Reblog This If Shipping an OC Muse with a Canon Muse is Okay and isn’t Problematic
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Hey! I'll get to writing those starters tonight! Meant to do them last night but I missed my bus and it's impossible to look at abouts on mobile without the actual link (for some. Stupid fucking reason.)
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Jupiter didn't seem at all annoyed that he was lifted and moved. He had, in fact, bust in here the moment he'd heard the god there without thinking at all, and though he laughed at the pitiful attacks, one can't talk well if they have to shout over them, right?
While shooing the pixies away from him, Jupiter flicked his other hand to bring the pixies he'd crushed back, hoping that his powers at least worked here. Was this his realm? Looked like it. His had more blue. More goats. In fact, he thought it quite boring without some goats around, but before he could attempt to conjure some, that old mortal side of himself tugged at his mind and he sighed. He just really wanted that goat...
And then he realized again where he was, and pounded his fists once into the wood of the table. "I only came because--well. Why did I come?" Jupiter looked away, clearing his throat and stroking his chin. "Right!" He snapped his fingers. "You disappeared so suddenly I never got to ask you anything!" Or smack him for screwing around when all doom was happening, but he didn't think this God would know that. And he remembered the other guy who'd punched him all those years ago...
"So when I heard you were around, I thought, why don't we talk? Mad God to uh...mad...god?"
Jupiter sprawled out on the nearest flat surface--the table, it seems, with his head propped up in his hand and an odd sort of sadness in his blank eyes. With a wicked he waves to the Mad God. "Sorry, not sorry, for the sudden entrance but I haven't seen you in 200 years, it feels. Is that really you?"
The intrusion really was a bit sudden, so thought the Madgod and his guests. Though, the guests may not have thought much of it, most of them being crushed under the weight of the suddenly apparated Mer. The rest of the pixies present screamed, most running, some trying to attack Jupiter.
The Madgod sighe (if it at all could have been called a sigh and not a chuckle), putting down his drink and helping the lying Champion up - albeit by levitating him upwards and onto a chair.
“Appology taken - and not. More literally than you may have liked. Help resuscitate, will you?” he gestured over to the crushed pixies on the dinner table. “One wonders why ever they climb on top of the wood, really. Pleasure, mayhaps? Is that the reason why you have decided to come at least?”
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If you want a starter like this please! I'll RP with just about anyone!
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ok, but your otp being cute and domestic as fuck:
hoarse “good morning”s whispered in the soft dawn light, hands clumsily finding each other through the haze of sleep
sprawled out on the couch together, marathoning so-bad-theyre-good sci-fi movies, flicking popcorn at each other to try to catch in their mouths at commercial breaks
dancing on hardwood floors in fuzzy socks, catching one another when they slide too far (the tall one stopping to argue- “you’re wearing my socks” “no i’m not” “they come up to your knees!” “… that proves nothing”)
curled under a shared blanket on the couch, watching scary movies far later than advisable, clinging tighter to one another at each jumpscare
cooking dinner together, stealing kisses as payment for anything and everything (”i need to get into that cabinet” “it’ll cost you~” / “hey can you pass the celery” “mmmmaybe”)
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→ ❝THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM sentence starters❞
“Only cowards hunt animals. True game walks on two legs.”
“What is better — to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”
“Eyes open. Walk with the shadows.” 
“I have done nothing to earn your distrust.” 
“Power is inert without action and choice.”
“I presume you’ve already seen some of what I’ve accomplished. There is so, so much more to be done.”
“Perhaps we should find a random stranger to murder. Practice does make perfect.” 
“Heard about you and your honeyed words.” 
“I fight because I must.” 
“Arrogance will serve you poorly.”
“You stink of death, my friend. I salute you.” 
“There is murder in the air. I can taste it.” 
“My favorite drinking buddy! Let’s get some mead.” 
“Do you need all your toes? I could really use a fresh toe for… never mind.” 
“Of course you can buy me a drink! You didn’t need to say a word, but I heard you loud and clear.”
“Prophecy tells what may be, not what should be.”
“You are in my power here.”
“Running a little light in the pockets, eh?” 
“My blade thirsts for your blood.”
“I once got set on fire by a sorcerer. Nasty business.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the magic!” 
“I trust that this is just the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial relationship.”
“You will push the world harder than it pushes back.”
“I know your kind, always sneaking about.”
“Perhaps you aren’t as powerful as you think.” 
“Fight well, don’t be a lout, and you’ll be fine.”
“Nice place. I never knew you were so wealthy.”
“You would shut out the darkness?!” 
“Look at that. Am I drunk? I must be drunk.”
“You’re not a threat… merely an annoyance.” 
“Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains.”
“You’re losing a lot of blood. Maybe you should sit down for a moment.”
“Get out of here before I toss you out.” 
“Good luck with your… um, murders.”
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"Samati was never born in the jungles... I come from Cyrodiil, with a nomadic bunch of Khajiit who are proud and sturdy. Though, I do want to travel to our homeland sometime. Maybe before I pass. But being a dragonborn, will the Nords even let me go?" Samati snorted, picking through a box of various metals she had found. "Samati will fight them all if they try."
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"How often do you think Braith and Dangy fight? Too much. Toooo fucking much. Before I even came into the picture I'd be stopping their arguments. Or Irileth would. I kinda wonder who might actually win if we let them keep going..."
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I slammed a bunch of Skyrim folks into my Pokemon world lmao. It's relevant to post this haha.
It's Talos! The patron god of a very isolated island.
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Be strong for war. Be bold against enemies and evil, and defend the people of Tamriel
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On one hand, Aleya wasn't very unsettled or uncomfortable by the fact that she was one of the dragonborn. She was however, on the other hand, totally psyched about it. She'd grown up learning stories about Talos and the Voice, the graybeards, and wasn't sure if she'd be able to live up to the name. After all, she was just a Nord from Winterhold with a large family. But she was also a guard of Whiterun, wife of the jarl, with three kids, and just recently completed a journey through Cyrodil. Not to mention a few tiny secrets of her. This new shout thing she did was just another on the list of things she was--but also added things she wasn't. She couldn't simply be a regular Nord anymore. She was unable to see her family as often. More people looked up to her than she was comfortable with. The blades constantly tried to get into her business, and sometimes she just needed to spend time at home, or out in a dungeon smashing the head of a draugr. Which was exactly what she was doing. With a shout she brought her axe down, splitting the head of the zombie in her way. Aleya had heard there was a sort of treasure in this cave, possibly a burial site. There were fewer corpses than typical of dungeons like these, but she'd rather be facing that than a dragon. Aleya reached down to snag the gold off the skeleton's belt and stashed it in her own pack to continue on her way down the tunnel. In one hand was a torch, the other her axe.
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The Elder Scrolls RP Secret Santa
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Attention, roleplayers! Would anyone be interested in a little fandom secret santa exchange?? If so, REBLOG this post, or message me directly @whadosendhelp. Participation deadline is the 10th of December, 2016. 
All participating URLs via random generator, and all participants will receive an anonymous message with the URL of their secret santa no later than the 12th (so please have anons enabled, even if it’s just for that day). That will give you two weeks to find the perfect gift for your secret santa; fan art, photosets, maybe a little drabble about their characters… anything you want!!
This event is welcome to any roleplayers who’d like to participate, but it is intended for TES roleplay blogs (fandomless OCs okay, but please have at least an Elder Scrolls verse)
Please have pertinent information on your muses easily available on your blog 
Please keep your Secret Saturalia gifting SFW
If there’s any problem with the secret santa URL you receive, don’t hesitate to message me and I’ll match you up with a different roleplayer Please spread the word! Happy Saturalia!
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Hey hey if you want a starter or want to chat out a plot or something I'm game 👌👌
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Are you gay or straight ?
im stressed
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For a brief moment in the travels of the group, and all of the fighting of the dragons, Jupiter found himself flitting about alone in one of the big cities. Solitude, of course, because it was the closest to the path home, and because he kind of just knew it the best. Him, the khajiit, and the nord had just traveled through a dungeon, cave, however you want to put it, and he stayed behind because he needed a break.
Which was just him being over dramatic, but he did feel drawn back to Solitude every now and then to sort of...recharge, was the only way he could put it. It left him tired but rather restless, so he began to wander around, following the sounds of fighting warriors. Jupiter wasn’t sure if he’d be allowed in their little battlefield where they trained against dummies and each other, but he went in anyway, because no one could tell him what to do.
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“That’s why most people leave,” Aleya said quietly, “and I’ve expected my family’s since moved on from there. I haven’t had much time to go and check myself, I’ve been dealing with...uh...things.” She wasn’t sure yet if she should be talking about her newfound dragonborn abilities. It hadn’t been quite long, and she’d rather not cause anymore ruckus than she had already, drunk or not. 
Laughing, Aleya waved her hand dismissively and smiled at her. “Were they the ones to the northwest? I heard there was a group that got wiped out by a giant around there as well.”
“The only thing pleasant about that frozen crater is the college.” Lyara picked up a mudcrab claw and cracked it in her fist. Despite having a small stature, her beast blood gave her the strength of a dozen men. “I traveled there once. It was cold and the inhabitants were miserable. Didn’t stay there for long…game was scarce.”
She eyed the plate of sweetrolls with a look of uncertainty before shrugging and plucking one from the silver plate. Perhaps her moon-sister wasn’t so bad after all. She was brash and couldn’t hold her drink, but she was pleasant enough and talkative. “Not many stories to tell. But I did hunt down a group of bandits that attacked a khajiit caravan.” 
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Her eyes sparkled and she almost completely forgot by now that she had been singing, or was even going to get a new quest from Brynjolf. A grin spread across her face. “What sorts of things have you found?” she asked, clasping her furry hands together. 
She thought back to her friend Aleya, who would have smacked her upside the head by now, but Aleya wasn’t here, was she? Nope. Shinzu’s grin only grew wider. “Is there anything round and shiny? Shinzu loves taking round shiny things.” Of course, she wouldn’t try stealing from him, she never stole from a part of the family, but she was curious nonetheless. “Are they from your other guild? Like. You picked them up there? Didn’t know other guilds existed...”
Riacil shot her a friendly smile. “Hello! Yes, that was me. I’ve heard the song so often, it’s been stuck in my head for days.”
He pushed himself off the wall to pick up his bag. “I’m Riacil, and yeah I’m new here. I was at another Thieves Guild before, different branch of the business you could say. Moved up North for assorted reasons. I’ve been in here a few times, but we haven’t met yet.”
He set out to sling the makeshift bundle across his shoulder but decided against it and instead held it in a clumsier but more secure grip. “Got some things I found on the street that want new owners.”
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