thatjapanaddict · 9 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 196 - 21-04-2015
Hey guys, Simon here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 21, 2015. As usual, today’s sentence comes with vocabulary. Check it out down below.
Daily Japanse Sentence For 21-April-2015 (2015年04月21日の日本語の文)
最近香港や韓国へ買い物に行く女性が多い -> Recently a lot of women go to Hong Kong and South Korea for shopping
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
最近(さいきん) [noun] – Recently
香港(ほんこん) [noun] – Hong Kong
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thatjapanaddict · 9 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 195 - 20-04-2015
Hey guys, been a long long time (more on that later). Today I’m back with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today Monday April 20, 2015. There will be a list of vocabulary to go along with today’s sentence so let’s check it out below.
Daily Japanese Sentence for 20-April-2015 (2015年04月20日のデーリー日本語の文)
銀行の横のデパートで待っている -> I’ll be waiting at the department store beside the bank.
Formal: 銀行の横でデパートで待っています。
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 194 - 22-07-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 194 – 22-07-2014
Hey guys, Simon here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for Tuesday July 22, 2014. As usual, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary below. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 22-July-2014 (2014年07月22日のデーリー日本語の文)
明日の天気、どうかな。サッカーの試合があるんだけど。-> “I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.  We have a soccer game.”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
明日(あした) [noun] – tomorrow
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 193 - 25-06-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 193 – 25-06-2014
It is Wednesday June 25 and I am back with the Daily Japanese Sentence. As usual, there will be a list of vocabulary to go along with today’s sentence. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 25-June-2014 (2014年06月25日のデーリー日本語の文)
この間は、お土産ありがとう -> “Thanks for the gift [you gave me] the other day”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
この間(このあいだ) [adverbial noun] -> the other day,…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 192 - 17-06-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 192 – 17-06-2014
It has been quite some time since the last update. A few recent developments are to blame for not keeping things up to date. I believe things are back to normal now. That said, it’s time to pick up where I left off…
It is Tuesday June 17, 2014 and I am back with the Daily Japanese Sentence. As usual, each sentence comes with a list of vocabulary below. Let’s check it out
Daily Japanese Sentence…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 191 - 15-05-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 191 – 15-05-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today Thursday, May 15, 2014. As usual, there will be a list of vocabulary to go along with today’s sentence. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 15-May-2014 (2014年05月15日のデーリー日本語の文)
最近天気が悪かったね -> “The weather has been bad these days.”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 190 - 06-05-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 190 – 06-05-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for Tuesday May 6, 2014. As usual, there will be a list of vocabulary to go along with today’s sentence. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 06-May-2014 (2014年05月06日のデーリー日本語の文)
僕は物理学より地理が好きだった -> “I liked physics more than geography.”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
僕(ぼく) [pronoun] – i, me
物理学(ぶつりがく) [noun] – physics
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 189 - 23-04-14
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 189 – 23-04-14
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence  for today April 23, 2014. As usual, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 23-April-2014 (2014年4月23日のデーリー日本語の文)
今出かければ間に合うよ -> “If [you] leave now, [you'll] make it in time”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
今(いま) [noun] – now
出かける(でかける) [る-verb] – to depart, to leave
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 188 - 21-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 188 – 21-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 21, 2014. As usual, there will be a list of vocabulary to go along with today’s Sentence. That said, let’s check it out below.
Daily Japanese Sentence for 21-April-2014 (2014年04月21日のデーリー日本語の文)
夕べはちっとも眠れなかった -> “I did not sleep at all last night”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
夕べ(ゆうべ) [noun] – last night
ちっとも [adverb] – not…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 187 - 16-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 187 – 16-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 16, 2014. As usual, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary below. Alright, let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 16-April-2014 (2014年04月16日のデーリー日本語の文)
私は手伝うために来た -> “I’ve come [here] to help [you]“
Formal: 私は手伝うために来ました。
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
私(わたし) [pronoun] – i, me
手伝う(てつだう) [う-verb] – to…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 186 - 15-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 186 – 15-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 15, 2014. As usual, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary below. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 15-April-2014 (2014年04月15日のデーリー日本語の文)
たまには気楽にしていいよ -> “It’s okay to take it easy once in a while”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
たまに [occasionally. once in a while]
気楽(きらく) [noun] – carefree,…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 185 - 10-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 185 – 10-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 10, 2014. As usual, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary. That said, let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 10-April-2014 (2014年4月10日のデーリー日本語の文)
彼女は仕事を多いに楽しむ -> “She takes great pleasure in her work”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
彼女(かのじょ) [pronoun] – she, her
仕事(しごと) [noun] – work
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 184 - 09-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 184 – 09-04-2014
It is Wednesday April 9, 2014 and I am back with today’s Daily Japanese Sentence. As always, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary. Let’s check it out below.
Daily Japanese Sentence for 09-April-2014 (2014年04月09日のデーリー日本語の文)
この棚の本が高すぎると思う -> “I think the books on this shelf are too expensive”
Formal: この棚の本が高すぎると思います。
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
棚(たな) [noun] – shelf, ledge
本(ほん) [noun] – book
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 183 - 08-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 183 – 08-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today April 8, 2014. As always, today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary. Let’s check it out below.
Daily Japanese Sentence for 08-April-2014 (2014年04月08日のデーリー日本語の文)
ジャマイカには名所がたくさんある。例えば、ポートローヤルや二グリルだ -> “There are a lot of famous places in Jamaica. For example, Port Royal and Negril.”
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 182 - 07-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 182 – 07-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today Monday April 7, 2014. Today’s sentence comes with a list of vocabulary below. Let’s start the week off right, check out today’s sentence below.
Daily Japanese Sentence for 07-April-2014 (2014年04月07日のデーリー日本語の文)
コンピューター組み立てるのに僕は15分以内かかった -> “It took me less than 15 minutes to assemble the computer”
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 181 - 06-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 181 – 06-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today Sunday April 6, 2014. To go along with today’s sentence will be a list of vocabulary. That said, let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 06-April-2014 (2014年4月6日のデーリー日本語の文)
後でそのことについて兄に尋ねるつもりだ -> “I will ask my brother about it later”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
後(あと)[noun] – later, after
兄(あに) [noun] – older…
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thatjapanaddict · 10 years
That Japan Addict - Daily Japanese Sentence 180 - 05-04-2014
That Japan Addict – Daily Japanese Sentence 180 – 05-04-2014
Hey guys, That Japan Addict here with the Daily Japanese Sentence for today Saturday April 5, 2014. To go along with today’s sentence will be a list of vocabulary below. Let’s check it out below
Daily Japanese Sentence for 05-April-2014 (Casual)
姉と一緒先週の金曜日両親訪ねた -> “I visited my parents last Friday with my sister”
Vocabulary List (語彙リスト)
姉(あね) [noun] – sister (older)
一緒(いっしょ) [noun] – together
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