thefamilynexus-blog · 7 years
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Aren’t they cute? I did some very stylistic doodles of Dr. Mann while in the lab. I had a little free time on my hands so I figured, hey, why not? I hope he finds them to be endearing! ~Gray
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thefamilynexus-blog · 7 years
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Luscious is teaching me how to draw and I was practicing during the day! I drew him and myself, mostly. A couple tiny doodles of uncle Carlisle and lady Julia. <3 ~Nailene
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thefamilynexus-blog · 7 years
This is what I live by, believe and feel
Be nice to people. There's no need to call anyone bad names or insult people. If you don't agree and you feel the need to argue, do it civilly and without name calling. If someone is being an ass, don't be one back; be kind and gentle. I can't say I always follow this(I do get heated at my sister and stoplights at times) but in every other instance, I do my best to live by this. Now, you can believe what you want and do what you want, these are just suggestions. You are by no means required to do anything I say. All I want is for people to be humans and for humans to be nice. Be understanding; take time to imagine yourself in your enemy's/disputer's shoes. Don't be quick to anger. Don't be quick to judge. Don't condemn someone because of their actions, beliefs, attitude, or anything else. Don't hate. I don't mean that in the cliche "don't hate on me, man" kind of way. I mean, "don't hate." Don't hate people who walk slow in front of you when you're in a hurry. Don't hate people who disagree with you. Don't hate people that say bad things about you or those you care about. Don't hate criminals. Don't hate politicians. Don't hate people who destroy the Earth. Don't hate the people who hit on get too friendly with your biggest crush. Hate isn't a good thing. It's a weakness. Don't hate yourself for feeling anger or hatred towards others. No one is perfect. Do your best and keep trying. Don't feel bad when you slip up, you can always do better next time. Love nature. I'm unashamed about my passions. I love the world. I wish everyone did. I wish we all used clean energy and were all super environmentally friendly. For whatever argument, I don't like that we aren't completely green. Whether it be from greed, lack of funding, or just the stubbornness to agree with the other political party. Whatever the reason may be, I don't think that any argument can be more important that the wellbeing of our home. Everything we have to gain comes from the environment. We can't make anything without it. Wouldn't it make sense to protect it at whatever cost? In the long run, that would fuel economy. We would make money. Even if it wasn't for a long time, is it not worth it to have an Earth that is clean and full of diverse life? I want to be unafraid of the future. I want to live in a world that isn't on a runway to destruction. I want to feel secure about the fate of my grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on. Don't you? I can imagine a lot of people reading that and turning up their noses in disgust, but I don't mind. I hope they keep reading. If you are and you do feel that way, I just want you to know that I don't hate you either. I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, I'm asking that you open your eyes to see beyond what you're normally used to knowing. Just because a lot of people say that the world is fine, doesn't mean it is. We lie to one another all the time. I just want you to take a look at the truth. That sounds kind of condescending, but please know that I don't mean to be. I really do want others to take what I have to say seriously. I don't want to turn anyone away because I've upset them. I don't just want to reach those who share the same ideas as me; I want to persuade those with opposing viewpoints to see things a different way. That's why I don't want to be rude or coarse. How are you going to change someone's mind by coming up with elaborate ways to insult them? Anyway. It's getting late and I should sleep. I might continue this later. Goodnight.
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thefamilynexus-blog · 7 years
Person A: Fuck you!
Person B: When and where?😉
Person A: No, seriously! FUCK YOU!
person B: Yeah, and I said WHEN and fucking WHERE!!
Person B: So,... my room my room in ten?
Person A: ...
person B: ..?
Person A: Fuck it, yes!
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Oh my gosh. I have this Goosebumps puzzle! My big sister and I used to work on it. It was so fun.
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
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The Road Not Taken 
Short Story
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Luscious. Were you ever a teacher? ~Tristan
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
How often is my uncle going to let him out of his cell? ~Nailene
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But What If I Got A Boyfriend?
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
*knock knock* Luscious and Carlisle. ~Tristan
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I still question why I find this so funny…
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Yo. Tristan and Mann!!! ~Luscious
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Why Dental Floss Doesn’t Get Invited To Parties
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Oh my great sandpapery cocktail! I FEEL THE COMPULSION TO WRITE CREEPING ON ME! But I must study! Curses!!! ~Her
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The Count Down Clock To Your Soulmate
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
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Check our Facebook Page
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Luscious Journal Entry 1
I am trying my best. It’s just so hard. Like me... She makes me so... Fuck. I wish I didn’t have to deal with this. I just can’t help it... She is so... beautiful. I just want a little time with her... Oh, God... That would be nice.  Shit! No. Stop it!  I know it’s wrong. I know that and yet I can’t keep my mind from going to places it shouldn’t. I guess that’s why I’m in therapy, though... This is going to much harder than I thought...  The doctor already doesn’t like me and I’ve only been here a couple weeks. He’s seen me looking at his niece. I know he has. Anytime I can, I’m practically drooling over her. That long, blonde hair. Those amazingly blue eyes. Those tiny hands. Her mouth. Her body.... Whenever I see her, I just get so riled up. I want to hold her and kiss her and touch her and-- Damnit. There I go again. I have to stop doing that...  I don’t imagine my infatuation with his niece has gotten me too many brownie points with the doctor... Besides that, I have a feeling he just doesn’t like pedophiles very much. Not that that is unusual.... Most people hate pedophiles... Forgetting that they are people too.  Yeah. Believe it or not, I’m not just some disgusting pervert who lives to fuck little girls... I have hobbies and a life. Well. I had a life. When my brother caught me with his daughter, my entire family stopped talking to me and everyone soon knew of my... weaknesses... I lost my job quicker than you can say “fuck me up the ass with a rusty chainsaw.” So all that really blew... Where was I? Oh yes. I’m a person too.  Now... I’m not condoning pedophilia... But I’d be a hypocrite to say otherwise... I know it’s wrong. At least, that’s what society says. And I have been trying me damnest to get better. It’s just not the simplest thing--believe it or not--to not find something attractive. It’s like saying, “You can’t look at a cake and want to take a bite.” How the Hell is that supposed to be easy? Anyway. I suppose I should go now. It’s getting quite late.
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Luscious’s weakness
Luscious sat in his brother's living room with his brother, sister-in-law and her brother. They were politely conversing amongst themselves when Luscious's 9-year-old niece, Marie, came in with a frown on her lips. Luscious's pulse quickened every so slightly at her arrival and he shifted to the edge of his chair.  
"What's wrong, pumpkin?" Her mother inquired.
Marie's response was a sniffle as she rushed into her mother arms. She stroked her daughter's hair and Luscious continued to watch the girl intently. Marie lifted her leg and displayed a small cut. A round of sympathetic calls filled the den.
"What happened?" Cooed Marie's father.
"My leg ran into a nail sticking out of my drawing table."
Luscious let out an incredulous gasp and stood up from his seat.
"Where is this fiendish little-girl-biter? Show me at once, my little princess."
A warm hue filled Marie's cheeks and she rolled off her mother's lap. Her fingers locked with her uncle's and she drew him towards her room. Once there, she directed him to the assailant. He couldn't help but run his eyes over her as she bent down to point out the nail. She had recently taken up ballet. A fortunate circumstance for Luscious; she often wore her tightly fitted leotards, leaving little to the imagination.
"Well now. Let me go get some tools."
Luscious left momentarily and returned a minute later with an assortment of tools, namely a hammer. He went to work on the nail and made sure there were no other nails that could scrape his niece's legs. While under the table, he took advantage of the view of Marie, hindering his progress but he was in no hurry. Finally satisfied, he retreated from the desk and stood up, resting the tools on the table. He quickly glanced to the open door then back at Marie. His heart was rapid with anticipation.  
Luscious looked at Marie and smiled.
"Now how about we clean up that leg, hm?"
Rather than lead her, he swooped her up into his large arms and carried her. Much to his satisfaction, she burst into joyous laughter. It was a very simple task; even for a 9-year-old, Marie was rather petit—just how Luscious liked his little girls.  
Luscious sat her gently on the counter and ran water over her leg. He carefully cleaned her shallow wound. His hands were gentle against her warm skin, going higher than necessary but not yet as high as he would like. Without incident, he finished the cleansing and dressing of her leg. As a final touch, he placed a small kiss upon her cheek. Marie smiled and opened her arms up for him. He gladly obliged, taking her in his arms and carrying her back to her room, being sure to close the door behind them. There he sat her on the edge of her bed.
"Thank you, uncle Luscious."
"You're welcome, Sweety. Anytime."
Luscious sat down beside Marie and rested a hand on her thigh. She looked up at his lustful eyes. She innocently looked into him, unbeknownst that she beheld a dark soul, a soul of evil tendencies and desires.
"Marie, would you like to play a little game?" Luscious had controlled himself thus far but now he was feeling rather bold. He lightly caressed her thigh and shifted closer.
"Good." A mischievous grin crept over Luscious's face. "Now you have to promise not to tell anyone. Ok?"
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Alex, I’ve been mulling around the idea of getting a dog. It’d be nice to have something to love while you’re working. I really do love puppies.
Puppies get big. They shed. They eat things they aren’t supposed to. They get in the way. They are loud. They stink. They are annoying and needy.
I call all dogs puppies because they are babies to me. Some breeds don’t shed. I’m loud and I get in the way,
You’re beautiful and perfect. You don’t get in my way. 
Can’t we get a dog, Alexander? Please? I miss my puppy. She is gone now. I want a puppy to love and care for and love me. I’m such a dog person. Dogs love me. 
I’ll think about it.
You’re very smart. It shouldn’t take you but a couple seconds to decide.
Then I decide no.
:( But. But. Why? I’m sad now.
How about more sex?
:D Ok! I still want an animal, though.
God dammit.
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thefamilynexus-blog · 8 years
Of the List of Family Members
How dare Luscious be listed as a member of the family, especially a member of MY family! No way am I ok with that pedophile being listed. 
Hey, now. I think that’s a bit harsh, Tristan. After all, who are you one to talk?
You aren’t even related to the family! You’re one of my patients!
Aren’t doctors supposed to show some courtesy to their patients? 
Ah. Well, anyway. Callen isn’t related to the doctor or Gray and he is on the list. What about him?
Callen is a respectable doctor and his “family” at least likes him. He is a good friend and thusly can be grouped in as a part of the family.
Heh heh. Well, Nailene sure does like me~
...What?... What did you just say? I swear to God, if you touch her...
Hey now. I’ve never laid a hand on her. We’re just friends. We talk and I make her things. It’s purely a friendly relationship. Besides, there isn’t much I can do through a door. You know. That one you always keep locked because you’re a paranoid ass.
I keep that door locked to protect her... What do you mean you make her things?
Oh please! Relax, won’t you? I draw her pictures, make her little origami animals. I’m not carving her dildos or giving her roofies or anything. Again, there’s a door in the way. Come on, Tristan. I’ve changed my ways. I keep telling you! When are you going to trust me? I’d like to have some more time outside my room. Nearly everyone else has plenty of free-reign. But no. Keep me in a box all day.
I give you plenty of free-reign.
Sure. But never when Nailene is awake or around. I never get to talk to her in person.
That is the entire purpose of the scheduling. I don’t want you talking to my niece, Luscious.
But it’s not fair to either of us. You know how friendly she is. How much she loves talking to the other patients. I’m sure she would really like to be able to see and talk to her friend without a solid structure in the way once in a while. 
No. And on top of that, I forbid you from talking to her anymore.
Not a good idea, Doc. Your niece really likes me. She might not take that so well. And besides. Think of it as the next step of my therapy. You’re supposed to be helping me get better. I’m sure it would help me in my process. We wouldn’t be alone, of course. You could supervise the whole time. And you have my word that I won’t do, say or even think anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with, honest.
...I suppose... But I still don’t like the idea of you talking to her.
I have done nothing wrong since coming here. I am really trying to change. I just want to get better and I want to spend time with my friend. She makes me feel good.
What do you mean she makes you feel good?!
Woah, woah. Keep your pants on. She makes me feel like a better person. She makes me happy. So have we made an arrangement? Come to a consensus?
....I guess so.... But you’d better not try anything!
I wouldn’t dare~
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