tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
jack kline taglist: @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
church | jack kline
read on ao3?  Jack was bored.
Like, much more bored than usual. And had a spot to itch, the vivid nightmares from the past week not making anything better. And Gadreel would probably get really upset at him for killing innocent lives, but who cares?
Certainly not God.
He’s lazily sprawled out in a movie theater seat, flicking through different churches, watching through the eyes on Jesus. There’s a quaint little church being in Ohio, a small service going on. Their breaking bread right now, which is somehow funny to him. The tiny, circular pieces of bread are supposed to represent
what? The lord sharing his food or some shit?
Rising from his seat, he walks through the theater screen and into the church, burning his grace brightly for some added effect. The priest looks starstruck, like he had never expected Jack to appear.
” The man stutters out. “Who are you!”
“I’m God.” Jack tells him, shrugging his arms.
“Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?” A person in one of the middle pews asks, and a few hushed whispers of agreement.
“He’s not some twenty-two year old man!” A female in the front shouts. “God would not wear terrible millennial clothing!”
Jack blinks. Are they fucking serious?
“Get down from the stage! You’re disrupting the service!” Another man shouts. “He would be ashamed of your actions. If I didn’t know any better, I would pray to go and ask him to forgive you for your sins.”
He giggles, unease falling over the people. Clutching his stomach, his laughter slowly gets louder, grin spreading wildly as he doubles over. Jack even snorts like a dying pig. Tears stream down his face, before he somewhat manages to regain his composure. With a cheerful grin, the unused seats barricade the door as the windows shatter - cars flying off the street and twisting like pipe cleaners to it up.
No one is allowed to leave, after all.
The humans scramble everywhere. Some try to pry the door open, screaming for help while a few get on their knees to beg for forgiveness from their foolishness. Other’s cower in fear, trying to find some sense of safety underneath the wooden pews.
A child, couldn’t have been more than two years of age, cried out in fear. A memory tried to resurface in his mind, make itself apparent - flashes of pain shooting in his head. Trying to push it down, Jack tried to focus on the scene in front of him.
But it just wouldn’t go away. And this was all that stupid child’s fault. The reason why Jack was in so much pain was because that blasted kid didn’t know how to keep the pain inside.
“Shut up!” Jack yelled, and a few broken pieces of glass shot through the child’s body. It collapsed on the floor, lifeless, frightened shrieks were heard all throughout the church. “I think we should have some fun now, you all have to pay for your sins one way or another.”
- Adam flew into a small Ohio church, irritated out of his mind. The moment he was inside, the walls had been painted a bloody shade of red and random scraps n’ bits of skin we’re scattered everywhere. Dead bodies were hooked loosely on one side of the wall by car parts and a red-headed female managed to hang on for her dear life. Even if she was missing her legs.
“Jack.” Adam smacked his arm in irritation. Jack was relaxing on a pew, thinking about only he knows what. A gold eye peaked at him curiously, closing shut when he realised it was Adam. “Jack!”
“What.” Came the half-assed reply.
“Are you serious? Beginning to slaughter people for the fun of it, again?” Adam tells him. “You told Gadreel that you would stop
 this!” He waves his hand around to show off the murderistic scene around him.
“What’s this?” God grins at him, giving out a small yelp when the archangel forces him upright to look at the red display he created. “Oh, you mean my art?”
“Art - what - that’s it. Another therapeutic session is in order.” Jack opens his mouth to protest, but Adam has already snapped his fingers to reverse the damage he’s caused and erase the people’s memories before disappearing themselves.
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
church | jack kline
read on ao3?  Jack was bored.
Like, much more bored than usual. And had a spot to itch, the vivid nightmares from the past week not making anything better. And Gadreel would probably get really upset at him for killing innocent lives, but who cares?
Certainly not God.
He’s lazily sprawled out in a movie theater seat, flicking through different churches, watching through the eyes on Jesus. There’s a quaint little church being in Ohio, a small service going on. Their breaking bread right now, which is somehow funny to him. The tiny, circular pieces of bread are supposed to represent...what? The lord sharing his food or some shit?
Rising from his seat, he walks through the theater screen and into the church, burning his grace brightly for some added effect. The priest looks starstruck, like he had never expected Jack to appear.
” The man stutters out. “Who are you!”
“I’m God.” Jack tells him, shrugging his arms.
“Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?” A person in one of the middle pews asks, and a few hushed whispers of agreement.
“He’s not some twenty-two year old man!” A female in the front shouts. “God would not wear terrible millennial clothing!”
Jack blinks. Are they fucking serious?
“Get down from the stage! You’re disrupting the service!” Another man shouts. “He would be ashamed of your actions. If I didn’t know any better, I would pray to go and ask him to forgive you for your sins.”
He giggles, unease falling over the people. Clutching his stomach, his laughter slowly gets louder, grin spreading wildly as he doubles over. Jack even snorts like a dying pig. Tears stream down his face, before he somewhat manages to regain his composure. With a cheerful grin, the unused seats barricade the door as the windows shatter - cars flying off the street and twisting like pipe cleaners to it up.
No one is allowed to leave, after all.
The humans scramble everywhere. Some try to pry the door open, screaming for help while a few get on their knees to beg for forgiveness from their foolishness. Other’s cower in fear, trying to find some sense of safety underneath the wooden pews.
A child, couldn’t have been more than two years of age, cried out in fear. A memory tried to resurface in his mind, make itself apparent - flashes of pain shooting in his head. Trying to push it down, Jack tried to focus on the scene in front of him.
But it just wouldn’t go away. And this was all that stupid child’s fault. The reason why Jack was in so much pain was because that blasted kid didn’t know how to keep the pain inside.
“Shut up!” Jack yelled, and a few broken pieces of glass shot through the child’s body. It collapsed on the floor, lifeless, frightened shrieks were heard all throughout the church. “I think we should have some fun now, you all have to pay for your sins one way or another.”
- Adam flew into a small Ohio church, irritated out of his mind. The moment he was inside, the walls had been painted a bloody shade of red and random scraps n’ bits of skin we’re scattered everywhere. Dead bodies were hooked loosely on one side of the wall by car parts and a red-headed female managed to hang on for her dear life. Even if she was missing her legs.
“Jack.” Adam smacked his arm in irritation. Jack was relaxing on a pew, thinking about only he knows what. A gold eye peaked at him curiously, closing shut when he realised it was Adam. “Jack!”
“What.” Came the half-assed reply.
“Are you serious? Beginning to slaughter people for the fun of it, again?” Adam tells him. “You told Gadreel that you would stop
 this!” He waves his hand around to show off the murderistic scene around him.
“What’s this?” God grins at him, giving out a small yelp when the archangel forces him upright to look at the red display he created. “Oh, you mean my art?”
“Art - what - that’s it. Another therapeutic session is in order.” Jack opens his mouth to protest, but Adam has already snapped his fingers to reverse the damage he’s caused and erase the people’s memories before disappearing themselves.
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
Jack Kline hitlist: @quicksilver-ships @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
cassette tapes | jack kline
read on ao3?  Music can affect humans. Some, much more than others. It can provide an escape from the harsh reality outside, or help others find their footing if they’re somehow not down to Earth. Others make music as a way of trying to climb the forever fighting hierarchy, to lend a hand to others in need. After his Dads died, Jack had resorted to
 unhealthy methods for a while. It wasn’t right - it has never been right to begin with - but it worked for him. Sometimes. He stumbled upon his dad’s old cassette tapes. Just sitting in the box, gathering some dust and looking like they haven’t been played in years. He stared at them for a good hour before going into the garage. Jack teared up at the sight of Baby, still as beautiful as ever - but she was gathering dust. Irresponsible of him to let her get in such a condition, Dean would skin him alive right now if he could. Snapping up cleaning supplies, he opens up the car door to wipe down her dash and windshield, vacuuming the carpets and ripping off the previous layer of leather to put in a new, freshly made one he grabbed in 1967. Trust him, the timeline continuum wouldn’t be affected that much from it. When he finished applying the final layer of wax on her hood, she looked beautiful. Gleaming underneath the hazy fluorescent lights, shining as brightly as the day she came out. Sliding into the driver side, he pushed the box of cassette tapes, closing his eyes and randomly grabbing one out. His fingers drifted along as he slid it inside, peeking from between his fingers out so he could press play. Carry on my wayward son
 His heart dropped. The fucking universe couldn’t give him a break, couldn’t it? Was this supposed to be some guilt trip for all the murders he caused? The demons he created on purpose just to mess with humanity’s lives now and again? To make him feel? I hear the voices when I’m dreamin’ - I hear them say A memory flashes back when Jack had gotten his first nightmare. Lucifer was taunting him, poking and prodding at his mind. He was a prodigy, one of the greatest things he had ever created. That he should come to daddy, steer him on the right path his Dad was trying to move him away from. Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean Jack woke up screaming in his angelic tone, making the Winchester brothers bleed from their ears as well as Castiel accidentally leaving his own vessel. They rushed to his room quickly, scanning the room for a threat and tucking back their guns by their waist. Wiped away his tears, comforted him until he calmed down. Told him that they’ll always make sure to stop him before he does anything rash. That they’ll have his back, no matter what. He’ll be okay as long as the three of them we’re in this plane of existence.  Surely heaven waits for you And now he was alone. And they left him. Sacrificed themselves for the greater good for humanity. Here for the rest of eternity to suffer. It hurts, more than any wound he’s gotten or given himself. Don’t you cry no more His hand completely crushed the steering wheel. Jack screams in agony, making the windows and windshields shatter, the library’s bookshelves collapsing. Tectonic plates shifted as mountains moved. Lightbulbs crack and explode apart, spirits awaken from their slumber. Animals quivered in fear and humans paused as the ground shook from underneath them in fright. Plants caved in, trying to seek refuge from the anger. Heaven watched him warily for a moment, making sure he didn’t destroy the planet again before turning their attention away. Hot, fat tears stream down his face as he watches the destruction he’s caused. Mentally, he whispers a sorry to the Earth and fixes whatever he’s physically broken or caused pain to. With shaky hands, he remakes the wheel, gripping it much more loosely this time. Resting his head on it, Jack continues to sob loudly in his suffering, wrapping his arms around it. “Sorry, Baby. I just - I miss them, Baby. I miss them so much. I know you do too. I just hate living without them, I hate the mere thought of existing.” He sighs. Settles the box on the floor, curls on her seat. For the first time in a long while, he doesn’t dream. 
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
cassette tapes | jack kline
read on ao3? 
Music can affect humans.
Some, much more than others. It can provide an escape from the harsh reality outside, or help others find their footing if they're somehow not down to Earth. Others make music as a way of trying to climb the forever fighting hierarchy, to lend a hand to others in need.
After his Dads died, Jack had resorted to
 unhealthy methods for a while.
It wasn’t right - it has never been right to begin with - but it worked for him. Sometimes. He stumbled upon his dad’s old cassette tapes. Just sitting in the box, gathering some dust and looking like they haven’t been played in years.
He stared at them for a good hour before going into the garage.
Jack teared up at the sight of Baby, still as beautiful as ever - but she was gathering dust. Irresponsible of him to let her get in such a condition, Dean would skin him alive right now if he could. Snapping up cleaning supplies, he opens up the car door to wipe down her dash and windshield, vacuuming the carpets and ripping off the previous layer of leather to put in a new, freshly made one he grabbed in 1967.
Trust him, the timeline continuum wouldn’t be affected that much from it.
When he finished applying the final layer of wax on her hood, she looked beautiful. Gleaming underneath the hazy fluorescent lights, shining as brightly as the day she came out. Sliding into the driver side, he pushed the box of cassette tapes, closing his eyes and randomly grabbing one out. His fingers drifted along as he slid it inside, peeking from between his fingers out so he could press play.
Carry on my wayward son

His heart dropped. The fucking universe couldn’t give him a break, couldn’t it?
Was this supposed to be some guilt trip for all the murders he caused? The demons he created on purpose just to mess with humanity’s lives now and again? To make him feel?
I hear the voices when I’m dreamin’ - I hear them say
A memory flashes back when Jack had gotten his first nightmare. Lucifer was taunting him, poking and prodding at his mind. He was a prodigy, one of the greatest things he had ever created. That he should come to daddy, steer him on the right path his Dad was trying to move him away from.
Tossed about I’m like a ship on the ocean
Jack woke up screaming in his angelic tone, making the Winchester brothers bleed from their ears as well as Castiel accidentally leaving his own vessel. They rushed to his room quickly, scanning the room for a threat and tucking back their guns by their waist. Wiped away his tears, comforted him until he calmed down.
Told him that they’ll always make sure to stop him before he does anything rash. That they’ll have his back, no matter what. He’ll be okay as long as the three of them we’re in this plane of existence. 
Surely heaven waits for you
And now he was alone.
And they left him. Sacrificed themselves for the greater good for humanity. Here for the rest of eternity to suffer. It hurts, more than any wound he’s gotten or given himself.
Don’t you cry no more
His hand completely crushed the steering wheel. Jack screams in agony, making the windows and windshields shatter, the library’s bookshelves collapsing. Tectonic plates shifted as mountains moved. Lightbulbs crack and explode apart, spirits awaken from their slumber. Animals quivered in fear and humans paused as the ground shook from underneath them in fright. Plants caved in, trying to seek refuge from the anger.
Heaven watched him warily for a moment, making sure he didn’t destroy the planet again before turning their attention away. Hot, fat tears stream down his face as he watches the destruction he’s caused. Mentally, he whispers a sorry to the Earth and fixes whatever he’s physically broken or caused pain to.
With shaky hands, he remakes the wheel, gripping it much more loosely this time. Resting his head on it, Jack continues to sob loudly in his suffering, wrapping his arms around it.
“Sorry, Baby. I just - I miss them, Baby. I miss them so much. I know you do too. I just hate living without them, I hate the mere thought of existing.” He sighs. Settles the box on the floor, curls on her seat.
For the first time in a long while, he doesn’t dream. 
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
unfinished but i need to finish
It wasn’t an addiction. It couldn’t be. Sam was just
 giving himself penance for all the wrongs he’s ever done. All the failures that should’ve been successes, the amount of life's gone because he was a second late or slipped up [stupid stupid stupid stuPID-]  or the endless count of the times he’s let his brother down. Maybe it was the lingering memories of Ruby cutting herself open for him to take, red lines rolling down her wrist as he eagerly lapped it up like a man begging for water. Maybe it was the infinite scenarios being played out in the cage with Lucifer. He did love a little foreplay, after all. Maybe it was his fault for even attempting to fall in love with Jessica and hoping for a future with her - leading her to her grave was what he did. Maybe it was the grief of losing Kevin - killing him with his own hands, watching him collapse onto the floor - for fucks sake, the kid had his whole life ahead of him. Maybe it was the fact that he used Amelia like some sort of rebound when he couldn’t find Dean nor’ Castiel a way out of Purgatory. Maybe it was the pain that Mary hadn’t even attempted to reconnect with her sons. Maybe it was the amount of times he couldn’t bear to see the disappointment in Dean’s eyes.  Or it was all of the above and more - but those had just been the greatest ones he could list off the top of his head. He was always screwing something up, hurting someone else, thrusting his burden onto others, being the weak link of them all. And he was tired of it. So Sam pushed himself harder, tucked away his emotions, spending his time studying like the good ol’ Stanford days. Couldn’t find enjoyment with hanging out with his family anyways - he could become a danger to them at any moment. And then there was the possibility of this just being one of Lucifer's sick illusions, because he had to give the devil credit for something so creative. Having a child of his own, then faking his own death? Interesting outcome really. But, he knew Lucifer was truly dead, because the pained look on Gabriel’s face had said otherwise. And Gabriel has never lied to Sam yet.
He’s not going to even start with the nightmares. Sam puts a cloth in his mouth every night, just in case. Doesn’t want to wake anyone else up with his pitiful screams. At this point, he’s like a shell of his former self when no one watches, a tired man just waiting for some sort of peace that may never come. And then, Dean gets hurt. It’s all his fault. They were in an abandoned hospital facility in the middle of bumfuck Oregon, trying to track down either a spirit or ghost who took pleasure in luring his victims and painting with their blood. The ghost - Eddie - claimed it was a passion, that his work should be viewed by all that had some sort of taste in art. It did not help that he believed it was the 80’s. Sam told Dean to take the right while he took the left, but the elder Winchester argued it would be more reasonable if they simply went together because who knew what the hell this guy was doing. Sam disagreed, claiming that the ghost had hostages and it would be easier and efficient his way, being able to cover more ground.
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
don't lose hope. the DJ will have us falling in love again before you know it.
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
the part where Gabriel yeets him off a cloud just gets me honestly 
like, just imagine team free will driving on some random highway and he lands right on top of the impala, crushing her hood and he’s like ‘Hi dads!’ and Castiel almost gets a heart attack because he thinks Jack fell from heaven 
i just want a archnangel reunion is that to much to ask for
I hope not. I want that too😭 I want Michael and Lucifer to hug. I want Lucifer to help Michael through what he is just starting to understand, I want him to show his big brother living without the warmth of God’s love won’t be so hard, that the four of them will keep each other warm. I want Gabriel to be the baby among them because of the childhood he couldn’t live to his heart’s content. I want Raphael to be crushed in a giant hug by his three brothers.
Think about it tho
Michael being the annoying big bro and continously telling his three brothers’ most embarrassing childhood stories.
Lucifer being overly protective of all of them, torching a few pagans who decided to hunt down ‘Loki’ or something.
Raphael examining Lucifer’s wings and taking care of all the wounds from Hell.
Gabriel making all of them watch Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings etc.
Jack being there and becoming the sweetheart of his three uncles.
Michael teaching Jack how to use a sword, Lucifer making Jack that lightsaber he wanted, Gabriel teaching Jack his best tricks, Raphael wearing a shirt that says 'Monkey’s Uncle’ with Jack whose shirt reads 'Uncle’ s Monkey’ when Gabriel and Lucifer insist.
The four of them ruling Heaven all together and teaching Jack all about angel stuff like Enochian.
Michael takes Lucifer’s hand in his and puts one of his personal, smaller blades in it. Because he remembered the other day how a fledgling Lucifer used to cry when Michael said it was dangerous for him to play with big brother’s weapons and hid all of them away from the child. “Never cry again little Lightbringer,” he says, “never let anyone else make you cry.”
Gabriel starting a video diary for the four of them.
Raphael being the voice of reason among the four of them but starting to loosen up a little and getting pulled into pranks against Michael by Lucifer and Gabriel.
Michael talking about his past battles and all three of the younger ones curling around him then somehow falling asleep to their brother’s voice amd and his warm grace covering them all.
Jack throwing himself over his uncles and his father just to get pulled into the center and be wrapped in four sets of wings.
Michael having a mug that says 'Bestest Uncle’, Raphael having one saying 'Coolest Uncle’, Gabriel having one saying 'The Fun Uncle’ all bought by Jack.
The four archangels teaching Jack how to fly. Gabriel suggesting to throw him off a cloud just to get Lucifer’s red eyesℱ then the younger three archangels remembering Michael taught them how to fly by doing just that then proceeding to try to push their big brother off the cloud instead.
Them roaming the universe together and living the childhoods they all deserved. Taking Jack with them and raising the little one all together.
I feel your pain, friend. I do. 😱
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tfw-needs-baby · 4 years
tfl | being ours isnt up to you
for @quicksilver-ships
My boyfriend.
Make me so fucking happy, sunflower. Love you.
His first mate was no other than young Castiel. 
He was always different than the rest, more of the observant type than fighting kind. Watching how other angels interacted, fought, played, loved. Castiel wasn’t the sort of angel of partake in activities either, preferring to stay off the side in the sidelines and let his mind wander aimlessly.  It wasn’t hidden very well that Castiel was Gabriel’s favorite. The young angel never questioned his actions, but smart enough to not bother to partake in them. Whenever Gabriel longed to have Lucifer’s grace wrapped around his, Castiel never called him a fool for such longing, but instead wrapped his own grace around the hurting archangel, humming random notes he’s heard Gabriel terribly sing before.  Michael told the youngest archangel that he needed to find a mate and soon, or he would be given one for him. 
Of course, he asked Castiel, holding his hands into his, with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. He spoke of all the ways he could’ve spoiled the young angel, of how he would no longer be spoken lowly and would actually be praised and cheered upon, of how happy he could make Castiel if he would just become Gabriel’s mate. 
Castiel refused. 
“What? Why?” Gabriel’s wings arched up in annoyance. “I could force you to become my mate.” “You wouldn’t.” Castiel shot right back, head tilting slightly. “You wouldn’t care if it was anyone else, but you have too much love for me in your heart.” 
“I can see how much love you have for me in yours. Why do you deny me, the opportunity is right in front of you.” His grace carefully wraps around the angel’s taking note of how much pain it is in. 
“I am undeserving of you, Gabriel.” The angel replies. “Look at me, Gabriel. Do I shine as brightly as you? Do I have as much power as you? Do I have a high status as you? No, I have none of those. What do I have to offer you?” 
“Your love. For the rest of eternity.” Gabriel cradled Castiel’s head in his hands, as Castiel cried and nodded in happiness.  They made love to each other in a far corner of the garden of Eden, wrapping their graces and wings around each other as tightly as they could, and for a while, they were happy.  Gabriel visited Terra often, his visits to his father’s land more and more frequent, spending more and more time there until it became clear one day after three full moons that he wasn’t going to return to heaven. 
The other angels encouraged him to please find another mate, yours is a traitor and trickster and terrible, but Castiel stood his ground and hoped for his love to return soon. 
And then he was sent out on an assignment to retrieve the righteous man. 
Sam Winchester never understood Gabriel very well when he was screaming about which candy was superior to another, about how their true forms looked in heaven or how he was bitching about generation z.
However, he understood Gabriel when he put up an act to hide how he felt about certain situations.
How did he know? Because he’s been in his position before.
Whenever he did, though, Sam would carefully approach Gabriel, wrapping him into a hug and holding him close, letting the archangel rest his head against his shoulder and hum some of Dean’s terrible songs. Like Castiel once did. 
It hurt seeing his previous mate look at another with nothing but love. Castiel really had a bad preference in men.
And when he finally started to notice that Sam was looking at him like that, he pushed him against the current motel room they were occupying for the night glaring at him angrily. “What gives you the right not to speak about your feelings for me?” 
“I’m sorry?” Increased heartbeat, eyes widening in fear and gulping. No way did Gabriel see right through him.
“Mind reader too, Sam.” The archangel winked, afterwards rolling his eyes when he couldn’t read them anymore. Sam must’ve learned a spell to block out angels entering his mind or something - which was pretty reasonable, after the whole situation with his older brother mentally breaking Sam down.
“You know I don’t like it when people enter my mind without permission.” Sam shoots right back.
“Still doesn’t disregard my point.”
“Which is?”
“You want me, Sam Winchester.”
When Sam averts his eyes, refusing to look him in the eyes, that's all the answer Gabriel needs. Tucking Sam’s hair behind his ear, he smiles softly before standing on his toes, pecking him on the cheek and almost falling onto him. The beautiful flush of his shocked face makes him chuckle, and there’s nothing but adoration in his eyes.
“Sam, it’s okay to take something for yourself for once.” He promptly places his finger over Sam’s mouth before he can protest. “And don’t you dare say you don’t deserve it, you do. You deserve everything.” 
The kiss he gets in return makes him the happiest living thing on the Earth for a long, long time.
Gabriel fakes his death a short while after his first kiss with the younger Winchester, and falls into hiding. He makes a few attempts to make himself known, drops a few hints, but Team Free Will are too busy to notice.
[That, and the three of them were fucking like there’s no tomorrow. Well, the apocalypse was arriving then.]
When he does make his grand reappearance, there’s a large rift between the three of them and aren’t in a relationship any longer, and Gabriel can’t decide whether or not he should be happy about that. Sam and Castiel don’t have any visible interest in him, and the only one who actually sticks around long enough is Dean.
They’ve never verbally gotten along, but understood each other on a mental level, and that’s why they still manage to be friends. Or something along those lines.
But when Dean sees him awake, drinking a beer and watching Friends reruns, something flashes behind his eyes that he can’t quite understand. He raises an eyebrow at the look he’s getting, before the older Winchester sighs and sits right next to him.
“You don’t drink Hennesy?”
“More of a Corona kind of guy.” Dean says, and passes an appreciative smile to Gabriel when one appears in his hand.
It’s peaceful silence between the two for a couple of episodes, besides from the small laughter and occasional critique and references.
“So, what brings you down here?” Gabriel asks.
“Thoughts are loud, can’t sleep, pretty lonely, any other excuse I’m forgetting?” Dean grins.
The archangel beams. “You practically stole mine. Besides from - I’m not fucking an angel or your brother anymore - then no, I don’t think so.”
He regrets it the moment he says it, because Dean is turning away from him and the moment is lost and he feels a ache in his chest again and he hates feeling that way and he jumps out of his seat to grab the Winchester by the wrist and he can feel tears running down his face- 
His thoughts come to a halt when Dean wraps him in a hug, holding Gabriel tight and lets himself be open, just this once.
“You want them too, don’t you?” Gabriel sniffs, not giving a damn if his snot ends up on Dean’s shirt.
“Yeah, I do. But they don’t want us.” He rests his chin on top of Gabriel’s head.
“I can’t live without them.”
“We got ‘em as family still - that counts for something, right?”
“It’s better than nothing.”
Another moment of silence. Then:
“Ever consider a friends-with-benefits only relationship?” The Winchester suggests.
He snickers, as he allows his tears to be wiped away. “How do I know I won’t catch feelings for you?”
“You don’t. But if we do, then we just go along with it.” They seal the deal with a kiss.
And as per usual, Gabriel does catch feelings - so does Dean. But he doesn’t say anything, because nothing needs to be said. Dean has caught feelings for the trickster too. Sam and Castiel send weird looks in their direction, clearly caught off guard when Gabriel makes a reference while they’re watching Star Wars and Dean starts laughing like it’s the last time he’ll ever get too.
And everything is happy once more, just for a bit before Gabriel fakes his death once more.
Then he finds out that his dad has gone batshit crazy, killed the nephilim, and that other universes are leaking into his own.
What the fuck, dad.
And he finds out his eldest brother has escaped the cage too, and apparently not as batshit crazy as his father. In fact, he gets along with his vessel and they plant together and work in a small restaurant in a small town nearby.
Michael is just as surprised as Gabriel when he finds out he’s alive.
“I felt you die. Twice.” Michael’s arms wrap around his body, letting his tears fall freely. It’s weird, as the couple sitting in the booth behind them watch them seriously and he’s openly sobbing, drawing attention towards the archangels. “Twice, Gavri'el.”
Hearing his old name is like a punch to the gut. “I’m here now, aren’t I brother?”
“Yes, but for how much longer? Father is planning to wipe his creations clean.” He looked at Gabriel sadly. He could see Adam inside of Michael, just listening into the conversation awkwardly.
“Well, the Winchester’s are coming up with a plan, aren’t they?” Gabriel states, wiping his brother’s tears away.
“They're coming up with something.”
“They have to.”
“Are you ever going to go back to them?”
Michael glares at him. “You heard me loud and clear, Gavri’el.”
“Way to sound bossy.” He shoots right back.
“I’m serious-”
“I know you are! But, I can’t go back to them. Not after everything. I’ve hurt the three of them badly enough.” He runs a hand through his hair, and Michael’s eyes turn blue for a quick moment, and Gabriel knows that Adam has taken over.
“Gabriel, the three of them are in a relationship.” Adam revealed.
“Oh.” He doesn’t have the heart to cover it up right now. His heart has already shattered, Gabriel doesn’t understand why a piece of him was hoping he would be able to find solace in one of their arms. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because one part of them longs for you, even while you are, dead.” He emphasizes the end with air quotes.
The trickster rolls his eyes, as Adam’s eyes light up blue once more, noting the shift from Adam to Michael, and he places a hand on his brother's shoulder. “Please, little messenger, don’t make the same mistake I once did when we were mates.”
It’s not like Gabriel had the chance to say anything anyway, because next thing you know he’s magically appeared in the bunker library and the three of them are busy flipping through books while Castiel laughs at something Sam said while Dean spits out his beer. Why did Michael send him here? It’s clear enough that they’re happy without him. He takes a step back- 
Worst mistake in his entire existence. The damn floorboards need fixing, and he feels small underneath his ex-lovers gazes.
“Miss me?” Gabriel jokes, but their faces are blank. “Come on, you three, it’s me!”
He takes a step forward now, and Castiel pulls out his angel blade while the Winchester’s thwip out a gun. Not the warmest welcome he’s ever gotten, really, but understandable with his whole psycho father situation.
“You're not Gabriel.” Sam states.
“Ask my little moonlight-” Castiel’s eyes narrow at his old nickname, “Whether or not it’s really me. I know you can feel my grace, Castiel.”
He can feel Castiel’s grace near his, then wrap himself around Gabriel’s for a moment, trying to find a single flaw or imperfection to let him know that it’s some fake, copy, sick joke - but nothing. It’s truly Gabriel. Gabriel immediately misses his contact with Castiel’s grace, the warm, euphoric feeling gone as the angel drops his blade, gasping loudly as tears start to roll down his cheeks.
“Gabriel. It’s you. It’s you - but - I don’t understand - I - we - how?” Sam wraps his arms around Castiel as he cries softly in his arms, and his head collides with the wall, an angry Dean Winchester holding him up with just his fist. Oh, how the tables have turned.
Gabriel winks at Dean. “Missed you too, Dean-o. But I don’t recall you topping the last time you and I fondued.”
“Shut up!” Dean spits. “Why are you back now? Are you going to help out Chuck?”
“Please, I’ve gotten my older brother back, who seemingly has gotten himself a vessel-boyfriend. And he’s happy, which is a surprise, because last time he tried to kill me off.” Gabriel sighs. “I just wanted to see how the three of you we’re doing and take my leave.”
“Leave?” The elder Winchester forces a laugh out.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed, Gabriel?” Sam looks at him with that damn kicked-puppy face while stroking Castiel’s hair.
“No, there isn’t a place for me here. That’s all I’m saying.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, and Dean tilts his head in confusion.
It’s a few moments of silence, before Castiel looks at Gabriel with a tear-streaked face. He silently walks over to Gabriel, brushing a few strands out of his face and looking at him with concern and anger. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t scared.
“Do you have a death wish, like these damn Winchester brothers?” He asks, as the archangel scoffs.
“Have you seen yourself, Castiel? Your practically just like them-”
“Don’t avoid the question, Gabriel. Answer me. Do you want to truly die? Do you want to go into the afterlife for angels? There is no heaven for us Gabriel, only darkness. You wouldn’t know - but I’ve been there, and I have been terrified of death, just like any other rational human being in the right mind.” Castiel doesn’t snarl or spit or growl, but with such calmness that practically radiates anger.
Now Gabriel is definitely confused. His baby brother has been into the darkness - and returned? That should’ve been impossible - but he clears his mind. Two can play this game. He raises his chin high, looking down at Castiel like some sort of peasant.
“You dare speak to me like that, Castiel?” Gabriel barked.
Castiel laughed. “Really? The whole powerful archangel thing? Drop the act, Gabriel. You couldn’t hurt me then and you wouldn’t forgive yourself if you hurt me now.” 
“Listen, I’d think it would just be safer if
 you were here. With us?” The younger, much more reasonable Winchester puts his two cents in, and curses him for blocking Gabriel from reading his thoughts.
“I’m not staying here.” He replies, and Sam’s sighs, shoulders drooping. If Gabriel wants to do this, then he’s not going to stop him. Neither are Dean or Castiel. He turns on his heel, walking out.
“I wish for you to find better mates than we could ever be.” Castiel says.
The archangel turns back around sharply. “What?”
“It’s clear that we failed your criteria of ever being a worthy mate-” The angel starts, but Gabriel’s mind is flashing right back to somewhere around the beginning of time, where Castiel had mentioned something similar to him when Gabriel was found flocking with another group of angels. “And that you deserve something better.”
“Shut up!” Gabriel shouts, and the Winchester’s are wearing that same damn irritable expression Castiel is wearing. They have all felt this way? How - what - why was he so damn blind sometimes?
“Dean?” He questions, and Dean crosses his arms.
“You’ve heard Cas. We weren’t ever enough. Really wanted you to stay a little longer, but y'know, life ain’t always work out. Didn’t mean we didn’t miss you.” Dean shuts up after that, his little chick-flick moment done.
“Sam?” Gabriel asks, but the way he averts his eyes are answers enough. Fuck.
“It’s okay, Gabriel-” Sam tries, but the trickster quickly cuts him off.
“It’s not okay, Sam! You’ve all been hurting because of me! You’ve all been feeling this way for years because of my stupid, irrisponsible, childish actions! None of this is right! You’ve all been the greatest mates any angel could ever have - I just - I don’t deserve you. Not what after I did.”
Gabriel’s confession is out there now, and his heart is in their hands, to do whatever they please. Tear it, stomp it, make it bleed out would be the better option. He closes his eyes, and is startled a moment later when Sam cups his face, and the three of them are so close to him, blocking him from leaving. Gabriel has the power too - with just a flick of his wrist, but he can’t, his body isn’t allowing him too.
“Is that why you’re trying to run away, Gabriel? Because you feel as though you aren’t worthy of our love?” Castiel replies, kissing his cheek. “You know that is far from true.”
“You sure about that? I’ve killed Dean over here-”
“And I’ve since forgiven you for it.” Dean replies, kissing him on the forehead.
“I’ve left you all heartbroken-”
“Because we thought you were dead and when you returned to us, we were mad and took it for granted. Not anymore, Gabe.” Sam brings his hand up to his lips, kissing his knuckles. “You belong with us.”
“But after everything I’ve done, I don’t deserve you!” He shouts right back, and Dean sighs, rolling his eyes once more.
“You think that choice is up to you, man? You think we haven’t felt the same way you're feeling right now - hell, I don’t deserve Castiel and Sam but here we are. We don’t deserve each other - and we might sometimes feel that way - but we need each other, okay? And right now, we need you, with us, that way we can all be happy.” Dean’s hand cup the other side of his face. “And I’m asking you right now, will you do us the honor of being our boyfriend, Gabriel?”
“Please? We need you, just as much as you need us. We can be happy, together.” Sam says before Gabriel can even open his mouth.
Castiel smiles softly. “We can be your mates, your flock, your loves. All you have to do is say yes and our hearts will belong to you as well.”  
Gabriel’s heart feels like it’s going to explode out of his chest.
And, well, they spend the rest of night learning to map out each other's bodies again, whispering praises and promises and don’t sleep until the next afternoon, wearing proud marks of being Gabriel’s mates.
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it’s the blemishes that make her beautiful.
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Spn Meme » Four Objects » The Impala
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Sam and Dean, drinking happily at the side of a road. I miss the good old days, sometimes ^^ (ballpoint pen + watercolor pencil)
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Human!Impala - astrongcupoftea
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