thebiggestdogtbd · 2 years
Hello reader, before we begin, I am in no way any good at anything like this. I figured I would give it a shot, but I may not do another. This story is about Avin Palau, a 20 year old she wolf and Sigmund Black-Ear, a 23 year old red fox the night before they sail home.
The Knights
Lying in the tall grass, beneath three bright full moons, a tailless; shirtless male fox watches as a female gray and brown furred wolf straddles his waist. Her blue cotton blouse shifts in the breeze. Her tail gently wags as she leans forward to meet his lips, their muzzles interlock as her tongue makes its way in to dominate his. She gently rocks her hips against the crotch of his trousers, feeling him throb beneath with every movement; with every dominating kiss of hers. She pulls away and gazes into his emerald green eyes, a lust alight within them; his mouth agape wanting more. With a grin, the she-wolf slowly unties her blouse to show the cream colored fur that travels from her neck to below the hem of her underwear. Her heart beating fast as she exposes herself to him, a thrill begging her to continue. His breathing quick in excitement.
“Are these too small for your liking?” she asks fearing his response.
“Avin, you are a goddess incarnate.” The fox pants as the wolf reveals her small breasts, “You’re perfect in every way.”
“Am I?” She asks coyly, “Perhaps I am not.”
She stops rocking against him, a whine from the fox follows. The wolf smirks, leaning forward and kisses his neck. Slowly, she starts kissing down his throat, her lips dancing across his chest. The lips waltz across his white furred abdomen down to his trouser hem, a large bulge formed. Humming, she reveals his erect cock, standing eagerly for only her. She hesitates looking at it. Her hand shakes as she gently touches it with her fingertips, softly she takes hold of the throbbing shaft, her face bright red as she feels every inch of it, touching the head with a thumb. A clear liquid sticks to her thumb as she lifts it to examine the substance.
“Avin, are you a virgin?” he asks as she refocuses on him and moves her hand to the base of his member.
“Is that a problem?” She questions his, her hand rising to the tip.
“No, but I want you to be sure about this.” He answers truthfully.
She smiles and leans her head forward, doing as the females did in her secret books. A fang grazes the top of his shaft causing him to panic.
“No teeth.” He quickly says as she corrects herself.
Her lips wrap around his erect shaft, the fox groans in delight as her tongue dances across the tip. The fox puts his hands on the back of her head, gently ushering her to keep going. Her tongue rests on the underside of his large cock as she slowly lifts her head before sliding back down. The clear liquid coats her tongue in a sweet taste foreign to her. She continues moving her head up and down, taking more of his shaft in her muzzle with each descent, his cock begins to throb as she increases her speed, more moans of pleasure come from the small fox.
“Don’t stop, Avin.” He pants as she takes all of him within her muzzle, her tongue caressing every inch of him.
The fox pushes her head further down as he thrusts upwards into her muzzle. Grunting, he spills his salty seed across her tongue and down her throat. She gags and forces herself away, his warm; white cum dripping down her chin onto his waist. He sends more of his seed into the air across the top of her muzzle. She laughs in surprise and wipes her snout and muzzle with her hands. She looks at his dumb smile and thinks for a moment as he pants in pleasure.
“Am I convenient lay for you?” the wolf asks, turning her cocoa brown eyes towards the green eyes of the fox.
He leans closer; kisses her muzzle, “No. You are someone special.”
“Do you mean that?” She asks, sounding more hopeful.
The fox smiles, “Of course I do. I love you, Avin.”
Their muzzles lock again, the wolf laying back as the fox takes control, her blouse opens to expose her small breasts to the cool autumn air, her fur stands on its end in the cool air. The orange fingers of the fox slowly travel to between her legs, they tease her eager lips beneath the cotton underwear and gently rubs. She gasps at the new sensation, never has she let anyone play with her like this.
The fox releases the kiss and copies what the gray and brown wolf has done to him. His lips travel down her neck to where he nibbles just above the left side neck base. The white lips of the fox meet her cleavage, he moves to the right and kisses above her heart, he begins to focus on her nipple and places his warm lips on it, causing a small moan from her. She watches in pleasure, squirming as his fingers continue to tease. Every teasing entrance to her eager lips making her restless.
His lips start kissing down her abdomen, and he slows his sluggish pace to tease her more. Her body yearning. His fingers stop their play and take hold of the hem of the cotton undergarment. He gently pulls her wet underwear away, careful of her soft; wagging tail. The cream colored fur between her thighs is matted to her as she eagerly waits.
He lowers his head, confusing her before she gasps in surprise. His lips kissing her thighs, purposely avoiding where she wants him to. He stops momentarily, letting her whimper, needing him to continue. He leans closer, listening to her shudders, feeling his warm breath on her needy entrance. Opening his muzzle, he licks her wet lips, feeling her shiver in pleasure. His tongue softly dances across her as he savors her sweet taste.
“Lunadai, Sigmund!” she pants as the new sensation drives her to want more, “Please! Don’t stop!”
He obliges, a thumb resting on the once hidden nub above her entrance. His tongue slips within, feeling her clench around him. His thumb slowly rubs as he continues to taste her.
“Shya, no eyatia!” her Pralsian tongue pants in pleasure, “Ektain! Mihan os Shya!”
He continues rubbing, feeling her wanting to hold his tongue as he keeps tasting her.
“My… my love?” She hesitates, not wanting him to stop, “P-please, I want you. Claim me.”
With a warm smile, the fox rises to his knees, his muzzle wet with her. The fox rests her left thigh over his as he lines himself with her eager; wet lips. He is in awe at the strong wolf’s body begging for him to fill her. He gently parts her, causing her to gasp in surprise at his size.
“It feels better than I could imagine.” she whimpers as he stops midway into her, “Please… keep going… I want it!”
He continues until he hilts her, she whines as he stops deeper than her fingers ever could. Gently he pulls back causing her gasp in pleasure, his shaft throbs as he tenderly seems to remove himself from her, only his tip stays within. Carefully he pushes himself deeper into her causing her to moan.
“You’re so tight.” The fox moans gently thrusting into her.
She braces herself to her elbow as she wants to watch him. The fox leans forward, his teeth gently latch where her neck and shoulder meet. He bites until he pierces the skin beneath the fur, a trickle of blood falling. She moans and tightens upon him, her elbow gives way.
“Sigmund, no eyatia.” she pants with his rhythm, her hips bucking to match his pace.
The orange right hand of the fox, runs up her side, cupping over her small; cream colored breast. He squeezes tenderly before running back down her stomach to her hip. The fox places her right leg over his left hip. He increases his rhythm, tilting his head back with a grunt. Avin howls in pleasure as the fox continues. The wolf pants her arms out stretched to find something to brace herself as she clinches.
“Sig… muh… I’m…” She moans tilting her down in ecstasy, her toes curling as her tail wags faster.
“Then cum with me.” The fox pants, picking up his pace, his cock eager to spill into her again.
Thrusting again, Sigmund forces his cock into the wolf. He thrusts five more times before he cannot hold back anymore. She clenches onto him as his seed spills into her. She screams in pleasure, her legs twitch as she feels the fox’s seed filling her, her eyes shut tight with a wide smile on her face. She opens her eyes and looks up to the fox, he lays his head on her cleavage and pants.
Stroking the top of his head she pants, “Gy shya o, Sigmund. Gy shya o!”
“Will you marry me?” he asks listening to her quickly beating heart.
“Mihan, Shya! A thousand times yes!” she cries out, her tail wagging.
“By the Gods, will you two shut up!” an old male shouts across the field, throwing a wooden pail at the two.
Gy shya o - I love you
Ektain- Fuck
Mihan- yes
Mihan os shya - Yes my love
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thebiggestdogtbd · 2 years
A Nice Walk 8/10/1347
Asolear Haven
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A young she-wolf wearing a blue silken dress with white hems leans her right side against an oak doorframe. Her steel gray fur bristles at every movement the one in front of her makes, her left hand brushes the cream-colored neck fur as she watches the one within the dark red walled bedroom. Her emerald, green eyes ogle a male wolf. She watches his dull gray furred; muscular arms flex as he buckles the belt of his trousers, she silently swoons as his toned brown chest stretches as he pulls the light blue tunic over himself. The gray faced male wolf sits on their bed, the violet quilt bows to his weight, and he begins to pull his black boots on. Glancing up, he jumps with a start upon noticing the gray wolf, his hand over his chest as he exhales.
“By Nett, Elena, how long have you been standing there?” the surprised male asks as she comes to sit beside him on the bed.
“Not long enough.” She hums resting her head on his shoulder, her emerald eyes alight with adoration, “I love you, ‘Zio.”
The male turns to her, softly brings his hand to her muzzle, and gently plants a kiss on her lips, “I love you more than the moons, my dear.”
Looking at their portrait on the wall behind him, she hums again, “Something is missing from the canvas.”
“What is it?” he asks turning to look at the image, concerned they were scammed on their painting.
“I’m probably imagining things.” She sighs with delight, turning him to face her again, looking into his fiery amber eyes, “Would you like to walk with me to the pond?”
“Of course, Love.” He smiles, “It’s a beautiful morning.”
She smiles and stands. Holding her right hand out, the male takes hers and follows her out of the bedroom and into the oak floored hallway, white walls decorated with trinkets and paintings. The main entrance of the home is decorated with his well fit steel armor and weapons. His family crest embroidered on a banner above the hearth in the shape of a golden wolf’s ear.
Elena looks at ‘Zio every so often with an eager smile. It had been ten years since he freed her from the slavers. She was wary of him at first, afraid he would put her back in to the slave trade, but he taught her how to read, how to mend flesh, and how to protect herself. She was not the only one he freed from slavery, everyone in town was saved by him. Without him, the town would not exist, nor would the children be playing in the cobblestone streets.
The morning summer sun warms the town, white smoke billowing from the inn’s chimney paints the cloudless cerulean sky. The faint smell of fresh baked bread wafts through the air, and the laughing of children echoes from the market. An axe splits wood for the fire. The two get approach the inn and meet a tall, muscular grizzly bear.
“Fabrizio; Elena, how are you this morning?” a brown bear speaks with a friendly smile as the pass by the innkeeper.
“We’re doing fine, Rinaldo.” Elena speaks holding her husband’s hand, “We’re heading over to the pond.
“Aye, I’m all Elena’s today, my friend.” Fabrizio smiles, “How’s Emilie doing?”
The bear sighs, “She’ll be alright, just a little bruised. I told her the moss on those rocks behind the inn are slippery, but she doesn’t listen. She’s just like me.”
Elena speaks up, “Send her to our home later, I can teach her how to brew an herb into a tea to soothe the pain.”
“Thank you, Elena, I will.” The bear says with a grin, “Ah, I’ve taken too much of your time anyway, go have fun.”
The wolves say farewell and walk through the center of the town market. The crisp smell of breads, steamed broccolis and potatoes, and the heavenly sweet, honeyed cakes linger heavily in the air, as well as the shouts of the vendors. Elena hesitates in front of a floral vendor, glancing at a bouquet of white lilac surrounding a trio of roses. Without saying a word, Fabrizio releases her hand and buys the bouquet for her.
“Oh ‘Zio, you didn’t have to.” She gasps in surprise as he picks the bouquet up for her, “It’s quite beautiful, but you di-”
“I know, but I like watching you smile.” He grins looking into her eyes.
Her skin beneath her fur brightens red as she blushes with a smile and accepts the flowers with both of her hands. Now that he looks at her closer, her steel gray fur seems more vibrant, the cream neck and chest fur seems brighter as well. She quickly wraps her arms around his neck with the floral boutique in her hand. He does the same and inhales her sweet lavender perfume.
The noise of the market fades as he holds her close, like he did three years ago when they wed. The universe stops in its tracks as the musical sound of her voice whispers in his ear.
“I’m pregnant.” She says holding him tight.
The wolf stops, did he hear her correctly?
“What did you say?” he asks with confusion.
She lifts her eyes up to meet his amber ones, “We’re having a cub.”
Fabrizio swallows, “We’re going…”
“We’re going to be parents.” She grins and lovingly gazes up into his eyes, “Thank Kata, our cub will live in a safe town with friends.”
The male stays silent for a moment, his wife worried that he doesn’t like the news.
“I’m going to be a father?” he asks thinking it’s a joke to receive a nod, “I’m going to be a father!”
He pulls her closer; kisses her lips, “I love you! Elena, this is wonderful!”
Her cheeks burn brighter red, “I wanted to tell you by the pond. And the flowers… I couldn’t bare holding a secret anymore.”
“Come, let’s go to the pond.” He suggests, “To escape the crowd and plan for our newborn.”
“Would you be upset if it was a girl?” Elena looks away, knowing men of his ranking wish for a son.
“Absolutely not!” he answers truthfully pulling her gaze back up to his, “Our cub will be loved all the same. And I will be there alongside you, my love… my two loves.”
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thebiggestdogtbd · 2 years
The lion has his mane shaved short and his muzzle painted crimson, the red armor glistens in the bright sunlight. The lion paces the front line of animals, the grass giving way to the heavy armored body.
“Qus shaya na tikkar wenho!” The lion shouts getting a cheer from the thousands of soldiers before him in the same red armor, “Luna ne vira kishk!”
“Ahal Nyrak!” The lion shouts, raising a greatsword.
“Ahal Nyrak!” The mass of bodies chant.
“Onay!” The lion roars placing a steel face mask that perfectly fits the form, “Rah!”
The sea of bodies flood across the plain in a loud war cry. The Lion’s blade ready to strike deep into the hearts of the mortal creatures who oppose him. They  sees a trickle of bodies approaching, their own blades and pole arms ready to clash. Looking closer, it is only twelve who charge. They wear solid metallic armor that reflects the light of his power, their faces obscured by the reflecting rays. Behind the twelve, hundreds more animals shortly follow in rebellion against him, their armors mismatched from many different lands and rulers.
“Khakar!” The voice of a female screams across the field.
The twelve sprint closer and begin to slash their way through the red armored followers. A brown male deer cuts through his grizzly soldiers easily with a golden sword and buckler, his face hidden beneath a blue cloth mask. A seven tailed vixen stabs through the armor of several wolves with a thin sword while drinking ale. A gorilla falls to the mace of a male cheetah, his face away from the lion. A golden furred she-wolf notches an arrow and prepares to release it at him.
The lion unleashes a mighty roar, both armies stumble as the earth shifts from his voice. The lion shifts into a rhinoceros and begins tossing ally and foe alike out of his way, it charges, horn towards the wolf as she notches another arrow. A black she-wolf in dark iron knocks her away and stabs the charging rhino with a spear of iron and wood. No blood falls from the rhino as bright sunlight shines through his wound. The rhino grabs the spear, lifts the she-wolf into the air and slams the shaft down. Her body limp in the grass, her blood painting the yellowed plants crimson.
“Khakar!” A black cougar screams approaching him with a sword of gold and diamond, her black robe falls away to reveal armor of platinum.
The red armored hippo shifts form again to a four armed female wolf. It snarls and lunges upon the cougar with her sword tip aimed at the heart. The cougar charges forward, tackling the wolf mid-lunge, her blade cuts through one arm. The wolf yelps and draws her dagger; plunging the blade into the side of the feline.
“Niva!” The red wolf snarls, lifting the injured cougar .
The cougar cries out in panic as the wolf quickly brings her back down to the ground. An arrow lodges into the three armed she-wolf, the wolf slams the heel of her boot onto the cougar’s throat; snarling as it shifts form again. Green leather hide replace gray fur as the snout lengthens sprouting more teeth, a second pair of eyes grow from the hide. An axe of bone is pulled from the chest as a hiss echoes.
His eyes lock onto the golden wolf, and marches forward, hacking at those foolish enough to attack. Three charge him, the axe of bone hacks through the steel helmet of the wolf attacker. A polar bear swings his mace downward, the crocodile catches the white wrist with a single hand. A hiss builds as the axe separates the bear’s arm at the elbow. The third attacker, a small black rabbit, thrusts his sword into the thick hide of the crocodile.
Dropping the arm, the four eyed beast wraps a hand around the rabbit’s throat. The sword falls away from the crocodile, a bright ray of sunlight from the wound. Kicking with all his might, the rabbit tries to escape as the red armored reptile opens its maw. Begging for life, the rabbit struggles harder to no avail. The teeth clamp down on the rabbit’s head, the force of the jaws crush the small skull; leaving a limp body dangling from the his teeth. The crimson flows down the throat, hidden beneath the red armor.
“Cryel!” The crocodile hisses as he sprints across the once golden field.
The golden furred she-wolf slowly backs away as the crocodile approaches. Her arrows bouncing off of the armor. She notches another arrow, a small field mouse on platinum armor climbs atop.
“Shoot me!” She says holding her tiny blade.
“Sister, I cannot risk it.” The wolf says now retreating from the large reptile chasing .
The crocodile hisses, stops his pursuit, and wraps both hands around the hilt. Raising the axe to behind his head, the crocodile throws it at the two. The she-wolf falls as the blade chops through her right ankle.
“Do it!” The mouse commands.
The injured wolf groans and faces the now charging elephant. She notches her arrow and aims between the eyes of the giant. The mouse climbs atop and flies with the arrow. The arrow breaks on his skin, but the mouse now rides the elephant. She hold tight to his eyebrow and stabs into the large eye. The elephant trumpets, barely missing the injured she-wolf. The mouse carves her way inside as the elephant shifts form again. The mouse loses her grasp and tumbles out. The lion catches her mid-fall and swallows her whole.
The lion roars once more as the sun’s power sends all to the ground in a bright flash of light. The moans of the tired rebels and cultists echo as the lion grabs the injured she-wolf by the scruff of her neck.
“Akan der Niva! Cryel vi shya!” he roars gaining the attention of the soldiers around.
His left hands claws come out; he rests them against her throat as she struggles to move them away. They pierce through her skin and pull upwards until he catches bone. The she-wolf cries out as he begins pulling her head away from her body.
“Husband! Please!” she begs, trying to escape his grasp, “Khakar! No!”
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