thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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new start
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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albumart no.3
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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#sketches 5 it took a few to get somewhere
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
empty canvas 2
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a representation of frustration, confusion and loneliness worked out through a painting this is the first painting I’ve ever done that I’ve knowingly been working out feelings while working on it I actually only work on it when I’m painting through feelings and I’m letting those feelings lead me to where this painting will eventually lead me so basically I’m not exactly sure where this…
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
empty canvas
creating for myself is easy creating for someone else is when it gets hard. I guess it’s because I then have to think like someone else and I wonder if that’s the wrong way to think about it but it’s the only way I can think about it because I then remove myself away from the project completely and I then lose interest in something I have real passion for, but I also realize this is something I…
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
where we are
i just wanna patio with a view where we take time off from whatever project we’re working on and we just enjoy a drink and smoke and we think about where we are with each other words don’t necessarily have to be exchanged but we’re still linked knowing we are where we are and we’re happy with wherever the future moves us because we only have the present and the present is where we both want to be
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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tomorrow’s dinner
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
Thanos I do think I understand
Thanos I do think I understand
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I’m reading the infinity gauntlet for the first time after seeing the movie and about halfway through  I’ll admit I kinda like the movie better, it seems the movie was kinda like a prequel to what actually happened which is probably why “Infinity Wars” is actually the title. But the Thanos in the book is actually just as relatable as he is in the movie even if his motivation is slightly…
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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it can’t be all bad sometimes I talk with friends sometimes I talk with strangers at bars and two things Are always constant, I either have a conversation about race or I find myself in a conversation about how social media is ruining everything.
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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it’s a vibe vol.1: art day it's Saturday and your just staying in and doing some barefoot cleaning or if your me your putting some work in with your craft and working on some art or maybe you want some background music while you play the game especially a game where you do nothing like "No Man's Sky" or sometimes for me it's "Skyrim" then this is the playlist to just put on shuffle and just let play, featuring SZA, Janelle Monae, Solange, Amy Winehouse, Haim, and others.
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/willylotion/playlist/3NMq0g7zPIFBWVsZssumgv?si=sveHwexETbWFQzp0SCX4xg)
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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Style in Simplicity [Visualized]
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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now with a signature
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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one of the greatest songs of all time that people forget
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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stupid things you notice
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thecoolhabit-blog · 6 years
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60 days in is actually a pretty fun show
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