theblacktortoise · 11 years
            "This network of ninjas is starting to look more like a support group than enemies and alliances."
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
            "My words enter the mind, but not the ear."
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
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a compelling tale
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
       ”A valuable brain with no soul. For all his intellect, his lack of individuality will drown his name in oblivion, regardless of the magnitude of his achievements. Such people have their accomplishments remembered, but without a memorable personality to attribute it to, history will only recall the act.”
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
"I’ve never met the man personally. But I find him very suspect. He resembles the fox child far more than either of his parents do…”
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
; send me a url and i'll talk about them
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
       "What is it in those with no feelings that causes people to hiss?” he countered, ignoring her question.
"Why are you so angry?"
"Angry? I don’t feel. Besides, what’s it to you?" She hissed. "And who are you, anyway?"
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
Break the ice; have our muses interact!
This includes not only if our characters haven’t met yet, but even if they already have.
"Are you lost?"  'And you are?” "Who are you?" "I don’t think we’ve met." "How old are you?" "How long have you been there?" "Can I trust you?" "Who do you think you are?" "Are you wearing my clothes…?" "You’re cute."  "Would you like to go on a date with me?" "People are watching." "Be Careful!" "Help me!" "I’ve got bad news."  "Hate to  break it to you.. but ___ is dead."  "I will never forgive you." "I’m sorry…" "Why are you so angry?"  "Just kill me!" "This is where it ends." "Victory!"  "Stay close!" "Watch it!" "Why don’t you hate me?!"  "You can’t just give up… not now!"
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
      So basically, the best Han interpretation I've ever seen. Your Han has a lot of interesting facets. Dry logic without the blinding veil of pride. A down to earth pragmatic view on all things. But who pulls the strings on this wanderer?
    If you do not yet have someone for that, I could introduce to your character some delicious moral quandaries to tackle, experience, and grow from. Your character and mine would get along greatly, I believe.
What stands between you and destroying everyone? What stands between you and destroying yourself? A begrudging commitment to life?
I was going to answer in character, but it’s easier to explain ooc, because Han wouldn’t admit his reasons anyway. 
Basically, he remains alive and avoids killing people because he has a purpose. So long as people give him commands, he has a purpose to his life. He accepts his position and his place as a jinchuriki, though he hates it. 
But if he killed everyone, if he rebelled against his purpose, then he is nothing. His entire existence is empty, meaningless. 
A weapon isn’t of any use unless it is used. It does not complain about how it is used; it simply allows itself to be used. 
Han considers himself a weapon, and if he killed his wielder he would have no reason to exist. 
And so, Han simply waits to be used, as a good weapon does. 
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
          "Women, always the weakness..."
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
"I don't think that is true. A real terror evokes a fear that is stronger than a mere self preservation instinct. You underestimate the insecure, Mr. Swordsman." The nondescript masked man humored the traveler, noting that power did not always come from intellect. "Fear the man with a clear cut plan and the will to see it through, I say."
How unsettling it must be for an employer to pay a man like you for your services. To someone who controls the world around them with money, a man with his own ideas and no way to buy his values out must be very threatening indeed.
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"They know what they’re getting into when they come to me with an offer. But you’re right, I can’t be bought… You’re wrong on one part though.” Zabuza tapped the hilt of the Danto. “Eight feet of cold iron is much more threatening.”
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
I greatly want to use masked Menma as an avatar for my character, but I'm sure I will constantly be confused for him. What to do, what to do.
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
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whoop people i just downloaded 3d pokemon sprites like those:
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reblog and i’ll put a random sprite (which fits to your blog) in your submit box
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
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i want
an explanation X
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
(( Hi! Thanks for the follow. Do you mind if I ask what you mean when you say 'Only the thick skinned should follow you'? If you don't mind me asking. ))
((My morals are lacking in certain areas. So interactions with me are not always flowery. Does that make sense?))
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
Making friends is nice, but it would be much more rewarding to make good enemies....
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theblacktortoise · 11 years
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(See this thing? YEAH.
I Thought it was wise to fight Zexion’s absent silhouette. At level 18.
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