No way!! Another piece of art?? In the same year??? - Mod Ramen
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We gave him a new arm and didn't do shit with it
(@the-shattered-truce-multiverse yeah yeah i know...again...)
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Its that time again! Yearly art :]
- Mod Uhhh Ramen??? I dont know what name I use here anymore
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secretly made art once again
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Art ! My art - Mod Ramen(Wilbur)
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"There were different colors of paint everywhere, and glass shards scattered across the floor. Ink's vials were gone. Shattered. In a million pieces. Ink was sitting right in the center of the chaos. Numb. Completely numb." - Taken from the STMV Story Summary
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let's goooo it's been like. 1 year - shadow
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oh, I didn't see this before, just decided to check the blog out of the blue now lmao
uh well yeah, what ramen said is correct - basically a while after the rp died down, I left the server and I don't think it's been touched since
apologies to all of you who wanted to see some content, I don't know this might pick back up like five years later or some shit
love you all <3 - mod shadow/errados
This blog is so dead
Unfortunately, yes it is
All of us have moved on to another rp or another fandom
-Mod Ramen(Dream)
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This blog is so dead
Unfortunately, yes it is
All of us have moved on to another rp or another fandom
-Mod Ramen(Dream)
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new icon!
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Hey, so we know this blog has been dead for a while. Although the canon RP is on hiatus for who knows how long, you can still send in asks - we're also hoping to start drawing responses, too.
(I'm also hoping to start up a comic for this if I can.) - Mod Shadow
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The Full Story So Far.
First of all, let's get some facts straight. Dream proposes a truce to Nightmare, which he reluctantly agrees to. The news had spread everywhere throughout the entire multiverse, including the Omega Timeline, and people thought they were finally going to be at peace. The truce has went on for about 3 months already. Until one day, Error decides to haul Nightmare, Dream, Cross, and Blue through a portal to Outertale. He never actually tells the reason to any of them, and tries leaving the group multiple times, but was stopped by Nightmare. It got violent when Nightmare began attacking Cross. Dream got angry, and now the truce was officially shattered at this point. Ink suddenly appears out of Nightmare at the most convenient time ever, and begins to fight Nightmare. Error had already successfully immobilized Dream with his strings, as they both watched Ink and Nightmare fight. Dream tries telling Error to let him go, but of course. Error refuses. At some point, Dream finally escapes from the strings' wrath and almost escaped from Error's grasp to go help Ink. Dream summons his almighty daggers and with his pathetic moves, he failed to even damage Error. He commits stabby stabby to Dream's kneecap and now Dream was immobilized again. Meanwhile, with Ink and Nightmare. The negative one had been winning the battle. He broke Ink's Broomy. But alas, he had mini paintbrushes to save the day. No, that was a lie. The mini paintbrushes didn't save Ink at all, and now he was grabbed by Nightmare's tendril. Error and Nightmare, along with their prisoners. Dream, Cross, and Ink (Blue suddenly vanished along the way). They committed dungeon and threw the three into different cells that were far away from each other. Cross was slammed into so many walls so much that his spine shattered, and that he was completely paralyzed. Ink hated being in damp, cold cells without having anyway to get out, or even occupy himself. But it wasn't his boredom that made him go completely numb. So much for that truce. Nightmare decided to interrogate Dream, and Dream got angry yet again. Both brothers hear some glass shatter, Dream gets instantly worried and asks to be let out. Nightmare was super convinced and did so, he walked towards Ink's cell. Dream decided to go to Cross' cell, because he knew for sure that Cross was injured as hell. He carries Cross on his back, and slowly hops towards Ink's cell. There was a jar in the hallway, but Dream decided to ignore that for now. He opened Ink's cell, and oh boy was it a mess in there. there were different colors of paint everywhere and glass shards. Ink's vials were gone. Shattered. In a million pieces. Ink was sitting there right in the center of the chaos. Ink was numb. Completely numb. Emotionless. He stood, and shoved Dream (and Cross, who was on his back) out of the way and left from both of their sights. Dream leaves Ink's cell, and grabs the jar that was left in the hallway. He gives it to Cross, and he uses blue magic on it to keep it floating in the air. Dream hops around with his one free leg, trying to find a way out of the dungeon. They were going in circles for hours! And then... they found a staircase. The jar became completely irrelevant at that point. Meanwhile, with Nightmare and the gang. His gang was grounded, and Nightmare was just chilling in the living room watching TV or something. With Ink? He already got out of the dungeon, using a liquid from upstairs for a shortcut. He was roaming the halls of the castle, trying to find some way out of here. Back with Dream and Cross, Blue literally bursts in out of nowhere to come save them all, and when he saved Dream and Cross he sent them to his home, with Papyrus... and that's where the 'Nightmare's Castle Arc' ended. - written by Mod Ramen.
Cross and Dream managed to escape to Blue's version of Underswap while Blue stayed back to help Ink. Underswap Papyrus started to heal Cross, who's spine was completely destroyed, which resulted in Cross getting paralyzed, while Blue started to push back Nightmare with his banhammer. Ink got out of the goop man's grasp, and Cross got put through the extreme pain that is being healed without painkillers. Blue then grabbed Ink and put them both through a portal to the Doodle Sphere to get Ink replenished on paints. After Ink got his emotions back and Cross was about 1/3 done with the healing, Blue and Ink met the others in Underswap, and Dream was trying (and failing) to distract Cross from the pain. So Dream started to tell a story about the tree of feelings and his and Nightmare's roles as protectors, which raised some unpleasant memories. Paps finished healing Cross, and Dream ran off. Paps gave Cross some painkillers and cough syrup, while Dream pulled out the 999th Black apple and ate it. While Dream's body slowly dripped liquid hate and he turned into Shattered!Dream, Nightmare was losing his goop, and his first assumption was correct. Nightmare, now in his passive form, teleported to Underswap Snowdin and rushed inside the skelebro's house, just in time to witness Dream finish transforming into Shattered. Papyrus left Nightmare to deal with Dream, prioritizing his brother and Cross' safety. Paps grabbed Cross and Blue and teleported to Undyne's lab in Hotland, with Ink following close behind them. Nightmare and Dream had a nice "chat" while Paps explained what he knew of the situation to Undyne. Eventually, Shattered grabbed Nightmare and started monologuing, walking outside to probably murder innocent people. Dream also started pretty much choking Nightmare, and the people at the lab had a collective breakdown over Dream and except Ink, because he's an emotionless bastard, who instead broke a pot which was heard all the way to Snowdin. Ink grabbed Cross and teleported through Shattered, although he was expecting to go through Nightmare, and was immediately slapped into a tree and then grabbed by a tendril. Dream did some more villain HERO monologuing, and eventually tore off Nightmare's left arm and stabbed him in the kneecap to make a point. Ink managed to escape Dream and fought a losing battle before getting grabbed again. Cross just watched in horror as all of this went down because he was paralyzed. Dream ended up retreating, and Paps found the trio sitting in the snow in pain. He brought Cross and Nightmare back inside the house, leaving Ink alone in the snow. Nightmare got his kneecap healed and a mechanical arm, while Cross ate another cinnabun. Only after both were healed did Paps go back for Ink. - written by Mod Lyn.
After these events there was a week long time skip. Now Cross could walk although he was still weak from the past events. Ink was just kinda there. Blue decides to go for a run and forces Cross and Ink to join him. This goes well for a little while before Shattered decieds to show up again. S!Dream grabs Blue before anyone could react. S!Dream was really after Cross however. He decided to propose a deal to Cross, if Cross comes with S!Dream then he'll give back Blue. Cross almost made the deal right then but before he could Blue decided to fire a Gaster Blaster towards Cross and Ink. Ink didn't piece it together but Cross did immediately did and started sprinting, Ink following confused. S!Dream knew Cross was smart enough to figure out where they were just off that blast so he started hopping along the trees slamming Blue into most of them. Blue knew he had to keep up a trail so he did his best to keep summoning a bone trail for them to follow however, he passed out from all the hits pretty soon after that. Cross then made the deal after he couldn't see the path, he knew Blue was hurt badly so he felt like he had no choice. Ink tried to stop Cross but he failed. S!Dream upheld his end of the deal and returned the unconscious Blue. - written by Mod Luna.
And now, we enter the 'Hospital Arc.' Ink had planned to take care of Blue himself, he thought with his non-existing paintbrush and his poor shit for medical things, he could do it. But when he opened a door he ended up in the Omega Timeline. It didn't go exactly as planned, but he decided to go with the flow. He yelled for help, and that's where Shadow, Aurum, and Ceres come in. Ceres searches their bag for some sort of medicine, and finds it shortly after. Ink was still in shock. He actually felt something when Cross was kidnapped, and when Blue is severely injured and got thrown into him. What was the emotion, though? He didn't know. Not long after, they go travel through Ink's way of teleportation to the hospital. They end up breaking a glass of water, and they also ended up in the break room. Alas, that attracted someone's attention. Blue was going to get help, but Ink refused to let go of him, holding onto Blue like a lifeline. Anyway, Ink had to let go of Blue, leaving him to the professionals. Ink and the gang went to the reception room to talk about things, while they wait for Blue. The others had asked what had happened, and Ink began to tell the story. He told everything right, from Outertale to him becoming emotionless in Nightmare's castle. "I mean, apparently I was emotionless? That's what I was told." He began mixing up parts of the story, he left out any details where Dream turning into Shattered, and Cross getting injured. Now, back to Cross getting kidnapped by Shattered Dream... - written by Mod Ramen.
S!Dream then teleported both himself and Cross to Dreamtale. S!Dream sat down against the stump that was once the tree of feelings, still holding Cross firm with one of his tendrils. Not much happend for a short while but then S!Dream decides to start hurting Cross, including stepping on Cross' back. S!Dream soon found out he was having trouble hurting him as time went on. S!Dream eventually went back to sitting against the stump. Cross was in a lot of pain by this point, he could barely sit up. S!Dream spent a few minutes thinking about ways to hurt Cross but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Then the thought popped into his head - what if he hurts Cross mentally? With that he grabbed Cross and brought him closer. They exchanged sentences for a bit. Cross was really getting on S!Dreams nerves so he did something rash to shut him up without thinking. Dream kissed Cross. After this S!Dream freaks out and throws Cross down and goes to the opposite side of the stump. Cross knew that kiss did something to S!Dream, it then became his mission to kiss Dream again. There was a slight problem however, Cross could barely walk. He kept getting up, taking a few steps before falling down. Once Cross was about halfway there a Fatal decided to show up. Fatal grabbed Cross by the hood causing him to scream, alerting S!Dream to his presence. Fatal copied Cross' code but he still wanted Dream's code as well so a fight ensued. After some fighting S!Dream was able to flee with Cross to... OuterTale. They both did not want to be there at all so Dream teleported again this time to UnderFell. S!Dream then went to the trees with Cross in his tendrils. S!Dream sat in a random tree with a pretty big branch, Cross still in his grasp. After some time Dream starts to hum, getting lost in thought. Without either of them realizing Dream wrapped one of his tendrils around Cross' hand. Cross, naturally, was flustered and a bit scared. After a few minutes S!Dream realizes what he's doing and his first reaction his to choke Cross. However he felt guilty for doing so and placed Cross on the tree. Cross saw a perfect chance to try to kiss him again, he just needed to get Dream to look at him. Cross started talking to Dream, over time he was starting to get to Dream. There was a lot of back and fourth between them but that only ended in Dream crying, Cross still wasn't going to give up however so he kept talking. Eventually Cross mentioned Dream being scared. This caused Dream to look at Cross in the eyes, perfect. Cross saw this immediately took this chance and before Dream had any chance to react Cross kissed him, this broke Dream more than the first one did causing Dream to return to normal personality wise but he still had his goop.
They both hugged each other crying, Cross knew he did it.- written by Mod Luna.
Another timeskip to a few minutes later, I had totally forgot what happened. But what I do know is that Cross mentioned S!Dreams crown (which he immediately panicked over) and asked Cross where it was. Once Cross told that S!Dream's crown was back near the stump, he grabbed Cross and teleported back to Dreamtale, and grabbed the crown. Cross asked if S!Dream was alright with going to the hospital (which S!Dream figured they were at, I mean, Blue DOES has several concussions). But then they went to Underswap instead, where Paps was. They spoke for a little while, with Paps sort of being suspicious over Dream. He IS still goopy. And when someone mentioned Ink... There he was, Ink came out of S!Dream and spooked the hell out of Paps. Making him throw a bone at both S!Dream and Ink. S!Dream just let it happen while Ink didn't give two shits. He explained to Paps where Blue was and with that new information given to him... he got violent. Ink had reluctantly agreed to taking them to the Omega Timeline, opening a door and committing Ink teleportation style to the hospital. They came out of a pot, and chaos. Yup, that's right. Chaos. The people in the area were in an uproar, Gradient, Shadow and Aurum (Ceres left) were already confused as to why Ink just suddenly ditched them in the middle of a sentence, but Nightmare in different clothes showing up? Along with an Underswap Papyrus and Cross injured? This was way too much. They fled from the scene, as Karen went to go deal with the situation, calling the guard to assist. Paps and Karen did the almighty 'Lets fight by hurting each other mentally' thing. Ink tried to take control of the situation but... it didn't exactly work. Ink was going to say something to S!Dream but he figured that Ink was going to say; 'Leave you bitch' and left, giving Cross to Ink. Soon after Paps left as well. Karen told Ink to put Cross into a room, and so he did. Ink left Cross alone in the room, and the guard (Undyne) had kicked down the door. Or did she burst through the wall? I forgot. Anyways, back on topic. Undyne thought she had accidently burst in on someone else, as she was told there was a party of 4, not 1. Cross and Undyne talked for a little while, as Ink was soon after ushered back into the room. Undyne had thought there could be multiple versions of the same people (such as Dream and Nightmare) existing in the same multiverse, but Ink said that it couldn't be possible, lowkey saying that the Omniverse exists. Cross and Undyne continued to talk, as Ink began pacing around the room. Was he supposed to be teaching high schoolers? Yeah. Did he forget that he had too? Also yeah.*
*The Nameless Modern AU is an AU in the Shattered Truce Multiverse which Ink visits regularly, "undercover" as a high school teacher (all he does is get rid of Broomy). - Mod Lyn.
Undyne's life has been a lie the entire time! She thought that everyone had a duplicate running around. But oh boy was she wrong. Karen began talking to herself, as much as she didn't want him in here, he obviously wanted to see his brother, and she wanted answers. Meanwhile...with Papyrus and S!Dream, Papyrus was taking a walk through Snowdin Forest to help calm himself down. Of course he was upset, due to what had just happened. It was only natural. S!Dream had also teleported in Snowdin Forest, hiding behind one of the trees so no monster could see him. But Paps did. Paps saw S!Dream and they decided to talk for a little while. Honestly? Paps should learn how to socialize better. S!Dream was lying about his happiness, and Paps had quickly caught onto his lies. He said that "You and Nightmare both look too much like my bro to pull off lying to me. And I know when my bro lies, whether I let him know or not. So, are ya gonna tell me what’s wrong, or do you just wanna sit here?" And that made S!Dream consider his choices, and wording. Paps had offered S!Dream Skittms, which he accepted. And absorbed the candy mixture with his goop, instead of eating it normally. Paps began venting to S!Dream, they spoke for a little while... and then silence. S!Dream said to Paps if there was anything wrong, but Paps refused, saying that "I don’t wanna talk to you about it if I can’t help you in turn.” And that's what made S!Dream open up a little to Paps. They talked, again. Both of them seemed to have the almighty 'therapist' role. After that conversation was over with... there was this awkward silence that cast upon their introverted selves. Until, Paps had asked if Blue will be okay.
Blue had finally regained consciousness! He tried sitting up, but the only thing that he felt currently was pain. The doctor that had been tending to Blue's injuries had sighed. Not shortly after, they realized that Blue was awake. Before rushing out of the room, telling Blue to stay put. They ran to where Gradient, Aurum and Shadow were, and told them that Blue was now available for visitors. They followed the doctor into the ICU, where Blue was at. The doctor had given Blue a food tray, and Blue began to eat the almighty food he was given. He still felt sore FROM BEING SLAMMED INTO A BILLION TREES. And then... Gradient came into the room! Gradient and Blue had just met for the first time ever (in this multiverse). He introduced himself with the 'line' that he always said; "IM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, BUT YOU CAN CALL ME BLUE!" he shortly then added; "ᴀʟᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɪᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ sᴏ ᴍᴀɢɴɪғɪᴄᴇɴᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ". Shadow had stepped into the room by then. Shadow and Blue meet for the first time!! Yay!! Gradient was being an awkward lil skeleton, before asking if he should get Ink (the fucking dumbass). Now, that counted as a summon. Ink appeared from Blue's soup. Everyone in the room had committed shock. I mean, Ink did LITERALLY COME OUT OF BLUES GODDAMN SOUP. The soup had spilled literally everywhere, and even on Blue himself. Gray had reacted to all of this by pulling his hood further over his face and backing into a corner. Shortly after, Karen had entered the scene yet again!! She already blamed the shit on Ink, probably because he had suddenly disappeared. The doctor told Karen what had recently happened. And now, we have... Blue in a wheelchair. Sounds about right. And now, Karen and Blue had moved to a different room while the mess was getting cleaned up. - written by Mod Ramen.
Before the time skip where Cross has recovered and started walking again:
Paps started asking Nightmare a bunch of questions about what he was going to do next. Nightmare wasn’t actually sure, and Paps left to go to his room and Blue left to go to the doodle sphere. It was here that Killer walked into the Swap Bro’s house, searching for Nightmare. He didn’t know what Nightmare looked like, so he started asking Nightmare where a Nightmare was. Nightmare tried to hide it, but eventually Killer caught on and called Nightmare’s phone, revealing where he was. After Nightmare explained what had happened, all while Killer squished his cheeks, Killer asked Nightmare if he would be coming home, and during that time Blue and Ink opened a portal and came across them. Nightmare agreed, and Killer carried Nightmare through a portal back into the home. Killer placed Nightmare down in his chair at the dinner table while explaining to Dust, who was also there, what was going on. Killer left to go get books to make Nightmare taller while Dust asked Nightmare questions and squished his cheeks. Killer came back with a bunch of big princess books, and it was at this point in time that Horror came in with the food. They ate, and Nightmare was so embarrassed that he left the room early to go to his office. Killer then had the most brilliant idea, since it was taco night and all. Anyway, Killer left and kidnapped Cross, who was still pretty much immobile, simply because he had decided so. Together with Dust, they dressed him up as a pretty pink ballerina and proceeded to make Cross dance around on a stage that Dust had stolen - partially for blackmail, partially to cheer NM up, and partially to have fun. After the recording, Killer returned Cross to the Swap’s house and they proceeded to have a relatively peaceful night. Killer later sent the video they took to the entire Multiverse, despite the fact that it was supposed to be kept as blackmail. - written by Mod Shandy.
Okay so somewhere in the RP (probably when Passive Noot, Cross, and Ink were at the Swap Bros' house) Ink needed a replacement weapon, because clearly he can't use a large knife and Broomy is broken. Where did the mini paintbrushes go? I have no idea. Blame Goopy Nightmare. Anyway, Ink suddenly left the house - nobody really cared. And went to go find - something. He didn't know what he was looking for. The creators have bestowed a glowing stick with impossible enchantments to Ink! He grabbed the stick, and got really excited. So he started running back towards the Swap Bros' house. Suddenly, a squirrel jumped and grabbed Ink's stick! And now they were playing tug of war. Somehow, the squirrel had a hella strong grip. Ink managed to rip the stick out of the squirrel's paws, and whacked the squirrel with the glowing stick. It sort of - went flying at the speed of sound. Probably got burned. Sad life for the squirrel. Anyway, once Ink got back to the house, he almost tackled Blue (since he was standing in front of the doorway, and he sort of kicked down the door so uh yeah) And told everyone about the exciting news. Passive Noot began laughing like hell, and Cross asked why the heck was the stick glowing. Paps thought Ink stole it from somebody - but here's the funny part. Ink walked over to Passive Noot, and sent him to LittleHavenTale. Noot was suffering. This place was literal torture for him, LittleHavenTale was one of the most positive AUs! Luckily, Blue had heard the faint calling of a certain bastard swearing, and the gang went to LittleHavenTale. And oohh boy. Noot was already wearing flower crowns, and got tackled by four children. Was it hilarious? Hell yeah. Were they laughing at Noot? HELL YEAH. The gang went back to the Swap Bros' house, and then the story continues... - written by Mod Ramen.
We have not updated since then, but I don't think much has happened. Everything is also edited by me. - Mod Shadow
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Current Canon Ships:
Cream/Xunshine (Cross x Dream)
Dark Xunshine/Shattercrossed/Shattered Cream (Cross x Shattered Dream)
Errink/Errorink (Error x Ink)
Bad Gays Poly (Killer x Horror x Dust)
Scifell (Sci x Fell)
Obsidian (Aurum x Shadow)
There are other ships, but I'm not sure if I should mention them yet or if they're canon. - Mod Shadow
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So I got Nightmare's ref done-
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Yup, its done. Nightmares ref sheet is finally finished
Also; heres a bonus!
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I was going to add more text and draw more for Nightmare but then I kinda just squished everything into one canvas so uhh yeah 
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Soooooooooooo any other RPs you guys are doing, or...?
Yep! Aside from canon, we have our “what if scenarios” (example: what if Cross ate the apple instead of Dream), the Modern AU (actually an AU inside of the STMV, where everyone is in high school), The MoonBlossom AU (concept by @somebodyalreadytookthis2), and we are going to start a Ship Kids RP when any of those wrap up.
-Mod Lyn
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*pukes out more art* take this crap
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here's the official design for "the doctor" I guess afjddlslskdflsf
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So just quick little update in case, Mod Lyn writes in black, Mod Luna writes in pink, Mod Lucky writes in green, Mod Ramen writes in purple, Mod Shandy writes in blue and Mod Shadow writes in orange.
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Wait, Killer only just got together with his boyfriends? How did that happen?
Yup! It was actually pretty heartbreaking but also kinda funny X’D
It’s a bit long, so exploration under the cut!
Basically Dust had returned from LittleHaventale with a whole bunch of flower crowns and stuff. Horror caught sight of him, took pictures, and then Killer came in.
Now, Killer really likes both of them, but he plays off his flirting/cuddling/being affectionate in general like it’s an inside joke between the three of them. So of course the first thing he decides to do is tease his Princess, AKA, Dust.
Dust got really angry-flustered and stormed off, and Killer and Horror chilled together for a bit before deciding to go after him. They embarrassed him further there, and then they cuddled, but of course Horror has to see Killer’s blush and point it out to Dust. Killer... kinda had a mini panic-attack and ran off into a random part of the castle, leaving Dust and Horror to chase after him.
While Killer was hiding in the destroyed librarby, he took one of the small blocks of wood and carved a carving of him, Dust, and Horror with their arms over each other’s shoulders and smiling. He decided to go to his room and hide under his pillows a room before Dust and Horror went into the Librarby, accidentally leaving the carving behind.
Dust got frustrated after they couldn’t find him and figured that he had to have returned to his room, so he went there to try and get revenge on Killer by stuffing him in a ballerina costume. Jokes on him- Killer doesn’t really care what it is that he’s dressed up in, literally nothing can embarrass him. Killer then realizes that he doesn’t have his carving on him, freaks out, and runs back into the Librarby with Dust behind him.
Meanwhile, Horror had found the carving and was starting to put the pieces together. Killer tried to take the carving back while keeping his feelings in the dark, but Horror was NOT having it. He kept on pushing for the answer he knew was there while Killer kept playing denial. Dust was literally the last person to figure it out and at this point Killer was starting to have a panic attack about the highly possible rejection that he was going to have to face.
Killer ended up breaking down in the Librarby after Horror hugged him and Dust tackled them both to the ground. Then Dust took them all to Killer’s room and started making a pillow fort while Horrlr just... laid on top of Killer. Eventually Killer was able to ask why they weren’t rejecting him yet, and then he realized that they felt the same, and then cue sleepy cuddles because Killer had an emotionally exhausting day (on top of the fact that we were all up pretty late).
And... yeah. That’s how they got together! :D
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Actually, how did any of the current pairings get together?
Well, Cream was going to be the main ship of the RP even before we broke the truce and introduced Shattered, but the main moment irp was right after the Fatal bit, when Cross kissed Dream to try and get him back.
For Errink, it was pretty standard. Error went to Outertale. Ink was there too, but Error somehow decided to start fixing Broomy and that’s about where we are now.
Bad Gays? Killer had a crush on both Dust and Horror, but he played his flirting off like a joke. That was until it went a little too far and Horror figured him out. But both of them were really accepting (and Nightmare shipped it from the start), so now we have some happy bois.
-Mod Lyn
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