theartieparty-blog · 12 years
The Smell of Bacon || Quartie
INVOLVED → Artie Abrams and Quinn Fabray.
LOCATION → Quinn’s dorm, New Haven, Connecticut.
TIME FRAME  → Friday, February 15th.
SUMMARY → After Artie’s surprise visit to Yale, Quinn’s wakes up to a breakfast surprise.
ooc; We decided to do a next morning chatzy of Quinn waking up to the smell of bacon, only to find Artie making breakfast for the both of them in her kitchenette at Yale. Unfortunately some of our work was unrecoverable, so we decided to share what was left anyway— keep in mind that the first few replies or so are missing. We tried to set the scene for you guys anyway. :)
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Be Mine, Valentine? || Quartie
INVOLVED → Artie Abrams and Quinn Fabray.
LOCATION → Quinn’s dorm, New Haven, Connecticut.
TIME FRAME  → Thursday, February 14th.
SUMMARY → Artie drops in to surprise Quinn on Valentine’s Day.
ooc; As most of you know, Angie and I are on an indefinite hiatus with our Quartie. That being said, with our disappoint of recent hook-ups via the last episode of Glee, we needed a pick-me up and made a little chatzy time for some pure Quartie Valentine’s Day fluff, picking up from our RP. Enjoy!
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
ooc; I miss you too, sweetie. I miss everyone / everything :'(
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
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Even though they don’t rp anymore, I still think of theartieparty and quinnisqueen as canon Quartie.
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
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quinnisqueen and theartieparty are so missed at thejourneyofgleerpg. It just doesn’t feel the same without their dynamic as characters and a couple there anymore.
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
I miss your Quartie :(
ooc; I miss it too :'(
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
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Theartieparty and quinnisqueen leaving The Journey of Glee is shocking. They made me love Quartie in a way that I didn’t think was possible, their portrayals of Quinn and Artie were amazing, and the Quarkleberry friendships was one of the best friendships portrayed I’ve seen among the characters. It will be sad to go but personal lives are always more important.
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Will you be on your personal?
ooc; Of course, sweet anon; I'm on pretty regularly. And I may even come back to this page to RP with my Quinn some day if I manage to make good / positive life progress and take care of everything that I've set aside (:
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Omg no :( I will miss you so much! You're one of the best Artie rpers out there!
ooc; I'll miss you too, sweetie-- and thank you so much :( you're too kind
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Hello, lovelies. Allow me a second to just... wipe the tears-- it hurts to have to admit this, before all you now; you've been such incredible followers / fellow RP partners, so supportive and lovely and sweet, that... to say these next few words simply-- shatters my heart. But... I'm afraid I'm going to have to say goodbye to this RPG.
It's been a long, incredible ride (a little over a year). I've met so many wonderful people, made amazing friends-- made my very best friend, my Quinn and my CC mama bear, for ever, and... and found some small semblance of sanity within the Glee fandom amongst my fellow ducklings. It's just... come to a point in my life where I've allowed RP to consume me. I've ignored a lot of my maturing responsibilities, and I've ignored many opportunities to go out and pursue my performance dreams. With the New Year fast approaching... it seems that-- in order to better myself and achieve my goals, I've got to stop living through Artie.
I hope you can all understand-- this is so very hard for me, and I'm going to miss this experience / these ships and this Quartie more than I can possibly say. My account will still be here; I won't deactivate, won't chance letting all the hard work and love my irreplaceable partner and I put into creating our characters' stories go to waste. I may even pop in from time to time; but don't hesitate to message or follow me (if you so choose) on my personal. Really, just-- I'm so, so very sorry.
Thank you all for being my friends. My family. Thank you for shaping this year into one of the best of my life. I love you... I really, truly do. And I love this RP... best of luck to all of you; don't ever forget how much of an imprint you've made on my heart.
- Angie <333
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Baby boy... why you gotta hog the bed? I'm about to roll over on top of you and sleep.
Hm...? Oh-- aheh... sorry, babe... just-- think of it as... retaliation. Since you're the one who hogs all the blankets. Heh.................... there-- is that any better, beautiful? You can always tuck into my side and put that pretty lil' noggin on top of my chest...
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Mmmm, yes please... I'd like that, baby girl... you want a shoulder massage? And that's a great idea, tenderoni... come keep me warm...
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That sounds perfect, so long as I can do all that back to you… maybe give you a little temple massage or something… so is your girl— let’s be sweet on each other.
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Damn straight. That's my babe; mmhmm... and kiss and nuzzle and just all around love you... Artie-Fresh is in a sweetie kinda' mood...
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You’re welcome, sweetheart— as you should, Mr. Abrams. Hmm, I like the way you think, and I mean that in both regards… will you cuddle me if I do?
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
Why thank you-- I take pride in that skill, Missus Fabray. Mmhmm... I'm thinkin' a little of both... and I'm also thinkin' you should bring them cutie buns on over here, girl.
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Well you’re an excellent aim. Yes… oh yeah? What might that be… intuition? Or do you just know me so well, my sexy stud muffin?
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
1, 11, 13, 15, 24, 27, 39, 45
1. Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now? The first night she ever really opened up to me. (It was last summer-- we were about a month away from starting school again and had already established our status as "best friends"; Q was transitioning through her whole... um-- "Skank" phase, and... and God, it was sometime around midnight-- she snuck over... met me out in my backyard, and... and she just started crying. I remember the pink in her hair was fading, and she was telling me about Beth-- about her mom and her dad... how she felt so depressed and confused and scared-- and alone. I promised her that she wasn't. That she had me, and... would always have me, no matter what; couple hours later, we washed the rest of that pink from her hair.)
11. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? Damn straight; couldn't be better.
13. What are three things you did today? Made an early breakfast with Q for the whole fam (pancakes). Went to school / tested. Helped put up the Christmas tree (decorating tomorrow night!).
15. What is your favorite kind of gum? Anything mint!
24. You receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on? A little something for my little sibs; a treat for my woman, annnnnd... maybe some Xbox LIVE points.
27. Would you rather have Starbucks or Jamba Juice right now? STARBUCKS. I'd be all up on that hot cocoa.
39. If someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be? My girl, Quinn Fabray.
45. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Pshhhht, always ;)
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
I'm glad to hear it, baby; you know I aim to please. Mmmm, really now? 'Cuz something-- I'm not quite sure what, exactly-- is telling me otherwise... you cute and funny and foxy lady...
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Well you do amazingly at your job then, because this lady feels nothing but beautiful when she’s with you. Yes… oh no, you don’t have to flatter me… but you don’t have to stop either.
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theartieparty-blog · 12 years
2, 5, 14, 19, 46
2. What on your body is hurting or bothering you? My cheek, knuckles, and torso.
5. What’s something you’re not looking forward to? Trying to get through my next PT session with all a' that! ^ (haha)
14. Would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? Have them over, yo! Your boy likes to host-- and it's also a hell of a lot easier to already be in a crib with handicap accessibility.
19. Does anyone have strong feelings for you? One special ass lady out there does :)
46. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? All the time. But-- not so much nowadays. Not with Quinn.
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