teddogs · 8 years
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Some parents will take a long time to adjust to their kid's chosen path. Some will accept and support their child/ren regardless. Others are just too stubborn and will hold on to their long-held beliefs. It's a parent's job to love their child unconditionally.
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teddogs · 8 years
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Ah the irony. Pretty much my passive-aggressive reaction to my workplace. I thought they told me that they "accept" me for who I am but it turns out they don't. Boy oh boy was I dead wrong. They won't even allow me to dress the way I want. They give me weird, disgusted looks whenever I express myself in terms of my outward appearance (clothing and hairstyle). Yeah, "acceptance" indeed. They force me out of the closet and now that I'm being true to myself, they begin to tell me that what I'm doing is wrong. WTF?! But hey at least it's good to know that there are people (like my mom and some of my friends) who support me in my predicament. Makes my burden lighter than a hundred-pound barbell. Sigh. If anything, I do hope that everything gets better. Living as a non-binary individual sure is A LOT of pain and struggle. Every institution there is feels the need to control every aspect of your existence like you're some sort of commodity. It's really suffocating. But like what Lita's (that red-head wrestler on WWE) entrance music said: "Fuck your rules, man." I value my freedom very much and I'll fight tooth and nail to protect it.
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teddogs · 8 years
RIP Chyna
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Wrestlers are known to have short lifespans thanks to steroids and drug use. Pre-mature deaths are to be expected but... argh... I still can’t believe it. Joanie Laurer or Chyna, as she is known to the wrestling world, is already dead. 
Wrestling, to other people, is all fake but it made my teenage years. Mind you though - even if wrestling moves are choreographed and the winners of wrestling matches are pre-determined, the pain the wrestlers experience are REAL. I have A LOT of RESPECT for them. They sacrifice their bodies for entertainment. Their work is their passion and their dedication is immeasurable.
I never really watched wrestling when I was a kid but when I was a teenager, I was a wrestling addict. I never got to see Chyna in action on live TV during those times because she’s already semi-retired from the wrestling world. I’ve only got to know her or at least I’ve witnessed her match with Ivory when I bought a bootleg CD of Royal Rumble 2001. 
I also got to know her from playing video games - Smackdown! 2. Boy oh boy, I get really scared whenever she becomes my created player’s opponent.  
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Because seriously, I’ve never seen a woman like her in the ring. She wrestled both men and women in the ring. She’s a woman and she kicks both the asses of men and women real bad. That’s really awesome. :D She blurs the gender lines. It’s pretty evident in her theme song.
Don’t treat me like a woman.
Don’t treat me like a man.
Don’t treat me like you know me.
Treat me for just who and what I am.
Watching her matches today, gawd, I wish I had the chance to watch her back when she was still in her prime. She was the first woman in WWE history to have won the Intercontinental Title... 
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...and she was the first woman who entered the Royal Rumble.
I wish there were more women wrestlers like her.
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Well, we had Beth Phoenix.
She became the second woman to enter the Royal Rumble. 
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And then there’s Jacqueline who won the Cruiserweight Title from Chavo Guerrero.
I guess in my lifetime, only those three were the ones who I recall to have been victorious over their male counterparts. But no doubt about it, Chyna, to me, has the most memorable legacy. She broke the boundaries of gender. She proved that women can be as tough and kickass as men. She’s the perfect alpha female specimen. She was a pioneer for women in wrestling (at least in the US).
It’s just too bad she died pre-maturely. But yeah, people... things... they’re ephemeral. So yeah, rest in peace Chyna. Rest in peace. Your legacy will never be forgotten.
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Latino Heat must be happy to have reunited with his Mamacita in heaven. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the images and videos used in this blog entry.
Which among Chyna’s matches are your favorite? Can you name other women wrestlers aside from the 3 mentioned above who pretty much dominated the men’s division in wrestling?
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teddogs · 8 years
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Translation: Leader without a hint/trace of corruption? Imagination.
Politicians are all hypocritical. If they say that they have no trace or hint of corruption in their system, better think again. Either they are lying straight to your face or they just haven’t participated in such a thing yet, at least in the government level. Kudos to their PR team though. :D
Corruption is a lingering thing. It’s as old as prostitutes, taxes, change, and roaches. It happens EVERYWHERE - government, schools, churches, and even to the most basic institution that is the family. Will it ever be eradicated? I bet not. Why it happens? Humans are human. They succumb to temptation. Money is hard to resist, isn’t it?
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teddogs · 8 years
Political Messiah? Nah. Best Option? YES!
There is no such thing as a political messiah. That is complete:
Call whatever you call it.
No such person exists.
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Or maybe such person exists... but only in the realms of the Sailor Moon world and in the Bible. LOLz.
Whoever will win this May 2016 elections is not going to "save" this wretched country from corruption. That is nothing but a dream. Corruption will ALWAYS linger. No matter how idealistic you are, the moment you get drenched in power, you're going to get stained. Face it. Politics is dirty. The moment you sit in the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, and other government branches, you have access to power and money like never before. You can abuse power to get the material things you never had, kill your enemies in just a snap of your fingers, and even rape the people you would want to rape. Because dude, you have power to do it all! You're technically a mini-god.
And well, I guess that's the reason why many people will fight tooth and nail to ensure their victory on national elections. In the Philippine setting that is the SAD, GRUESOME truth.
Just watch Flobots’ “Handlebars” music videos and you’ll get the message. :)
At the moment, 5 people are vying for the presidential seat in the Philippines.
1. Vice President Jejomar Binay 2. Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago 3. Mayor Rodrigo Duterte 4. Senator Grace Poe 5. DILG Secretary Mar Roxas
Who am I going to vote for?
Well, definitely NOT :
Vice President Jejomar Binay: NOPE!
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Of all the candidates, ideally, Binay should be the one to be voted for because he is the Vice President. I assume that Vice Presidents are like understudies. The moment the President can no longer serve his/her term, then the Vice President can take over and continue the President's legacy. But... well, we all know that current President Aquino and Vice President Binay are not on good terms. I doubt Binay will continue the President Aquino's projects. Plus, with a shady reputation, I doubt he's a viable candidate for Presidency. He's been accused countless times of graft, plunder, corruption... name it! Haha! So far he hasn't been sentenced or anything so there you go, he's running for the presidential seat. Only happens in the Philippines! Hahaha!
Plus points though for his commercial advertisements. They’re like the “Gangnam Style”, “Call Me Maybe”, and “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” of the election ads.
So annoying yet so effective! Hahaha! It’s so effective that even I am singing along to the “Only Binay” theme. XD
DILG Secretary Mar Roxas: NOPE!
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He was President Aquino's original running mate back in the 2010 National Elections. He unfortunately lost the Vice Presidential seat to then-Mayor Jejomar Binay. What a way to shatter your hopes and dreams! He's now back with a vengeance, vowing to continue President Aquino's legacy - the so-called "Matuwid na Daan".  
He boasts of his accomplishments especially during the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda. His supporters even made a comic book about it. Whether his Yolanda accomplishments are truly a badge of honor or not, I'll let the people of Leyte, Samar, and others do the talking. I've never been there so I don't know. Maybe I’ll even let his wife do the talking for him. LOLz. XD
Seriously, LOL at him and his wife for luring LGBT people to vote for him. What a trap!
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You organize and attend an LGBT event and then say that you’re against same-sex marriage as a public policy? Seriously bro? Hahahaha! WTF??!!
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Let’s just hope KathNiel and their fan base can save you. :)
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She was my original pick for the presidential seat but looking at how frail she is, I doubt she can handle the pressures of ruling over the country. She ran for presidency too late. Maybe it’s really not her destiny. If anything, I do wish her well. I do hope she becomes victorious over her illness (she has stage 4 lung cancer).
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Sen. Poe knows how to answer questions, no doubt about that. She proved those things in the debates. I love how she’s not afraid to speak her mind. Of all the candidates, I think she has the edge of winning the elections thanks to the fact that she’s the daughter of Fernando Poe Jr. She’s also been endorsed by her godfather Mayor Joseph Estrada recently. I also like the fact that she’s pro-same sex marriage. But sadly, she doesn’t have the experience. She’s like a fresh graduate trying to apply for a managerial position. Yeah sure, she can ace an interview but how well can she fare on the actual job? She’s an eloquent speaker but can she walk the talk? She may have 3 years of serving in the Senate as an accomplishment but I don’t think that’s enough. I mean come on, can she truly implement same sex marriage within her 6-year term? How can she deal with backlash coming from the Roman Catholics, Evangelical Christians, Protestants, Iglesia ni Cristo, Dating Daan, Muslims, and plenty other more religions that oppose same sex marriage? LOLz. XD I don’t know.
My pick for this 2016 is:
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His image may be someone who’s “bereft of morals”. People describe him as a murderer and a womanizer. He also swears a lot. LOLz. XD He has also been called a communist. Yeah, pretty much everything negative has been thrown on him but I’m voting for him.
I know people from Davao who have testified about his rule in Davao. According to them, this guy walks the talk. No smoking is heavily implemented in Davao and people are afraid to commit crime there no matter how petty like over speeding and theft. I’ve also heard that they have a centralized 911 there. I’ve also been to Davao and well, to me, the place is one of the best places in the Philippines that I’ve been to (second to Palawan, that is).
Initially, I never wanted to vote for Duterte because he is known to kill people. I imagine it would be scary if he becomes president. But in my opinion, he’s by far the best option because he can implement laws very well. If he says something, then he will do it. That is a trait that I would want for a President to have - promise something and then do it. If there’s a problem, then at least do something about it. Haha.
And oh, he’s from Mindanao. It’s about time for the Philippines to have a president coming from that area. Will we see an equal distribution of resources in the Philippines this time? Frankly, I don’t know. We’ll see the moment federalism takes effect.
Some people, particularly those who are voting for Duterte, believe that Duterte is a political messiah and would push for a revolutionary government. I don’t think so. Like I said, there is no such thing as a political messiah.
I’m gambling by voting for Duterte. I believe in his implementation skills. I trust the Davaoenos I know. LOLz. XD I mean come on, if they say that he’s effective, then I believe them so. They’ve witnessed his rule firsthand. That’s pretty much enough.
Plus, among the candidates, only he and Grace Poe are a-ok with same sex marriage. He believes in equality and that pretty much is something that’s admirable about him. I guess that’s what made him earn the respect of LGBT people in the Philippines.
Plus points to him for being endorsed by the Mocha Girls. <3 <3 <3
I don’t know if he’ll win or not but hey, I do hope so. If there’s anything that the Philippines need right now, it has to be peace and order. I think he’s the right man for the right job. In my opinion, he’s the best option.
Disclaimer: I do not own the images and videos used in this blog entry.
Who are you going to vote for this May 2016 Elections? Why?
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teddogs · 9 years
TRMD Hangover
Hello Tumblr! First off, advanced Merry Christmas (that is if you celebrate this holiday). LOLz. XD
Life after TRMD (The Rich Man’s Daughter), for me, was REALLY TOUGH. I had to face A MONTH of withdrawal syndrome right after TRMD ended. In short, my life was never the same... but I managed to move on.
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Too bad they never showed JaThea’s kiss on TV. Damn you MTRCB (a.k.a moral gatekeepers of Philippine TV)!!! XD I mean come on... right after the end, I felt like there was something missing. Yeah sure, JaThea got together in the end and they did seal the ending with a kiss... but we were not able to see that on-screen kiss!!! LOLz. XD
Dude, a kiss between two girls is not porn. 
Ah yes, I still have a hangover. That kiss should’ve been the closure. LOLz. XD
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teddogs · 9 years
TRMD: We Want MORE!!!
Recently, Glaiza De Castro posted this on her Instagram account:
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I wonder, based on this post, is The Rich Man’s Daughter going to end soon?
I know things have their end and a TV show like The Rich Man’s Daughter is no exception but ARGH, WHY END SO SOON??!!??!!?? We haven’t had enough of the JaThea goodness duuuude...
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MORE PLEASE!!! <3 <3 <3
First off, GMA 7 didn’t even capitalize on the popularity of TRMD. I didn’t see GMA 7 plugging the show every now and then. They don’t even have a lot of mall shows. And they don’t even have merchandises! I think this is where they fail compared to their rival ABS-CBN. GMA 7 has AWESOME content but the promotion is... uh... kind of non-existent. ABS-CBN has a-ok content but because they know how to promote their stuff, their shows end up being more famous than GMA 7′s. 
I know that TRMD is not freakishly famous in mainstream media because duhh... it’s a lesbian-themed TV show. It’s not for everyone. 
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It’s like Metal vs Pop music. 
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Metal is AWESOME and definitely GENIUS because not only is its music so ADDICTIVE and HEADBANG-WORTHY, every song also tells a story (whether it’s suicide, domestic abuse, psychological disorders, anger, depression, death, religion, politics, finding real happiness, breaking away from the things that hold you hostage, etc.). It rarely tackles about romantic love and that makes this genre a diamond in a rough. But ONLY A FEW GET TO APPRECIATE IT. 
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Pop is easier to digest. It’s A LOT more radio and commercial-friendly because its melody is simple and catchy. It starts with a bang and ends with a bang. I admit, even if I hate listening to Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” because its about giving your number to someone you’ve just met, the song grew on me because of its catchy beat. That’s how powerful Pop music’s beats are. The genre itself doesn’t need a genius theme. All you need is a beat that can make up for the lack of concept. 
Pop music’s topics ranges from romantic love, partying from dusk ‘til dawn, drugs, and hot raunchy sex!
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Yeah, those are definitely topics EVERYONE can relate to. And we can’t deny the fact that Pop stars are hot and appealing enough to fire a teenage girl’s crotch. Haha. 
Same thing can be said about TRMD and other mainstream TV shows. TRMD is like Metal and other mainstream TV shows are like Pop music. People would rather watch something mainstream famous and something that has RECYCLED content over TRMD. TRMD undoubtedly has AWESOME CONTENT (it not only tackles about same sex love - it also tackles about the struggles of being an LGBTQ+ individual) but because no one is ready for the content that TRMD has on mainstream TV, it ends up neglected or worse, despised by mainstream audience. 
TRMD’s content can be compared to the seemingly unpleasant death growls and high-pitched screams of Metal music. 
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Catholics (and some denominations of Christianity) think that the devil invented it but they only look at the surface of the whole thing. They fail to listen to the lyrics. 
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And the lyrics that this song preaches is the reality of humanity - love. Love is love and no label could ever encapsulate that. 
Anywho, going back to my original topic, please GMA 7, we want MORE JaThea. Please do capitalize more on its popularity. It may not be that mainstream-famous compared to the other love teams but still, it has a LARGE Internet following. We’d appreciate: 
1. Mall shows
2. Meet and greets with Glaiza and Rhian
3. Concerts (even on small venues like restaurants or at Enchanted Kingdom)
4. Cross promotions on famous GMA 7 shows 
5. TRMD merchandise (DVDs, t-shirts, button pins, mugs, soundtracks, pens, desktop images, action figures, planners, etc.)
6. A mobile app where we can access all the episodes of TRMD (subbed in English and other languages for non-Filipino viewers) for free
7. Commercial product advertisements starring JaThea, Batchi, and Wila. Heck, add Jade’s family on the mix as well! XD
8. A follow up show or career for both Glaiza and Rhian (movies, commercials, TV shows, etc.).  
9. Guest appearances at LGBT events
10. Interactive pages on the Internet (kinda like Project Toasty) where TRMD viewers can share their views/opinions/artworks related or in reference to each episode 
11. Raffle promos for fans
12. And the list goes on!
TRMD had such a huge impact on me as a person. It definitely is a TV show WORTH REMEMBERING. Of all the TV shows that graced the silver screen, this one is my favorite. This is a BREAKTHROUGH TV SHOW. I rarely watch TV and this one had me glued for every episode! Jade and Althea are Rhian Ramos’s and Glaiza De Castro’s breakthrough roles, respectively. And seriously, I think they’re the BEST LOVE TEAM I’ve seen on TV. 
And because they’re the BEST LOVE TEAM that I’ve seen on TV, they DESERVE A LOT MORE from their network. Come on GMA 7, this show is your bread and butter. Right now, this is your tele-drama that trends (at least on the realm of the Internet). Promote this show while it’s still hot. Don’t rely on the fans to share it on social media. That isn’t enough. LOLz. XD 
Disclaimer: I do not own the images used in this blog entry.
Now that TRMD is ending soon (implied from Glaiza De Castro’s Instagram post), what do you want next for the Rastro love team (if GMA 7 chooses to capitalize on the love team’s popularity and chooses to have a follow-up career for both Rhian and Glaiza)? Would you want the two to star in commercial endorsements as lesbian lovers? Or would you want them to have a movie together (either commercially-produced or independently-produced) where they again play as lesbian lovers? What else do you have in mind for the Rastro love team?
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teddogs · 9 years
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Right now, I can't help but be so ENRAGED because FUCK, just as when Althea and Jade had each other again, David comes right into the picture and ruins everything! ARGH! He had Jade into a shotgun marriage. It's SO UNFORGIVABLE!!! That asshole's ego simply cannot take the fact that his ex-girlfriend had him replaced for a hot femme lesbian. XD And I can't believe they didn't push through with that kiss... :( Puh-lease MTRCB (they are the "moral gatekeepers" of Philippine TV and movies)... You dare not censor images of bloodshed, rape, drug use, and raunchy heterosexual love-making during primetime but you ban two women, and in the past, two men, from kissing each other?! Wassupwitdat?!?! Now that the US is following the likes of Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Canada, Argentina, and others in making marriage equality the law of the land... please, please, Jade, be a runaway bride and migrate to other countries that recognize marriage equality and marry Althea there. XD Take Miggy with you as well so you and Althea can finally be an AWESOME family. ;) The Philippines for now will NOT recognize marriage equality because until now, the government is still finding it hard to separate the state from the church. Add the fact that the government still has no law that protects LGBT people from discrimination, hate crimes, and other crimes against a human person imaginable. Maybe one day, that leader who will make justice possible will come but we'll never know when. :( Though I remain hopeful it'll be soon. :) Disclaimer: I do not own the image used in this blog entry. Note: No tons of pictures for now. I'm blogging using my phone. Unfortunately, my laptop crashes whenever I use Internet browsers. I guess it's really deteriorating given the fact that it's already 4 years old. If your child comes out as LGBT, how would you be as a parent to them? Will you be like a tyrrant-no-saurus rex like how Dada Oscar and Angkong are to their children? Would you be like Amanda who's at least kind of tolerant? Would you be like Gab who said that he will love his children regardless of who they are? Would you be like Ama who always acts like Jade's cheerleader? Or would you be like Althea's father who personified unconditional love?
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teddogs · 9 years
I’ve never seen such a STRONG relationship as that of Jade and Althea’s. Ohmygawd, they’ve been through A LOT of trials for the past 2 weeks and dude, they’re fighting for it! They’ve been through HELL and they’ve proven so far that they’re INVINCIBLE! Dude, I’m like... WHOOOOOOAAAA!!! This is really TRUE LOVE!!! Or should we say, TRUE “LOVE LOVE”? Hahaha!
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I’m seriously getting diabetes from their sweet scenes together!!! <3 <3 <3 It’s really true love. Jade doesn’t care if she gets to live under the bridge as long as she’s with Althea. And she doesn’t care losing her luxurious life as long as she’s with the most special person in her life. Dude... the last time I heard something like that was in Sailor Moon S where Haruka (Sailor Uranus) chose her destiny to become a Sailor Warrior because she wanted to be with Michiru (Sailor Neptune). She left behind her dream of becoming a race car driver (if my memory serves me right, she wanted to be the NUMBER 1 race car driver in Japan) to fight alongside Michiru so they can find the Messiah. LOLz. XD
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They are the best lesbian couple in the anime world. Seriously.
Hahahaha! I’ve never seen sacrifice portrayed so well in series such as these... makes my heart melt, really. 
True love endures and weathers all trials.
That’s today’s takeaway. Haha.
Disclaimer: I do not own the images used in this blog entry.
OHMYGAWD I’m stoked for the next five (5) episodes of TRMD. They’re finally going to show Tommy (Althea’s husband) and their son. Will JaThea be able to survive the impending chaos/trial/challenge or worse, doom, that’ll come their way? 
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teddogs · 9 years
Your Face Sounds Familiar Grand Showdown
I’ll reserve a lengthy blog post about The Rich Man’s Daughter next week because dude... I’m crossing borders over ABS-CBN and blog about the grand finals of “Your Face Sounds Familiar (Philippine Edition)”.
I’ve become a fan of this show thanks to my aunt’s influence. This show pretty much entertains me during the weekends (because there’s no TRMD during weekends, LOL). 
“Your Face Sounds Familiar” is an impersonation contest and the contestants are no ordinary contestants. They are celebrity contestants (who are contract artists of ABS-CBN*, of course).
*ABS-CBN is the rival network of GMA-7
Anywho, this weekend, they are down to 4 contestants namely Jay-R, Edgar Allan Guzman, Melai Cantiveros, and Nyoy Volante. This weekend is special because it’s the grand finals. Whoever wins becomes the FIRST EVER CHAMPION of “Your Face Sounds Familiar”. Of course, they’d be winning prizes as well aside from the title.
Who should win this tilt? Well, I have my pick but for the grand finals, the audience gets to decide. So yeah, we’ll see that one tomorrow.
As for the performances of each contestants, here’s what I think:
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For the grand finals, Jay-R did a Frank Sinatra impersonation. I was surprised because not only did he sound like Frank Sinatra, he also looked like him. Haha. The make-up artist/s really did a great job with the make-up and prosthetics. If you ask me, performance-wise, I’d definitely give my vote to Jay-R because his performance was THE BEST among the rest. He was definitely able to prove that not only can he do RNB, he can do other genres as well.
Edgar Allan Guzman
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Edgar Allan or EA as they fondly call him, did a Chris Brown impersonation. Well, if you ask me, at a distance he resembles Chris Brown. But whenever I look closely, he looks more like a black version of Elvis Presley. As for his vocals, although he sings very well, he doesn’t sound like Chris Brown at all. But at least he was able to capture Chris Brown’s moves. This is not his best performance, if you ask me, but kudos to him for trying. But hey, at least in this competition, he was able to show everyone that he’s not just an actor. He’s also a total performer. So yeah, great job for him.
Melai Cantiveros
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For the grand finals, Melai Cantiveros was Miley Cyrus for a day. Looks-wise, she kind of resembles Miley especially at a distance. Vocally, she doesn’t. Melai is not the best singer in town but it’s great that she tries her hardest. Performance-wise, hahaha, she really gave me and everyone who are present at Resort’s World Manila a great laugh. She was really brave to ride that giant wrecking ball on stage. Her audience impact, to me, is her greatest asset. If you’ve watched the show on TV, it’s evident that Melai is the crowd favorite. Her charisma makes the crowd roar. In my opinion, she would be winning this one. This is definitely her night. 
Nyoy Volante
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Performance-wise, Nyoy is definitely Jay-R’s fierce competition. Like Jay-R, this dude, is also a singer and performer. So yeah, they have a huge edge over the other contestants. But this night’s definitely a challenge for him because he picked Whitney Houston to impersonate and for me, it’s not his night. First off, vocally, nope. Although he hit the notes with his falsetto, he doesn’t sound like Whitney at all. Looks-wise, he looks like Whitney at a distance but when I look at him closer, he looks more like Oprah to me. Somehow, he was able to capture Whitney’s diva moves. Great job for him trying Whitney though. 
If you ask me, the ones that I see who are going to fight for the top spot are either Melai or Jay-R. The crowd favorite vs the total performer.
Who will win? I don’t know. Sometimes things can get a bit unpredictable.
Performance-wise, to me, Jay-R is the best.
Entertainment-wise, it has to be Melai.
Take your pick. 
Voting is still open.
Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures used in this blog post.
Who do you think will win “Your Face Sounds Familiar”?
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teddogs · 9 years
TRMD: Best Decision EVER!
The Rich Man’s Daughter could have been this:
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The show was supposed to feature Marian Rivera playing Jade’s part. Seriously, I was stoked for this one because I know how great an actress Marian Rivera is. She did a great job with Marimar. 
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Seriously dude, she was the perfect Marimar. She can dance and she can go from innocent (Marimar) to badass (Bella Aldama). XD 
Also, I loved her in her movie with Richard Gutierrez called “My Bestfriend’s Girlfriend”. 
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Dude, “My Bestfriend’s Girlfriend” is my favorite heterosexual romantic comedy movie EVER! 
And well, I had fun watching her together with Ai Ai Delas Alas in the movie “Kung Fu Divas”. 
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Their tandem is undeniably hilarious.
But because of delicate pregnancy, Marian had to withdraw from the show. They had to find a quick replacement and that’s where Rhian Ramos was chosen to replace Marian.
Come to think of it, I thought that Marian Rivera is the only actress who can pull off such role (even if it’s her first time) because:
a.) Looks-wise, Marian Rivera is perfect. She’s pretty and she looks like an heiress.
b.) She’s a versatile actress. She can play bida (protagonist) and kontrabida (antagonist) roles and she’s one of the few actresses who excel and are effective in any kind of movie genre (comedy, drama, historical, horror, etc.). At least in my opinion, she is.
So yeah, even if it’s her first time to play a lesbian role, I bet she can pull it off!
As for Rhian Ramos, well, she’s one of GMA 7′s top-caliber stars. And she’s a badass race car driver too! 
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But with no preparation at all, it was uncertain whether she can pull off Jade’s character or not. I watched her interview online and there it was said that Rhian was offered the role on a Friday night. She was given the script on a Sunday and she started taping the show on a Monday. While her co-stars were already familiar with their characters already, Rhian was just getting to know who Jade is. I guess that’s the reason why Rhian did so well in portraying Jade. Jade is on the process of getting to know herself as well. And well, the moment Jade found herself (thank you, Althea), whoa, that’s when I saw Rhian’s acting level-up. Her passion, her acting’s intensity? It leveled-up. Her acting was so heartfelt that I can’t help but cry (almost, lol) whenever Jade and Althea are faced with the prospect of separation. 
Really, she’s on a roll and I can’t help but wonder: “WHY DIDN’T GMA 7 CAST HER IN THIS SHOW IN THE FIRST PLACE?!” She is the perfect Jade. Jade is definitely her breakthrough role! 
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Seriously, look how hot she and Glaiza are. They already look like a hot lesbian couple. Their on-screen chemistry is <3 <3 <3. If they become a real-life couple (which is really impossible because both of them are straight, lol), then WHOA! That’d be really awesome, wouldn’t it? LOLz. XD 
Rhian Ramos as Jade? BEST DECISION EVER!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the images used in this blog entry.
Do you think that casting in Rhian Ramos as Jade is the BEST DECISION EVER, as well? Why or why not? Who else do you have in mind as Jade?
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teddogs · 9 years
The Rich Man’s Daughter
I know I already said goodbye but I just had to go back because I wanted to promote this REALLY AWESOME TV series that I’ve been watching for a week now. It’s yet again another daring gamble for the Philippine TV network GMA 7. And well, so far, they’ve been doing a great job. 
See, lesbians in the Philippine television are ALWAYS butch. 
Sharon Cuneta’s character in her movie “Jack and Jill” was butch. 
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The contestants of “That’s My Tomboy” in It’s Showtime (a variety show in ABS-CBN, which is the rival network of GMA 7) are butch.
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And well, Charice Pempengco is butch. LOLz. XD
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Almost every lesbian (whether extras or protagonists) I’ve seen in Philippine TV is butch. 
Rarely have they portrayed them as femmes. 
Well, “T-Bird at Ako” which starred Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos back in the 80s is an exception. Nora Aunor’s character was in love with Vilma Santos’s character in that movie but Vilma’s character just flat out rejected Nora’s character. LOLz. In the end they all ended up in a relationship with men. XD Well folks, it’s the 80s. 
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Times have changed though. And yet stories like these still are “controversial” at least in religion’s eyes.  
But GMA 7, seriously, thank you very much for being so daring and putting shows like “The Rich Man’s Daughter” out there. Just like “My Husband’s Lover”, it shows that gender and sexuality are two separate entities and that they are a spectrum. Just because someone is a feminine woman doesn’t mean they can’t fall in love with with women. Love is love.
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“The Rich Man’s Daughter”, for me, is a reverse version of “My Husband’s Lover”. Like Vincent Soriano (the main male character of “My Husband’s Lover” played by Tom Rodriguez), Jade Tanchingco (the main female character of “The Rich Man’s Daughter” played by Rhian Ramos) is torn between following her family’s desires and following her desires. Seriously, if you’re LGBT and close to your family, this is really hard to do. Based on experience, it  really is. Haha. XD 
So far, the story of “The Rich Man’s Daughter” is awesome. I find myself glued to the TV screen every time! And every time the show ends, I find myself really impatient for the next episode. LOLz. The actors are also awesome particularly Glaiza De Castro. She’s my favorite. Whenever I see her, I don’t see her as Glaiza De Castro. I see her as Althea Guevarra. Her eyes... are simply stunning. Hahahaha! Every time she looks at Jade, her eyes definitely spell out the three deadly words: I WANT YOU. I NEED YOU. I LOVE YOU. She definitely convinced me that she’s a lesbian character. A hot femme lesbian character. 
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And oh, I also like the songs that were specially composed for this TV series. My favorite? “Til It’s Time” by Glaiza De Castro. I love tragic love songs and I love Glaiza De Castro. Oh gawd, she definitely is my newest crush. <3 <3 <3 Hahaha!!! 
I’m really happy because nowadays, my nights are filled with awesomeness thanks to this TV series. I swear if Glaiza De Castro looked straight into my eyes right now, I would burn like a moth in the flame. XD
This show? It’s definitely in my favorites. It’s truly a diamond in the rough and it’s definitely a rarity. Haha. Words can’t describe how much I love this show. It’s the first of its kind in Philippine TV. And I guess it’ll be the last especially if the religious leaders will react against it. Heh. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the images and videos used in this blog post. 
Who’s your favorite character in “The Rich Man’s Daughter” so far?
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teddogs · 11 years
2013 Flashback
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Well, this one's a little late but I'll do it still. XD 2013 is a really awesome year for me. A little better than my 2012. Here are some of the highlights of my 2013:
- Entered Christianity
I started my year being baptized as Christian, volunteering at Church, and attending cell groups learning all about Jesus 24/7. It did bring me solace but solace was quite ephemeral. LOL. XD
- Finally watched Sailor Moon S Tagalog Dub
*drools at Haruka and Michiru love team* I was thankful that when this one was aired on Philippine TV, I was still unemployed. XD 9PM became my Sailor Moon habit.
- Had a super fun time at Palawan
Palawan is probably the best place in the Philippines I've been to. Wonderful, wonderful. Words can't describe its beauty.
- 23rd birthday
Well, I was quite thankful that I was given 23 years to live my life. LOL. XD
- Finally had a job
After A LOT of rejections from A LOT of companies, finally I got lucky (thanks to my mom) and landed a job. LOL. XD
- Came out of the closet
I was pretty much fished out of the closet for the most part so I decided to spill the beans anyway. My co-workers in our department were the first ones to know about me being trans. I came out to my youngest brother next and then to a close friend. Then I came out to another friend... then to my other brother... then to another friend... and then to my mom. They were all accepting so I was really lucky and grateful. LOL. XD I'm planning to come out to my other relatives but I don't know how they'll receive me. Some of them are VERY RELIGIOUS that's why I'm holding back. But well, I'll hope for the best...
- Gluttonous Feasting at various eat-all-you-can restaurants
Vikings and Buffet 101 are the best!!! LOL. XD I wanna go back there again.
- Quit Christianity
Over the past few months, I realized that Christianity brought me nothing but torment so I decided to quit. The torment stems from the fact that Christianity disapproves of being LGBT. Christians have made me feel that I am the same as murderers, liars, thieves, rapists, and other criminals because I am LGBT. I didn't want to be a victim of bullying anymore so I quit. That was the best decision in my life, EVER! The day I decided to be true to myself was the day I finally had the guts to admit that Christianity is not for me. I also had a lot of doubts about Christianity because of a lot of inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible. I hope my parents could forgive me for failing their expectations of me. My fate is sealed - I'm going to hell. LOL. XD 
My 2013 had its ups and downs but it will always be a memorable year for me. This year is the year I took a lot of "leaps of faith" and well... they pretty much gave me a lot of lessons learned. This year is probably my most memorable year since 2010. XD
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teddogs · 11 years
Ian Watkins is GUILTY
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Well, it's confirmed through the Lostprophets official Facebook page that Ian Watkins is GUILTY of the crime he had allegedly committed. The band had no idea about Watkins's sexual crimes but they are pretty much angry, heartbroken, and disgusted at what they've found out about their ex band mate. I swear, I love Lostprophets but Ian Watkins has to pay the price of his actions. What he did was clearly WRONG and UNFORGIVABLE especially to the lives he destroyed.
I hope the remaining members of Lostprophets could carry on without Watkins. It would be a waste if they won't continue making awesome music. I guess getting a new vocalist and a new name would be a nice start. If the Creed members managed to make it big with Myles Kennedy as Alter Bridge, then I guess Lostprophets + A New Vocalist would work.
Disclaimer: The image used is a screenshot of the Lostprophets' official Facebook page post.
Like Ian Watkins, would pedophile Catholic priests as well as other religious leaders who commit unforgivable sexual crimes be punished as well?
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teddogs · 11 years
Busy + Lazy
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The image above literally became my life for the past few weeks. XD Seriously, A LOT of work piled up in my to-do list that I didn't have time anymore to write even in my spare time. My spare times were devoted to sleep, household chores, and ephemeral internet usage. The only things I can do when using the internet is skim through Facebook, YouTube, and Tumblr, occasionally reblogging certain images and blog entries that I like, browsing interesting videos, or playing games. Sometimes, when you're too tired after coming home from work, you also get lazy. And that pretty much happened to me. XD
Sometimes, I hope I could get JUST ONE DAY of rest. XD And hopefully during that day, I can sing this song by Bruno Mars:
Seriously, who doesn't want JUST ONE DAY of not doing anything? Hahahahaha! XD
I miss writing (or blogging) SO MUCH! Haha. I might as well prepare my next entries for next week, I hope. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the image and video used in this blog entry.
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teddogs · 11 years
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What are you doing to make it a good story? From philosopher Stephen Cave’s TEDxBratislava talk on our shaky relationship with death. Watch the whole talk here.
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teddogs · 11 years
Hi. Can you furthermore elaborate in versus on especially when it talks about dates? Thanks.
We use “in" with years or months:
My cousin was born in 1999.
We graduated in June.
It always snows in December.
We use “on" with days and specific dates:
The final exam is on Friday.
There will be a mandatory meeting on Wednesday.
Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990.
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