the-tin-can · 18 days
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the-tin-can · 28 days
Pb: Very surprised we aren't getting a new friend with how things have been going lately.
Nah instead I'm fronting with a rainbow of emotions, or Plat fronts with a fucking dead stare and a numb heart.
What a great time.
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the-tin-can · 1 month
OK SO plural folks pls tell me im not the only one with this but
Do you ever just wanna grab someone and jam them into your head so you can show them around in headspace?
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Plat Appreciation Post!
Pb: I just think it's so adorable the way they light up at the idea of customizing things. The way they get excited about profiles, things like rainmeter, themes for Tumblr/Discord/Pretty much anything.
If you can customize it, they are hyped and excited. Mix that with Ally's data recording and the two just go to town.
Yes, their attention will drop off the face when the dopamine runs dry on something, but it's so cute while it lasts. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.
Love you, Starlight~
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Begging us to please use the Writelighthouse account enough to learn how to journal haha. Maybe we can share some of our thoughts and convos in here at some point.
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Giving fictional characters severe trauma is all fun and games until you introject them
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Why is there so much hatred in the system community.
I thought we were supposed to love systems no matter what. I thought we were in solidarity.
How can you claim to be "punk" when you tag every post with violent hatred. How can you claim to be "punk" when you're siding with the very thing punk is against.
Punk is about being against what confines us. Punk is about going against the grain and being unapologetically you. Being punk is about saying fuck you to those who try to hold us down and keep us silent. How can you call yourself punk when you're viscerally against anyone who doesn't fit in your confines. How can you call yourself punk when you spend so much time attacking people who don't match what you think is right. How can you call yourself punk when you send thousands of people after them each and every day, silencing them for what makes them unique.
How can you call yourself punk when you are the very opposite of that.
How dare you.
How dare you use the term punk to describe your hatred.
How dare you use the term punk to define your violence.
How dare you use the term punk to excuse your discrimination.
How dare you use our terms against the people who we're trying to protect.
How dare you.
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the-tin-can · 2 months
This user is a control room regular userboxes! Click for quality, and leave a note if you save/use
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[Text: This user is a control room regular]
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[Text: This alter is a control room regular]
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[Text: This part is a control room regular]
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[Text: This headmate is a control room regular]
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[Text: This friend is a control room regular]
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the-tin-can · 2 months
you ever get surprised by your own recurring issues. like come on man. I thought we were past this.
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Cu: Ya know what's fucking funny? How I feel the same way over Starscream. Like! I'm not him..but I vibe with him, relate to him, and want to look like him when I'm not looking like the two other versions of myself.
And to add to this hilarity and context, me and Gold are twins.
Au: EEE I'm gonna ramble about something I like.
So I'm a really big sailor moon fan. And I've always kind of identified with Chibi Usa's design, but not so much her personality.
However, I found out about an alternative universe child!
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She is so cute!!! And she is bunny themed!!!! It's so cute and so perfect!!! I love her so much and wish I could be like her. 🐰🐰🐰
I'm not saying I'm a fictive of her or anything, but I do? Kind of... Wish? I could be? Is that a thing. I don't really know enough about how this stuff works. I just really identify with her design.
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Au: EEE I'm gonna ramble about something I like.
So I'm a really big sailor moon fan. And I've always kind of identified with Chibi Usa's design, but not so much her personality.
However, I found out about an alternative universe child!
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She is so cute!!! And she is bunny themed!!!! It's so cute and so perfect!!! I love her so much and wish I could be like her. 🐰🐰🐰
I'm not saying I'm a fictive of her or anything, but I do? Kind of... Wish? I could be? Is that a thing. I don't really know enough about how this stuff works. I just really identify with her design.
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the-tin-can · 2 months
Ahh no for real we gotta talk more wtf
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the-tin-can · 3 months
Pt: Is there anything more... I don't know... Interactive thing? More than Simply Plural? With more customization?
Simply Plural is nice and all, but its focus is tracking fronts. I don't really want to be doing that. I want to make profiles, take better notes, and have better in system and out of system interactions? Is something like that a thing? Or am I just 2am wishful thinking?
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the-tin-can · 3 months
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the-tin-can · 3 months
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the-tin-can · 3 months
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the-tin-can · 3 months
Happy PK creation day!
Crazy to think we started this day a few years ago with only 4 frens. Now we have quite a few more and we're all pretty happy all things considered.
Expect to see a bit of Sailor Moon on the dash because Gold is hopping around.
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