the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
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I want to write. I can feel my fingers itching for it. However I’m an adult. I got things to do during the days. Whenever I finally sit down, another thing seems to pop up. I feel sorry for everyone waiting for me to get back into roleplaying. I’m making opens currently, gonna answer asks and make the promised starters. Yet it seems it takes forever. To all of my roleplaypartners, I thank you for your patience. And I’m very sorry.
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
So do to me having no idea where my laptop charger went, I'm afraid I'll be on a small hiatus until further notice
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
She playfully rolled her eyes at his words. Only now she realized how much she had missed his teasing. She smiled at him and started running her fingers over the palm of his hand, acting like she was thinking about what she could do to pay him off. “I promise… And I’ll give you a reward when we reach the Water Temple. Is that a deal?”
But as soon as his tune turned more serious, so did she. And it was devastating to hear what he had been through since she left him alone with her former teacher to prepare everything for him to follow after her. But things didn’t work out the way they should have and now… she was consumed with guilt. She leaned against his hand when he brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled at him again.
“It is still yours, after all… so to make sure you are still in it’s possession, I should stay with you from now on, right? And believe me… There wasn’t a single day I didn’t think about you.” She swallowed down a knot in her throat. “I tried my best to prepare everything for your arrival, but I was unable. I have never felt so helpless, and knowing you were waiting for me to return… tore my heart apart.” She squeezed his hand again and smiled at him.
“We should move on…” she said and with her other hand she grabbed the saddle of their horse to support herself while walking next to it now.
He felt something leap into his throat and a weight press down on his chest at her words. Were he paler, one could easily see the red dusting his cheeks. Flirtation was one thing, but the simple and real genuine affection from so much as holding hands caused him to fluster silently.
Just how much did she hurt, he wondered. Did she also stare at the moon during the night, wishing it was at least the same one he could be looking at? The words they were saying to each other now... Dark Link hasn’t had anyone miss him so deeply as far as he could remember. He remembers being in love. He doesn’t remember the feeling ever being returned.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, simply watching her walk with admiration shimmering in his eyes.
The sun was lowering at last and the sky began to turn into shades of pinks, orange, and purple. He stopped cold in his tracks to stare at the sight with a wide, genuine grin playing at his lips. He realized he’s only ever been in the Dark Realm since their escape from the Middle Realm, and before that, he was in that prison for Goddess knows how many years. He forgot what a sunset was.
His hand slipped from Aldez’s grip as he just stared in awe to the darkening sky. He forgot just how beautiful this realm was. A memory came to him.
“You know,” he began, keeping his eyes on the swirling clouds painted pink, “There’s a lot of things I forget, but so rarely do I remember anything. But, a long time ago, there was an island that fell from the sky. I made friends with them. And they road on these... These creatures... I don’t remember what kind, but they were large enough to fly on. My friends took me to ride on the creatures and from up there, I saw the most amazing sunset reflected on a vast sea. I don’t remember their names, faces, or even the colors of that sunset for that matter. I just remember being amazed by how beautiful Light and Dark are when they come together.”
He smiled over at Aldez. “Hey. You look good in this lighting.”
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
                                                  ::: the-mirrored-hero :::
Tiny droplets of blood dripped from his blade into the pool of water at their feet.    Holding his sword steady, Link watched as his darker self laughed, a feeling of unease seeping into his bones. Before he had a chance to think on it any further, he found himself with the same wound, a reflection of the cut he’d just made across his opponent’s chest. 
Link raised his hand to his chest, clenching his jaw as he pulled back blood stained finger tips. 
Looking up, Link ignored the feeling of hot blood spilling down his chest and seeping into his tunic. He spun his sword once. twice. and a final time before charging forward to meet the other’s attack.
His opponent was quick, but the cut to his chest was enough of a wake up to clear his senses and allow him to slip under the mirror’s swing. Link felt as his sword was met with resistance only for him to apply more pressure and drive the blade further forward, bringing the two face to face.
With a few flicks of the sword, the blood it drew dropped and splashed into the layer of water at their feet. As they sidestepped and danced in circles with their blades, the swirls of red followed the ripples of the chaotic waters. It was the purity of water against the stains of blood, contrasting and fighting against one another until they were just about one in the same. The same could be argued for the Hero against his personified darkness.
One two spins of the wrist, Dark Link charged and made a horizontal slice, brows raised when the other slide beneath the attack with a graceful dodge. Quickly, he pivoted to meet Link’s swing with a block. He of course kept one hand on the hilt  with the other at the tip of the blade, pushing back against Link’s increasing pressure.
Glowing red eyes scanned the other’s face. His greeting teeth and his eyes flaring, he was surprised his own eyes weren’t as red as his. Dark Link felt he might just be able to accomplish that though.
“If you hadn’t fallen, Zelda wouldn’t need to go in alone. In the end, she’s the one who saved you, isn’t she?” A twisted smile played at his lips until it twitched into a frown. “If it were me, Ganon would have been dead a century ago. Where were you this whole time, Link?”
He felt the other’s force driving him back, making him slide across the floor an inch.
“Where were you when she needed you?!”
With a step forward and a shove his blade, he knocked the other back enough to move out of the way of Link’s sword. Tightly gripping the hilt with one hand, he swung his arm through the air, teeth grit as the edge of the blade aimed for the other’s neck.
Gray Skies
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
To basically everybody I rp with
theliel :
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
She realized she was acting rather stubborn now, but she couldn’t bear this situation any longer. That’s why she was very thankful for him not trying to argue with her about it right now. Of course it was a more efficient way of travelling if she just kept riding with him, but this wasn’t about efficiency right now.
Carefully she swung her leg to one side of the horse and with his assistance she slowly slid down from it’s back and placed her feet on the ground. She had overestimated the strength in her legs, it was still hard to stand on them, but she just hoped it would get better once she was walking for a while. She took a deep breath when she realized that they were still holding hands and she looked up to him.
His words hit something deep inside of her, something she had kept hidden ever since they parted ways on that fateful day they met. A weak spot she had developed for Dark Link. She had to swallow a bit and averted her eyes from him, looking at the ground for a moment. Ironic how just three words made her speechless like that. Finally she looked up to him again, smiling softly, gently squeezing his hand.
“I missed you too… Forgive me for making you wait so long.”
He felt a fluffy sort of warmth wash over him at her gentle squeeze and soft smile and her words. he gave her a sidelong glance. She really was beautiful.
“Well, I suppose I can forgive you this time,” he chimed with his usual playful smirk. “So long as you give me a little gift for being so patient, and for coming to you with those circumstances. You really did give me a scare. Never worry me like that again, got it?” His last statement still had that teasing tune to it, but with the underlying  tone of seriousness and stern.
“You know, as much as Azara grows on you, I’ve always had the temptation every day to just ditch the old hag, ditch my training and come see you here. I always worried about you. I felt like something gnawed inside me, eating away at me with just how much I missed you. When that message was delivered to us I... I couldn’t take it anymore. Sorry for going against orders, General, but... Well, I would like to think you would do the same for me.”
He glanced her again, squinted his eyes, then picked up his other hand to brush back her hair from her ear. A smile played at his lips when he noticed the silver cuff around her ear, the same one he gave her when they parted. “You know, that really fits you. I think you should keep it.”
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
She jumped a little, startled by his sudden appearance and huffed softly, blushing in embarrassment. She couldn’t believe he got her with that.
She shook her head, partly amused, partly miffed and began walking, glancing down curiously as she did and wondered absently if he could see as a shadow before she thanked her lucky stars that she hadn’t worn a dress or skirt that day in case he could.
She felt her face heat more at the idea of him getting an upskirt view. That wasn’t something she wanted him to see, on purpose or not.
The woman continued through the crowded street, stepping around people, careful not make contact with any of them and paused outside of an inn. She glanced up at the sky, thinking it was as good a time as any to get a room. Once she had her place to sleep secured she went up to it and sat on the bed with a sigh.
Once Laney fell into bed, the shadow sprung up from the floor only to land next to her, flashing a smile at her. “Ah, only one bed? Why, how presumptuous of you, little naughty Laney,” he teased while tapping her nose.
Then, a snicker. “Just joking. I actually don’t need to sleep. Wish I could, time would pass by much faster, I would think,” he commented, tilting his head at her. “Though, you’ve had a long day, haven’t you? Killing ex-tutors and all. I’d suggest some tight shut-eye is of order, hm? That was a pretty heavy sigh you had there, after all.”
Escapees in Shadow
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
As he mentioned their plan to evacuate the perople of the Dark Realm, something came back to her mind again. How could she forget about all of this? It was impossible for her to forget about such an important plan. Maybe it really had to do with the ‘assault’, but maybe in a way Dark Link didn’t even think of. She suddenly remembered the nights she spent at the library of Hyrule Castle, looking for a way to secure her people’s lives when she brought them to the Light Realm. A way to protect them, even if Zelda herself were to turn on her. That was around the time when the whispering started… But could it really be because someone found out about their plans? Or did she meddle with powers far beyond her abilities?
She was glad in a way that he asked her not to speak too much now. This way he wouldn’t mind if she didn’t speak about it now. And this way she didn’t have to pretend she didn’t see Stalfos creeping closer whenever she closed her eyes just for a second. It’s only temporarily, she lied to herself, It will fade. But she knew quite well that whoever was touched by the curse of the Stalfos was cursed forever. And the day she died she would become one of them…
Aldez only noticed now that she had started shivering again. Pathetic. She looked up to Dark Link to see if he had noticed, but she already knew the answer. Of course he had, since they were this close now it was almost impossible not to notice. This couldn’t go on like that. She gently grabbed his arm to get his attention.
“… I want to try to walk.” she said. She could feel her legs again at this point and she felt like she’d cool down too much if she was carried like this all the way.
He felt her shudder. He didn’t comment on it, if only to spare her pride. Instead he gently leaned back against her, wordlessly giving his body something for her to lean closer against. It was the next best thing he could offer besides an outright embrace.
He could only imagine the trauma. He remembered he couldn’t help but watch aimlessly as the ancient Hero had wandered Lost Woods, brave but alone and helpless. Dark Link could do nothing for his light counter part when he eventually succumbed to his starvation, falling to his knees, and letting the roots of the cursed forest envelop his body. They tore him away, until all that remained was his skeleton and regret.
At her request, Dark Link sighed quietly and pulled the horse to a slow stop. He had half the thought to argue with her, but immediately decided against it. If he had at to pick just one thing to respect about the woman, it was her unwavering stubbornness. He swung one foot over the horse, assisting Aldez to her feet. With the reigns of their steed in one hand, he decidedly occupied the other with Aldez’s hand. 
He didn’t want to let go yet. Not even for a moment.
“I missed you,” he said softly.
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
                                                  ::: the-mirrored-hero :::
A low growl passed through clenched teeth at the mirror’s sneer, anger fueling another swing at his counterpart. The Shrine of Resurrection was a touchy subject for Link. True, he didn’t remember the events leading up to his one hundred year nap, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating for Link. For throughout those one hundred years, he was completely useless. 
Another blow deflected, Link stepped back, needing to control his anger before it took over and caused him to slip up. Blue eyes searched the red eyes of his reflection, recognizing a familiar determination. That’s it. He came into this battle with a purpose. And he’d forgotten what that was in his attempt to get another trial over and done with. This was a Test of Strength after all. And he had a Princess to save. This was no longer about him. 
Link stepped back into the battle with a fresh dose of determination and a confidence in himself. He can do this. He had to. For Princess Zelda.
Link struck at his reflection fiercely, his sword moving with a better precision than before. 
The sneer widened seeing those flames burn more furiously in those blue eyes. Good. With anger comes strength. With strength, you can actually do something with your courage.
With every slash the other made, the personified darkness dodged and ducked to avoid each slice until gash ran across his chest, tearing through both tunic and skin like butter. He laughed, despite the injury.
“That’s what I like to see! Let’s step it up then!” he piped up, springing up when he came forward with the sword again to land on the edge of the blade. It didn’t seem to weigh down his sword, however. With the element of surprise on his side, Dark Link drew his sword to land a deep gash across Link’s chest, matching his own wound.
After the strike, Dark Link back-flipped off Link’s sword and landed on his feet, holding up his sword in a readied defensive position.
Your Grace, despite the darkness I was molded by, Despite being the broken mirror of your beloved Hero, Every action, every day of my existence shall be a means to ensure your light continues to shine for eternity. Whatever the damage, I’ll make sure the Hero is capable of repairing it. I’ll make sure he’s a Hero worthy of you, Your Grace.
He saw Her smile burn in the back of his memory.
Eyes burning with the fires of determination, his grip tightened and muscles flexed readily. The water splashed as he charged forward, sword slicing through the air and aimed for his light counterpart.
Gray Skies
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
She raised an eyebrow at him when he called her little before she watched him sink into the ground, she had even more questions now.
She chuckled when the shadow waved and returned it. “Can you hear me while you’re down there?” She squatted down and gently poked the ground the shadow was occupying, wondering if he was an actual shadow or something more corporeal.
She had never come across such magic and it made her supremely curious about the other things he could do.
Her shadow nodded and gave a thumbs-up in wordless response. While she was still crouched, the shadow suddenly jumped out of the ground, greeting her with a “Boo!”
With just half his torso and head emerged from the ground, the rest of him still sunk with her shadow, the dark mirror cackled mischievously and shook his head. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself there! But yes, I can indeed hear what you’re saying. Afraid you can’t hear me though. I know, you’ll miss my voice so much, but stay strong for the both of us, kay?” he winked with a smile, sinking back into the floor once more.
Escapees in Shadow
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
🍔🎂🍦! :3
🍔- Favorite food?Cheeseburgers. I love cheeseburgers so much, dude.
🎂- When's your birthday?August 15th! I’m actually finally gonna be able to drink this year. ;w; ...Legally that is.
🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?Oooh, that’s a hard one. It kinda depends on my mood, most often it’s coffee or chocolate (bonus if it has peanut butter) or best of both worlds with mocha OR strawberry - which shocks a lot of people - but only if I have chocolate ice cream with it or chocolate syrup. I really like chocolate and strawberries together. Best flavor mix, personally. >w
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
Aldez herself fell into silence now, still trying to fill in the blanks, but to no avail. The day she left the castle to follow the voice seemed to be far away, it felt like years, but she knew it had only been a few days. She felt a chill run down her spine and out of an impulse she wrapped her arms around Dark Link again. The sunlight did warm her, but there was an inner cold she couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was caused by her near-death experience and she tried to remember how it was back in her childhood when she was… struck down at the assault on Hyrule Castle. She just hoped it would fade away soon.
Now that he finally spoke she looked up at him and loosened her grip around him once more. The way her still called her a ‘General’ made her heart sink a little. She didn’t act like a General at all right now, more like a confused and anxious child, unable to do anything by herself. Now that she wasn’t in danger anymore, the feeling of shame followed. She turned her head away from him as she spoke.
“Do you believe that? I understand your thoughts, but I can’t think of anyone powerful enough that would want me out of the way. At least noone with enough magical power to cast… such a spell.” But the thought lingered. If that was the case, it may have been someone close to her. A traitor in her own rows. The worst possible outcome.
She tried to take a deep breath, but started coughing midway. Her lungs and airway were still hurt, she experiences that fact first hand now. Hopefully they would arrive at the castle soon… But as she looked around, she finally noticed they were not taking the road back to Hyrule Castle. She looked at Dark Link. “Where are you taking me?”
“I... don’t have anyone that comes to mind, no. But it’s the only realistic explanation,” he said, lowering his head in thought. “Just think about it. The moment you mentioned migrating dwellers of the Dark Realm here, and suddenly you nearly die in Lost Woods because something ‘called you there.’ It’s just too close together, Aldez.”
Continuing their path, Dark Link looked to the field’s distance. Just beyond this valley of plains, Hyrule Castle was there. She was there. He could turn around now, just to see her again, but he knew very well that was an idiotic idea. 
“Because whoever lured you to your death is at Hyrule Castle,” he explained. “The moment any civilians see us, we’ll be chased out as soon as we step through the gates. The only people who know you’re alive is you and me. If we want an audience with the Princess, we’ll have to be very hush-hush. For now, we’re going back to the Water Temple. That monk - Loden was it? - maybe he has some ideas.” For all Dark Link knew, he could have been the traitor, but decided to keep that to himself for now. He only trusted Aldez and the Princess as of now.
“That’s the only place I’m sure you can rest and safely regain your strength.” He looked behind his shoulder to her. “Speaking of, keep your talking to a minimum. You’ve only just recovered. We’ll be there soon.”
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
⚽️- Do you like any sports?I don’t particularly watch any, actually, no. It might have been because my mom put me in like 10 different sports when I was little (Ballet, cheerleading, soccer, gymnastics to name a few) so I think I just got sick of them. I do watch some boxing and mma occasionally though.
🖌- Are you artsy?I mean, if you consider writing then gOD yes. Haven’t been writing as much as I would like lately, but that’s why I’m here. Drawing and stuff? Not really. I used to draw and do rough sketches of models doing poses in class a while back, but nothing fancy. I’m really reallyyyy bad at painting and sculpting though. REALLY bad.
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
                                                   ::: the-mirrored-hero :::
It seemed that someone very powerful had a sense of humor. As the room finally settled, Link took his stance, raising the shield in his right hand slightly. Water rippled at his feet, twinkling in the eerie light. 
Link faced this mirrored guardian, confusion and disappointment furrowing his brow when it spoke his name. The anticipation from earlier returning to battle the courage he’d managed to gather with each step before entering this room. Looking into those red eyes as he announced himself as Link’s trial sent a shiver down his spine. 
The mirror knew him. Called him Hero-Boy. He felt a sense of familiarity in the back of his mind. This wasn’t their first battle together. With this realization, a quick gasp parted his lips. His first clue into his previous life and he had to defeat it.
Subconsciously copying the mirror, Link twisted his left wrist, bringing his sword back to face his opponent. He took a slow shaky breath, a humorless smirk playing at the corner of his lips as he prepared to attack the very thing he feared he’d become if he continued on this path and failed to regain his memories and become the hero everyone claimed him to be.
Without wasting another moment, Link dashed forward, his attacked fueled by determination and courage. He will not fail again.
That shimmer of confidence flashed in both their eyes, that smirk that crossed their expressions as they jumped into battle, even their blades were mirrored as they crashed against one another, sparks flying in unison.
Dark Link took a mostly defensive tactic at first, with every blow he does land having enough force to knock the other back and give them some distance. The longer the battle goes, the more he learned how the other fought. Every Link had a different style, it seemed. Despite this Link being the same as the one from 100 years ago, it seemed time still made a few tweaks from when they last sparred.
He smiled. How refreshing.
Now, the tactic changed to the offensive. Instead of a black and parry, every swing that the Hero made matched with Dark Link’s. He mirrored each move as he had, before he had as well. Every slash and stab was met with a stab and slash, only with more aggressive power.
“C’mon, Hero-boy,” the mirror taunted as their blades crashed between them. “Keep this up, and you’ll keep Her waiting another 100 years! C’mon!”
Though the shade’s tone seemed as if he was having a jesting time, he knew exactly what was on the line: The Princess. For once in his long long life, he did not mind being a tool. He was used to strengthen and sharpen the blade that would slay the beast and save her.
He had to save her. He had to save her this time.
“Don’t fail her a second time! Conquer yourself!”
Gray Skies
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun!
🎂- When's your birthday?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What's your family like?
🐶- Favorite animal?
🔶- Favorite color(s)?
🎥- Favorite movie?
📺- Favorite TV show?
🎞- Favorite cartoon/anime?
🍔- Favorite food?
🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?
🍭- Favorite candy?
🍸- Do you drink?
👣- What do you like to do in your spare time?
⚽️- Do you like any sports?
🎮- Favorite video game(s)?
⛪️- Are you religious?
⌛️- Last thing you did before logging in?
🎈- Share a childhood memory!
🛍- What was the last purchase you made for?
💸- If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
🖌- Are you artsy?
❤️- How would you describe yourself?
💛- How do other people describe you?
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?
💠- what is the Most expensive thing you own?
⚜- What is the most precious thing you own?
🐻- Do you have any stuffed animals?
🐝- Favorite season?
🐋- share a Weird/funny story?
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
“I’m a woman of many talents, what can I say?” She stared at him for a moment when he said his corny line before she began laughing.
She shook her head a little, highly amused before she leaned forward and took a bite of the fruit in his hand. She felt better after laughing so much. She swallowed her mouthful and smiled at him. “I get the feeling you don’t have much to do today, so why not come with me for a bit?”
Dark Link grinned. He can see himself sticking around this girl. She was good company to not only look at, but at the least could laugh, make some expressions and was genuinely amused by his behavior.
“Why, here I was thinking I was just gonna follow you around without permission! I’m so happy you love my company just as much, Little Laney,” he cooed, folding his hands behind him and taking a step towards her. “I was just thinking how stuffy this little alleyway was getting. I’ll be close by, my dear. Like a shadow, if you will,” he chuckled to himself.
With that, Dark Link began to sink into floor, following Laney’s shape of her shadow beneath her feet. Despite her not making the gesture, her shadow seemed to wave at her.
Escapees in Shadow
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the-mirrored-hero · 7 years
She was fully aware of his gaze upon her as she swung his blade, aware that her inexperience with a sword was likely evident.  Mirror copy or no, his words made her feel suddenly unworthy of holding such a blade, and she was thankful when he took it back.  Her gaze as she watched him sheath his weapon was nothing short of appreciative.  “Better than the original, ‘m bettin’.”
His question is met with a simple nod of affirmation, arm outstretched so he could take her blade as she had his.  Her dagger was a source of pride for the shifter.  Not quite as adept with it as her canine form, she was still formidable for someone who was completely self-taught.  The feeling of his hand on her shoulder brought about a curious, confused tilt of her head.  Widened eyes would soon follow along with a visible tensing of her arm to compensate for his added weight…
That wasn’t there?
Once recovered from the initial shock – honestly, she adored the surprised he seemed to be filled with – she smirked.  Even for someone so new to Nikki’s presence and habits, there’s an obvious up to no good vibe in that smirk of hers.  Before he has the chance to notice, she moved just enough to press a quick peck of her lips to the tip of his nose.  “Hey there.”
“How ‘bout we see how good that balance of yours is?”  In her defense, at least she gave him a bit of a warning before she gave a quick jerk of her blade to the left with him still on it.
“Ah, now you’re just flattering,” he chuckled and swept a hand over the familiar hilt once again. He wasn’t so sure he’d go as far to say it was better. The Master Sword was crafted with the Three Goddesses themselves, bathed in...
Bathed in...
He thought about it. Bathed in... Flames? Or... Goddess. He couldn’t remember anymore. How many years must have passed for him to forget how the Master Sword was crafted? He couldn’t remember, and now it’s lost. Gone forever.
Hylia... Her face. He couldn’t remember that much either. Her smile maybe... Very faint but... He couldn’t picture it anymore.
He decided he would dwell on his lost memories later. Now was not a good time to have a mental breakdown.
He decided to blame it on that cute little kiss. “Buh--?”
Arms flailed and a yelp of alarm, he was still caught off guard by that peck and suddenly-- Thwump. He grunted and rubbed the back of his head that hit the dirt floor, sitting up slowly.
“You know, usually I would do a backflip off before the other person swings again but uh... That was totally cheating. You can’t pull cute shit like that and then do that.”
The Wolf in a Stranger’s Den
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