The Other Way Chapter 14: The Portal
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - AO3 Link
To those who are reading my fanfic I hope the wait was worth it ;3
The fading light filtered down through the thick layer of leaves. How long had they been out here, Dipper wondered, searching the forest for the way home.
It had been at least a few hours since Alcor had brought them to the forest surrounding Gravity Falls in search of the portal, and now here they sat infuriatingly close. Unfortunately there were also a bunch of heavily armed, multiverse hating cultists in the way that wanted to destroy his and Mabel’s home dimension, and probably them as well if what Alcor said was anything to go by. 
If there was one thing Dipper was taking away from his little interdimensional ‘adventure,’ it was that there were cultists quite literally everywhere here. 
The three humans were waiting in a small clearing while Alcor went ahead to get a feel for the situation, with Wren keeping an eye on the twins. 
Dipper glared up at the dusken light from his spot sprawled out on the grass, letting out an annoyed huff. “If I never have to deal with another cult, it’ll be too soon,” he grumbled quietly, mindful of the headache that had stubbornly remained after his last attack. It was like the dull thumping of a heart, beating in time with the unknown force that resented his dual presence in this dimension. An ever present reminder of the time limit hanging over their heads. 
Looking up from cleaning her strange looking gun Wren raised an eyebrow at the sulking pre-teen. “Another? How many cults have you two met?” 
“This’ll be my second and bro-bro’s third since getting here,” Mabel said, before looking thoughtfully at nothing in particular, nothing that Dipper could see at least. “Though I guess all up it’d be third and fourth if we include that memory erasing one from back home,” she added, shrugging and looking up at the demon hunter with that characteristic Mabel smile, if a bit smaller than it usually was back home. 
“Damn, that’s a lot of cults for four days.”
“Three actually, and that’s including today,” Dipper corrected, slowly sitting up. 
“Crazy to think it’s only been three days, with everything that’s happened it feels like it’s been ages since we got here,” Mabel mused, and Dipper silently agreed. 
Since first falling in that hidden portal and appearing in that alley they had been captured, saved by Alcor, played an, in hindsight, rather ridiculous amount of DDnMD, temporarily believed Alcor murdered a family and stole their home only to then discover that actually he was an alternate Dipper, leading to him, the original human Dipper to run off and get captured again, saved by Alcor again, learnt about Alcor’s past, and finally ended up in the Gravity Falls woods where they met Wren and located the portal home. Just one more obstacle to get past and this would all be over.
There was a small feeling that could only be described as a ‘blip’ and the trio looked up to see that Alcor had returned, face scrunched up in thought and feet decidedly off the ground.
Putting her weapon down Wren got up and approached the demon. “What’s the status Alcor? Will I be needing to help out?”
“Probably,” he admitted, absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck. “There's only nine cultists total, three guarding the perimeter, two by the portal itself and three more going over what looked like data they had collected.”
“But?” Mabel prompted from her spot on one of the larger rocks in the area, fiddling with the hem of her skirt.
Alcor sighed, running a hand through his hair. “While normally I’d be able to handle these guys easily on my own, I need to focus and put my energy into making sure that the portal’s safe and will actually take you two where you need to go.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” Dipper grumbled, scratching the back of his left hand as he layed back down. He’d found that lying down made the throbbing in his head easier to deal with.  
“How do you know about these weirdos anyway?” Mabel asked.
“An older faction of them summoned me a couple hundred years ago in the hopes I would open a portal for them,” he answered, beginning to pace back and forth in a manner Dipper recognised as being not too dissimilar to his own habit. “Honestly I’m surprised they even still exist,” Alcor added, almost as an afterthought. 
“So, did you?” Wren asked, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. “Open a portal for them?”
Alcor stopped mid - step? Dipper wasn’t sure if it counted as such given his feet remained hovering above the ground - and gave Wren a deadpan look. “If I couldn’t open a portal now for two kids I actually want to help what makes you think I could, or even would, for a bunch of nut jobs that think they’re capable of destroying other universes?”
She shrugged, quietly mumbling “fair point,” before returning to cleaning her gun.
“Hey, wait,” Dipper said, sitting up again, ignoring the dull protest from his head at the sudden movement. “If they already have access to the portal, you don’t think they already-“ Breathing suddenly became very difficult, panic filling his lungs with each attempt. Surely these people would not have the ability to do any damage to his and Mabel’s home, but paranoid ‘what if’s’ consumed Dipper’s thoughts like a virus. 
Alcor was already shaking his head though, feet landing on the ground. “Oh no no no! I highly doubt they have the means to destroy an entire universe,” he interrupted, kneeling down and making abortive hand motions. “Maybe give a couple solar systems some strife but no actual danger. From what I saw it looked like they were probably still testing the portal out, seeing what they can do with it,” he added with what Dipper assumed Alcor thought was a comforting smile, but it was difficult to tell with his shark-like teeth.
“You think so?” Dipper asked, uncertain but wanting desperately to believe it.
“Of course!” Alcor said, standing up again. 
“I mean, you say that but we don’t actually know how long they’ve had access to that thing,” Wren interjected, mostly focused on the last part of her gun that had yet to be cleaned. 
Alcor glared at her, crossing his arms. “Hey! I’m trying to be reassuring here! And besides, last I checked they were all still mortals without universe destroying powers.” 
“Yeah!” Mabel said with a chuckle. “They probably don’t even know how to go through the portal,” she snickered. 
“Oh definitely not.”  
The two started laughing, much to Dipper’s frustration. 
“Okay that’s great and all,” he said, “but do you think we could maybe get back to figuring out what our plan is? It’s not like we can just wander out there with all those cultists around.” 
“Right, yes, plan. You guys have any ideas?” Alcor asked, sobering up, hand moving up to rub his chin.  
“Maybe I can go ahead,” Wren offered. “Distract them while you three get to the portal and do whatever it is you need to do,” she said, waving in Alcor’s direction. 
“No, as good a fighter as you are, I don’t think you can take on nine destruction happy cultists all at once.”
“Try me!” 
As the two bickered about the general usefulness of a single stun gun against nine cultists, all with significantly more deadly weaponry, Dipper realised focusing on what they were saying had suddenly become more difficult than it should have been. He ignored the feeling of pins and needles that had appeared in his left hand as he tried to focus through the headache on what Alcor was saying.
“I guess I could go ahead and deal with them all beforehand but-“ 
Alcor paused, probably in thought, but for half a second it looked as if he might have flinched. Dipper knew Alcor had said that his presence there would not have an affect on him, but perhaps-
Mabel’s gasp interrupted Dipper’s train of thought - it was probably nothing anyway -, and when he looked over to see what was wrong was met with her terrified face staring down at him.
“Dipper your hand!” she cried out and they all looked at it, only to find the tips of his fingers steadily fading away. Dully Dipper heard the frantic and panicked exclamations of the others, but all he could focus on was the pounding in his head as he stared in terrified silence at his vanishing hand.
With that realisation his headache decided now would be a good time to remind him why they could not take things slowly as the dull throbbing abruptly became a sharp pain that spread through his head and down his arm to the hand that was now barely there. 
A quiet “oh,” was the only reaction Dipper could manage before he felt his vision fade. 
Soon the only thing he was cognisant of was a ripping sensation, like the individual atoms in his arm were fighting to leave his body. His head felt as if it was being split in two, or perhaps merged into one? Afterall there were already two of him there. As it was, whatever thoughts he might have had were drowned out by the burning, the pulling, and the crushing feelings overcoming his every sensation. 
When the feelings resided to a more bearable level Dipper saw Mabel, Alcor, and Wren hovering over him, fear, concern and panic clear on all their faces. 
“That, was definitely worse than the last one,�� Dipper croaked. 
“Screw this, we need to go, now,” Alcor said, eyes dark and shoulders tense. “Wren we’ll go with your plan you go ahead to distract the cultists I’ll get these two to the portal and make sure they can pass through it safely. Let’s get moving people!”
As Mabel helped him up Dipper was dimly aware of Wren running ahead and Alcor gently ushering them forward. All Dipper could focus on though, was his left hand, and the pain emanating from it. Well, where his left hand had been. 
What had vanished leading up to the attack had not returned with its passing. It had only gotten worse. 
Mabel, Dipper, and Alcor moved as silently and as carefully as they could towards the clearing that gradually came into view. Wren had already run ahead to distract the cultists, and Mabel could just see her in between the trees. 
“It’ll come back, right?” Mabel heard her brother whisper, still staring at the slowly fading stump where his left hand had been not that long ago. It looked, Mabel thought, like someone was trying to erase him, and she could already see other small spots and pockets where Dipper was starting to fade away, tiny dust-like specks falling away from him. She felt the hole in her stomach fall deeper with each smudged spot she saw. 
Alcor’s crouched form stopped as he looked over his shoulder at the two of them, his eyes screaming worry and fear, and not a small amount of tiredness. As Mabel looked at Alcor, her alternate brother, she wondered how true his claim was that he would be fine. Had he always looked that exhausted? Not to mention that odd little moment he had immediately before Dipper’s last attack. 
“Of course!” he whispered with a soft smile. “I’m like, ninety nine percent certain it’ll all be okay.” 
“But, not a hundred?” 
Alcor’s smile became softer still, as he cautiously placed a hand on Dipper’s shoulder. “I’m sure that once you’re both back in your own dimension everything with right itself and it’ll be fine, there’s no reason for things to not fix themself as soon as you’re home,” he said, looking at Mabel as well. She appreciated the effort to comfort them both, and gave him a small smile of her own. 
“Now,” he continued, “please stay quiet, we’re almost there, and we need to be ready to run as soon as Wren start’s distracting these guys.” 
Mabel nodded her head, a look of steely determination falling on her face, and she could see out the corner of her eye Dipper doing the same. 
The trio stopped just shy of entering the clearing itself, staying just out of sight. Mabel could see five cultists from their hiding spot, but knew the other four must have been somewhere nearby. They hardly mattered though, because across the clearing, barely any distance at all, all things considered, the shimmering light from the portal was winking at her. 
They were so close, after all this time finally seeing their ticket home was a welcome sight. 
The large guns were significantly less welcoming. 
They waited in nervous silence for Wren to make her move. Fortunately they did not have to sit there long, as less than a minute later she burst through the trees on the opposite side of the clearing, screaming and firing her weapon at the cultists, bursts of sparkling blue light knocking down three of them before the rest could react. The last of the nine cultists appeared as they all started firing at Wren, the tallest of the group barking orders at the others to get her. 
In that moment of confusion Alcor started making his way to the portal, Dipper and Mabel following closely behind, staying quiet as they moved swiftly across the clearing. Before they could make it halfway though, Mabel heard a pained gasp behind her, turning just in time to see her brother collapse once more, almost his entire left arm already gone from view. 
Panic flooded her system and froze her in place. “Dipper!” she called out, getting Alcor’s attention. He was by Dipper’s side in the blink of an eye, carefully picking him up and making his way to the portal. 
Mabel forced her body to unfreeze - Dipper would be okay, as soon as they went through that portal it would all be okay, it had to be okay, he had to be okay - and followed behind at a slower pace, her legs shaking far too much to go any faster without falling over herself.  
She could hear the blood pumping through her ears, the sound rising and she pushed forward, eyes darting quickly between their last hope and what little of her brother Mabel could see from behind Alcor. ‘Everything will be okay, everything will be alright, everything will be fine’ she thought to herself, a mantra she refused to let wander to the terrifying ‘what if’s’ that lurked on the edge of her mind. 
Ahead of her she saw Alcor reach the portal, gently placing Dipper down before bringing all his attention to their only hope of returning home.  
The sight helped Mabel to push past those stupid doubts and began to move faster as her legs began to feel more solid and less like her special brand of Mabel Pasta™ (like regular pasta but with more glitter and rainbow coloured yarn) when a rough hand grabbed her right arm. 
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” the cultist grumbled, their grip tightening. 
Mabel’s eyes widened, her throat closing up, and sweat beading down her face. As the looming cultist yanked her closer to them, a knife glinting in their other hand, Mabel’s mind went blank, instinctive fear freezing her in place. 
This could not be happening, she was supposed to go to the portal and stay by her brothers side and go home and this was not the plan this was not the plan what was she supposed to do she didn’t have her grappling hook as it was back home she didn’t have anything she could use to fight back she- 
“MABEL!” That was Dipper’s voice, he must have woken up from his attack and she tried to force herself to focus on him but all Mabel’s panicked mind let her fixate on was the large hand holding her arm, and the shimmering knife that got closer and closer with each frantic heartbeat. 
Suddenly an angry scream drew the cultists attention away from Mabel, the hypnotising knife pulling away it time for her to see Wren running up to them. Before Mabel - or it would seem the cultist - could realise what was happening, Wren punched them in the face, startling them enough to let go, Mabel stumbling to the ground in awe. 
“Hands off!” Wren yelled as the two began fighting. 
Alcor appeared at her side, his wings curling up protectively around her as he picked Mabel up and brought her over to Dipper and the portal.
“Are you okay?!” Alcor and Dipper asked in unison, bringing a smile to Mabel’s lips. 
“Y-yeah I’m good,” she stuttered. “Let’s get this thing going!”
“Right!” Alcor said, concerned eyes lingering on her for a moment before returning his attention to the portal. 
His hands moved over it methodically, his fingers twitching as if playing the harp, small wisps of blue flame dancing around them. A frown began to form on his face the longer he worked, his eyebrows coming together and nose scrunching up. 
Mabel could see Dipper open his mouth, she imagined to ask what was wrong, but before he could a startled shout from Wren grabbed all their attention.
“Look out!”
Running their way was another cultist and surely, surely, there were not that many left. 
Yelping Mabel jumped out of their path, seeing Alcor grab Dipper and jump out the way himself just in time for the cultist to skid through the portal, their angry cry cut short.
“Is that going to be a problem?!” Dipper shrieked, the three of them staring wide eyed at the portal.
“No, you won’t have to worry about them,” Alcor said, letting go of Dipper’s shoulders. 
 “Cause it’s connected to a different dimension now?” Mabel asked.
Alcor averted his gaze, scratching the back of his head as he seemed to look anywhere but the two of them. “Uhhh, yeah yeah totally!” he said, moving back to his previous position in front of the portal, hands starting to work again. “And definitely not because this thing currently has the same internal structure of a blackhole and ripped their fragile fleshy body into a million exponentially smaller pieces,” he muttered and wait what? That could not be right. Looking at the odd expression on Alcor’s face, Mabel figured it was probably for the best if she pretended she did not just hear that. 
“What was that?” Dipper asked.
“Nothing!” Alcor said with a wonky smile. “Time to make sure this thing will, safely, get you guys back to your dimension.”
It had not taken too long for Wren to dispatch the rest of the cultists after that. Alcor watched out of the corner of his eye as she tied up the last one before wandering over to the three of them huddled around the portal. 
It was wider now, almost circular in shape, with a near hypnotic swirl of rainbow colours slowly spinning around its edge. 
“Are you sure that’s safe now?” Wren asked, eyeing the portal with distrust. 
“Oh definitely,” Alcor said, sticking his arm through it as if to prove so before pulling it back out. 
“I realise given my powers that probably didn’t actually prove anything but I promise it’s perfectly safe now,” he added, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head with the same arm. 
Mabel could not help but laugh at his sincere awkwardness. To think Alcor being an alternate Dipper had been a surprise when they first found out. She couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at the absurdity of that. 
“So this is really happening? Can we really go home now?” she asked, the hope that filled her heart making her small smile grow ever larger. 
“Is this actually it?” Dipper added, a cautious hope of his own seeping into his voice. 
Alcor merely smiled and stepped aside, moving his arms as if presenting the portal to the both of them. “You guys ready to leave this dimension and finally go home?” he asked with a dramatic flourish. 
“Yes!” the twins cheered in unison, making the two adults laugh. 
“Good luck you two,” Wren said. “I still don’t a hundred percent understand what exactly is going on with all this but I’m glad I could help out. Here’s hoping Alcor isn’t lying about you getting better when you go through that thing.”
“Hey! I would never!” Alcor protested, much to everyone else's amusement. 
“Thank you, both of you,” Dipper said, looking up at Alcor, tired and tentatively optimistic eyes meeting human ones, before sharing a small smile.
“Yeah! We couldn’t have done this without your help,” Mabel added, her smile the brightest it had been since this whole ordeal had started. 
Alcor let out a small chuckle. “Well I’m happy to have helped, and all things considered it was nice meeting you guys,” he said, ruffling Mabel's hair.
“You too!” 
“I guess you weren’t that bad, in the end,” Dipper mumbled with a smile.
At that they all laughed, enjoying the moment.
The twins stood before the portal and gave each other a smile. 
“Ready?” Dipper asked. 
“As I’ll ever be!” 
With one final wave goodbye, Dipper and Mabel stepped through the portal.
Bright sunlight shone overhead, its light sprinkled over the forest floor through thick leaves, the subtle glow from the thin sliver of torn reality mixing with it. The portal rippled, suddenly growing wider as two small forms stumbled through, collapsing next to each other.
Mabel instantly jumped up, looking at her familiar surroundings, the same trees and rocks she had seen just days before. The deep pit that had previously settled in her stomach dissolving instantly with the growing sense of recognition, her true smile finally returning. 
Dipper watched as his arm and hand rapidly returned, flexing his fingers as they re-materialised. He looked up at his sister who’s smile said it all.
“We’re finally home,” Dipper said, the realisation truly setting in as he spoke. 
The two began rushing in the direction they remembered the Mystery Shack to be in, neither able to stop the smiles from pulling at their cheeks, not that they would have cared too. As their home away from home came into view, they knew it really was all going to be alright.
A/N OH MY GOD I FINALLY FINISHED!!!! After almost THREE YEARS I can FINALLY say I've finished the Other Way :D Thank you everyone who decided to give my little fic a read and an especially big thank you to all of you who commented I love each and every one of you SO MUCH!! I can't promise I'll write anything after this cause if I've learnt one thing from my experience writing this it's that I do not have the patients to be an author haha, but who knows maybe in three years from now I'll appear out of the void and share something new ^-^ (but probably nothing with more than one chapter, at least for now, I've learnt my lesson haha)
Thank you all so much seriously if it weren't for all of you this thing would not exist and despite it's flaws and a chronic lack of proper editing or proofreading I'm really proud of what I achieved, so I truly cannot thank you all enough ^-^
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Hi guys! Thought I should probably give an update regarding the last chapter of The Other Way, and I’m excitedly say it’s good news! While it’s still not quite done (and may still be a little while) I am almost finished with only two small scenes left to write! I’m aiming to be finished and posting the last chapter before the end of the year so the almost 3 year wait is nearly over :D
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To Watch the Sun Set
AO3 Link
A/N Hey been a while! Wrote this in my last year of high school for an English assignment (I got an A- :D) and then kept forgetting to share it and I figured now would be as good a time as any (kinda make up for not updating my other fic in over a year now) Hope you all enjoy it ^-^
He had watched them grow since they had first left the dark depths of the ocean. He had guided them through the hot savanna plains into caves, into mud huts, and into plastered homes. He had not created them, but he was their God and he would protect them no matter what. He would keep them safe from the dangers of the larger universe and even, on occasion, themselves. He was Alcor, the immortal Star, and he had seen planet after solar system after galaxy grow and live and die. Sometimes he would join them, and befriend a small few, through glowing shadows, whispery voices, and the most vivid dreams anyone had never thought they could ever have.
Now millions of years since he had first started paying attention to the mortals that ruled the surface of the planet, Alcor was lost. He had watched and guided and befriended the people of this planet for so long, he almost couldn’t remember why he even started. They looked up to him, looked up into the sky for his guidance, but what was the point? Alcor knew better than anyone that it was only a matter of time before they all returned to the ground, only a matter of time before everything was nothing more than atoms in the wind, only a matter of time before he was all alone again.
Alcor watched the glimmering water, ignoring the cool sea breeze with the ease of someone who had not noticed such meaningless details in thousands of years. “What are you thinking about?” Maeve asked. She was Alcor’s most recent friend, bright and bubbly and bold, always ready to knock some sense into him whenever he got into a mood which had become more and more frequent in recent years. She had been the one to suggest they go watch the sunset over the vast ocean just outside her home.
Maeve looked at the tangible shadow beside her and gave Alcor a pointed look, a single eyebrow raised and a small teasing smile pulling at the edges of her lips. “Well?”
Alcor sagged, looking down at his hands. “What’s the point,” he whispered, letting his hands drop into his lap. “You’re all just going to be gone in a few decades. What does any of this matter?”
“What do you mean?” Maeve asked, straightening up, all relaxed calm vanishing from her shoulders. Alcor looked to the side away from her, staring at the small pile of pebbles that sat there.
“I mean why am I even bothering involving myself with everyone. You’re all going to die, and I’m stuck watching everyone and everything disappear and change, just as I always have.” He picked up one of the pebbles, feeling its smooth speckled grey surface, and tossed it into the glittering water with a small plip as it hit the surface.
“Well, we’re here now. I’m here now. Surely that means something?” Maeve reasoned, watching Alcor as he threw another pebble, another plip.
“But it won’t.” Another pebble, another plip. “Not in the grand scheme of things.”
“What about the smaller ‘scheme’ though,” she said. Another pebble, another plip.
Alcor stayed quiet, looking at his pile of pebbles, so Maeve continued. “You say you’re stuck watching everyone go away but it seems to me that you’re just stuck looking at the big picture.” Another pebble, another plip. “You’re so focused on what will happen that you’re not bothering with what is happening.”
Splash! Maeve jumped slightly at the sound of Alcor throwing the rest of the pile of pebbles at once, each small stone hitting the calm water as one large body of granite and marble. They both looked out at the ocean, the sky becoming more colourful as the sun continued down its path towards the horizon. “I’m just, so tired of losing everyone.” Alcor lamented, curling up, staring at nothing and thinking of everything. Maeve thought for a moment, wondering what to say next, and how to say it.
“When my Grandma died, my Mum hid herself away, wouldn’t talk to anyone, not even Ma.” Alcor glanced at her through the corner of his eyes, not moving his head. More sure of what she was saying Maeve pushed forward. “She would just lock herself in the backroom for hours until she had to come out for food. It was like that for weeks. And when she did start talking to us again she was so scared we were next to go. She was so focused on what could happen to us she forgot we were still there. But, with time, it got better. She realised that what was going to happen was the future’s business, and right then and there was all she needed to worry about.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because right now you’re reminding me of her an awful lot, you idiot.” she said with a smile, before sobering up again. “Obviously, when something does happen you’re allowed to be sad, that’s just natural, but when we’re all still okay, it’s important to remember the big picture isn’t everything. The little ones can be nice too.”
Alcor ran the idea through his head, thinking it over. It made perfect sense, and it was sound logic. He was not alone yet, so why think and act like it?
He looked up at the horizon. The sun kissed the ocean, a rainbow of colours spilling out across the sky like an artist’s paint splattered across their palette, ready to be transformed into their next great work. The soft sea breeze danced through his hair and the smell of salt and petrichor from the earlier shower filled his senses.
As the sun disappeared below the glittering water, Alcor’s realisation rose. A new dawn of ideas fresh as the cool morning dew. Alcor smiled to himself.
“Yeah. This is not so bad.”
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The Other Way Chapter 13: Almost There
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
A/N HOLY $%!& AN UPDATE!!! I DID IT!! It’s not quite the last chapter as I had hoped but the next one will be and hopefully (fingers crossed) I won’t take as long to finish it xD Knowing me though and my habit of procrastinating everything I do I have my doubts but it Will Happen! Eventually :p Any who won’t take up any more of your time hope you enjoy ^-^ (also very quick reminder I am posting all this on AO3 if you’d rather read it there okay thanks bye!) 
Ever since the rather brutal realisation that should they fail to find the portal Dipper might permanently disappear, the group had been moving even more emphatically than before. Alcor was at the head, floating around erratically trying to find even a hint of the extra magic an inter-dimensional portal would have, with the twins just behind him, sticking close together hand in hand, neither willing to lose the other, and Wren a little further behind, watching everyone’s backs. 
They all walked quietly, keeping an eye out for any indication of potential danger or even better the portal itself. The silence, however, was beginning to get on Mabel’s nerve. With every step she took with that oppressive silence hanging over her head Mabel felt a step closer to breaking down in front of everyone.
This whole train wreck of an experience had royally sucked from day one, and it was in the silence that every little -and big- dilemma was getting harder to ignore. Their ‘adventure’ had begun with being kidnapped and had only seemed to go downhill from there, leading to the current situation where there was a chance she would be the only one getting to go home. Honestly if the universe -or multiverse, she guessed- was a person Mabel could talk to, she would ask them what was up with all the hate and pain they were inflicting on her brother. It was just plain unfair really. And now all she wanted to do was curl up and cry out, but they had to keep moving and they had to keep focusing on the task at hand. 
Just as Mabel felt herself begin to spiral she felt a tug on her hand and looked up. 
“Hey, you okay?” asked Dipper, concern plainly written on his face. “You’re being weirdly quiet.”
Mabel opened her mouth to deny it, to say she’s just trying to not distract Alcor from finding the portal, and that she should really be asking him if he’s okay, what with the whole, the universe doesn’t like him thing, but the look on Dipper’s face stopped her. 
“I just want to go home,” she whispered, eyes shimmering. “And I wish none of this was happening and that you weren’t disappearing, or hurting, but you are and,” Mabel paused, looking down at her dirt covered shoes taking her forward. “I don’t know what to do.” 
They continued to move in silence for a few seconds, when Dipper spoke up. “Well,” he said, getting his sister's attention, “I don’t really know what to do either, and I’m still here, now. You’re not alone in this,” he finished, bumping his shoulder against her own. 
“I suppose so,” Mabel hummed, a small smile twitching at the corners of her lips. 
“We’ll be alright,” Dipper said, looking up at Alcor, who continued to guide them. “You know, I bet we’ll find that portal any minute now,” he added with a small smile of his own.
Mabel gave him a happy but sceptical glance. “Really?” she asked. 
He gave her a mildly panicked look that said ‘not in the slightest’ and Mabel couldn’t help but laugh.
“Okay well maybe not any minute.” 
As the two of them continued joking around Mabel felt just a little lighter. Dipper was right, they still had each other, and at the end of the day that’s all they really needed.
“So, Alcor,” Wren said, sounding not the least bit frustrated, “not to be that person but are we any closer to finding the portal yet?” They had now been seemingly wandering around the forest for what felt like forever but was probably closer to an hour, and it was beginning to feel like they would never find the portal. 
Mabel had been feeling better about everything after talking to Dipper, but even with his reassurance - which was a weird enough feeling considering it was usually her trying to lift spirits - it was difficult to stay hopeful the longer they didn’t find anything.
Alcor stopped moving for second, face scrunched up in the way Mabel recognised as Dipper’s thinking face, just older and more demonic. “Maybe,” he said after a moment, turning to the side and pointing towards a faint path hidden underneath the looming trees. “This way.” 
“You sure?” Dipper asked as the group began moving again, no small amount of hope weaving its way into his voice. “Are we actually getting closer?” 
Grinning Alcor turned to his smaller counterpart. “I think so!” he responded. “It wasn’t easy to tell but a bit back I began to sense the kind of magical energy you’d get from an interdimensional portal.” He paused, before awkwardly adding “I assume. The only other interdimensional portal I actually saw was back before the Transcendence and let’s just say I was significantly weaker than.” 
“So we’ll be home soon?” Mabel asked, her own hope rising yet again as if on an emotional yoyo. 
“I don’t doubt it,” said Alcor, giving her a comforting smile. 
Wren did not seem convinced however, as she moved in closer to the group. “Is this really the right way Alcor?” she asked, hand placed on her gun holster ready for action, looking around anxiously. “‘Cause I’m beginning to get a bad feeling about this place.” 
“What kind of bad feeling?” Dipper squeaked, tensing up by Mabel’s side. 
“It’s hard to explain,” explained Wren. “Sometimes I just get a feeling about a person or in this case a place, and right now it’s not a good feeling.” 
“Well I am definitely sure this is the right direction,” Alcor insisted, before hesitating, “I feel the same way though, probably a good idea to keep an eye out for any potential danger.” 
“What, like you?” she retorted, a slight grin pulling at the corner of her lips.
“Ha ha very funny,” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes. “You know what I mean, just don’t get distracted and keep watching our surroundings. I’ll keep an eye out myself.” 
Mabel thought about what Wren and Alcor said as they continued moving ever deeper into the forest. What kind of danger though? she thought. What kind of bad feeling? her mind questioned. She was sure Alcor wasn’t wrong when he said they were getting closer to the portal, but what if they were walking into something dangerous? What if there was something between them and the portal that stopped Dipper and herself from going through? It was only Dipper’s hand in hers that stopped Mabel from spiralling. If he, of all people, could look on the bright side, surely it would be alright.
It couldn’t have been more than a minute before Alcor froze, holding his hand up to signal to the others to do the same. 
Dipper groaned at the sudden stop, frowning he said “Alcor what-“ 
“Quiet!” he hissed, interrupting Dipper, his ears twitching as if straining to listen to something nearby. 
As they stood and listened the faint sound of movement ahead of them drew closer, and closer. 
“I suggest everyone hides, like, right now,” Alcor whispered, his form beginning to fade slightly as he spoke. 
“What? Why?” the others asked, alarm clear in all their voices.
The demon turned to them, form flickering between corporeal and not, growling “Now damnit!”
With that Alcor grabbed Dipper and Mabel under their arms, much to their respective annoyed confusion and sudden uncertainty for what was going on (not to mention a slight fear of heights) and whisked them up into the branches of a nearby tree. Wren moved just as quickly, rushing to hide within an overgrown bush down by another trees' large roots. Alcor continued to float near the twins, turning into an almost invisible, humanoid haze as the noise drew closer. 
The source of the sound stepped into view. Two people wearing long, dark green flowing robes covering their bodies, deep hoods hiding their faces, and each holding sizeable guns pointed at the path the four of them had been following just before. While silently panicking, wondering who these people were and what they could possibly be doing here, Dipper had to wonder what it was with this universe and cultists, because surely that was what these people were. This was the third lot of cultists he and Mabel had encountered in as many days, and it was getting ridiculous!
The taller of the two began to look around, while the shorter one stood guard, their finger tapping their weapon impatiently. 
“Are you sure you even heard something? There’s nothing here,” the short one said, watching their partner search behind the bush next to Wren’s. 
The tall one tensed up, turning to their partner, voice dripping with frustration as they said “Yes I did, and it was definitely over here!” They spun back around continuing their search, moving ever closer to Wren and her hiding spot. She held her breath as she felt some of the leaves near her face move and the cultists' search got closer, hands tightening into fists, ready to fight. 
“You know it was probably just a couple gnomes right?” the short one scoffed, interrupting their taller partner's search. “Come on, we have enough to do as it is without chasing a couple meaningless pests. We’re going back, now.”
“Did I stutter? There’s work to do, now come on!” 
The tall one, visibly sulking, shuffled after their shorter partner back down the vague path they both came from. The hidden group stayed where they were, quiet and still, waiting for the sound of walking and huffing to disappear into the distance, sure that whoever those cultists were would not come back. 
“Are they gone?” Dipper whispered, hesitant, as if scared of alerting the two cultists of their presence, despite the distance between the two groups. 
Alcor returned to view, his form becoming solid once again as he helped the twins down from the tree. “Yeah, they should be well out of hearing range now,” he said softly. 
Coming out from within the bush she had been hiding in, stray twigs and leaves sticking out of her hair, Wren looked down towards where they had been heading, the same way the cultists went. “You sure Alcor? That was pretty close,” she cautioned, turning to look at him. 
“Yeah, just, don’t start yelling and they shouldn’t come back.” 
“Who were they?” Mabel asked, looking up at Alcor herself, Dipper following suit. 
“They looked like they were part of the Cult of Stultus”
The three humans gave him a blank stare, and Alcor sighed. “Right, you wouldn’t know. They’re a cult dedicated to the idea that there are multiple realities beyond this one, and finding some way of getting to them,” he explained. 
“That explains why they’d be interested in a portal,” Wren remarked, looking thoughtful. “Does that mean they’d be happy to help? Get these two home that is?” 
Alcor gave Wren a questioning look. “You did see their weapons right? What do you think?”
“I was just thinking if they liked other universes they’d want to help.” 
“Stars no! I never said they liked other realities. The Cult of Stultus is obsessed with finding a way of getting to other dimensions so they can destroy them! It’s some kind of weird universal superiority type thing.”
“Well that’s just great,” Dipper said, voice filled with sarcasm. “How are we supposed to get to the portal now?”
With a sly smile and a spark in his eyes, Alcor began moving, following the path the cultists had taken moments before. “We’ll just have to figure it out before we get there I suppose.”
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The Other Way Chapter 12: We Need To Get Moving
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They had been walking for only five minutes, Mabel constantly peppering Wren with question after question -“So how do know Alcor? What exactly do you do? What were you doing here?”- when the woman just about had enough and snapped.  
“Seriously kid do you ever stop talking?”
“Nope,” Mabel and Dipper said in unison.
“Hey you asked for this when you decided to be all paranoid about me and follow us,” Alcor grumbled, leading the way through the forest. “Also what even happened to our little truce from the time with the wendigo? I thought you decided I was safe to trust!”
“That was broken when you left me alone in that hunted amusement park!”
“Oh you were fine! It’s not like you couldn’t See them. You had fun and you know it!”
“That’s not-!” Wren started, stopping to reaching for her gun again before Mabel decided to intervene.
She jumped between Wren and Alcor waving her arms above her head. “Guy! No fighting! Seriously how do you two know each other?”
“Occupational hazard,” Wren half sighed, half growled. “I’m a professional Hunter, I find and take down dangerous supernatural beings, demons included.” 
“As a result we kinda just keep bumping into each other,” Alcor added sliding up next to Wren not bothered by the death glare she sent his way. “We’re basically best buds at this point given the amount of time we’ve spent together fighting monsters and whatnot.” Wren’s gun whined as it started charging up. “Provided Ms Trust-Issues here is given enough personal space that is,” Alcor said floating away again.  
Alcor having floated far enough away, Wren put her gun back in it’s holster, glare not letting up. “I can assure you we are not, ‘best buds,’” she glowered, continuing to walk forwards. “Besides I never actually said you were safe to trust, just that you were safer than other demons and that’s not exactly a difficult bar to get over.”
“Coool! So you guys fight monsters and stuff together!? That’s awesome! Dipper and I also do that,” Mabel said skipping next to Wren.
Smiling slightly Alcor moved back to the front of the group, leading the way, leaving Mabel and Wren to chat, with Dipper moving up next to him.
“Sooo, Alcor, you defiantly know which way we’re going, right?”  Dipper checked, looking up at the floating demon.
Alcor just waved a dismissive hand at the question, nonchalantly saying “yeahyeahyeah totally don’t worry about it.”
Dipper squinted his eyes. “Really, okay, than which way is the portal?”
Slowing down slightly Alcor started awkwardly looking anywhere but at Dipper, fidgeting somewhat with his cufflinks. “Well, you see, um, it’s, I actually, err, it’s over um.”
“You don’t totally know where it is do you,” Dipper more said then asked. “So what, you were just planing to have us wander aimlessly until we just happened to find it?”
“I’ll know when we’re getting closer to it! Once we get further in I’ll be able to direct us more accurately.”
“What’s happening up here?” Wren interjected, moving forward, simultaneously checking what Alcor was up to and escaping her previous conversation primarily consisting of Mabel tell her about the time Dipper and her defeated an army of gnomes with a leaf blower.
“He doesn’t even know where we’re going,” Dipper complained.
“Hey! I know it’s somewhere in this forest!”
Wren gave him a dispassionate look. “Do you even know this portal thing even exists?”
“I know it definitely existed at some point! There’s no reason it shouldn’t still exist!” Alcor bristled, crossing his arms.
“But what if it doesn’t?” Mabel asked, joining in, eyes shimmering slightly.
“It exists!” Alcor stressed, crouching down next to her. “And you know what? I’m sure that who ever is back in your dimension is working just as hard to get you two back!”
“Well if they’re anything like the people I knew then yeah absolutely!” he said, standing up again. “Now if it’s all okay with everyone else lets continue this, while walking.”
After roughly half an hour of trekking through the woods, Mabel had convinced everyone to stop and eat some of the snacks she had packed before leaving the house they had been staying at. Dipper was going to put up more of a fight saying they were so close they might as well keep moving, but that was when his stomach helpfully reminded him that he hadn’t actually eaten the lunch Mabel had made before getting caught up in the excitement of going home.
“So what’s the plan from here? Just keep wandering until we stumble upon this portal?” Wren asked, accepting the apple Mabel handed her.
“We’re not wondering, we’re looking,” Alcor corrected, taking his own snack. “Also how many times do I need to tell everyone I’ll know where it is the closer we get?”
Dipper let the conversation around him drown out, focusing on his own thoughts for a second. They were so close to going home, after all this time it was all going to be over.
A sharp buzz filled Dipper’s head, slowly increasing from a tiny barely noticeable prick in the back of his head, to a sudden crushing force.
(“Hey guys I think there’s something wrong with Dipper!”
“Oh S̡҉̴̡̕h̷̸̡͡i҉̧̀̀͘t̸̡ yeah!”) He was being ripped in two. That had to be what was happening right now. Everything was so overpowering it felt like each individual atom was seconds away from disintegrating he could almost feel each one. He was going to fall apart it hurt so much it, it.
It was gone. Just like before, it disappeared as quickly as it seemingly came, only this time a small amount of the pain stubbornly remained. When Dipper opened his eyes, looking up from his spot on the ground he must have fallen onto, he saw three concerned faces looking down on him.
“Dipper are you okay?! What was that?” Mabel worried, hesitating before helping him sit up.
“I, don’t know,” he cautioned. He started feeling normal again but the phantom feeling of tearing apart was still there. “What happened?” Dipper asked.
“I have no idea but, kid you started disappearing!” Wren said, visually freaking out.
“I what?! Alcor what’s going on?!” Dipper looked desperately at the demon for answers. Alcor stared back, clearly thinking over what he was going to say.
“How long has this been happening?” he asked after a second of thought.
“I don’t know? A little after I was kidnapped this morning but, what’s going on what was that?”
Alcor nodded, and started pacing in the air, quietly muttering to himself.
Wren grabbed his shoulders shaking him out of his focused state. “Alcor! What are you thinking? Why is this happening?”
“I’m not sure, my best guess is this has something to do with you being in a different dimension,” he said, gesturing to Dipper.
“But then that doesn’t explain why it’s not happening to me,” Mabel pointed out. “What’s the difference between us?”
Alcor thought it over, running the idea through his head, until a look of realisation spread across his face. “There’s only one version of you.”
“What?” Wren questioned but she was ignored as the twins came to the same realisation.
“Of course! I already exist here!” Dipper exclaimed.
“And you know that how?” Wren asked.
“We just do, and now that we know what’s happening we should probably get moving again so we can get to this portal before Dipper disappears completely,” Alcor declared, beginning to move. “Come on, we should be going this way.”
Mabel quickly packed her stuff, and helped Dipper stand up. They needed to find that portal, and quick. This had just become a matter of life or death.
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Hello Everyone!
Just thought I'd share a quick update on what’s happening with The Other Way and let you know that I am still going to update it I just keep not writing it (There's like three chapters planned left until it’s finished I should really just do it I have no excuse) but yeah just noticed it had been three months since the last update and this is the longest I've gone without one so just wanted to make it clear I will perish in the fires of the end of the word before I give up on The Other Way :)
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I want you to know that I will always love and support you
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The Other Way Chapter 11: Into The Woods
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
“You WHAT!?” the twins yelled at that same time, jumping up themselves, lunch forgotten. 
“I figured out how to get you two back to your dimension!” Alcor said, almost buzzing with excitement, Mabel joining him. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?!” Dipper exclaimed, not sure he could believe they just might be home soon. 
“I was going to but then that whole you two figuring out who I was and you running away thing happened!” 
“Who cares about all that!” Mabel interrupted, bouncing up and down, a large smile consuming her face. “What’s the plan?!” 
“Right!” Alcor sat down again, promoting the twins to follow. “So you guys where exploring the forest when you were pulled into that portal correct?”  
“Yeah,” Dipper confirmed, not sure where this was going. 
“Well I remembered that a while ago when I was wondering around the forest around Gravity Falls I noticed that the area was more overly saturated in magic then everywhere else around it. I wasn’t able to investigate for too long cause I was pulled away to a summons and forgot about it but, I realised now that that was probably due to some kind of inter-dimensional rift similar to what you guys fell through. With any luck it’s probably the same one!” 
“Okay, but, how do you know if it’s still there, you said it was a while ago.”
“It’s our only lead you guys have right now, and possibly your only option.” 
Dipper and Mabel thought it over for a second, when Mabel seemed to remember something. “Wait a second? if these two portals are connected, why didn't we show up in Gravity Falls? Why did we show up in the ally?” 
That, was a good point, Dipper realised looking to Alcor for an explanation. 
“Well, the portals wouldn’t actually be connected like in movies, they’d be two different versions of the same thing.” Dipper and Mabel stared at him blankly. “Right, let me try and explain. The portal in you’re dimension brought you to this version of reality, not to the portal here because they’re not the same thing, so the portal here will hopefully take you to your version of reality.” 
“But by that logic it’d just drop us anywhere in our dimension, it doesn’t help us if we show up on the other side of the planet!” Dipper countered. 
“Yeah, and how do you know it won’t just take us to a completely new dimension?” Mabel added, smile quickly vanishing. 
At that Alcor hurriedly tried to calm them down. “No no no! None of that should be a problem! When we find the portal it should be easy for me to change it so it takes you two where you need.” 
“But I thought you couldn’t make a portal for us?” 
“I won’t have to, the portal would already be there. I’d just be, influencing it slightly.” he clear up, the twins both relaxing as he did. 
A second passed in silence. Then Mabel cheered, throwing her arms up and surprising the two Dippers. “We’re gonna go home!” 
A smile graced Dippers face, the realisation finally, properly setting in. “We’re going home.” He almost couldn’t believe it, after what felt like so long it was finally happening. “Well, what are we waiting for! Lets go!” 
“Err, well, I mean, I still need to find exactly where it is,” Alcor said, “I know vaguely where it should be, but, how about you two get organised while I see if I can find it,” he proposed, and the twins nodded, before rushing of to do as he suggested, Mabel towards the kitchen, and Dipper upstairs to grab the few things they had had with them. 
They were so close, this was actually happening, Dipper couldn’t be more excited and ready he felt like, he felt-
He felt like his head was about to explode. The moment he reached the door to the room they’d been given the headache from when he’d first tried to escape the cultists returned, and worse then before. He couldn’t move couldn’t think. All there was was the feeling of being ripped up from the head down and then- 
It was gone, just as quickly as before. When Dipper opened his eyes he was curled up on the ground, and when had he fallen over? 
Alcor’s head popped up from the bottom of the stairs. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just tripped,” he lied, getting up. It was probably nothing to worry about anyway.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.” 
“…Okay.” He didn’t sound convinced, but he moved back out of site regardless. 
That, came out of no where. 
“Alright, you guys ready?” Alcor asked looking at the twins. 
“Yep!” Mabel cheered, bouncing up and down, unable to contain her excitement. 
“Obviously, we didn’t exactly have much to do.” 
“Speak for yourself! I made snacks!” At that she help up the small backpack she had found and clearly filled with food. “I also got some water bottles, it’s important to stay hydrated!” 
“Where did you find all that? I’m sure I didn't have that much food in the house.” 
“The kitchen.” 
“Yeah but, where?”
“The cupboard.” 
“Is this really important right now!?” Dipper interrupted, impatience practically radiating off him.
“Right, sorry,” Alcor apologised, and held out his hands for the twins to hold on to. “Let’s go.”
At that he tessered the two of them to just outside what was assumably the Gravity Falls forest, not that they visibly recognised it, being in an alternate time and reality changing its appearance, but could feel the magic coming from it. 
Dipper began looking around them. “I don’t see the portal.” 
“That’s cause we’re not at it,” Alcor admitted. 
“What?! Why?” ”Why not?!” the twins asked at the same time. 
“This is as close as I could bring us.” 
Just before Dipper could demand to know what that meant he heard the sound of someone behind them and turned around the others doing the same. 
“Oh hey it’s you!” Alcor said excitedly, face lighting up pointing at the buff lady staring at them, clearly dumbfounded by what she saw.  
“You again!” she growled back, hand pulling out a gun and pointing it at him. “What are you planing this time, Dreambender, and what are you doing with those children?!” 
“This time? What did I do last time?!”  
“Kids get away from that demon, he can’t be trusted,” she said not taking her eyes off of Alcor.  
“Gladly,” Dipper replied taking a step forward.  
Mabel put her hands on her hips and gave him a pointed look. “Dipper!”  
“Right, well, listen, Wren, I promise I’m not up to anything evil. I’m just helping these kids get home, no unholy demon plot,” Alcor said, about to step closer when the woman, Wren, who cocked the gun and he thought otherwise, hands held up.
“Oh really? Well if you’re just helping them get home then what are you doing leading them into probably the most dangerous forest in the world?!” 
“It’s not that bad,” he muttered, looking away from her. 
Before Wren could think to attack Mabel jumped forward arm in the air to get attention. “Hello, Mabel here! Do you two know each other? What is going on right now? I wanna know!”
“Yeah! I want to get going already!” Dipper added, more then mildly annoyed at this point by this set back.
Wren’s eyes darted down to look at the twins for just a second before fixating of Alcor, gun remaining in place. “Stay out of this kids, and for the love of stars get away from him!” 
“But he really is helping us.”
“So, what? You’re telling me you two live in the deadliest forest on the planet?” 
“No but there’s a portal to our home in there!” Mabel said. 
“A portal?” 
“Yeah! You see we’re from another dimension so it’s kinda our only way home! Probably.” 
Wren finally properly looked away from Alcor, gun lowered slightly, and stared at Mabel, confusion and disbelief written plainly on her face. “Sorry what did you just say?” 
“We’re from another dimension!” 
“Yup,” Dipper added.
“Can confirm, they’re from a different Earth,” Alcor interjected. 
Wren glared at him again. “You’re contribution is irrelevant,” she snapped, and turned her attention back to Dipper and Mabel. “So, you two, are legitimately from a different dimension?”
“Yes and we’ve been stuck here for three days! I’ve been kidnapped twice! I’m really tired and I just want to get home! So if we could maybe not do this that would be great!” Dipper ranted, nearly shouting. 
At that, Wren slowly lowered the gun completely, putting it way. “Fine, you can go.” 
Dipper, already starting to move into the forest looked behind at Wren. “Wasn’t actually asking permission but great now lets go!” 
“But I’m coming with, I still don’t trust you Alcor.” 
Alcor began to pout, but Dipper interrupted before he could complain. 
“Okay, what ever! Let’s just go already!” 
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The Other Way Chapter 10: What Now?
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
Yay! An update! We are now halfway (Why did I plan this to be so long? Why? Someone go back in time and stop me from making that mistake) and this chapter is significantly shorter (sorry ‘bout dat) then most of the others and is basically just wrapping up the first half so we can finally get to the stuff I’ve been waiting to write for forever! Anyway if you’re still reading this I love you and I hope you enjoy this tiny ass interlude chapter thing :)
The police had just arrived as the three of them left the building, Rachael waving her arms to get their attention. The three of them had swiftly been taken aside as a group of armed officers entered the building. Rachael had left to go answer some questions, and the twins, after they were confirmed to be unharmed were mostly ignored in favour of finding the cultists. It was probably a good thing the police weren't paying them much attention, give their situation, though that had confused Dipper just a tad. Surely they would care just a little bit about finding two kids escaping a cult base, right? 
"You okay?" Mabel asked, prodding Dipper in his side as they watched more officers arrive on the scene. They must have made it to the basement. 
"Hu? Oh, yeah, I guess." Dipper wasn't really paying much attention, more focused on wondering what exactly it was they found down there. 
Mabel looked at Dipper suspiciously, leaning in to his personal space. "Oh really? Cause I feel like I need to get out my scepticals," she joked, ringing her eyes with her fingers. She quickly dropped her hands though as Dipper continued to look worried. "Come on Dipper, you sure you're okay?" 
"Not really," he admitted after a moment of thought. "You? Don't think you can trick me either." At that Mabel deflated a little.
"Been better. Definitely tired of everything going wrong." 
"Yeah, this has all been, not great." As he said that an ambulance arrived, paramedics rushing inside the innocent looking building with stretchers, and to bottom of Dipper's stomach dropped. "What do you think he did to them?" he near whispered, forcing himself to look away at at Mabel. 
Mabel stiffened, paused in thought, before relaxing a little. "I think, he did what he, what he had to, to keep us safe from them." 
“But, how?” 
���They’re all still alive if that’s what you’re worried about,” said a familiar voice behind them, causing the twins to jump and turn around to look at him. There Alcor, Dipper, stood, looking human, worn out, and most of all scared. “Look, I, I’m sorry, I should have just told you. None of this would of happened if I had just been honest from the beginning. I guess I just. You were already having to stay with a demon in another dimension far from home and I guess I just didn’t want to add any extra stress or, confusion. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright Alcor, we understand. Right Dipper?” Mabel said, bumping her brothers shoulder.
Dipper thought about it for a second, looking at how downcast and regretful he appeared. That was him. An alternate version of himself, who was a powerful demon that was trying to help them home, and had done nothing but keep them, relatively, safe. He was weird, and no doubt dangerous, but he had also given the twins somewhere to stay while in this dimension, offered to help find a way to get them back home, saved Dipper from those cultists. 
“Yeah, it’s okay,” Dipper said, not looking at anyone. 
“Really?” Demon Dipper exclaimed, the surprise clear in his voice. “I kind of expected you to be more, distrusting.” 
“Oh I still hate everything about this, but.” Dipper took a deep breath, looking up at his other self. “You did save me, and I don’t want to not trust myself and, I can, kind of, see myself doing what you did. With the lying about who you are.” 
“….Thanks Dipper.” 
“Awww! You finally trust him!” Mabel coed, causing Dipper to glare at her, and the older one to laugh. 
“Yeah well he’s probably our only option to get back home, so we don’t exactly have a choice here. And I still want answers on what that room was about and where everyone else is!” 
“That’s fair,” Demon Dipper said, smiling. “Want to go back to my place before these officers remember you two are here and decide to do their job?”
“So, you were the only one who, changed? When it all went down?” Dipper checked, and Alcor, who’d insisted they just keep calling him that, to save any confusion, confirming it with a nod.  
“And you’ve been like this for over a thousand years?” 
“One thousand, two hundred and nine two to be exact.” 
“And that room belonged to a kid you took care off because he didn’t have a home.” 
“Among other reasons yes.” 
“You saved the world.” 
“You also died.” 
“And became and immortal demon, can’t forget that.” 
The two sat in silence, Mabel having gone off to find something to eat for lunch and give them space to talk. That had been, a lot to take in. 
“You don’t think that could happen to us, do you?” Dipper asked, suddenly worried about his own future. If it was possible to be turned into a demon what else was possible?
“I highly doubt it. The whole becoming an all powerful demon thing was the result of a lot of very specific events happening in a lot of very specific ways. You’ll be fine,” Alcor assured him, and Dipper relaxed a tad, nodding slightly. 
They both continued to sight in some what awkward silence, when Mabel came back with some sandwiches she’d made. “You all caught up bro bro?” she asked, taking a bite from one of her sandwiches. 
“I guess so,” he shrugged looking at Alcor.
“Yeah, you should both be on the same page now,” Alcor confirmed, taking a sandwich as Mabel offered it to him. 
“So what now?” Dipper asked, takings own sandwich. “Do we just, wait until you find a way to get us back home?” 
At that Alcor suddenly jumped up, eyes glowing brighter and a smile forming on his face. “I can’t believe I forgot! I already found that!”  
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The Other Way Chapter 9: Sorry I’m Late
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
I finally updated! I’ll try to get the next chapter up within the next two week to make up for taking so long with this one :)
By the time Dipper started recognising what was happening around himself again, he had already been tied up and brought into a large room, with what had to be some kind of summoning circle in the middle. Two robbed figures ran around it, each adding final details to a more complex outer circle that enclosed the simpler inner one, and lighting candles respectively, in a rush to get things done. Dipper pulled at the rope tying his wrists together behind his back to no avail, the knot staying as tight as before. 
Why did this have to be happening? Why couldn’t I have just gotten out with the others? What happened to me back there?
He continued to try and pick at the rope holding him there, making little to no progress when two more cultists entered the room, holding onto Rachael’s arms, dragging her in behind themselves. 
“You’re all going to regret this!” she yelled at them, fighting back. “He hates human sacrifice! How could you idiots possibly not know that?!” At that her captors dumped her unceremoniously next to Dipper, Rachael’s face falling when seeing him, before getting even angrier. “He especially hates sacrifices when they’re just kids! Honestly when I realised you morons were planing on summoning my Lord I couldn’t believe it, it was such a suicidal idea! The second you call Him here and offer us up Alcor will make you all wish you were never born!” 
When Rachael said Alcor Dipper immediately started paying more attention to what she was saying. He had been listening, off course, just not as closely as he could have been. But, there was no way she could have been referring to his demonic counterpart, could she? The dislike for sacrificing people would be comforting to have cleared up but, did she also refer to him as, her ‘Lord’? 
“Did you just say Alcor?” Dipper asked, needing to know for sure.
Rachael paused mid rant and looked over at him. “Yeah, the Dreambender, Twin star, Owner of a Thousand Other Titles No One Ever Bothers to Learn. Why you know any other demons who hate people murdering for them?”
‘Well, I guess not but-“ 
“Look, kid I wouldn’t worry about it, once these nut jobs summon Alcor he’ll easily get you back to your family, or at the very least somewhere safe.” she interrupted. “I don’t know what people outside the Circle teach each other about him but he’d never willingly hurt a child. It’s going to be alright.” 
“Circle? Wait, are you part of a cult that worships him?!” Dipper asked, really not sure how to feel about that. Because no. But also yes? Maybe? A little? Defiantly no but maybe yes. 
“The Circle’s not a cult! And I don’t worship him, I just, have a great deal of respect for him.” 
“Silence!” The fox tailed woman, who had been there when Dipper was captured, was standing in front of them, from the other side of the circle. The cultist had finished getting set up and had surrounded the circle, with Dipper and Rachael between it and them. 
The woman, their leader, raised her arms, with everyone following her lead, and began chanting. 
The candles flared up, changing into a bright blue, and casting strange shadows all over the room, which slunk into the centre of the circle, building up and up as the chanting reached it’s crescendo. At the final word the shadows crashed down around everyone, filling the room, until it cleared out, revealing an empty circle. 
Everyone stared in stunned silence, waiting for something to happen, the leader getting visibly angrier each second it looked like their summoning hadn’t worked. 
Dipper wasn’t sure if he had wanted Alcor to come, because he still didn’t know if he trusted him, even with the new information. But then on the other hand he was still captured by a cult that had apparently been planing to sacrifice him to, himself. One way or another Dipper just wanted all this to be over. 
After a minute of watching the circle in shocked silence a loud crash, followed by somewhat frantic whispers, came from just outside the closed door, grabbing everyones attention. Dipper watched as the leader motioned for a few cultists to go investigate, the two standing on either side of her moving towards the door. However just before they could reach it, it slammed open, hitting one of them in the face. 
“Hey sorry I’m late! Was a bit busy trying to find my spooky cultist robes. Ended up having to steal them from the guy guarding the door. So what’s happening, what’d I miss?” There standing in front of the open door was Alcor, true to his word wearing an overly large robe over his suit, behind him a heavy set man tied up and lying on the floor unconscious. 
Everyone stared. Alcor stared back. “Nothing?” he prompted, slouching at the confused, minimal responses from those in the room. “Ugh, fine, I’m not even entirely sure where I was going with this anyway.” And he clicked his fingers.  
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go save my brother!” Mabel began running towards the building Alcor had looked at, but had only managed a few steps before Alcor caught her by the back of her sweater. 
“Oh no you don’t! You are waiting here and staying out of trouble!” Alcor stated, picking Mabel up and placing her behind him. “Stay!” he said pointing sharply at her, and left before she had the opportunity to argue back. In the blink on an eye he vanished into the house, Mabel staring stunned, at where Alcor had just been. 
There is no way I am just going to stand around out here while my bro bro is in danger. 
Mabel ran up the the steps to the door and kicked it open, and then immediately regretting it. OW! That hurt a lot more then the movies made it look. 
Still determined to help Mabel limped down the hall way, looking for both her actual, and alternate brothers. “Come on, where are you guys? This place can’t be that big, can it?” she whispered to herself, pressing forward once coming across the set of stairs descending downwards. At the bottom was a short corridor, with a closed door at the end, Alcor hovering just outside it. He had a weird robe in his hands, which must have belonged to the man tied up below him. When Mabel reached the bottom he looked up at her and jumped back in surprise, bumping into the wall knocking over the mirror hanging there with a crash. 
“Mabel! What are you doing here?! I told you to stay!” he whisper shouted at her. 
“But I want to help! I-“
“No!” he interrupted. “You are going back up those stairs and out of potential danger right this instance!” Yet again without giving her the chance to fight back he flicked his wrist and with a slight lurch not dissimilar the time Alcor teleported the twins to his house, she was outside the house again. She stomped her foot and immediately ran back into the house. She wasn’t going to be dissuaded so easily, she was going to help whether Alcor wanted her to or not. Before she could reach the stairs however someone ran into her, knocking her down to the ground. Mabel looked up to see who it was and was immediately overjoyed, jumping right up and giving Dipper the biggest, sisterly bear hug she could muster. 
“DIPPER!! You’re alright!” she yelled. 
“Mabel! Air! Need!” Dipper choked out, smiling nonetheless. 
Mabel let go laughing, wiping her eyes. “Sorry! I’m just so glad you’re okay!”
“Me too!” This time it was Dippers turn to pull her into a rib cracking hug. “What are you doing here?” he asked, letting go. 
“I came to help rescue you!” she held up the baseball bat Alcor had given her for self defence, to show how serious she was about it all. “Did Alcor help you escape already?”
Dipper didn’t answer, instead stubbornly looking away to the side. At his silence the woman behind him made herself known and stepped closer to the two of them. “Yes he did. Did you summon him to help find Dipper?” she asked. 
Mabel thought for a second. “Er. Yes. And you are?” 
“Rachael, a, fellow escapee, and I really think we should take this conversation outside.” Rachael began walking towards the door, urging them to follow. Mabel did still want to help Alcor, but her Dipper was safe now, and the loud rumbling starting to come from downstairs suggested he probably had things at least somewhat under control. 
Mabel looked at Dipper, who had started looking nervously behind themselves when the rumbling had, took his hand, bringing his attention back to her. “Come on Bro bro, let’s worry about that, after we’ve left this creepy place.” 
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I'm laughing so hard at the last chapter of The Other Way bc at the ending all i could think about was 'You Summoned Alcor in the Wrong Neighborhood' like askljdafhlkafsjhladskjh SOMEONE'S GONNA _DIE SOON_ LMFAO beautiful, 10/10, i love this fic
O0O THANK YOU!! I really need to work on that, I’ll try and get the next chapter up by the end of the week :)
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Happy Birthday
Hi! I exist and am still writing shit! :D This was something I had started writing last year for Dipper and Mabel’s birthday but just hadn’t ever finished, but I felt like I needed to share something so, yeah, hope you like it :)
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday after the Transcendence was a small affair. It would have been bigger but so close to everything happening no one really had it in them to celebrate as they should have. Not to mention the fact that Anna and Mark still didn’t quite understand what had happened to their son, spending most of the day either trying to put on a brave face in front of Mabel (and Dipper not that they truely realised) or huddled together in their room, crying over presents they didn’t know who to give to. That, hadn’t been the best birthday ever.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday after moving permanently back to Gravity falls felt like the first proper party the twins had had in years, mostly because it was. Everyone who knew them had come, from Soos and Melody, to Candy and Grenda, to the gnomes and the Multibear. They each got a mountain of presents, both of them, not just Mabel with a few hesitant ones thrown in for Dipper. There was music and dancing and games and laughter and it was one of the best birthday’s the twins would ever have.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday after meeting Henry wasn’t as big, it still wasn’t small but it wasn’t as large as some of the others they’d had since moving. Dipper and Mabel had spent all morning hanging out, playing games and exchanging presents with one another, and then a small (well small for them) gathering of friends came over for lunch. They’d all had fun, a corporeal Dipper having at one point started a water ballon fight with Wendy, Osa and his younger siblings, Stan, Mabel, and reluctantly (but, by the end rather enthusiasticly) Henry. It had been a nice happy birthday.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday after the triplets were born was spent half playing with the babies, half enjoying some peace and quiet away from it all. The best present Mabel had gotten that day was not have to worry about the triplets, Henry doing most of the looking after for her. Then Dipper was happy enough flitting between hanging out with the friends and family come to visit, and hovering over his new nieces and nephew he still couldn’t quite believe he was trusted around.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday without Stan or Ford was strange. They still celebrated, but with neither old men around, it felt off, like something was missing. And they were.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday without Henry was hard. Most of that day had been quiet, no one having it in them to do all the much. They tried, but it wasn’t right. Even with the Shack full of children and grand children, it felt emptier.
Dipper’s first birthday without Mabel wasn’t spent anywhere, doing anything.
Dipper’s first birthday by himself was spent hiding from the world. Hiding from the truth that Grunkle Stan and Ford were gone, that Henry was gone, that Mabel was gone, that the Triplets were gone. It was spent hiding and pretending it was different, that everyone was alright. There were no gifts to give or get, no games to play an no friends to laugh with. Dipper’s first birthday by himself was spent remembering all the other birthdays he’d had, was spent crying into Lolonja’s wool, was spent wishing he could just join them as he should have.
Dipper and Mabel’s first birthday after the Transcendence was a small affair. It would have been bigger but so close to everything happening no one really had it in them to celebrate as they should have. That hadn’t been the best birthday ever, but it wouldn’t be Dipper’s worst.
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Do you have an archive of our own account? Cause I really like your writing and It'd be easier to keep track of when you update and such.
Not sure when I got this but yes I do :) right here, glad to here you like my stuff ^-^
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The Other Way Chapter 8: Freedom?
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter 
Hey people who for some reason have decided they like my writing. Quick a/n just want to first of all thank you all for being so patient with my current, terrible updating schedule, and also just wanted to make sure that you are all aware that there will almost defiantly not be another chapter this year. I'm not giving up or leaving it, it's just as of the end of next week I am not going to have any access to my laptop or the internet until Christmas (I'm going to be trekking around Vietnam and Cambodia :)) so I'm only really going to be able to work on the next chapter when I come back afterwards.
Again, thank you all for giving me your support it always makes me happy seeing people enjoying this :)
The voice came from behind them, thundering footsteps filling the hallway as more cultists noticed the four of them nearing the door. 
“Run!” someone yelled, Dipper wasn’t sure who, but figured it was probably a good idea to listen to them regardless. They were so close to the the door, so close to getting away from these people, but as Mandy, Max, and Norm got closer to freedom Dipper began to fall behind them. 
It started small, a barely noticeable hum in the back of his head, but as he got nearer to the door that hum grew, until what was a minor ignorable annoyance suddenly became a mind searing problem. It only lasted a few seconds, but to Dipper it felt like hours, the pain spreading from his head down. It felt he like wasn’t fully there, like every cell in his body was fighting just to be there, and it was enough of a pause that someone caught up to him. 
The moment the hand landed on his shoulder the pain disappeared as if it had never been there, bringing him back to himself with a startled scream. 
“Dipper!” Max was yelling, and when Dipper looked up all three of them were almost by the door, the cultists closing in on them. He had to get free, he had to reach them before it was too late, he just had to! Dipper tried to pull his arm free from the person holding onto it, who he vaguely recognised in the back of his mind as the man who had sat next to him when he was captured. 
“Let go of me!” he yelled kicking back as the man picked him up. Everyone was screaming, and it was hard to hear anything that was going on, but the sound of a door opening and slamming shut silenced the room. 
They had gotten out, Mandy, Norm, Max, they had left him. 
“Fuck! Okay, everyone, we need to put the base in lockdown, Yura see if you can find anyone else, Easton, Ava, make sure the circle is complete, we need to do this summoning now!”
They’d just, left him. 
Mabel watched Alcor take a deep breath, trying to get a better idea of where her Dipper was, human disguise fraying at the edges, the more he concentrated on finding her brother. Alcor had gotten as far as knowing Dipper had gone to this small park, but after that it was like he had just disappeared. 
“You find anything?” she asked after a moment, fiddling with the baseball bat he had reluctantly given her once agreeing she could come, just in case. 
Alcor opened his eyes, for a second looking like his usual gold on black, but quickly changing to a more human brown before the few people hanging around the park could notice. 
“Sorry, no,” he said, looking at Mabel apologetically, “I know he’s close, I think, I just, don’t know where exactly.” 
“Then how are we supposed to find him? What if he’s in danger? What if he’s been hurt and we’re his only hope but we can’t find him? What if-“ A large sob interrupted Mabel, and the more she worried the harder it became for her to breath. 
“Hey hey it’s gonna be okay,” Alcor said, kneeling down, “I promised you he’d be all right, and we are going to find him. I just, need a bit more time to look.” Alcor gave her a reassuring smile, or, as close to one as someone could get when their teeth had gone all pointy again. 
“You sure?” she asked, her voice small and worried. Mabel didn’t know what she’d do without her brother, especially while they were stuck in a completely different dimension. Then after meeting Ford the other day it was hard to not be scared of what the future might hold for the two of them, even without this whole mess going on right now. 
Alcor hesitated for just a moment, before saying “I promise.” 
Mabel took a deep breath, calming herself down. Alcor was right, he had to be, he was also Dipper, if anyone could find her brother it would be him. It would be fine, they just had to keep looking. “Okay, yeah, it’ll be okay”. 
“That’s the spirit! Now how about you ask the people here if they’ve seen anything and I’ll keep trying to see if I can find him,” Alcor suggested, standing up again, and Mabel already felt better about this. A little. Maybe. 
Mabel looked towards where a small family were hanging out and was just about to walk over to them when a group of people came hurtling across the park towards them, getting everyones attention. 
“You lot alright?” one of the guys already at the park asked the new comers, Mabel and Alcor wondering over to see what was going on. 
The older looking woman took a moment to catch her breath, before panting out “Cult, kidnapped, other people, still held, captive.” 
The fears Mabel had just started to overcome came crashing back. Please don’t let Dipper be one of them, please don't let Dipper be one of them!
“Shit, okay I’ll go call the police,” the guy said, quickly getting a phone out and dialling the number. 
The rest of the family helped the strangers sit down, making sure they were all okay, Alcor stepping forward once they all knew they were. 
“You said there were still others,” he started, the woman nodding to confirm, “was there another kid with you, scruffy brown hair, wearing a vest, kinda looks like a boy version of her,” Alcor finished, pointing at Mabel.
“Yeah, Dipper.” 
Mabel felt her legs begin to shake, her fears strengthening, freezing and flowing through her like ice. Why did this have to happen to them? Why did he have to be taken again? Why couldn’t they just go home already?! 
“That’s him! Is he okay? Was he with you? Where is he now?” Alcor asked. 
“He was with us when we escaped but he fell behind and was captured again, I wanted to go back for him but we couldn’t risk it. He’s still there,” the teen said curling in on himself in shame. 
“So he was with you, you tried to help, he was caught again, and now you feel bad, got it, come on Mabel!” Alcor called, snapping out of Mabel’s frozen spiral. 
“Huh?” she ask, not having paid much attention to what was happening around her. 
“I’m not just going to leave you by yourself now come on!” Alcor started heading in the direction the three strangers had come from, and Mabel quickly caught up with him realising they were going to save her brother. 
They both walked down the middle of the street, until the park was out of site, until Alcor suddenly stopped, looking at the buildings surrounding the two of them. “I should have asked where the cult was,” he said, frantically looking at each building. “I know it’s this way, this is where they came from but,” he wrung his hands out in front of himself, letting out a little growl. “WHY ARE ALL THE BUILDINGS IDENTICAL?!” 
“Maybe we could go back and ask, we didn’t go too far,” Mabel began to suggest some what quietly, holding the baseball bat closer to herself, but Alcor interrupted. 
“No time! The cultists would have known that when that lot escaped they’d get help so they would have to move quickly, if we don’t find and stop them now they might..” Alcor stopped when he looked over at Mabel, large tears threatening to fall from her wide fearful eyes. 
He quietly cursed under his breath, before kneeling down in front of her, and hesitantly pulling her into a hug. 
“Please don’t cry, it’s gonna be alright, we’ll find him, I promised didn't I?” he said, unsure of what to do or say, especially when the tears began to fall on his suit jacket. 
“I just want Dipper back. My Dipper. I just want all this to be all over. I just want to go home,” she whispered into his shoulder, returning the hug, bat dropped, forgotten at her side. 
“I know, it’ll be okay, I,” Alcor paused, leaning back bit and looking to his left. 
“Alcor? What is it?” Mabel asked watching him stand up properly, eyes not leaving the pain building he was now staring at. 
“He’s in there,” he said, slowly taking a few steps towards it, and Mabel instantly began to feel better. 
“H-how do you know?” 
“Because someone inside just tried to summon me.” 
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Life As A Demon Cat
My contribution to the TAU Ficathon! It’s only a really small thing but I had fun with it ^-^ Hope you all like it as well (Also I know it’s still the fourth in America but it’s the fifth here in Australia so I’m posting it now before I forget to share it at all)
Tall is on the move. 
Tall must not see. 
Where can hide? 
Hide on upside down floor! 
Tall is coming. 
There Tall is. 
Ready, and…. JUMP!
Tall why you scream? 
Happy sleepy. 
Shiny dot??
Must, capture.
Yes come closer shiny dot.
Closer, closer!
Wait where shiny dot go? 
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy.
No friend don’t stop! 
Keep scratching!
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy.
Don’t want to be here.
Can’t leave here.
Here is boring.
Boring cloak people! 
Stop being boring!
They not stop. 
I have nap. 
Nap is good. 
Where should nap? 
Nap here in circle. 
Nibling is dirty. 
Must clean nibling
Come here nibling I clean you now!
Good nibling! 
Lick lick lick.
You clean now nibling! 
What we do now? 
Are you scratch me?
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy.
It perfect! 
Can gift it to family!
Then family can eat! 
Must feed it to family! 
Come here food! 
I must gift you to family! 
Wait why you yell at me? 
I not bad I good! 
No why you let gift escape?! 
You not like gift? 
Hello sister!
What is that you have? 
Is that writing on it?
Why do you put it around neck? 
Is it gift?
It tastes bad. 
Bad gift. 
You should have kept gift I gave you! 
My gift was good gift.
Why you take photos of me? 
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The Other Way Chapter 7: Well That’s Just Fantastic
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
I finally finished it! So sorry this took so long guys I’ll try to be quicker with the next one :)
Dipper rushed down the street, away from the house he’d had to stay in the last few days, away from that demon, the one that just couldn’t be him! Screw the logic that in a multiverse as large as theirs he had to be a demon somewhere it just couldn’t be what was happening! Alcor was tricking them, trying to get them to trust him, he was lying! 
Except, he wasn’t. Dipper hated to admit it, but looking back Alcor had always had something about him that seemed vaguely familiar. 
Shaking his head he stormed around the corner, coming across a park with a small, abandoned playground —at least, he assumed it was a playground, it looked significantly more future-y then the one’s he was used to. Dipper walked up to the bench and sat down, he just needed to think. If Alcor was really a version of himself, that explained why he wanted to help them, but why would he lie about being him. And what about Mabel, was she a demon here? If so then where was she? Then what about their parents, Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford? What about their friends? 
Maybe he’d over reacted, running away, he just, didn’t know what to do. There they’d been, looking at himself, but he had pointed ears, sharp teeth, bat-wings and eyes that looked like inverted versions of Bill’s. 
Dipper shuddered and pulled his legs up, holding them close to his chest. Was Bill human here? Were their roles reversed? What if he was actually the evil one here? What if leaving Mabel there by herself was a mistake? What if she’s in danger?
Questions continued to fill Dipper’s mind, when he felt someone sit next to him. It was a man, looking at the empty playground. Dipper scooted slightly away from him. 
‘Please just be waiting for your kids or something like that, please just ignore me!’ he thought.
“Hey Kid.” Bugger. “You okay?” The guy turned to face him properly, and Dipper moved slightly further from him again.
“Uh, yeah, I’m, I’m fine.” ‘Please just go away and leave me alone!’ 
“You sure? Where are your parents?” He sounded genuine, like he had just seen a child by themselves by a park and wanted to help, but Dipper would really rather not risk it, already having been kidnapped once since getting here. 
“They’re, um, just around the corner!” Dipper lied, pointing towards the one he had come around to get there, uncurling his legs ready to run. “Yeah, they’re, um, getting stuff from the car. I-in fact, I  should probably go, go help them.” Dipper stood up and slowly started the move away from the man, watching him as he stood up as well. 
“Do you want us to come with you? Wouldn’t want you to just disappear.” 
“Us?” he squeaked out, before walking backwards into someone, who quickly grabbed his shoulders and where has she come from?  
“Yeah, it would be such a shame,” the heavyset woman holding him said. Panicking Dipper pulled to get his arms free but her hold wouldn’t budge. When he tried to scream one of the hands moved to his mouth, a strange smelling cloth covering it and please no not again! The air to the right of the man shimmered, and a third person appeared, three fox tails waving in the air behind them. 
“I know, I always feel so sad when I hear that another child’s gone missing on the news,” they said, and before Dipper could process what was happening his vision darkened and his body began relaxing against his will. As Dipper relaxed and drifted into unconsciousness he felt the woman pick him up and begin walking. 
Why me?
When Dipper woke up, slowly, unlike the first time this had happened, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn’t alone. He was leaning against someones side, their arm nudging him a bit as he began to wake up. 
“Hey, dude, you awake?” they asked, whispering. 
Dipper opened his eyes squinting up at them, mind groggy and unsure of what was happening. “Wha-?” he said, sitting up a bit and looking around the small, dimly lit room. Including the person who was next to him, a guy in his late teens, there were four people. An older woman and another boy around probably just a bit younger then Dipper himself talking by a door in front of him, and a girl in her early twenties sitting next to a small pile of rope watching everyone else. “What’s going on?” he asked. 
“Well now that you’re awake we’re gonna escape,” the guy said, getting up. “Think you can stand up?” He offered his hand to Dipper, who took it standing up himself. 
“Why would-? Where-? Who are you what’s going on?” he asked, looking around, everyone else noticing he was awake now as well. 
“Well we’ve all been kidnapped and are gonna be sacrificed to a demon who’s going to kill us all or worse,” the girl to the side said, not getting up or moving from her spot. Dipper stared at her processing what she said, suddenly remembering what had happened before he woke up. 
“Rachael!” the woman snapped, putting her hands on her hips giving the girl, Rachael, a stern look. 
“What? It’s what happened! A bunch of crazy cultists kidnapped us and are gonna use us as human sacrifices to get power or money or whatever the hell it is they want!” she snapped back defensively. 
“Look who’s talking,” the guy muttered, placing a hand on Dipper’s shoulder, pulling him out of his shock. 
Rachael groaned, moving her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “First of all I said they were crazy, which I’m fairly certain I’m not. And secondly, for the final time, the Circle is not a cult!” 
“What?” Dipper asked, reminding the group he was still there before the guy could retort. 
“Just ignore her,” the woman said with a dismissive wave. “She already decided she wouldn’t be joining us.” 
“Yeah!” the other kid piped in. “But we’re gonna escape before anyone else can hurt us! Mandy has a plan and it’s awesome!” he said bouncing a bit. 
“And it’s not gonna work.”
“Oh just shut up Rachael!” 
Mandy sighed, shaking her head. “Don’t worry kid, we will get out of this. I know you’re probably really confused and scared right now but it’ll all be okay if you stick with us,” she said in an attempt to comfort Dipper. It, didn’t really work, he was still trying to process the fact he had been kidnapped again -and it had only been around three days since the last time!- was stuck in a room with a supposed cultist, and trapped in said room by different cultists who planned to sacrifice him to a new demon who, for all he knew, could be Grunkle Stan or Wendy or anyone else he knows! But he appreciated her trying. 
“Thanks. I’m Dipper,” he said, holding out his hand towards her. 
“Mandy,” she replied, shaking his hand, then motioning towards the guy next to Dipper and then the kid. “That’s Max, and this is Norm.” 
“So, what’s happening now?” Dipper asked, walking towards the door, Max following behind. 
“We’re waiting for someone to come get us,” Mandy explained. “They won’t be expecting us to have gotten out of the ropes which, by the way were upsettingly easy to undo. Then we’ll attack and tie them up with the rope, leaving when we know the coast is clear.” 
Dipper nodded along most of it making sense except for a few minor things. “How will we know which way to go to get out of here? And what happens if we come across anyone else? This sounds good for getting us out of the room but what comes next?” 
“Well I was awake by the time we arrived here so I can vaguely remember which way to go,” Norm said. “Though I guess we’re just hoping no one finds us,” he shrugged sounding unsure of that solution. 
Max crouched down a bit, reaching Dipper’s eye level. “We’ll do our best to stay out of sight as long as we can, it’s the most we can really hope for, and if Norm remembers correctly this place isn’t too big. We will get out of this. It’ll be okay.” The last part had seemed to have been more said for himself, rather that to the group, but it was nice to think about regardless. 
Plan in hand, if a bit incomplete, everyone -excluding Rachael- waited by the door, ready for when someone came for them. The room went quiet, no one really knowing how to fill it, what to talk about, so they waited in silence. 
Almost half an hour since Dipper woke up there was the sound of foot steps coming towards where they were all trapped, a small cough and the rustling of keys right behind the door, a slight hesitation, possibly at the lack of sound coming from their end. Everyone got in position, Dipper and Norm staying to one side, out of the way, and Max and Mandy each standing one side of the door.
“You lot better not be up to anything in there,” a deep voice said from the other side of the door as it began to open. 
Once the man stepped in the room Max punched him as hard as he could in the head. Dazed he stumbled to the side towards Mandy, who wrapped some of the rope around his neck, holding it tightly in place, blocking the airway leaving him gasping futilely. The man struggled under her grip but she was significantly stronger then she looked, not letting up, and after two minutes longer he slumped back against Mandy, who promptly dropped him. 
She swiftly began tying him up, Max joining with his feet. “We need to act quickly,” she panted finishing her knot. “We don’t know how long we will have before someone notices something’s gone wrong. Norm, ready to lead the way?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Norm took a wary step outside, looking each way, and taking another. 
“Have fun getting caught!” Rachael teased as Mandy, Dipper and Max followed. 
“Have fun with your cultist buddies!” Max teased back getting a scowl in response, carefully closing the door behind him. Once it was closed the four of them began making their way down the corridor. 
Going around the first corner Dipper noticed the strange markings lining the walls about a meter off the ground. 
“Sigils,” Max whispered softly behind him, and Dipper looked at him. “They’ll be the reason these nut jobs have been getting away with all this, hiding what’s happening in here from out there.” 
Continuing forward Dipper didn’t know how he felt about that, as with pretty much everything else that’s happened since getting to this dimension. On one hand he’s been kidnapped a second time by people who plan to kill him, on the other he doesn’t need to worry about a demonic version of himself hunting him down. Maybe he should try taking some mental notes, for once he got Mabel out of danger. That’d probably be a good idea. 
After a few more corners, stoping and rushing ahead, being as careful as they could to stay out of sight, Norm turned to them. “The way out should be just over there out that door,” he whispered, pointing to the door in question. 
Freedom was right there! They could get out of here, get help and call the police! ‘Maybe I could ask Mandy or Max to help,’ Dipper thought to himself, “they seem nice enough I’m sure they could find a way to help Mabel and I!’ 
They all rushed towards the door, not bothering to check and see if the coast was clear, only worrying about getting out of here before anyone else could stop them. 
“Hey! Where do you four think you’re going?!”
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Kid Finds A Friend
Apparently people liked The Wrong Demon so here you go! 
Also for those who are wondering the next chapter of the Other way is coming I’m just taking a while to get it all together. Chapter seven will definitely be posted some time this month! That out of the way hope you enjoy this in the mean time :)
Alcor watched Kid from the edge of the small collection of trees he had in his field as they played happily with Fluffernutter and Killer. The Flock had questioned his decision to keep the small baby almost six years ago at first but had soon accepted them as one of their own once they had all gotten a look at them. They were a very curious child, which wasn’t the best trait a small, mortal human like them-self could have in a place like the Mindscape. Fortunately the nightmares had learned that quickly and kept to keeping Kid as far away from any boarders and dangerous areas as they could. 
Alcor sighed. He was lucky enough that Lolonja had taken it upon herself to take care of Kid, but they had for whatever reason decided they absolutely adored him to no end which was frustrating. He wasn’t used to that kind of affection right now damn it! And it wasn’t helped by the fact they hugged anything and everything they had even the slightest bit of attachment to.
The advantage of having Kid living fully in the mindscape, in both mind and body, was that they were safe from the barren hell-scape that the physical world currently was, with everyone fighting and betraying each other over the most basic of needs. The disadvantage was that they always, knew when Alcor was nearby, their senses being more sensitive that way. That and they attracted anything and everything that lived in the mindscape that was more then interested in turning Kid into a snack and Alcor wouldn’t really care if they did, he didn’t know or care for this soul after all but, these damn emotions stopped him from letting that happening.
Kid, having probably ‘sensed’ he was there, looked up from tackling Killer to the ground and spotted Alcor, their large smile getting somehow larger. They rushed over to where he floated, wrapping their tiny arms around his legs as best as they could with him floating as high as he was. 
“ALCOR! YOU’RE BACK!” they screamed, hugging him tighter. 
“Ha, yeah, back, I, definitely left and totally wasn’t hiding,” he said, awkwardly patting Kids head before taking their hands and freeing himself. 
“Are you gonna stay and play with me this time?” they asked bouncing up and down, eyes sparkling hopefully. 
“Err.” Quick, think of a way out! “Sorry, Kid, but, oh dagnamit, I’m, I think I’m getting another summons right now! Damn I was so looking forward to spending time with you and your insistent positive affection.” Perfect. 
“Oh okay.” Kid stopped bouncing, looking down at their bare feet sadly. Less perfect. 
“Right, imma just go.” Great, now he felt bad. No, you know what, he’d made plenty of people feel worse then Kid in the past why were they any different. He was just keeping what was his close, no reason to give it anything more than what it needed to survive. 
“Well, see ya Kid.” And with that, he tessered to the other far side of his territory. 
Kid stared at the space Alcor had just been in before disappearing. Aw well, Alcor would return and then they could all play together! Kid’s smile returned to their face at the idea, already looking forward it. Maybe this time the summons won’t take too long and he’ll return within a few sleep cycles! 
Looking to see where Killer and Fluffernutter were Kid saw that they had moved on. They had probably thought Alcor was going to stay as well so they didn’t need to keep and eye on them. Kid was rarely ever left alone, always at least one Nightmare keeping an eye or three on them to make sure they didn’t get into any trouble. Especially near the boarder and grove that they just so happened to be standing on the edge of. All by them-self. 
‘I’m sure it couldn’t hurt to explore a bit,’ they thought, stepping in between the trees. 
The first thing they noticed, was that among the towering pines the “small collection of trees” was significantly more substantial, not that that fazed Kid, growing up in the Mindscape surround by the Flock. It just made them more excited to explore the place. 
Skipping along the non-existent path Kid made their way deep into the forest, not noticing the small shadow sulking out from behind a fallen branch. The further Kid wandered, the closer it got, slithering nearer, and nearer to them, until… 
“OW!” Kid yelped, stumbling forward away from whatever had just bitten their leg. It was a small wound, but it still stung. “That hurt!” they whined, getting a look at what had attacked them. The thing looked almost a tadpole -not that Kid knew what that was- except larger, with fur that flowed as if it was in water, and had large glowing white eyes.  
It hissed at them. They hissed back. 
Kid looked down at the strange thing as it shrunk in on itself at their hissing back at it. “You know you’re kinda cute,” they said to it, tilting their head. “I’m Kid! What’s you’re name?” they asked. It didn’t say anything, a little glowing white tongue licking its lips. “No name hu? How about, hmm,” Kid paused looking just ahead of them-self thinking of the perfect name for their new friend. “Fluffy!” they said triumphantly. 
Fluffy hissed again. “I’m going to assume that means you like it!” Kid moved their hand to pet Fluffy, the small creature in response leaping up and bitting down hard on Kid’s hand. Startled Kid let out a small “Eep!” stepping backwards and falling over, shaking their hand in an attempt to make Fluffy let go but it didn’t work. 
“No! Bad Fluffy! No bitting!” Kid tried to explain to no avail. When Fluffy continued to not let go of Kid’s hand they did the only thing they could think of and bit Fluffy back. It let out a loud screech and finally let go, Kid doing the same soon after. “It’s not nice when people bit you is it!” Kid complained, getting up to loom over Fluffy. “Now no more biting!” 
Fluffy hissed at Kid again and swiftly slithered away into a small eye covered bush. “Wait! Don’t go!” Kid cried out, pouncing on the bush trying to grab Fluffy. “I was just trying to teach you what Lonja taught me!” 
As Kid tried to grab Fluffy’s tail it disappeared from sight, vanishing into a puff of dark smoke. Kid leaned back and sat down, a few tears beginning to form in the corners of their eyes. ‘Why doesn’t anyone what to play with me?’ they thought. ‘First Alcor has to go, then Killer and Fluffernutter left to do their own thing and now Fluffy just ran away!’ 
A small sob escaped Kids throat when they heard a rustling sound coming from behind them. They turned around and looked for the source of the sound, seeing nothing new. 
“Hello?” they asked quietly. Kid stood up, wiping their noes with their arm, looking around again. “Who’s there?” 
The large shadow behind the trees moved, slithering between them towards Kid towering over them. It looked exactly like Fluffy, but significantly larger, with sharp needle like teeth pointing in all directions, and its fur moved erratically, glitching instead of flowing like Fluffy’s.
“Hi! I’m Kid!” 
Alcor stared up at the sky from his spot lying flat on the ground, waves of impossible colours moving between the monotone greys in waves like the ocean. It was nice, relaxing, peaceful. 
“So are you going to explain why you’re hiding from Kid?” Lolonja asked, ruining the peacefulness. Alcor groaned, hiding his face behind his hands. 
“I‘m not hiding!” he grumbled into them, moving them and sitting up, looking at the unimpressed sheep. “I’m just having some me time.” 
“Uh hu, and I’m an real sheep who spends its days doing nothing but laze around, eat normal grass and have its wool shaun off every time it gets to long,” she said, rolling her eyes. Alcor huffed turning away from her. He didn’t need to listen to her! Lolonja was the one that needed to listen to him!
Lolonja sat down next to him, waiting patiently for an explanation. They both sat like that for several moments of indeterminate length. 
“It’s just,” Alcor started, turning back. “It’s. They’re just so, so happy! And so, not scared of me. I don’t know how do deal with that!” he finished, waving his arms around for emphasis. 
“Well to be fair Kid isn’t scared of anything,” Lolonja interjected. “They could come face to face with the biggest baddest demon after you and still try to befriend them.” 
“I know, I know it’s just, they make me feel so weird when I’m around them! They treat me as if I’m the greatest, nicest person they know and, I just don’t know how to respond to that!” Alcor laid back down on the ground, staring at the ocean of colours, and sighed. “There’s not reason for me to care about them, they’re not Mizar or Sarva or anyone else I know but. I like their trust, and, not because I can take advantage of it, use it against them. It, they make me feel-“ 
“Human?” Lolonja interrupted. 
Alcor thought for a second, thinking it over. “Kind of, but not in a good way, they make me feel bad for doing what I’ve been doing for the last how many decades without care and. I don’t like it.” 
“Have you considered the fact that if you didn’t hide from Kid you wouldn't feel bad for being mean to them?” 
Alcor was just about to argue when the sound of Kid screaming filled the air. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath standing up and heading towards the source, Lolonja hurrying next to him. “What happened to ‘isn’t scared of anything’ hu?!” 
When they both found Kid they were hiding behind the few nightmares that had gotten there first, holding their arm close to their chest. The thing they were hiding from was a fairly large negative thought, similar to nightmares in that they came about from peoples minds, but different in that they weren’t properly sentient. 
The moment it saw him it must have seen how strong he was, because it almost immediately began slithering away, a few more nightmares coming and making sure it wouldn’t come back. 
Lolonja stepped towards Kid, demands to know why they had been alone and who had left them that way ready on the tip of her tongue, but Alcor held up a hand to stop her, giving her look to tell her he’d handle this. 
“Heeey, Kid, you okay?” he asked awkwardly, kneeling down to their level. 
Kid shook their head, tears streaking down their cheeks. “It bit me,” they sobbed, holding their shaking arm out for Alcor to see. It was a pretty nasty wound, Kids whole lower arm was essentially torn up, the negative thoughts many needle like teeth leaving long scars, evidence of Kid suddenly pulling their arm away. 
Alcor grabbed Kid’s arm to better look at it, loosening his grip when he saw Kid grimace. “Well that’s no good is it?” he said, Kid shaking their head in response. “Do, do you want me to fix it?” he asked, reasoning with himself that he was just making sure what was his wasn’t damaged. 
Kid nodded their head his time. “Yes please,” they muttered, and they held out their other hand. “The blood for healing?” Kid offered and Alcor thanked whatever that from the few proper interactions he had had with Kid had taught them that he needed something in return when doing something like this. He didn’t think Lolonja would be very happy if he had prompted it. Not that, Lolonja intimidated him in any way, he was her master being worried about what she’d think would just be absolutely ridiculous.
“Deal,” Alcor said, accepting Kid’s hand, a small burst of fire engulfing them for a moment. He then grabbed Kid’s arm again and quickly licked up all the blood, using the small amount of energy to heal it. It would still have the scars but it was better then before. 
Once Alcor was done Kid flung their deceptively small arms around his back, pressing their head into his chest, and Alcor found himself returning the hug. It felt nice. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
Maybe putting in a bit more effort into being more human could be a not terrible thing. 
“Does this mean you can play with me now?”
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