taylorloruniverse · 4 years
The Serpent Soldiers
An Evening at Hogwarts
The Hogwarts express comes to a quick halt as we arrive at the school. Carriages meet us at the end of the train station and we each wait to be taken to the school grounds. Isla and Miles continue their bickering that they kept doing the whole train ride as Graham and I walked in front of them laughing at their quick whims. 
“Okay Isla Prince, you can stop we all know you only got here because of your family ties to Snape”, Miles mocks.
“This coming from a half-blood who’s most notable family achievement was becoming an archivist. We are all hoping you can at least get that”, Isla throws back.
As they continue, I see Draco and his friends getting into the carriage before us. Draco turns back and we make eye contact. He looks away and grins as my face turns bright red. “What happened Letty?” Graham asked. “Nothing,” I respond as we all get into a carriage and begin going towards Hogwarts.
Once we finally get to the school grounds, we all get out of the carriage and make our way to the Grand Hall. I sit next to Isla with Miles and Graham across from us. They all begin discussing the debacle at the Quidditch World Cup. I heard about what happened from Theo but my mom and I did not attend. 
                             The day before the Quidditch World Cup
“Mother, Theo and father are going to the Quidditch World cup! Why are we not attending?” I ask Cedrella as she is reading in the study. “We do not need to participate in archaic events such as Quidditch”, she responds.
“Why are they going then?” 
“Alastair still has a childish obsession with his high school hobby. Boys will be boys, now go entertain yourself”, she says as she waives me out of the room. 
                                          After the World Cup
“Letty wake up! Letty!” I open my eyes to Theo at the foot of my bed. “What time is it?” I ask trying to orient myself. 
“Late, but you missed it at the Tournament!”
“I am sure”, I respond turning over trying to go back to sleep.
“The game was great, but afterwards there were... there were Death eaters.” 
I sat right up, “What?” 
“After the game, everyone went back to their tents and the Death eaters came. We were surrounded by panic with people running all over the place.” 
“Are you and father okay? What about everyone else.”
“I am sort of in the dark but as for father and I, we are okay. I did hear that four muggles were tortured.”
I begin thinking, could this be what the meeting at Malfoy manner was about? It was only two days before this, but, as far as I know, all of the families also attended the tournament...
                                                Present Day
People gather around talking about the Tournament, the Death eaters, and the dark mark that appeared in the sky. 
“Of course the security there was rubbish. The ministry is full of dimwits,” I hear Draco says down the Slytherin table. 
Professor Dumbledore walks up to the stand and puts his wand to his throat. Making the room silent. He begins his normal introduction and welcomes in the first years. As McGonagall leads the first years in and begins the sorting ceremony. Miles and Graham begin joking around and ignoring the festivities, I mean after a few years of this it does get old. Once the ceremony is over Dumbledore steps back up. 
“Welcome all first years, we hope you will all enjoy your placements and your first year at Hogwarts. Before we begin the feast I want to inform you all that this year is going to be like no other. Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who do not know, this brings together three schools to compete in different contests. The other schools will be arriving in late October so until then, school will go as normal. I will inform you all of the information when the time comes, but until then, go on and enjoy your normal school lives. So on that note let the feast begin!” 
Food begins to appear as everyone breaks out into pure excitement and begin cheering and talking. The next month will hopefully fly by.
(Pt. 4) I know it has been awhile since I wrote a chapter but I have been having a lot of personal stuff happening. I will begin writing chapters more often though so please check on my page
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taylorloruniverse · 4 years
The Serpent Soldiers
Leaving Ilkley 
The day was filled with an excitement as I was anticipating going back to Hogwarts. I was packed and ready to go before we even had breakfast ready. I walked to Theo’s room and woke him up and began to help him pack. “What are you doing?” Theo questioned. “I already finished mine and ready to leave.” He laughed and got out of bed when there was a noise at the window. We both turned to see our owls Tawn and Merlin. Theo opens the window and in flies Tawn and Merlin both landing on Merlin’s perch beside the window. “That’s weird, we already got our Hogwarts letters”, I say as I pull my letter out of Tawn’s beak and Theo’s out of Merlin’s. Tawn and Merlin fight and push each other trying to be the sole owl on the perch. I handed Theo’s letter to him and began reading mine. “It’s from Malfoy...?” I said. Theo looks at me confused, “Read it!” He continued to read his letter as I opened it.
I realize this goes without saying, but we cannot tell anyone about what happened at Malfoy Manor. I hope you can be discreet about all this because I will deny it. Anyway, if you absolutely need something you know where I’ll be.  
P.S. I am confused as to why your family was in attendance, everyone else was purebloods. Burn this letter.
“It’s just asking for my confidentiality with the Malfoy Manor. Theo please do not tell anyone either. Malfoy has way more pull in Slytherin because he’s a pureblood.” I say to Theo still reading his letter. “Okay Lety, nothing to tell anyone that will not be public information soon”, he responds. “Yeah,” I said drawn out because people may know about the Triwizard tournament but not what the meeting was really about. Although I do not entirely know what they were planning anyway. “Who is your letter from?” I asked Theo. 
“Elladora, we started a thing last year, but I am not sure if it will continue”, he responded.
“Why n-”
“Theodore, Scarlet, get down here,” my mother screamed up the stairs.
Theo throws the rest of his things in his trunk and puts Merlin in his cage as I run to get my trunk and put Tawn in her cage. We run downstairs and meet our mother there. We all get into our family car and head to Kingscross Station.
After hours in the car, we finally arrive. Theo and I get out and grab our things. My mother fixes my hair one last time as my father has a talk with Theo. I did not hear much other than, “Theo, you are more than halfway through school. You need to shape up, work on your grades, and actually try to be a man this year...” Theo just suffers through those talks with our father and ignores him, but I know it still bothers him. Our parents drive away and we walk to platform 9 3/4. We run into the platform and arrive, finally, back in the wizarding world. 
I notice all the happy families saying by to their children and parents crying, but I am just happy to be away from Muggles for a while. 
I get on the Train and Theo sits with his friends in the open section of the train as I look for my own friends. Finally, I find one of the train cars with my friends Miles and Graham. Someone else was there, but not someone in our usual group. “Hey mates”, I say sitting beside Graham. Miles turns and I see Pansy Parkinson. “Well boys, I will see you two soon”, she says leaving the train cart. I ask, “Why was Pansy Parkinson talking to you idiots?” Miles looks a little insulted and says, “What do you mean? She was flirting with ME!” The door slides open and a new voice enters, “Why would anyone flirt with you Miles?” It was my best friend Isla, “You’re the most repulsing boy I’ve ever seen.” “HEY!” Miles says again offended, “That is no way to talk to someone you have not seen in months!” 
Miles has always been the questionable Slytherin. He does not quite fit the idea of Slytherin in many ways, but in select moments it is obvious. If we are being honest, none of us fit the image of Slytherin that the rest of the houses see us as, at least not the half-bloods. 
We all sit and talk about our summers back home. I stay a little quiet as the one thing I want to tell them is the thing I promised I wouldn’t. We soon begin our trip to Hogwarts excited for our time together this term. 
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taylorloruniverse · 4 years
The Serpent Soldiers
A visit to Diagon Alley
As I open my eyes, the room seems as dark as before I opened them. I get out of bed and begin getting ready, but I put a little more work into my appearance than normal. “Scarlet! It is time to go!” my mother yells from downstairs. I run down, but abruptly stop when I hear my father talking through the vents. I could not make out a lot, but I distinctly heard, “Malfoy Manor”. I run down stairs and meet my mother and Theo at the door. “Cedrella, come on we have to go,” my father asserted. “I am aware, let me send them off first”, my mother responded leading my brother and I to the chimney. “You two are not joining us”, my brother questioned confused as to what was going on. I thought more about what my father was talking about earlier...they were probably going to Malfoy Manor now. “We -”, my mother attempted to respond, but was promptly interrupted by my father. “We have business to attend to, hurry up.”
 My mother walks up to the chimney and hands us the floo powder. Theo steps up and abruptly says “Diagon Alley, obviously just trying to get out of there.” He disappeared in a green flash of flames and my mother proceded to hand my the floo powder. “I can do this mother, you can go ahead”, I say pointing towards father. “Fine. Just remember who you are while you are there”, she stepped away from the chimney as my father already apparated, “and I told you to stop calling me mother when we are not around company.” She then took out her wand and apparated. I stood in the chimney contemplating going to Diagon Alley or maybe seeing what is happening at Malfoy Manor. I stand there with the powder in my hand and I drop it and blurted “Malfoy Manor.” 
I appear in a dark room that appeared as gloomy as my own house. I stood for a second taking in the surroundings. The chimney was in a room with furniture that did not looked used surrounded by art pieces. I felt that if I touched a thing, it would break. The room connected to what looked like a study and a spiral stair case in between. I started to walk out of the chimney but then I heard people moving towards me. My heart began beating out of my chest and I froze. Suddenly something grabbed me and yanked me away from the room. I looked over quickly and instantly saw his white hair. Draco. 
“What are you doing here?” he whispered dragging me into a hall closet. “Lumos,” he casted turning on the closet light. “I know you, you’re a Astaroth aren’t you? Theodore’s little sister.”
“Theo, but yeah,” I respond, my heart still racing.
“What are you doing in my house?”
“My parents were asked to be here and I followed to find out what is going on.”
“Normally, I’d turn you in because this has nothing to do with you, but I must admit,” he paused and my heart stopped, “I am kind of impressed.” 
I let out a sigh and Draco immediately jumped towards me and covered my mouth, “Be quiet, these guys are paranoid at their meetings. We do not want them to hear us. Come on then.” He slips out of the closet and stands at the corner. He turns back and sees me still standing in the closet and waives to me. I come over and as the families seem to be getting comfortable. The last person enters the study and they close the door. Draco and I creep through the living area and toward the study. We stop beside the study door as they begin the meeting. “Wow all almost all the big families are here”, I whisper to Draco. “Duh now shh.”
“Hello friends”, says a tall man with black hair. I do not quite recognize him and thought Lucious would be leading this. “I called you all together to discuss what is happening this term at Hogwarts.” Draco and I look at each other with confused looks. “Hogwarts is chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament.” I turned to Draco and see his eyes widen with excitement. “I need you all to get ready for -” “Clack , Clack , Clack” Draco and I spin and see Narcissa headed toward us. Draco drags me to the corner and speaks, “Mother, When are we going to Diagon Alley.” “I do not know if we can. Unless you want to go ahead without us”, Narcissa responds, “Actually that might be best, I do not want you hanging around here. She enters the study and Draco waves to me to follow him.
We make our way back to the chimney. “I have floo powder, but we have to go separately and that might draw suspicion”, I whisper to Draco. “Smart, but it is all we got. We just have to make this quick.” 
I step into the chimney and say “Diagon Alley”. I appear in Diagon Alley and soon behind me comes Draco. “Hey thank you for not turning me in. I am told I am too ‘curious’ for my own good”, I say to Draco who is looking around like he’s trying to find something or someone. “I, um,” I start to look around to try to find what he is looking at, but turn back around to him, “I am Scarlet, but they call me Lety.” He looks back at me and speaks, “Yeah, I know who you are Red.” 
“Scarlet!” I turn around and see my brother running towards me. 
“See ya Red.”
“Nice to see you too Malfoy!” Theo yelled to Draco as he walked away. “I got all your term supplies. Where were you all day?”
“I’ll tell you later lets get something to eat.”
We sit at the Leaky Cauldron and begin filling him in on the Malfoy Manor debacle. 
“You shouldn’t be doing that”, Theo responds, “If father would’ve caught you, you would’ve been dead.” 
“I am not scared of them. They forget about us the instant we leave for school.”
“Mom doesn’t. I am sure she paces around the house hoping we do not ruin the Astaroth reputation.” We both laughed and hung around Diagon Alley for awhile, avoiding going back to Ilkley. We walked around, got some snacks, and even passed Draco and his goons occasionally. I looked at him and he was joking with his friends or torturing the occasional first year. 
Soon, however, we had to make our way back to Ilkley.  
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taylorloruniverse · 4 years
The Serpent Soldiers
Life in Ilkley 
The cool air was beginning to blow into Ilkley, almost time for the new year at school. My fourth year excited me, but I was filled with anxiety thinking about being in the same year with so many amazing wizards. How could I ever measure up? 
“Scarlet, come here!”, my mother yells calling for me to take the families ‘yearly family portrait’. I run down and meet them in our normal poses as my mom pushes my hair behind my ear and flattens it. “Dear, do not smile. You’ll get wrinkles and who will marry you then.” I roll my eyes as red fills my moms face. I was safe from her rage in the presence of company, though. 
“Theodore, you look very dapper today”, I say to my brother. He looks up and with a smirk, rolls his eyes. “Stand up straight Theodore”, my father, Alastair Astaroth.
My father Alastair Volant was top of his Hogwarts year and the Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Now he is an alchemist at the Ministry of Magic. Obviously, hard to follow for my older brother Theo, especially since he does not quite fit the image. 
After the picture Theo and I run back up stairs hearing faintly behind us, “Stop running inside, you’re gonna scuff up the floors! Be ready at dawn tomorrow to pick up your school supplies from Diagon Alley!” 
We enter our rooms which have always had a sense of gloom to them. Actually the entire house has a dark gloom to it. It is large and dark, living around muggles I always wondered what they thought of this gloomy house in their town. I close the door and sit on my bed as Theo picks up my schedule and supply list. “Oh no, you have Muggle Studies? That class was dreadful and Professor Burbage loathed me”, Theo stated. “Great another Professor that hated you and has me”, I responded. “It is not my fault that the woman has no idea what she is talking about and hey, at least you have Professor Snape. He will literally give you points for being a Slytherin.” I smile and begin to daydream for a second. 
“Letty, what are you doing?”
“Sorry I was just thinking.”
“About whaaaat?” Theo said tauntingly 
“Shut up Theo”, I say beginning to blush.
“I think a certain white-haired Malfoy might be in your one of your classes.” 
“Stop Theo”, I say pushing him out of the room.
(Pt. 2, A Visit to Diagon Alley)
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
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I couldn’t find a good Tod Chavez’s Asexuality post, so I just made my own.
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
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ik i’m kinda late to the punch with this but i did a thing
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
happy bojack eve everyone 🐴📺🌆 remember to leave drinks out for the sad horse 🍺🍷🍹🍸 reblog to briefly feel a sense of purpose in this crushingly disappointing life 🙌 💯😂
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
Anywhere But Here
I only wrote this now because I know that know one will see this. Through this last year I have been losing myself. It’s a time where I can’t get out of my bed because I feel like I’m no longer in this vessel. I discovered I was asexual which is fine aside from me also manipulating people to help my own ego. I’m selfish. I have found in the last year that i’m not a good person. that I’m alone. and that I don’t know how to get through this. I hang out with my friends and I long to be somewhere else, I travel and long to be home with my friends. I miss everything in my life because my biggest fault is always wanting to be somewhere else. I sit in a car filled with my family talking and freaking about how difficult my school is being and having to do so much, all year, to start here in the fall. and I don’t know how to make it. I speak to my mom about them hives all over my body from this tireless stress that is in my life, but she brushes it off as she doesn’t believe in medication. Everything so little now. everything seems so dull. I don’t know how to make it. In school. In relationships. In life. Please. I don’t know what i’m doing. but i know what i’m doing now is going to kill me.
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
the sun
will surely
rise up again,
and you will have
another chance
to be better
than yesterday.
Let the storm pass // ma.c.a
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
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taylorloruniverse · 6 years
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taylorloruniverse · 7 years
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i killed my creativity but it’s okay it was long ago it doesn’t bother me anymore
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taylorloruniverse · 7 years
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taylorloruniverse · 7 years
Three Years
Miss you Robin Williams. Still my favorite. Still my hero. Love you.
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taylorloruniverse · 7 years
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🤘🏻 horns up
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taylorloruniverse · 7 years
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