the-alarm-system Ā· 2 hours
I donā€™t mean to say this to make anyone stressed, but this isnā€™t the time to be endo-neutral,
endogenic systems are being harassed in mass, and if we donā€™t come together to support our fellow systems we all fall.
bigotry is not something to be neutral on. It only benefits the bigots, and hurts the minority.
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 hours
maybe I should make a carrd for like system info lol, a lot has changed and I wanna start using a tag system on here since others wanna use this blog too- Ardyn
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 hours
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 hours
our queen is back!
Hey, anti-endos! I'm back!
I don't know who falsely reported me, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm gonna keep doing exactly what I've been doing for a very long time, spreading information and facts about endogenic systems, and there's nothing you can do to stop me short of putting me in the ground.
Have the day you deserve!
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the-alarm-system Ā· 4 hours
Diavolo from Jojoā€™s Bizarre Adventure is plural
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the-alarm-system Ā· 8 hours
we talk out loud to another! Mostly because I canā€™t trust the voice in my mind :( scald gets upset about that
I'm curious :0
'anti endos'/sysmeds/fakeclaimers DNI or we will block you, we aren't endogenic but we support them heavily, thank you for respecting our DNI. 'mdni' blogs DNI as well- we are bodily underaged, thank you. -W;šŸŗ
[plain text: 'anti endos'/sysmeds/fakeclaimers DNI or we will block you, we aren't endogenic but we support them heavily, thank you for respecting our DNI. 'mdni' blogs DNI as well- we are bodily underaged, thank you.]
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the-alarm-system Ā· 14 hours
where did Sophie go
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the-alarm-system Ā· 22 hours
anti endos talking about ā€œthe future is singletā€ and how there should be a plurality/DID cure like
my bpd and my DID are always fighting because my DID keeps my bpd from killing mešŸ˜­
if the future is singlet Iā€™m not alive in it
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the-alarm-system Ā· 1 day
a system taking cannabis call that weā€™d
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the-alarm-system Ā· 1 day
I think our system symbol being the Red Cross is a war crime guys :/
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the-alarm-system Ā· 1 day
our V and Johnny
it's so funny being sourced from a character who was already a system. like wow if you're gonna isekai me into another universe at least add some meaningful changes. what's the difference, there's more of us?
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the-alarm-system Ā· 1 day
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 days
Speaking of Anti-endo AspenFrosten continuing to spiral, I found this on r/systemscringe
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Apparently, she took this version of the video down and removed that part, but it's still a huge YIKES either way!
This is a major anti-endo TikToker with over 30K followers publicly backing right-wing homophobic talking points that are actively being used to strip rights from queer people.
And it's really, really bad when she's out there making the ableist hate subreddit that is r/systemscringe seem reasonable by comparison.
If anyone wanted more of a reason to stay away FAR from @AspenFrosten, here it is!
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 days
Sending love to unconventional systems!!
Systems with less than 5 OR more than 100 alters
Systems who remember their trauma but have emotional amnesia OR don't care/got over it (terrible wording but you get it)
Systems with no internal communication OR perfect internal communication
Inorganic systems
Systems without hosts
PDID systems or front locked systems
Little/middle heavy systems
Systems with personality disorders OR psychotic disorders
Non-human heavy systems
Delusional systems
Systems living with their abusers
Systems who forgive their abusers (no saying you have to, it is rare that you were abused by someone who deserves forgiveness)
Openly plural systems
Systems with alters who refuse to accept the system exists
Systems with trauma locked systems or alters
Systems with abuser introjects
Systems with alters who agree with the abuse
Systems with alters who hate each other
Systems with no inner-world / have Aphantasia
Systems with huge inner worlds
Systems with bad inner-worlds (that are triggering or actively dangerous)
Persecutor heavy systems
Systems with a structure (like a council of alters that make decisions)
Systems with only fragments
Systems who are strange!!!
You don't need to be textbook or be represented often to exist and be valid!!
*Some points are traumagenic exclusive but we are pro-endo and anyone can interact
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 days
The good thing about being in a system is all you have to do is exist and your friend brings in money for you to spend- Scald
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 days
hate it whenever anti endos say that endos ā€œwant to be oppressed so badā€ has society gotten to you so much that a hint of diversity you donā€™t understand is seen as the desire to be belittled
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the-alarm-system Ā· 2 days
message for all plurals, systems, etc: its worth it to keep going.
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