tf-imagines · 10 months
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James has announced that he’s opening orders for his MTMTE notebooks. As far as we know this will be a limited run, you have until the end of the month (September 2023) to order. Be sure to email him if you want to purchase!
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tf-imagines · 2 years
This blog is now ARCHIVED.
I am NOT taking requests.
For now I have lost interest in transformers, but I want to leave this blog up so people can still read the stories.
For now, I am leaving the askbox open for general interactions.
Please do not send in requests.
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tf-imagines · 2 years
I'm definitely not trying to be rude or anything at all! But maybe you could make a pinned post saying that you're not taking requests anymore. You shouldn't have to do that if people actually read your bio up top but maybe it'll help people stop requesting lol.
Honestly, that's a good point... pinned posts weren't a thing yet when I closed requests, so I should probably do that. You're right that I really shouldn't need to, but oh well
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tf-imagines · 2 years
We have gymnastics and ballet, but what about a young human charge doing an martial art, how would their decepticon guardian react? (Sorry if this is bad it's my first time giving an ask)
Hi there sweetspark! I really appreciate the ask, and I'm honored to be the first blog you sent an ask to! Unfortunately though, I'm not accepting requests, and I haven't in.... 2 years?
Wow has it really been that long??
But I can say, based on my memory of those pieces and how those sports go, the responses would be relatively similar. Very supportive, and the majority of them might encourage the human to learn Cybertronian fighting styles as well. And likely have to be repeatedly told that no, having the training to fight against another human does not mean that they can fight a Cybertronian now.
I've just been leaving the ask box open for the sake of basic interaction, honestly, though I might end up closing it... It seems like my warnings of "I am not taking requests" aren't obvious enough...
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tf-imagines · 3 years
Hi, sorry about sending the ask but could I ask for a shout out? I've started my own TF based x reader blog and could use some help gaining traffic. Love your blog btw - @robotaficionado
Sure! :D Good luck with your blog, and I hope this helps!
Everyone please go check out @robotaficionado !!
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tf-imagines · 4 years
Aaaaa! Sorry! Your writing is wonderful regardless! Maybe I can write the prompt if I have the time.
You are wonderful as is your writing skills! Now I gotta follow the main blog 👀
That’s totally fine, and I appreciate your understanding! It’s on me for leaving my ask box open, I think ^-^’’ but yes! If you’re interested in seeing more of my content, here’s where you can find me:
@fleur-de-leap is my main, I mostly reblog stuff so you know what fandom I’m most into
@painted-leap is my art blog, where I post drawings. I’ve been busy so I haven’t been able to post much, but there is stuff!
@leap-cant-stop is my OC blog, where I post about my ocs and you can ask questions and stuff!
@occasional-drabbles is my general writing blog. Mostly for OC stuff or whatever fandom I’m interested in (I try to be good about having the fandoms I’m into in the description), but I accept writing prompts there!
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tf-imagines · 4 years
I know requests are closed as I am sending this, but I have the memory of a turnip I am sending this for you to answer when they are back open! No pressure I just wanted to send this before I forget it entirely.
The TFP bots have a 4th human who they don't is a shapeshifter. The human is generally calm and timid but goes after Miko when she sneaks off on a mission. The bots start getting overpowered and are about to call for a bridge when a dragon nearly the size of Predaking joins the fray, sending the cons scurrying. How does OP, Arcee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Bee react to this scary beast turning back into the small, timid human they all know?
Hi there sweet spark. I really appreciate that even though it’s been 10 months since I last posted some writing, let alone answering an ask, that you’re still interested in my blog! However, I just... haven’t had the muse to write for transformers in a while. Maybe if I were to ever re-watch Prime or Animated (which is part of why I’m keeping the blog), but I don’t see it happening any time soon, which is why I’m not taking requests. 
So I’m sorry, but I won’t be writing this prompt. However!!! I wanted to post it so if anyone felt inspired by it they could try their hand at it!
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tf-imagines · 4 years
I hate to do this, but I think I’m going to have to close my ask box entirely by turning them off. I just got another ask despite having stated multiple times that I’m not taking anymore requests. I tried to leave them open in case anyone had questions or anything they wanted to say, but it seems like it wasn’t necessary.
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tf-imagines · 4 years
It has been almost a year since I've forgotten aboutbtg Bruni rememed this blog and came back
Sooo I’m guessing that you meant to say “forgotten about tf but I remembered this blog”? But I’m flattered to know that my blog has reminded you about the wonder that is giant alien robots :P
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tf-imagines · 4 years
I remember reading a post of yours with the Cons reacting to their human S/O getting hurts in battle. I was wondering if you could do a version with the Elite Guard Autobots?
Okay so. I was going to use this just to remind people that my requests are closed. Perhaps I just need to turn off my ask box… However, I tried my hand at responding to this because I wanted to see if I had the motivation for it. Unfortunately, I only got through Sentinel and Jazz, so hopefully that will suffice. 
Here is the Con post the anon mentioned, for reference. 
Sentinel Prime
In order for Sentinel to consider a human, an organic, as his partner, you must be very special. As a result, he would be very protective of you. He is cautious and tries to keep you as much out of harms way as possible. You are the one good thing about this primus-forsaken planet, and he doesn’t want to lose you. So when you end up caught in the crossfires between his team and the ‘Con of the week, he panics. He tries to take charge of the situation, his primary concern switching from apprehending the ‘Con to keeping you safe, conflicting with the others. As soon as the fight broke out, he worked on getting towards you. The ‘Con got knocked into a building next to you, dropping debris around you. Apparently he called out, but Sentinel doesn’t remember. When he managed to get you out from the rubble, you’d been knocked unconscious. For once in his life, he listened to someone else’s instructions…sort of. Optimus has told him to give you to Ratchet, and he’d take you to the hospital. However instead he followed Ratchet, because he was too anxious. Couldn’t focus on anything else. He let Ratchet carry you if only because he doesn’t want your blood on his interior. He’s a mess for a while afterwards, anxious and doting over you, trying to keep you confined to areas he deems safe. He has to know where you are and who you’re with at all times, and tries to keep you close. Maybe this time if something happens, he’ll be strong enough to protect you. 
Thanks to how close he is to Prowl, Jazz is the most aware of how fragile organics are amongst the Elite Guard. Sure, you may be capable amongst your own species, but not against Cybertronians. So he’s somewhat protective, but he also trusts you to know your own limits and capabilities. So you’d be most likely to get hurt when he’s caught off guard, such as just driving through Detroit to explore with you, and suddenly there’s a bunch of noise and Blitzwing causing trouble. He let you out somewhere he hoped you’d be safe, with another group of humans under cover, before going to try and distract Blitzwing until backup can come help. For now he’s focusing on minimizing damage. However one mech can only do so much, so he struggled to contain everything, barely catching sight of you helping get some other organics out of harm’s way. However, you were the last one to leave the area, meaning you were the only one to get pinned by a falling advertisement. Jazz wasn’t a fan of those large billboards, but now he hated them more. Despite how quickly he rushed towards you once he realized what was happening, he still wasn’t fast enough to grab you. Once Optimus and his team showed up to help, he reluctantly handed you over to let you get treatment before focusing on the fight again. Once everything is dealt with, he did his best to help take care of you. He learned a lot about human anatomy in his attempts to find ways to minimize your pain and aid in your healing. He doesn’t try to isolate you, knowing that that sort of thing can happen to anyone at any point, but he does focus on his training a little more.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Breakdown being painted by Human Reader
Breakdown was just taking a break after having been out for a drive to blow some steam. Time away from the other Decepticons on the Nemesis was a breath of fresh air, since they didn’t take well to ground alt-modes. Let alone slow ones. Like him. As he thought over this, optical ridges furrowed, he missed you sneaking up on him. You’d known him for a while now, already close to the large bot, so you knew he wouldn’t hurt you or anything. So you quietly took a seat nearby to start drawing him, managing to do so without gaining his attention due to him having his optics offline for now. He almost looked like he was in recharge, if not for the tenseness in your frame. 
You worked in silence, blocking out the big shapes first so you could tell it was Breakdown, then you filled in details. He didn’t move and you stayed quiet until the pencil you were using to sketch broke, the snap forcing him into awareness again as he sat up, looking over and getting his hammer ready until he saw it was you, just glaring at your pencil. When you finally looked up you gave him a sheepish smile and waved, sitting on a boulder casually.
Breakdown raised an optical ridge, getting up and going over “What broke?” He asked, of course recognizing the sound of something breaking, and he was worried it had been you. Though you didn’t seem to be in pain…
You raised your pencil to show him the missing lead, carefully standing on the boulder to be closer to his height. It didn’t help much though, as he still had to lean over to be only a head taller than you. “My pencil broke, I think I pressed too hard while sketching.” You explained
“Sketching what?” He pressed curiously, finally trying to look at the drawing pad you had in hand, tilting his head to try and see it rightside up. He made sure to thank you when you turned the pad so he could see better, optics widening when he finally realized what you had drawn. He looked up at you in surprise, pointing a digit at himself to silently ask ‘me?’
Unable to help a small laugh you nodded, smiling up at him happily. “Yes, you. It looked nice. Well balanced, and good perspective practice.” You said, trying to explain the reasons why it was such a great opportunity without going too into the more technical terms. 
However you weren’t expecting what he asked next. “Can you teach me how?” He looked at you hopefully, knowing it won’t necessarily be an easy task. But he still wants to give it a try. He wants to try and do something you’re good at.
After a moment of considering how best to go about it,  you nodded happily “I think we can manage something, so sure!” He absolutely lit up, gently picking you up in his servo before transforming and taking you back to the Nemesis so you can get to work teaching him how to make art.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFA Blurr Reacting to Human Reader’s Heartbeat
You spent a lot of time with Blurr, though he hardly ever seemed to slow down. Be it his speech or physical movement, he always seemed to be going a hundred miles an hour. You had tried to find ways to get him to take a breather because sometimes it make your head spin, watching him zip from point A to point B to C back to B. However you think you finally found the solution...hopefully. 
“Blurr?” You called when he paused in his long winded conversation with himself, the only time you could interrupt him without being rude. He froze mid pace and looked at you, proving you had his full attention. You were seated on his berth, so you did grabby hands, silently asking him to come over, which he did. You lifted your hands up and stood to be able to reach his helm, hands gently cupping his cheeks. “I want to show you something.” You explained, making him relax slightly under your touch. 
You carefully moved to have him press his audial to your chest, ensuring he could hear the steady, rhythmic beating of your heart. He tried to ask what you were doing once but instead you shushed him, lightly tracing his helm while he slowly relaxed further, listening to the pounding in your chest. It was similar to sound of a spark in basic description and yet...it was so different too. Less of a soft hum and more of a harsh beat. 
Pride surged through you as you realized you had him interested. So you slowly tried pulling away, except he didn’t let you. He placed his servo against your back carefully, even trying to peek up at you pleadingly. You laughed softly and ran your hand along his helm again “At least let’s lay down to make it easier than me standing here.” You said, to which he obliged. Thankfully avoiding his usual swiftness, he carefully picked you up before laying on the berth, placing you beside his head. You got comfy and situated yourself to where he could hear, both of you enjoying the calm, stillness for now. You began to doze off, unaware that Blurr was doing much the same. This was the best way to be coaxed into recharge, and now he hopes that you do this more often.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Megatron and Hacker  Reader
You were the most well protected and well cared for human in the universe. Being Megatron’s S/O got you anything your heart could desire, and that was without taking into consideration your skills in hacking. Everyone on the Nemesis feared and respected you. Cons who had disrespected or upset you tended to be sent on suicide missions, or made into examples, like the poor Vehicon who had tried to flirt with you when you and Megatron were still a new couple. Ripped to pieces, as a sign of what your Warlord of a lover would do to anyone who tried that sort of a stunt again. 
That’s not to say that he was the only reason for your treatment amongst the crew. You also threatened that you would hack into the systems of anyone who wouldn’t leave you alone to your work, and no one wanted to find out if you were truest capable. Needless to say, only very brave, or very stupid Decepticons ever tried to interrupt you while you did your work. The only ones saved from your wrath are Megatron and Soundwave, for obvious reasons. 
Megatron’s possessiveness reaches an all time high, however, when you shared his habsuite with him. It even got to the point where spending more than an hour or so with Soundwave working on a project would have Megatron coming to take you away, claiming that you need a break from your work and to allow Soundwave to return to his previous duties. You had tried to protest the first few times, saying you and Soundwave still had work to get done and you needed his help with it because you were still learning Cybertronian. However Megatron would have none of it, silencing you with a hard look as he takes you to wherever his next destination is with you riding on his shoulder. He never glares at you, he never needs to. 
Unfortunately, the Autobots apparently never got the memo of not touching you. They were under the impression you were aboard the Nemesis against your own free will, having been spotted a few times before battles with Megatron, but a Vehicon always took you through a space bridge before any of the bots could try and stop then. So when they finally got you back to their base, you couldn’t help but laugh. You explained that no, you were fine on the Nemesis, safer and happier than you ever had been. They didn’t seem to believe you, their human girl even suggesting you might have been brainwashed. You warned them that if you weren’t turned over to Megatron, he would tear this world apart in his pursuit of you. They didn’t listen. 
That’s what led to your current situation, sitting on top of a large rock while watching Megatron take down the Autobots by himself in a rage you hadn’t seen from him before. You had gotten a few small scrapes from avoiding being squished in the skirmish, but nothing serious. When Optimus Prime was finally forced to his knees, Megatron focused on you. You playfully applauded him as he walked over, holding his servo out for you, which you stepped into casually. He placed you on his shoulder before stepping over battered and leaking Autobot forms towards the ground bridge Soundwave had supplied. “I tried to warn them.” You said with a small shrug, Megatron unable to help the laughter that followed your casual statement.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Predaking and Human Reader, Organic Affection
Predaking prided himself on many things, such as his strength and his position. He was also proud of you, because you were so smart and kind. He was eager to learn more about you and your culture, as much as you were curious about what he knew of his. 
You had taken to trying to teach him about how humans handle romance and courting, and he found it to be rather...complicated. So many things to take into consideration. Trying to impress your potential partner with the materials you place on your frame, ensuring you have similar interests, behave in a manner that would draw their attention. Some people must paint their faceplates to draw attention, and that was before courting even properly began! However his favorite part of his lessons so far were how humans showed affection.
You currently had your arms around his neck as well as you could, with him in his bipedal form for now to be able to support you with his servos. “So this is what you humans call a ‘hug’?” He asked, to be sure he would remember it correctly. 
“Mmhm!” You hummed, smiling up at him “Well, the closest we can get, considering the size difference. Between two humans, it’s much easier to reciprocate a hug, but the closeness is nice.” You tried to explain. “And this-” You paused to get on your tip toes to reach his faceplate, prompting him to lift his servo just slightly to make it easier on you, “is called a kiss.” Once you finished your sentence you places a soft kiss on his much larger lips, able to feel him tense up under you slightly. 
It was a quick and innocent kiss, so you looked up to see how he handled it. His optics were wide as he watched you, processing it. It was...surprisingly nice, even if a bit strange. You were so soft and warm compared to his hard, cool metal frame. “A kiss…” He mimicked carefully, pulling you just a bit closer and hoping you would do it again.
“Yup, a kiss. What your relationship with the person is will decide where you can kiss, like family will kiss foreheads, but couples kiss cheeks and lips.” You explained, carefully moving in his hand to be able to kiss his cheek for emphasis. 
“I like this ‘kiss’ thing.” He said after a moment, even giving a small nod for emphasis. He would try to initiate one, but was worried he might accidentally knock you over or hurt you in his attempts to be affectionate. While his size was beneficial when it came to fighting and intimidation, it made it difficult to interact with you without fear of harming you. 
You couldn’t help a small laugh, gently cupping his cheeks with your hands as you spoke “I do too, they’re nice.” You tried to think of anything else that would be of note to tell him pursing your lips in thought. “Another thing humans do once they’re a couple, and sometimes before, is going on dates.”
“A date?” 
“It’s basically going and doing something together, like seeing a movie or going skating, going to a restaurant, the park, stuff like that.” You tried to explain “the main goal is to spend time together and enjoy each other’s company.”
“But we do that without having to go anywhere.” He said, optical ridges furrowing in confusion. “Are humans unable to enjoy each other unless on one of these ‘dates’?”
“No, but it’s just a chance to go out and do something together.” You said with a shrug “Like when you take me flying, that would be our equivalent of a date.”
He lit up at the comparison and nodded, still keeping you close to his face plate. After a moment he said “I want another kiss.” To which you laughed, and happily obliged.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Knockout and Self-Conscious Reader
Knockout was no expert when it came to humans. Far from it, in fact. However, he at least liked to think that he understood you well enough to be able to tell when you were unhappy. You were quiet, tense, and more closed off. He noticed how you looked at the images of other humans, who he could tell were being praised for their beauty. It didn’t take an expert to put the pieces together, making him frown in concern. He’s no stranger to insecurity, and he can pick it up from a mile away.
“Hey Gorgeous.” He started, wanting to get your attention first, to ensure you don’t miss what he says. Once you’re looking at him, his expression softening as he leaned against the table in his lab, offering you a servo to climb into. “Don’t go comparing yourself to them, you’re perfect as you are.” He assured, holding you up to be optic level. 
You clearly didn’t believe him, looking away and towards the pictures you had been looking at “I don’t look anything like them though…” You mumbled, face heating up and shoulders slumping. 
The large red mech scoffed “Of course you don’t, because you aren’t them.” He said, hurrying to continue before you try to take that the wrong way “You’re you, and you look like you’re supposed to. Who cares if you look like what your society markets as beautiful? What matters is if you can be happy with yourself. That you do things for you, not for someone else.”
He went silent for a bit to let that sink in, his expression soft as he watched you, hoping that he was doing this right. “Look at me. I have a ground mode on a ship full of fliers. Why?”
You waited for him to continue before realizing he wanted you to try and guess. You thought it over before remembering what he said once, when asked about that very thing. “You like the way you look in steel belted radials?” You guessed.
Lighting up, the mech nodded happily “Exactly. Because it’s what I like and what I want. It makes me happy to be who I am. I went with a red paint job because it made me happy, it made me stand out and that’s what I wanted. I got upgrades because they made me happy. When it comes to my appearance, I do what makes me happy. It wasn’t easy to learn to be this way, it comes easier to some than others...but I know you can do it too.”
While you trust the doctor currently holding you a few stories off the ground, you doubted him with this. Surely you couldn’t be happy with yourself as you are?
Picking up on this, Knockout continued his attempt at a pep talk. “Do you really think that I would allow myself to become so close to someone I deemed ugly, or wrong, or not beautiful?” He had his optical ridge raised, practically daring you to say yes. When instead you shook your head, his expression softened once more. “Exactly. So I see you as gorgeous, amazing, and worth so much...no matter what standards you may be held to by your society. You are you, and no one should expect anything else. And if someone tries to get upset that you’re happy as yourself, well...I always have room on my table.” He said, a sinister smirk coming across his face plate.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, eyes watering as you smiled up at the mech. It meant a lot, coming from him...after all, if anyone knew beauty, it was him. It would take time, and a lot of work, but maybe he was right...maybe you really could be happy with yourself.
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Arcee and “Human” Friend
Arcee has a great respect for you. You were so responsible and kind, helping to take care of the kids at base, which isn’t an easy task considering their penchant towards getting in trouble. As a result, spending time with you is a welcome ‘breath of fresh air’, as you’d say. It helped that you weren’t terribly social, thus not super energetic and outgoing, more relaxed and calm. 
So when, for some fragging reason, you had followed her on a mission, she was stunned. Normally you would obediently stay at base, or at the worst end up on a mission with one of the other kids, usually Miko, because you’re attempts to stop her failed. This time you were with her on your own, and she couldn’t find it in her to be angry. It was the first time you’d pulled something like this, and honestly a little company didn’t sound too bad. Thankfully it was a pretty simple mission, she shouldn’t need to do any fighting, and if she does you’re good about hiding until it’s safe. 
When do things ever work out as planned, though? Airachnid showed up and started to torment the two of you, but Arcee managed to convince you to hide while she dealt with her. You tripped and fell in the process, covering your wounded knee without thinking when you found a hidey hole. Once you had reached a decent hiding spot, you inspected the damage. Not too bad, though the blue blood would probably be a pain to explain...they didn’t know that you weren’t human. They had no clue, and you weren’t too sure how that would go over. 
Even when the battle fell silent, you stayed where you were, listening closely to figure out who the victor was. You didn’t move until you heard Arcee’s familiar voice calling out your name. Taking a deep breath, you finally left your spot and called back to her so she knew you were alright.
It didn’t take long for her to find you, kneeling down to look you over, optical ridges furrowing when she saw your skinned knee bleeding...blue?? “I thought human blood was red?” She asked, carefully picking you up to see better.
“It is.” you confirmed “I’m...not exactly human.” You said hesitantly, unable to help a small surge of nervousness as her optics widened, focusing on your face. She must be searching for some trace of joking or sarcasm, but she couldn’t find any. 
“Then...what are you?”
“I’m an android. Humanoid robot.” You admitted, watching her for any signs of rejection or anger. She seemed to consider, but nodded slowly “So could Ratchet patch you up?” She asked “And does it need to be treated now, or will you be fine for a little longer?”
“I’ll be fine, but I have a feeling I won’t need Ratchet to fix me. I can just bandage it myself when we get back to base, though I’ll probably need to explain this to them…”
Arcee nodded, putting you on her shoulder carefully. “They deserve to know. But it’s up to you.”
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tf-imagines · 5 years
TFP Starscream and Flirty Human Autobot Ally
Starscream thought that he was prepared to deal with the Autobot’s human ally. He had a designated area to keep you that you shouldn’t be able to escape, had surveillance, etc. However this was a situation he had not been able to prepare for. 
You were just sitting in your ‘cage’, which was more like a large jar you couldn’t climb out of but could still see and hear through. But you weren’t screaming or panicking like Starscream had expected, or spilling secrets as he had hoped. Instead you were doing the exact opposite...you were..flirting! 
“You know...you look a lot better up close.” You hummed, leaning against the barrier separating you from your captor. You couldn’t help an ‘innocent’ giggle watching him as he gawked at you, processing what just happened. He knelt down to see you better, narrowing his optics at you. 
“What are you trying to do organic?” He asked skeptically, clearly thinking that you have some scheme for getting out. Honestly, you were just trying to entertain yourself while waiting for the Autobots to come find you, or for him to decide you aren’t worth it and to take you back to them. 
“I’m not trying to do anything. I didn’t realize it was wrong to compliment such a strong and cunning Cybertronian.” You feigned innocence as you spoke, looking up at him and batting your eyelashes playfully. 
Starscream could still tell that something was up, but at the same time he was preening with all of the compliments “Hm, well I suppose there’s no harm in it...just don’t go scheming anything. That’s my job!” 
You had a feeling you might be there for a while, so you decided it best to have your fun while it lasted. This resulted in lots of flirting and teasing, which would normally be a bad idea when dealing with Decepticons, but you weren’t scared in the slightest. 
Not even when he pointed one of his blasters at you, threatening to blow you sky high if you didn’t stop mocking him. Instead you stepped closer to the barrier, smirking. “Go ahead. But then you don’t stand a chance at finding out where the Autobot’s base is. You’ll lose your informant and bargaining chip.” You pointed out, making the much larger Decepticon falter. You knew you were right, and he knew it too. You smirked watching him, relaxing a tiny bit when he lowered his blaster and stormed off somewhere, leaving you to your own devices. Hopefully the bots come for you soon, but at least you were enjoying yourself.
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