thatbutlerwriting · 3 years
Friendly reminder that I am, in fact, accepting writing requests to do in my spare time off work. Feel free to blow up my ask box at your leisure.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Wait a minute...
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
PSA for those unaware
Black Butler Season One, is the only adaptation in the entire series that’s been rated TV-14 by Funimation. (x) Black Butler Season II - TV-MA (x) Black Butler Book of Atlantic - TV-MA (x) Black Butler Book of Circus - TV-MA (x) Black Butler Book of Murder - TV-MA (x)  TV-MA is +17.  What’s been rated TV-MA is based on the manga (with the exception of Season II), so it can be concluded the manga is +17. What’s left to be animated in the future, will most certainly be TV-MA.  Given the content of the story, I don’t think anyone would argue with it, and I’d be worried if people thought otherwise.  If you are under the age of seventeen and absorbing any other Black Butler content outside of Season One, you are not the intended target audience, and are watching/reading content that is not meant for someone your age. You are watching at your own risk and potentially exposing yourself to upsetting themes and triggering content. You owe it to yourself to stay safe, the ratings ARE there for a reason. 
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Say what you will about people who like Sebastian. At least no one in their right mind stans Viscount Druitt.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
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Louise knows what’s up
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Welcome!!! ^-^I was wondering if you could do something with Claude and his s/o. Maybe a bit of rough smut and she's trying to keep quiet so Alois won't find them...
“She” was specified, so I’ll be using feminine pronouns~ Feel free to reblog, but please do not claim as your own!
~all character’s in this fic depicted in sexual activity are of/above legal age~
Claude’s hand moved to cover the panting girl’s mouth as he thrust faster inside of her. His own breath was coming in short bursts, his body pressing closer to hers pinned beneath him. He knew that his master was certain to find them if he didn’t manage to quiet her down. But how? Every thrust his hips made, she let another little mewl escape her lips. He soon slowed his movements to a teasing and tortuously slow pace, pulling her close and burying his face in the crook of her neck to whisper to her between little gasps. “If you don’t quiet yourself down, I’ll be forced to either stop or gag you,” he warned. “Which would you prefer?” he removed his hand from her mouth to allow her to answer.
At the threat, her form shuddered beneath him, her hips bucking a little as she answered in a small whimper, “Please don’t stop.” The demon’s pale lips turned upward in a smirk and he gave a curt nod. Reaching beside him on the bed, he retrieved a small strip of cloth, leaning himself up and tilting her face so he could tie the make shift gag around her mouth. She glanced up to him pleadingly, trying once again to thrust her hips under him.
“Oh, no,” he muttered, moving himself slowly and nibbling on her neck. “You’re going to be punished for being so loud.” His hands roamed her sides, raising goosebumps along her skin and leaving her a whining mess under him. In all honesty, he was highly amused despite the fact the there wasn’t much friction. He was accustomed to the torture he could dish out - she most definitely wasn’t yet. As her arms wrapped around his neck and her eyes closed, he began thrusting painfully quick, angling himself so that he was brushing against a spot deep inside of her that he knew was sure to drive her insane. She was caught off guard, her body immediately arching and curling into him and wrapping her legs around his wast, deepening his movements even more. Claude gave a quiet moan against the tender flesh of her neck, his hands lowering more to lift her legs up so he could pleasure her even better. At that, her body all but became jelly for Claude to mold at his will.
He kept his hands on her thighs, digging his black nails into her soft skin and almost drawing blood. Her small, now softened whimpers and moans fueled his lust for her. He moved his mouth’s attention from her sensitive neck lower to kiss and suck harshly at her bare collar bone. The skin reddened as her moans began to increase in volume again, her heat tightening around Claude’s member. He groaned deeply, his movements becoming more erratic as both of their releases inched closer with every second. Her breathing nearly stopped, her back arched and she all but screamed through her restraint. Her nails dug deep into his back, leaving angry red whelps. Claude bit into her shoulder roughly, his manhood giving another twitch as his lover spasmed and clenched around him with her release.  At feeling her tighten around him, he gave a few more thrusts before spilling himself deep inside of her with a low groan.
Claude’s hands moved from her thighs as he looked up to her with amber eyes, caressing her face almost tenderly. “Good girl. I knew you could be quiet.”
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
reminder to:
straighten your back
go take your meds if you need to
drink some water
go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Any headcanons about how would shinigamis propose to their s/o?
She’d be rather shy about the ordeal at first, but then she’d come right out and ask. There would be no getting on one knee, no formal “We’ve been together so long…” speech. Just her thrusting out her arms with a little red box in her hand, a blush on her face as she whispers “Will you…?” More than likely, it would happen at a rather random time, too. Like, during work.
Super, SUPER formal. It would take him YEARS to get to the point of loving someone enough to marry them. He’d ask out his s/o on a date, probably to dinner. Things would go pretty normal - light conversation, a bit of joking, ect - until just before dessert. He’d reach into his pocket and pull out not a box, but the ring itself. Probably something a bit simple, but still elegant. He’d walk right over to his s/o and, blushing only slightly, pop the question in front of the entire restaurant.
The chances of Ronnie finding Mr(s). Right are very, very slim at his age. However, let’s say he did. Now he wants to marry them. Well, the first thing he’d do is go to someone more experienced (maybe Will or Eric) for advice. After hearing ‘em out, he’d plan a big party just to propose to the lucky s/o. Of course, there’d be lots of music, tons of drinks - all the good shit Ronald Knox wouldn’t be caught at a party without. Now, that’s where the interesting part comes in. All the guests at the party would be in on what he was planning. During the middle of one of the more upbeat songs, the music would stop, and everyone would turn to the two of them. Ronald would give this long, shy speech about how he feels toward his s/o. Then, as William told him, he’d get down on one knee and look right up at them, smiling as all the guests helped him ask, “Will you marry him?”.
Things would be really weird once Undertaker chose to marry. Whoever the lucky s/o was, they’d (probably) notice it right right away. He’d start doing little things out of his normal, like trying his best to spend more time with them, and even occasionally asking them questions about wedding attire (eg - “Do you think you’d like to wear this dress/tux?” “I think you’d look nice in this~”) and casually mentioning jewelry. After he figured out his partner’s taste for clothing and whatnot, he’d plan a few things out before even asking them. Then, one night after the shop had closed and things were quiet and settled down, he’d take them to see the dress/ suit/ whatever that they had unknowingly chosen being worn by a mannequin, the ring they had picked out slipped on to the ring finger of the same doll. Assuming his lover hadn’t passed out (referencing a scene from Phantom of the Opera), he’d hold them close to himself with one arm around their waist, patiently awaiting an answer without verbally asking anything.
Alan would be pretty hesitant to propose (those of you who’ve seen the musical know why). However, when he finally came to the decision to do so, he’d make sure it was something his lover wouldn’t soon forget. He’d ask them to go out with him one evening when he (and the s/o, should they be a shinigami) didn’t have work. More than likely, it would be to go out walking with him to spend time in a flower field, just watching the wind blow. After a while, he’d try to start small conversation, and things would get on the subject of marriage. He’d ask how they felt on the subject, if they had ever thought of getting married. If things went well, and they said that they hoped to one day be wed, Alan would smile to them, taking their hand and slipping a golden ring onto their finger. “Hopefully I can make that wish come true. Will you allow me?”
He’d act pretty similarly to Alan, but different in his own respect. It would take him weeks to work up the nerve to ask his lover to marry him, and when he did, it would be a bit spur of the moment, probably one night that he decided to spend with them. They would be lying in bed together, his s/o held close to him as they started to drift off to sleep. Eric, being a bit more impulsive when he’d tired, would mumble out his proposal and then, eyes widening, realize just what he had said. The next morning, he’d dig the ring out of one of his clothes drawers, muttering about how he had meant it to be special.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Hello, dear! Could I request a scenario about Drocell's s/o, being hurt ever since he died, comes into his shop because it reminds her of him, and meets him as a doll. How do you think they both would react? (Whether it turns out as fluff or angst is up to you ^^).
The little shop had been more vacant than usual today, Drocell couldn’t help but think. Fewer and fewer people came in to enjoy his little works of art, the pieces he longed to share with the world. There were plenty of dolls for everyone to see, even more for them to purchase and give loving homes.
“I think to myself… Something is still missing.”
He waited the evening out, and still not a customer to be seen. The living doll stood with a sigh and began pacing the shop, cranking his music box all the while. He had plenty of empty dolls which needed to be worked on, but he wouldn’t chance leaving just in case—
A soft jingle sounded while his back was turned, signaling the shop door had open. Drocell was content to finally have someone there, so much so that he could almost muster a smile. As he turned, he was struck with such surprise that his hollow eyes all but popped out if his skull.
Before him was a beautiful young lady in a gown of precious silk, chartreuse laces flowing about her as the wind blew the door shut with a slam. Her hair was bound in loose curls, a soft pink bonnet keeping the wild locks from swaying with the gust. She looked to him with wide eyes, eyes filled with wonder, which quickly turned to shock.
Her soft, melodic voice called out his name. That voice he had fallen in love with, many years ago. That soft, surprised voice… The owner of that voice took a cautious step forward, closer to the doll before her.
“And so I think to myself, I have missed you so.”
Her emotions could be read so easily through those lovely eyes that stared to him in disbelief. He had longed to see her for such a time now, and here she was before him. She was obviously in shock, seeing him now. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her eyes filled with tears as she rushed to embrace him, her head burying itself against his chest.
Awkwardly, he returned the embrace and held her closely. It was so nice having her back in his arms, as if she wouldn’t ever leave again.
“And so i think to myself, you never will leave me again.”
They spent hours reminiscing, catching up on years gone by. She could tell he had changed, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. Drocell had closed the shop for the evening, even decided to give her a tour of all the secrets rooms, the unseen hallways. He lead her through the corridors, happy to listen to her chat on into the night. Drocell almost shed a tear when he lead her into the final room.
The next morning, a most gorgeous new doll was placed out on display for all to see. A beautiful little thing she was, with a lovely chartreuse dress filled with lace and an adorable pink bonnet covering hair loosely curled, hanging to her shoulders. Of course, this doll was not for sale. This doll was special.
This doll was his.
🎶 “London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.” 🎶
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Will you write things including suicidal ideation/ self harm? I he led your rules but I wanted to make sure before I requested anything. ❤️
I don’t see why not, so long as you’re alright with me putting it under a read more and tagging the post to include appropriate trigger warnings. ^^ I thrive off of angst, and I’m super hard to disturb, so writing those sorts of things doesn’t really bother me.
#tag later #mobile
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
don’t ever feel bad for asking me to tag a trigger
i do not care what the trigger is
i will tag it for you
you have legitimate reasons to be triggered by it
and i am not one to question those reasons
so just send me an ask
anonymous if you’re scared
and i will tag it all the time in future
your wellbeing is worth twenty extra seconds of my time at least
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
urgent reminder that Grell Sutcliff is a trans woman
Carry on.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Mobile Pages
Please inform me if the read more or any other links in this post break or are no longer usable.
About Me
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Alias: Astre
Age: 20+
Gender: nonbinary (he/they)
Faceclaim: Yamato Kurosawa (Sukitte ii na yo); icons from aihasuicons
Faves: Noah’s Ark Circus Troupe, Grell, Ronald
OTP: me x Joker lmfao
NOTP: Sebastian x Grell
Other: I will protect Doll with my gotdamn life, fight me. Sebastian is trash and I can’t stand him.
This blog is here so that people can have fun. If I see any sort of bullying, I will not hesitate to turn anon off and block the users I see doing it.
That being said, my rules are quite simple, and I ask that you obey them.
First and foremost, THIS IS AN ALL INCLUSIVE BLOG. You ship SebaCiel? Cool. You ship CielLizzy? Cool. You’re trans? Cool. Bi? Cool. Nonbinary? Cool. I will NOT tolerate hate of any kind, especially toward my followers. This includes ship hate, body shaming, and discrimination of any kind.
That being said, I will let it be known I am uncomfortable with otherkin for very, very personal reasons. Please do not reblog my art or writing with kin/ID tags.
I enjoy a good laugh, so I don’t mind the occasional silly question. However, I reserve the right to ignore something I find offensive.
I am caught up with the Black Butler anime, Black Butler II, Book of Circus, Book of Murder, Book of Atlantic, the musicals, and the OVAs. Because of this, I will only be answering asks about things contained in these until I have fully caught up with the manga.
Some asks I receive may be offensive. If I think that there is a chance it could be offensive or triggering to someone, I will place the answer under a cut with the proper warnings.
This blog will not accept roleplay requests.
While some people may find it offensive, I will refer to Grell as female. I can relate to her character in more than one way, and have no intention of denying what I see as canon. I truly hope this doesn’t bother anyone.
This is a work of fiction and should be taken as such. I will NOT tolerate any anti vs anti-anti drama here. Period. The drama I’ve been involved with is toxic and damaging to my own mental health, and I will not argue with anyone over my stances for whatever reason. Don’t like something I post? Either blacklist the tag or block me and move on with your life.
In addition, there are a few things I’d like to list as disclaimers:
I am not responsible for a minor coming across content which is 18+. There are many warnings placed on this blog, and all 18+ content will be tagged as such. This disclaimer also applies for those residing in a place where the content of this blog may be considered illegal in some way.
All characters appearing in 18+ material have been aged up or deemed to be 18 years of age or older.
This is a ship safe blog. If I see ship wars, I will not hesitate to block you. The same goes for any hate I receive in my inbox.
Who is Astre?
Astre is my Kuroshitsuji self insert persona, a demon shipped with Joker. I could get into more detail, but honestly, I’d rather not unless you guys want to send asks about him. I’ll happily answer them!
Who you write for?
Long story short, any anime/OVA-canon or musical-canon character. I’m not caught up with manga yet, but I hope to be soon so that I can add the plethora of manga-exclusive characters to my writing portfolio - especially Bravat! Until then I’m most confident writing the anime, OVA, and musical characters for all you lovelies to enjoy~!
Do you have a favorite character to write for?
Despite the fact that most of my confidence comes with writing characters I’m familiar with, there lies a single exception, and he’s actually the answer to this~! I absolutely adore writing for Bravat! He caught my attention from the minute he was introduced, and I’ve done so much research on him that I’ve debated making a full on roleplay blog for him. If I do, I’ll let you all know~
I also really, really enjoy writing for Grell. Her character is one that I can relate to, and back in my early Tumblr years I roleplayed her a lot. maybe if I can ever get into my old account, I’ll revamp her blog and we’ll bring Lady Grell and Sir Red back ;)
Do you, ya know, ship nasty stuff?
This blog ain’t about my ships, hun. I’ve been involved in the anti and anti-anti drama before, and it absolutely destroyed my mental health. I was sent some not-so-good things by some really shitty people on both sides of the debate, so I’ve learned it’s best not to disclose my feelings on the subject. If that bothers you, you can feel free to leave.
Does that mean you won’t write for ships?
Honestly, I’m game for just about anything that isn’t triggering for me - which isn’t much, honestly. That being said, this blog is meant as a “x reader” type blog, so I’d like to keep canon x canon ships away from here if I can.
But if what you’re really asking is “will you write my SebaCiel/SebaReaderCiel smut for me???”, then the answer is no.
So you don’t ship (ship)?
Again, I’m not answering questions like these. My views are my own, and yours are your own. Let’s leave it at that and move on with life, shall we?
Where do you stand on the Great Grell Debate?
Grell is a trans woman, a queen, and I love her. No, I don’t accept criticism.
Can you tag (thing)?
Of course! If you ever need anything tagged, be it a trigger or not, feel free to let me know! I want this blog to be enjoyable for as many as possible, and I know something as simple as tagging can make that difference.
That being said, all asks and scenarios will be tagged with the characters they contain, as well as any ships involved. If need be, I’ll gladly make a tags page so that you guys can figure out how I tag stuff in case my system isn’t easy for some to use.
Do you do matchups?
Yes, but only if you fill out and submit a form. If they get overwhelming, I’ll be limiting how many I accept at a time.
Why do you keep your reader gender neutral?
As someone who’s been in fandom their whole life and realized over 5 years ago that fem-identifying labels didn’t feel right, I understand the struggle to find inclusive content - especially for x reader content. My writing features a gender neutral reader so that others can have what I’ve longed for - inclusive content that hopefully doesn’t isolate them just because it uses female pronouns.
Will you write nsfw/triggering content?
Hell yeah! Dark fiction is my favorite thing to write, so I’d adore to get some darker themed asks here and there. Don’t worry, they’ll all be tagged properly so that anyone who doesn’t like that sort of thing can avoid it.
I use mobile, so I can’t blacklist!
Honey, mobile came out with a blacklist feature some time ago. If you can’t figure out how to use it, either enlist in some help or just avoid my blog altogether. I’m not going to stop writing what I enjoy just because someone doesn’t know how to use the internet.
I’m a minor, can I still follow?
Yeah, I’d rather you not. In my experience, even if I say “as long as you use the blacklist feature!”, we all know that the chances of that happening are very low. So, to avoid that problem, I’m gonna say plainly that I don’t want minors following me.
If I find out that you’re following me and you’re under 18, I won’t hesitate to block you. Period.
But-but-but Tumblr is 13+!
Yeah, well the app is 17+, and this blog is 18+. Life has rules, kid. Get over it and follow them.
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thatbutlerwriting · 4 years
Promo, I guess?
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Hey, I’m Astre, and I’m a brand spanking new Kuroshitsuji scenario blog that specializes in writing x readers for all you thirsty, thirsty people out there. The desk is officially open, so please feel free to check out my pages and start spamming me with stuff that’ll get my creativity flowing~!
Just so you know, I used to run @one-hell-of-an-ask-blog, but for some reason I can’t get into the account it’s attached to. If my writing is familiar, that’s probably why ^^
Edit: I got back into my old blog so you guys can confirm its me! :D
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