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Created a Dining Hall based on the different LGBT+ flags! I unfortunately couldn’t fit every different flag, due to both Minecraft’s camera limitations and Minecraft’s 16-color limitation. Dedicated to @prideknights and their wonderful blog!
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i constantly feel like i'm faking it and just, there are actually a lot of possible reasons i could be and. what if i'm actuslly just a fucking chaser who just put on some fancy labels to get inckuded and to bypass all the wards against this sorr of thing and get close enough to people to prey on them. ehat if i'm just making myself just barely lgbt enough to steal some of all the validation flying around and to get more positivity thsn i deserve and
Hey, friend! I’m going to let you in on a secret that I don’t think we talk about quite enough.
People who are faking their identity 100% absolutely know they are faking it because they are purposefully choosing to fake for whatever reason!
Wondering if you’re faking it? Confused if you’re valid? Full of self-doubt over who you really are? Feel maybe you are nonbinary (or another lgbt+ identity) but are nonbinary to a “lesser” degree than others?
You’re not faking it!!!
This doubt and self-gaslighting is the result of living in a cis(hetero)normative society that insists it’s completely logical to gender babies at birth based on their external body parts and this identification should somehow rule how they are treated and should act for their whole life. This doubt and self-gaslighting is the result of trans erasure, gatekeeping, and identity policing prevalent in a society that insists “trans people don’t exist!!!” and when we fight back only gives a little to “okay, I guess trans people can exist, but only if they exist in one certain, hyperconforming way and don’t draw attention to themselves and do everything they can to make ME feel comfortable about their personal identity”). This doubt and self-gaslighting is a result of anti-trans beliefs rampant in society that we are all inundated with from birth.
You do not have to prove your identity. You do not have to earn positivity or validation. You do not have to pass a test or meet a certain standard to belong. Simply by being, you are valid. Simply by being, you deserve the positivity. Simply by needing them, you deserve the resources.
Validation and positivity does not exhaust. This is not a line at a deli where you take a number and have to wait your turn and if you miss it, have to get a new ticket. Validation and positivity is for whoever needs to hear it at that moment. The impact of validation and positivity doesn’t wear off on the 500th person to have needed to hear those words that day.
You are not stealing anything.
You belong.
You are valid.
You matter.
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I want some cuddles 😫🏳️‍🌈
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Mindfulness can be useful for literally E V E R Y O N E, but I found it particularly helpful for anxiety– this exercise got me out of the house and functioning again.   °˖✧*•  Shop, Patreon, Book, Mailing List *•. ✧˖°`
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psa to pet owners from a certified nutritionist
please consider NOT pouring your dog or cat’s kibble directly into a plastic container for storage. the oils and fats in the food oxidize quicker than you’d imagine, get into the plastic, and become rancid. this badness then creeps into new food you pour in! i won’t get into all the scientific terms right this sec, but it can cause cancer and other major issues
ideally, kibble will be kept sealed IN the bag you buy it in (chip clips are your friends). the bags are designed to keep all the good juices inside. you CAN put the bag in a metal or glass container if you wish. HOWEVER, any bag of dry food WILL oxidize and start to go bad in 2-3 weeks once opened! that’s right, stop buying jumbo bags for small dogs\only one dog. buy lots of smaller bags if you want but please don’t open them until you need that food. to all the people wondering why their dogs get tired of their food by the end of a bag or start to get sick, this is why. the entire chemical makeup of the food has changed.
i’ll save all the things i Could say about what should and shouldn’t be in your pets kibble for another post, maybe, or for anyone who has questions just hmu. i’m here to help the floofs be healthy 
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First ever image of a black hole.
Released in 10th of April, 2019, this picture shows one of the heaviest black holes known, which is at the heart of distant galaxy, Messier 87, 500 million trillion km away. Black hole is larger than the size of our entire Solar System and it’s mass 6.5 billion times that of the Sun.
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The word, queerbaiting, refers to a very specific concept that, while it was more popular in the 2000s and early 2010s, is still happening. However, in the past couple of years, I’ve seen some confusion on its definition that has resulted in people using it to mean anything from bad rep to “this canon relationship isn’t getting as much screen time as I want it to” to “they made a different character gay than the one I was hoping for.” None of those things are actually queerbaiting, so I made this guide to the lingo around queer rep in media. 
Queerbaiting: Intentionally leading queer viewers to believe your media is going to have queer rep to draw in their money when your full intention is for the characters to be straight/cis. This is often accompanied by other characters in universe making jokes about or assuming that the characters in question are together, creators making ambiguous statements about the future of the relationship, and/or people who were involved confirming after the fact that it was intentional. Always malicious. Always bad. Examples: Destiel, Johnlock, Swan Queen, Rizzles
Queercoding: When a character has personality traits or a narrative arc that makes them look queer but isn’t explicitly so. Can be intentional or unintentional. Can be malicious if intentionally done only to villains or if accomplished through popular harmful stereotypes. Can also be the result of a creator wanting to make a character queer but not being able to. Can be bad, but isn’t always (or even usually). Examples: Elsa, Jake Peralta, Remus Lupin, Holtzmann, Trini in Power Rangers (2017), most Disney renaissance-era villains
Ship Tease: Intentionally giving two characters scenes that are romantic in tone for the purpose of setting up a relationship in the future that you intend to follow through on. Only bad if the relationship itself makes the characters bad rep (i.e. abuse is painted as romantic). Examples: ThunderGrace, Korrasami, Britanna, Klaine, Simon/Bram and Leah/Abby
Queer Subtext: When two characters have scenes together that seem romantic in tone. Can be intentional or unintentional. Can be a result of queerbaiting or a creator wanting to show the two characters in a relationship but not being able to. Can also be ship tease if the sexuality of the characters has not yet been stated, but only refers to pairings where at least one character isn’t currently explicitly queer. Very broad concept that can be good or bad depending on the situation. Examples: Xena/Gabrielle, Bering & Wells, Supercorp, Elphaba/Glinda, Eleanor/Tahani, Bubbline prior to being confirmed
Fanon:  A headcanon about a character that a large portion of a fandom accepts. Is sometimes even so widely accepted that some people think it’s canon. Name comes from fandom+canon. Can result from queercoding or queer subtext, but does not have to have a basis in canon at all. This can occur with a character who is not explicitly queer or with a character who is but does not have a defined identity. Examples: Azula is gay, Pidge is trans, Steve Rogers is bi
Bad Rep: A character is explicitly queer, but is for whatever reason bad representation of the community they are supposed to belong to. Can result from the character’s actions (predatory lesbian/bisexual cheater tropes) or from things that happen to them (byg). Malicious if intentional, but always bad. Mutually exclusive with queerbaiting and queercoding because it requires the character to be explicitly queer. Examples: Shiro, Dumbledore, Sherlock’s Irene Adler
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-flux and -fluid gender identities...what’s the difference?
Here’s the short answer: 
“-flux” suffixed genders (examples include genderflux, girlflux, etc.) are based on the intensity of the feeling of your gender(s).
“-fluid” suffixed genders (examples include genderfluid, femfluid, etc.) are based on feeling different genders that change over time.
Here’s the long answer:
Gender identity labels that use the “-flux” suffix means that you are using a specific gender label, and modifying it to clarify that the intensity of your gender changes. You “slide on a scale” in a way from whatever your original identity is (female, androgyne, male, anything besides agender) and the feeling of having no gender, otherwise known as agender. The genderflux label is the most simple way to describe it:
Genderflux: the feeling of your gender fluctuating in intensity; like genderfluid but between one gender and agender
Here’s an example: Maria identifies as a demigirl. Maria uses she/they pronouns. Some days she feels very female, other days she feels less female, and some days they feel like they have no gender at all. The intensity of Maria’s “female” gender varies from day to day. Her week, for example, could look like this:
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(I made this super late at night on MS paint don’t hate me)
Gender identity labels that use the “-fluid” suffix generally mean you experience two or more genders and change between them, though it is possible to feel them simultaneously sometimes. It can be any number of genders and any label (agender, male, female, nonbinary, polygender, bigender, androgyne, etc.), but they change over time. The genderfluid label is the most simple way to describe it: 
Genderfluid: the feeling of fluidity within your gender identity; feeling a different gender as time passes or as situations change; not restricted to any number of genders
Here’s an example: Kai identifies as genderfluid. Kai uses any pronouns. Kai has experienced feeling male, androgyne, agender, and egogender, and their label changes on a daily basis depending on how they feel at that time. Their Monday, for example, could look like this:
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(I also made this graphic super late yikes) I hope this helped! 
~ Wren
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Hopelessly in love
Like that’s it, I’m hopelessly in love...
With a straight girl
Ha ha ha
*Lays in lonely
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P.S; Why the heck do I still hold out hope????
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Sometimes I dress like a 23 year old :)
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i’ma wife this bitch up
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This is true for anyone really...
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Me 24/7
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I’m not crying, you’re crying
The fact that nobody is talking about Secret’s new commercials pisses me off
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Reblogging to help
hey, do you want to see something cool that makes writing things on google docs a lot easier?
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Google Docs Add-ons.
All you gotta do is open ‘Add-ons’ in a document and select ‘Get add-ons’.
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You can then click on any add-on on the opening page to install it in your Google Docs account, as well as search for more to install in the “search add-ons” bar.
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It will have you confirm your account and will then return to whatever document you had open. Typically, add-ons will install in seconds and then notify you that the installation process is done.
To access an add-on, open the ‘Add-ons’ tab and find the add-on you installed. 
For an example, let’s say that I just installed the EasyBib add-on, which would let me open EasyBib (a bibliography/citation creator) directly in Google Docs and would save me a lot of time whenever I wrote research papers. To access the Easy Bib add-on, I would go to the ‘Add-ons’ tab, select ‘EasyBib Bibliography Creator’, and click on “Manage Bibliography”.
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This sidebar would open.
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I could then select what sort of media I am citing and what format I want to cite it in, just like on easybib.com, only so much more conveniently. If you’re like me and prefer to hyperfocus on content in one tab instead of content in five separate tabs, this can help you stay on task.
There are also add-ons for accented letters, speech-to-text, Google Translate, formatting shortcuts, clip art, and more.
In conclusion, I am a slut for Google Docs add-ons.
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