ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
OOC //
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It’s happening over here too guys. I am moving blogs over to @ferociouslumber​ and finally committing to it. I’m sorry it took so long but i’m lazy like that.
So please give it a follow if you’re still interested! I’m basically planning to continue over there the threads i have going here, but if you wanna start something fresh just lemme know, ok?
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
OOC //
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It’s happening over here too guys. I am moving blogs over to @ferociouslumber​ and finally committing to it. I’m sorry it took so long but i’m lazy like that.
So please give it a follow if you’re still interested! I’m basically planning to continue over there the threads i have going here, but if you wanna start something fresh just lemme know, ok?
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
ooc //
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Quick note; i wanna move blogs. like, i’m proably going to make each rp blog and actualblog instead of a side blog >.> finally taking some responsibility in that sense.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
So an ass man...?
Poor old wolf is visibly uncomfortable.
“...If i say yes, can we let this conversation end?”
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
Is Marcus an ass or tiddy man?
....Why are you like this?
He’s here for your soul. Your heart. Your PERSONALITY.
Y’all are really a teeny tiny bit lost aren’t you?
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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Inktober Day 18: “Misfit”
Your probably-useless fact for the day: the mutation for black coats in wolves actually originated in domestic dogs, and then found its way to gray wolves through wolf-dog hybrids.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
                                                      ━ ☽ ◯ ☾ ━ From surprise to annoyance to realization. The she-wolf merely watched the transition in emotions as if he were an opened book. Arms folded at her chest, she made it a point not to interfere the processing and whatever sentiment may come along with it. 
Once upon a time she might’ve condemned Achim for the “wrongdoings” of his old man, but it’d been over a decade, and neither he or she were who they’d been. The wrath from then was given a place━ laid dormant for when necessity demanded it to be unchained and unleashed. However much he may remember, the Mallow before him now had grown quiet, became grounded; although still wrought by tragedy, more so perhaps. 
There’s a phantom of a smile upon deep ruby besmeared lips, a glint within ambers. “I live here,” she explained rather curtly, not seeing reason or finding the energy to circle around the truth, even if it was hardly everything. “Come, lets go inside. There’s plenty of left-over food and, correct me if I’m wrong, you look like you’ve been living on whatever scraps you could find.” With a single gesture she beckoned him to follow her in.
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...This already feels off. This whole interaction, her reactions, the way the young wolf was trying to find a way around looking directly in her eyes. Was he supposed to look at her mouth?! No, she has a scar there, don’t be rude. Umm maybe like look at the ground? No, no, no, that’ll make him seem like a wimp. Somewhere midway then? SHIT, hell no, there’s boobs happening there and there’s no way in HECK he’ll-...
But then her voice interrupts his trainwreck of thought with a remark so simple Achim cannot help but loudly express his bafflement. “...You LIVE here?! You mean you’re... like... part of the pack now?!” thought the tone of his voice is incredulous, he follows the she wolf closely by almost by habit, like a well conditionally trained dog. Must’ve been the promise of food that subconsciously got to his brain though. And the subtle smell of leftovers that immediately filled his nostrils.
“H-HEY! For your information i actually just had a full burger menu like an hour ago. Which i bought myself, with my own money...!” the sneer was thick in his voice as he proudly announced his accomplishment for the day. But of course, a cheeseburger and fries could barely satisfy a wolf’s hunger, as could be seen from the way the young wolf was trying to hide his watering mouth.
“....I could use a snack tho...” 
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
@carnivoroushowl​ cont from here
Tippy taps of small but alert footsteps continued their even pace, even though he tried to be light and sneaky in his stalking. Time passed and even if he was still young and inexperienced, the improvement was there and it was notable. The way he adjusted his breathing, the way small arms kept closer to the body to avoid extra sounds, the way he recognized the exact moment he needed to bolt out of her view each time she turned around, those were all signs of improvement.
But apparently, it wasn’t enough since it wasn’t long since he lost sight of her. Of course, a child’s frustration made him a bit careless and he immediately broke into a sprint, taking a sharp turn around the corner and unto an alley, the only logical way she could’ve gone.
However, he miscalculated. As soon as he took that turn from the corner of his eye he caught her accusatory stare. Caught, with no right to appeal. The soles of his boots slid across the cold pavement and a warm breath is released as a small cloud of vapor against the brittle air. Round eyes meet hers and, for a moment, panic can be read in them. He looks right then left, then foot pivots subtly behind him.
He’s ready to run off.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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I was feeling the bad vibes surrounding Marcus’s muse so i doodles so happy memories as a casual reminder that Marcus is not a bad person, just a bad parent, from time to time. Just like, from time to time, he was a good father to Achim.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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Yea, fun fact Adrianna [@rxpturred] and Marcus have history together.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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Anonymous asked:
At what point does Achim shave part of his hair?
Art requests: always accepting
Hair is an important thing in old Romanian culture and both men and women used to keep their hair on the longer side. When braided with 3 strands, it’s perceived as divine protection from God [ The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit]. It symbolizes past experiences and memories that the individual gathered over time. Not cutting it for very long periods of time can be a sign of mourning.
Let’s just say Achim shaving and cutting his hair was quite a big leap. It happened when he couldn’t stand to look at himself in the mirror anymore.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
Any love interests for Marcus out there?
ooc //
Oh, that’s a tough one xD You see love is a really complicated thing with Marcus, because whomever wants to love him is most likely to go through a whole lotta angsty moments. When Marcus falls in love he falls in love hard and deeply and it’s pretty hard to pry him away after that, which is part of the reason why he’s still not over Elena a few years [about 2-3] after she died.
So, keeping that in mind, to reach ‘love interest’ status is a pretty slow and complicated process. He needs time to adjust, get comfortable around them and needs to know the other person. Having them as a friend at first is preferable too.
Since i returned rather recently to rping him and Achim, it’s kinda early to say which one of his current interactions could be a potential love interest. So i’m just going to mention @gems-and-dragons‘s Morgan, even though there are no romantic things going on between them. He’s gotten used to her, they also messed around once or twice [ahem they fucked ahem] so there is room there for other stuff to happen! Also another potential love interest is @carnivoroushowl‘s Mallow. A while ago Marcus was really close to actually dipping into love territory with her, like all the ingredients and the tension were there. But hiatus and other personal IRL stuff happened and they are yet to reconnect and see where it goes from now on.
So there’s not a lot to work for Marcus’s love life, at the moment xD. But i’m super open to plotting and shipping with him! As long as we can be patient together and work through all of this old man’s issues [trust me, there are lots], i think something really kewl can come out of it. He’s not that unapproachable or unavailable, Marcus is just an old, slightly neglectful dork with depression xD
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
Hey Achim, do you like Chika’s hair?
“Yes!” he squeaks happily; every opportunity he has to talk about his friend he’s gonna take it! “Chika has reaaally pretty hair! It smells nice too! An-And it looks like dandelions!”
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
Ralph fan club slowly forming...
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he’s humbled
shoutout to @pandateddyclaws​ for blessing us with this icon
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
who's the barber guy? he's kinda hot
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His name is Ralph and he sends you a gentle kiss from the bottom of his heart.
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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Anonymous asked:
At what point does Achim shave part of his hair?
Art requests: always accepting
Hair is an important thing in old Romanian culture and both men and women used to keep their hair on the longer side. When braided with 3 strands, it’s perceived as divine protection from God [ The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit]. It symbolizes past experiences and memories that the individual gathered over time. Not cutting it for very long periods of time can be a sign of mourning.
Let’s just say Achim shaving and cutting his hair was quite a big leap. It happened when he couldn’t stand to look at himself in the mirror anymore.
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