usual smile.
“You look really happy for someone who’s about to get his arse kicked so bad he may never walk again,” Ridge spat through a clenched jaw.
“Ya sound awfully sure of yourself there mate,” Trent replied.
Marcel reached his hand over to grab Kate’s at their words, ready to jump in if needed while he and Fabian also kept a keen eye on Tyler and Pete.
Ridge scoffed. “Not too sure how good you at business with your numbers lad. If you look around you’ll realize you’re clearly outnumbered.”
Trent brought his hand up to rub his chin, his smiling fading only momentarily before returning with a more sinister tone. The same one Kate had seen in the basement. “You know what? You’re right mate. One of us is outnumbered.”
As he finished speaking, Marcel’s hand tightened around Kate’s wrist. She looked over at him, confused by what his next move was going to be. While she was looking away, she hadn’t seen Fabian wind his arm up ready to elbow Ridge in the face. Blood began to flow as Ridge grabbed his nose, completely caught off guard by Fabian’s attack. Before he could register what was happening, Fabian, Tyler, and Pete were on top of him. Kate tried to run over to him but was pulled back by Marcel and her held her tighter while the rest got Ridge under control. A short while later he was easily held by Tyler and Fabian. Marcel still held Kate who livid. Pete stood off a little behind Trent just watching.
“Gotta hand it to ya Ridge. You’re a tough guy. Took three of my men to wear you down and you still had fight in ya.” Trent complimented. “Could use a big guy like you.”
Ridge wasn’t really able to say much as his face was beginning to swell, but he was able to look up Trent from his knees in disgust. 
“Now before either of you say anything, have a quick look at this.”
Trent pulled out his phone and pulled up a video that someone had sent to him. It appeared to have been recorded last night, but by the angle the person recording it was trying to be discreet so others didn’t notice. But it did show Walter, Sheamus, and Drew sitting around a table with half empty whiskery glasses and cigars.
“Fellas I might have ta get home soon,” Sheamus said as he sat back down at the table.
“Everything okay?” Drew asked as he raised an eyebrow.
“Just got off the phone with Ridge. Trent and some of his gang cornered Kate in an alleyway behind a bar we go to a lot. Threatened to take her with them and hold her until we all agreed to lay off him.”
“So let him,” Walter said before blowing smoke from his cigar.
Drew immediately looked over at him confused. He had been close with Sheamus for a long time. Walter might not have known the relationship between Sheamus and Kate, but Drew knew that’s not something he would ever think of.
“I can’t do that,” Sheamus said.
“Why not?” She’s just a girl you got working for you. What’s so special about her?”  Walter asked.
“She’s, she’s like a sister to me. She’s been wit me for the last six years. She’s always been loyal ta me.”
“I get that, but she’s not blood. Call their bluff.”
“I’m the closest she’s got.” Sheamus defended, but sounded a little defeated.
“Is she worth risking everything you’ve worked for? And letting someone else come in and tell you how to run your empire?”
Walter put his lips back around his cigar. Drew stayed quiet as he took another sip of his whiskey. Sheamus sat back in his seat as if he was pondering his life in a whole new light.
“Fun stuff right?” Trent exclaimed as he put his phone back into his pocket. “ You can see just how much he cares about you. Now Ridge, what do you say you come with me and we have a little chat about your future.”
“Based on that? We have no idea how the rest of that conversation went!” Kate spoke up.
“Well we do know that he never came home after he got that phone call. And have either of you spoken to him since that call you made last night?” Trent’s question was answered by silence. “I didn’t think so. Now let me rephrase. Ridge, we’re going to go to my office and have a discussion. And after it you’re either going to join us, or you’ll be disposed of and I’ll deal with you personally.” Trent said in a deeper, much more threatening tone than he had previously spoken in. “Now you.”
Trent had turned to Kate causing Ridge to stir a bit. She stood tall trying not to show any emotions other than the anger fuming inside her.
“Gonna try and threaten me with the same thing?” Kate sneered.
“No. I’m not. You don’t get that privilege,” He answered with a smile both confusing Kate and causing her stomach to drop. “I know clearly where your loyalty stands. So for now, you’re just a gift to Peter.”
“What?” Kate blurted out as Pete stepped forward with a smirk. 
“Pete, here you go. Do whatever you want with her that Sheamus wouldn’t let you.”
Fabian and Marcel had grabbed Ridge and taken him up to another floor where Trent’s office was. Pete held tightly onto Kate as he walked her to a place he had been using as a bedroom.
“Peter I swear if you lay one finger on me…”
“Don’t worry. If I recall correctly, I know you prefer two or three. Or if that’s a problem I always have other things I can use.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“And you love it.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“That’s what I have you for darlin’.”
Kate rolled her eyes and scoffed before turning away from him and walking towards the closed door. He followed behind only taking two steps to catch up to her. He reached his hand up, wrapping it around her throat and pulling her flush against his body. Her eyes fluttered slightly as a small involuntary moan escaped her lips. He nuzzled his nose along her neck before bringing his lips towards her ear.
“Where do you think you’re going? You’re mine Katie,” He whispered roughly as his hand traveled across her stomach and dipped inside the front of her black leggings.
Kate’s mind was racing. A few moments ago she didn’t know what to think about the video Trent had just shown her. She could only speculate what was going on with Sheamus’ mind. She didn’t know what was happening with Ridge. And now she was stuck with Pete, and as much as she hated him, she hated the fact that her body was melting into his touch even more. He knew her and her body so well, he was easily able to manipulate it any way he wanted. She gasped as his fingers stroked inside her slick folds, making her wetter with each touch.
“Don’t even bother tryin’ ta lie to me Katie. I know you love it. Remember how good I made ya feel last time? Just think how much better it’ll be if you just give in and let yourself enjoy it.”
“I never said I enjoyed you Pete,” Kate retorted trying to hold onto whatever strength she still had left. “Just because you messed around with my body and it responded doesn’t mean I want you.”
Pete clenched his fingers around her neck a little tighter.
“You know the walls at our place were really thin. Parts of it were built great, but where we spent our time, they were shit. I know you could hear me when I had girls over. You know how I know that? Because I could hear you too. The little moans you’d make while you were touching yourself listening to me fuck them in the next room. Trying to be quiet, but not quiet enough,” Pete explained into her ear as he was still slowly touching her. “And I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t enjoy it. Sometimes I’d get off from bendin’ them over and fucking them from behind listening to you moan my name pretending it was you in front of me.”
A knock at the door caused Pete to pull his hand out of her pants, but he still left the other hand around her throat. With her back against his chest, she was able to feel his heart racing. She knew he was restraining himself, and for some reason him being able to be in such great control filled her with excitement. She was focusing on his heart beat as Tyler opened the door and entered the room.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but Trent wants to have a work with her when you’re done.”
“Lovely. I have a few choice words for him too.”
Tyler laughed, causing Kate to push back against Pete just slightly. “I see you haven’t trained her yet.”
“It’s only been five minutes Ty,” Pete laughed as well. “Ya gotta give me at least the night.”
“I dunno. She’s pretty feisty. Might take a while before you can have her trained properly. Though I will miss her smartass remarks. She made work a little more exciting.”
“Coming from the man who wasn’t able to handle me if I wasn’t tied up to something.”
Pete finally released the hold he had on his throat and snaked his fingers into her hair yanking a fistful back. “You know you really should be nice to him. There will be times I’ll have to leave for things and someone else might watch you.”
Kate watched as Tyler licked his lips while she tried to now show that she was nervous.
“Me watching her would do wonders if you wanted her trained like a proper pet for you. If she were with me, I’d already have my belt off and around her neck as a leash for the bitch that she is. And by the end of the night the only commands she’d respond to are sit, beg, and come.”
“Might wanna think twice about trying to walk out on me now huh?” Pete asked in a cocky tone. “The second you step foot outside that door, you’ll run into him.”
Tyler winked before turning back towards the door. “Anyway, when you’re done bring her up to Trent so he can welcome her properly.”
“Wait,” Kate found herself calling out before she could really even think to catch herself.
“Hey, what’s going on with Ridge?” Pete asked.
“He’ll be staying with us for a bit,” Tyler answered before closing the door behind him.
Kate felt a bit of relief knowing that Ridge was still alive. At least for now. She could find out more later. But for now, that was enough. She was lost in her own thoughts about it and didn’t realize that Pete had let go of her hair. He wasn’t even holding onto her at all anymore. He had taken off his shirt and thrown it off to the floor by the time Kate turned around to face him.
“Hm?” He hummed as he grabbed her by the hip and pulled her close to him.
“You, you wouldn’t really let him hurt me would you?” She asked with a bit of intimidation in her voice that he hadn’t heard before.
He put his hand on her cheek, pushing her face up to make her look at him while running his thumb along her skin. “Kate, I am still the same exact person I was before.”
It was nightfall by the time Pete walked Kate up to Trent’s office where he did most of his work. Pete told her to just listen to what Trent said and it wouldn’t cause any problems. But that wasn’t exactly Kate’s strong suit. Inside, the room was dim. Almost as if Trent wanted people to feel cold and hidden as they sat down to do business with him. There was a large desk with his computer and phone atop it. Most of his things probably hidden away in the drawers. Two armchairs at one side of the desk for his guests, another large leather one for him at the other side. Kate wasn’t able to see all the little details of the office in the low lighting, but she could see artwork about. She could only guess that he had everything designed particularly for him. When Kate entered the room Trent was towards the back looking out a window. When Pete closed the door he closed the velvet dark green curtain and turned to his guest.
“Come on in love. Make yourself comfortable,” Trent said motioning to one of the chairs.
“I’d rather stand if that’s okay with you.” She replied from her spot in the middle of the room.
“So you do have manners,” He mocked.
Kate folded her arms across her chest and blew out a sigh, trying not to start a fight.
“Good to know you’re able to play nice.”
“I don’t see why that really matters.”
“It will if you want to stay here.”
“Look, I’m not going to give Pete any problems, okay?”
“I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about everyone else.”
Kate looked at him confused.
“I’m sure by now you’ve figured out that Walter and I have formed a partnership. Ridge and I had a nice talk earlier and he’s decided to stay with me. Thought he did try and assure that I wouldn’t kill you. And I thought maybe after some time thinking about the video I showed you and how the man who you’d been so loyal to seemed to be willing to throw you to the wolves, you’d have had a change of heart like Ridge and Pete did.”
“I thought I didn’t have that choice,” Kate questioned as she put his hands on her hips.
“You don’t really. You’re stuck here either way. I wasn’t lying when I said I couldn’t trust you. With any aspect of my business. I knew the first chance you’d get you’d quite literally stab me in the back. But you are an asset Kate.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Working at a club making you money,” Kate said as she dropped her arms.
Trent shook his head chuckled as he stepped closer to her. “You’re much more than a pretty face love. I’m familiar with your work. I think you could do great things here and help me out a lot. And in return, give yourself a life that you’ve never even dreamed of. Face it, everyone else has already fallen into line with me. The only thing Sheamus even has left now is Drew, and once he sees how pathetic Sheamus really is, he’ll back off too. Leaving Sheamus with nothing.”
As he stepped closer, she tried to keep distance between them. But she ended up running into his desk. She looked slightly before placing her hands on the sides holding herself up. When she looked back, Trent was right in front of her, placing his hands on either side of her onto his desk. His face getting closer to hers as he spoke.
“If you can prove to me that I can trust you, we can form a beautiful partnership here. But keep in mind until then, you belong to the British Strong Style. And the very first time you forget that, I’ll brand you, so that even if you manage to get away, anyone who finds you will bring you right back to me.”
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tateannawrestling · 4 years
German Hawtie
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Me and Aliyah are best friends with Liv Morgan, and have been ever since she was in NXT. But since she got singed to the main roster a couple years back, us three made a group chat to keep in contact. Even though me and Aliyah seen each other every week, it was still fun to text in our group chat rather than actually go talk in person. Now, this group chat was always crazy. We mostly talk about boys which is the main reason why our group chat is crazy, either two of us are making fun of a crush that the other girl has or all of us are fighting over who a certain guy would date if he had to pick between us three, etc. But of course, since we are best friends, our chat had its sentimental moments as well. Such as, Liv coming out to us, or Aliyah venting to us about a break up, or me, crying to them because McDonalds got my order wrong. Either way, we all love each other and this group chat was a crucial part of our friendship.
Thursday, March 11th, 2021
"Hot Girlz"
Y/N: Liv did u see nxt last night?
Liv: I did, y?
Ali: yeah, why?
Y/N: Cuz I was wondering if you seen that German Hawtie Marcel Barthel, in his promo
Ali: lmao
Liv: u like him???
Liv: talk to him then
Ali: yeah i will help u
Y/N: Nah he prob has a gf
Liv: what if he doesn't?
Y/N: I'm going to assume he does so I don't have to talk to him
Ali: if u won't talk to him I will
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Tonight was NXT and last Thursday in the group chat Aliyah said she was going to tell Marcel. Granite, she was probably kidding.
I was pacing around backstage, deciding whether or not I should tell Marcel how I feel about him. I had my locker room door slightly opened. "Should I tell him? What if he has a girlfriend, what if I'm not pretty enough" I aloud to myself while still pacing "God, Marcel, why do you have to be so damn hot?" I question as I plop myself on to the sofa. "I could say the same thing to you, love" I hear a cute German accent say
Marcel's POV:
I was walking with Fabian and Alexander, I notice that we pass by Y/N's locker room. "Hey, uh, guys, I will catch up with you later." I say to them as I go to Y/N's locker room. I have always liked her, she is so gorgeous, I just don't know how to tell her. Any opportunity I get to tell her I take, but end up backing out last minute because I am too afraid she will reject me. As I made my way to her locker room I stand outside of her slightly opened door. Looking in, I see her pacing around mumbling obscenities to herself. I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying but I did hear her call herself “not pretty”, which, by the way, was far from the truth. But the next sentence that came out of her mouth, I heard plain as day, "God, Marcel, why do you have to be so damn hot?" Then that's when it hit me, she thinks that she is not pretty enough to be with me? Wow, I have got to make my move right now. 
"I could say the same thing to you, love" I say as I walk into her locker room shutting the door behind me. "Uhm, Mar-Marcel, how long have you been standing there?" She asks. She is so cute when she's nervous "Long enough to know that you think I'm hot" I smirk "Shut up" She replies as I just laugh and sit on the sofa next to her "I also heard you say that you don't think you are pretty enough to be with me, that's untrue. I think you are the most beautiful person ever, and I would love it if I could take you out sometime?" I ask hoping for a yes "Oh- Uhm, yeah sure! S-Sorry this is a lot to process" She laughs. Oh my, her laugh is so cute "It's okay, liebe" I say leaning in to kiss her, she kisses back. It was better than I imagined.
Y/N's POV:
Marcel walked toward the sofa, what the hell was he doing? He sits down next to me, "I also heard you say that you don't think you are pretty enough to be with me, that's s untrue. I think you are the most beautiful person ever, and I would love it if I could take you out sometime?" Marcel asks, making me hella shocked. I stutter and accept. But then... he kisses me. I did not see that coming. 
We pull away, "Holy shit" I curse causing him to laugh and say, "Language, love" "Sorry" I apologize "It's okay, I thinks it hot" He says smirking, knowing exactly what he's doing. We kiss again, well we start making out, after we run out of breath, we pull away, "You kiss like a god" I say "Oh, you haven't seen nothing yet, Darling" Marcel replies creating butterflies in my stomach. Just thinking what he means by that turns me on so much.
source: wattpad - tateannawrestling
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bellalutionn · 3 years
started: july 13, 2021
last updated: october 30, 2021
tony khan
dating tony khan
kissing tony khan
cuddling with tony khan
kenny omega
surprise birthday from kenny omega
kenny omega crushing on you
cody rhodes
cody rhodes as a dad
ricky starks
ricky stark being jealous
dating ricky starks
platonic cuddling with allie
jon moxley
#8 with jon moxley
blood and guts
#10 with mjf
mjf with a plus sized significant other
mjf planning a surprise birthday party
#29 with hook
nose kisses with hook
a road trip with hook
hook confessing his feelings for you
ethan page
dating ethan page
kissing ethan page
preston vance
#15 with preston vance
being preston vance’s plus sized partner
austin gunn
#24 with austin gunn
christian cage
being christian cage’s younger girlfriend
christian cage’s younger girlfriend finding out she’s pregnant
hangman adam page
being a dark order member and having a crush on adam page
cm punk
being cm punk’s younger significant other
alan angels
liking alan angels while being best friends with anna and tay
nick jackson
first date with nick jackson
kris statlander
being in a relationship with kris statlander
damian priest
first date with damian priest
#22 with damian priest
damian priest as your husband
marcel barthel 
marcel barthel as a husband
being pregnant with marcel barthel’s baby
being marcel barthel’s fiance
photoshoot with marcel barthel
first date with marcel barthel
marcel barthel being jealous
marcel barthel meeting your family
ich leibe dich
sharing a room with marcel and fabian
marcel and fabian asking you to join imperium
big e
big e realizing he loves you
friends to lovers with big e
roman reigns
first date with roman reigns
mickie james
being best friends with mickie james during her psycho era
fabian aichner
fabian aichner as a husband
sharing a room with fabian and marcel
fabian and marcel asking you to join imperium
fabian aichner flirting with his girlfriend
alexa bliss
alexa bliss having a crush on you
aj lee
being best friends with aj lee
tagging with naomi
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domesticblisss · 3 years
s with Marcel? 💖
s - sleep (how do they sleep together)
fluffy alphabet headcanons
marcel is a cuddler. he will deny that, but he is;
he is the sneaky kind of cuddler. he will kiss you goodnight, turn to the side and fall asleep almost immediately;
cue to you waking up two hours later with him unconsciously holding you close, his leg tucked in tight between yours;
he holds you so tightly that sometimes it feels like he thinks you’re going to run away;
it doesn’t look like, but that boy radiates body heat, winters are never cold with him;
you always make fun of him for it (lovingly), to the point of him not even denying anymore, and always answering with a “it’s because i love you”.
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Always There - Marcel Barthel x Reader
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Figured I’d get the Marcel one out of my way while I could. I’ve been having some German feels for a while (who can blame me though? )
I do apologize now for any INCORRECT translations. I do NOT know German well enough, I know about 5-6 words and that’s it. (Yes, No, Hello, Love, Ambulance and Hospital. The necessities) 
Y/N = Your name
If you don’t like Ember Moon, Kacy or Kayden, feel free to think up your own NXT roommate situation for a TakeOver event. That’s where I thought this would be at -shrug- 
EDITED IN: Original Tag List @starwithaheart​ @shedevill22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
Tagging those who Requested Marcel!  @barthelsimperium
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Letting out a deep breath, I glanced over at the digital clock next to the bed I was sharing with Ember. The red light read 3:29. Frowning, I looked at my other two roommates, Kacey and Kayden, who were also fast asleep much like Ember.
“So unfair…” I sighed.
This was now night three of no sleep. I knew I had to do something—if it kept going, Hunter was bound to realize, and not only that I could accidentally hurt someone in the ring. What could I do though?
Back home, I’d get up and make myself busy—but I didn’t want to wake up my friends.
“Just find me, liebe. I don’t care what the time is!”
Marcel’s words came crashing into my fore-thought, causing me to purse my lips. I couldn’t actually just stroll to his room and wake him up at this ungodly hour… could I? Ember would never let me live it down, if she found out I went to his room this late at night. She’s the only one I have ever told my feelings towards. The only one who knew I loved Marcel, my impeccable German.
On screen, he was cold, cunning, methodical and egotistical. Behind the screen though? Marcel Barthel was the funniest, kindest and most considerate guy I had ever known. Our friendship had started out a bit oddly, as somehow his suitcase had ended up in the women’s locker room and I, of course, was the one to return it to him. He was clearly confused and embarrassed, but thankful all the same. I had cracked a joke that if he wanted to spend time with me all he had to do was ask—and upon hearing the chuckle from Fabian, I quickly excused myself in embarrassment, barely hearing Marcel speak to Fabian as I left.
“Lach nicht uber sie!”  ((ts: Don’t laugh at them))
Later that night, Marcel had found me backstage, quickly taking a seat beside me and leaning back slightly.
“You said if I wanted to spend time, all I need to do was ask,” he explained, causing me to go red from embarrassment.
“I-it was a joke… You don’t have to—”
“You may have been joking, but I’m not, Kleiner.”  ((ts: little one)) 
“I…. have no idea what that means.”
He only laughed in response, shaking his head slightly, promising me,” I’ll teach you some words.”
I smiled at the memory, before glancing a risk at the clock once more.
Fuck it, I decided. Carefully as I could, I pushed back the covers and climbed out of the warm cocoon I had made. Grabbing my wallet on the way by the tv stand, I tiptoed to the door and as quietly as I could, opened the door and snuck out, closing it with a soft click behind me. Gnawing on my bottom lip as I walked up the steps to the floor above, I thought about how close Marcel was to me—how close in my heart he always was.
Holidays, bright and early (even despite time zone differences) we’d be the first to wish one another a happy holiday; happy birthday—new years. When we’d both be at an event, we’d seek the other one out.
Marcel hadn’t taught me the translation for liebe yet, but since he was always calling me it, I had decided to ask Fabian one night, when Marcel was off getting something to drink.
“Heh, I don’t think I should be the one to tell you, Principessa.”  ((ts: Princess))
“Oh, come on—please? If you don’t I’ll just look it up online. C’mon Fabian, please?”
“Alright, alright—love,” Fabian answered, his eyes going over my shoulder for a second, before his voice lowered,” Liebe means love.”
Did it mean Marcel loved me the same way I did him? Probably not.
But it still made me feel happy, like I mattered to at least someone. Coming to a stop at room 329, I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.
Five seconds.
Ten seconds.
Twenty-five seconds.
Swallowing the lump in my throat and fighting the urge to just go back downstairs to my own room, I tentatively knocked once again, two short, soft bumps on the door.
Five seconds.
The door opened slowly, catching me by surprise as I looked up from the floor. There before me stood a hooded-eyed, bed-headed Marcel, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. When he realized who it was, he seemed to wake up a bit.
“Liebe? Is everything In Ordnung?”    ((ts: alright))
“Uh, yeah. No. It’s fine…. Uh… I just… you said to…” Everything I said was coming out jumbled, and I could see Marcel trying to make sense of it all,” Sorry I bothered you this late—I’ll just—sorry, go back to sleep—” I turned to walk away, but stopped short when I heard his voice call my name.
“I’m sorry, please, just—go back—”
“Hör auf, dich zu entschuldigen!” I heard Marcel snap, before his voice softened,” Komm schon, come.”   ((ts: Stop apologizing / come on))
With uncertain steps, I slowly walked back over to his open door, shivers running down my spine when I felt his hand gently rest on my back, ushering me in at my own pace.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Marcel asked as he closed the door behind us.
I shook my head, unsure if he could even see it in the darkness of the room,” Sorry, I just—”
“Liebe—stop saying sorry.”
Without needing to see him, I knew there was a frown on his face.
In the darkness, I heard him give a small sigh, before suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him,” I told you, you can come to me at times like this. There’s no need to apologize for it.”
“It’s just… it’s so late—or… early—I didn’t want to wake you up…”
“Don’t worry about that, okay? Come, make yourself comfortable.”
I felt his hand gently take my own and lead me towards the bed.
“W—what about Fabian? Will he—”
“Don’t worry about him, liebe,” Marcel gave a soft chuckle,” He’s a deep sleeper.” His hand left mine, and I could hear him get back into his bed.
Do I?
Don’t I?
“You won’t have a chance to get any sleep standing there, come on.” I heard him pat the space beside him and I was beyond grateful for the darkness in the room- otherwise he would be able to see how red my face was right now. Slowly, I peeled back the covers on the empty side and slid underneath, careful to not touch Marcel in anyway- which he must have noticed.
“I don’t bite, liebe.”
“Why do you call me that?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I had to know—needed to know. Marcel grew quiet for a few moments and I feared he wouldn’t answer me, until I felt his hand gently creep over mine once more and slowly pull me towards him. Wordlessly, I felt him softly pull me as close to his body as possible, laying right beside him, my head on his bare chest.
“Because… Du bedeute mir die Welt…I love you…” I could hear the uncertainty and the hope in his statement, and I couldn’t help the smile the slowly grew on my face,” We’ll talk more tomorrow, liebe. For now… get some sleep.”   ((ts: You mean the world to me))
Slowly nodding my head, I let my body relax into his embrace and before I knew it my eyes got heavy—and as I drifted off to sleep, I felt him press a gentle kiss to my forehead.
No more sleepless nights, no more uncertainty.
I was loved.
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sydsaint · 2 years
My Fav horror movie himbo
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Summary: Triple H pairs the reader up with LA Knight in hopes that some of his charisma and confidence will rub off on her.
'Why me?' You think to yourself as you stare at the script in your hand. The board room is silent as everyone goes through their new scripts for the next couple of months. 
"Okay!" Triple H stands up at the head of the table. "Does anyone have any questions about their storylines from creative?" He asks the room. 
Everyone shakes their heads and Hunter releases everyone from the room. You linger at the back of the crowd in hopes that you can get a moment with Hunter alone to talk about your script. Everyone files out of the room and you scoot quietly over to Hunter with a friendly smile. 
"Yes, Y/N?" Hunter asks, not looking up from his computer. 
You cough and bite the inside of your cheek. "Yeah, about my script, Hunter." You scratch at the back of your neck. 
"What about it?" Hunter looks up from his computer with a stern grunt. 
Before you can stutter out a reply, the man of the hour aka the person that you're trying to avoid, comes into the room being his usual loud self. "Hunter, my man. Who's this Y/N broad that you've got me cozied up with for the next few weeks against that German guy?" LA Knight slides into the room and walks right past you. 
"Perfect." Hunter smiles to himself. "LA Knight, this is Y/N L/N." He introduced the two of you. "And before you even ask, Y/N. No. You're stuck with him for now. Deal with it." He informs you. 
You nod silently, embarrassed that Hunter would air your dirty laundry to your new co-worker like that. You've never really been that much of a talker, preferring to let your actions in the ring do the talking for you. But Hunter seems to think that you could be one of WWE's top performers if you'd just get more confident and comfortable with yourself. Hence why's he's paired you up with an egomaniac like LA Knight? 
"Well ain't you cute, dollface." Knight glances over at you with a chuckle. 
"Nice to meet you." You keep your greeting formal. 
Knight chuckles again and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Ah, I get it. You're one of those shy ones, huh?" He asks you. "Great! I love the shy ones. We are going to have a blast working together, sweetheart, I can already tell." 
Hunter watches Knight drag you out of the room and smiles to himself at his handiwork. If anyone can get you out of your shell, it's LA Knight. Especially since Hunter's stuck you right in the middle of a storyline between Knight and Marcel Barthel. Two serial flirts that are bound to get you to come out of your shell, one way or another. 
After a while of dragging you around the backstage area, Knight finally loosens his grasp on you and you manage to put a few steps between the two of you. 'Geez, this guy is loud.' You think to yourself. "It's, Y/N, by the way." You find a moment to speak up in between Knight's rambling. 
"What was that, sugar?" Knight replies. He heard what you said, but Hunter put him up to this job to help you grow some backbone. 
"My name? It's, Y/N." You repeat yourself in a firmer tone. "Not, dollface, sugar, or anything else. Just, Y/N." You inform Knight. 
Knight nods, acknowledging your serious tone. "Right, my bad, sweetheart- I mean, Y/N." He corrects himself with a grin. 
"Thank you." You mimic his nod and relax a little bit. "So, did Hunter mention why he needs me to be in the middle of a fued between you and Marcel Barthel?" You ask Knight. 
"Well, we've got to have something to fight over, right?" Knight chuckles again. "And what better motivation is there than the promise of a gorgeous girl on your arm?" He teases you with a wink.
Your eyes widen a bit as it sinks in just what Hunter has roped you into. "Oh." You stutter out. "Right. I knew that I never should have mentioned that I like, Barthel." You shake your head as you talk to yourself quietly/ 
"So, you got a thing for, Barthel, then?" Knight cuts in as he steps closer to you. "So I'm working at a disadvantage then, huh?" He chuckles. "Eh, no problem. I love a challenge. And I always win." 
"Oh, yeah, I'm in hell." You let out a small sigh, a hint of a smile in the corners of your mouth. 
Later in the night, it's time to get this whole fued kicked off. You head out for a match against Shotzi and pull out a win. After a bit of celebration with the crowd, you head backstage where there is a camera crew standing by with Marcel and Giovonni. 
"Y/N, darling." Marcel greets you with that handsome smile of his when you come through the curtain. 
"Hello, Marcel." You nod to him sheepishly. 
Marcel grins and steps over to you, he looks down at you and offers you a playful wink. "You looked beautiful out in the ring." He compliments you. "Truly a sight to behold in the ring. None of that nonsense that others around here try and pass off as wrestling." 
"Thank you." You nod. 
A couple of seconds later Knight comes into frame intent on saving you from Marcel's embarrassment. "Hey! Why don't you back off the lady a bit?" He comes to your rescue. 
"What's it to you?" Marcel scowls at night. "Don't tell me that a lovely lady such as Y/N, would ever want to be caught dead with riffraff like you?" He scoffs at Knight. 
"Riffraff?!" Knight scoffs. "You think that Y/N would want to hang out with some second-rate lackey?" He snaps back at Marcel.
A small laugh catches in your throat and you try and keep it down. You're supposed to be unbiased between the pair for this storyline. For the first couple of weeks anyway.
Knight catches your laugh despite your efforts to hide it and turns to you. "See! She laughed. Y/N, thinks I'm funny. And right." He challenges Marcel and slings an arm over your shoulder. "Come on, gorgeous. Let's get out of here."
Knight turns you around to walk off camera while Marcel looks angry behind you. "Y/N, hold on!" Barthel calls after you.
"Hey! We don't need any comments from the peanut gallery! Yeah!" Knight answers for you.
You and Knight walk off-camera and around the corner. Once out of sight, he takes his arm off of you. "What was all that?" You turn to him uneasy that Knight went off script.
"What?" Knight chuckles. "I saw an opportunity and took it." He shrugs with a grin. "Besides, you're the one that laughed."
"I didn't mean to!" You huff.
Knight chuckles again and twirls a strand of your hair in his hand. "Relax, dollface. It was a good thing. You'll learn to just go with the flow soon enough." He adds.
"I guess." You mumble to yourself. "Just, at least give me some kind of warning before you drag me off against my will next time. Okay?" You scold Knight.
"Sure thing, doll." He nods at you. "Look at you! Already making demands." He grins with a teasing wink. "I got a feeling that you are gonna end up being a handful by the time I'm done with you, doll."
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Marcel with ‘a cozy, old coffee shop owned by a lovely elderly couple’ ?
a cozy, old coffee shop owned by a lovely elderly couple
location drabble prompts
marcel is a creature of habit. he wakes up at 05:30am, works out, takes a shower and at 8am sharp, he’s at los rubios.
los rubios is a little coffee shop located two blocks away from his apartment, owned by arturo, a former spanish boxing champion, and laura, a former american model. the two met in the 70’s, while vacationing in greece and have been inseparable ever since.
the sight of marcel in that tiny coffee shop was almost funny, but he liked how it felt like home and how the old couple basically treated him like he was their son.
it was the third time that marcel had seen her this week.
it was the third time this week that she had sat on marcel’s table.
third table on the right, underneath the middle window, the one on the perfect spot so he could people watch before heading to the performance center.
arturo had noticed how fidgety marcel was as he took the german boy’s order.
“she used to come here in the afternoon’s, you know, after work, but she finally quit it to pursue her writing dreams.” arturo told him and marcel looked at the girl. “now she comes in the morning, writes for a while and even helps laura with the cooking, even though we’ve told her countless times she doesn’t have to. she always sat there too, maybe you should sit down with her.”
marcel laughed, it wasn’t the first time arturo tried to play matchmaker with him. “it’s fine, i’ll find a new table. gracias, turito.”
fourth table it is now.
friday, 08:15am. walter lecture about imperium’s losing streak went longer (and harder) than he had expected, and now he is off his schedule, los rubios is packed and even the fourth table on the right was taken.
she sat there, on the third table on the right underneath the middle window, her macbook in front of her, a cup of what he assumed to be plain black coffee and a plate of pancakes on the side. and an empty seat right in front of her.
“you’re late, marcelo.” the use of the nickname made marcel smile.
“any troubles?”
“just walter being walter.”
“the usual?”
“your new table is also taken. maybe you should–“
“i know turito, i know… just give me my coffee.”
“sit down and one of the girls will take it to you.”
with a lot of stubbornness, he did.
“hi.” she looked up at him and waited for him to continue. “umm, do you– do you mind if i sit down? the place is packed.”
“oh, of course, please! just let me grab my stuff” she said as she moved her laptop, trying to make space for him.
she introduced herself to him, and marcel followed through. the duo ended up falling into a light conversation. they talked about their lives and what they did for a living, she asked marcel how different florida was from germany, and what he missed the most, he asked her why she decided to quit her job, and after her shocked face he had to explain that arturo had told him that, to which she laughed and said “of course he did.”
they talked for hours that went by so fast, it felt like minutes. he soon realised that it was almost time for him to go to the performance center.
“i really enjoyed talking to you today.” marcel said as he got up.
“me too! see you tomorrow?” she asked, hopeful.
“oh, i was thinking maybe we could go out for some drinks tonight?”
she smiles.
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bellalutionn · 3 years
I’ve got a Marcel request! (I’ve never watched any of his matches but I just watched one of his interviews and I love German men).
An imagine where after a long date night he asks his gf to stay the night and she accepts. They don’t have sex, but it’s super fluffy. He teaches her some German and she teaches him American slang and they fall asleep in each other’s arms. But before she falls asleep he whispers “ich liebe dich” to her and it just fills her heart with such warmth.
wow🥺 this is so cute. i don’t have imagine requests open right now BUT i will make an exception because this just made me so happy and warm inside🥰 it’ll most likely be a drabble, let’s see!
taglist: @peachmango-kombucha @lghockey @girlmythlegend @sillynilly27
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you and marcel walked into his apartment, marcel slowly taking your jacket off of you. “here, i got it, liebe.” marcel nodded at you, “thank you, honey.” you said, sitting down at the counter. you guys had planned on watching a movie then you would go home, marcel had yet to invite you to stay overnight at his place.
you guys decided on watching shrek and once the movie was done you stood up. “it’s getting late, i should get going.” you said while stretching. “or you could stay the night.” marcel suggested, making you smile. “really?” you asked, marcel immediately nodding. “of course, i want you to stay with me.” marcel smiled at you.
as you laid back down in his arms, you guys started to talk about german and american slang. “geil can mean one of two things; talking about something in a good way, like food or it can mean.. horny.” marcel said, making you laugh. “well, shit. when i get horny i’m just gonna say geil to you and you’ll just know.” marcel shook his head, laughing.
“irre means crazy. like if i call you irre, it means you’re acting crazy.” marcel explained, “what about american slang? i’ve seen this one on twitter from fans. it’s called,” marcel thought for a second, “stan?” marcel questioned, making you started to laugh until the point of tears.
“it’s not funny, i really don’t know what the hell that means!” marcel exclaimed, making you laugh even more while playfully slapping his shoulder. once you were *finally* able to calm down, you took a deep breath to explain it to marcel. “it means they’re a huge fan of you. a loyal fan.” you explained as marcel made an o shape with his lips.
“y/n,” he said, “hm?” you said, “i stan you.” marcel said, making you laugh and kiss his cheek. “i stan you too, marcel.” you giggled, kissing his cheek again. “kudos is like, good job or good work.” you explained some more american slang to your german boyfriend before the both of you were absolutely exhausted.
you both laid in marcel’s bed, marcel caressing your hip with his thumb. “i had a really good time tonight, marcel.” you said, resting your chin on his chest and looking up at him. “i did too, liebe.” marcel replied as you snuggled in closer to his body.
marcel rubbing your hip made you feel loved and relax, sleep slowly taking over your body. as your eyes were about to close, you heard marcel whisper, “ich liebe dich.” which you knew meant i love you. you smiled to yourself, tightening your grip on marcel as you slipped into your slumber.
okay. this was more of a drabble rather than an imagine but i thought it was pretty damn cute lol. i love marcel!!
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bellalutionn · 3 years
jealous Marcel headcanons? 💖
ohhhh yes😮‍💨
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- this dude would get SO jealous lol
- he’d be a possessive boyfriend but not to a point where it’s overwhelming and weird, you know?
- marcel acts so fucking cocky and all high and mighty, he tries to act like he’s not jealous at all.
- but then the guy just wouldn’t stop with the flirting so he would get super close to you and have his arm around you protectively.
- marcel would literally hold you super close to his body while kind of grabbing your hip protectively.
- marcel would get so annoyed and definitely tell the guy that you two had to get going.
- the car ride home would be hella silent.
- then you thought it would be funny to tease marcel.
- you would just mess with him and tell him that he’s so jealous.
- at first he would deny it then he would admit it.
- “i think it’s hot that you’re so jealous.” then he would kinda just look at you with a raised eyebrow.
- when you guys were home or at the hotel, you definitely would seduce the hell out of marcel and he would jump on the idea of it.
- marcel would show you that your his😮‍💨
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bellalutionn · 3 years
Could I request a first date fluff with Marcel Barthel? Also I LOVED the last request you did for me! <3
thank you! i’m so glad you loved it!! thank you for the request!! <33 decided to change the gif😩
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- this man is a huge ass romantic. marcel literally wants to give you the best night he possibly can.
- marcel would take you to a local fair/carnival.
- the entire first half you guys were at the fair, you guys went on smaller rides.
- marcel would let you get whatever kind of fair food that you want. okay
- you got a huge fair corndog with a huge thing of cheese curds.
- then for dessert later on in the night, you had deep fried oreos and a funnel cake that you guys shared.
- so, like i mentioned before, you guys went on smaller rides.
- then you wanted to impress marcel with showing how fearless you are so you told him that you wanted to go on the bigger rides.
- one of them being the zipper.
- that ride is all kinds of fucked up.. the spins, the movement, the metal hitting you constantly, it fucking hurts!
- marcel also wanted to impress you and act like nothing was wrong. he was totally cool with going on this ride, not nervous at all!
- the whole time you guys waited in line, he was acting all strong and mighty.
- then you guys got inside the cart, the carnival worker shut you guys in. you were officially stuck and you were already moving up higher.
- then the nerves set in, marcel was now freaking out. and so were you.
- as you guys started flipping around, 360°, you were both screaming and holding onto each other. you guys even questioned if you were gonna die, you were yelling at marcel asking why he even let you on the ride. he would scream at you in response: “i don’t know! i thought we’d be fine!” he screamed in fear then.
- you two literally held onto each other for dear life.
- once you guys were off, you literally grabbed marcel’s face, “we survived, we did it!” then you hugged him.
- that was the night you two fell in love.
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Marcel Barthel x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,177 Summary: Marcel is too pretty to know how to flirt, go easy on him (requested)
It wasn’t unusual for him to hang around backstage, watching the other matches after his own. Often offering a polite nod or a ‘good job’ after one of yours, but that was just Marcel. 
But in recent weeks he had been offering more than that. It started with a smile. 
A high five after a victory. 
A fist bump after a loss. 
A few words of encouragement, a piece of advice, or just something nice. 
As weeks went by, Marcel began talking more, finding you after shows or workouts just to say a few words. 
“I think he’s flirting,” Indi said, one afternoon after Marcel had complimented you on the drills you had been running. 
You’d smiled, 
“I guess when you look like that you’re not used to doing all the talking, huh?” you’d replied. 
But you’d still looked back, watching as Fabian made fun of him, the way Marcel’s face scrunched into embarrassment, and the way he looked back at you only to turn away quickly when your eyes met. 
You smiled all the way back to your car. 
Marcel Barthel was flirting with you and was, it turned out, very bad at it. 
It continued for another week, only now he had taken to walking up to you instead of “coincidentally” running into you. 
“Good job out there,” he said, not meeting your eyes. 
“You too,” you said. 
He smiled wide but looked away, again, 
“You’re...very good out there.” 
You said nothing, waiting to see what he would do next. 
“And, I, uh,” he continued, “I think you looked good.” 
You arched an eyebrow, watching as he realized what he’d just said.
“In the ring!” he said, quickly, “You looked good in the ring! Very fast...very strong...just...good. Very good.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You’d always thought he was cute, you just never knew how awkward he was around other people. And somehow, it was the most endearing quality about him. 
So you let him flounder, slightly, making eye contact with Fabian walking towards you two, 
“You look good, too,” you said just as Fabian came up beside him. “In the ring, I mean,” you added as you walked away, winking at him just before you left. 
And on a Tuesday evening, after a show, it finally happened. 
After weeks of awkward compliments and greetings, Marcel caught up to you just as you were leaving the building, bags in hand, searching for your keys, stopping as he called out for you. 
“Are you leaving?” he asked, standing in front of you, his bag slung over his shoulder. 
You  nodded, 
“Well, the show’s over so I thought I’d go home,” you said with a smile. 
He laughed nervously, nodding at you, 
“Of course,” he said. 
You waited for him to say something else, watching as he tapped his foot nervously on the pavement. 
“So no match tonight?” you asked him, trying to fill the silence. 
He shook his head, 
“No, but next week!” he said, excitedly. You nodded, 
“I can’t wait to watch,” you replied. 
It was quiet again, but you could tell by the way he kept opening his mouth to speak that it was only a matter of time, 
“Would, uh,” he started, clearing his throat making you perk up, “would you like to go out? With me? On a date?” 
His voice was soft, hesitant, and it was only after he finished speaking that he looked up at you. 
“I would love that,” you said. “I’m busy tomorrow but what about Thursday?” you offered. 
He nodded eagerly, smiling wide at you, 
“Perfect, yes, Thursday it is,” he said, quickly. 
“I’ll see you then.” 
He fidgeted with his hands, a habit you’d never seen from him before. His eyes averted, hands shaking as they rested on his lap, looking at anything but you. 
The waitress set your mugs down, nodding before she left, a quiet thank you from him before he turned back to you. 
You waited. 
You wanted to see what he would do, first. 
“You look very nice,” he finally said, looking at you. 
You smiled, 
“So do you,” you replied, watching as his cheeks turned bright red. He looked down again. “I really like this place,” you added, hoping to fill the silence. 
“Yeah,” he said, quickly, “I know. I-I heard you liked it.” 
“How’d you know?” 
He smiled, shyly, 
“I asked Indi,” he said. “She told me you came here a lot and I thought it would be...good?” He said the last part as if waiting for your validation. 
You nodded, bringing the oversized mug to your lips, smiling into the steam from your coffee, 
“It’s perfect,” you said, softly. 
You could see him relax in front of you, his shoulders dropping as he picked up his own mug, but still you felt something different around him. 
Still, you noticed how he kept looking down at his lap, brows furrowed in thought, before looking back up at you and talking, 
“So,” he started, clearing his throat, “you have a title match next week?” he asked. 
You shrugged, setting your mug down, 
“Yeah but I don’t really wanna talk about work, if you don’t mind?” 
He nodded, 
“Of course! Right, no work talk, that’s fine!” 
He looked down again, and this time you noticed the two people sitting at the table a few feet away, huddled together looking over at your table. 
They noticed you and turned away quickly, but they weren’t quick enough. 
At a table far away from yours, dressed in clothes that they clearly thought would hide them from view, hoodies and hats, looking as nondescript as possible, Fabian and Indi sat together, watching you and Marcel on your date, a phone between them, taking turns typing something out. 
Just as Marcel conveniently looked down at his lap before looking at you with a new conversation topic, 
“So you like hiking?” he asked.
You leaned in close and Marcel followed suit, 
“Did Indi text you that?” you asked, softly. 
His cheeks went bright red as he tried to respond, but you shook your head, 
“They’re sitting behind us? Giving you tips on what to say?” you asked. 
He sighed, and nodded, 
“I was nervous and they offered to help but I promise I didn’t know they were going to be here!” he defended. 
You laughed, 
“I’m not upset, I think it’s very sweet of them, actually,” you said. 
He smiled, relaxing slightly, 
“Wanna have a little fun with them?” you asked. 
He smiled, 
“Always,” he replied, without hesitating. 
“There’s an ice cream shop a few doors down, wanna go there instead?” you asked. 
“Let’s go,” he said, without waiting, standing up and taking you by the hand, both of you nearly running out of the shop. 
You snuck one last look behind you, watching as Indi and Fabian scrambled to gather their own stuff and follow you two. 
“We’ll go around, make sure we lose them,” Marcel said, looking back at you. 
“Perfect,” you replied, running beside him, laughing the whole way out. 
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domesticblisss · 3 years
61 with Marcel? 👉👈
61 - “They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
drabble prompts
“They didn’t just find out. They already knew, Marcel!” I shout at my boyfriend in yet another fight.
“What do you mean they already knew?”
“Apparently Aliyah saw us in your car at the parking lot last week and told the whole PC.”
“I can’t fucking believe this.” he said has he rubbed his hands all over his face, dishevelling his hair on the way. His face was red, and his eyes told me his mind was going a million miles an hour.
Marcel and I have been seeing each other seriously for a couple of months now, and we fooled around long before that, but the catch was: no one could know.
Not Walter, not Tim, not even Fabian, who was his roommate.
It sucks because whenever we are alone together, he treats me like a princess. He’s romantic and goes out of his way to do everything I want, but when we are around our friends and coworkers, he treats me like I’m just an acquaintance.
“Are you embarrassed of me?
“What? Of course not.” he answers, the incredulous look on his face almost makes me believe him.
“Just… stop lying to me, Marcel. You hide our relationship, you’ve hidden it since we were just hooking up. And now… now look how you are acting just because Fabian congratulated you.”
“I don’t… I don’t know why I–“
“You don’t know anything, Marcel.” I say as I grab my backpack, “you never know. Call me when you figure your life out.”
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Caught in the Middle
Marcel Barthel, Fabian Aichner x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1,271 Summary: The three of you had tried something new last night, and it was no secret that it was good. [Requested]
It felt right. 
That’s what made you pause. 
In front of you, Marcel slept with his body pressed against yours, hair tousled from sleep. 
And behind you, Fabian’s arms held you tight, his face buried in the crook of your neck. 
You were stuck in place, the first awake, but you didn’t move, afraid you’d wake them up. 
You felt guilty for how good this felt, how good your entire body still felt after last night. 
Beside you, now, you felt Fabian begin to stir. 
Slowly, he sat up and stretched. You stayed in place, listening to him shuffle around the room, before the bathroom door shut quietly. 
Now, you untangled yourself from Marcel’s hands and got up. Picking up your clothes and dressing quickly, you left the room, walking into the living room flooded with morning light. 
Your head was still spinning, unsure what you wanted to do. 
You could leave, grab your things and go home and call Marcel later. 
You could stay, wait for them both to wake up and get ready and talk about it. 
But you weren’t sure you wanted to talk about it. 
You were still trying to figure out what it was. 
“Are you leaving?”
You jumped up at the sound of Fabian’s voice. 
“I…” you started, turning towards him. “Yeah. I think so.” 
He nodded. He played with the zipper of his hoodie nervously. 
“Do you need a ride?” he asked. 
You shook your head, 
“I’m okay.” 
He said nothing else, so you took your leave. 
But just as you walked towards the door, he spoke again.  
“I think you should stay,” he called out. 
You stopped, halfway to the door, 
“At least...until Marcel wakes up,” he added, looking at you. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you said, quietly. 
“Why not?” he asked. 
The nerves grew and your chest tightened. 
“Last night…” you started. 
“You didn’t enjoy?” he asked. 
You shook your head quickly, 
“I did,” you said, surprising even yourself. “I really did,” you added. 
But as you thought about last night, and how it felt when Fabian had first kissed you, the way your entire body felt like it was on fire, the way you couldn’t let go of him. 
And the way Marcel had smiled at you when he pulled your head back towards him. 
It was the first time he’d held you, but even now you knew that you belonged in Fabian’s arms just as much as you did in Marcel’s. 
“Then stay,” he said, softer this time. 
“Fabian…” you trailed off. 
He walked towards you, but stopped a few paces away from you. 
“Last night was good. We were good,” he said. 
“But it was a one-time thing, wasn’t it?” you asked. 
He shook his head, 
“It doesn’t have to be,” he said. 
You sighed,
“It’s not fair to Marcel,” you said.
“He didn’t seem to mind it last night,” Fabian said, a small smirk on his lips. 
And it made your head spin. 
The running joke had always been that Fabian and Marcel shared everything, but last night had taken it to a whole new level. 
And you couldn’t even feel guilty about it. 
Something in the back of your mind told you that you should, that it wasn’t fair, that it wasn’t right, that it was a one time thing that ended right here and right now. 
“He’s very important to me,” you said. 
“Me too,” he replied. 
And that was it. That was the whole issue. 
You loved Marcel. 
The three of you had tried something new last night, and it was no secret that it was good. 
It was so fucking good, you thought. 
But there was Fabian, standing in front of you and he wasn’t asking you to make a choice between them. 
He wasn’t asking you to leave Marcel. 
He was asking you to consider something new, something different. Something better. 
“He loves you,” Fabian said. 
You nodded. 
“And I love him,” he said. 
And that was the heart of this matter. 
You both loved Marcel. 
And Marcel loved both of you, too. 
And it wasn’t exactly what you’d imagined when you’d started dating him, but it was something you’d grown used to. 
The space between them was a perfect fit for you, you’d found over the years. 
And it was like you were always meant to be there with them like this, wrapped up in both their embraces’.  
He took another step towards you, and without hesitation, you took one towards him. 
“If you don’t want this,” he said. You watched his hand twitch at his side, as though he wanted to reach out to you, but stopped himself. “Just say so. I’ll leave it alone.” 
But you took his hand in yours, the tips of your fingers brushing over the palm of his hand, and took a deep breath, 
“I don’t know how to do this.” 
You looked up at him and he smiled, 
“Then we figure it out. Together,” he said, bringing your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand. “Please stay,” he whispered against your hand. 
You brought your other hand to his cheek and pulled him down for a kiss, soft against his lips. His hands found their place on your waist just as you pulled back, leaning your forehead against his. 
“I’ll stay,” you whispered, making him smile. 
“Good, because I can’t let you leave without breakfast,” Marcel said. You both turned to look at him, his hair messy, eyes still heavy with sleep, but smiling at the two of you. 
“You were gonna make me breakfast?” you asked, reaching out a hand for him. 
He scoffed, 
“No, I don’t cook,” he said, as though you should’ve already known that. “But Fabian does,” he finished. 
You looked back up at Fabian who winked at you, 
“Anything you want,” he said, kissing the top of your head. 
In front of you, Marcel pulled you close and kissed you, one hand on the back of his neck, the other hand still in Fabian’s. 
And it was as if this was normal for you three, as though you’d done it a million times over. 
“You were so good last night,” he whispered against your lips, “and we want you to stay. Please.” 
“I will,” you replied. “I love you,” you whispered to him. 
And with Fabian’s hand still in yours, you turned to him and said it to him, too, because you knew there was no better time than now. 
“I love you, too, Fabian,” you said. He kissed your forehead, untangling his hand from yours. 
“Sit, I’ll make us breakfast.” 
And you did sit down. 
On the counter, swinging your legs, while Fabian moved around you while Marcel left to wash up. It was quiet between you two, and you were sure that the hesitation, the awkward nerves of the first time, the first morning together, would fade eventually. 
But you found peace in this moment, watching him work, his back turned towards you, setting a mug of coffee down beside you while he tried not to let anything burn. 
And slowly, the day moved forward, and the three of you found your rhythm with one another. 
There would be a period of adjustment, you told yourself, but lounging on the couch, your head in Fabian’s lap, Marcel’s hand tracing circles absentmindedly on your legs, watching TV together, something told you that this was right. 
That everything about you three would lead you here, eventually. 
And though it was only the beginning, it already felt like home. 
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bellalutionn · 3 years
heyyyy! I saw you wanted someone to request for Marcel and here I am 🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️ could you write something about Marcel meeting your family or you meeting his family and friends back home? 🥳
hi! thank you sooo much for the request!! i love every request you’ve sent in🤍
also decided to change the gif again!!
taglist: @peachmango-kombucha @lghockey @girlmythlegend @sillynilly27
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- marcel would be super nervous to meet your family.
- he would literally ask so many questions. “do i have to take my shoes off by the door?” “what should i dress like?” “should i wear a suit?” “should i dress casual?”
- as many times as you told him that he didn’t need to buy flowers, he insisted. marcel wanted to impressive your parent(s) so badly.
- as the day got closer and closer, he rehearsed what he would try and say to your family.
- when you guys got to your parents house, he asked immediately if he should take his shoes off when he got inside. once again, you would tell him that your family is pretty laid back and that they wouldn’t care if he had shoes on or not.
- once your mom opened the door, she immediately hugged you and wouldn’t let go. then she’d kinda just stare at marcel for a second before gasping and hugging him.
- “oh my, you must be marcel! y/n has told me so much about you!”
- marcel already felt a little less nervous.
- your mom decided to make an american dinner along with some german foods to make marcel feel at home. she knew that marcel was often homesick because, well, you told her.
- marcel was so happy that your mom had made him german food.
- the way the food tasted so authentic made him feel like he really was back home.
- after your guys dinner, you guys had decided to stay a little longer and hangout in the backyard. you decided to have a glass of wine with your mom while marcel told her more about himself.
- he talked about his father a lot and how he grew up around the wrestling world. your mom absolutely knew he was right for you.
- your mom could tell just how in love you are with him. the way you two showed the love was amazing.
- by the end of the night, your mom and marcel were close lol
okay um. i’ve been obsessed with reading marcel stuff lately🧍
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