tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Android vs iOS
Hey guys.... What you think?! Question is really Hard... This is duel of two most popular mobile platforms....so its Hard to tell wich is better, boz it depends on us... Like in cars, somebody loves BMW somebody Audi , so That's is with mobile phones to.... Apple and Android.... :)
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Summer jam !
Finally we see little of sun... 🤗🤗😃😃😃 Hope summer is here to Stay a long time .... I love Snow and rain , but sun is my passion.... Hope you have a good time , and Enjoy in day ....and in new techs...😜😊
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Where is that summer??!
- i realy miss the hit weather , its Borinh with this weather changes each day ... What you think about IT??! Crazy weather year....
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
MAX FOCUS remote speed!
With the old 30 or hour long registration time, in spite of robotization the cycle could take a while to finish. Here is the manner by which MAX rate can get this procedure going speedier, with quicker registration times and computerization joined.
1.Initiate an overhaul of the workstation operator, if required, hold up 10 minutes (2 x 5 min registration cycles)
2.Initiate your workstation Data Breach Risk Scan utilizing MAX Risk Intelligence (RI), hold up 10 minutes (2 x 5 min registration cycles)
3.Schedule your workstation reboots to happen after you are agreeable the MAX RI check has finished. Workstations ought not have a great deal of information on them; servers are the place the information ought to be found so this procedure ought to be around 10 min long (2 x 5min registration cycles)
4.Schedule your patches to move 15 minutes after the reboot time you settled on in step 3
5.Make beyond any doubt your machines are set to reboot after the patches take off
Obviously, the best time to do this action is long after your clients have left for the day – by utilizing the patch administration approaches the majority of this procedure can be mechanized or booked. Ensuring your end focuses speedier means ceasing the adventures for unpatched programming. Execute this procedure week after week for your clients or association, and stay before the most recent dangers. Patch administration, now and again called helplessness administration, is LOGICNow's top best practice with regards to Security.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Huge undertakings are investigating the conceivable outcomes empowered by rising holder advances, for example, Docker. At Juniper, we see this pattern as a breakthrough in server farm advancement, offering noteworthy additions in effectiveness, efficiency, and deftness for extensive undertakings that offer cloud as an administration.
With the quickening development of buddy advancements, for example, Kubernetes, the mix of containerized applications and a microservices design holds monstrous guarantee for these undertaking organizations in 2016.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Networkfleet options....
Deal with your armada with savvy armada innovations.
When you dispatch drivers, you give them the keys to your business. Ensure they handle everything with consideration by utilizing brilliant armada administration vehicle following answers for proactively measure execution, screen vehicles and secure your significant assets. Networkfleet joins worldwide situating framework (GPS) gadgets with protected telematics advances and Verizon's dependable remote system. Remotely track the status, area and state of your high-esteem vehicles and resources, from any cell phone. Our armada administration advancements keep you associated and on track all day and all night to enhance client encounters, support efficiency, lessen dangers and expansion benefits.
With Networkfleet vehicle following arrangements, you can:
•Improve planning and directing.
•Improve client reaction times.
•Streamline precaution vehicle upkeep.
•Deter unapproved vehicle use.
•Help shield your organization from fake cases.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
6 Gadgets That Will Make You Feel Safer at Home
A keen home requires savvy insurance. With an end goal to accomplish cutting edge home security, producers are pushing the bar higher by making their home-observing gadgets more astute and all the more effective. As opposed to go overboard a crazy measure of cash on CCTV frameworks that oblige ability to introduce, why not look at these moderate choices?
In this rundown, we have shrewd locks that can be opened with a cell phone application for simple access while doling out time-particular keys to visitors, companions, occupants and so forth; brilliant gadgets with numerous sensors, high-determination cameras; even gadgets that take in your day by day routine so they can make sense of what isn’t normal. The greater part of these gadgets will alarm you of any interruption and permit you thus to ready powers right from their application.
It’s another age, and you require insurance that can defend your home and its home regardless of where you are.
Through Subsound innovation, Cocoon listens and realizes who has a place in your home and who doesn’t. It is pet-accommodating (no stresses). Cover gives multi-floor security, all alone. It has night vision, a wide-edge HD camera, temperature and movement sensors, and a siren you can enact from your telephone. The application additionally permits you to call the police or a neighbor. [Price:£299]
August Smart Lock
With August you can now turn any iOS/Android cell phone or Apple Watch into a virtual key to your home. It auto-bolts the entryway behind you, not any more bumbling with your keys. All utilization of alloted virtual keys are signed into the framework so you can track who goes back and forth, identifiable by their individual keys. August additionally permits you to allow time-touchy access to companions or visitors. [Price: $199]
Kibbi is a finished home checking framework that has a wide-edge HD camera, 1 GB recording stockpiling, night vision, movement discovery, temperature observing, and closeness recognition capacity. Kibbi sensors can be joined to every one of your entryways and windows. Its capacities can be further improved with IFTTT e.g. turn on lights when an interruption is suspected. [Preorder: £199]
Novi may resemble a smoke finder (and that is on account of it is one) however it has three more components that makes it a strong home security device. It has a movement sensor, a 170 degree HD camera recording continuously and a 90dB siren for when you have to frighten off a gatecrasher. The Novi application advises you by means of your cell phone if something isn’t right. [Price: $299]
iSmartAlart is an arrangement of adjustable gadgets to secure your home. The set incorporates the primary control unit, movement sensors, a camera for gushing recordings, and another for putting away recordings, Contact Sensors for entryways and windows, and a remote control. Blend and match in view of your financial plan to setup your preferred caution arrangement. The caution framework is controllable with an iOS/Android application. [Price: $199]
Pal Guard FLARE
On top of the night vision camera, temperature/movement sensors, FLARE is a little yet capable gadget that can perceive appearances and discourse designs. It utilizes the geolocation data on your telephone to know whether you are leaving or at home. The pet-accommodating gadget likewise can be made to close down its lens (for protection). It speaks with different gadgets by means of Bluetooth, activated with IFTTT. [Price: £225]
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
nice writing.... :)
5 Key Features to Expect in Future Smartphones
As the name proposes, cell phones have more astute capacities than cellular telephones, giving then extra, now crucial capacities like web searching, mixed media stimulation, diversions and so on – much like smaller than normal PCs, just sufficiently little to fit in your pocket. Cell phones showed up in the business sector near two decades back as the different option for cellular telephones which convey the essential capacity to empower just two-route correspondence by content or calls. The cell phones of today have other developed capacities incorporating into constructed fantastic camera lenses, portable applications that guide efficiency, video-gushing and also connectivitiy that empower millions to stay associated while on the go. What would it be a good idea for us to hope to find in the advancement of cell phones sooner rather than later, say in the following five to ten years? This is most likely difficult to foresee with exactness because of the quick pace tech developments have been riding on. Yet, as we anticipate with expectation, why not watch the current patterns and make some wild conjectures on where cell phones are heading? You might see underneath a few elements for cell phones that may turn into the central focuses for improvement sooner rather than later.
1. Increased Reality
The term ‘increased reality’ or AR when utilized as a part of the setting of PC innovation alludes to what we see through our faculties (generally locate) upgraded using PC created tactile info, for example, sound, video, design and GPS information. Basically, AR makes accessible more data for us clients by joining PC information to what we find, in actuality. Utilizing the camera on your telephone, you can point it some place “live” to get a data overlay of where you can discover the closest bistros or eating places, for instance. Cell phones being compact serve as a decent stage for AR to work. You can simply whip out your telephone to get the most recent and important data for what you are scanning for – data which you would some way or another need to call and ask or seek online before taking off of Wi-Fi scope. Most AR applications accessible now use some type of Global Positioning System (GPS) to encourage area inquiries and this element is prone to grow further throughout the following couple of years in view of its potential. So why isn’t it in all cell phones yet?
It appears that the essential constraining element is the restricted acknowledgment exactness for “live” perspectives when we point our camera lens at spots, structures or even individuals. For AR to work consistently and dependably, the innovation for perceiving spots, things or individuals must be of a specific standard.
One illustration on the utilization of AR by means of cell phone can be found here. Expect a greater amount of such applications to be made accessible in the business sector in the years to come.
2. Adaptable Screens
It might soon be the situation where cell phones are capable give a vast screen to watch and play your most loved motion pictures and recreations while keeping up a pocketable size. Screens can be collapsed and developed, all on account of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) innovation. This paper-meager screen can even venture future-highlights PDAs/from both sides of the screen, so you can indicate pictures or recordings to your companion on one side while utilizing alternate as a control. Look at this idea cell phone by Ikev. With such physical adaptability for cell phones, a few organizations even have plans on make wearable cell phones for the masses. Case in point, Nokia is right now directing examination on their idea gadget, Morph (http://research.nokia.com/transform), which offers clients the alternative of wearing it as a wrist watch or unravel it to use as an average handset as and when required. Everything relies on upon the errand the clients are connecting with.
3. In-Built Projector
In the event that adaptable screens are insufficient to make up for the little screens on cell phones why not incorporate a projector inside? Samsung Galaxy Beam was discharged back in the second 50% of 2010. It includes an implicit DLP (Digital Light Projection) WVGA projector that can extend future-highlights advanced mobile phones/at up to 50 inches in size at 15 lumens. What positive attitude this do? All things considered, for one thing, future cell phones can really be transformed into an intelligent gaming supports without a requirement for a TV screen; everything you’ll need is a level surface. Rather than a physical controller, you can utilize your body or your voice. Like Kinect, a brilliant camera and a voice control capacity can catch your developments and voice orders to give you a chance to associate with items and future-highlights advanced cells/on the anticipated screen. Obviously, you can envision the waste rate on your cell phone’s battery life and there’s likewise the other issue with luminance i.e. the measure of light it yields. In-manufactured projectors for cell phones must be little, and as the mystery sits: the littler the projector is, the lesser light it will have the capacity to give out. With better innovation however, issues, for example, these will be tended to in time, making projectors a part of another experience you can now draw in with your cell phone.
4. Consistent Voice Control
Voice control has been accepting much consideration since Siri stood out as truly newsworthy. Voice control has existed in numerous before cellular telephones despite the fact that the voice acknowledgment capacity was unrefined, best case scenario. Research has been made to propel the improvement of voice control, however it has ended up being a vital undertaking.
Siri may have flagged a leap forward to the way voice control and acknowledgment programming should be made. Rather than perceiving orders through sound waves like most voice-acknowledgment frameworks, Siri deciphers word usage and sentence structure in a comparable manner to how we perceive discourse. Such Natural Language User Interfaces turn out to be more compelling and precise. The enthusiasm with voice control for PCs and particularly cell phones has dependably been there since the pioneer MIT research, “Put That There” concentrated on various approaches to speak with PCs in 1980. With the recently enhanced voice acknowledgment application, Siri, and additionally the more prominent abilities of cell phones in the years to come, consistent voice control is by all accounts a suitable objective. That, consolidated with motions may convey intelligence to another level for cell phones and their clients.
5. 3D Screens and Holograms
Cell phones may have as of now achieved the top for their screen determination with Apple’s 'Retina Display’, which really gives a determination that is more keen than what the human eye can see. Yet, and still, at the end of the day, regardless we need more. Portable organizations are presently moving from 2D future-highlights advanced cells/to 3D future-highlights PDAs/for the cell phone screen. At present, we have two or three 3D cell phones in the business sector, for example, the LG Optimus 3D, the Motorola MT810 and additionally the primary Samsung AMOLED 3D. So what happens after 3D? All things considered, the following way could be holographic projections. Generally, holographic projections will mean a blend of 3D future-highlights PDAs/and projections from the cell phone. As indicated by Mobiledia Network, MasterImage 3D had beforehand showcased their progressing advancement on a projection framework that permits cell phones to show 3D images at the yearly Mobile World Congress last February. In the event that you need to discuss the capability of holographic projections in cell phones, it’s awesome. 3D showcases can be incorporated with components of developments with regards to client associations with the telephone. For instance, you can resize your photographs by utilizing your hands to “force” or “pack” the holographic photographs that show up before you, move objects by “getting” them starting with one place then onto the next, and so on. In the event that you'rea enthusiast of Tom Cruise’s 'Minority Report’, this would be your blessing from heaven.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Walk around any convenient PC way and you'll see that the determination of tablets has turned out to be radically more slim and sleeker. These svelte lightweight arrangements, joined with the latest essentialness compelling gear and tried and true batteries, produce tablets that pass on productivity with the sort of convenientce that old lumbering clamshell blueprints could never offer.
These wafer-thin systems address another vision for ultraportable enrolling: a no-deals compact workstation adequately light that you'll neglect it's in your portfolio, whose battery and limit let you proceed with work in seconds in the wake of being unmoving or resting for very much quite a while. Solid state drives (SSD)— whether a whole 128GB or 256GB SSD or, more modestly, 32GB to 64GB of eMMC blast stockpiling—give these ultraportables their smart start and resume capacity. Intel's publicizing focus has moved to the convertible-cream convenient workstations and divisible cross breed tablets that it suggests as 2-in-1 contraptions, however ultraportables are still an unmistakable class.
Most importantly, the entire convenient workstation characterization has debilitated when all is said in done. Whether you're looking at ultraportables definitely planned to be bit thin, standard PCs, or despite gaming machines, the entire compact workstation grouping is more slim, lighter, and more qualified to life on the go. The best of these models will even now cost you a pretty penny, particularly on the off chance that you're looking for a business structure that won't quantify you down when you go for work, however the execution they offer is astounding, and they frequently go with a couple top notch highlights as well. Highlights like 1080p touch screens, full-assess HDMI ports, and 8+ hours of battery life are run of the mill these days. Premium tablets (with premium costs) now go with 3K and 4K high-determination screens, up to 3,840-by-2,560 determination at the top end.
For extra, take a gander at The 10 Best Ultraportables and The 10 Best Business Laptops.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Plantronics Voyager
Changes incorporate more amplifiers, a more streamlined outline (to lessen wind commotion), and much more sensors. Being used, the item improves occupation of chopping down wind commotion (I tend to drive convertibles). Combined with its discretionary charging case, it ought to keep going for a week or a greater amount of typical use before you need to connect it to the divider again to charge.
Controls have been rearranged. It now has a visual sign that it is on quiet, and it will remind you on the off chance that you attempt to talk while it is quieted. It will answer a call naturally in the event that you lift it up, and it will join to your PC with a discretionary dongle in the event that you need to utilize it for Skype calls.
The Plantronics Voyager 5200 is my new most loved cell phone headset, and it's my result of the week. (I don't go anyplace without it.)
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Modern tecnology benefits
Data Innovation has presented impressive changes in varying backgrounds. Yet the adventure of advancements and improvements by Data innovation is not over. This is a reality that data innovation is a perpetual stream of potential outcomes which can't be summed up in a book or in an article. It is a recognized truth that data innovation has significantly changed the world and we can figure the coming times will present numerous new things.
In the event that we talk about IT in the point of view of globalization, it has not just made the world a worldwide town by conveying universal groups more like each other, it has additionally encouraged fundamentally worldwide business too. Presently we can get data quickly about every one of the sides of the world which was simply unfathomable a century prior. Data innovation has likewise profited the general population of the world to impart quickly over the globe. IT has supported to make discussion more practical, faster, and all the more very successful. We can now be associated with anybody around the planet through messages, sound and video visit. Amazingly, the reactions here are entirely quicker than every one of the gadgets utilized as a part of the past.
Data Innovation has additionally expanded work productivity in associations with the assistance of PCs and various very valuable virtual products. This upgrade of workability has additionally enhanced clients proprietors relationship. It has likewise helped in decreasing assembling expense of different items. This hence enhances productiveness that step by step enhances income of the business person profiting at last to the representatives also. IT can likewise build up the proficiency of comprehension staff and upgrade hierarchical learning. It can build up the proficiency of comprehension staff in client, supplier and accomplice associations; increase the value of existing things and administrations; make new data based products and arrangements.
IT has likewise made it workable for firms to be open 24 x7 all round the globe. This suggests a business can be begun whenever anyplace, producing purchasing from various countries around the globe in straightforward and more reasonable way. You require only a couple snaps to get online and get to your preferred spot for both purchasing and offering.
On the social level, IT has played an extremely noteworthy and indispensable part. Presently individuals around the globe are stirred up intersection physical limits in a split second through the web. It is of abundant advantage to comprehend and intermix all inclusive. Despite the fact that most f the world known social researchers think it likewise a social attack of the capable countries over less created one. Be that as it may, the general effect is certain and is refreshing and additionally taken part by individuals around the globe.
A standout amongst the most imperative advantages of the cutting edge IT improvements has developed in the field of scholastics. Not just IT has profited different orders to improve themselves additionally extended the learning skyline to an extraordinary greatness. The coming times have all the more astonishing to add to scholastic world through IT. At last, IT has helped with the improvement of new and fascinating work like On-line, Frameworks inspecting, Segments and Programming advancement and Web improvement and still trip has quite recently started. There is part to be seen by the future eras which IT brings to the table.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
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Jason Bane, Iron Age Studios, STL Missouri
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
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Google’s bipedal robot reveals the future of manual labor http://ift.tt/1YlEMZR
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
Yahoo extends deadline for opening bids: report
Yahoo extends deadline for opening bids: report
Yahoo has given prospective buyers an added week to make preliminary bids for the company’s core assets, tech news website Re/Code reported on FridayThe struggling Internet pioneer has been briefing prospective buyers, according to US media reports that indicated the list of suitors included telecommunications titan Verizon, Google-parent Alphabet, and Time Inc.The deadline for initial offers was reportedly extended from Monday to April 18, a day before California-based Yahoo releases earnings figures for the first three months of this year.Re/Code attributed the information to unnamed sources close to the situation and “blabby bankers they talk to.”
While Mayer has injected some energy and glamor into the company, Yahoo’s finances have failed to improve and its core operations are valued in the market as worthless, with the company’s valuation propped up by its stakes in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan.In February, Yahoo said it was cutting 15 percent of its workforce and narrowing its focus as it explores “strategic alternatives.” The California company reported a loss of $4.43 billion in the final three months of last year, due mostly to lowering the value of its US, Canada, Europe, Latin America and Tumblr units.
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
This Month in Luxury: Bulgari's mechanical smart watch
Welcome to This Month in Luxury, presented by Micah Singleton, The Verge’s resident Luxury Director. In this monthly (or whenever we remember) column, I will take you on a completely superficial journey of opulence, pointing out one device, artifact, or service an upscale individual such as yourself would take pleasure in experiencing. Let the journey begin.
One of the biggest dreams of tech-loving horology enthusiasts, like myself, is a traditional watch that doesn’t betray its history and mechanics while incorporating key pieces of 21st century components; a true “smart” watch, not a smartphone on your wrist. Until now, there have only been smartwatches with bulky casings and digital displays, or traditional watches like the Withings…
Continue reading…
via The Verge via
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
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tattooist’s instagram - lucylucyhorsehead
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tattoo-me-now-blog2 · 8 years
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Family Ink
Iliya Dementiev in Nizhny Novgorod ( Russia)
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