th3bloc7 · 9 years
Just a little note : )
God is our father, he put us here to live our lives beautifully, happily & successfully. We should have fun while doing so! The Lord doesn't want us to stress or to be involved in unsavory affairs though! Yes things happen, mistakes are made & everything is not a bed of roses but trust & know that if you are actively looking & living to please your father in heaven, he's looking out for you! God knows your heart & his children know his voice. New grace & mercy abounds every morning just for you & I, so don't worry about missing the mark sometimes. Get back up and dust yourself off, renew your mind, continue to live, love, learn, stay positive & stay faithful!
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
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× ‘But put God’s kingdom first. Do what He wants you to do. Then all of those things will also be given to you. // Matthew 6:33 NIRV - God’s desire for us is to know Him through His Son Jesus Christ. - #TAWG / #XABay /
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
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Congratulations to the Golden State Warriors who took the big “W” tonight! I love this team and they're unashamed attitude! We know Steph is straight up #TeamJesus! I love it, all glory goes to God! Curry keeps a reminder on the court which can be seen on the sole of his awesome kicks. That reminder being the most prominent piece of a scripture found in Philippians 4:13! “I Can Do All Things... (Through CHRIST)” Congratulations to the team & Iguodala who was given the MVP award and whom also stated that the Warriors are a team of BELIEVERS! Yes God! Won’ he do it! 
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
One of my favorites right now! Who says Christians can't turn up!
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
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Yaaaas! This is a message I feel the church needs to embrace deeply! The speaker was coming from a carnal point of view, but I saw it and applied it to the faith. Us young believers especially need to take this to heart. God has blessed us all with a specialized and unique starter pack & we gotta learn how to be comfortable with everything he gave us. **1 Corinthians 12** Let's work as a Christ Kingdom minded team, with our individual assets/abilities wether they be, physical, spiritual, financial...To make the Kingdom of God work like a well oiled machine! Let's keep our eyes on Jesus & work together! Let's not try to top one another's gifts or offerings or church clothes...whatever it may be. It's easy to get side tracked & pay mind to the carnal crap that the enemy dangles in our faces but please don't take the bait. 📢 A quick shout out to those of you that feel less than, know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! God loves you just the same as the next person. Don't ever let anyone or anything get you down, you are a part of the body of Christ & you are a major piece to our puzzle! We the Kingdom of God need you, even if some folks don't know how to appreciate you or show real love...Keep pressing in your gifts & watch God do great things for you, with you & through you. -J. Glover
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
Quick lil post for Jesus one time!
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
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😱 GOD WILL MAKE A WAY? Yes, he will! Just yesterday I saw him handle a situation for my mom & I, when we had already given up. This is one of the reasons why I love the Lord, he will reminds us of who he is & of his power! There will be times when we face hardships & difficulty. In the hard times...You need to know that GOD CAN, WHEN WE CAN'T! (2 Corinthians 12:9) In these times don't panic...stop, chill & pray! Wether the end result plays out in your favor or not, always remember that what doesn't kill your makes you stronger. We will not win every battle but the war was already won when Jesus laid his life on the cross! Everything that we experience is a learning opportunity! So chalk it up & trust the Lord to make it all happen for you, whatever IT is!
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th3bloc7 · 9 years
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Just showing appreciation to our Lord and Savior! I’m new to #tumblr but I’m learning fast! Follow me, give me a chance. I just wanna post from my heart, sharing the word, messages, dope Christian music and whatever else the Lord puts on my heart to share! #CUL8er 
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