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by Mariusz “noistromo” Siergiejew
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gonna be stalking a few blogs for a while
I ain’t dead
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First, understand that the opposite of panic is not blithe acceptance of the situation – it’s clear-minded, positive, day-to-day action. Panic makes you do stupid shit or, even worse, curl up into a ball and do nothing. Don’t tell me you have reason to panic. You never have reason to panic. You have reason to act.
So yeah, be upset for as long as you want. Get drunk. Do whatever you have to do. After that, I want you to sober up, splash water on your face, and consider some facts.
Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide – 55 percent to 37 percent against.
Legal abortion is favored by 56 percent, with 41 percent opposed.
The vast majority of the population supports background checks for gun buyers – up to 90 percent in some polls.
A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health care, 58 percent to 37 percent.
64 percent of Americans are worried about global warming. Only 36 percent are not.
And – get this – Americans overwhelmingly agree that immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent to 33 percent margin.
Your country didn’t go anywhere. It’s right here where you left it. America is nothing more than a big ol’ collection of people, and those people are more diverse and progressive than they have ever been. That train won’t be stopped. Donald Trump’s supporters are by and large an aging and shrinking demographic. We didn’t see the backlash coming, but that’s on us – a look at our history would have taught us to expect it.
In light of that, there are a few things to understand going forward.
Don’t Panic
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Can I kill myself now
my good mood has been killed and I want to go along with it since I’m fighting with a family member about the walking dead and shit.
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Amaimon what do you desire in life?
“Nothing, just to do what I wish, I do already mostly, but just killing Rin is good enough.”
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When someone amazing and popular follows you
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Amaimon and Mephisto, since you're both demons, if you two are sprayed with holy water, would it hurt you?
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“Yes, it would hurt, but that depends if I flinch, cause sometimes when I flinch i stop time when I don’t want to, but for amaimon after he would be sprayed I think he would wait and then kill you”
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He let out a cough as the flour was thrown at him, some of it getting on his face, whihc he made quicck action to get it off his face, then following the direction Rin probably went, but it probably wasn’t
“That was rude” he said to himself quietly and somewhat slowly as he continued to try and find Rin
“I’m going to eat you…”
Halloween Starters || Accepting 
Stepping away from the other with eyes narrowed and suspicion rising. Rin was always weary about Mephisto’s motive to allowing him into the school and becoming his guardian since there wasn’t anything for Mephisto to gain or so Rin thinks. The half-breed doesn’t comprehend why his ‘guardien’ wanted to eat him but what he did know was that he wasn’t going to allow that to happen. 
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“Fuck off Mephisto!” The half-breed yelled at the attempt of buying himself type. Grabbing onto the first thing his hands can reach and through a bag of flour at Mephisto before turning and hauling his ass out of there. Rin could care less that what they other threaten to do was most likely a joke. The half-breed wasting going to take the risk.
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Made a shitpost
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“I mean, it shouldn’t be that hard to forget about something is it?”
   ONE-LINER FOR @the-king-of-time
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   ❝ Everytime I see a clock, I remember you. That is not an endearing thing…I want it to stop. ❞
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I swear to god i will punch my goddamn computer.
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If I ever get logged out of my account
you can find me at @funtimecrew/ @hackiisims
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The only thing I care about right now. I don’t even care about the content of the conversation. I’m still coping with wet, naked Mephisto!!!
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I’m sick again, I have been for the past two days
I can barely speak, plus i got some advice i guess? from @deviliciious (great person btw) so, ill attempt to post today 
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❤️ (I enjoy your blog a lot) 😊
hjfj bnvjg take that BaCK
you deserve it more tbh
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Send me a ‘♥’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
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Typing with my left hand only
my right arm decided to dislodge itself
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