the-bat-geek · 1 year
spider verse coffee shop au??
Anon im sorry i wanted to draw the coffeeshop au but ive been so tired lately so imma just overshare about what goes down bc this au is just (thick tombstone voice) : “everybody’s traumatized bitch lets get you a latte”
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows vol.II #22 
‘What? The kid has a weird hear’ 
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
Can I ask how Scorpion and Tombstone became a couple? They look so cute together.
aaa im glad someone’s interested in this ship bc it’s a fun one! honestly i was going to jokingly respond with ‘tombstone only dates dumbasses and scorpion fits his type completely’ but i like to think that these two have a mutual respect for each other despite them both having completely different personalities.
like they probably ran across each other even before they both worked under kingpin, both of them being obligated to work with each other probs leads to some fun interactions like tombstone who’s incredibly professional and serious about his job running across scorpion who’s just loud and blunt and a rough guy who treats everything like a joke. gargan absolutely does not take lonnie seriously despite him having a reputation as tombstone and lonnie’s both offended and kinda impressed by the audacity of this guy 
asldfkj gargan becoming one of the only guys that can actually joke around with lonnie after they’ve worked together for a while bc lonnie respects a guy that can laugh in his face and back his words up. and alskdjf idk how they get together i mean it’s probs during their job under kingpin like both of them are just hey we ain’t gettin’ any younger might as well make this official ya know
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
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People ask me so often for help with anatomy but really they’re mostly struggling with proportion! It’s the most basic starting point n super helpful to know, even if you end up exaggerating proportions a lot down the road. Ofc I’m no professor but I hope this helps :’)
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
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Fun aunt Soka vs overly protective Uncle Kallus
(These two would also have some kind of rivalry… that is until it comes down to protecting their niece and nephew (*Cough* Sabine and Ezra) And great niece.)
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
Reblog if you write fanfiction!
Writeblr has a lot of original WIPs which is fantastic, but I want to see how big the fanfiction community is too!
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the-bat-geek · 4 years
Papachat/GrandpaHawkmoth AU: A Shocking Reveal MLB
One of my Papachat (Dad!Chat Noir, Dad!Adrien, Mama!Mari AUs). Of course, Hugo and Emma are their kids. Gabriel mellowed out over the years due to his grandkids, but he’s still a bit of a prick as Hawkmoth. What happens if he finds out who LB and CN actually are?
Chat Noir did a careful backflip, viciously pushing back the flock of birds heading towards him as he protectively placed one hand over his daughter’s head, who was squirming strapped to his front.
After gaining a safe distance away, Chat kissed the top of her head soothingly, “Sorry princess, daddy will make this quick.”
His gaze immediately zeroed in on his wife and son, who spun her yoyo effortlessly against a charging rhino, Hugo happily reaching out with his hands to touch the almost glowing red of the spinning yoyo. Ladybug quickly moved back as soon as the rhino collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, the spinning yoyo having messed with his perception at such close proximity.
Chat quickly grabbed his wife around the waist and she placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him, “Chat no.”
He fixed her with a stern look, “This is not up for discussion bugaboo, we’ve got kids on board. I doubt Hawkmoth has a good corner in his heart to stop his attack on us as soon as he sees we have children. I’ll get you away to our balcony, you’ll take Emma and I’ll defeat the akuma and bring it to you to purify it.”
Ladybug tightened her hold on her husband, their gazes locked in a battle of wills, “You’re crazy to think I’ll leave you alone like this with the entire zoo against you. Remember what happened with Anima back then?”
He pouted, his ears flopping to his head adorably, Emma stretched her arms out to reach for them, “We were young…and I was a kitty up against a full grown panther.” He playfully flexed his bicep, grinning widely, “Now I’m a panther myself.” he winked and Emma and Hugo cheered, as if their father said something funny.
Ladybug groaned and rolled her eyes, “Chat Noir, I swear-”
His eyes flew open and he quickly grabbed his wife and slammed the end of his staff on the ground, propelling them in the air just in time to dodge the crocodile that had nearly crushed their legs in it’s jaws.
Ladybug gasped, looking back at the whining crocodile and holding on tight to Chat Noir as they soared through the air, “Alright, Plan B.”
Chat smiled in relief, intending to change course and head for home, “You go with Hugo and Emma and I’ll make quick work of the angry kitty over there.”
Chat Noir’s head nearly dislocated itself when he turned around to look at his wife, “What?! No! That’s not what I meant m'lady!”
Ladybug frowned, “It’s either you or me kitty and I hate to see you constantly fight my battles for me.” she caressed his jaw, worry and sadness in her expression.
Chat Noir frowned, landing softly on top of a roof, taking his lady’s hand, “ They’re not your battles, I’m a hero too remember? Any fights we have are ours, but you know as well as I do that you’re the only one who can purify the akuma at the end. Even if I get injured, Lucky Charm can fix it.” he paused, then smirked, cupping his wife’s cheek, “Or Marinette the beautiful seamstress can patch me up.” he smiled cheekily and kissed her cheek affectionately, making a quick sweep of the commotion below to ensure their hiding spot hasn’t been found yet.
Ladybug’s cheeks were a bright pink, despite being married to this dork for years and having two children, he could still make her blush like when they were teenagers, “It was you that started the whole ‘Marichat’ shipping craze when we were 16, wasn’t it?” She fixed him with an arched brow, Emma copying her expression to stare up at her father.
Chat Noir fixed the collar of his suit nervously, “Hey, don’t forget why fans started climbing over my gates because of 'Ladrien.” He rolled his eyes, giving her a pointed look.
Ladybug spluttered, “T-that was-! I-I was worried as a responsible hero of Paris over your civilian safety!”
Chat gave a slow grin, “Right. That’s also why Marinette baked me cookies and croissants every second day on our movie nights, hm?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Ladybug huffed and pushed his face away, Emma giggling and trying to do the same, only reached her father’s chin eith her small hands.
Chat Noir looked down at his giggling son, “Hugo! Help! Purrty please?”
Hugo stretched his own arms out to poke at his face and Chat sighed, “Traitor…” gently playing with Hugo’s outstretched fingers, who shrieked with laughter.
Almost immediately Ladybug and Chat Noir turned around, certain that the akuma must have heard their son. They got too caught up in the moment while on the job. While they accepted it as something normal due to their status as parents, it shouldn’t happen.
Especially not with the danger so close to their kids.
As predicted, the birds came rushing towards them again and they both sprinted off the edge of the roof, using yoyo and staff to land carefully on the ground.
Chat looked at his partner, “Alright, we need another plan.”
Ladybug nodded, preparing to throw her yoyo in the air, “Lucky-”
Her yoyo was caught mid-air, a large golden blur flying over their heads.
It was a lion, a large one at that.
Holding her yoyo in it’s maw, the lion dropped it to put it’s massive paw on it, baring it’s teeth at the duo, Hawkmoth’s mask appearing over his face, “Finally, without your yoyo, you’re defenseless Ladybug!” Hawkmoth’s voice came out of the lion’s maw and Chat Noir took a defensive stance in front of his wife, who positioned her hands in the chinese martial art ways her mother taught her in these situations.
“Not as long as this kitty got its claws, Hawkmoth!” Chat Noir snarled, waiting to see what the lion would do.
Hawkmoth laughed, “You believe a defenseless bug and a cat carrying babies stand a chance against my army?!” as if on cue, the entirety of the zoo circled around them and they slowly backed into the wall, Ladybug protecting her back and Chat covering the rest of her blindspots as he faced the akuma.
Ladybug, despite her position, shouted angrily, “You truly are heartless Hawkmoth! We believed after years of terrorizing Paris you’d see the error of your ways but you won’t even back down from attacking our children!” Her fists shook and Chat knew his little bug could be even scarier than a lion when it came to her children. He wasn’t any different.
Another laugh, “Now, now, Ladybug, all I want is your Miraculous. If you give them to me before these animals can attack you, I assure you your children will remain unharmed.” They didn’t buy it for a second.
The mask grew brighter around the lion’s face, “Attack!” the lion roared loudly, the fierce sound causing all the other animals to start their advance on the cornered heroes.
Chat Noir pressed his back closer to his wife, “I’ll hold them off as long as I can. If you see an opening, run!”
Ladybug squeezed his shoulder in encouragement and support, “I’ll get my yoyo and come back chaton.” she kissed his cheek and the couple braced themselves for the onslaught.
Just then, a chain reaction occured.
Emma’s fidgeting caused her mask to slip off her face, the small Chat Noir mask they’d made for their children to be outside when they were in their suits and she started crying.
Hugo, hearing his sister in distress, started wailinng too, throwing off his own Ladybug mask in frustration, the mask bouncing off the concrete, close to where the lion’s paws were.
Hawkmoth’s voice suddenly boomed across the field, “STOP!”
Both Chat Noir and Ladybug froze when suddenly the lion jumped in front of them and the rest of the animal kingdom stopped mid-charge and backed away from the mighty animal.
The lion threw Ladybug’s yoyo at her feet, both heroes staring from the yoyo towards the lion, where Hawkmoth’s mask was still glowing, “You! What sort of heroes are you?! Allowing children outside during akuma attacks?!”
Chat Noir lowered his staff only partially, still wary of the sudden panic in Hawkmoth’s voice, “What’s your game Hawkmoth?” his ears drew back.
The lion marched forward, away from the heroes, chasing away all the other animals, “Mark my words Ladybug and Chat Noir, I will get your Miraculous!” he paused, an oddly familiar worried tone seeping into his normal rough one, “But without exposing the children to dangers like this! They must have relatives to babysit them while you’re fighting my akumas!”
Chat leaned down to whisper in his wife’s ear, “Did he finally go senile?”
She gently rocked her son in her arms, leaning down to pick up the Ladybug mask.
A thought suddenly occured to her, “Why would Hawkmoth retreat as soon as he saw our kids unmasked?”
Chat Noir bent to pick up his own miniature mask, gently putting it back on his princess, purring soothingly to calm her down, “Maybe he knows them in his civilian form?”
Ladybug didn’t doubt that, they were well known in France after all, but…
Her eyes widened, “You don’t think…”
Chat froze, “…No way.”
Ladybug settled a hand over her son’s head, “That Hawkmoth is afraid of Gabriel doing something to him?”
Chat rubbed his chin, “It’s true that father has threatened a cycler once to ban him from ever stepping foot into any store ever if he came close to Emma or Hugo again, just because our little rascals decided the sidewalk was their playground.” he gently bobbed Hugo’s nose who laughed happily, tears dried up.
Ladybug shook her head, “It seems silly but…grandpa Gabriel is a force to be reckoned with.”
Chat Noir nodded.
“I don’t believe this!” a detransformed Gabriel kept pacing the expanse of his lair, butterflies flying which way to dodge his stormy gaits.
Nooroo followed his master worriedly, anxious to see what the new revelation would do to him, “Master?”
Gabriel abruptly turned to him, making the kwami back away, “Nooroo! Do you know what this meams?!”
Nooroo didn’t even want to think of suggesting he stopped being Hawkmoth.
Gabriel ran a hand down his face, “I have to stop Hawkmoth from harming my grandchildren!”
The kwami blinked, “What?”
Gabriel exited his lair, spotting Nathalie standing in front of the doorway, “Nathalie, I want you to publish a public statement concerning Hawkmoth’s attacks.” his assistant’s eyes were wide with surprise, thinking he turned a new leaf- “Tell the public that from now on, Hawkmoth’s attacks will spare akumatizing families or parents. Parents have the responsibility of getting their children to safety, any who fail to do so will suffer dire consequences from me.”
With that, Gabriel grabbed his coat and left.
Nathalie sighed, used to his overprotective ways since becoming a grandfather.
A few minutes after they detransformed and fed Emma and Hugo, breaking news immediately flashed in front of the screen.
Nadja Chamak came into view with a concerned expression as she read from her info-card, “Dear citizens of Paris, there’s been a statement right after the latest akuma attacks from Hawkmoth himself!”
Both heroes sat frozen stiff on the family couch, watching as the camera panned to none other than Mayura, who cleared her throat as she gazed at the camera professionally, “Greetings citizens of Paris, Hawkmoth’s plans have changed.” hope sparked within Marinette’s chest, “From now on, families and individuals with children who fail to bring their children to safety will suffer consequences from Hawkmoth himself, furthermore there will be no more akumatizations of families any longer.”
Marinette and Adrien’s jaws were hanging open, just as a knock came on their door.
When Adrien opened it to see who it was, shivers ran down their spines.
It was Gabriel.
The man allowed himself to enter and fixed both parents with a stern look, “ It has come to my attention that Hugo and Emma have been a part of the last akuma attack.” he took a deep breath, “How could it happen that they landed in the hands of Chat Noir and Ladybug?! Where have you two been?”
Gabriel cleared his throat, “Also, from now on I shall take care of Emma and Hugo between 12pm and 3pm.” Those were Hawkmoth’s usual akuma times.
Both Marinette and Adrien were at a loss for words.
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
Little Klaus
For @martinohamish
It was late at night in house in the woods were Klaus and his mate Jesper live. Screams can be heard for miles and miles around. "God it hurts!" Jesper yelled in agony. He was giving birth to his and Klaus's first child.The mailman was holding Alva's hand squeezing it harder and harder with every contraction. While causing his friend to be in pain as well. It was a miracle that he didn't break it yet."It feels like my insides are bursting out!" Beads of sweat were pouring down his face like a waterfall.
While Jesper is giving birth Klaus was outside going back and forth. It was tradition for the alphas to wait outside while their omega's were in labour. He and Jesper were lucky that Márgu's mother was a midwife and she was there when Jesper gotten into labour earlier today. With each scream made the woodsman more and more scared out of his wit.
Then thoughts keeps going through his head. 'What if Jesper wouldn't make it? What if the baby wouldn't make it? What if they both wouldn't make it?' Suddenly he felt a pat on his shoulder which cause him to lose train of thought. He looked down and saw Morgens besides him. "How it's going big guy?" He asks. Klaus winces with every passing scream."What if something goes wrong?" He questioned.
"Well Jesper is a tough cookie he'll be fine. He ain't the boy you know before." Mogens looked at the woodsman with confidence smile. But, Klaus was still bit of distressed. Mogens then tried to cheer him up again. "Listen I know that I teased kid a lot. And I mean a lot. But, if he can survive with the cold weather, the crazy people here and not to mention delivering thousands of presents with you.He and not to mention your kid can survive this." Klaus can't help but to smile. Knowing he was right. "Thanks Mogens." He thank the ferryman. "No problem big guy."
After what it feels like forever a loud squealing cry can be heard outside the house. The door opened revealing Alva walked with a bright smile on her face. "Would you like to see your mate and son?" She asks. Klaus looked at her with shock in his eyes."A son? I have a son?" He whispered. Klaus walked inside where the Sami people were congratulated him for the birth of his son. He says his thanks and started to walking up the stairs.
He reached the top he gently opened the bedroom they shared where he saw Jesper holding their offspring in his arms. He looked at both of them with awe. The mailman looked like he been through hell. With his messy hair and his bloodshot eye. But, to Klaus he was the most beautiful person in the world.
He walked closer to his mate and sat on the bedside right next to him and the baby. Klaus can't help but to cry when he saw his son in his lover's arms. He finally had a family. He wanted it so long for so many years. Jesper uncover the top of the blanket revealing the baby's face.The baby has blonde hair like Jesper and has Klaus's chubby cheeks and nose. "Oh, my gosh he's perfect." The alpha whispered. He caressed the baby's cheek causing the little one to open his eyes.
It was light blue with a hint of green. It was the most beautifulest eyes he ever seen. "Nikolai." Jesper said softly. "Huh?" Klaus questioned. "I want to name our son Nikolai. After his father." He told him. Klaus gave his mate an soft smile. "I love it my little dove." He placed an kiss on top of Jesper head.The mailman then look away from his young and looked up at his lover. "Would you like to hold him?" He asks.
Klaus looked at the baby with hesitation. Fearing he would crush him in his arms. "Well I don't know. I'm afraid I might hurt the little one." He said nervously. "Psst nonsense you do great. You were gentle with me and I'm skinnier than a twig." Jesper laughed. But, Klaus still wasn't sure. After a few moments of going back and forth the woodsman finally had enough courage to hold the little one.
He gently picked up the baby from Jespers arms. He looked at the baby with such love he never felt before. He never thought he loves someone so much besides his mate. "Hello little Nicky." The woodsmans started to choke up. "I'm your dad." Tears started flowing down his face once more. He never been so happy in his life. He gave his son kisses all over his little face. As the couple where loving on their baby they heard the door opened.
They then heard an small voice coming from the doorway. "Jesper?" Asks a worry voice. It was Márgu. The little girl was worried about her friend when he was screaming in pain. The couple gave the child a welcoming smile. "Come in little one.We want you to meet someone." Márgu walked closer to Klaus and looked up at the bundle in front of her. "Meet Nikolai." The older man announced. The little Sami girl looked at the baby curiously. She never saw a baby up close before. She reached out and touched the baby's hand.
Causing the baby to instinctively grabbed her finger underneath her gloves. "Looks like someone likes you." Jesper chuckled. Márgu beam with awe. Jesper placed his head against his mates shoulders. Watching the two children interact with each other. "You know I'm been thinking." Klaus said in a hopeful voice."I think when little Nikolai gets older we should try for an girl." That made Jesper stiffen up. "I think about it." He told him in nervous voice. Not knowing if he wants to go through it again.
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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and finally…. ZOMBIE CHILDREN. just a little doodle comic based off some ideas Luc and I tossed around. i came up with bit about the Watchdogs making rumors that the Skelly Kids are zombies. :P
also the last page has numbers to show the order, since I had to squinch things around due to spacing difficulties…
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
Beards and Loathing
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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❤ ❤ mommy!bilbo&daddy! thorin  ❤ ❤ If they have baby, I think thorin will be like that(⌒▽⌒)
And kili is very happy to have a little cousin~
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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The Angor doodles I’ve drawn this week. There’s a post somewhere with a Changling!AU that said Angor’s human name would be “Anton Ross” and I completely agree with that choice. If someone finds the link, I’d love to have it and add it here.
Changling Angor … What a babe, honestly. He teaches art, but doesn’t assign projects. Mostly the kids do whatever while he silently sits at the front of class, carving away. Don’t speak to him, he’s busy. 
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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(Got my tablet to work on my laptop!) ….Savage doesn’t fit on beds.
As per a darling anon request, a clutter of sleepy Zabraks.
….a clutter? a pride? a pack? a crèche? I have no idea what plural to use, but Zabraks definitely need a fancy group term.
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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I have an extended portion of Single Dad au where maul’s whole family never died because that way Uncles can happen, and also Gramma Talzin. I have never drawn Talzin, Savage, or Feral and it was hell to figure them all out at once.
Bonus: some more doodles of Maul being a dad.
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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hey anon I kind of went overboard
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the-bat-geek · 5 years
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3 am cravings
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