the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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As the year progresses, “Relationships” seem to become the topic of everyone’s conversation. There’s not a day that goes by where I scroll through my feed or timeline on my social media handles and someone is either begging, complaining or yearning for a relationship. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a significant other, but there are a variety of factors that most forget to consider.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
As the year progresses, “Relationships” seem to become the topic of everyone’s conversation. There’s not a day that goes by where I scroll through my feed or timeline on my social media handles and someone is either begging, complaining or yearning for a relationship. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a significant other, but there are a variety of factors that most forget to consider.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
Stop asking women their body count . It’s childish . Grow up
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
This video is everything!
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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How I Learned to Love My Body, Danielle Brooks Being a teenager can be one of the hardest phases of a person’s life. For me, I struggled every day tricking myself into appearing confident. After reading over old journal entries, I realized some days were less successful than others. I came across one that took me aback. In this entry, I had written about how insecure I was about my weight. I wasn’t able to wear the flared jeans and cute tops the other girls wore—they didn’t come in my size. On top of that, I was dark-skinned and had natural hair. By the standard definition of beauty I had absorbed from the world around me, I had three strikes against me: I was too dark, too curly, and too fat. Because of this insecurity, I was desperately unhappy. I was even having suicidal thoughts. But you wouldn’t have known it. The world saw a young teenage girl who was happy in her skin, laughed a lot, and didn’t care what anyone thought about her. The truth of the matter was I wasn’t happy in my skin; I laughed to hide my pain, and cared deeply what my peers thought of my appearance—to the point that I even was having suicidal thoughts. But you wouldn’t have known it. Even now, I still find ways to make light of the sadness I was in back then. When I was interviewed for a magazine recently, I joked that when my mother would ask me to go for a walk around the neighborhood, I would hide behind the house because I was lazy. But the real reason I hid was because I didn’t want the boys in the neighborhood to laugh at the fat girl walking around the cul-de-sac. I didn’t always feel so self-conscious. As a young girl, I was always a healthy kid but never a skinny kid. I didn’t know that there was anything “wrong” with my body until I was in middle school and a woman from church felt the spirit move her to tell me. As I walked home from Bible study one Wednesday night, she stopped me and exclaimed, “Danielle you’ve got stretch marks on your arms!” and proceeded to take her pointer finger and identify the four or five tiny lines that were starting to form. She continued, “You’re too young to be getting stretch marks,” though she was covered in them herself. And that’s when the cycle of judging myself began. From that moment on, it was a long road to learning to love myself again. I dreamed of being an actor, but when I looked for reflections of myself on the screen, I found few. Still, I found inspiration in the words of Sharon Flake and the music of India Arie. I took acting classes, where I felt free and accepted. Free to let out the biggest screams, to roll around the floor like a cat, and to cry sloppy tears without being judged. Accepted by this tribe of fellow performers, unique individuals who valued me for my talent and my boldness and not for what I looked like (or didn’t look like). In acting I found my confidence, my joy, my safe place. Ironically, achieving a measure of success in this field that gave me confidence threatened to shake the very foundation of that hard-earned self-worth. Being in the public eye magnifies my “imperfection” to an insane degree. Attending the Golden Globes for the first time, I was aware that the majority of the other actresses in the audience didn’t look like me. But you see, the average woman is a size 12 to 14. Those actresses don’t look like most women. I’m not saying those actresses should gain 30 pounds, but I am posing the question, that if art is supposed to reflect life then why don’t the red carpets and magazines reflect reality? Ideally, I want to see all beauties, all shapes, all sizes, all skin tones, all backgrounds represented in my profession. Now that I am blessed to be that reflection I was once looking for, I’m making a promise to speak out for that little girl that I used to be. I might not have the power to change what media puts out there, or to single-handedly convince young girls like me that they should love themselves. But what I can do is start with me: living each day, embracing who I am. Embracing who I am by refusing to hide my legs or or cover my arms because they make someone else feel uncomfortable. By realizing that every stretch mark on my body is kissed by the sun, and no longer wishing them away. By no longer operating out of a place of fear. So if you see me on a carpet with my arms and legs out glistening, or my midriff exposed, it’s a reminder to myself and the world that I know I’m beautiful. “As we shine our light, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence liberates others.” —Marianne Williamson Sources: Glamour.com -Pierre
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock this summer I’m sure you’ve heard this little song it goes something like “go bestfriend that’s my best friend” Well the woman behind the catchy song that had us throwing it in a circle! Have finally release the full song along with a video. I am beyond proud of here for capitalizing on this. I see a lot of non black folks on vine are out here capitalizing on some of the silliest! I’m just glad this time around its a black girl! Now continue throwing that ass in a circular motion! I love the video and the representation
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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Model Nykhor Paul letter to white people in the fashion world about make up when it comes to black models.
Dear white people in the fashion world!
Please don’t take this the wrong way but it’s time you people get your shit right when it comes to our complexion! Why do I have to bring my own makeup to a professional show when all the other white girls don’t have to do anything but show up WTF! Don’t try to make me feel bad because I am blue black its 2015 go to Mac, Bobbi Brown, Makeup Forever, Iman cosmetic, black opal, even Lancôme and Clinique carried them plus so much more.  A good makeup artist would come prepare and do there research before coming to work because often time you know what to expect especially at a show! Stop apologizing it’s insulting and disrespectful to me and my race it doesn’t help, seriously!…That goes for NYC, London, Milan, Paris and Cape Town plus everywhere else that have issues with black skin tones. Just because you only book a few of us doesn’t mean you have the right to make us look ratchet. I’m tired of complaining about not getting book as a black model and I’m definitely super tired of apologizing for my blackness!!!! Fashion is art, art is never racist it should be inclusive of all not only white people, shit we started fashion in Africa and you modernize and copy it! Why can’t we be part of fashion fully and equally?
What do you ladies think? Will the fashion world get their shit together?
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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                          Happy Black History Month
This month is no different from any other month on the blog.This month I encourage every follower to learn or submit a black woman who did or currently paving the way for the next generation of black women. My first pick is a woman name Ertha Pascal, I hope you guys enjoy reading about her.
Girls&WomenToKnow: Ertha Pascal
Eartha was  was the provisional President of Haiti  13 March 1990 – 7 February 1991 or 11 months. Pascal was the first woman in Haitian history to hold that position.  She received her law degree from the École de Droit des Gonaives in Port-au-Prince. Before becoming Haiti’s first woman president Ertha held various political positions until she became the first woman justice of the Haitian Supreme Court.
According to Haitian Times
She lead the country in coordination with a 19-member Council of State, and successfully managed one of the most peaceful democratic electoral and constitutional transitions in Haiti’s history. On December 16, 1990, Jean-Bertand Aristide became the first democratically elected president of Haiti. And once he assumed power, Aristide placed Pascal-Trouillot under house arrest, alleging she was a co-conspirator in a failed coup attempt led by Roger Lafontant (a staunch Duvalierist) to remove her from power right before he took office. Pascal-Trouillot was released at the prompting of US President George H.W. Bush. 
Where are my Haitian followers at? Sak Passe?
Did you guys know about her?
Any future politicians here?
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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The Charming Danielle Brooks Appreciation Post.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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In case you forgot.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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Fruit infused water is a great way to get water in your diet especially if you don’t like plain water. The look and taste can serve as some extra motivation to drink more water and get some added nutrients. The possibilities are limitless so be creative and drink up!
P.S If your like me and like to make your drinks pretty try your local Wal-Mart for Mason jar tumblers you can use on the go.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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Black Owned
Whether you live California or not here’s a black owned business you can support.
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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Her face is everything 😂😂
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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What type of mindset do you have? Do you see the good in every situation or do you see the worse? When things aren’t going your way or you are unsatisfied, do you actively take steps to try and fix it or do you complain with no action. Voicing our concerns and dislikes is normal. Some of us do it more than usual, but nonetheless it is normal. The questions we must ask ourselves however are, “what am I doing to change this?
By @xo5.olive
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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the-modernblackgirl · 6 years
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