Thoughtforms, Gods, and Ourselves
As always, don’t take everything I have to say as law. I’m no authority on these things, but these are my own findings, recorded here for my record as well as yours.
Thoughtforms are concepts that are brought to sentience via the manipulation of large quantities of energy, or the concentration of mental energy.
Thoughtforms are not physical beings, and most likely cannot take any physical form or claim on this plane.
My thoughts (lol) on this, are that people are constantly making thoughtforms, with each thought we have. The energy taking form and affecting your energy as well as others on a spiritual level. That is why some people can sense other people’s discomfort, and so on, even if it does not show on their face, and so forth. At least to some extent, this would account for psychic energy.
Common thoughts: these common thoughts we have, do not gain sentience or begin to live and think and act on their own. Of course not! Is a flower alive? Yes. Does it have meaning? Yes. Is it sentient? Of course not. Look at it that way. Those are our common thoughts, our wills and intents.
When someone focuses hard enough, or most commonly when many people focus hard enough on creating a spiritual entity with its own will (think, a god?), the intent seeks it’s will. It becomes the thoughtform with all the will and intent of those who created it, and lives, thinks, and is sentient.
“Energy follows thought.” -A Treatise on White Magic
There are several levels of thoughtforms, ranging from Servitors (the ones who exist to serve), Golems (self sustaining Servitors), Tulpas (self aware but depends on its creators for energy), Egregore (autonomous in both energy and will), and Godform (a Tulpa or Egregore whose surpassed it’s original purpose and had gained will and energy of its own. Note: anything who’s creators later come to worship it… You probably don’t want to make more of those.)
However, this knowledge begs an interesting question. We, as people, have our own energy, our own will, and shape the world as it is. Are we not all gods ourselves?
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A closed mind sees as much as closed eyes.
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Spirit Guides & Companions
Disclaimer: these are my findings from my own research, and may not be politically correct or even complete, but I do my best to understand the information to the fullest, and while I respect your opinions, please don’t try to “fix” what I’ve learned, as this type of information is largely up for discussion anyway. Thank you!
Spirit Guides have been popular in many western and European witchcraft communities, as well as spiritual churches, most followers of Reiki, etc. A spirit guide is usually human, or at least appears as such. Many believe that they are a sort of “guardian angel”, watching over you and ensuring your safety and well being as best they can. Some craftspeople and professionals also believe that they are ancient masters of whatever their craft or profession may be, and as they have devoted their lives to said activity, they watch over those who also do so, and guide them to do so most effectively, guiding them to master their craft.
Spirit Companions (or Spirit Familiars, as they are sometimes referred to) are not the same as Spirit Guides. They are usually animals, though sometimes they can appear human or otherwise. These companions accompany you at all times, or can be called to you (summoned) otherwise. Each individual normally has only one, if one. The form of one’s companion likely says much about the individual, for example a fox may indicate cunning and quick though, where a bear may indicate a strong will and protection of those loved by the person. Companions, like Guides are not only visible to their respective person. If another person has the psychic ability (or Third Eye strength), they too may sense or even see your companion (or guide)
Whatever you believe, the Spirit Guides and Companions may not appear to you in sight or any other sense aside from your “feeling” them being there. This to me, indicates a link to the Third Eye chakra, to which I have specialized. This means that those with a strong enough Third Eye chakra can sense not only their own guide/companion, but those of others as well.
Thank you all for reading! If you have any questions at all, my ask box is always open!
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Been looking into spirit guides/ spirit companions for a little while. Going to do some more research and post my findings soon. Stay tuned!
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Seeing Too Much
The other day, I had been burning some incense, talking and divining with a few of my friends (again, my apologies, I really should ask before I divine),when I went a little overboard. I had charged some Quartz, Selenite, and had recently acquired but had not yet charged or cleansed a piece of very beautiful Celestite. The incense I was burning was specifically Third Eye incense, and boy was my Third Eye ever open. I'm a seer, so my Third Eye is already pretty strong and prominent, so this got out of hand. I began to meditate and focus on friend's friends. I had never met this person, but I was able to tell a lot about him from just the link he had left on my friend that was sort of acting as a psychic or spiritual conduit. My friend confirmed that pretty much everything I had sensed about him was true, and some of it was pretty detailed and specific. I then lost my focus on this, and allowed my third eye to wander. Don't do that. I saw glimpses of past lives, lives that could have been, maybe were. I saw my ancestors and my friends pasts. I literally just took in all these visions and scenes and then I realized that I had to return to my own self before I lost it completely. It's just so strange to have that moment when you're like, but... I could stay here... And experience everything.
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Crafted this myself from a few items at a little shop on PEI.
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