I'll Always be here for You
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Jalex | 1824 words
Small droplets of water came cascading down, hitting buildings, the sidewalk, street and him. When he stormed out of his house and started the 2-mile walk to his boyfriends he didn’t think it would start raining. He didn’t bother grabbing his jacket, he just stormed out of there, slamming the door on his way out. He was too angry to even think about it, he just wanted to get out of that house. All he wanted right now was Alex to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay, whether he believed it or not. And if that meant he had to walk 3 miles in the rain, then so be it. There was no way he was going back to that house. 
Why couldn’t they just support him, I mean isn’t that what parents were supposed to do, support their kids and encourage them to follow their dreams. All his parents did was constantly compare him to his brother and sister. But he didn’t want to be like them. He wanted to play music with Alex and his friends and travel the world because that’s what he loved doing. And if he ended up playing shitty dive bars for the rest of his life, he was okay with that, as long as he was doing what he loved. Why couldn’t his parents just accept that? 
He kicked a rock on the ground, his desperate attempt at getting some of his anger out before he showed up at Alex’s. He was furious at his parents, but instead of yelling back, this time he just walked out the door. They wanted him out of the house, so he left, despite the pained expression on his mother’s face as he walked out the door. 
He watched the rock roll across the road stopping when it hit the tire of a parked car. He contemplated checking to see if any of the cars parked on the deserted street were locked, and just crawling into one of them and going to sleep. He was so tired, he just wanted to go to sleep. He wanted so badly to be with Alex, but he also didn’t want to walk 3 miles in the rain. But if someone caught him sleeping in a car that wasn’t his, he would probably get arrested. So with what little dignity he had left, he sighed and turned the corner, Alex’s house wasn’t too much further away, he told himself trudging along down the sidewalk. 
It got darker the farther he walked, bright street lights began to disappear, and dim porch lights replaced them. The heavy rain also diminishing into just a sprinkle. He was grateful for that, even though he was still soaking wet. His clothes were sticking to his skin, and his shoes were filled with water. He could hear some of the water ring out with every step he took. 
He turned down another street finally seeing Alex’s house at the end of the block. He picked up his pace not wanting to be out in the cold a second more than he had to. 
Then he tripped on his untied shoelace, he tried to catch his balance, but the road was still wet from the rain, and he slipped again and fell onto the ground grunting. “Fuck” he pulled himself onto the sidewalk and sat up. He looked down at his hands and seen a few small scrapes from trying to catch himself, and there was a new tear in his tight black jeans. He pulled back the dark denim flap to see blood with a few small pebbles stuck in his knee. He sighed sitting up continuing his journey to Alex’s house, god could this night get any worse, he thought to himself. 
All the lights were off except for the porch light, he picked up a rock and threw it at Alex’s bedroom window. After a few moments, he saw the light go on and Alex walk up to the window then walk away. Jack plopped on the swing hanging from the roof of the porch waiting for Alex to open the door. He sighed closing his eyes, just to snap them back open seconds later as he heard the door creak open. 
“What the hell happened to you?” Alex asked sleep still evident in his voice. 
“It uh, it started raining.” 
“Come on, get inside.” Alex ushered the younger boy into the warm dimly lit house. Jack leaned into Alex, enjoying the warmth of another human being, especially since that human being was Alex. 
“You’re soaking wet,” Alex exclaimed still keeping his arm wrapped around the younger boy. 
“I said it started raining” Jack smirked up at Alex. 
“Come on let’s get you in some dry clothes.” he rolled his eyes at the younger boy. Alex lead him up the stairs and into the bathroom, flipping the light switch on and sitting Jack on the edge of the bathtub wrapping a warm towel around him. “Sit there and dry off, I’ll be right back.” 
He disappeared into the dark hallway, walking back in no more than a minute later with a t-shirt, sweatpants and a pair of boxers. “Take off your clothes.” 
“Wow straight to the point, you're not even gonna buy me dinner first Mr. Gaskarth.” Jack smiled smugly up at the older boy. 
“Come on, stop dicking around and just get changed.” Alex laughed hoisting himself up to sit on the sink. “And when have I ever had to buy you dinner first,” he smirked. 
“Fuck you.” Jack took off the towel and threw it at Alex, both of them laughing. 
“What happened to your knee?” Alex asked after Jack pulled his jeans off. Seeing the dark blood still running down Jack’s knee. 
“I tripped walking over here.” he shrugged grabbing the pair of grey sweatpants. 
“Wait, let me clean that up first.” he slid off the sink and opened the medicine cabinet pulling out the first aid kit. “Sit,” he said patting the sink counter. Jack obliged, hoisting himself onto the counter as Alex had done moments ago. 
“This looks pretty gnarly, how hard did you fall?” Alex asked looking up at Jack. 
“I don’t know. I tried to catch my balance, but it was hard to in the rain.” he shrugged again. 
“Why were you walking in the rain to begin with?” Alex asked, even though he already knew why. “I mean, I’m not complaining about seeing my boyfriend, but it’s the middle of the night.” 
“I got in a fight with my parents again, I just didn’t want to be there.” Alex could see the hurt in his eyes. As much as he loved having Jack sleep in his bed when he showed up at his doorstep in the middle of the night, he hated seeing how upset Jack got when he fought with his parents. 
“Well you know you’re always welcome here.” he stood up straight and pecked the younger boy’s lips. 
“Thanks, I uh, I really appreciate it.” 
“No problem babe.” he smiled. “I’m gonna clean your knee with some rubbing alcohol okay.” 
“No Alex it’s fine, really.” Jack pleaded. 
“Come on Jack, I know It’ll hurt, but it’s a pretty deep scrape and I don’t want it to get infected.” he pleaded with the younger boy. 
“Fine, will you at least hold my hand then?” Alex smiled, he liked that Jack needed him. It might not be the healthiest thing for either of them. But he liked protecting him, being his shoulder to cry on. 
After Jack was bandaged up and had dry clothes on, they climbed into Alex’s bed. He had his laptop propped up on his stomach, and Jack curled into his side, with his head resting on Alex’s chest. They had some random movie on Netflix playing that neither of them was really paying attention to. 
“So uh, what happened with your parents?” Alex asked, he already knew what happened, the same fight that always ends with Jack showing up at his house and needing Alex’s comfort. He obviously agreed with Jack over his parents. Especially after seeing how upset Jack would get. The happiest most energetic teenager in Baltimore who turned so broken and distraught when he would show up at Alex's doorstep. 
Jack sighed before he spoke. “Fighting about the band again.” he pulled himself from Alex reluctantly, sitting up slouching against the headboard. “They asked if I had looked into any colleges yet again, and I told them that I wasn’t going to college.” 
“And they got mad?” Alex asked sitting up, closing his laptop and moving it to his nightstand. 
“Yeah” Jack looked down at his lap and began fidgeting with his hands. “My dad said if I continue with the band, he’s gonna kick me out.” He looked up at Alex, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears. 
“What?” He shouted. How could he say that to Jack, he couldn’t actually be serious, kicking his own son out onto the streets? “He wasn’t serious was he?” he said trying to quiet his voice a little, remembering his mother was asleep down the hall. 
“I don’t know, I think he was.” Jack shrugged looking back down at his hands. 
“Well, what did your mom say. I mean she would never let that happen right.” 
“She just sat there, she looked upset, but she didn’t even try to stop me when I left.” His voice quivered as he spoke. “She always tries to stop me lex, but she didn’t.” The tears finally fell from his eyes. “They hate me.” he buried his face in his hands. 
“They don’t hate you Jay.” Alex reached out for the younger boy, pulling him into his lap, rocking them both back and forth trying to get him to calm down. He knew Jack had been fighting with his parents a lot more often lately, but he didn’t think it was this bad. 
“I don’t want to go back there lex, I don’t want to face them.” Jack was holding onto Alex for dear life. He felt as if he let go, Alex would disappear. He didn’t want to lose anyone else in his life tonight, especially Alex. 
“You don’t have to right now okay, you take all the time you need. And hey, my mom loves you, I’m sure she would be fine with you staying here for a few days.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, hey.” Alex pulled Jack’s chin up forcing the younger boy to look at him. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for okay, your parents are being dicks right now. But I’m still here okay.” All Jack could do was nod and bury his head into Alex’s chest, crying his heart out. Alex held him tighter the harder he cried. 
“I’ll always be here for you.”
Well that's the first story, I know it's shitty and kinda all over the place but I'm kinda proud of it. Please let me know what you think, constructive criticism is very welcome. And if you have any request shot 'em my way. Next one shot should be up within the next few days. xo teenage dirtbag
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New blog
Hi, this is a new blog I started to help my terrible writing maybe get a little better by writing shitty fan fiction. You can request stories if you would like. I'm really down to write anything so whoever's reading this go ahead and request something.
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