teechainzz · 7 years
Timing is Everything (Seriously)
I finally feel the pieces of my life coming together. Of course, I don’t have it all figured out, but things are starting to flow and make sense.  It all started when I applied for my current job. I wasn’t even completely sure what I was applying for if we’re being honest. But I have now been working in my position for 6 months! I am so appreciative of the opportunities I have gotten so far.  I…
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teechainzz · 8 years
When Things Were More Simple
When Things Were More Simple
Just a piece of something I’ve been working on. Let me know if you’d like to read more :) When I was about three years old, I knew how to have fun by myself. Of course I don’t know this from my own memory. One of my uncles owned a video recorder and got great use from it. There is one tape in particular from my little cousin’s birthday party that comes to mind. All the kids are enjoying the…
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teechainzz · 8 years
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Sophisticated Pizza Rolls If you know me, you know that I have a slight obsession with pizza. I can enjoy it in any form: by the slice, Lunchable, or pizza rolls.
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teechainzz · 8 years
Awkward... Or Nah
Awkward… Or Nah
Fearless February is coming to an end so I thought I’d share a personal experience of overcoming a fear of mine. If you know me well, you know that human interaction is not my fave. I get super anxious and awkward, hence why I love writing since I have time to think about exactly what I want to say and the message I want to get across. With this being said, I have always been slightly intimidated…
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teechainzz · 8 years
Treat Yoself
Valentine’s Day, or Singles Awareness Day, has just passed and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Whether someone overwhelmed you with gifts or you treated yourself to something nice. I think it’s super important to reward yourself every now and then even if it’s to a small item like a candy bar. Acknowledging your own accomplishments is a huge step towards increasing your confidence. You don’t have to…
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teechainzz · 8 years
Sausage Medley
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Hey guys! It’s time for my first official #NotPasta post! Get ready to make a sausage medley with a side of pita chips. The great thing about this dish is you can easily customize it. Switch out the sausage for another meat, or none at all for the veggie lovers. Use any kind of beans. The possibilities are endless. Also it’s impossible to mess up! This meal lasted me a whole week (this does not…
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teechainzz · 8 years
My Hero
If you know me, you know that I have an obsession with Grey’s Anatomy. Through this show, I learned what the word “binge-watch” truly means. It was probably the second series I’ve ever watched on Netflix (the first was Desperate Housewives). There were so many episodes in every season so it was a never-ending adventure. It was the first time I had ever felt so much emotion from watching something…
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teechainzz · 8 years
For those of you who don’t know, it’s Joyful January! (Check out last year’s post, in case you missed it.) I mainly talked about the importance of realizing what makes you happy and actually doing what you love. One of the things that makes me happy (probably #1 on my list) is food. So I figured it’s time for me to start cooking more. I started out with pasta which is my fave, but I have worn it…
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teechainzz · 8 years
The Crown
Not too long ago, I was dating this guy who I thought would be my last. He started out calling me his queen so naturally, I started calling him my king. #ThrowUp, I know. I was at a point where I always wanted to make him happy so I bought him a “just because” gift. And let me tell you, when I give gifts, I put so much thought into them. But I have to be really close to you to know what you’d…
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teechainzz · 8 years
Don't Worry, You'll Figure It Out
Don’t Worry, You’ll Figure It Out
Just something that I found in my journal that I thought might be helpful for you guys, especially bringing in the new year :) At this age, we think we’re supposed to know what we’re doing. We think that we can figure out our whole lives in a matter of minutes. With planning and goal-setting. The truth is you just have to live life as it comes to you. Experience new things. Make a note of what…
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teechainzz · 8 years
Year of the CHAMP
Year of the CHAMP
The first year of living like a CHAMP has come to an end. Being able to look back at what I’ve accomplished is amazing. I am beyond proud of myself for setting my own goals and see CHAMP grow the way it has. So why not use this as my example for Dedicated December? This year I have: Taught myself how to create graphics Taught myself how to edit videos Inspired a couple friends to start blogs…
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teechainzz · 8 years
Naturalize Your Life
I have recently developed an obsession with all things natural. It all started when I discovered Lush products. Since joining #TeamNatural, I have been on the hunt for the perfect moisturizer because my hair is dry as a chip. I finally stumbled upon Lush’s R&B Hair Moisturizer. It changed my life. This is the only product that will leave my hair feeling super soft. As a plus, it smells heavenly.…
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teechainzz · 8 years
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natural: not made or caused by humankind
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teechainzz · 8 years
Glass Half Full
I have had some unfortunate relationship issues recently. I won’t go into detail, but it’s important to acknowledge since I am about to tell you guys how optimism has shown up in my life this month. Experiencing heartbreak while simultaneously moving to a new city for work may have been one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s difficult living alone…
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teechainzz · 8 years
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optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future
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teechainzz · 8 years
It's All About You
It’s All About You
A lot of you probably thought it was a typo when I made this month “Selfish September.” But you read correctly. I figured “Selfless September” was too obvious. We all already know how great it is to help others. Most of us never take the time out to think about ourselves and what we want. If you’re like me (young adult, single, childless) you don’t have anyone to tend to besides yourself. It’s so…
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teechainzz · 8 years
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selfish: concerned with one's own personal profit or pleasure
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