that-norse-pagan · 19 days
Any tips you'd give to a new worshiper of Fenrir?
Don't be afraid to ask questions!
You can ask fellow worshippers or other blogs on here for any kind of advice, I know sometimes talking it over with my online peers has been super helpful before. On that- don't be afraid to ask Him directly! Pendulums are a great way to communicate for yes or no questions (I like using them to ask for confirmations-- whether or not he likes/wants a certain herb or offering, for example), but you can connect more complexly through tarot readings! I have some favorite spreads on connecting with new Deities/asking them questions if anyone is interested.
I can also potentially make a post on how to best connect with a deity/start your craft if anyone is interested!
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that-norse-pagan · 19 days
I wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve put into this blog. Fenrir is the only deity I work with/follow, and I was VERY new to these aspects of Paganism when he made himself known to me. The posts you made helped me navigate deity work and learn about Fenrir. You explain things in a way that are easy to digest but still convey the whole scope of the topic at hand. Seeing your blog and the people who interacted also made me feel less alone during a very bizarre and unique time, it let me know that hundreds of others have been in a similar position before me.
Thank you for all the knowledge and experience you’ve shared. :)
Thank you so much! 🖤❤️
I love getting to know my words I post into this internet void are getting somewhere, especially in a way that helps other people!
I try and word everything in ways that are easy to understand (and I'm glad it's working), because when I was first learning, there wasn't a lot of resources out there, and what I could find was often confusing or hard to understand as a beginner. I've worked with other Deities very briefly, but Fenrir (and his sons!) definitely remains as my "closest" bond. :))
I always love connecting with other Fenrir Devotees, feel free to message me whenever!
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that-norse-pagan · 19 days
How is Fenrir doing today :D
I know this has been sitting in my ask box for ages (Are you still interested?) But I tend to keep up with Fenrir and His children through rune-readings, pendulums, and my favorite tarot deck I use strictly when working with the Wolves!
He's doing alright today and seems quite pleased- I got some new supplies for His altar and I hope to request His help for a ritual tonight. :))
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
Hi! I cant find much on Sköll and Hati and youre one of the only ppl who I found posted ab them, do you have any more sources?
Hi! You're so right, I struggled to find my own research on them despite looking EVERYWHERE, which is why I decided to make these posts! (I'm actually cooking up a HUGE info dump on them like my Fenrir Info Dump below 👀). Most of my personal research came from a mix of their legends, and then UPGs! Much of what I've posted on them already comes from my personal work with them and asking what they like on their altars- and therefore what I associate with them.
My research also goes beyond just Skol and Hati, I find associations of adjacent things! Sun and Moon themed crystals and herbs, personal candles to them, etc. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful!
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
I've been wondering about some sort of vision journeying to encounter Fenris with my active imagination. I've not enough experiences with those kinds of methods yet to write my own… I wonder whether anything's available.
Yeah! There's tons of resources out there, what specifically are you looking for? I can send you books, online links, etc! :)
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
Hello followers and commenters both old and new- I want to apologize for my long absence. I've delt with many health issues recently and haven't had time to post. I plan on being much more active now. 🥲
Feel free to DM, send in Asks, or comment post ideas you want to see!
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
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Low Energy and Accessable Deity Work
I've gotten a few DMs now that inspired me to make this post- Thank you All who asked, I love getting post inspiration !
I know not every Norse worshipper (including myself!) does not always have time to put full efforts into their work. I personally am disabled and sometimes I am in and out of hospitals, as well as simply don't have the energy to keep up! Sometimes my altars sit dusty for months.
I want to start by saying Deities are forgiving. While some have seemed frustrated with me before, they always end up settling back into routine with me in time. I tend to start by dusting off and cleaning the altar when I have the time and energy, as well as give an offering and prayer. The short of it is-
Modern Life gets busy. You get Busy. You get sick. They understand. They won't hold it against you or abandon you.
Now for the actual advice! (Sorry for the long intro 😅)
I find apps to be incredibly helpful when I don't have the energy to do a full workup to my worship. There are apps that you can draw and read tarot cards from, apps to track moon phases, apps for runes, all of it! Some of my most useful FREE apps I'll list below. (Not Sponsered)
Daff Moon- this app can track the cycles of the moon down to the percentage! It also tracks sun rises and sets, planetary alignment, and other astronomical events! When I can't do my research for moon phases in the coming days or weeks, this app is very helpful.
Runic Formulas- This one is SUPER useful to me personally. I don't always have energy to throw my runes, bones, etc. Not only will it give you runes with deep descriptions, associations, and more, but it's SO helpful when it comes to creating your own bindrunes or studying pre-made binds! It also has an in depth course that teaches beginners about Norse Paganism and different Deities!
Learn Old Norse- Not for everyone of course, but I like to try and pray in the original languages of the culture. It will teach you Grammar, Pronunciation, and more!
Low Movement Days:
Sometimes, pain, sickness, and Disabilities make it hard for people to move. And there's no shame in that!
Prayers in "odd" places- one does not always need to kneel before ab altar or raise their hands or even speak to pray. Sometimes it's easier to lay in your bed, couch, wherever you are, and think of your deities and your prayers to them.
PDFs! Sometimes books aren't accessible to all, but often I've been able to find online versions of most texts and books I adore (Somewhere there is a post with book recommendations), but it's very useful for affordability, restricted movement, etc.
Offerings- not all offerings need to be a huge ritual, I promise. Sometimes it's as simple as setting a new item on the altar. Sometimes it's a small prayer when you think of them. Maybe it's going on a small walk for them. I personally work with Fenrir, and will go on walks offering to let him use my eyes and experience freedom from his chains briefly, or I offer my pain, some food as I eat, etc. I've also simply sat on my bed and meditated. Your practice can change day-to-day, and that's okay!
Sometimes we are away from our altars. Whether it's a vacation, a hospital stay, or just a time you're gone from home for ages. You're not required to pack up your whole altar or bring a ton of things with you, it can add more stress than good. Sometimes, all I do is sit in front of the altar, speak that I'm leaving for a while, and promise an offering or altar clean when I get back.
Charms! Sometimes is one so desires, you can enchant a devotional piece of jewelry, a veil, or even a water bottle you carry around (I see you, chaos magic users) to carry around as a symbol to your devotion, and sometimes touching or feeling it or saying a prayer on the go is a lovely way to connect. I wear an Obsidian ring for Fenrir and a Coffin Nail necklace for protection. It's very helpful to have as I travel.
Important Travel- our health and well-being need to come first. I view it in the same light as many Islamic and Muslim religions. One can prioritize themselves when in any danger. Deities will not be important in those situations, and they will absolutely understand.
Mental Blocks/Disabilities:
As someone with Autism, it can be hard to know exactly what to do. I struggle with meditation when I get distracted easily and can even forget about my routine and duties I like to do. ADHD and more forms of Neurodivergence, like depression, can make it extra hard on some folks.
Don't be too hard on yourself. - Its very easy to feel like you're not doing a "good job" or failing promises to your Devotion. Beating yourself up over it (as hard as it is not to), can be extremely difficult. I find it helpful to simply apologize if I feel like it. They'll understand
Base your practice to you! Not everyone has the exact same abilities and not everyone can do certain things! You don't need to be perfect or follow everything you see on the internet. Often it's people showing their best and most dramatic presentations. It doesn't need to be perfect all the time.
You don't have to do everything. Some people struggle to meditate, others with focus on tarot readings or pendulum readings. It's okay to completely opt out if those despite them being common!
Accessibility and Affordability:
Not everyone is able to afford fancy crystals, tarot decks, and to set up entire altars. Some people grow up in houses with other religions and can't practice safely. Paganism isn't always accessible to everyone, but here are safer more accessible ways! Here's a couple:
Tarot Deck replacements- playing cards can make a great replacement for a tarot deck. If anyone wants a tutorial, let me know and I'll post one! You can also make/draw your own and make it comfortable to you, and if anything it's easier to connect more. You can hide them easier by saying it's just drawings. They also make Braille tarot cards for my blind folk. :)
Crystals- They aren't a necessity for your work. I often see people talking about their beautiful altars and crystal collections, but it really isnt needed. Not to mention the prices some shops charge! Sometimes connecting with nature is easier. Rivers rocks for water deities is an example. You can also see what crystals can be found in your area and dig them yourself.
Pendulums: It's easy to make your own! Before I could afford all the "fancy" supplies, I used a ring on a necklace or a necklace with a heavy charm to communicate.
Deity Statues: In religious hoseholds that don't accept you, this can be very unsafe, not to mention expensive! I had to pay 80 US dollars for a Hekate piece once. You don't need expensive statues to worship your Deities, you can print out small pictures if them you are drawn to at home. If you don't have access, some libraries offer free or 10ish cent (a US dime) printing. :)
For my closeted folks, celebrating pagan holidays in private can bring joy. Find foods associated with those holidays and eat them! I've attached a basic wheel if the year above. :)
A Farewell:
I think I've touched on many things in this post, but I'll keep updating it as I think of more things! Also feel free to comment if you want me to add anything to said post.
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
ive heard it's uncommon to work with gods who are enemies, such as odin v. fenrir. im a fenrir devotee and wanted to ask because it feels so foreign to try and reach out to the all father when my patron is the wolf he helped entrap. im not asking for tips, but more asking about your experience with the both of them?
My experiences with Odin actually came after I'd already built a relationship with Fenrir. I was (as I'm sure you were) confused and hesitant about working with them both. Odin was only with my briefly, but he gave me knowledge and comfort that I didn't have for the time, and I was very thankful for it.
What I've personally noticed is Deities go above the ideas of mortal relationships. If both have a message or both want to work with you, they put their relationships aside. :))
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
Do you work with mani
I do not, I'm sorry! I do work with Hati who is associated with the moon like Mani, but I'm not sure if you'd want that information due to their mythology and known to be considered enemies. 😅
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
(PT2) another question i should've included in my first one but forgot!!! in your opinion, should i reach out a hand (ha) to tyr, as he is associated with fenrisulfr? or is there too much bad blood between them? i should probably just ask my patron his thoughts, but since tyr was once a friend im curious about your opinion!
Hello! I hope this ask is still relevant, I know it's been a hot second. 😅
I personally know people who have worked with both- and they don't communicate to each other, but they're still cordial to one another other. If both are reaching out to you, it's likely for a reason. Don't be afraid to ask them both questions of course. :))
I don't work with both myself so I fear my opinions may not be as helpful as some others, but in short I've found no issues speaking and worshipping both. In fact in Greek mythology, it was common to worship and give offerings to all the major deities regardless of bad blood, and often it was even considered bad luck to offer to some but not others!
Hope this helps, I'm sorry I don't have much information.
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that-norse-pagan · 26 days
Hi. I don't know if you still use Tumblr, but I've came across you by coincidence and I really resonated with your posts. I've been back and forth about whether I should start studying paganism, and your posts kinda gave me the kick I needed to finally start researching. I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations on where to study or any materials, since the internet is full of information, but not all is reliable.
(I hope this doesn't come of as if I'm trying to find short cuts, I'm just really lost in where to start. And sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language.)
Hello! My apologies for the late response and I hope you're still looking!
I have a few favorite books I can recommend, some have free online PDFs as well!
1. Taking up The Runes by Diana L. Paxson.
It's great for learning in depth how to communicate with deities through runes, and a good look at what runes mean!
2. The Way of Fire and Ice: The Living Tradition of Norse Paganism by Ryan Smith
It goes into again, a lot if detail around Norse Paganism as a whole!! It also touches on sensitive topics, like how to steer clear of Paganism symbols that have unfortunately been used by white supremisists and other excluding people.
3. Also by the same author, I recommend Spinning Wyrd!
Its another great book that expands on The Way of Fire and Ice!
4. Of course I must include the Poettic Edda, which us sometimes referred to as the Bible of Norse mythology. It has all of the original translated texts so you can learn everything yourself!
5. Outside of Norse, I recommend Of Blood and Bone by Kate Freuler! It goes deep into rituals for darker and more taboo Magic, but still very informative!
My DMs are also always open for personal questions and more guidance.
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that-norse-pagan · 1 year
Hail Fenrir
Hail to the fiery eyed Wolf Hail to the father of the One who Mocks and the One who Hates Hail to the mighty son of Angrboda Bless and bide with us this day
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that-norse-pagan · 1 year
hey i just wanna reach out and say i worship/work w fenrir too, and to thank you fr writing yr info posts of him and yr experiences w him! they’ve been really helpful, and i find my experiences are really similar, which is so nice! :~)
I'm glad there's people that relate! While I also worship Sköl and Hati, Fenrir has always been my closest deity. :)
I'm going to come out with more info posts soon [after accidentally abandoning this account :(], I hope you still find them to connect to you.
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that-norse-pagan · 2 years
My First Impressions on Sköll and Hati
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I tend to preface with disclaimers, but this one is most important of my posts so far.
This is a disclaimer that I have only reached out to Sköll and Hati in the last week after spending lots of time doing research (which sadly there doesn't seem to be much out there for resources)
I will include shorter versions at the beginning of each part, as this will likely be a long read.
In Short: My first reaching out consisted of building a small altar space and using Tarot as my Communication Method.
My first attempt to reach out to was simply through prayer and leaving out an offering. I built a small space for Hati and Sköll and set out items I wanted to dedicate to them both. (A mix of crystals and visuals, a pendulum for each, an offering dish, the basics for an altar space.)
My first "direct" reaching out to both Hati and Sköll was through Tarot, which happens to be my preffered method for Deity Communication. It was pretty simple, a couple cards to ask how they would feel about working with me.
Comparing Energies
In Short: I noticed that (so far at least) the two seem to have very distinct yet opposite energies. Hati is calming and open, while Sköll seemed more defensive and harsh.
Hati has an intense but "gentle" energy, he was quicker to answer, with a calmer approach of an answer. Asking for three signs of confirmation were quick to be given, and many of the cards pulled noted Teamwork, Growth, and Beginning. The cards were still firm, noting the expectations Hati seemed to have, but they also entailed that Hati recognized the research and effort I had put in. In the end, he had laid out a clear start to finish of his "thinking process" through the cards, as well as his clear answer.
I would almost compare the energy to the Moon itself, the calm silvery rays.
The consensus was very positive, and I would dare say an openness to my proposal.
Sköll had declined the first time I reached out, that the time was not right and he didn't allow any cards to come clear. He had also acknowledged the work I had put in come the second approach, however the cards were quite blunt, showing I did not need to explain the work I wanted to do with him; that he already knew. He had firmly said that I needed to make a decision on if I would be able to handle working with him, while proceeding to bluntly call out issues I was having in other scopes of my life, and to fix those. His energy surrounding was intense, as were the cards pulled.
As with Hati, the energy comes across much like the sun, intense and fiery red.
In the end, it came to a synopsis of "Mostly positive but firm, however I needed to prove to him I was worthy of his time."
Times to Reach Out:
In Short: Hati Mid-Day to Early Evening, Sköll Sundown.
Not important in the slightest but maybe it interests someone.
In my case, Hati seems to be more 'open' for longer conversations closer to Mid-day or Evening rather than Dusk or later into the Night; which threw me off guard considering Hati's tendency to be referred in the Night Sky.
Sköll on the other hand seemed more responsive around Sundown (though begrudgingly so still). Mid-Day works too, as I normally try to speak to both twins around the same time, but I got the most response around the time the Sun was setting.
I will plan to do a more thorough post as I gain more knowledge, for now these are the only words I have.
A second warning that I am quite exhausted, and this post may contain errors. :)
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that-norse-pagan · 2 years
This is beautiful! 🖤
To the Great Wolf
Hail to you Fame-Wolf, He who was betrayed, May we remember your faith In those that betrayed you.    May we honor you Wolf-Son of Loki,  Brother of Hel,  Father to the sun and moon chasers. May we break our own bindings The way you will break your own When Ragnarok comes, And may our rage match your own When we face those Who betray and bind us. Hail to you, Fenrir!
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that-norse-pagan · 2 years
Crystal Associations with Sköll and Hati
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I want to preface this with a disclaimer that all of these are my personal opinions based off mythology, what they stand for, and their appearance. I haven't been able to find a single source over herbs and crystals that associate with Sköll and Hati, so below are my own ideas, with explanations why.
~These may also serve as altar ideas~
Sköll, the Great Wolf who chases the Sun:
Colors: Black, Orange, Red, Dark Grey
Perhaps for obvious reason, the name itself having a direct tie to his legacy, but I find the strength of the stone also matches the energy from him.
Black Moonstone
Despite being 'Moon' stone, the darkened colors mixed with reds and oranges give me a bigger reminder of him than his brother, the Moon Chaser.
Like his Father, I associate a lot of darker stones with Sköll, but Obsidian has a special tie with him I feel, a crystal crafted from Lava, a strong heat that reminds me of the Sun's strength.
A stone used around strength, protection, and determination; I feel it matches many of the traits Sköll holds, and lines with the determination he has to eventually capture the Sun.
An ancient stone coming from a meteorite collision with Earth, it's strong energy mixed with outerworldly orgin leads a belief it has ties with Sköll, though I also feel it matches Hati's energy as well.
Tiger's Eye
Also associated with strength, the bright gold-ish bands remind me of the Sun's rays, and it's a fairly afforable crystal.
Smokey Quartz
Strong energy, and a darker form of Clear Quartz, to match his twin, Hati.
Gold and Pyrite
The bright shines and colors remind me of the sun, and Pyrite is a more easily-afforable version. :)
In full truth, this stone simply reminds me of the deep red colors of Sköll's eyes, but it's one I would still use.
The grounding energy of this matte black stone holds a calming presence that I associate with many of the Great Wolves of Norse Mythology.
The stones below are associated with the Sun as a general, and may also be offered.
Orange/Yellow/Lemon Calcite
Orange Selenite
Bumblebee Jasper
Crystals I Associated with Both:
Also a crystal I have on Fenrir's altar, Bloodstone seems to be a crystal that works in the entire family.
Hati, the one who chases the Moon:
Colors: Blue, White, Grey.
Intelligence and Focus, Sodalite ties into the determination of Hati, that will eventually end in the success of catching the Moon.
Blue Apatite
Matching the description of Howlite.
Both of the above stones match the 'colors' I associate with Hati, White, Grey, and Blue.
Clear Quartz
Matching his brother with Smokey Quartz, the clear energy of the stone fits within the scope of the Moon and Hati.
Once again it would seem an obvious reason, the stone's name having a tie with his legacy.
Same as to Sköll with Gold, Silver is another precious metal that I associate with Hati and the Moon.
Caribbean Calcite
This one has an odd reasoning, but it's simply because the stone reminds me of the waves on a beach, and the moon's tie with tidal movement.
The stones below are associated with the Moon, and may also be offered.
Clear Calcite
Peach Moonstone
In a short general, most of these stones I associate with the color, energy, and Mythology around the twins, however since I am unable to find a single resource around Crystals associated with them, these are just my opinions.
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that-norse-pagan · 2 years
Does anyone on this App work with/worship Sköll or Hati?
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