termcreates · 9 years
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someone asked for it, hope this is helpful
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termcreates · 9 years
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Finished my first thing in forever with a half-bust half-fake screencap of my YYH OC. Utashi is my lightning bby, tbh.
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termcreates · 9 years
OC October
So kaigetsudo and I want to do an art challenge called OC October where you draw and post a different original character you made every day of the month. You can add a little bio if you want, too! Who’s with me?
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termcreates · 9 years
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I love pokemonetherealgates already, so have my baby~! Jinkai is my fave of the PEG pokemon so far, an so Djinna is the favorite member of my time.
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termcreates · 9 years
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Administration issues made me miss a week of class, BUT for our buttons I threw together this for it! Dunno why I had to do Emma, but either way I’m so pinning this 2.25″ baby on my bag when it’s printed~ -w-b
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termcreates · 9 years
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Innnnnnn which my daily doodles turned into Kyra/Magience ahaha! And have Monday’s, too, if only ‘cause I like the “sky island” and it could prolly fit in the same world as well~ =w=
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termcreates · 9 years
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Did someone say not-suit
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termcreates · 9 years
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I interrupt a long-term hiatus to help raise awareness towards the new Copyright Laws that might come into effect starting next week unless we join efforts to stop it. 
A friend and fellow artist, Will Terry, has joined forces with Brad Holland to help us understand what this Copyright Law is all about, here is their message:
“Orphan Works in a Nutshell:
- Congress is drafting a new US Copyright Act. If passed, it would replace current US Copyright law. There isn’t any bill yet, but the Copyright Office has issued its recommendations for one. Their Report is 234 pages long and is very complicated, so it’s risky to try reducing it to a few words. But here’s a summary of its basic features:
It would void your Constitutional right to the EXCLUSIVE CONTROL of YOUR work.
It would effectively reverse the default premise of copyright law; which means…
It would make the public’s right to use your work its defining goal; which means…
You would have to make your work available to the public.
You would have to do this by registering every picture you want to retain the rights to with for-profit registries.
Unregistered work would be considered legally “orphaned.”
Orphaned work would be available for commercial infringement by “good faith” infringers.
Good faith infringers would be anyone who believed they had made a “reasonably diligent,” but unsuccessful effort to find you.
Infringers could also ALTER your work and copyright the “derivative works” in their own names.
This would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign.
It would include family snapshots and any picture or work you ever put on the Internet.
The Copyright Office acknowledges that this would pose special “challenges” for visual artists…
But they conclude that it’s in the public interest for your work to be available for anyone to use.
The Copyright Office has also recommended the following:
Mass Digitization of the world’s intellectual property by corporate interests.
Extended Collective Licensing, a form of socialized corporate licensing that would replace voluntary agreements between artists and clients.
A Copyright Small Claims Court to handle the expected flood of orphan works lawsuits.
         —> The deadline is This Thursday, July 23, 2015″ <—
Write a letter —> HERE <— Let them know why this isn’t a good idea!
Don’t know what to write? Here are Letter samples 
SHARE this information as much as you can! 
Watch/Listen to Will Terry and Brad Holland discuss this Law on “ Everything You Know About Copyright Is About To Change”
Read all about it.
IPA Artists Alert
Join Illustrator’s Partnership
This Copyright Act could affect all kinds of creators!! 
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termcreates · 9 years
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FireWire reboot and doodles ofc means doodles of my BLADE babies. Emma and Tai are undoubtedly THE strongest members on the team, even if either of their abilities have caused many... ahem, incidents. Mostly Emma, even if Tai’s move-set is far more impressive and flashy ahaha.
One, Tai’s hair is ridiculously hard and probably nearly gave Ike an ulcer, two, I am never pleased with how I draw Emma and IT IS FRUSTRATING, three, I really need to draw the rest of their crew, and four, I have a sketch sheet in-progress for Em and really should finish it and ones for the rest of the unit (if only because they’ll all feature a however-much younger version of the member too).
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termcreates · 9 years
FREE ART (No, Really!)
SO. My sister’s only source of income —and communication in general, really— lies in her computer (eight years old and not even supposed to work at all in the first place due to its parts), and it’s breaking down! With no computer to work on and an only poisonous, if not outright abusive, family and town itself, she has no way of getting the funds for a new and proper computer herself.
And the free art mentioned in that nice big text up there?? It’s all based around her GoFundMe campaign!
Donate, have someone you REFERRED to donate, or just share her campaign, and you’ll receive some art for what you did from me! There’s no limits on what I will or won’t do, so feel free to think of anything~!
—SHARE the campaign, and you’ll get a rough sketch of whatever you want! Spamming it, however, won’t get you any extras.
—REFER someone who donates (both you and the refer-ee will have to mention or at least confirm the other’s involvement), and you’ll get a clean, flat-colored sketch of your choosing. Each referral will earn you a reward sketch, so keep that in mind!
—DONATE yourself, and you get the reward: A lined, fully colored and complete shaded piece of what you want! Please note, though, that smaller donations (under $20 USD), will get you another, lower-tier’s reward instead.
For questions or rewards, I can be contacted on here, Twitter, or through e-mail ([email protected]).
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termcreates · 9 years
Reminders to myself (and any other artsy people who follow me i guess)
-You don’t get better at drawing by avoiding drawing until you are better at drawing.
- You don’t have to make a new masterpiece every day it’s okay if all you drew is a doodle of a bug. You are now +1 bug doodle better at doodling bugs. 
- Also it’s okay if the thing you drew didn’t turn out very good. Everything you draw makes you one step closer to being able to draw good. You are still +1 step better at drawing whatever you drew no take backsies.
- You are the only person who knows if your art didn’t turn out as good as you wanted it to. You are the only person who can see the things in your art that weren’t what you imagined in your head. No one else will know unless you tell them.
- Comparing yourself to other artists just isn’t fair. You get to see all of your art, the best stuff and the worst stuff. You usually only get to see the best stuff other artists make. You don’t get to see that half drawn badly propotioned face they drew at 2 am and immediately scrapped. So don’t compare your badly drawn 2 am face to their best work.
- Just keep making art. The only way you can really fail is if you give up. 
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termcreates · 9 years
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‘Cause I realized this is, probably, more convenient than sloppy commission sheets~
Well, actually it’s so I can help with getting my sister’s new computer (because her current one is crap crap and constantly blue screening and/or required a forced shut-down); hopefully before it finally kicks the bucket~
Payment will be done via PayPal ([email protected]) and, depending on the cost, it might or might not be upfront — or some weird mid-ground between the two.
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termcreates · 9 years
Rough Sketch: $3 USD (Fullbody) Clean Sketch: $6 USD (Fullbody)
Bust (Lined): $7 USD
Flat Colored: $10 USD
Shaded: $18 USD
Halfbody (Lined): $10 USD
Flat Colored: $14 USD
Shaded: $25 USD
Fullbody (Lined): $15 USD
Flat Colored: $20 USD
Shaded: $37 USD
Additional characters cost an extra fifty percent (+50%) each.
Toning available instead of and/or in addition to coloring.
Detailed content (armor, complex tattoos/patterns, etc) will lead to a higher price.
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termcreates · 9 years
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Doodled some last night; FINALLY (IF ACCIDENTALLY) FIGURED OUT A STYLE I LIKE~ Likely un-coincidentally, they’re both badass ladies. Though, Sa’s my oldest character and Diana has such mischievous habits that she’s not nearly as intimidating as she ought to be. =w=a
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termcreates · 9 years
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“i got cursed and turned into an animal and taken to the shelter and ended up getting adopted by someone who is really hot OH NO” AU
Once the AU/RP shenanigans started with this DID YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO RESIST?? So have a quick/sloppy no-longer-puppy Sa who, as an embarrassed puppy, is MANY a times cuter than normal~
(I’d say the scarring is a spoiler, but it’s the specific HOW/WHY of it that’s a spoiler, rather than the WHAT. Also, I’ve no idea how to draw burn scars, let alone w/ more on top ; v; )
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termcreates · 9 years
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This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers. I apologize in advance for any not working links. Check out the ultimate writing resource masterlist here (x) and my “novel” tag here (x).
Outlining & Organizing
For the Architects: The Planning Process
Rough Drafts
How do you plan a novel?
Plot Development: Climax, Resolution, and Your Main Character
Plotting and Planing
I Have An Idea for a Novel! Now What?
Choosing the Best Outline Method
How to Write a Novel: The Snowflake Method
Effectively Outlining Your Plot
Conflict and Character within Story Structure
Outlining Your Plot
Ideas, Plots & Using the Premise Sheets
Finding story ideas
Choosing ideas and endings
When a plot isn’t strong enough to make a whole story
Writing a story that’s doomed to suck
How to Finish What You Start: A Five-Step Plan for Writers
Finishing Your Novel
Finish Your Novel
How to Finish Your Novel when You Want to Quit
How To Push Past The Bullshit And Write That Goddamn Novel: A Very Simple No-Fuckery Writing Plan
In General
25 Turns, Pivots and Twists to Complicate Your Story
The ABCs (and Ds and Es) of Plot Development
Originality Is Overrated
How to Create a Plot Outline in Eight Easy Steps
Finding Plot: Idea Nets
The Story Goal: Your Key to Creating a Solid Plot Structure
Make your reader root for your main character
Creating Conflict and Sustaining Suspense
Tips for Creating a Compelling Plot
The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations
Adding Subplots to a Novel
Weaving Subplots into a Novel
7 Ways to Add Subplots to Your Novel
Crafting a Successful Romance Subplot
How to Improve your Writing: Subplots and Subtext
Understanding the Role of Subplots
How to Use Subtext in your Writing
The Secret Life of Subtext
How to Use Subtext
Creating a Process: Getting Your Ideas onto Paper (And into a Story)
Why First Chapters?
Starting with a Bang
In the Beginning
The Beginning of your Novel that isn’t the Beginning of your Novel
A Beginning from the Middle
Starting with a Bang
First Chapters: What To Include @ The Beginning Writer
23 Clichés to Avoid When Beginning Your Story
Start Writing Now
Done Planning. What Now?
Continuing Your Long-Format Story
How to Start a Novel 
100 best first lines from novels
The First Sentence of a Book Report
How To Write A Killer First Sentence To Open Your Book
How to Write the First Sentence of a Book
The Most Important Sentence: How to Write a Killer Opening
Hook Your Reader from the First Sentence: How to Write Great Beginnings
Foreshadowing and the Red Hering
Narrative Elements: Foreshadowing
Foreshadowing and Suspense
Foreshadowing Key Details
Writing Fiction: Foreshadowing
The Literary Device of Foreshadowing
All About Foreshadowing in Fiction
Flashbacks and Foreshadowing
Foreshadowing — How and Why to Use It In Your Writing
Four Ways to Bring Settings to Life
Write a Setting for a Book
Writing Dynamic Settings
How To Make Your Setting a Character
Guide for Setting
5 Tips for Writing Better Settings
Building a Novel’s Setting
A Novel Ending
How to End Your Novel
How to End Your Novel 2
How to End a Novel With a Punch
How to End a Novel
How to Finish a Novel
How to Write The Ending of Your Novel
Keys to Great Endings
3 Things That End A Story Well
Ending a Novel: Five Things to Avoid
Endings that Ruin Your Novel
Closing Time: The Ending
Behind the Name
Surname Meanings and Origins
Surname Meanings and Origins - A Free Dictionary of Surnames
Common US Surnames & Their Meanings
Last Name Meanings & Origins
Name Generators
Name Playground
Different Types of Characters
Ways To Describe a Personality
Character Traits Meme
Types of Characters
Types of Characters in Fiction
Seven Common Character Types
Six Types of Courageous Characters
Creating Fictional Characters (Masterlist)
Building Fictional Characters
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Character Building Workshop
Tips for Characterization
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills 
Strong Male Characters
The History and Nature of Man Friendships
Friendship for Guys (No Tears!)
‘I Love You, Man’ and the rules of male friendship
Male Friendship
Understanding Male Friendship
Straight male friendship, now with more cuddling
Character Development
P.O.V. And Background
Writing a Character: Questionnaire
10 Days of Character Building
Getting to Know Your Characters
Character Development Exercises
How Many Chapters is the Right Amount of Chapters?
The Arbitrary Nature of the Chapter
How Long is a Chapter?
How Long Should Novel Chapters Be?
Chapter & Novel Lengths 
Section vs. Scene Breaks
The Passion of Dialogue
25 Things You Should Know About Dialogue
Dialogue Writing Tips
Punctuation Dialogue
How to Write Believable Dialogue
Writing Dialogue: The Music of Speech
Writing Scenes with Many Characters
It’s Not What They Say …
Top 10 Tips for Writing Dialogue
Speaking of Dialogue
Dialogue Tips
Interrupted Dialogue
Two Tips for Interrupted Dialogue
Show, Don’t Tell (Description)
“Tell” Makes a Great Placeholder
The Literary Merit of the Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Bad Creative Writing Advice
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do
DailyWritingTips: Show, Don’t Tell
GrammarGirl: Show, Don’t Tell
Writing Style: What Is It?
Detail Enhances Your Fiction
Using Sensory Details
Description in Fiction
Using Concrete Detail
Depth Through Perception
Showing Emotions & Feelings
Character Description
Describing Your Characters (by inkfish7 on DeviantArt)
Help with Character Development
Creating Characters that Jump Off the Page
Omitting Character Description
Introducing Your Character(s): DON’T
Character Crafting
Writer’s Relief Blog: “Character Development In Stories And Novels”
Article: How Do You Think Up Your Characters?
5 Character Points You May Be Ignoring
List of colors, hair types and hairstyles
List of words to use in a character’s description 
200 words to describe hair
How to describe hair
Words used to describe the state of people’s hair
How to describe your haircut
Hair color sharts
Four Ways to Reveal Backstory
Words Used to Describe Clothes
Using Flashbacks in Writing
Flashbacks by All Write
Using Flashback in Fiction
Fatal Backstory
Flashbacks as opening gambit
Don’t Begin at the Beginning
Flashbacks in Books
TVTropes: Flashback
Objects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear: Flashback Techniques in Fiction
3 Tips for Writing Successful Flashbacks
The 5 Rules of Writing Effective Flashbacks
How to Handle Flashbacks In Writing
Flashbacks and Foreshadowing
Reddit Forum: Is a flashback in the first chapter a good idea?
Forum Discussing Flackbacks
You, Me, and XE - Points of View
What’s Your Point of View?
Establishing the Right Point of View: How to Avoid “Stepping Out of Character”
How to Start Writing in the Third Person
The Opposite Gender P.O.V.
 How To Say Said
200 Words Instead of Said
Words to Use Instead of Said
A List of Words to Use Instead of Said
Alternatives to “Walk”
60 Synonyms for “Walk”
Grammar Monster
Google Scholar
Tip Of My Tounge
Speech Tags
Pixar Story Rules
Written? Kitten!
TED Talks
Family Echo
Some Words About Word Count
How Long Should My Novel Be?
The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test
Writer’s “Cheat Sheets”
Last but not least, the most helpful tool for any writer out there is Google!
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termcreates · 9 years
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“Dorma? What about it.” “Twenty-three years ago. When rebels tried to kill the White Lord.” “And how in the world do you know about that? I thought both he and the Emperor agreed to hide just how severe it truly was...” “They did; I was there.” “Then, if you know what really happened, why are you asking about it?” “Because knowing the truth and knowing what Qauron knows are two different different things.” “If you know as much as you say, then you should know there isn’t much to tell you; though Rame wants power over the Lion Tribe, he had nothing to do with the attacks. Even when it was investigated, the most anyone found was a Leii Kaoujt’s possible recruiting of members and allies.” “...I presume they never found him?” “No, though I’m sure Rame wanted to work with him. But then, you already knew that as well, didn’t you?” “...” “I hope you don’t expect me to take that as a sufficient answer.” “...So he’s gone. And if he has any direct presence in Qauron, then it’s undoubtedly under a different identity.”
SO! Moved on from background/past stuff to more present, potential fic scenes stuff! With Kiimare’s... involvement in the Dorma incident, suffice to say she has lots and LOTS of reasons to want to know what happened to those involved (well, the one’s that weren’t killed, at least). More precisely, she wants to know about those behind it and therefore those who almost had her killed.
Well, that and what others know bc SHE AND KISELL KEEP QUIET ABOUT THE TRUTH FOR A REASON. -c OUGH-
(P sure I’d more to say, BUT instead I’mma just leave you all with how this was at least 80% inspired by the 7T update today.)
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