the-yangst-blog · 7 years
Strobe: An Adventure Time Fanfic - 003
Chapter 3: Captured
"Geez, Bubblegum please give it a rest already! We're worried about you! You need to put that Twizzlescrew down and-", Gumball's dramatic protest was harshly interrupted.
"-AND WHAT?!", Bubblegum shouted, anger in her voice now conveying that she was annoyed as if this was the millionth time that Gumball tried to stop her. "Gumball! You and I know that Hunson wasn't supposed to disappear like that! What if it took him to another world and spread chaos somewhere? What if his power was taken by something even more sinister? What if his crystal broke into pieces and turned to precipitation and poisoned our food supply? I would recite to you trillions of what if statements from the results of my probability calculations but I don't have time for that! We don't have time for nonsense! Butterfly Effect and Chaos Theory, Gumball! I thought I asked you to review that?! DON'T YOU SEE HOW BAD THE SITUATION IS?! I WON'T ALLOW OOO TO FALL IN THE HANDS OF WHATEVER ANTE-GLOB THERE IS OUT THERE. I CAN'T! I...I-I just...", the princess' voice now broke out into a cry. She fell hugging herself on the floor.
Gumball, ran towards the princess and tried to take her in a hug. He looked up towards the eyes hiding at the side of the doorway, motioning them to stop peering and start coming in. Peppermint Butler, Finn, Jake, and finally, Lady Rainicorn stepped inside the room. Lady is Jake's wife and Princess Bubblegum's best friend. She comes from the Rainicorn species, her long body resembling of course, a rainbow. Her silky long mane was a paler shade of gold compared to her husband's fur. A shining ivory horn topped her skull. Her face didn't have any wrinkles, signifying that her days were always full of smiles. This time however, her lips curved down at the sight of the princess' pink hair sticking out in several directions.
Everyone, except Bubblegum, whose face was covered in her sticky hair, shot wary looks into every corner of the laboratory. Notes, choco-dust, twizzle-screws, candy-wrenches, sinister chemicals, and other sweet sciency tools scattered pointlessly around the floor. "Wow, Gumball. You weren't kidding. Our very own princess really out-Abadeered Hunson Abadeer this time", Lady voiced out slowly turning her gaze towards the princess. One fact about Lady was that she used to speak in a highly modified version of the ancient human Korean language. She still speaks it, as of now, except her language is actively translated into English thanks to Bubblegum's voice modifier device she installed in Lady's throat a few months ago.
"Thanks for coming guys. My cousin just didn't listen to me..."
"It's alright, man. Jake and I are going to help you fix this place up. Oh and PepBut's going to sub for the princess' appointments for a while", Finn blurted with enthusiasm.
"And we...are going to have a LADIES' NIGHT!", Lady beamed at Bubblegum. She only stopped smiling when she realized Finn, Jake, Gumball, and Pep were staring at her intently. They all spun their view to Bubblegum now, who finally stopped sobbing and started giggling. "Hehe...okay. I'll promise to at least take a day's break with you if you stop pushing your distasteful puns". Lady took Bubblegum away from Gumball's embrace and happily dragged her best friend up to her room. The others grinned at the sight of the princess and proceeded to do whatever they planned to.
After happily spending a few hours with Lady, Princess Bubblegum comfortably sat on her bed, now wearing a pink set of loose pajamas. Lady was glad that her friend finally got out of the lab coat that looked like it had been dragged against candy dust and harmful chemicals. "Peebs? What's on your mind?", Lady muttered hoping to break the train of worried thoughts that manifested itself on her friend's curious face. "Oh no it's nothing. I apologize for worrying you Lady. I promise I won't zone out again over Abadeer's disappearance. Hmm, you know, just 'Hubris' and all that mess", Bubblegum continued as she saw her rainbow friend looking like she expected for more.
"I had too much pride in my inventions. I was so sure that none of my calculations went wrong. Gumball and I quintuple-checked all our numbers. I then tried breaking the G.U.N. down and reverse-engineered it. I was shocked at the results...it had been tampered somehow so I went on and on studying the change. I didn't notice how time flew and I just wanted Gumball to stop bugging me about this. He refused to help me in my study because he thought that the problem was solved anyway. No use crying over spilt demon-eating-black-but-green-hole-summoning-bullet-milk. It has been a couple of days now...maybe you guys were right. Maybe I just overreacted. I mean, at least one of the probabilities in my computations turned out that nothing's wrong", Bubblegum smiled for a few seconds before she yawned.
"You know well that if something does go wrong, we'll be here to save your royal butt. Me, Jake, Finn, Peppermint Butler, the candy people, and all of Ooo. Don't worry about it now princess. In fact, when you wake up tomorrow, we'll help you with your research. I swear i'm going to shave Gumball's prized hair-do if he refuses! So for now, I want you to catch up on your sleep", Lady pecked the princess' forehead after her encouragement. "Goodnight, princess. We'll see you tomorrow for science biz."
"That's sweet of you, but i'd really love to see a bald Gumball whether he helps or not. See you tomorrow, and thanks for everything, Lady. Goodnight!", she fell asleep quickly, fatigue pulling her eyes down only in a few seconds. Lady smiled at her, though the princess wouldn't see. The bright rainicorn then stepped out of the room.
For a second time, her deep sleep put her to an oblivious state. This time the princess didn't wake up though the window frame slammed hard against the wall of her candy bedroom. She didn't feel a thing when she was picked and tied up in rough ropes.
She opened her eyes a few hours later, hoping to see the soft sunlight brush the interior of her room. Instead of this, she was caught off guard yet again by darkness. She thought for a while and it came to her that she might've gone blind, overusing her sight for the past few days. She attempted to move her hands and rub her eyes. The princess gravely worried now when she figured out that her hands were tied and her eyes were blindfolded. Her knowledge of geometry aided her in blindly visualizing the room. She felt the pull of gravity and understood that she was vertically bound to metal clasps on a wall. Both arms and legs stretched in opposing directions away from her body.
Shortly after, she felt a cold hand slap hard against her face. It left a darker shade of pink on the left side of her face. It didn't take her long to feel that whoever kept her tied up here bore a millennia's worth of wrath. The violent and frigid particles of air around her behaved now as a wave, like a storm brewing slowly.
"Where the fuck is Hunson Abadeer?"
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the-yangst-blog · 7 years
Strobe: An Adventure Time Fanfic - 002
Chapter 2: The Anomaly
"Okay, that's it. I'm super exhausted now princess. My sugar level's all low and I just...", Gumball's tired voice abruptly transitioned into a snore.
"Yeah...we've done everything we could anyway. Finished the blueprints, created the prototype, crafted the proto-prototype, built the proto-prototype-type, finalized the machine, tested it under controlled and uncontrolled variables for a total of ten thousand times, and tweaked the system to make it a hundred percent accurate. The serum and the injection gun is flawless now. With a conundrum as serious as this, we had to make sure that nothing goes wrong...", the princess mumbled to herself and slowly yawned.
"Also we named it the Genetosiumorpher Utopiaracetamolabuprofen Neurocalmeraesteshianopsis...", the princess started to close her eyes and rest her head on the messy laboratory table. "...G.U.N for short", and like her cousin, her explanations were cut short by a barrage of snores.
Admittedly, the two scientists haven't slept for a solid ninety-seven hours just so they could finish the superweapon. The sooner they finished it, the sooner they could get the evil under control so they agreed not to take breaks until now. Their bodies were too tired to be awoken by the whirring sounds of complex chemicals bubbling, the small sparks from a welding torch, and the swoosh of a magical mist that darted around the laboratory.
The next thing they knew, they were being shook to life by a panicked Peppermint Butler. "Princess! Prince! Please, wake up! Abadeer's coming!" The butler's efforts were not in vain for the two jolted up as quick as they could. Bubblegum grabbed the G.U.N, noticing a slight difference in the weapon's weight. She knew she didn't have the time to dwell on her suspicions. She just ran with Gumball and Peppermint Butler as they rapidly headed outside the safety of the candy castle.
The main gate of the kingdom was wide open revealing a terrible sight. The grey mist from before had turned into a darker shade. There were no signs of stars, and the light that shone through the scene came from the multitude of lightning strikes. Candy people were running about, screaming. The princess had to do something before the citizens exploded. A few hundred feet from the gate was the silhouette of a gigantic demon. His head formed a massive pale sphere and a huge vertical slit on its middle signified the demon's mouth. It was lined with millions of sharp teeth and as soon as the lips parted, the mouth turned into a vacuum, pulling in souls from the candy citizens who couldn't run as fast as the others. Finn and Jake were also there running around the demon and trying to damage the beast.
"Gumball! Pep! Round up my people, keep them inside the premises of the castle, and make them stay calm! I'm going out to fire this on Abadeer!" The living mint and gum nodded and ran off to do as the princess said. The ruler on the other hand, sprinted towards the outskirts of her kingdom, careful not to trip on her lab gown. She stopped when she was less than twenty feet away from her chaos-driven ally. It was just the right range for the G.U.N.
"Finn! Jake! Keep doing that! Keep him steady!", the princess exclaimed at the top of her lungs, wishing her voice would be heard despite the loud roar of the demon wounded by the two loyal knights.
"Sure thing princess!", Jake growled and concentrated all his energy so he could stretch out his arms and subdue the mad demon. When Finn was sure that Abadeer couldn't move with Jake's help, he shouted "Go, Princess! Jake can't hold him much longer!"
And with that Princess Bubblegum pulled the trigger of the G.U.N, confident that the next events would go just as planned. The chemicals in the bullet she fired would seep into Abadeer, effectively stunning him and then making him fall into a deep slumber. As the bullet hit Abadeer however, Bubblegum's eyes widened at almost the same blindingly swift rate as the bullet expanded into a colossal black hole, except it wasn't black. It was like the way ancient humans weirdly used to call a green tinted sheet of chalk-writing slate, a "blackboard". Fear seeped into Bubblegum's, Finn's, and Jake's eyes as they all stepped back. Unknowing to the trio, Gumball and Peppermint Butler were also looking at the black hole in worry and awe. The butler stood his ground, now embraced by a crowd of trembling candy people while Gumball ran towards his cousin.
In a sweeping moment, the black hole engulfed a wailing Abadeer, leaving however, everything else that wasn't Hunson. As the demon got sucked into the anomaly, he spat out all the souls he had accumulated so far. A few befuddling seconds later, the portal vanished into thin air.
Breaking the silence, Finn was first to move a muscle. Everyone else still had their jaws way down their skulls. "Princess...THAT WAS MATHEMAGIRADICAL!!!", the knight then ran to the still shocked princess and held up his palm, motioning for a high-five. After seven awkward seconds of the princess not returning the radical gesture, Jake came to his best friends rescue and clapped his hand to Finn's. Bubblegum blinked twice and finally spoke, not moving her head away from the direction where the portal had once been, "That...works as well...b-but-".
"-that wasn't supposed to happen...", Prince Gumball, knowing that the shock felt by his cousin would make Bubblegum lose her words, saved his cousin the trouble of speaking and completed the princess' sentence.
Nonetheless, the four of them turned their heads towards the castle after hearing shouts of bliss. The candy people revelled in joy as the danger was averted succesfully.
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the-yangst-blog · 7 years
Strobe: An Adventure Time Fanfic - 001
Chapter 1: The Grey Areas
She was never used to seeing the shade of darkness. Every morning for the past few centuries were always met with sunburst. Sunlight accentuated the sugary walls of the castle she had built many years ago. Even then at night, dark never was the way to describe the atmosphere that surrounded her castle. Her kingdom looked like the moon smiling against the blanket of space.
This day, if it looked like one, would make a certain mark in her lifetime, however. Her deep chestnut eyes glared on the cookie-like clock on the wall. 11:00 am, it read, but if the skies had a voice, it would say otherwise. The candy royalty looked out her window, and back at the clock, and to the outdoors again. She did this about twenty times before finally sighing in defeat, as if accepting the reality that the sun just wasn’t up there where it had been in the past. In place of the sun however, was a mist of grey.
Realizing that she spun her head around for too many times already, she headed towards her full-body mirror to check out her form. She wanted to stay as proper and lady-like as she could, having to present herself to her people and convey a worry-free look. She didn’t want to scare off her citizens who had tendencies to implode from immense anxiety. She combed her long and wavy hair that gave off a scent of bubblegum, like her name. Her pink and rounded face was not as disheveled as she thought it would be. She knew she had the tendency to overthink, but she just curled her worries away into a sweet smile. The royalty looked down on her lengthy gown. It was a different shade of pink so as not to make others think she was nude. The thought of it made her laugh again and played with the golden, icing-like linings of her garment.
After grooming herself, the princess now turned on one of her own inventions. She didn’t bother naming the device, but she knew that once it had booted, it would display a map resembling the land she ruled along with icons that indicated the weather over each of the smaller kingdoms. She noticed that the same cloud-shaped icon marked all the kingdoms in the Land of Ooo. This was highly unlikely to happen, she thought. As one of the greatest scientists in all of Ooo, she knew she had to do something about this.
She walked over to another one of her inventions. This one isn’t grand. It’s literally just a microphone that sent invisible signals of sound to every nook of her kingdom. She spoke with a voice as sweet as the way she was made up of.
“Citizens of the Candy Kingdom! As you may have noticed, a strange grey mist has clouded the skies. We may not see the sun today. Fear not my dear candy people! I, Princess Bubblegum, will do my best to correct this strange weather. Oh and uhm...Peppermint Butler could you please come to my room? Bring Prince Gumball with you too.”
Moments later, she heard a knock on her door. “Do come in!”, she shouted gracefully while she was looking at the results of her weather contraption. A sentient peppermint donning a deep blue tuxedo and a man who was almost the splitting image of the princess stepped together inside the room. “We’ve arrived, milady! What would you like me to do?”, Peppermint Butler asked his mistress. “Thanks for coming on such a short notice, you two. Pep, I need you to fetch the two noble knights. You, Gumball, I need to discuss something with you.”, the princess stated, now with a worried look on her face. The butler bowed to the princess and scurried away.
Prince Gumball is the princess’ cousin and science apprentice. He sports a short, fluffy, and tufted pink hair. He wore a pink regal coat with a similar color scheme as the princess’. He  donned silky trousers that matched his upper garment. He spoke as gracefully as his cousin, albeit more hurriedly as if he was about to go on a rambling. “I know what you’re worried about. I was up all midnight because all of a sudden, I was craving for candy-rock-cream-dream tarts so... I made some and then I was certain that I took about hours and hours then I looked outside when I was finally done. Then I looked at the time then uhh I screamed for a minute then I made some research. Yes, research!”.
The princess, not catching most of what her cousin said, kept a palm on her face. Before he could ramble again, the princess spoke up “Gumball just please cut to the chase. Tell me what kind of vapour we have to contain this time. Do we have to start making another Vart-o-roomba and-”. Gumball curved his brows up, “Princess this isn’t just another diarrhea outbreak from the cloud kingdom!” The princess couldn’t help then but giggle at the memory of the disaster, “What is it then?”.
Gumball frowned now and so did the princess, realizing that this could be a whole lot more serious than she had imagined. “I’ve received reports in the early morning. Hunson Abadeer showed up in seemingly random kingdoms”, Gumball tried his best not to get off topic. “They said he started sucking souls again like he did a millennia ago when he didn’t have a control over the Pandemonium Crystal...but i-it’s different this time. It’s more than just playing with the souls now. He made sure to completely pulverize every kingdom and town he went through.” Gumball trailed off into a state of thinking. Similarly, Bubblegum began to think of the fate of her kingdom. She didn’t want it to end up like the others. “We have to work on something...a serum maybe? One that will keep his powers down for a while so we can talk to him. We can’t let Abadeer destroy the Land of Ooo.”
“Can’t we just punch him? Then strangle him to death?”, a chirpy but strong voice resounded through the room. “Then...then kick him to life! And then punch him again to ultra death!”, another equally cheery yet older voice accompanied the young man’s remarks.
“Sir Finn and Sir Jake are here, milady”, Peppermint Butler spoke softly and once again bowed away.
Sir Finn is a seventeen year old knight, clad in a lightweight leather armor in the shade of blue. His golden hair flowed to his shoulders and upon closer inspection, looked like he had the body of a scrawny squire, but this fooled every enemy he encountered. He was strong as the legends say, earning the title of The Noble Sky for once bringing down a storm leviathan with his bare hands. He was a human capable of displaying magnanimous strength that was not of his species.
The knight next to the young man was a magical dog, that’s how his species was described nowadays. The golden furred hound was Sir Finn’s best friend too, fitting for the age old cliche of dogs being a man’s best friend. He was half as tall as Finn, but he was about twice as old as the young boy. There wasn’t much that adorned him, except for a set of almost invisible pants spun by magic spiders. His armor, or silk trousers, defied logic somehow. It was thin and looked terribly brittle but the stories of the candy bards say it could withstand rock blasts from the mythical sand dragons. He didn’t carry any sort of weapon. That’s because he is the weapon, having the ability to shape-shift his flesh into anything he wants, provided that his form stayed the same yellow hue. Accompanying The Noble Sky, the dog was named The Noble Sun.
Princess Bubblegum giggled, “As much as I like that idea, no. We can’t really kill him. Literally, he’s deathless. Besides, Ooo needs him for being the only being powerful enough to control and guard the power of that crystal”.
“He’s mad nuts now though. It’s crazy out there!”, Finn mentioned, waving his arms up.
“Calm down you three. I know you’re all worried, but I have a plan. Gumball and I will be working on an injection gun. We’ll formulate a serum that will calm Abadeer down so we could talk to him and ask him what happened. We’ll be his doctors too and help him control the evil inside his necklace. While we’re in the lab, the two of you brave knights should follow Abadeer around and save the kingdoms he tries to destroy”.
“That’s clear and easy. We’ll do our best, Princess!”, Jake announced, nudging Finn. “ADVENTURE TIME!!!”, the two of them screamed as they waved goodbye and leaving behind the two royals.
“C’mon Gumball. It’s sleepless science time, I guess...”, Bubblegum spoke and dragged Gumball towards the laboratory.
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the-yangst-blog · 7 years
Strobe - An Adventure Time Fanfic
Plot: In an alternative universe, thousands of years after the Mushroom War, an accidental conflict changes the lives of the heroes and villains of Ooo. This story follows the living legends of a different kind of Ooo as they move past the flickering shades of light and dark.
Warning: Certain chapters contain strong scenes of obscenity and violence not suitable for immature audiences.
Started: August 7, 2017 Status: Ongoing
Author’s Notes: Thanks for taking the time to read this thing. It’s gonna be a long ass, slow burn, porn with a plot. Did I mention that it’ll be super gay? Because yeah, it’s gonna get really gay because Bubbline Forever! I will update this regularly every Storyteller Saturday.
The story so far:
Chapter 001: The Grey Areas
Chapter 002: The Anomaly
Chapter 003: Captured
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