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taxevasiondoflamingo · 16 hours
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JUJUTSU KAISEN (2018-?) created by akutami gege
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taxevasiondoflamingo · 16 hours
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Jujutsu Kaisen S01E08 - Juju Stroll
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taxevasiondoflamingo · 16 hours
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i heart redrawing op panels <3
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I haven't gotten to Dressrosa yet but from what i've heard, he seems like a lovable skrimbly bimblo who could do no wrong.
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[fic] the principle of the matter
pairing: gojo satoru/nanami kento rating: teen and up word count: 4.4k
“Nanami, darling, you’ve caught your cute senpai completely by surprise,” Gojo says, voice dipping low into velvet. The heavy chaise lounge is definitely not where it’s meant to be, plush and patterned and positioned smack dab in the middle of the room. Draped across it, Gojo is dressed in nothing but his tints and a snow white towel loosely wrapped around his waist. “Now that you’ve got me like this, whatever are you going to d–” “I’m leaving,” Nanami intones immediately, turning on his heel. Behind him, Gojo splutters. - or: the one about exceptions and infinities, and learning how to tie a tie.
read on ao3.
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the many faces of don quixote rosinante
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they look badass
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1, 7 and 23 :]
1. the last sentence you wrote
Natalia allows herself to be held, one hand clutching at Tear and the other wrapped around her no-longer-bloodstained bow, and believes her.
7. your preferred writing fonts
i am such a times new roman guy...i love me a serif font
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I actually already answered 23 here for saint, but what i said was "emotive, balanced, and introspective"
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11, 12, 13 for fic asks
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday
CONTAINMENT POLICY...straight up i've been working on this since 2017 off and on. it takes a lot of energy to write but man. i really want to finish it
12. a trope you’re really into right now
i'm not super into any particular trope at the moment, and i don't really enjoy writing tropes so much as i enjoy reading them when the mood strikes, but i will say that i read this wing!fic ages and ages ago and the way that it built up the background for how wings worked in the world it was working in was super interesting and emotionally impactful. i in general love thinking about the world-consequences and building up histories that aren't necessarily concretely established in canon!
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
jjk! me and saint are currently watching it on jjiturday (nonsense word we made up; re-watch for saint first time watching for me) and i think if i was going to write for a new fandom it would be that one. i'm still banging out stuff for tales of the abyss though and eventually would like to go back to one piece!
thank you for the ask pingo MWAH
send me a fic writer ask !
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4!!! 18!!! 23!!!! 30!!!!!!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
I have a few for Tales of the Abyss!! There's obviously my sequel to Scion which i've been outlining, and then I have two one shot ideas, one where my OC Aula has a talk with Noir in Nam Cobanda, and another where Peony's mom comes to Keterburg when he's still pretty young to visit and come to a PTA meeting LOL
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
so usually i don't keep them but since i do have a master doc of scion info (and bc it was so damn long) i did keep some various scenes that i eventually decided to cut. there's actually an insane amount of cuts towards the end...maybe i'll release them all on tumblr someday
“Don’t call him Master,” Dist says sourly.  The little creature frowns. “But Master said—” “Yes, well, he’s dead, isn’t he?  And more than that, he was a child.  No wonder he had such an inflated ego,” Dist says.    “There’s no need to radicalize the animal,” Jade says, sighing. 
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
OUGH.....i'm so notoriously bad at describing my own writing...i would say emotive, balanced, introspective...balanced especially bc i really take an active effort to keep things light-hearted and heavy, to give breathing room after something big happens. i'm also of the philosophy that more emotional moments hit heavier with a dash of humor or other hope--like a little salt in your cookies to bring out the flavor
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
i really like family resemblance, which is an introspection on rosinante, law, and doflamingo...it was a super fun experience to write and super satisfying to finish!
send me a fic writer ask !
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✍️ more fic writer asks!
reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
the last sentence you wrote
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
how you feel about your current WIP
a story idea you haven’t written yet
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
your preferred writing fonts
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday
a trope you’re really into right now
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
where do you get your inspiration?
favorite weather for writing
favorite place to write
talk about your writing and editing process
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
in what year did you publish your first fic?
when did you publish your most recent fic?
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
pick three keywords that describe your writing
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
are you able to write with other people around?
your favorite part of the writing process
your least favorite part of the writing process
how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
share a fic you’re especially proud of
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best friends it’s the bestfriends
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nanami doodles
[id: It’s two doodles of Nanami where he is drawn with brown skin, dyed blond hair, and piercings. In the first, he is wearing his usual blue shirt with his cream suit, the jacket thrown over his shoulder. He has a lip piercing, an eyebrow piercing, two lobe piercings and two cartilage. In the second drawing, it’s a hypothetical post Shibuya where the left side of his body is covered in burns and he has an eyepatch. He’s dressed in a white sweater, grey sweats, and white slippers, and he holds a cat in his arms. He also lost his facial piercings and his roots have grown in more. /end id]
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