Confession #93
When you left you hurt me and now I'm finally feeling back to me. I can breathe and not miss you and I can smile and be happy!
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Confession #93
When you left you hurt me and now I'm finally feeling back to me. I can breathe and not miss you and I can smile and be happy!
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Confession #92
I feel so depressed and droopy. All I want is for someone to be mine and yet everytime I like someone they either drop off, or find someone else. What am I doing wrong?
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Confession #91
I want someone to wrap me in their arms and hold tight. I want them to whisper my name as they kiss me. I want them to look me in the eyes and tell me they love me. All I want is someone to want me.
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Confession #90
When the day has gone bad all I want is for someone to be there for me and yet all I feel is alone. No one has the time or even wants to help me
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Confession #89
I miss you
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Confession #88
I guess some things aren't meant to be. It's over and now I have to say good bye. Bye
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Confession #87
Just when everything feels as if it's going good, everything turns to shit too
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Confession #86
I'm scared I'm going to lose her again
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Confession #85
I have so many things I still want to say to you and I want you to say to me. I'm so conflicted though, on one hand I want is back, we were good, on the other I think you want nothing to do with me. I wish it could be resolved.
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Confession #84
Do you still think of me and miss me?
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Confession #83
You took my inner most thoughts and feeling and threw them at me. You didn't listen to me and I'm not sure if you actually trust me. All I want is one more chance to talk to you. I don't think you gave it a fair chance and here you are throwing away our love. I can't worry about it anymore though, it's up to you. I love you
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Confession #82
It's 11:11 and I wished for you back
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Confession #81
I knew I'd mess it up... I just don't understand what happened
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Confession #80
I've been hurt before, but never this badly. I love you, but I guess that wasn't enough
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Confession #79
Each minute we don't talk feels like an eternity. It's so hard not to talk to my girl 24/7. All I want to do is pull her into my arms and kiss her and never let her go
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Confession #78
I hate disappointing my girl. I want to punch something
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