the-dc-killjoy · 6 months
It's that wonderful time of year again!
in order to prevent the theft of this widely coveted username, it is time for my annual post before retreating back into nothingness.
see y'all in a year (approximately around the dawn of 2025)
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the-dc-killjoy · 1 year
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when a hug is more romantic than any of the kisses
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the-dc-killjoy · 1 year
my 2022 year in review
That's one hell of a run on sentence, but I read Nineteen Eighty-Four in a children's psych ward last month, and that is by far my biggest flex.
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the-dc-killjoy · 1 year
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This explains so much about why 20 somethings are just unable to read to any level of complexity beyond a tweet. The miserable failure of US pedagogy
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Thanks for the tag my dear @tomatobookworm
Three ships: Daisy/Robbie, Mackelena, Trip/Anybody 😂 (and, I cannot stress this enough, anything and everything platonic)
Last song: Halsey - I am not a woman, I’m a god. (Now listening to Billie Eilish - No Time To Die)
Last movie: I have no idea. It’s been a year maybe? I watched part of a music documentary a couple months ago.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Currently watching: Station 19 (that was between Christmas and New Years, but it’s within 365 days so I count it!)
Currently consuming: Nothing- soon-to-be tea because it’s only too late for responsible people. 
Currently craving: A job or a vegetable. I’ve been eating an obscene amount of sugar lately, and if I don’t touch a vegetable in the next 24 hours I will either disintegrate or combust.
Tagging @a-biochemist-not-a-bird @loved-the-stars-too-fondly @acerobbiereyes @mrsleopoldfitz
I can’t think of 9 people who haven’t obviously be tagged, but if anyone scrolling past wants to say these five things about themselves: go for it!
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
This fic is very cute. This is fic is very good. Read it. 👍
Rating: T
Ship: platonic Kora & Jiaying, baby Daisy in the background
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence. Everyone Lives. Chinese New Year. Family Feels.
“Look Daisy, a paper daisy!”
Her sister cooed and tried to grab the red paper cutting. Mama smiled.
Author’s Notes:
- Thank you to @the-dc-killjoy for the beta read and reassuring me this fic makes sense!
- Thanks to everyone on Tumblr who voted when I asked for input for this year’s CNY fic :) Most people wanted to see Kora & Jiaying shortly after baby Daisy’s birth. The votes were equal for setting this in Gift AU or In These Mountains AU, so I ended up making it ambivalent on purpose. You can consider this fic a sequel to either AU. For those who have not read either AU, all you need to know is that in this fic, Kora figured out her powers without any Malicks around. If you do want to check out the two potential explanations for how this came to be:
Gift - Gordon talked to Kora, no pesky time travel
In These Mountains - season 7 time traveler Daisy talked to Kora
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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Mackelena “I dreamt about you last night.” 
For quakerider writers guild’s Valentine’s Day Challenge 2022
Alphonso Mackenzie had just received his bachelor’s degree and was preparing to start a career as an insurance agent. He would live a comfortable life, and it was close enough to Naperville to allow him to drop in on his brother whenever he pleased.
Maybe, years down the line, he’d be in a place to pick up working with motorcycles as a hobby. His life was planned out. Elena Rodriguez, an art student in California who he met through their universities’s pen-pal program that his friend signed him up for, destroyed that. 
She was easy to talk to. With many states between them, her less-than-ideal apartment wifi, and a (quickly-closing) language barrier, they felt comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts without the awkward pressure that comes with clarity. They both knew the most vulnerable and most random facts about the other without ever getting within one thousand miles of each other.
Elena knew of Mack’s passion for working with his hands, more than anyone other than Ruben, and prodded him until he considered seriously looking into it. During one late-night phone call, Mack fell asleep only to dream of a life where he got to do what he was passionate about and to see the woman that he, somehow, fell in love with.
Normally an over-planner, Mack spent the morning submitting a job application to Canelo’s Auto and Body, searching for a vaguely affordable place to live near Los Angeles, and drafting a route to bike down there. His nineteen year old brother was too ecstatic about the fact that they were actually going to ride motorcycles down to Baja California to care that Mack was making such an impulsive decision.
Elena was naturally suspicious and intelligent in a way that no book could provide, so he was pleased to surprise her for once. When she asked why, breathless, with a smile splitting her face, he answered: "I dreamt about you last night.”
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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end of year celebration ♡ top 5 artists as voted by my followers ↳ #1 DOJA CAT
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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Nuwho doctors as email replies from real life college professors
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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“She likes you.” “I like her, too.” “No, I mean…she likes you.”
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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Ladies of SHIELD post!
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
When I started writing as a kid, people pointed out that I couldn’t write dialogue very well. They told me “No one talks this way except for you.” Somewhere along the way I learned I have autism.
People like my dialogue a little better now, but they still say that while the characters speak humorously and clearly, they don’t really sound like actual people.
I feel alienated somehow. As if I don’t qualify as people, as if the best I can be is an endearingly pitiful person impersonator. Human substitute. Do you think there’s a way come to terms with this?
Dialogue can be taught. Get a phone with a voice recorder app, and go and interview people. Ask them questions. Then transcribe what you get. Then do an edited, interesting version, leaving out the ums and false starts. Then do it again. And again. Go to a place people hang out and talk, and just listen. Listen with a notebook. Write down the best things that people say. Do this every day for six months and your dialogue will be sparkling.
You're all human, you aren't a human substitute or anything but human. Brains and minds, like bodies, come in lots of different shapes and sizes and colours, and we like and don't like and respond to or don't respond to different things, and that's a very good thing. Don't let anyone tell you your mind is less valid or real or human than anyone else's. It's not. You're human. Promise.
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Missed it by………..ONE POINT FOUR PERCENT (1.4%)
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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Daisy Johnson »  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 4.03  “Uprising”
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
Worm off the string
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Worm on some legs
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the-dc-killjoy · 2 years
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laura’s 10k celebration (top 30 ships as voted by my followers) ✵ 22 ➳ alphonso mackenzie & elena rodriguez
↳ “You say the word, and I’ll carry you out of here and never look back.”
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