the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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I havenā€™t posted in a long time but Iā€™ve been keeping up my bullet journal. 3 200 level classes are killing me currently. I decided to get spoopy with next weeks entry, using minimalistic calligraphy for the title inspired by a reddit post I saw!
Iā€™m going to try to be involved in this blog again!
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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I got bored of my iPad wallpaper so I made a new one, feel welcome to use it as an icon or whatever. Pls donā€™t remove caption
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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Study like Elle Woods
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
I promise to be back from my hiatus soon, my classes start on the 24th and I plan to be posting again soon after. pls donā€™t hate me
Ā my mood at the people at my school:
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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bullet journal hack ā€Ŗāœ§
the ā€œpolaroidā€ was found online (although I canā€™t find the original post, ugH); I printed two copies off (one for the whole picture & one for just the frame)
then I glued the frame on top of the entire polaroid to make it look more ā€œrealā€ - and I love the way it turned out!
click to see more pictures of this spread
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
Something I think we donā€™t do enough, especially as students, is forgive ourselves. Weā€™re constantly striving to be better, achieve better but along the way weā€™re beating ourselves up for making mistakes. For being human. Itā€™s impossible to constantly be eating healthy, working out everyday, getting 8+ hours of sleep and getting straight As as well as doing a ton of co-curricular, weā€™re not superheroes and anything that promotes otherwise is lying. We are not perfect and the standards that we are held to these days is simply unrealistic. And beating yourself up for not achieving unrealistic expectations isnā€™t going to do you any good! Something we need to do more of is forgiving ourselves, forgive yourself for not doing the homework. You know you can do it tomorrow. Forgive yourself for not going to the gym when you know thereā€™s a mountain of work waiting for you at home. Forgive yourself for having days where all you ate was junk. FORGIVE YOURSELF! Weā€™re only human. We can only do so much.
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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Iā€™ve been in a cast since the 30th of July now, itā€™s a struggle. I get it off on the 4th and go back to school 20 days later Iā€™m super excited! Currently waiting for my shift at work. What is everyone excited for with school!?
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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08/04/18 // lemons & oranges
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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By: Justyna Niko |Ā _justynaniko_
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
Hello lovelies!
School is coming up for me and Iā€™m a little worried, I have been spending a lot of my money on bills for my mom and things I needed for my surgery. I donā€™t get my finacial aid till the end of the quarter so the rest of my money is going to text books. I am going need to get school supplies, if anyone could help it would be so deeply appreciated. I recently found out my boyfriend is going to be out of the states till January too, so any sort of help will take stress off of me! There are clothes and school supplies in my list, anything helps guys. Reblog this freely and Iā€™m excited to post more content with your guys help!
Hi. Check out this list: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2VXMIFW5F1QB
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
Hello lovelies!
School is coming up for me and Iā€™m a little worried, I have been spending a lot of my money on bills for my mom and things I needed for my surgery. I donā€™t get my finacial aid till the end of the quarter so the rest of my money is going to text books. I am going need to get school supplies, if anyone could help it would be so deeply appreciated. I recently found out my boyfriend is going to be out of the states till January too, so any sort of help will take stress off of me! There are clothes and school supplies in my list, anything helps guys. Reblog this freely and Iā€™m excited to post more content with your guys help!
Hi. Check out this list: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2VXMIFW5F1QB
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
study moods
inspired by this post
because sometimes the idea of studying is too daunting to face, and mixing up your environment to make it more fun can make all the difference
too punk to quit: shorts and a band t-shirt, homework spread out over the floor, a can of soda or a shitty energy drink, and a playlist of your favorite throwback songs on full volume
sleepover: a nest of blankets and pillows, your comfiest pajamas, popcorn Ā and gummy worms, everything you need within arms reach, not leaving this spot for hours (or days) until youā€™re done with all of your work
no distractions: sitting at a desk with nothing but a glass of water and a computer, hair pulled back, typing up notes from the school day
my life is a mess: hot tea, a comfy sweater, all of your papers sprawled out on the floor around you, finally going through and throwing out all of the stuff you donā€™t need anymore and hoping that youā€™ll be a bit less overwhelmed once youā€™re done (spoiler alert: youā€™re gonna feel so much better)
rise and shine: early morning, at a table or in the kitchen, drinking orange juice and getting a head start on some assignments
am i a scholar yet: at your favorite library, revising or taking notes on readings, classical music playing with headphones on and a bag of almonds to snack on
growing up is overrated: doing homework at a friendā€™s house, cartoons on the tv or your favorite playlist on shuffle, sharing gossip and solutions to math problems
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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letā€™s kram in two days a semesterā€™s worth of studying
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
This is something I hope all of my followers and the entire studyblr community will readā€¦
Last year was the hardest year of my life and I did not even notice it until I was out of it. To give a little background, I was 19, and becoming a college senior. I completed myĀ bachelorā€™s degree with a double major, summa cum laude. I worked two jobs, one retail, one as a tour guide, five days a week, and took seven classes in the fall, and eight in the spring, and six in the summer. By March I had lost 16 pounds, was not eating, not sleeping, and drinking four or more cups of coffee a day. I had a boyfriend, friends, a roommate, I was president of a club, vice president of another, and working as vice president of one clubā€™s international leadership program as one of five student board members across sixty-three countries. I studied for my LSAT, took the exam, and applied to law school. And in August, I will be the youngest person in my law school.
I pushed myself harder and further than I ever imagined, and though I sometimes (often) felt like it, I never cracked, gave up, or even collapsed. I did not always take care of myself, physically, mentally, or emotionally though, and I failed myself there, but I was so driven, so determined, that none of that mattered to me at that moment. I do not regret that or any of the choices I have made, but I pressured myself more than anyone ever has, and more than I ever have. I accomplished unbelievable things, but at an insane cost - my health.
Often in this community I receive messages, and see posts, encouraging you to never give up, and to always push yourself to get that A, pass that test, graduate, or to overcome whatever academic or otherwise challenges you are facing. Almost daily I receive messages asking how I do it. ā€œHow did you graduate at 20?ā€,Ā ā€œHow do you keep up with all of your commitments?ā€, and even,Ā ā€œYou are so amazing, I could never do it like you doā€. But I am here to tell you well, it is not pretty. I went days without eating a meal at times. Days without washing my hair, of wearing the same torn leggings and a hoodie because a grade meant more to me than I meant to myself. I got walking pneumonia at the end of the spring term because I had pushed myself too hard and spent weeks telling myself I could not afford to be sick today, tomorrow, or the next day. I wore myself down so much that I had a doctor literally tell me that now at 20 years old, if I do not tone down the stress and pressure I subject myself to, that I could give myself a stroke. A stroke, 20 years old!
Being a perfectionist, and being so overwhelmingly addicted to my studies, is not glamorous.
I am making this post not to brag about my accomplishments, but because I receive messages daily idolizing me and what I have done. I want everyone to know that this is not easy. Having a dream is hard work, and I have been unfairly hard on myself. Just because you do not see someoneā€™s cracks and scars, does not mean they are not there. I have worked hard, and have earned these things, but I have made sacrifices I would hate to see anyone else make.
In 10 days I move across the country to start law school, and I am terrified that I will allow myself to do this all over again. I am not afraid of the move, or of law school, but of myself and how I talk to myself and treat myself, and the amount of stress and pressure I am willing to apply to myself, without hesitation. In a month I have law school orientation, and have set up a meeting with one of the schoolā€™s onsite trauma therapists. I refuse to let myself be my own greatest roadblock. I have to learn to love myself. It is not fair to your body and mind to put grades above yourself. I now full heartedly believe that a grade is not worth your health. I will no longer break my back bending over backwards for an A+. I will no longer let myself go days without food and rest because I want this essay to be perfect, or my presentation to go as planned, second by second. I will allow myself to be happy, well rested, well fed, and healthy. I will love myself, and this is a promise I am making to myself and to all of you, and a promise I hope you all can make to yourselves as well.
I promise.
TLDR; Be dedicated, and determined to get what you want, but do not sacrifice your health, mental, physical, or emotional, for a grade, a diploma, a degreeā€¦ You are worth so much more than a letter on a piece of paper, and it is okay to sometimes need to hear that. I know I did.
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
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todayā€™s purchases - I love the cute mini glue muji sell!
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the-studious-slut Ā· 6 years
I dropped off the face of the earth?
Hey guys, sorry about kind of abandoning this blog. I started working at a clothing store plus going to school. Itā€™s a lot; itā€™s worth it though. Iā€™ll probably start posting things again when I started classes in the fall. If anyone wants to send asks or anything my inbox is open! I check this periodically.
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