"It must be possible to swim in the ocean of the one you love without drowning."
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You see the problem is, I thought you were my escape. I thought I found someone who wasn't gonna put me in that place, who wasn't going to force me to get use to the pain. Yet here I am at 2 am crying on the bathroom floor all alone. Because you're not here and you don't care.
I am a pushover.
I am a pushover. Wanna know why? Because every time I try to stand up for myself, I get shot down, I get told this is how it’s gonna be and if you don’t like it sucks. So why waste my breath? Why stand up is standing up gets me nowhere? I’m a pushover because I value people, even the bad ones. I’m a pushover because I see the good in the bad people. So instead of standing up for myself, I get use to the pain, the lies, the heartbreak, the tears, and the anxiety attacks.
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I am a pushover.
I am a pushover. Wanna know why? Because every time I try to stand up for myself, I get shot down, I get told this is how it's gonna be and if you don't like it sucks. So why waste my breath? Why stand up is standing up gets me nowhere? I'm a pushover because I value people, even the bad ones. I'm a pushover because I see the good in the bad people. So instead of standing up for myself, I get use to the pain, the lies, the heartbreak, the tears, and the anxiety attacks.
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Today I was proven wrong.
The saddest part
The saddest part is that all guys are the same, they’re all jerks. And the nice guys will say they’re different, and they’re not. And I hope one day someone proves me wrong I really do, but as time goes on, I doubt anyone will ever prove me wrong.
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The hardest thing
The hardest thing for an overthinking is giving someone you care about space when they're down. All you want to do is call them and tell them how much you love them and care about them and you can't because they want space so you sit here and pretend it doesn't kill you inside but it does. It does every time
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My eyes are burning and I can't sleep because I'm too busy worrying if you're okay but you're too busy getting drunk to worry if I'm okay
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Sometimes I take the blame for other people's mistakes hoping they'd see what they're doing to me, but they never do. They don't see how they're using me and tearing me apart
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funny how you always blamed me
When you're there for someone no matter what with no hesitations and then the second you need them they're nowhere to be found...
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It's it crazy how you do so much for someone but it goes unnoticed and you still get told you're not being enough but then when it's reversed the stuff you did for them they can't do for you...
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Today I was proved wrong
The saddest part
The saddest part is that all guys are the same, they’re all jerks. And the nice guys will say they’re different, and they’re not. And I hope one day someone proves me wrong I really do, but as time goes on, I doubt anyone will ever prove me wrong.
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You made me the crazy one..
I didn't ask for any of that. But you made me that way.. Because you made me feel like I was the crazy one for caring. Because you made me feel like a fool waiting around as you cancelled plans. Because you made me participate in a game, I didn't ask to play in. Because you made me feel like I was never good enough. Because you made me feel like I was a burden when I looked forward to the time we spent together. Because the only endearing words, came with alcohol pressed between your lips. Because the fights we got into, you told me I was overreacting. Because you had the nerve to make me feel bad for caring about you. Because you let me fall for you with no intention of catching me. But you made me better. You taught me to never settle for assholes like you. But you made me better. I gained self respect when I walked away. But you made me better. Because my real friends stepped forward the night I hit rock bottom. But I'll take a moment to thank you most of all for your time, even though mine was wasted. For you words, even though mine were the only ones that were ever genuine. For teaching me through example of the person I do not deserve. And when the time comes and we cross paths again, just know when you are looking back at me as I walk away, my head won't turn for a moment.
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At the End of the Day
"All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want & you say what you say & you'll follow your heart even though it'll break sometimes"
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Unhappily alone
Being the girl that's always there for everyone is actually quite lonely
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I'm surrounded by so many friendships yet I've never felt so alone in my entire life
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Fake Smile
Someone once said to me, “you know, you’re always so happy. Are you just pretending to be happy when you’re actually really sad?” I looked at him and thanked him with my eyes as I denied his statement with my words. For he was the first person in 20 years of existence to see the sadness behind my eyes.
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Tales of a Strong Female
Since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to know the feeling of being love. And I don’t mean like the love from your family, I mean the love from someone who just understands you and wants you. I wanted to know what it was like to feel wanted. But tonight, as I got rejected for the 10th time in my life, I realized that maybe it’s time to give up. Maybe it’s time to start protecting my heart rather than give it out. I’ve always been the girl who’s there for everyone but maybe it’s time to be the girl who’s there for herself. Maybe it’s time to not care what other people think. To only talk to people who actually give a damn to talk to me. It’s time I start protecting my heart. It’s time I accept that I might not every be loved or wanted, and that’s okay.
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A fire alarm is going off in the stadium and we don’t know what to do.
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