theaugustangels · 12 years
Thanks again to everyone that participated in the projects! This couldn't have been done without you guys. You're all absolutely amazing! :)
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Scrapbook update!
We have successfully given Misha the scrapbook
Thanks to sneakiness and the help of Cindy of Random Acts and Stephanie cause she rocks
So here’s what happened
We go up and I’m basically hiding it and I come up
And I’m like “Hi, I believe Cindy talked to you about a scrapbook?”
And he’s like, “Oh yeah!”
So I pull it out and I can see one of the con staff about to stop me but Misha grabs it in time. He then is like “What do you want me to do with it?”
I’m like, “Oh no, you can have it!”
And his face brightened up and said thanks
So I thought he was gonna start signing stuff and move along but he opens it and starts looking through it saying He loves it
When he gets to a picture someone drew of Castiel and West he just stops and has a somber and awe look on his face and it was just amazing
Also his friend from college was there next to him and he’s like People give you stuff like this?
And Misha replies with Yeah! All the time!
But all in all Misha loved the scrapbook
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theaugustangels · 12 years
If you haven't heard I had successfully given Misha the scrapbook and he had let me take a picture of him with it and he loved it. Here it is itwasarobotheeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaad[.]tumblr[.]com/post/34464201353/scrapbook-update-we-have-successfully-given
You're absolutely amazing! Thank you SO much to EVERYONE that contributed to this year's amazing event! Misha got the video footage of everyone that gave me their stuff and he was absolutely awestruck when we spoke about raising the money.
He says thank you to everyone involved. You're all beautiful and amazing people, and this wouldn't have been made possible without you. Thank you all SO much!!
I had a blast at ChiCon, and I hope all of you guys did, too!
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theaugustangels · 12 years
Ahh, I just found this page. Is it too late to make a video?
Not at all! Feel free to continue sending videos!
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theaugustangels · 12 years
Bringing this back to remind you that ChiCon is less than 2 weeks away! We can reach our goal by then, don't you think, fandom? :)
Operation: August Angels
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(No, it’s not THAT kind of operation.)
First of all, we’re sure you’re wondering what the heck we’ve been talking about these past few weeks. Well, here you have it! Operation: August Angels is a two-part plan to surprise Misha Collins at the Chicago Salute to Supernatural in 2012 with megappreciation. Our main mission objective is to show Misha how much we, as fans, appreciate everything he does for us.
We’re working with Random Acts to try and make this mission a success. Now, let’s get down to business (to defeat the Huns).
We wanted to give back to Misha, and we thought long and hard about the numerous things we could do to do so. Then, it hit us like a ‘67 Impala cruising down the freeway — we’re going to raise money for Random Acts. If we could raise $1,000 in one night, imagine what we could do in 4 months! Every penny of this project is going toward Random Acts. We want to try and present Misha with a fake check at ChiCon for the total (but we can’t make any promises).
Now, donating to Random Acts is a great start. But we also want to do something personal, too. So, we came up with a plan to have fans submit videos of themselves talking about Misha and what he means to them. It can be funny or sweet or silly — the choice is up to you. We’re going to merge the videos into one huge awesome video, and we’re going to make sure it gets into Misha’s hands eventually. It’s going to be an Ode to Misha type of thing. He’s changed a lot of our lives for the better, and it would be a good way to thank him.
How do you get involved? Well, calm down there, tiger. We’re just getting started! But there’s two main steps to making this project a success.
Donate any amount you please to our Crowdrise page located HERE. (Remember, this is supposed to be a surprise for him, so don’t attract any attention to it by tweeting it at him or anything.)
Make and submit your videos to [email protected]! They can be as long as you want, but try not to exceed 2 minutes. Make sure they’re appropriate. Silly is wonderful and we encourage creativity!
Check out our tumblr for more details.
We believe Misha really deserves to be shown that his fans really do love and appreciate him and everything he does, from organizing GISHWHES and coming to conventions, to allowing us to tag along with him on trips to Haiti and all of the AMOK shenanigans. He does a lot for the community and the world around him and he doesn’t expect anything in return. We’re truly blessed to have someone like him in our lives. He constantly goes above and beyond for his fans and he’s just an incredibly sweet and genuine human being. He’s an amazingly generous man and he does a lot more for us than he has to, and we want to really show him how much we love and appreciate everything he does.
Thanks for reading (and many many thanks in advance for any donations you may give us). We hope you decide to participate in our project! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Sincerely, The Team at OAA
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theaugustangels · 12 years
New link to Scrapbook info
Sorry ended up changing my url and forgot to tell you guys lol So here's the new link to the scrapbook project
Thank you for the link!
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theaugustangels · 12 years
Hi! I was just wondering if the Scrapbook project was still going ahead? only the link in your post doesn't seem to work. Thanks!
That's a good question. They may have just changed usernames.
We'll look into it and fix the link asap.
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theaugustangels · 12 years
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I’m not going to demand that you drop everything to look at this. I am not going to say you don’t have a heart if you don’t reblog this.
But please, if you do have the time, I would greatly appreciate it if you read this post, and perhaps considered either donating a small amount or commission me, or at the very least help to spread the word around. Because frankly I need all the help I can get right now.
This is Sebastian, one of two black cats I own. He is a siamese mix and around 3 to 4 years old, sweet, curious, fun-loving, and the biggest love bug you will ever meet. These pictures were taken not even an hour ago when I had to leave him at the vet’s office overnight.
Earlier this afternoon, Sebastian got a hold of one of my sewing needles and managed to swallow it before I could get it away from him. Being the responsible pet parent that I am, I rushed off to a 24 hour emergency care center for animals right away, and after some debate, I agreed to have them try performing an endoscope procedure to see if they can pull the needle out of his stomach as quickly and as non-invasively as possible. However, the procedure is still going to be expensive, at least $2,757.39 on the low end (if things go as well as they possibly can), and $3,241.20 on the high end.
I am really hoping it goes as well as it can, and there are no complications, because if the needle happened to tear at his insides he will need surgery. Which will no doubt add another hefty amount to his bill.
I am a young student who is unemployed, living in a tiny studio apartment with a roommate and surviving off of what money my mother can give me.
Even with the Care Credit I qualified for, which lets me pay the amount interest free over a 6 month period, that still means I need to fork out at least $300 extra dollars a month to pay his bill on time.
So friends, fandom followers, fellow Tumblrites, I need help. If you are capable of donating any amount you can afford, please, I gladly welcome it. If you would prefer, I am also taking small art commissions. I don’t have much uploaded on Tumblr, but please refer to my art tag for some examples of the art skill I possess.
Commissions will be done in a bust/upper body shots, since that is where I am most confident and will be more able to turn out pictures as fast as I can.
Pricing is as follows:
Pencil sketch - $4
Ink + Color - $6
Each additional character to the picture will be an extra $1
Money can be directed to my PayPal account at [email protected], and I will be working to get a donation button on my page soon enough.
I will draw any character, any fandom, any paring, het, slash, WHATEVER YOU WANT as long as it remains under a PG-13 rating. Sex is hard to draw.
Please, please, my animals are like my children! It pains me to think of living without them, it would literally feel like the death of a child. I am not ready to live without this sweet and loving boy in my life just yet.
If you cannot donate, I humbly ask you just spread this around as much as you can, tell other people who you know that might be interested that I am taking commissions and direct them to my Ask or my Submit boxes.
Normally I am quite resourceful and I am able to take care of things myself, but this time around the situation has gotten out of my financial reach… I appreciate and I am thankful for whatever help I can get!
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theaugustangels · 12 years
I love your project! :) Would love to donate, but I don't have any dollars unfortunately (i'm from philippines btw) And I absolutely adore Misha in so so many ways. I love that he cares so much for a lot of people! An angel in real life indeed :) When's the deadline for this? My friend and I would love to send a video :)
Check out our FAQ -- it'll answer all of your questions.
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theaugustangels · 12 years
Just donated! ^_^ You guys are doing a wonderful thing, I'm so proud to help! I'll be contributing a letter or video soon; hope ya'lls day have been amazing!
Thank you so incredibly much for the donation! You're too kind!
We hope you have an amazing week and we look forward to seeing your video or reading your letter. :)
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theaugustangels · 12 years
it'd be nice if you show some of the videos... or your video, I don't know :D
We'll definitely be sharing them with you if we get consent to do so from each person.
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theaugustangels · 12 years
what am I supposed to talk on my video?
If you saw the stories people were sharing during the We Love Misha project, then it would be those types of things -- just saying how Misha has changed your life or helped you in some way. The main objective is to show him how much of an effect he's had on his fans.
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theaugustangels · 12 years
rainbowcolouredshoes answered your question: How many of you guys would be interested in a...
I would, just depends on where the money would be going.
Every penny made through us is going straight to Random Acts, whether we raise money through a raffle, a bake sale, or any other type of fundraising. Everything is going to Random Acts and the fund on the Crowdrise page.
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theaugustangels · 12 years
Hello. I can't go to the con and I was wondering if we could write a letter in microsoft word or notepad and email it to you for Misha?
Check out the Scrapbook Program we have going for details on writing letters to Misha. :)
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theaugustangels · 12 years
If any of you are in the San Diego-Los Angeles areas and have any experience with PR or event planning, please send an email to [email protected]! We're going to need some additional assistance with a huge plan for August. :)
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theaugustangels · 12 years
How many of you guys would be interested in a Blind Raffle? For every $5 you donate in the month of July, you get entered in the raffle, and we'd pick two winners every week throughout the month! The winners would win mystery prizes that they wouldn't know about until they received them.
Let us know what you think! Would you participate? 
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theaugustangels · 12 years
$570 in 3 days.
We're already over halfway to our goal because of you. You are all incredibly generous and amazing -- we're struck completely speechless. Thank you so, so much for making this project a reality. We hope Misha is as touched by this as we are. Amazing. Thank you all SO MUCH for everything you've done. From the bottom of our hearts. Thank you.
We also want to take this post to make two updates on the home front:
Follow our Twitter and tumblr pages -- some exciting contests are coming soon! Prizes will be involved!
Keep sending in your fan videos! They should be like the amazingly touching stories we keep receiving at We Love Misha, just in video form. (In case you were confused as to what we want in the videos.) We've received some amazingly touching videos so far and we hope to see more in the future! --Send them to [email protected]
If you can't make a video, you can submit a letter to the scrapbook program we've also got going.
Again, thank you guys SO MUCH for helping to make this project such a success. You're all a huge inspiration to us. If you want to donate to the cause, check out our Crowdrise page.
--The team at OAA
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theaugustangels · 12 years
August Angels ChiCon 2012 Scrapbook
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Okay so Nel and I are putting together a scrapbook for ChiCon in cooperation with Operation August Angels. Over the next 4 months or so until ChiCon we will be accepting drawings, letters, poems, etc to put into the Scrapbook to give to Misha. So send us whatever you want that shows Misha how much we, as fans, appreciate everything he does for us.
Each person is limited to 2 12x12 pages Front side only, no front and back pages
The pages can be physical copies which you can send to us in the mail and we will put it in the scrapbook, or if you don’t want to do that you can email what you have to us and we will print them off.
You can either email it to Nel
Or you can totally mail to to either one of us
Danielle Steinhause
3001 Louisiana Avenue North 
New Hope, MN 55427
Amy Wiederholt
3750 West Burgess Lane
Lincoln, NE 68523
If anyone has any questions at all you can send either me or Nel a message.
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