thegoodclones18 · 11 months
Our Sniper PT.12
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Prolog- while you and Eilish became more of good friends you had gotten along with him very well. Soon you learn what Makarov was planning for you when you spied on him to learn a dark truth about what his next plans are.
Warning- swearing
—————————————————————————The next day you woke up to the sound of buzzing and the prison doors open, you rubbed your eyes as you looked across to see Eilish stretching and shaking his head as he got in front] of his cell like all the other prisoners. When rolecall was done everyone did whatever they wanted for a while until breakfast you stretched your arms and legs as Eilish went to you and grabbed your arm “How is it feeling?” He asked as you looked down “Not so bad, I’ve had worse things happen.” You stated and yawned.
After a few moments, people began to head to lunch as you followed along. Eilish grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you to him as he caught some of the prisoners glancing at you “You ok?” you asked as you looked up at him “Hm, oh yeah sorry about that.” He said and let go of your arm as you two got your lunch and sat at an empty table. He would glance around to make sure no prisoners would sta*rt a fight with you again. You continue to eat as you look over to see two prisoners fighting as you watch them and their bloody faces you can see the blood on their knuckles and faces as guards try to pull them off each other. You watched as you ate your food as you began to think about Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and König as you wondered how their mission was going you looked at Eilish who was daydreaming about something as you knew it was best for a person to daydream at a place like this.
Asked König as he entered with some weapon boxes in his arms and sat them in a crate. “Makarov is a dead man.” Said Ghost he glared at Konig as he didn't want to see what was on that photo.
In a warehouse Ghost, Gaz, and König were setting up a base as they had a weapon area near the machines and tanks they were looking at the layout of the Gulage trying to find out how to get you without any alarm or defaults as they looked for an Escape route. As  König and Gaz were talking Ghost was still thinking about slicing Makarov's throat open when he got his hands on him for the things that he had done to you. The thought was cut off when he got a text from someone he looked on his phone to see that it was a group photo with you in it as Ghost had his arm wound your shoulder. He didn’t care about the text as his gaze softened a little as he was trying to keep hope that you were okay. He snapped out of it as he began to feel sorrow and sadness as he shook his head a little and his hardened gaze went back as he looked at the text to see that it was just Price. He unlocked his phone to see what it was 
J.Price - Any new intel on where the escape route can be or how you boys are going to get in? 
Ghost looked at the map looked at the lines that Gaz created took a picture of it, and then sent it to Price as he said that it was read at 12:24 and that he was typing as he looked at the map. his phone vibrates and he looks at the text.
J.Price - Good job 👍 
He rolled his eyes when he saw the emoji turned off his phone and then left the room “Where are you going?” Asked König as Ghost continued to walk “Smoke break” he said bluntly and left the warehouse as he grabbed a cigarette and looked out in the woods to see that it was covered with snow as he took his mask off and rubbed his face. He sighed and put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it as he took it out and blew smoke in the air. His gaze went down to his phone to see Price's message was still there as he leaned on the building and looked at the Messages that he had with you.
Snipe- Sooo Is it bad that I may be in a tree
Me- Hang on Im coming to get you, stay the fuck away from trees you damn squirrel!
Snipe- 🐿️
He smiled a little at the text and continued on skipping a few as it was mostly about a mission or talking shit about people or cadets. He smiled as he saw the images that you would send to him like you flipping off a Drill instructor's back or you holding a lit blow torch near a gas canister when you had to help fix a car. He looked at a recent text message and sighed as his smile faded. 
Snipe- Hey can I ask you something?
Me- What  is it 
Snipe- If we get out of this can you promise me something 
Me- I’m not buying you a dog
Snipe- not that
Me- what is it then 
Snipe- promise me you will do easy on yourself Ghost 
Me- you know I can’t keep that 
Snipe- please Simon, for me and for everyone else we hate seeing you break yourself down and hold back 
Me- I’ll think about it 
He sighed as he saw you type his real name as he can admit he has Been hard on himself lately. He turned off his phone and sighed as he took a drag and finished his cigarette. He didn’t notice the door opening and closing “Needed some time?” Asked König as he took his hood off. “Yeah I’m just ya know,” he said as he crossed his arms “Simon,” said König in a comforting tone. Suddenly Konig was on the ground as he looked up at Ghost who had rage in his eye “Don’t you dare say my name like that agin” barked Ghost as he then went back into the building leaving König confused as he got up and looked at the woods to see a group of bunnies hopping. He sat down on the ground and watched the bunnies as he needed some time to himself to try to calm him down.
As he sat down with the mask in his hand he felt tugging and looked over to see a Bunny with black and grey spots nibbling at his mask he smiled and calmly picked up the bunnie and put it on his lap as he petted the bunnies head trying desperately not to hurt it. He smiled to himself as the bunnie reminded him of you, while people were usually away from him or stayed near him. He looked around and noticed birds flying on a V line and then got up with a bunnie in his arms as he went inside. 
He heard Gaz and Ghost talking as he walked up to them and looked at a map he saw the escape tour that they chose as he was still petting the bunnie “König…. Put the fucking bunnie down” said Ghost as he looked at the bunnie as it was giving Ghost the evil eye. When Ghost reached to grab the bunnie it grunted as it was more in König’s arms sniffing against his vest. König held back a laugh as he knew the bunnie was not gonna go without a fight, “You can keep it, but if I see it near me I will not hesitate to shoot it, am I clear?” Did Ghost as he crossed his arms as König nodded. Ghost paled over at Gaz to see that he was misusing and sighed as he looked over to see that he was in fact petting the bunnie.
In the barracks, Ghost took off his mask and rubbed his eyes as he rested his head on the pillow and tried to close his eyes when he heard something plop next to him. He opened his eyes and looked over to see that the bunnie was cuddling up to him and was getting comfortable. Ghost rolled his eyes and turned over to face away from the bunnie as he tried to rest but felt the bunny's whiskers as he opened his eyes to see the bunny's face. He picked up the bunnie and placed it on the ground as he tried to get some sleep. It ended up that the bunnie was asleep cuddling up to his stomach that night.
The next day ghost was wearing a hoodie backward with the bunnie in front of him like a baby carrier. He had his skull mask on as he saw people getting ready “What’s going on?” He asked as Gaz went to him and was confused as he snickered “Not a single word or I will shock your throat” said Ghost as he walked alleys over to König he looked worried and looked for something. Ghost sighed and looked at the bunnie as he went to König as he knew he was looking for the bunnie “Ghost where is…..” said König as he looked over to see the bunnie in his hoodie. He didn’t want to die so he just grabbed the bunnie and pet their head as there was silence. “Mind telling me what’s going on?” Asked Ghost as he looked around “Oh Ja, so we got intel that this is a base or area that is near the exit and entry plan” he said as he kept petting the bunnie. Ghost nodded and looked at the bunnie as König caught on and smiled “Looks like someone like Lieutenant Fluff” said Konig as Ghost rolled his eyes. “Lieutenant Fluff? That’s a dumbass name” said a ghost as he crossed his arms “Says the man who carried him like a baby” said König as he chuckled “Let’s just go ok, and if you say one word about the bunnie I will skin it” so as Ghost as he got in a truck with Gaz and König chuckled and went in the truck.
In the Gulage, You and Eilish were talking as you were telling him about the dumb stuff you would do as he hung onto every word. There was a sudden silence which meant Makarov was walking through. The two of you stayed silent as your eyes followed Makaorv as he walked past everyone and went to a room. Everyone then continued what they were doing as you looked at the room “What’s in there?” You asked as Eilish looked over at the door “Probably some dumb Military stuff or just some kind of torture room” said Eilish as he shrugged. The guards told everyone to get outside and they all did except for you as you hid inside some boxes. The guards walked by as you stayed silent as the dogs walked by and barked, Once the area was cleared you got out and went over to the door as you peeked inside to see that it was dim and dark. You sighed and saw a vent and snuck inside making sure that there was no noise at all as you went through the vent. You got to the outer side and looked over to see that it was Makarov as he was writing something on a piece of paper like a document.
 A group of people walked by as they were the general of the German special forces “How long is this going to take Makaorv?” Said the general as he groaned. Makaorv stopped writing and looked at him “I will give ether to you when I’ve broken her into a perfect specimen.” he said as he got up and walked over and leaned on his desk sitting on it as he rubbed his face “She’s hard to break, even after all the torture she still is going to be on Prices side” said Makaorv as your eyes widen “Break her harder, I need her ready for the attack, you have 4 months to break that bitch” he said as he then left the room with his guards. After they left, Makarov slammed his hand on the desk making you flinch “FUCK” he yelled out and threw papers to the ground as he threw a chair at a painting. He took a deep breath and then looked at a file “Show me [name]’s file” he said as a TV showed up and a display of you appeared when you had to take your sergeant photo. He began to read your bio and looked at your skills and scores on tests and stuff. He groans as he doesn’t find anything to break her. He later got to your backstory as he began to read it as he still for ways to change your mind in order to join him. He waved his hand away as the lights lightened and the TV went back up. You snuck out of the vent and made sure the coast was clear to get out. 
  When you got out you looked around as you tried to get to the courtyard you bumped into a guard making you fall back. “Why aren’t you outside, get your ass outside now.” They said as they grabbed your arm and dragged you out not giving you time to say anything you glanced over to see Makarov leaving the room as he glanced at you and continued to walk to another room with a price of paper that was listed like it was a list of ingredients. 
You were shoved out the door as you looked around to see that the sky was a light grey and snow was falling. You walked the area feeling the snow crunch under your feet as you looked at the footprints with the shoes. Everyone was breaking rocks into pebbles and some were breaking down coal as well with a pickax. You walked over and picked to break down coal. You heard something walking behind you by the snow crunching as they placed something on your head. You turned around to see Eilish as he had a beanie on. You felt on top of your head or felt that he had put a beanie on your head. “Some people here are not cold-hearted.” He said as you smiled “Is that a pun?” You said as you crossed your arms and smiled “Maybe” he said as he smiled softly. You shook your head and looked at the coal as you raised your pickax and brought it done on the coal.
    When you got back in the Gulag, everyone had some free time as you and Eilish were walking around. You saw some of the prisoners playing poker, talking, smoking, or just arm wrestling. The two of you were walking around as a group of soldiers walked up to you both “Makarov needs to see you two.” said one of them as they grabbed your arm. You hissed in pain as it was bandaged “Come along” they said as they yanked your arm making you follow “What does he want with us?” asked Eilish as he followed but was playing with something in his pocket while keeping a keen eye on the soldiers as they were escorted to a room. In the office was Makarov leaning on the desk with two files on the desk with his hands on them as you looked at Eilish for reassurance. “Looks like I grabbed two of the finest Soldiers of Russia.” he said as he tilted his head to you “{Name} “Snipe” and Eilish “Death Watch” What a coincidence,” he said as he nodded and two soldiers hit the back of your legs making you two fall to your knees and your hands were tied behind your back as you had a rope tied across your mouth and tied behind your head. You tried to get out as you looked at Makarov with hatred “It’s a shame {Name} you really were one of the best Russian soldiers.” he said as he got up and walked over to you. You tried to get out of the restraints as you glared at him as he walked up to you knelled down and looked at you “It's a shame that the person you knew the most and who took care of you caused the most damage to you.” he said ad you were confused.  
    He smirks and snaps his fingers as his men put a gas mask over you there was a tube that was connected to a canaster and the soldiers turned it on as gas slowly went into your mask you tried to fight back but couldn’t as the last thing you heard was Makarovbs voice talking to Eilish “Good job soldier.” he said as your vision soon turned black as you collapsed on the cold steel ground.
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thegoodclones18 · 11 months
Our Sniper Pt.11
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Prolog - As you spend many days and night in the Gulag you met a Prisoner who was just like you in a way, but yet different as you began to feel hope again slowly and surly. As you continue to make a bond with your new friend.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst I guess, mentions of death
Makarov was confused at first until he heard the sound of buzzing meaning more guards were sent somewhere and shouted as he sighed and got up. As Makarov continued to walk down the hall he heard chanting and yelling. Once he got to the cafeteria all the prisoners chanting died down as all he heard was cussing and punching. He walked over as everyone made his way like he was a king or something. Makarov got to the center to see you dodging some punches by the taller man you talked to before. As the sound of grunting and spattering died down the guy looked around as he was confused about what happened to the crowd he growled and looked around but he suddenly stopped when he saw Makarov looking at him. He stood down and he looked at you as you had your forearms bruised and bloody and they looked like they were about to break off. He cleared his throat as he looked at one of the guards ``Take them to the medic and patch them up.” he said as the guards escorted the two of you to the medic they were more gentle with you as he looked at the rest of the prisoners ``Clean this up.” he demanded as all the prisoners did so with no hesitation. The guy who sat across from you sighed and looked at you as he began to clean up the mess “ I warned you…{Name}” he said as he saw you be taken to the medic as he was cleaning.
When Makarov arrived at the medic he saw how they were wrapped your arm. He went over and tapped them on the shoulder and cleared his throat “I’ll take over” he said as the doctor who was bandaging your arm gave the bandages to him as the doctor and nurses left the area leaving, now you two alone. The tension was beginning to get high and awkward as you were in front of the man who almost killed you and price plus he kidnapped you. He may look rough and cold but his hands were soft and careful as his expression was calm and yet stern. The silencer was too loud as you wanted to yell at him or kill him at the moment but you couldn’t, your body was too weak and helpless as you just looked at his hand wrapping the bandages around your arms.
He wrapped a part to tightly and you hissed in pain as he caught on and loosened that area and then continued to bandage your wound “How did it start.” He asked as you were confused at first and looked at him, as his gaze was still down focused on the bandaging. “How did the fight start?” he said as he glanced up at you. Even though your mouth was dry and your throat was sore you managed to say words “He was making some comments and-“ “And you beat his ass” interrupted Makarov and you nod “I don’t blame you, I would if don’t the same but worse.” he said as he sigh and went to grab something as you looked at your bandaged arms by him to see that he did a good job.
He grabbed a jacket and put it on as he was beginning to leave. He looked back at you as you looked at the bandages. There was something about you that he couldn’t place his finger on as he saw how messy your hair was and your face. “Take a shower when you're done.” He said bluntly as you looked up at him as he left the room. You looked at your arms again,you were remembering how Price would patch you up. He would always make terrible jokes but you couldn’t help but laugh at it and how he would always ruffle your hair at the end. He was always like a father to you ever since you got transferred.
You smiled at yourself as you remembered those days as you snaps out of it and got up and left the Medic. You limped to the showers as it was dark, but had some lights that were on as some were half gone and there was nobody around. A rat went by as you shivered and went to pick a shower that looked less gross. You double-checked to see if anyone was around as you began to undress. You walked in and shivered as the water was ice cold. You took a deep breath and began to take a shower as you began to wash your hair. You closed your eyes and tried to think of the good old days at the base to ease your mind. You remember how you and Ghost would have an ice bucket challenge and you ended up dumping the water on him more and then ran for your life.
In the midst of the memories, you remember how you almost died of a failed mission and Ghost had to drag you out yelling at you for your stupidity, almost getting you killed. You shook your head as you remembered the good times as you began to wash your body.
When you were done with the shower you dried off and and picked up your uniform as you got dressed in the showers hoping nobody would walk in. You heard someone clearing their throat as you looked over to see Makarov. You looked down and were glad you were wearing a prisoner uniform as you felt disgusted. He walked up to you and looked mad at your bandages as he grabbed them making you hiss in pain “Do they still hurt?” He asked as he saw the pain in your face “Yes, they still do” you said as he dropped your arm as you rubbed the wrist of the bandages. He gripped your jaw making you look at him as you whimpered in pain. He examined your face as if he was looking for something. He looked at your busted-up lip and bruised face as he let go “Head back to your cell, you already waisted your time in the shower.” he said in a harsh tone as you nodded and left the area .
When you entered your cell to see the same guy in the cafeteria still across from your cell. He sighed “You look like shit,” he said as he walked into your cell and sat down next to you as he had a rag and a hair tie on his wrist. You sigh as he leans back and looks around “You know, now people know not to mess with you anymore” he said as he looked over your wounds to make sure they were okay “Joyful” you said as you rolled your eyes and hiss in pain when he pressed against your bruised leg “Watch it smartass” he said as he then got off as you glared at him. “So why are you here?” You asked as the guy looked at you and kept quiet “None of your business” he said his tone was colder and harsh which made your spine shiver “Sorry.” I said as the Russian guards were screaming and telling all the prisoners that it was shut eyes as the guy got up and sighed.
“The names Eilish by the way” he said as he gave a smile as he went to the cell. There was a loud buzzing and all the doors closed as you lay in bed and felt comfort for the first time in a long time as all the lights went out and you closed your eyes feeling at peace.
Eilish stayed awake as he glanced at your cell to see your sleeping form in your cell. He then looked up at his grey ceiling of his cell, he did remember clearly how he ended up here but didn’t want to tell you. He was on a mission as he was getting to the place when his airplane was shot down causing his whole team to loose their lives, only leaving him alive. He remembered their bodies everywhere and their Burt and bloddy figures as in the ashes the Russians were checking for may survivors and if any moved they were shot, but yet they let him live.
He snapped out of it as he sighed and rubbed his eyes as he remembered the promised that he made everyday form that day “find the fuckers who killed his squad and kill them.” He glanced back at your cell to see that you were on your stomach asleep as he yawned and looked at the ceiling and then slowly rested his eyes.
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thegoodclones18 · 1 year
Hey guys just wanted to say sorry for the long wait I was busy with stuff, l and didn’t really get to finish part 10. I just want to say thank you all for the support you have given me to continue making Our Sniper.
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thegoodclones18 · 1 year
Our Sniper (Pt.10)
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Prolog- As Price, Ghost, and Konig try to find a way to get you back and to rescue you from Makarov. You were still in the gulag as you were beginning to get used to begin there.
Warning- Language, violence, getting hit on, touchor, mention of branding
You woke up in a cell bed and you felt a throbbing pain in your head as you sat up and looked around the cell to see scrapes and stone that was cracked a little on the wall and ground. You looked around and noticed how the stone walls had rust on them and you can see cracks in the stone. You stood up and felt lightheaded as you fell back on the hard mattress as you run your hand over where the most of the pain was. “Sleep well?” asked a voice in the corner of the room you looked over to see Makarov leaning on the wall as he was in his recognizable suit and had that cold expression on his face.  You felt fear and anger as you didn’t want him to know that you were scared as you began to recall some memories of what happened as he walked closer to you as you can smell the callone that he was wearing to cover up the blood and smoke smell. He looks at you and he glances  at the bruises on your legs and wrist from when you were fighting back “Just answer the question and this will be all over, what is 141 planning and where is the location of the base.” he said in a stern voice as you continue to glair at him. You kept quiet as he punched you in the face as you fell on the ground and looked up at him as you felt blood on your lip from the impact. “Tell me, where is the base” he said as you tried to get up and grunted “I don’t know”  you said as you grinned he grips your jaw and made you look at him as you smile and he punches you in the guts making you fall and hold your stomach “I’ll make sure you see death as mercy.” he said as he kicks your stomach again making you cough a bit “I have methods of making you talk.” He said as he got a knife out and flipped the blade out as he walked over to you.
      At the base König was trying to calm down as he got the news that you were taken by Makarov “Son of a bitch!” He said punching a wall made his knuckles bleed a little. Ghost kept quiet but she was raging as well as he really was a reactive person “Where did he take her?” Asked König as he gritted his teeth together as Ghost glared at him as he was pissed off as well and wanted to know the same thing “We don’t know but from what Gaz said, Price was in a bad shape when he found him.” said Ghost as König sighed as he knew that was true because when Gaz got to the hotel he saw Price in the backseat and he looked like he was beaten up pretty badly as he bandaged. “Scheisse, you're right. Im sorry.” He said as Gaz walked into the room with Soap “How is Price?” asked Ghost, turning his attention to him. “He will live he just needs some time to heal, about a month or so.” Said Gaz as Price limps into the room and holds onto crutches as he was still in a bad shape. They all kept quiet as Price limps over to the table and sits down as he grunts in pain as sets his crutches near him “Any updates?”  He asked as he scanned at the three of them waiting for an answer.  They all didn’t say a word  “She’s In a Gulag in Russia.” said Keegan as he walked in with Riley following and sat down when Keegan stopped “How do you know?” Said Price as they are all looking at Keegan now. He kept quiet for a while then cleared his throat “There was a DNA sample and I gave it to Lazwell.”  he said as he sat down on a chair beside him. Price looks at Keegan for a while, König’s eyes widen a little and goes to leave the room as Ghost's gaze follows him “Where are you going.” Said Ghost as he could see the hope in his eyes. Ghost knew the feeling as he let him go and saw König walk out as he continued to listen to Keegan explaining .
    Ghost looks at Price as his eyes soften a little even though he was in so much pain but was glad to know where she was.  “Would you want me to see if I can contact a pilot?” Gaz asks as Price looks at him “I’ll contact Nik.” Said Price as he gets his phone out. Ghost leaves the room and heads over to where König was  to see that he was leaning on the wall. König. “Hey König, how are you holding up?” He asked as König looked at him and nodded as his eyes were telling a different story as he was happy and still mad at the fact that you were taken. Ghost nodded and leaned on the wall as he did in fact miss you being around making smartass remarks. He  just hoped that you are safe and that Makarov isn’t hurting you or else he will be 6ft under the ground. Ghost held onto one of his knives and realized that  his hand was bleeding from the blade.
      At the Gulag, you were laying on the ground with so many cuts and stab wounds that you were surprised that you were even still alive. Your breath was ragged and shallow. You heard the door  open as Makarov and his men walked in. You said nothing as you were too weak to even speak, the door closed “Thought about telling me where the location is?” asked Makarov as you looked at him heavily with your bruises and red eyes. Marco leaned his head to you as his men grabbed you by the hair and made you stand up as they held each of your arms in their hand to keep up as Makarov punched you out as a little bit of blood came from your mouth. Makarov held a taser as he walked up to you and examined the tazer “It would far , much easier if you just tell us.” He tased you as you felt your lungs lose all the air as your body shook for a little bit “Where the location of the base is” He said as he saw how weak you were and so close to dying as he stopped and looked at you for any answers. “You must be very thirsty, am I right?” He said as you were in fact as your throat was dried and your lips were cracked. He got his cantine out and signaled the soldiers to let you go as he walked up to you as you fell to the ground. He kneels down as he can see your visible shake, he touches your back making you flinch as he sat you up and opened the cantine with his teeth and held the bottle to your cracked lips “Open” he said as he was not saying it in his demanding voice. You didn’t know if this was a joke or not as you slowly opened your mouth.  “Good girl.” He said as he slowly poured water in your mouth, at first you gagged a little as it went down your throat quickly as he pulled the canteen away. You caught your breath as you shiver a bit because the water was cold as you managed to lick your lips as you tasted blood. He got up and went to talk to the soldiers as you were still weak enough to even listen to them speaking. You felt something weird happening to you as your heartbeat quickened and you were sweaty as it was hard to stay awake. You began to feel dizzy as your vision went blurry and the blurred vision of Makarov turned his head to look at you as there was a faint smile that you saw when he was torturing you.
      Price was still trying to find a way to get you back when he saw that someone was calling him. He saw the ID and saw that it was Makarov. He gritted his teeth as he knew that you were still in the hands of that monster. Price answered the call and then put it on the computer so that he can get a full screen. As he answered the call Makarov was seen holding a gun to your head as you looked like shit and had blood on you as he saw the cuts and stabs that he did to you. Price sits up as he grunts in pain a little but ignored it as he was heartbroken to see the started that you were inas he growled and balled his hands into fist “Your a fucking dead man.” Said Price as Makarov chuckles and keeps the gun at your head as he saw you whimper in pain “ Price you know what I want, I want the files and data and if I dont have them..” he hits you with the gun as Price hit the table as he saw blood coming from your head “ I’ll put a bullet in her fucking head.” said Makarov as Price was staring daggers at Makarov “You better not fucking not kill her.” said Price as Makarov helf your head straight by your chin as he put the gun your your head “ It's your choice Price, you know where to find me when you made your choice. Don't disappoint me.” said Makarov as her shot the camera as the call ended with static.
    As the call ended Price grabs his crutches and gets up with a grunt and goes over to Laswell to see that she was pulling up a map for a satellite view and it showed the Gulag. He studied it for a bit as Lazwell was getting more information from a spy there as red dots showed up where the soldiers would be guarding or be posted at. Price clenched onto his crutches as he looked at Lazwell “John, I know what you're going to do, you’re too weak to go there its a death trap id you go.” said Lazwell as Price glared at her as he sighed “I just… I promised her father I would protect her and I guess I failed that.” he said as Lazwell felt sympathy for him and touched his arm “We will get her back I promise.” she said with a reassuring smile as Price nods as he cant stop thinking about what you must be going through right now as he hated himself for not being strong enough to protect her.
   Ghost was getting his gear set up and so was König as he was walking around in his armor checking to see if everything was good to go and his gun was well loaded and full. He looked over to see a couple of helicopters show up as Marines walked out as he noticed that they were Special Ops and were heavily geared up as they were scattered around as they were getting some cargo out and slime vehicles . He looked over to see that Price as he was talking to some commanders and captains that were Marines as he was wondering what he was talking about as he showed them  picture of something as the Commander and Captain nodded and walked off to go to the Marines. Price walked over to Ghost as he looked pissed off but he knew he was just mad that he can't fight this time “Give him hell show no mercy.” He said as Ghost looks at the picture to see that it was of you knocked out and had the cuts and bruises all over you and had a gun was pointed at your head. Ghost felt anger grow eminently as he wanted to kill that Russian fucker in the Gulage. He walked over to the helicopter as he was approached by Konig “What happened?” Asked König as he entered with some weapon boxes  in his arms and sat them in a crate. “Makarov is a dead man.” Said Ghost he glared at Konig as he didnt want to saw what was on that photo.
           You woke up on a bed that you were not familiar with as you sat up and looked around to see that it was a different room.  You felt pain everywhere as you looked at your wounds to see that it was patched up and bandaged as you were confused a little as you tried to get up and fell down as you felt pain shoot to both of your legs as the door buzzed allowing that person in as you looked up to see Makarov. You backed up as he rolled his eyes and sat down on a chair and looked at you with his piercing brown eyes “You're lucky you're alive.” He said as you tired to get up as he rolled his eyes and gripped your arm and got you up as you hissed in pain as he did so “Stop fucking whimpering.” He said as he gripped your jaw and made you look at him forcefully. He sets you down on the chair as there was a tray of food that looked like throw up and a cup of water as you were confused on why he was being so nice now “Don’t look at me like that, I may be a monster but I make sure my prisoners stay alive.” He said as you began to eat the food. The food or what you thought was door and hoped so was gross and slimy but at least it didn’t make you starve as you began to drink the water as Makarov scanned your body and the cuts and bruises as he smirked to himself and left the room as you continue to eat. When you were dont you left the tray there and limped back on the bed as you whimper as you tried to lay back down as pain shot throughout your whole body. 
  Hours went by and you felt the pain die down a little as the area’s went numb as you continued to eat, you looked at your arms to see the creesh cuts and the dried up blood around it as it kind of discussed you. You looked around the empty cell to see a bucket of water. As you tried to climb out the bed without hurting yourself you army crawled to the bucked at saw that it was fresh water. You looked at the dirty rags that you were still wearing and ripped off a piece from the bottom and dipped it in the water as it was nice to feel water against your skin as you took out and squeezed the extra off and went to a nearby wall and propped yourself against it as you began to clean the blood trying not to make it bleed again. As you finished you looked at the cuts to see that they were not that major butr hurted like a bitch as you tried to get back in bed as your back was in pain from the rock hard mattress that was called a bed. You closed your eyes to hear the inmates here weather talking to eachouther or screaming from torture. You sighed as you began to prey that Price, Ghost, Konig, And Keegan will find you soon and will kill Makarov when they get you to safety as you began to fall asleep.
    Makarov was in the hallway torturing some other inmates for his satisfaction he did end up zoning out as he was thinking about how he can get more information  from you maybe more torture or just kill you. At the same time he did like seeing the fear in your eyes as they made it more easier for him to work and get some information. “Can’t we just kill her, sir?” asked one of the soldiers as Makarov looked at the soldier who said that “ It would be easier to get that bitch to tal-” the soldier son fell to the floor with a hole in there head as Makarovs glock was smoking from the end “ Ill decide hat to do with her.” he said as he began to think about it even more as he looked at the door and wondered what he was going to do. 
      You looked around to see if it was all a dream and sighed as you saw the same room that you were in as your body hurts less as you sat up and yet can still feel the kicks and punches you took slightly as there was a buzz and Russian soldiers were yelling for all the inmates to get to the doors with there hands behind their back. You got up as you limped to the door as you heard there footsteps get closer to you hallway as your cell was opened and you were yanked out and pushed to the wall as they put handcuffs on you and turned you back around to face the inmate across from you as it was a soldier like you but was in a bad shape as he had a black eye and a busted lip, he had a few burn marks on his skin as they look like they were from a branding tool. You looked at his eyes to see that they were tired and in pain as you wanted to comfort him but you couldn't as all you can do is look at the inmate. You looked at his uniform to see the number “1785”. After what felt eternity, the folders cracked a whip making everyone move in a slow but normal motion to the cafeteria that you were surprised that they had even.
   When you walked in there were cards on the second floor holding there rifles and were heavy armored as you felt pain on you back as a soldier had just whipped you as you couldn't help “ Get moving you slum!” he said as you got in line for food or what you thought was food as you got mushy carrots and bold bread with a bit of beef. As you got your food you looked around for a place to eat as you saw the guy from earlier as you sat across from him as he was eating his food and glanced up at you the back at his food as you began to eat. 
   You looked at the soldier “How long have you been here?” you asked to break the silence as the guy looked up at you “ 3-4 years.” he said as his voice was raspy and you can tell he has been through hell. You sighed and took a bite of the mushy carrots as you felt like throwing up as you forced yourself to swallow and gagged a bit “ Don’t think about it.” he said as you were confused “It will be like your eating nothing if you dont focus on the taste.” he said as you tried to and he was right as you “Any tips on surviving?” you asked as you continue to eat “ Keep your head down, and just give the Skullers what they want.” he said as he glanced over as you were confused and heard a deep[ voice behind you “Hey cutie.”. You looked behind you to see a tall well built man with tattoos on his arms and facial scars. 
As you continue to eat you swallowed “ May I help you?” you asked in confusion as you looked over at the guy across from you to see that his head was down “What's a cutie like you doing in a dark place like this? Here to give the guys a good show?” he asked as you felt discussed as he chuckled as he touched your cheek “ Im not interested” you said as it seemed to not like the answer as he gripped your jaw making it hurt a little “Im not asking honey Im telling yo-” he was cut off with a punch to the stomach by you as he fell to the ground and growled as he looks up at you “I said no.” you said as he got up as he was 10 times your size but was tall like Ghost a little as as he cracked a his knuckled “You will pay for that you bitch.” he said as you knew you just got yourself into a fight as you got in your fighting stance.
         Makarov was in his office as he was planning out some stuff on is map as soon or later Price will want to attack the Gulag as he was trying to come up with plans as he moved some pieces around and would get frustrated as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He sat down and poured himself some vodka and sighed as his mind shifted to you as he thought about something and opened one of his dewars and grabbed a file that had you name on it as he opened it and began to read it. He read about you past experience in the military as he was impressed and moved to your backstory about you as someone barged into his office as he growls a bit and looked over to see a soldier that was trying to catch his breath “Sir… we have an issue… in the Cafeteria….”
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thegoodclones18 · 1 year
Our Sniper (PT 9)
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Prolog- After entering the hotel you notice how Ghost and Konig were bonding with Keegan. You get a text from Price saying that he wanted to do a patrol with you until things go wrong and you and Price run into someone who you wish you never met.
Warning- Smut, breeding kink kinda, Blood, Swearing
      The four of you began to walk to the hotel as you looked around the village and smiled as the place was beautiful. König saw how you looked around and smiled as he thought your reactions were cute by how you looked around. The group entered a hotel as Ghost and Soap checked in “Do you think that we sleep together or separately?” asked König as you and he looked at a painting on the wall “Well we are sleeping together either way.” You said as he smiled under the hood “Let’s go.” Said Soap as you and König followed them to a room that had two rooms. You and König entered the more private room as König kisses your neck. You blush and face him as he removes his hood and you remove your face mask as you two began to make out. He growls in the kiss a little as he cornered you to the wall and begins to kiss and bite at your neck. You held onto him as the doorknob was turning. König soaked it shut with one hand as he continued to attack your neck and collarbone with bite marks and hickeys. 
     You were about to say something but he picks you up with one arm as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He bites your earlobe and begins to whisper in your ear in a harsh and tough tone “You better not make a fucking sound .” He said as you nod and whimper as you held him, taking your shorts off and his pants, leaving you two in your underwear and bra. You blush and whimper as you get him already hard and pressing against you “What if they hear us ?” You said whispering as König rolls his eyes as he grips your breast and rips the bra off as it falls to the ground. You were about to yell at him as then he grinds his hard on your covered area making your breath hitch. He smiles a little as he pulls your panties to the side “Wet already?~” he said as you nod “Please König.” You said as König gets his dick out and starts to tease your entrance with it. “Please what ?” He said as he wanted to hear you say what you wanted “P please fuck me .” You whimpered as he entered you then covered your mouth as you moaned into his hand. “Is everything on in there?” Asked Soap as König low growls and bites your neck “Everything is fine .” He said as he began to thrust into you. You tighten around him as he pants and tries to keep himself quiet “Good fucking girl that’s it, take this fucking dick .” He said as he moves faster as you moan more into his hand. You could feel your climax build up as you were really into this rough side of him. “Are you gonna cum baby ?” He asked as he kisses your neck. You nod as you tighten up “Shit I’m close as well just keep fucking being a good bitch .” He said as his legs shake. König went faster and harder as you finally cum making hitting bite your neck roughly. seconds later he cums in you hard to the point that it’s leaking. He pulls back and looks at your fucked-out expression as you try to catch your breath. 
    He pants as he carries you to the bed and lays you both down and covers your mouth. You could still feel him in you as you whimper “It’s ok .. just stay like that daring .” He said as he pulled out and sees his cum come out of you a little. He chuckles “I might as well got you pregnant by how much of my cum is leaking out ~,” he said as he chuckled and kissed your head as you both passed out.
            You woke up and looked around as your body felt sore and you looked over to see that König was still asleep as he was holding onto you you smiled and tried to get up as you were pulled back down you looked over to see that he was awake “Just let me hold you ok “ he said as you not and let him hold you. A few hours went by as you got up and got dressed in a baggie t-shirt and jeans with Converse. When you left the room you saw that Ghost was drinking coffee as he looked tired. You walked over and rubbed his head and kissed it “Morning” you said as you smiled and he just mumbled morning. You sat down and went on your phone to see that there was a new article on the war that was happening. As you continued to read it you didn’t realize how much you were jumping your leg until Riley wined and placed his head on your leg making you snap out of it. You looked at Riley and smiled at your pet's head and turned your phone off and sighed. Soap looked over and sighed as he had an idea “Hey snipe “ he said as you looked over at him to see that he was holding a rocket launcher “Wanna test this out ?” He asked as his face lit up “Jonny ….how the fuck did you get a rocket launcher in here “ said Ghost confused “I have my ways” he said with a sly smile. You were confused as Keegan walked in “He had one of your soldiers bring it in last night.” He said as Soap looked at him “Killjoy” he said as you laughed and walked over to see it inside the case.
     You smiled and looked at Soap “Where do you wanna test it?” You asked as Soap smirked and grabs the case and leads you outside. Ghost shook his head as König walked out and looked around “Where is she ?” He asked as Ghost sips his coffee “Testing something out something with Soap” he said as König didn’t question anything and sat down. Keegan sat down on the table as Ghost looked at König and they were talking with their eyes “So how long have you two been friends ?” Asked König as he looked at Keegan who looked at the two of them “For a while since I can remember “ he said and chuckled as he recalled some memories. “Do you like her ?” Asked Ghost as König looks at Ghost like he wasn’t supposed to say that. Keegan almost spat out his drink as he coughed and swallowed and looked at Ghost “She’s a good friend.” He said, wiping his mouth. Ghost was going to add something when Keegan continued “I’m just protective over her because of what she has been through. Yeah, she’s pretty cute and adorable but still.” He said as he glares at Ghost “What else has she been through besides you shooting her in the leg “ said Konig as Keegan chuckles nervously at that remark “I mean what I heard was that her old group would make her do stuff for information, and how she saw her parents die and yeah.. “ he said as he continues to drink. Both könig and Ghost looked at each other and said nothing. Konig cuts the silence “Was she violent ?” He asked as Keegan’s eyes widened a little then went back to normal “You too?” Said ghost chuckling as Keegan looked at him then two as they laughed. 
    When you and Soap came back you walked to the kitchen to see that the three one them were talking you smiled to yourself as you leaned on the doorframe. König looked over and smiled as he got up and kissed you and walked past you to sit on the couch. You smiled and looked at Ghost to see that he and Keegan were comparing their masks.  “How was the rocket launcher?” Asked Ghost looking at you “It was badass!” You said and smiled “Yeah she blew up a car.” said Soap as he pats your back. You smiled and looked at your phone to see that you got a message from Price “Dad: Heading out for patrolling, wanna join?” You smiled and went to your room and put your mask on and a black jacket as you replied “Me: Sure I’m on my way “ you said and hit send. You kissed Ghost's head and König’s lips as you left the room and hotel. Keegan looked at Konig who was smiling and looked at you leaving. “I’m guessing that she is your girlfriend?” He asked as Konig nodded.
    As you walked with Price you two began to talk to cut the silence he clears his throat “How’s your nose?” He asked as you looked at him.  “It’s healing pretty good, “ you said and smiled as you completely forgot about that you could feel a slight pain on your nose he nodded as you two continued to walk.  As you two walked through the empty street a group of what-to-be thugs surrounded you both as a figured approach from the front center “Captain Price, long time no see.” Said a voice that made your hair stick up as you got stiff and were afraid to move. Price aimed his rifle at the figure as you were shaking “No…” you said and looked at the person “Hello darling long time no see. “ said Makarov, as he was standing there looking at you, and Price, was holding his Desert Eagle in his right hand and pointed down. 
       “What the fuck do you want.” Said price through his teeth as Makarov signaled one of his soldiers while looking at Price. Price was hit in the stomach by a rifle making him fall to the ground and cough “Price!” You said as two other soldiers held you by the arms as Makarov walked to Price and knelt. “Since you wanted to take something from me I’m thinking about taking something back in return .” He said as he grabs Price’s hair and slams his face on the ground making you flinch. You looked at Price hoping that he would get up and beat him up but nothing happened. Makarov scoffed as he walked to you and you struggled to get out of his grasp as the soldiers tried to hold you still. Makarov grabs your chin and makes you look at him. He was lining up at you for a second and then sighs at the men to let you do. You turned to run but he grabbed your hair and yanked you back to his chest as he put a rag of chloroform over your mouth making you slowly stop fighting and pass out on him.  “Let’s go, we have what we need, “ he said as he looked at Price who was still knocked out, and chuckled “Until we meet again Price,” he said as he carried you to the van and got in as the van drove off.
      Price woke up and groaned in pain as he felt pain in his stomach and face. He regains his memory and looks over to see that you were missing “Snipe?!” He said and got up and looked around screaming your name. He groans in pain as it began to rain he felt his blood run down from his nose and head as a car pulled up and out came Gaz and Ghost. Gaz ran to Price and helped him in the car “What the fuck happened “said Gas as he looks back at Price who was coughing and grunting “Where’s Snipe?” Asked Ghost looking around in the car “She’s kidnapped “ he said as Ghost's eyes widen “By who ? “ said Gaz as Ghost was going on his walkie, “We have a code Grey, I Repeat a code Grey,” he said as he looked at Price to see his blood was getting into his beard. Ghost punches the glass as he knew that this was not a drill and this was real “Makarov .. took her .” Said Price as he coughs.
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thegoodclones18 · 1 year
Our Sniper (Part 8)
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Prolog- An old friend of yours comes to join the battle and tries to get to know you more. When Konig return back things begin to get more complicated as Ghost and Konig start acting weird again and being more possessive towards you.
Warning- Language, Tiniest bit of smut, violence, angst
The next day you were at the medic room for a check “Alright your vitals look good and  your blood pressure is perfect .” Said the nurse as she smiled “I can tell you have been eating Snipe .” She said as she looked at you “Yeah I didn’t want to pass out today .” You said as she was checking your heartbeat  “Anything  special happening ?” She asks as she checks the back “An old friend is stopping by to get some stuff.” You said and smiled as the nurse sits in her chair “That’s good news “ she said as you get up and stretch “Nice to see you again .” You said as you left the room. 
     You walked to the main area and you saw people crowding around something. You walked over and stood next to Soap “Looks like your friend is here .” Said Soap as the car door opened and you smiled under your mask. A German Shepard got out and instantly went to you as it wagged its tail and jumped on you as it was licking you. You rubbed the dog's back and ears as you accepted the dog's kisses “I missed you too Riley .” You said and kissed the dog's head as it got down and kept wagging its tail and barking at you. People were talking and awning at the dog as Ghost pets the dog as well. Riley jumped on Ghost making him fall back and licked him more than how he liked you “Aww looks like someone missed their daddy .” You said as Ghost looked at you in shock. Ghost blushed and smirked as he liked how you said it but was cut off as Riley was licking the hell out of him. You smiled and looked over to see a person getting out. “He’s not the only person who missed you .” Said a male voice, you smiled and giggled “Hey Keegan .” You said as he leaned on the door as other people got out. People began to fangirl as the boys about the squad that came to the base.  Ghost picked up Riley as he was covered in slobber and fur you looked at Ghost and laughed a little “Need help ?” You asked as you tried to get Riley off of him “Nah I’m good .” He said as he looked over and saw Keegan looking at you. Ghost tilted his head a little and hooded his eyes more as he looked back at you. 
    You looked at Ghost and felt a shiver as he looked like he was going to either kill you or fuck you till you couldn’t walk anymore. “Ghost, stop trying to intimidate her .” Said Soap as he looked at Soap who was petting Riley. You shook it off and walked over to Keegan and hugged him “Hey snipe .” He said as he lifted you off the ground a little from the hug “You still small as ever “ he said, making you blush and trying to push him off “I’m not small jackass !” You said as you laughed. Keegan placed you back down and walked over to Price  and shook his hand “Keegan .” Said Price as he nods “Captain .” Said Keegan nodding as well. You saw them talk for a while before they walked somewhere you went to Riley and kept petting him you smiled and walked out of the base to get some fresh air. You could still feel Ghost’s gaze on you. “Simon .” Said Soap as Ghost looked at him “Are you, alright mate ?” He asked as Ghost nods Soap knew that he was protective of you but never jealous “Alright, I was just making sure because you seem distracted.” he added as he pats Ghost's shoulder and goes back to work.
      You sat in the field and lay on the grass as the breeze felt nice today like spring. You saw something blocking the sunlight as you looked over to see Riley sitting there wagging his tail. You smiled and pet Riley as he was laying on his back and leaning on you “Looks like he missed his dog mom .” Said a voice as you heard footsteps approach you. You looked over to see Keegan and smiled as he sat behind you and placed his head on top of yours. “It’s been a while since I saw you .” He said as he took his mask off and moved over and sits beside you. You took off your face mask and looked at him and smiled “Still can’t believe that you are still here .” He said as he ruffled your hair. You laughed and secretly missed him as you two used to be close friends. “You still look beauti-“ “Keegan .” Said Ghost interrupting as he walked over. You looked over to see Ghost approaching you two. Keegan cursed under his breath “Yes .” He said getting up and putting his mask on “Shepherd would like to see you .” said Ghost as he walked over and helped you up as you grabbed his arm and stood up. “Alright .” Said Keegan through his teeth as he looked at you and said “I’ll talk to you later .” He said as he walked by Ghost and glared at him and continued to walk to the base.
    You looked at Ghost who was looking at him then at you “I don’t trust him.” Said Ghost as you scoffed “So you trust anyone?” You said as you let go but Ghost's hand was still on your arm “I’m serious.” He said as you resized that he wasn’t being an ass this time. You sighed and shook your head as you tried to pull away “Ghost let go please .” You said as he does and sighs. You knew that he was just watching over you and protecting you the best that he can as you cut him some slack and looked at him and smiled a little “Can you do something for me?” You asked as he looks at you in response. You looked at his mask and shook your head “never mind.” You said as you put your face mask back on. Ghost looks confused as he was wondering what you were going to ask then he noticed you putting your face mask on and realized what you wanted to ask. He looks around as he then took his mask off and looks at you “Hey.” He said as you looked at him and smiled softly under the mask. You tilted your head to the side a little as you placed your hand on his cheek as your thumb was touching a scar on his face “you still look handsome  as ever .” You said as your eyes trailed to his lips then back at his eyes. Riley begins to bark snapping the two of you back to reality as Ghost puts his mask back on. 
     You both look over to see a cadet walking over to the both of you “Ma’am you are asked to be in a meeting .” Said the cadet as Riley walks to Ghost and gets ear rubs “Thank you.” You said as the cadet saluted you and began to walk away. You sigh as you turn around to see that Ghost was closer to you now. Mask to mask you blush as he holds the back of your neck and pulls you into a kiss. You pull away and blush “I um I gotta go .” You said as Ghost tilts his head a little making you blush even more as you groaned and begin to walk away hearing ghost chuckle a little.
     You continued to walk down the hallway and went inside a room to see Price and Keegan with a couple of new faces. You stood next to someone random and waited for everyone to get settled. You felt someone put their hands on your waist and you looked over to see a very familiar person in a hood “Konig ?” You said smiling as he pulls you more back till you were at his chest “Did you miss me ?” He asked as you turned around and faced Konig. You were happy that he dragged you both to the most shadow part of the room as you went under the hood and pulled your face mask down and kissed him. You smiled as he holds you close you got out of his hood and looked back into his eyes “Why are you here so early ?” You asked as he kept his hands on your waist and you turned back around to see that the meeting was starting. Konig whispers in your ear “Because the mission was already done and they sent us back home .” He said as Price began to talk. You look over to see Ghost walking in with Soap as they stood near Price and made sure everyone was paying attention. “So the next mission is based on a factory that the Russians have taken over and are making more weapons and such. The biggest problem is what is going on inside the lab .” Said Price as he pulls up a picture of a glass chamber and yellow fog in it “The lab is producing a poison gas that can cause people to die in a 50-mile radius.” added Price as people began to murmur “Fucking hell .” you said as Konig looks at you the back at Price. “The main problem is the tanks .” He said as a picture of a truck with a tank on it shows up “These hold the poison inside and if that blows up in or lets the gas out into the village that a  team will be staying in, gets loose . Everyone will die without a doubt .” said Price as pulls up another picture of peoples faces and which team there is on. “Team leader for Squad 1 is -Ghost with the people being Snipe, Konig, Soap, and Keegan .” He said as Konig smiled and looked at you smiling.  
     As Price continues to list off the squad leaders and the people that are going to be in that squad you felt Konig hold you close until the meeting was over and done with. People begin to walk out as Keegan grabs the back of your jacket and pulls you back slightly “And where are you going ?” Asked Keegan as your squad was around the table with Price “Oh.” You said and walked over to the table. You lean on the table as Price pulls up blueprints of the factory and lab. Keegan stood by you as price went over the plan with you being the one to stop the machine and the rest as a kill and search.  “Any questions?” Asked Price as he puts the blueprints away, you shook your head as Konig kept his eyes on you and smiled. You began to walk out as Konig pulled you to the side as Price, Keegan, Soap, and Ghost left. You sat on the table as Konig made sure that the coast was clear before he walked over and took his hood off as pulled off you as you two began to kiss. “I missed you so much .” He said as you moaned into the kiss a little and pulled on his hair a little. König kisses your neck as you gasp a little feeling his teeth nipping at your neck. You closed your eyes and smiled loving the feeling of König’s lips and teeth on you. He pulls away as he begins to take his shirt off “Wait for Konig “ you said as pull his shirt down he tilted his head as he was confused “In the bedroom .” You said as he nodded and picked you up you put the hood on him and your mask back on.
  When you two get to the bedroom he begins to undress and so do you leaving you two only in your undergarments. Konig pines you to a wall and begins to go even tougher on you leaving bite marks on your neck and collarbone “König ~.” You said as you grabbed his cheek and kissed him “I -“ there was a knock at the door cutting you off König rolled his eyes and puts on sweatpants as he opens the door “Is Snipe there?” asked Keegan as König looks over to see the need in your eyes and am the state that you were at “No I’ve never seen her.” He said, looking at him. Keegan looked at König as if he never fully met him “If you do see her tell her that I need to talk with her .” said Keegan as Konig nods and closes the door and then whispers in your ear “Get on the bed quietly .” He said as he looked at you with his eyes hovered. You nod and begin to walk to the bed and sit on your knees as Konig hears footsteps disappear. Konig looks at you and chuckles “Good girl .” He said as he walks over and rubs his head then yawns. You smiled as you knew that he was happy to see you but was tired at the same time. “König .” You said as he gets on the bed and kisses your neck and gropes your breast making you blush. He looks at you “You tired .” You said as Konig shook his head like a little kid and yawned again “I’m not .. “ he said as you rubbed his head and all the muscles in his body suddenly relaxed “Ok maybe I am .” He said as you lay down and he lays behind you. He looks like wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him. You were happy that your boyfriend was home safely as you slept. 
     The next day you were at the lunch area as you sat next to König as he was eating his food. You look down  to see Riley’s head on your lap “Who’s that?” Asked König as he looked at him and continued to eat Riley lowed and growled “It’s ok Riley he's friendly.” You said as Riley walked over to Konig and sniffled his hand and wagged his tail. You smile as König pets Riley and even gave him some of his breakfast. A couple of people sat at your table as you looked around to see that it was Keegan, Ghost, and Price with Gaz. You continue to eat as König holds onto your waist as Ghost sits beside you. You smiled as you continued to eat as you felt Keegan’s eyes on you “So about the mission I was thinking that maybe Snipe could be the one to destroy the tank.” Said Keegan as Price looked at him and then at you as you looked at him and then Keegan “ I mean I’ve never really disarmed a bomb in years, maybe in my cadet years.” You said as you swallowed a piece of bread. “Are you still able?” He asked as König looks at Ghost who looks back at him and we were talking with their eyes to each other.
     When you were done eating you walked to put your tray away as you yawned. You help a person grab your waist as you flinch a little as you look up to see that it was König. You smiled a little as you blushed, also feeling him pull you closer to him as you two began to walk out of the lunch area. König kept close as you two went into your shared barrack he closed the door and looks over to see that you were on the bed laying down. “So I heard that the Ghost squad came over.” He said as you looked over at him “Yeah just for a while .” You said as König walked over and sat next to you “Who was that person ?” He asked as you laid your head on his lap “Keegan Russ .” You said as you yawned, “He’s an old friend.” You said as König nodded. “How did you two meet ?” He asked, rubbing his head “Well before I met you guys and the 141 I was a spy for the marines and they thought I was a terrorist, and yeah. We met by him shooting me in the leg and then having to chase my ass down because they didn’t know I was on their side .” You said smiling to yourself as you showed a scar on your calf. He chuckles and kisses your head “Let’s  just get some rest  darling .” He said as his eyes closed and König began to sleep.
        The next day you woke up on König’s bare chest and looked up at him to see that he was on the information device. You sat up and stretched as König put the tablet down and pays attention to you as you got up and walked over to the dresser to grab some sweatpants. König grabs the pants and holds them up “König!” You said blushing as you were in a baggy t-shirt and your panties. He chuckles as you were jumping up to grab them “Come on, give them back .” You said as you leaned on his chest “Why should I ?” He said holding onto your waist. You had a sly mark on your face “Or I will walk around in only my panties .” You said as that caught him off guard and you grabbed your sweatpants and put them on. You tried them and help him grab your neck and pull you to him with your back pressed against his stomach. “I’m the only one around here  to see that darling understands me .” He said as he blushed and whimpered a little as he tightened the grip “Am I understood?” He said as you nod, “Yes I understand König.” You said as he let go of your neck. You gasp for air as you look over at him as he gets ready as well. You blush as you put on a shirt and sit on the bed as you begin to tie your boots.  König walks over and grabs your cheek as he sighs you look up at him “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to imagine my daring showing off.” He said as you leaned more into his touch “König .” you said as he looks at you “I. I kinda liked you being possessive.” You said blushing as he moved his hand to your chin and chuckled “I know darling .” He said as he leaned in to kiss you but then there was a knock at the door.
    You two got up and went to it and opened it to see that it was only Ghost “You ok Ghost ?” You said as you walked out of the room and König followed “Yeah I’m just getting you guys because we’re heading to the village.” He said as he stretched his arms. You looked confused as you saw that Könog was holding your and his bags. “I packed it while you were asleep .” He said smiling under the hood as you rolled your eyes and smiled as you went back inside and put your face mask on then walked back out grabbed onto your bag and followed Ghost. 
     You saw cars parked as Keegan was putting Riley in one then walked over and smiled “Hey sleepy head .” He said smiling as he crosses his arms “Don’t die out there.” He said as he pulls you into a hug. It caught you off guard a little bit you hugged back “Same to you.” You said as then Price yelled out that it was time to go. You jogged over to where König was and entered the van as well with Ghost, Soap, Gaz, and other people that are joining. You sat near König as the area was kinda packed causing your anxiety to heighten a little. As the car began to take off you held onto König’s arm as he rubbed your arm. There was some talking but not too much. You looked out of the window watching the building go by. You looked across from you as two soldiers were looking at you and then talking to each other. You rolled your eyes as you laid your head on König’s arm as he looked out the window “Is there a problem?” asked Ghost as the two soldiers stopped talking and straightened up. “No sit.” said one of them as the other one scoffed “I just think it's funny how a Russian is working with us,” they said as they leaned forward a little bit and looked at you. “It doesn't matter she is still your sergeant,'' said Ghost as he knew that your anxiety was rising. “But what is she still working for-“ “I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH, “ said Ghost as everyone in the van jumped a little. König woke up and looked over to see that you were still and yet shaking a little “Now you rather apologize to her or I will rip you out of the Army.” He said as the soldier glared at you.
    The car drive ended as people began to walk out “Russian bitch .” He said as he walked out leaving you to be the last one to leave. When you got out people were crowding around in a circle as a fight broke out. You walked over to see that König was punching the soldier nonstop as his fist was getting covered in blood. “König! “ you said as you ran over and tried to pull him off. His elbow hit you in the face and you fell back a little on the rubble everyone stopped including him as they all gasped. He looked over to see that your facemask fell off but blood was going down your chin as you sat up.  You looked around “ Crap…” said Ghost as he whistled for the medic as he went over to you and kneeled down he got a rag and placed it on your nose applying pressure on it as you hissed in pain “Darling I…” said Konig as he steps closer. Ghost glares at him as König steps back a little. You could see how hurt König was as he steps back a little and relaxed as Ghost picks you up “ König it's ok .” you said as you walked over to him and tried to hold his hand. He shakes a little as he moves back more “I .. I need a break .” he said as he kicks the soldier one more time in the gut and walks off. You knew he needed some time as you sigh and just let him walk away.
       You were in the medic room as the doctor was fixing up your nose that was split open “Is he ok ?” You asked as Ghost groaned in annoyance “Yes he is fine, for the 20th fucking time .” He said as you knew that König was told about what happened in the van. You rolled your eyes as the medic was done and you stood up as you quickly and went to the door. Ghost grabs your arm “Snipe “ he said as you looked at him “I need to talk to him or else he will blame himself and might go missing .” You said as you glared at him. He lets go of your arm and you put your mask on then go outside and look for König. You looked around to find him sitting under a tree “König..” you said as he flinched and looks up at you. He wiped his eyes as he sniffled “What .” He said in a whimpering tone . You sigh as you sit next to him and lean on his shoulder “I didn’t-“ “It’s ok .” You said as you looked at him. His eyes were watery as he had been crying for a few minutes. You placed your hand on his cheek and smiled softly as you lifted up his hood and placed it over his helmet. He kept his eyes on you as he was kind of calmed down.  He kisses you softly as you smile he holds the back of your  head as he deepens the kiss more “I’m so fucking sorry .” He said as he held you close. You rub his neck as you begin to comfort him. 
        After some hours you and König went back to the car area to see that Ghost and Soap were waiting for you guys. “Are you guys ready to head to the village ?” Asked Ghost as Soap nodded and you felt König hold onto your waist as he nodded “Yeah .” you said as you smile and Ghost nods “Let’s get going then.”
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper (pt 7)
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Prolog- Konig gets sent off to a mission as you had to be without him for a couple of days and Ghost thinks that this is a great opportunity to get closer to you. When Ghost tries to get some more alone time with you Price begins to notice and tries his best to keep Ghost from getting too close to you.
Warning- Language, little bit of smut, teasing, Ghost being kinda possessive, Captain Price being a good dad 
   You wake up to see König at the computer working on some stuff. You get up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. You walk back to the room in a towel as you notice that König was looking at a mission report and you could hear him curing under his breath. You got dressed in a Tanktop and shorts. You felt his hand wrap around you “Are you ok ?” You asked as König looks at you and sighs “I have to go on a stupid fucking mission in 2 minutes.” He said as you faced him and cups his cheek and smiles “We can still call König.” You said as he leans into your touch. He nods and kisses your palm then your wrist you smile a little as he begins to kiss your neck making you blush “I didn’t hurt you too bad did I?” He asked as you shook your head.
  You kiss him lightly as picks you up and sits you on the dresser “How long will you be away for ?” You asked as König was looking at you up and down admiring you “Four days at least.” He said as he sighs. “Does that mean you won’t be on the mission with me and Ghost ?” You asked as you placed your hands on his shoulders “That mission is in 5 days darling.” He said as he kisses your head. “König head to the shipping dock, “ said the announcement as he sighs.
     He grabs his stuff and begins to grab him  “Will you be ok?” He asks as you get off the counter. You smile and nod as he grabs your hips and makes you look at him “I will be back alive darling.” He said making you have a little bit of hope. He kisses you softly then puts his hood on, he begins to walk out the door as you follow along. You can see that there were a lot of people at the shipping dock and grabbed his hand “Thank you darling “ he said in a nervous tone. You walked him to the helicopter “Wait.” He said as you stood on the railing and looked at him. He makes sure that nobody is looking as he kisses you from his hood you could feel his hands wrap around your waist. “I’ll call you tonight .” He said as he pulls away and you step off blushing and beginning to leave the area. 
    Ghost was at the shipping doc and saw you leave the area he looked you and was kinda happy that you were alone and without him for a couple of days. He looked around and began to follow you at a distance as you went to the cafeteria. You grabbed some food as you sat at a table in a corner as began to eat a sandwich. Ghost grabs some food as he sits next to you “Hey snipe .” He said as you looked over and did a quick smile “How’s your throat ?” He asks as takes a bite of an apple “It’s ok.” You said as you felt his hand on your thigh making you blush. 
     When you were finished eating you went the pool area and saw people either training or just swimming. You thought about swimming as you begin to walk back to your room and putting on the black bikini that König gave you as a gift. You put on some baggy clothes as Began to walk back to the pool . You walked into the water shivering a little bit and jumped in at the last step. You forgot how nice the pool was as you began to swim around “Having fun ?” Asked a person as you turned around to see Ghost standing at the edge crossing his arms. You smile as you swim up to him “Yeah , I forgot that the base had a pool.” You said, “Want to join in ?” You asked as Ghost knelt down “Why ?” He asked as you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him down “Because it’s calming .” You said with a smile. Ghost couldn’t say no to how cute you looked with your hair dripping wet and your smile. “Fine .” He said as he rolls his eyes and walked to a nearby bench “I’ll be in their just give me a minute.” He said as you shrugged and continued to swim. 
   Ghost took off his black uniform leaving him in his boxers leaving his mask on. He walks in the water as he would look around to see if anyone was around as he got closer to you. Ghost grabs your waist and pulls you close to him “Gotcha .” He said as you laughed and tried to get out of his grip. He kinda likes how you were struggling to get out of his grip and thrashing around in the water . When you got out of his grip you began to try and wrestle him. While wrestling he grabs your thighs and wrap them around his waist as he holds you by the throat and waist. You looked at him and realized how close you were to him and how his toned chest and abs were pressed against your top half. You looked at his eyes and saw that he was thinking the same thing and wanted to kiss you. “Simon…” you said as he moved the hand that was on your neck to the back of your neck. Ghost looked at your eyes then to your lips then back at your eyes. He lifted up his mask and kisses you, you shiver as he squeezes the back of your neck making you moan a little. He pulls away to see your blushing face and smiles a little as he kisses your neck and moving the hand from the back of the neck to your ass and hoist you up more on his waist . 
    He goes over to a pool ladder and puts you on a step as you two continue to kiss. You pull away to get some air as you pant and hold onto the railing .He looks at you and blushes as he curses under his breath as he kisses you again. He tugs at your bikini bottoms and you are tugging at his boxers . You pulled away blushing “We can’t.” You said as you push his hand away Ghost moves back a little and is confused until he sees your doubtful expression. He cups your cheek as you look at him. “It’s ok , if you need company for tonight I don’t mind if you stay in my room. “ he said as you nod. 
    You two got out of the pool and dried off. You can feel his gaze still on you as you dry off your hair. You began to walk to your room and got dressed in baggie sweatpants and one of König’s many hoodies. You went to the computer to see that König has sent you a message “König: hey I’m just checking up on you.” You smiled at the message and  replied “You: Hey Babe I’m doing well I just got back from the pool .” You said as you blushes to see the three dots indicating that he was texting back. You sat on your knees in the chair as you read the response “König :Aww I wish I was there to see you in that bikini again darling .” You read the message and smiled as you thought of a way to tease him “You: I can give you a few pics” you said as you went to the mirror and grabbed your phone. One pic was of you in the bikini with your legs opened and your hand in the middle and on the ground. You sent the photo and waited for a response, after a while you get a pic of him sitting down without his shirt on “You look so cute baby.” He said and you can already tell that he was getting horny. You couldn’t lie because you were getting needy as well you blush and decided to take some more pics for him to tease him more. You began to take some pics with you cupping your breast or arching your back in a submissive pose. You began to sent it to him and you knew that you were going to be in trouble. 
You set your phone down as you put on one of his shirts with nothing underneath as you filled out some stuff until you can hear the notifications going off on your phone and you knew that it was from König right away. You looked at your phone to see pictures of his hand on his bulge that was clearly showing and his pants pulled down to his V line. You knew that he wanted you now and you saw his text below “Get on call in 4 minutes.” . You couldn’t help but smile at it there was a knock on the door as you got up and fixed the shirt then opened it to see Price holding a plate of food you smiled and looked at the food to see that it was your favorite “I know that you're going to pull an all night and that you forget to eat sometimes .” He said as you grabbed it “Thanks dad .” You said as you pat your head and leave you to walk back into your room and place the plate next to your computer as you open it and put in the password.
    You got an incoming call pop up as you put headphones on and wait for it to connect as you answered it. You blushes as you could see him sitting there obviously already hard and wanted a releaf “hey sweetheart.” he said in a teasing tone as you pulled on his shirt “Hey König .” You said blushing as you could hear him chuckle “ I’m guessing that you're not wearing anything underneath my shirt like a good whore?~” he said as you nodded and blushed more “Wanna show me ~?” He said as you hesitate, “That wasn’t a question darling .” He said as he leaned in close to the camera a little bit probably to take his belt off. You began to take the shirt off but kept it at your breast. You looked down a little “Look at me .” He said as he looked up to see that his hood was off and so were his clothes. He looked so good in that dim lighting as you could see every scar on his chest and abs. You moved the shirt away to show your breast and perked nipples “ Do you miss me that much already” he said as you whimpered a little in embarrassment “I bet you are already wet for me~” he said as you could hear his breath hitch just thinking about it.  “ Do you wanna show me how needy my good girl is ?~” he asked as you nod and move the camera down a little and spread your legs “ Fucking hell baby .” He said as his breath became a little bit shaky. You blush and put on your lip “ Can you do something for me .” He said as he puts something on his hand “ Yes.” You said as you began to get needier “ Can you touch yourself for me baby? “ he said as you set the camera so that he could see everything. You began to rub your clit in circles as you try to imagine that it was König’s hand doing it “ Good girl~” he said as you could hear his hand moving up and down his dick “ Now insert a finger inside of you .” He said as you did so . You began to moan as you pump your fingers in and out “ Shit baby you're doing so good for me. Just move a little bit faster like I’m fucking you .” He said growling at the last but. You moan and shut your eyes as you went faster hitting every single spot in you as you played with your breast “ Fuck I need you so badly baby my dick has been so fucking  hard for you since you send me those pictures.” He said as you could hear him grunt and move his hand faster. You couldn’t help but moan and whimper as you arch your back when you find that one special spot. You can hear König growling and grunting indicating that he was close “Keep going and don’t you fucking dare stop .” He said in a rough tone as you continued to hit that one spot. You began to get closer to climax as you began to whimper “K- König I’m gonna -“ you said as your hands went faster “Go ahead and cum pretty girl .” He said as you came on you fingers and you could hear König finishing as well.
    You removed your fingers as you looked at König breathing heavily and leaning back he looked at your warm face and smiles “You did so well sweetie “ he said as he began to clean himself off with a rag .you wiped your fingers off with a towel as you put the shirt back on “I love you “ he said as he finally caught  his breath “I love you too.” You said as you smiled “Go get some rest sweetheart I’ll talk to you tomorrow if I can .” He said as he was about to end the call “Wait.” You said as he looks at you confused and leaned back on the chair “Can you stay on until I fall asleep ?” You asked as you could see him tilt his head a little bit and smile “ of course darling “ he said as you leaned back on the chair and yawned “ can you tell me about your day ?” You asked as he was getting comfortable as well. “ Well, we got some initial information on where our next target was. And then I killed a couple of people and yeah .” He said as he looks at you and saw your sleepy eyes drifting off  “And then I got to talk to my darling and get to see her sleeping face knowing that she is ok and safe.” He said as you fell asleep. He fell asleep as well on call, smiling a little .
    There was a knock on the door as Price entered “I know you're busy but I wanted to check on you ..” he said as he saw that you were asleep and König asleep on your computer. He grabbed a blanket and placed it on you and removed your headphones and placed it on the table. Price grabbed one of your pillows and placed it under your head as he left the room.  Price left the room and walked down the hall and to the mess hall and grabbed some food and sat down with Gaz, Soap, and Ghost. “Is she not joining us ?” Asked Gaz as he looked at the door “No, she fell asleep on her computer .” He did not mention that König was on the screen. Gaz nodded as he looked at Ghost who was looking at him “She had some paperwork to do Ghost .” He said as he nodded and continued to eat. 
     When their time at the mess hall was over the three of them went to their separate rooms. In Ghost’s room he couldn’t sleep thinking if he should check on you or not he left his room in his pajama pants and mask as she went to your room. His hand was on the handle “Simon.” Said Price as Ghost removes his hand and looked at Price who was on night shift “What are you doing ?” He asks as he goes to Ghost and sees that he was at your door. “I was just ..” he said as Price rolls his eyes “Get to bed and like I said she was working on some paperwork .” Said Price as Ghost glared at him a little and walked off to his room. 
      Price didn’t want Ghost to go near you because he knows how much Ghost liked you. He knew since König was gone for a couple of days that he would try to get close to you and make you betray König. You opened your door and rubbed your eyes as you saw Price look at Ghost while he was walking away. “Captain?” You said in a tired tone. He looked at you and smiled a little “Hey kiddo just heard back to bed ok , it was nothing .” He said as he pats your head. You nod and closed your door and went back to bed. Price went to his office and did some papers and signed off on some stuff. He looked at a picture of when he first adopted you and Gaz and smiled a little bit remembering how happy you were when you saw the papers. 
    The next day you walked around the place as you knew that it was going to be weird for the next 4 days. “Hey snipe, “ said Gaz as you looked over to see him working on his pistol you walked over and put your hands in your  pockets “Hey Gaz how are you, “ you said and smiled “I’m good, “ he said as you sat next to him “ Whatcha going?” You asked as Gaz looked over to see Price walking over to them “I was working on my  pistol but it seems like ‘dad’ wants to talk to us .” He said as you looked over to see Price walking toward you and Gaz.  “Who do you think is in trouble ?” You asked as you smiled a little “Probably a new cadet or he is mad at Shepherd.” Said Gaz “I bet 10” you said as Price got closer “You're on.” Said Gaz chucking. Price looked at you two and smiled a little. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you two hanging out “ he said as you looked at Gaz “Is there something wrong?” Asked Gaz and you looked over at him and smirked “Nah just wanted to check on you two.” said Price “Fuck !” Said Gaz as you begin to laugh as Gaz gives you the $10. Price looked confused and shook it off. “I’m doing well .” You said as you took the $10. “I was doing well until this gremlin showed up .” Said Gaz as he continues to clean his pistol. 
      You glance over to see Ghost and Soap walking over you smiled a little as they got closer. You look at Ghost as he looks back at you. You blushed under your mask and wondered if he was blushing. “What’s the plan for today Captain.” said Soap as you broke the glaze and looked at Price. “Well it’s just mostly cadet training and filing paperwork.” said Price getting a cigar out and lighting it. You wonder how Price gets cigars and how many he has at this point “I’ll teach the cadets .” You said as you crack your back and knuckles. You stood and stretch your arms “What are you going to teach them ?” asked Gaz as he gets up as well “Maybe about sniping and then let them try practice targets .” You said as you glanced at Ghost who was talking to Soap while you made your way to the classroom.
      You walked into the classroom to see a lot of cadets, some of them looked like they were drafted from High School. You walked over to your desk and leaned on it as everyone became quiet but you can still hear some murmurs “Alright what did we leave off on .” You said looking at the paperwork and seeing that you hand to talk about the origin of the sniper rifle “Oh god this is going to be boring as fuck .” You said to yourself . You looked at the classroom to see the cadets talking, you looked at the rifles at the corner of the room and then back at the cadets.  “Everyone grab a rifle and then head to the shooting arena .” You said as you heard excitement and wonder as people grabbed rifles and waited at the door. You looked at them at the door as you grabbed keys you stood by them “You guys can go .” You said as they left the door.  You locked the door behind the last person as you followed them outside. When you get to the area you saw Ghost and had a better idea “Pop quiz : Where was the first sniper born ?” You said as you wanted next to Ghost who was confused as the cadets stood in a line. “What are you doing?” asked Ghost as you smiled “A game where if they get all the questions wrong we chase them and try to shoot them, and don’t worry I have paintball in those rifles .” you said as you hand Ghost a rifle. You could tell that he is going to love this as you looked at the cadets who realized what was going on. Their eyes widen like they knew they fucked  up and we’re going to get something worse in return.
    One cadet answered “ New Zealand, “ they said as they shut their eyes waiting for the impact “That is correct the first sniper was born in New Zealand, you are safe and can head to the trench .” You said as the Cadet sighed in relief as she went to the trench and watched “Next question  and If you get this wrong then you and your squad will be hunted by me and Ghost .” You said as you looked at Ghost who was crossing his arms. “Do snipers close one eye when shooting?” you said as you look at the rife in your hand “Yes?” Said one cadet. You looked at the cadet “your squad had 2 minutes to hide “ you said as the cadet and their squad run for their life. “Last two questions .” You said as the Cadets look scared “Do snipers work alone?” You asked as you looked at Ghost and le looked at you and rolled his eyes knowing that this question is related to him. “No , snipers work In a team of two .” Said another cadet “Good job.” You said as the cadet and his team went to the trenches. “What is sniper slang ?“ you asked when Ghost was beginning to count down  “Slang words for snipers ?” Said another cadet. you sighed as the group ran away. 
   You look at Ghost as he already sets his targets. You two began to walk separate ways as you entered one of the training buildings you shot two cadets you walked carefully upstairs and got to the roof. You could hear them yelling and screaming. You looked through your scope and found a group hiding behind a car. You shot two in the back and the other two in the arms and leg. You smiled behind the mask as you forgot how fun it was “Captain Price has joined the game bitches we’re safe!” Yelled one cadet. You looked out and stood up as you turned around and pointed your gun at the person who was behind you “I forgot how good your senses were .” Said Ghost as he looks over the building “First one to get Price gets $50.” You said as Ghost smirks and nods. You get to the edge of the building and laid down as you held onto the ends and jumped down landing on a window steel. You continue this until you were on the ground. 
     You walked around with the rifle in your hands. You heard a whistle  as you ducked then heard a gun go off. The paintball hit the building as you stood up and looked around to see if you could find Price you walked around and got behind a car as you found Price walking around stealthy. You pointed the rifle at Price and took a shot hitting his vest. He shot his pistol at the car making paint go all over you. You looked back over to see that Price was gone, you moved places making you hide behind a broken wall. You tried to find Ghost but you knew he was busy trying to find the cadets so it was just you versus Price. You looked over the wall to see nothing but just the training field and obstacles. You looked to your left to see Price leaning on the wall “Shit!” You said as you jumped a little. Price chuckles as he shoots you with the pistol and a red paint spot was now on your vest where your heart would be “I’m guessing that Ghost is dealing with..” he said as you two hear running and looked over to see a cadet running then getting shot with a paintball on the back “that.” He said as the cadet cursed and began to walk back to the trench. “At least I’m not using the tank.” You said as you and Price walked out of the area and walked around “true.” Said Price as he looks around to watch out for Ghost. You looked around and shot a couple of cadets as you got closer to the trenches to see that Ghost was already there.
         When class was over you walked to work out area as you walked over to the pull up bars and did some Burpee Pull-ups. You looked over to see that Ghost was doing some push ups and Soap was going curl ups you couldn’t help but look at how Ghosts vanes showed on his arms when he went up and down . You saw Ghosh glance at you as you quickly looked away and finished your set before you dropped down and used a rag to clean the handles. You went over to a bench and sat down as you grabbed your water bottle and took a sip of it and put the cap back on. You wiped some sweat off your face as you got up and left the area feeling Ghosts gaze still on you. 
        You got to your room and took a quick shower then laid on your bed and looked at your phone to see if you got any messages from König. “König: hey darling just checking up on you.”  You smiled at the text and replied “Me: I’m doing good, how was work ?” You hit send and sat at the computer and opened it and did some work. There was a knock at the door “Enter l you said as you turned around to see that Price was walking in with food and Ghost came in with some drinks “Hey kiddo .” Said Price as he sets the food down on your desk “Hey Price.” You said with a smile. Ghost sat on your bed as he opened a beer as he lifted his mask to his lips and took a sip. “What’s up ?” you asked as you looked at them two “We just wanted to check up on you .” Said Price as he smiles and looks at the computer to see that you were doing some work. You nod and went back to work as you take a bite of whatever Price gave you for dinner. Price ruffles your hair as Ghost gets up and leaves . “Goodnight kiddo .” He said as he closed the door “Night Dad.” You said as the door shuts. Price smiled as he went to his room and slept as Ghost went somewhere else. 
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper (pt 6)
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Prologue- When you told them little bit about your pat you took the day off and worked in the storage department until Ghost invites you to his office.
Warning- smut , language , little bit of angst , threesome, Dom König , Dom Ghost
You sit down on the bed and sigh as you know that had your folder “When did it happen” said Ghost coldly as you felt like he was starting into your soul “It was 4 years ago.” You said and looked up “I’m not a traitor I promise I have no relationship with that monster anymore .” You said and looked at König who was reading “It says that you were in his army as an undercover for a short time but continued to go back to him even when the mission was over .” He said then looked at you “Why.”. You felt your throat go dry as you wanted to say the answer but didn’t know how to explain it
“He had a bomb to my neck.. that’s why I had to wake in hoodies for a long time before we met.” You said and looked at Ghost “If I didn’t come back to him he would have blown me up .” You said and sighed. Ghost knew you didn’t want to talk about it; he knew what else he did to you. König sat on the bed and rubbed your back as you finched a little “How did he even get you ?” You froze up and began to shake. “Shit, “said Ghost as he sits next to you and holds you as you began to shake more and hyperventilate “ Konig … step outside.” Said Ghost as you began to hold Ghost tightly. Konig followed the order and stepped outside. Ghost rubs your head and kisses it “ it’s ok .. he’s not here to hurt you .” He said as you began to have a full-blown panic attack.
König could hear Ghost trying to comfort you as he began to walk away thinking that he made things worse. He went to his office and took his hood off and sat down. He took his knife out and played with it to try and keep his mind off of stuff. Hours went by and there was a knock on the door he sighs and put his hood in “Enter .” He said as Price entered in “Hey Konig.” He said as he closed the door. König sighs and rubbed pinches the bridge of his nose “She’s fine “ said Soap as he sat in the chair across from Konig “She just doesn't want to talk about it .” Said Soap as he sighs “Can you tell me what happened “ asked König as Soap nods “ Years ago Makarov stole her during a mission with 141. He torched her for hours until he broke her and … when we found her she wasn’t the same it was like a part of her was dead and gone .” He said as Konig remembers the scars on you “ while doing a mission with 141. He capture and torched her for hours on end until he broke her and … when we found her she wasn’t the same it was like a part of her was dead and gone .” He said as Konig remembers the scars on you.
Ghost entered the room with you wrapped in blankets like a burrito. He smiles a little bit “ She wants to see you.” he said as you climbed into his lap and sat there. Konig places his hands on your waist and head as you rest your head on his chest. He kissed it and smiles “ You look so comfortable in that cocoon.” said Soap as you nod. Konig rubbed your head and ran his fingers through your hair “I'm so sorry .” he said as he kisses your head. You smiled and looked up at him as you lifted his hood and kissed him. When Soap and Ghost left, Konig held you on his lap while he was working “ If he sends me one more Email I'm going to kill him.” he said as you looked over to see him emailing someone. You put the blanket around König as well “Babe what are you doing ?” He asked as he looks at you. You said nothing and undid his belt and took your pants off and panties “Babe we don’t.. we can’t ..” he said as you kiss him and enter him into you as you moan softly and he held onto your hips. König grabs your ass and pulls you more into him “I have a meeting with someone in a few minutes .” He said as you moaned into his neck and held onto him. “If he sends me one more Email I'm going to. König held onto your hips as he began to bounce you on him. “Shit I forgot how good you felt,” he said as he kept a slow pace. You were moaning as you felt him stretch you out whenever you went down.
König went a little bit roughed as he knew your neck “Fuck I needed this .” He said as he went harder as you held onto him. He looks at you to see your eyes were shut as he grabbed your neck and stood up making you lie down on his desk “Keep your eyes on me.” He said in a rough tone as you looked at him and moaned more. He felt the desk move a little as he went harder and rougher. You arch your back as he got your G-spot “Fuck Konig right there!” You said as you began to rub your clit. König continued the pace as he grows indicating that he was close, “That’s right babe cum on me, cum on this dick~.” He said as he went harder and rougher. You couldn’t hold back any longer as you came and arched your back. König came inside of you and he bit your shoulder. König held you close as he was catching his breath and saw on his screen say “Missed meeting .” He rolled his eyes as he looked at your face and kissed it “The meeting was going to be boring anyway.” He said as he chuckled. König got you off of him as he was praising you “You did such a good job, honey .” He said as he grabbed a rag and began to clean you off. König picked you up and places you on a couch as he puts his dick back into his pants.
You looked at him as he turned his computer off and went over to where you were and sat next to you “Do you think you can walk ?” He asked as you nod and sat up leaning onto him. König smiled and played with your hair “If you two are done fucking can I come in.” Said Price as you sat up and looked at König in confusion and fear. Price opened the door and looked at you and König on the couch. You tried to move away from König but he grabbed your waist and placed you back onto his chest. Price was not amused as he closed the door “How are you feeling ?” Asked Price as he pulled up a chair to the couch and pulled out a first aid and placed it on his thigh.
You looked at it as he opened it and put gloves on. Your anxiety spiked up as you felt König lift your shirt to your stomach where the stitches were. Price places his hand near the stitches making you hiss in pain and flinch “Relax kid all I’m going to do is clean it .” Said Price looking at your scared expression. He sighed as he leaned back on the chair and rubbed his face as he sighed “I’m sorry this happened to you.” He said as he grabbed some alcohol wipes and gently applied them on the area as he dug his nails into König’s arm “It’s ok darling it’s going to hurt for a little bit.” said König as he kissed his head. You took deep breaths when you saw Price put some cream on a bandage and place it on your stitches “I’m surprised that you didn’t break a stitch .” Said Price looking at you. You rolled your eyes and smiled as you knew he was refuting it. When Price was done he leaned back as König put your shirt back down. You sat up and stretched as you stood up. “If you want to, you can go back to your office or work in the weapon department.” Said Price getting up.
You stood up as you looked at Price, you hisses in pain “I can do the storage .”You said as König helped you walk. You walked out of König’s office as you walked to your room to get changed. You sat on the bed as König grabs some sweatpants and a tang top “Do you need help?” He asked as you grabbed it and took your shirt off and put the tang top on. He looked at your collarbone and saw his mark on you and smiled a little “Are you sure that I wasn’t rough?” He asked as he lifted your chin so that you were looking at him. You nod as he kisses you lightly “I have to get back to work .” He said as he fixed his hood and leaves the room. You put your pants on and tied your boots as you left the room.
You walked into the storage room and saw that people were looking at you and murmuring to their friends. You didn’t let it bother you as you began to do your work and check if everything is in order. You climbed up some shelves and sat on top of it and saw the whole warehouse. You lean back on your forearms and relax. “Doesn't know this was your comfort place too.” Said Ghost as he walks beside you and sits down. You looked at him and smiled a little. “Didn’t know it was yours .” You said as he held your hand “I’m guessing that people are giving you problems.” Said Ghost as you laid your head on his lap. Ghost rubbed your head as you looked at him. He was looking at you as you blushed a little. Ghost looked around. “Want to go to my office ?” He asked as he played with your hair. You nod as you were hypnotized by how his hands would play with your hair making you super relaxed. Ghost chuckles as he helps you up the two of you climbed down the shelves and jumped down on the last 3.
You two began to walk to Ghost's office “Lieutenant, there are some reports that you need to sign off .” Said a cadet as he held onto a file. Ghost groaned as he looked at the Cadet “Send them to me.” Said Ghost as he shoves you into his office “Yes sir .” Said the cadet as he saluted and walked away. He enters his office to see you sitting in his chair. He closes and locks the door as he walks more into his office “Get out of my chair” he said as he stands next to you and crosses his arms. You shook your head as he gripped your neck “Now .” He said as you bit your lip slightly. There was a knock at the door as Ghost went over and opened it to see König standing there. He let him in as König looked at you and you could tell that you were in trouble with him. He chuckles and leans the wall as Ghost closes and locks the door and goes to you “ Am I interrupting something ?” He asks as Ghost chuckles and makes you look up at König by gripping your jaw “Nope, the fun just started ~” König walks over to you and grips your neck as you gasped lightly under his touch “Are you being a bad girl ?” He asked as you shook your head. Ghost let go of your jaw as he watches König tease you.
König grabbed your thighs and spreads them a little “Do you want to show our friend here what I did to you earlier ?” Said König in a teasing tone. Your head was everywhere to the point that you couldn’t spread and only nodded. You shook your head as König rubbed your clit making you whimper “I think you want to show him what’s mine “ said König as you began to grind on his hand. You whimpered and moaned as you continue he pulls his hand away and he kisses your neck “Can you do something for my darling?” he said as you tried to grip his hair your arms were too tired so you just nod. He looks at Ghost who was leaning on the wall crossing his arms “ Go make him feel what I get every night ~.” He said as you stood up and looked over at Ghost as you blushes “ And, crawl towards him ~.” Added König as you took your mask off and got down on all fours then crawled towards him.
When you got to Ghost you sat in front of him and began to unzip his pants. He looks down at you with needs and wants like how he has been fantasizing about this for a long time. You got to his boxers and you could see the dick print already as your mouth watered “Use your words Sweetie and tell me what you want ~.” Said Ghost as he puts his thumb to the bottom of your lip “I… I want your dick .” You said as your head began to already go blank. Ghost looked at König and gets his dick out and places it on your lips “Go ahead then ~” he said as she rubs her head you open your mouth and began to take him into your mouth. You could hear him groan with pleasure as you began to use your hands for the parts that you couldn’t reach or get to. “S-shit König she is so good .” Said Ghost as you felt something posting at your entrance. Ghost grabs your hair making you ur yelp “Focus on me you fucking slut ~” he said as you began to go deeper and take more of him. König enters into you making your eyes widen and arch your back you felt yourself stretch around him as he back to thrust into you “Good girl ~” said König as he continues. You moan around Ghost's dick and felt every vain that he had “S shit .” Said Ghost as he gets closer to cumming. You felt so stuffed and yet so happy that you were finally getting fucked by these two. König sped up the pace and plays with your clit making you moan and squirm “That’s it baby girl” said König as you were getting close to cumming very quickly. Ghost grunts and breaths heavily “S shit König can she swallow?” Said Ghost as he puts his head more in his dick “Yes she can swallow whatever you give her .~” said König as he slaps your ass making you yelp. Ghost shoves his whole shaft down your throat and cums “Good girl. Holy shit baby you did such a good job.” Said Ghosdt as he taps the tip on your lips again before sitting down and still having his dick out. You began to moan as König was hitting all the right places “That’s it baby cum on me .” He said and grabs your neck and sits up making his dock go deeper into you. You were mumbling words as you were almost theor “Cum on this dick fucking you while I'm fucking your insides ~” said König as you became to cum making your legs shake. König bites your neck as he could Inside of you.
The room smelled like sweat and sex as you and König were panting. Ghost walked over and rubs your cheek “You did so well for us baby girl “ he said as you whimper from the overstimulation. König pulled out and held you close to him “Ghost .. help me clean her off .” He said as he puts his boxers back on and picks you up. Ghost nods and grabs a rag then leaves for a while to get some more stuff “das hast du so gut gemacht Schatz (You did so good darling).” Said Kônig as he kisses your head and rubs your back he sits you on a chair as he continues to dress. Ghost comes in with a bowl of water and some snacks he walks over to you and kneels as he damps the rag and begins to clean you off. You looked at him and noticed that he still had his mask on the whole time making you feel doubtful. ghost noticed how you looked at him and sighed “Only in private sweetheart ok .” He said as calmly as he takes the skull mask off and the black ski mask. You smiled a little then hisses in pain when he got to your sour area “I know it hurts honey but you're doing so good .” Said Ghost as she tries to hurry. König looks over to see how Ghost was treating you and how your body responded and smiles a little as he took his hood off. He walks over with your pants and jacket “Sorry for ripping your panties, darling .” He said as his eyes widen in confusion and looked over at the area to see the fabric. You glared at him as he chuckles nervously “I’ll get you a new one .” He said as Ghost chuckles “König your lucky I don’t beat your German ass .” You said as he helps you put your pants on.
The three of you left the office as König was helping you go to your room “Babe I’m not tired .” You said with a yawn as Ghost goes off somewhere “You are .” stated König as he picks you up and carried you. You lean your head on his chest as he looks down at you and smiled. Once he enters your room he lays you on the bed and tucks you in “Now you rest.” He said as he kisses your head. You nod as you fall asleep while looking at him. König leaves the room closing the door quietly and walks down the halls and to the main base. He begins to clean up his AK as Ghost goes up to him “We have a new mission and she is included in it.” Said Ghost as he sets a file next to him. König looks at the file and opens it “The brief is that it’s a factory that some Russians are using to store weapons .” Said Ghost as König looks at the factory and nods “What’s our position in this ?” He asked as Ghost leans on the wall “To destroy some tanks that are filled with some kind of gas and blow that shit up to pieces .” He said as König eyes widen a little. “She is going to have fun .” Said König as Ghost smirks under the mask “That she will indeed.”
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper (part 5)
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Prolog- While your time at the camp you get ready for the battle but something goes wrong causing you to go to the hospital. Once when you returned to the base someone found out who you used to work for.
Warnings - Little bit of smut ,angst , blood , violence
 You woke up to the cold wind blowing into your tent making you curl up against König to get warm. König was reading some files as he looks at you and smiled as he puts the blanket over your shoulder and kisses your head “König, “ said Ghost as he enters the tent with a heavy jacket on with the hood up “Yeah .” Said Konig in a whispering tone as Ghost looks over to see you asleep “I need to talk to you about the mission so if you can, can you step outside .” He said as König moves you over and puts a jacket on and stepped outside
 “Any good news ?” He asked as snow began to already cover his hood “Due to the upcoming snow storm we might be able to have a chance at winning .” Said Ghost crossing his arms “And what about her .” Said König hoping to hear good news “She will be safe now because the power in that warehouse will be put and she will be able to get the keycard and leave safely.” He said as König sighs in relief “That’s … that’s good to hear .” He said and smiled under his hood “Will I be going through any vents this time.” You said walking out of the tent. You were wearing a heavy winter jacket and tan cargo pants with your commander boots. “Not that ya I know of .” Said Ghost as he looks over at you “Good because if I have to climb through a vent one more time and get stuck I will fucking kill you guys.” You said as Ghost chuckled and Konig held back a laugh. 
    “Don’t worry we will make sure you won’t.” Said Konig as he kissed your head. You blush and looked around “So you said that there was going to be a snowstorm tomorrow and the next day correct?” You said as the whole place looked like from a movie “Yes .” Said Ghost as he gets hit with a snowball. He  looked at you and saw your glove had snow on it “oops .” You said and began to laugh you were hit in the chest with one as Ghost threw one at you. Soap ran in and dumped a huge snow pile on Ghost “snowball fight!” He yelled as everyone began to make and throw snowballs. You  made some and began to headshot people “Graves that's not fair get out of the tank you bitch !” Yelled soap as everyone looked over to see Graves in a tank “Make me your soap dispenser.” Said Graves as the tank shot a huge snowball at him. Soap moves out of the way as it lands on a tree. Konig grabbed you and went behind a snow barrier as he laughed “You ok darling?” He asked to get the snow off of your face. You smile and kiss him threw the mask “Yeah I’m just having fun .” You said as you sat in his lap and continued to throw  snowballs at people your body would jump a little on him as you were throwing making him blush and place his hands on your hips “D- darling could you slow down in the throwing “ he said as he felt himself get hard from how you were pressed upon him “You ok Konig ?” You asked as you sat down fully on his lap  you saw him blushing and you realized “Baby, look at me .” You said as he looks at you blushing more and yet having a needy expression on. You begin to grind on him as he flinches and looks worried “What if they see us? “ He said, looking around you, and whispered in his ear “Then let them .” You said as you kissed him he moaned into the hiss and held your hips and made you go rougher as you were beginning to moan. Konig pulled his mask up  and your mask down as you two began to make out “Please König, please don’t stop “ you whimpered as he held you down and began thrusting up making you cover your mouth “Are you gonna cum ?” He said as he went rougher and kisses your neck you nod as he smirked and went faster “Shit  I’m gonna. “ you said as you get your panties soaked and your juice doing down your leg. You looked at Konig to see his eyes shut and his pants having a dark spot where his dick would be.
   You two fought your breath as you sat next to König you both got up and went to your tent and got changed your pants to brown cargo pants and Konig he was now wearing black pants. You two left the tent and were still blushing. The snowball fight dies down and you saw Graves was on a snow pile “Soap and Rodolfo got him out with a snow rpg “ said Ghost as he walked to you “Price wants to see you .” He said looking at you nod and began to walk to the main building. 
       You clean yourself up as you walked in to see Price and Kate talking to a computer with Shepard on it. “Snipe, nice to see you again .” Said Price as you got into the camera view “the mission for you is to get a key card from the warehouse that has an initial on where the missiles and Makarov are.” said Shepard you nod and crosses his arm “Who will I be going with ?” You asked as you looked at Price “ Kruger, Roach, and Farah.” He said as your eyes widened a little. “There will be some luck because the power will be out.” said Shepherd as you looked back at the computer and nod “Any more information?” You asked as Price and Kate looked at each other “Negative “ said Shepard as you nod and cross your arms “The missiles will be written in Russian so make sure you translate it and be able to remember what it said.” Said Shepherd as Price nods.
     When they dismissed you, you went to your room to see Konig laying in bed reading some files “How was the meeting ?” He asked looking at you “I have to be a translator .” you said as you took the jacket off and lay in bed “Let me guess…. Russia .” He said as you groan even louder and layed in his chest  as he chuckles “You will do fine.” He said and smirked as he whimpered in your ear “ wenn du brav bist spreche ich deutsch im bett (if you do good I’ll speak German I’m bed ) and I know how much you love me speaking it ~” said Konig as he felt you press your thighs together “ And I might add some handcuffs and a blindfold.” said as you whimpered and looked at him “Are you trying to encourage me or trying to make me horny ?” You said as you looked at him smiling “Both, as long as it motivates you .” He said and kissed you.
      Ghost walked in with Soap as they were covered in snow “Do you want a top hat Mr. snowman ?” You said looking at Ghost who flipped you off. “How was the meeting ?” Asked Soap, hitting Ghost’s arm and smiling at you “It was ok, got to see Kate.” You said with a smile “That’s good to hear, so we might be able to use some tanks if a certain person would allow me to drive.” He said looking at Ghost who was looking back at him “Well you almost crashed into a fucking tree pat time you drove and you were playing Scotland  music out loud.” Said Ghost. You began to laugh actually seeing that happen in your head. “I mean why not just use the cars?” You asked as Konig hugged you from behind “They are frozen .” Said Soap as he laughed. Ghost grabbed his arm and pulled him close to him and whispered in his ear about something. You could see Soap kinda blush a little either from the cold or from what Ghost said “Understood.” He said as Soap was definitely now flustered “Yes .” Said Soap.  
     Soap knew about you and König’s relationship, he helped König lose the fear to talk to you and ask you out. “How have you two been?” Asked Soap as you looked at König who was holding you tighter. He did this when he was nervous or just wanted to hold you “Were good” you said with a smile. Soap looked over at Ghost “Should we give them some time ?” He asked as Ghost looked at you and saw how you were smiling and looking at König he was kind of happy that he got to see you smile “König, want to do some patrol ?” He asked as König looked at him and his legs go “Yeah let me just grab my rifle then I’ll head out.” He said as he got off of the bed and puts on his boots then grabbed his rifle and went outside with Ghost. 
     Soap looked at you taking your mask off “How are you feeling?” He asked as you laid down on the bed on your back “I’m fine .” You said as you sat back up and looked at Soap who knew the truth “I’m being serious, ever since you came back from that mission 2 weeks back you were distant… what happened.” He said as you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose “I lost the entire squad .” You said as you tried not to tear up “Snipes….. I’m so sorry “ he said as he pulled you into a hug. “it’s not your fault… you tried your best .” He said rubbing your back as you began to cry. Soap was like a big brother to you and you were his little sis as Soap pulled away he pulled a cigarette pack from his pocket “Want one?” He asked as you began to laugh “Are these Prices?” You said as you begin to laugh and wipe your tears away “I mean if he doesn’t know .” He said as he hands you one and puts one in his mouth and lit it then blows smoke into the air. You lit yours up and took a puff then held it between your thumb and index finger “Hey Soap, Do you think I’ll survive ?” You asked as he stops and looks at you then sighs “I know that Ghost, König, Price, Kate, and everyone will kill Shepard if you don't .” He said as you smiled a little.
    You and Soap began to talk and joke around “Alright alright we need to stop and get out there and train before Price gets on us for smoking his cigarette.” He said and puts it out on the ground with his foot and stood up from the chair “Yeah.” You said and did the same as you grabbed your gun and began to go outside. When you walked out a few steps Graves approached you in his white uniform “Get ready in 3 minutes, your heading to the warehouse in 4 minutes.” Said Graves as he holds his gun tightly next to him. You were in shock and stood there “Do I look like I have something on my face, Get fucking ready for battle .” He said as you unfroze and nod then ran into your tent and began to put your uniform on. It was all black as you put your vest on and make sure that all your guns were loaded as you put your helmet on and look for your mask. “I’m guessing that it’s time.” Said Ghost as he enters the room in his white uniform. He could tell that your anxiety picked up he went into his pocket and pulled out his old mask and hands it to you “You lose it and I’ll kill you .” he said as you grabbed it and looked at it. Ghost looked like he was about to say something but left the room you put the mask on and walked out to see everyone already ready. You looked around for König “Sweetheart!” yelled König as he goes to you “I need for you to stay alive and to be safe ok.” He said grabbing the side of your head and kissing your head as he goes into the helicopter. You didn’t have time to say goodbye and just went to the car that Kruger, Roach, and Farah sat next to Kruger as the car took off to the warehouse. 
      The driver stopped near the woods “Good luck “ he said as the 3 of you got out of the car. You got out last and began to walk to the warehouse. “Does everyone know what to do ?” You asked as they nod. When your team continued to walk To the warehouse when Kruger pulled you to the side “Listen, Konig told me to tell you that when you are done to find him he needs to tell you something important.” He said in his Australian accent you nod and didn’t want to ask any questions. He pats your arm and continues to walk with them “So I’m guessing that you are the person that Price took in.” Said Farah as she looked at you with her skull mask on “Yeah.” You said you rubbed your arm “He’s a great man and I respect that. Taking a kid in and raising it as his own.” She said as you smiled a little from under your mask. The Warehouse was in view as Price radios in “Remember to lay low and keep quiet. “ he said. You took a look at the building “How many are there?” You asked sitting on the snow as the wind begins to pick up “I’m counting 57” said Roach as he puts down his binoculars. Your heart skipped a beat as your anxiety began to kick in. You put your hood on as you radio in “This is snipe to base, going dark .” You said as you heard Shepard on the other side “Affirmative .” He said and you knew it was time.
      You began to go down the hill and once you got near the base’s gate you heard some guards walking by. Roach went over to the other side of the wall and stealth killed them “Clear” he said as your team walked in. You shot a few men as you made your way Inside “So the Data card is going to be in the computer room.” Said Kate as she felt relief. You began to continue to walk to the computer room, hiding from soldiers  “It’s going to be on your right then left and you will be there .” She said as you began the walk down the hallway. Once you got there you saw codes and News reports on the screen. You looked around and saw the key card. Once you grabbed it someone grabbed your mouth and held a knife to your throat you knew that it had to be a soldier. You kicked their leg making them back up you grabbed your knife and stabbed them in the leg. They shot their pistols and you felt pain shoot to your stomach you hiss in pain as you then slice their throat making the blood get all over you. You panted as you grabbed the key card and left the area holding your side. The alarms went off as guards began to run outside and to where you were “Shit.” You said as you took cover and shot at the enemy.
    As the alarm was still going and gunshots were in the distance you were sitting down leaning on the wall as you felt yourself get lightheaded from the blood loss. Your vision went on and out as you began to lose hope that anyone would come after you. “Area is clear, continuing to look around the area.” Said a voice that was in a muffle. The boots went around the corner “Shit, “ said the person as he radioed in “This is Ghost, I need a medic at the entrance now .” He said as he pulled your helmet off and looked at your wounded body “Where did they get you “ he said as he puts pressure on your side. You were too weak to talk  you begin to close your eyes “Stay with me .” He said lightly slapping your face to get you to wake up. Ghost picked you up and began to walk outside “Is… my team ok ?” You asked, trying to stay up.  Ghosts looked at some being in the medic “Yeah, they���re safe.” He said as you nod and smile a little. Ghost knew that you were kissing a lot of blood and began to rush into the truck “Hospital now  “ he said as the driver began to drive to the hospital. Ghost looked at you to see your eyes looking around and about to close “Stay with me, Snipe.” He said as he yelled at the driver to hurry up. Ghost looked at his hand to see it covered in blood “Fuck..” he said in a worried tone as the hospital was close “Ghost to you copy” said Price on his walkie “Yes sir.” Said Ghost making sure to apply pressure onto your wound “Where is Eva ?” He asked with there a worried tone in his voice. “Stop the car .” Said Ghost not answering Prove as he rushed out of the car still holding you close. He pushed the door open to see nurses and doctors walking around.
One of the nurses saw Ghost enter and grabbed a medic bed “We need Help over here now .” She said as she puts a mini flashlight in your eyes to check your pupils to see them react “Bring her to room 142.” she said as they began to rush you to the room. They put an Iv in your arm and some anesthesia. You were knocked out before they got into the room. Ghost went to the walkie and answered “she… she was shot.”.
     Konig was with Prince in the Helicopter and felt his whole world shatter. “She is in the Medic room and getting help,” said Ghost as Price sighed in relief but looked at Konig to see revenge in his eyes. He didn't want to make things worse so he kept quiet.  Price told the pilot to land near the hospital and looked at Konig murmuring to himself and balling his hands up into a fist. When Konig saw the hospital he got out when it landed and ran into the Hospital. He looked over to see Ghost looking down holding his hands `` was ist passiert ( what happened)” he said and noticed blood on his glove. Konig sat beside him and kept quiet until the doctor called them in to see her. 
     Hours went by as a doctor came in “ Are you here for her?” asked the Doctor holding a clipboard “ Is She ok?” asked Konig in a worried voice “She is, we have removed 6 bullets from her stomach and side.” said the Doctor  “ Kriff .” said Ghost as he held his hands together “ Are we able to see her?” asked Konig as he stands up. The doctor was surprised by how tall he was by how his eyes widened. “ Yes, but she is in recovery.” said the doctor as he led them to your recovery room. Konig entered the room to see you on the bed with an oxygen tube and IV in your arms. You had bandages on your side and across your chest. Konig was shaking as he sat down and held onto your hand he looked at the door to see Ghost and the Doctor talking. He looks at you and kisses your hand “ I'm so sorry.” he said and places it back. Ghost entered the room and leaned on the door frame “ She was fighting to keep alive.” he said as he shut the door and walked closer to Konig. “You need to head back to base…. Shepherd wants to see you” said Ghost as Konig shook his head  “ I'm not leaving until she is awake." Konig looked at you “ Konig, it was a direct order. I know you want to stay and so do I but we still have to get back to work.” said Konig as he gives Ghost a death stair. Ghost sighed and pats his back “ I’ll tell him that you're busy.” said Ghost as he leaves. 
    Hours went by as Konig was asleep on the chair without his hood holding your hand he felt movement and looked up to see that you were awake. He didn't want to scare you as he rubbed your hand with his thumb as you looked over and smiled “ Hallo Liebling ( hello sweetheart) how do you feel?” asked Konig as he smiles a little “wie Müll ( like crap)” you said as he chuckles. You looked around and then back at Konig. He smiles as you placed your hand on his cheek “ I see that your growing a beard.” you said as e rolls his eyes and kisses your wrist “ Didn’t have time to shave.” he said as you put your hand back down. Konig kisses you softly as the doctor walked in. “ The surgery was complete and you are free to leave.” said the doctor handing you some paperwork. You signed in as you looked over at the nightstand table to see some clothes. You were confused and looked at König and saw him smile “I got you some new clothes… and also my hoodie “ he said as you get up and almost fell. König grabbed your waist before you could fall and held you close to him “The doctor did say that would happen due to how much blood loss you had.” He said as he places you back on the bed and handed you the bag of clothes. You looked inside to see a pair of black lingerie panties and a black bra. You look at Konig and roll your eyes with a smile as you took the hospital gown off. 
    König looked as the gown fell off your shoulders and blushed when he saw your breast. He couldn’t take his eyes off as he looked at the scars on your arms and chest “Liking the view ?” You said in a teasing tone he blushes and looks away. He looked again to see that you were struggling to put the bra on. He got up and moved your hair out of the way as he helped you hook the bra. He kissed your neck softly as he felt you shiver slightly “Need help with anything else ?” He asked as you faced him. You shook your head and kiss him as you put your panties and pants on. König stops you before you would put the shirt on “König we can’t fuck here .” You said as you looked at him to see that he was looking at the stitches and scars. Konig looked hurt and disappointed “König .. it’s ok it wasn’t your fault. I’m ok .” You said as you placed your hand on his cheek. He looked at you and smiled a little. He gets your shirt on and picks you up. 
    When you two left the hospital A car was there with Ghost leaning on it. His eyes lit up a little as he saw you out of the hospital and opened the door as Konig placed you in and closed the door. Ghost and König looked at each other and said nothing as Ghost got in the driver's seat and Konig went on the other side and got in next to you. “Good to have you back, Snipe.” Said Ghost as he began to drive he would look at the review mirror and look at you to make sure that you were ok. Once he got to the base he stopped the car and helped you get out as Konig opened the fort for you “I can walk you know .” You said and laughed a little “Sorry .” Said Ghost as he jerks his hand away from your arm. You walked into the base and looked around to see that nothing new really happened. “I’m gonna head to my barric .” You said as you looked over to see König and Ghost talking. 
     You walked into your barric and laid down on your bed. You noticed a piece of paper on your nightstand and looked at it. It was a picture of your file with the word “Traitor “ written across it in red ink. You were confused and opened it to see that it was pictures of you when you used to work for Makarov. There was a knock on the door and Konig entered with Ghost holding your file “Sweetheart… we need to talk.” 
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our sniper (Part 4)
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Prolog- When going to train your cadets you and Ghost gets to have some time to actually talk about your past relationship and watch a movie with Konig. The next day you enter the plain hoping that the mission won’t be bad
Warning: Little bit of angst , Swearing , past relationships,
Konig woke up to hear the water run in the bathroom knowing that you could be in the shower or just brushing his teeth. He leaned on the bathroom door frame to see that you were brushing your teeth. You looked over to see Konig standing there with his messy hair and tired eyes “You ok?” you said as Konig nodded slowly and walks over to you and hugged you from behind. You smiled and felt him biting the back of your neck making you blush and looked at him “Konig we can't do it this early.” You said and spit out the toothpaste as you heard Konig groan and hold you tighter. You rolled your eyes and chuckled as you turned to face him and placed your hand on his cheek and move the hair out of his face “I have to go teach the cadets.” you said as he nods and kisses your head and turns the shower on. You left the room and got dressed in your dark green short sleeve and camo pants. You glanced at the mirror to see Hickeys and bite marks on your neck as you cursed to yourself and blushed. You put your boots on and walk over to a drawer and got some foundation. You went to the mirror and began to apply it where the marks were. When you finally covered the spots Konig was getting dressed on the opposite side as you looked over at him putting his pants on. You blushed to yourself to see his back muscles twitch and the scars and scratches on his back show more as he put the shirt on.
Konig sat down in the bed and grabbed one of his boots and began to put it on “Konig” you said as he looked like he was thinking about something and was in his own world. You walked over and sat on his lap making him snap out of it and look at you with his greyish-brown eyes. You smiled and got the towel and began to dry his hair as he kept his eyes on you “ What are you thinking about?” you asked as you pull the towel away “Nichts (nothing ) “ said Konig as he smiles at you “Dont go German on me .” You said as you get out of his lap and begin to put your hair up in a bun “I thought you liked me speaking German.” he said as he chucked and gets up. He kissed your head and looked at the mirror “What are you going to be teaching them?” he asked as you thought about it “ Maybe, about safety when using a bomb or defusing it.” You said as König sighs and pats your ass as he grabs his hood and puts it on.
You looked at König and smiled as you walked over “Will I see you later tonight ?” You asked as you help to put his vest on “Yeah if there isn’t a meeting.” Said König as he smiles and puts his mask on. You two began to leave the door as König looked at you and smiled. As you went your separate ways you walked down to your squadron of cadets to see Ghost training them. You were confused as you got closer to hear him telling the cadets what to do “10 laps around the field then head back.” He said as the cadets nodded and began to do the lap. You walked over to him and crossed your arms “What are you doing ?” You asked as he looked over at you. “I’m training .” He said as you looked over at the cadets “These are my cadets to train Simon .” You said as you realized you fucked up.
He looked at you like you shot someone. You backed up away from him as he glared at you “Do you mind saying that again … Snipe.” He said as you looked away, “Nothing, I said nothing ghost .” You said as you looked away from him. You knew that Ghost was looking at you. “We will talk about this later .” He said as he heard your cadets entering the area. You knew that it was going to be a long day as you began to teach your cadets the safety and how to disarm a bomb.
As a few hours went by, you were picking up paperwork and held onto them until you knew that Ghost was in the room. He walked over and grabbed your arm as he pulled you to him “Who the fuck said that you can call me that name .” He said as you looked away from him he grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at him “Look at me when I’m talking to you .” He said as you looked at him. He felt like something punches him in the stomach when he saw the fear in your eyes. He stopped and let go of your jaw “…sweetheart “ he said as you left the room quickly and went to your office. He sat down and sighs, he thought about you and how he felt when you two met for the first time. How you would smile and mess around with him and the rest of the 141. He remembered how you two almost had your first kiss on a mission at a camp sight. As he smiled to himself remembering that night.
Flashback: You and Ghost were sitting on opposite ends as Price would go on telling about his mission and Soap making s’mores and setting the marshmallow on fire while you would just listen and fix your mask occasionally. He was too busy carving something with his knife “Im going to be, You all should do the same and get ready for tomorrow “. Said Price as he put out his cigar and went to his tent. The rest of the squad began to do the same leaving only you and ghost alone. You got up and sat next to ghost “Whatcha carving ?” You asked leaning over to see his name curve into the wood. “That’s really good Ghost.” You said as he looked over to see you smiling making his smile a little on her his mask. He wasn’t really a talker at that time “If you need me I’ll be in our tent “ You said as you got up and patted his shoulder and went to the tent that you two shared. Ghost sighed and put water on the fire as it died out and went inside the tent. He laid down and put covers over himself as he closed his eyes. you began to shiver from the cold as the wind would blow into your guy's tent. “Hey.. do you want to warm up ?” He said as he looked over to see you looking at him. he forgot how beautiful your eyes were up close and how you would look at his face like it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Ghost places his hand on your waist and pulled you to his chest “Body heat can actually help a lot when it comes to two people near each other .” He said as you nod “Ghost can I -“ “Simon “ he said interrupting you as he looked lovingly onto your eyes and you did the same “Call me Simon.” He said as you placed your hands onto his chest “Can I kiss you then, Simon “ you said as He shivers to how you said his name. he nods as he takes his mask and pulls it up to his lips and you did the same. When your lips touched it felt so soft agent his like a feather when you pulled away you were blushing and looked away “ Sorry if that was awkward I didn’t mean to -!” You said as Ghost kissed you again but more passionately then pulled away “It's fine but it you tell anybody about this I will kill you.” He said as You smiled and rest your head on his chest “I promise I won't Simon.”
You were drinking whiskey and doing some paperwork and looked over to see a picture of you and Ghost back in the day. You put the picture down and continue to do your paperwork as he barged into the room. You looked up at him “My office hours are closed, Ghost .” You said with a sigh as you looked at him. He closed the door and grabbed you by the collar and pulled you into a hug. You were in shock as you tried to push him away as you felt his hand grab the lower pet of your back and pull you close. He pulled away. You look at him as he pulls away from the hug. You looked at Ghost and saw that Simon was still there behind the mask “I’m sorry .” He said as he sits down on the couch in your office “It’s fine .” You said and sat back down “You know that I don’t like people saying my name in public .” He said and looked at you as you were still fixing up papers “Why were you helping me with my cadets anyway…” you asked as Ghost stretches “Just wanted to help out a friend.” He said as he looked at you “Ghost .. that was years ago .” You said and sighed “I just wanted to make up for what I did …” he said as you looked down “You kept leaving me when I needed you the most even when I saw my brother die you weren’t there.” You said and got up. Ghost looked at how you wrote on your paperwork, he missed how you would make little doodles on it if you were in a boring meeting. “Snipe I want to make it up to you.” He said as you went to the door as grabbed your arm. “Can we start over, with our friendship?” He asked as you were silent “I don’t want to be abandoned when I really need someone.” You said as you left the door. Ghost felt like his heart was stabbed over and over again he never meant to hurt you, he wanted to be there for you but Shepard put him on a mission and he couldn’t see you.
You were on the other side of the door and sighed as if it did hurt you too. You knew that he wanted to be there but he couldn’t. You teared up and looked back at the door as you saw it open Ghost was standing there and pulled you into a hug and held you tightly. You tried to push him away while beginning to cry “I won’t ever leave you again.” He said as he kissed your head and looked around to see if anyone was around. He picked you up and carried you to the game room and set you on the couch. You were confused and then you realized what he was doing once you saw him grabbing a blanket. He walked back over and put it over you as he puts on a movie “Doesn't know it was movie day “ said König as he entered the room. You looked over and smiled as he kisses you and sits beside you. Ghost rolled his eyes and sits on the other side. Konig puts the blanket on him and so did the ghost. While watching a movie you felt König’s hand trail up and down your thigh making you blush “You ok ?” Asked Ghost as you look over at him and nod. You look at König who was moving around a lot and moving his hand higher to your inner thigh. You look over at the movie and tried to ignore it.
As the movie went on you fell asleep on König as the movie continues “How many more days until the mission.” He said rubbing your head “4” said Ghost looking at your sleepy face pressed on König’s chest “She is so tired out from class and training .” Said Ghost as he begins to get up “Why does it have to be her anyway .” Said König as he picks you up and begins to walk down the hallway with Ghost “Because Shepard is an ass “ he said as König kept quite. Once they got to your room Ghost opened the door and let König in and left the area. He sets you down and lays behind you spooning you “Eines Tages werde ich dich von all dem wegbringen (one day I’ll take you away from all of this).” He said as he turned the light off and rested for the day.
As the movie went on you fell asleep on König as the movie continues “How many more days until the mission.” He said rubbing his head “4” said Ghost looking at your sleepy face pressed on König’s chest “She is so tired out from class and training .” Said Ghost as he begins to get up “Why does it have to be her anyway .” Said König as he picks you up and begins to walk down the hallway with Ghost “Because Shepard is an ass “ he said as König kept quiet. Once they got to your room Ghost opened the door and let König in and left the area. He sets you down and lays behind you spooning you “Eines Tages werde ich dich von all dem webring (one day I’ll take you away from all of this).” He said as he turned the light off and rested for the day .
   Once you were at the camp that was set up you walked over to Konig and held his hand “Need something?’ he asked looking at you and smiling “ Want to walk around?” you asked as he nods and began to walk with you. You both walked around the camp and looked around “Im guessing that the mission deals with that wearhouse over there.” you said pointing at the smoke “Yeah, to only get a key card.” he said as he forms his hand into a fist. You looked up at him and became worried “Konig..” you said and touched his arm as he pulled away “Lets go.” he said as you put your arm now and just followed him. You both entered a room to se everyone there eating you walked over and got a tray of food and looked for Konig. He was nowhere to be seen at all like he disappeared. You felt a little bit hurt “Snipe.” said a familiar voice you looked over to see Price with Gaz, Soap, and Ghost. You faked smiled and walked over sitting next to Soap “Hey Price.” you said smiling “ Long time no see.” you added as you looked at all of them. You stopped at Ghost in shock to see him not wearing the skull and just his old mask with  his sunglasses “Oh yeah, Ghost wanted to bring his old stuff out for this mission.” said Soap as he pats his back. You smiled under your mask and looked at your plate of food. 
 When you were done eating you got up and threw it away “Konig Im telling you I can’t.” said Krueger you looked over to see him and Konig talking “I cant keep her from doing a mission that Shepard ordered her to do.” he said as You saw Konig holding the back of his head “ I cant lose her on this mission ” said Konig as he looked over and saw you he sat up as you walked away “Shit.” he said and got up then went after you but just like what he did, you were gone.
  At midnight Konig walked back to his tent to see you sitting up and looked at him “Konig... “ you said as he sighed and sat on the bed “ I ... Im trying to get you out of the mission because ....the survival rate was 70% and ..” he said as you went nex tot him and grabbed his face “ Look at me , Im right here Konig and im not ever going to leave you .” you said as he takes the mask off and looks at you then kisses you “Promise ?” he said and holds onto you as you both laid down “I promise.” you said and kissed him as you both fell asleep in each outher arms.
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper (part 3)
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Prolog: After your training with Ghost and  König you head back to your room where you and  König spend time together until he is called into a meeting where you re going into a mission.  König tries to reason with the General to see if he is able to join you on the mission for your safety. When the General declines Price offers to let him join Task force 141 in a mission that is close to yours so that he is able to join your battle and make sure that you survive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warning : Strong language, Little bit of dry humping, Teasing, Blood 
      Once you both reach your room you entered it and you walked inside with König as he closed the door. You sighed as you sat on your bed “König, what the hell is going on between you two.” you said as he sat in a chair and looked at you. “We are just having a bit of fun darling .” He said and looked at his knife. You were surprised and nodded as you began to take your shorts off “Would you like for me to leave or stay ?” Asked König as he kept his eyes on the knife in his hands. You thought about it for a while and cleared your voice “Do you mind stepping outside ?” You said as he stood up and lift his hood and kissed you softly “Just call me when you need me.” He said and placed the hood back down as he left the room. Your smile and blushes as you took your shirt off and looked in a mirror to see the Scars and marks on your torso. You place a black short-sleeve on and then you take your pants off and put on some cargo pants. “You can come in König “ you said as you heard the door open and him walking in. You put socks on and then your commando boots and tied them together. “Do you want time to join for support?” He asked as he was looking at you as you smiled and nodded. You grabbed your M76 and walked to the door as König grabbed the handle and stopped you from opening it for a while.   
         You looked up at him to see that he was looking at you like he wanted you to stay with him “König?” You said as he blinked a couple of times. “Sorry about that .” He said and opened the door and the both of you began to walk down the hallway leaving the base and heading to the shooting area. You glanced at him and thought about asking again what he and Ghost's deal was but you didn’t want to be a bother so you shut your mouth and continued walking. Once you two were at the shooting field you saw a tower and knew that Ghost had to be up there. You walked to the tower and entered it as you felt König behind you “You ok?” He asked as he grabbed your waist making you look at him “Yeah I’m just having a lot on my mind .” You said as you smiled a little bit and walked upstairs. Your legs were hurting from the amount of walking you have done,  as you had it to the top and saw Ghost already set up. He was holding his M27-IAR and was pacing around “Done with your makeup?” he said as you rolled your eyes knowing he was messing with you “Yes I am, Had to look pretty “ you said as you walked over and saw the dummies set up all over the area. You looked over to see König and Ghost talking about something as they would glance at you a little.      
       You didn't mind it as you set up by leaning on the railing of the open window and looking through your scope. You looked at the dummies and their different placements “48” you said to yourself. “Which one do you want to start with first ?” asked Ghost as he was beside you making you start a little. You looked at him and blushed a little then König walked over and stood behind you to make sure your aim was correct as he moves you a little by your hips. You looked through your scope and aimed at the dummy “Permission to shoot.” you said as you looked at Ghost. He was leaning on the wall looking at you “Granted .” he said as you nodded and looked through the scope again and took a shot at the dummy. You lowered your M76 and looked at Ghost “Not bad Snipe.” he said as he looked at König and leaned his head a little. “Darling, he wants to know if you can get the one over there.” He said as he points with his head. You looked confused as you looked out the window and leaned on it to see if you can get a better view. You looked around the area with your scope “Where exactly is it ?” you said as you looked at the buildings with Spray-painted letters and numbers on them. Ghost sighed and moved König over and left on you a little as König is standing beside you leaning on the wall. “Look 2 meters to your right.” you said as you looked over to see the dummy and sighs as you felt stupid “Found it?” asked Ghost standing up straight but still against you. You blushes and thought of teasing them both a little as you leaned on the railing more making your ass press against Ghost. König caught onto what you are doing and grabbed your neck and whispered 
        “Stop being a fucking Hure (whore)  and teasing me or I will let him use you.” He said as you blush more and look at him. König had the look on his face for when he goes rough or is going to ruin you. “Do you understand me.” he said as he tightened his grip making you whimper and nod “ Use your words like how I taught you.” He said as he chuckled “ Yes sir .” You said as he lets go of your neck. 
          You heard Ghost chuckle “ I see that you trained her well.” he said as you stood up straight and placed your M76 against the wall and you leaned on the wall. König went over to you and placed his hands beside the sides of your hand “Do you want him to watch ?” he asked as you blushed more and placed your hands on his chest and tried to push him away but it failed. You looked over to see Ghost sitting in a chair cleaning his weapon “I…” you said as  König whispered in your ear “ Or do you want me to take you now and show him that you are mine.” he said as he begins to lift his mask and bite then kiss your neck making you whimper due to how sensitive your neck is. You look into König’s eyes as you begin to feel weak and yet want more. König chuckles and pulls away making you confused you looked over to see Ghost looking at you and then scanning your body and then looking back into your eyes. He gets up and goes over to  König “Cut her some slack. Maybe if she is good and does her work well then she will be able to have us both.” he said as he placed his thumb to your bottom lip and pulled it down a little then removes his hand. You were now looking at the two men in front of you blushing as you feel weak. “Will you do that?” asked König as he gave you that look that makes you feel small at his mercy “Yes.” you said as König smiled and kissed you passionately and deep. Ghost tries to grab your waist but König growl’s at him as he pulls away from your kiss and looks at him.
        “We still need to talk about it.” he said as Ghost looks at you and you look back at him and then at  König “Babe, can I go fill out reports for my cadets now?” you asked as he looked at you, and nods. As you begin to walk away he smacked your ass making you smile and shake your head and walk back to base. “You wanted to talk, so let's talk.” said Ghost as they both watched you leave and enter the base “ You can fuck her under one thing that you need to remember,” said  König  as he sounded more serious. Ghost looked over to see  König giving him a death glairs “ She belongs to me and not you.” said  König as Ghost looks at him “ I get that  König no need to repeat.” said Ghost as he glairs at him.  König nods and grabs your sniper rifle and begins to leave and goes down the stairs “ She has to go on a rescue mission though.” said Ghost making  König stop in his tracks “When,” he said as Ghost packs up “In 2 weeks.” he said as goes past  König and goes downstairs “Under who’s order.” said  König as he was getting annoyed and wants to know who said you had to go into battle so that he can have a talk with them. “Shepard.” said Ghost as he opened the door and they both leave and walk to the base “ Of course, what squadron?” asked  König. Ghost sighed “ I’ll give you the fucking files .” said Ghost as they enter the base. Ghost and König entered the briefing room Ghost opened a cabinet and took the mission detailed file out “Here it is, all the info you need.” said Ghost as he handed the file to König. “Thanks, Lt,” he said and left the briefing room, and went to his room.
         König placed the file on his desk as he took his mask off and relaxed. He lay on his bed and heard his phone go off he looked at the notification ‘One new message from: Baby Girl ‘ he smiled and opened his phone and read your message “Hey König just checking up on you. Hope your day going well”  he smiles even more “I’m doing really good today Darling, Can’t wait to see ya later“ he types and turned his phone off. He laid down for a while more and got up and left the room. He enters your room to see you on your stomach typing up some reports. He smiles as he slowly lays on you and blushes under the mask as he loves how your ass felt below him. You stretched and arches your back making your ass press against his crotch. you went back to writing as you began to feel König above you and panting a little. You bit your lip as you began to grind on his crotch and hide your whimpers. König realized what you were doing as he leaned onto you more and growled into your ear “I know you want it “ he said as he pressed more into you and chuckles. You placed the tablet down as you try to turn it over but König stops you “Don’t.” he said and kept you down with his hand on your neck. König kisses your neck he would be biting and leaving marks on your neck as he ground his hips into you as you would softly moan into the mattress. “You look so beautiful with marks on your pretty neck,” he said making you whimper and hold onto the sheet. You were happy and loved it  whenever he would go soft on you and just say sweet nothings and praise you. You look at him as if he had his eyes on you, and they looked caring. 
        He stopped and looked at you then sighed “You ok?” you asked sitting up and facing him “I am, Im just….admiring you.” he said smiling as he picked you up and faced him. He looked down at you and kissed you as he lays down with you on top of him. He places his hands on your hip as you wrap your legs around his or try to manage to. You looked at him as he smiled and kisses you again. There was a knock at the door “Who is it?” Asked König as he kisses your head “it’s a cadet from the Shadow company, sir, you are needed in the briefing room.” He said as König looks at you and smacks your ass as he gets up “I’ll be out shortly.” He said and looked for his hood he found it and puts it on.“ I’ll be back, it’ll take 2 min.” He said and kissed your head as he left the room. As he was walking down the hallway he saw Ghost walking past him “She is in her bedroom, no rough play because she is stressed enough with the reports .” Said König as Ghost nodded and continued to walk.
When König got to the briefing room he stood in the corner and observed the generals and commanders entering the room. He leaned on the wall and thought about you “he looked at the door to see you walk in with the folder in your hand. “You forgot this sir .” You said professionally and he could see it in your eyes that you just went to his room to get one of his hoodies. He smiled under his hood “Thank you Commander.” he said as he took the file and whispered into your ear “By the way, all of my hoodies are in my closet on the left side.”  he said as he looked at you and saw a little blush and smile as you nod as speed walked out of the room. He chuckled and looked down to see a note written on the folder ‘Hope the meeting goes well’  he rolled his eyes and shook his head “She’s always making people happy.” said a person walking up to him. König stood up straight and put the note in his pocket as he looked over and slightly down to see Price. “Yeah, she just brightens up everyone's day, even the cadets. She is like a mother to them,” said König, chuckling. 
        König thought of you and then wondered something, he knew that Price was like a dad to her “Might I ask you something about her.”  he said and he now thinks of when he saw you hug your father before he went on a helicopter. “Go ahead.” said Price, lighting his cigar “ What happened to her father?” he asked and heard a sigh and looked over to see Price disappointed “ He umm he died in battle.” said Price as he cleared his throat and took a puff from the cigar before continuing “He was an explosive technician and couldn't disable the landmine he was on .” said Price. König nodded and looked at the door to see more people walking in. “I'm guessing that’s why she is so chaotic?” said König trying to lighten up the mood “Yeah, she is just like her father.” said Price as he chuckled. “I had to pair her up with Ghost one time and he radioed me saying This psychopathic bitch  is on a motherfucking tank. And, I looked over to see her on the enemy’s tank just sitting there as the tank was trying to look for us.” said Price as he smiled and shook his head then took another puff from the cigar. König chuckled “ I believe that very much she does not fear death. “ he said then chuckled.“ No she does not.” said Price as the room got quiet. 
        Price and König looked at the center of the room to see Shepard in his uniform and everyone stood at attention. “As you know, we got some information on where the bombs are located. One is located in Russia. The team that is going to be Snipe being the defuser, Nikto will be the front line as well with Kruger, Roach, and Farah .” Said Shepherd as people began to murmur. “We have got information on where the bomb is .” Said Shepard as he pulled up a 3D model of a base there was a big red down near the basement area “Bloody hell.” said Price as König cursed in German. König raised his hand a little bit “ Yes soldier ?” Said Shepard as König got worried and his social anxiety kicked in but he had to know what the survival rate would be. He cleared his throat “What is the survival rate ?” He asked as everyone whispered and talked, agreeing “The survival rate would be 70% son .” Said, Shepherd. König breath hitches as 70% was good but not good enough. He began to think of a way to get him on the mission “That will be it for today. Dismissed “ said Shepherd as people began to leave “Tell her I said good luck, “ said Price patting his arm and left. König went to Shepherd “Sir if I may suggest sending me with them ,” he said as Shepherd looked at König and his eyebrow raises a little from his height. “The reasoning being .” Said Shepherd as he grabbed some files and began to walk out, making König follow beside him “I could be a defense for them if plans go down sir, or be back up .” He said as they entered Shepherd’s office. “No need for that son, that 70% is good for now .” Said shepherd König as he slammed his fist on the table “I will not risk her being dead sir, either send me or someone like Price or somebody from 141.” said König as he growled Shepherd just looked at him “I will not end anyone else to the fucking Mission son so either stand down or step down as an operator.” said Shepherd as König stood up straight. “Yes. Sir,” said König through his teeth as he left the office. He goes to the gym area in the Base and was punching the punching bag to the point that his knuckles were bleeding.  “I'm guessing that she is still going ?” asked Ghost as he entered the gym “How is sh- “ “she's fine, “ said Ghost and sighed “Survival rate ?” he asked as he grabbed a 40-pound weight and began to use it “70%,” said König as he punched the bag again “Shit..” said Ghost as he looked over to see Königs knuckles dripping blood. “I'm going to the mission even if it means discharging me with treason,” said Konig as he looks at Ghost and he nods in respect. He looked over to see Price “You want to cause some chaos.” he said as He smirks König was confused and looked at Ghost “what do you mean ?” asked König as he takes the gloves off 
“Task force 99 is doing a mission near the base and we might be able to help them if needed,” he said as König’s eyes lit up. Ghost looks at Price and continues to do arm curls as he is fully listening to the conversation now. “We have a week to set things up and to have a plan .” He added as König nodded, “I understand .” he was just happy that he gets to be with you in battle. “So we all have a similar goal now, to protect her, correct ?” said Price as Ghost nodded and so does König. “Good, we will meet on Monday to get on the Helicopter.” said Price as he left the room. Konig looked at Ghost as he was finishing up his rounds “See ya on the battlefield.” Konig said as he left the room and went to yours to see you fully passed out. He got in the bed and pulled you towards him as you were lightly snoring. He held you close to him as he fell asleep knowing that the next day was going to be rough.
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Can’t wait for part 3 of “ our sniper “ it’s so good I’m in love with it
Awww thank you so much ☺️ I'm glad that your enjoying the series so far. Part 3 of “Our Sniper “will be published soon.
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper (Pt.2)
Prolog - After a couple of days you begin to realise that Ghost and  König have been acting a little bit off. So you decided to spend some time with  Königfor the day not knowing what is going on between them two.
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Warning- Language, threats, Fluff   
The next day, you walked around the base and went to the shipment warehouse to grab a silencer since yours was old and damaged.“Hey soldier,” said Graves as he was doing a storage check. “Hey Graves, “ you said. You walked over to one of the open crates and looked in it as if you were looking for something that you needed for a gun or something Graves noticed this and walked over. “Need help finding something?“ he asked as you looked at him annoyed, you hated being distracted, because if you did then you would forget what you were doing. “Yeah, I’m uh just looking for a silencer for my M76 '' you said then continued to look into more crates. “I think I did find some over in the back, here let me check,'' said Graves as he went to the back and looked for it.
You leaned on a crate and waited for Graves to come back as you tapped your boot on the ground. “Hey darling,“ said König as he walked over to you and hugged you “ How are you?” He asked as he tilted his head a little to the side “I'm doing well." You said and looked at König as you smiled under the mask. Konig smiles and leans on the crate as traps you there with his strong arms. You looked at them to see his arm hair and his veins he grabbed your chin with his index and thumb it made you look up at his deep blue eyes putting you in a trance-like state. “Why are you in here?“ he asked as you tilted your head to the side a little and smiled “I was kinda worried when I saw that you were asleep before me, my little night owl.“ he said as he stroked your clothed cheek as you leaned into his touch more “I know.“ you said as you looked up at him, You lifted up his mask to his lips and leaned in close to the point that you can feel his breath on your lips. When you two were about to kiss Graves came back with a silencer he looked at you and König “What is with soldiers coming in here to have sex or making out, like come on.” he groaned as you grabbed the silencer from Graves “We weren't going to do anything Graves” you said as you began to leave the storage department as Konig fixes his mask while he walks with you.
As you and Konig walked out of the warehouse, König went off to do his own thing, as you went inside your bunker closed the door sat in your bed, and put the silencer on. You got on your phone and saw a couple of messages from König you were confused as you just walked with him not even 5 minutes ago. You looked at the notification anyway “Konig: Hey, I need some help with my uniform.” you read the text and then replied as you smiled and rolled your eyes playfully“ You: You just want to see me again don’t you?“ you hit send and not even 6 seconds there was a reply as you read it with a small smile forming on your face. “Konig:….yes “ the reply, making you smile as you finished putting the new silencer in then got up and went to the door and opened it. Price was in front of the door because he had to return something and looked at you putting the silencer on “Make sure it's on tightly I don't want you to be in the Hospital for a month and miss training.“ he said as you looked up at him and smiled “Will do Price“ you said and nod as you twisted it tightly and looked through the scope then placed it back down.
Price grabbed the M76 and tightened the silencer more to make sure. When he finished he ruffled your hair and left the room. You grabbed your phone and saw that König had sent you a picture of him without his hood on or shirt in front of the mirror. You smiled and rolled your eyes as you made your way to his office which was a few doors down from Ghost's. You walked down the hallway as if you weren't paying any attention and bumped into somebody you looked up to see that it was Ghost. You two just looked at each other as you broke the silence “Sorry about that…Ghost “ you said as you blushed a little and walked by him. You felt his eyes on you as he looked you up and down as you walked down the hall. Ghost came back from the gym he was sweating and his heart beating quickly as he was remembering how you looked yesterday when he fucked you as he continues to head to the showers.
When you entered the room you saw König standing there doing some paperwork. You smiled and leaned on the door as you forgot how handsome he was when he was focused. He peered up as he smiled and walked over until he stood in front of you and closed the door behind you as your body pressed against his "So, what did you need?" you asked tilting your head "Just some company, to be honest." he said as he took off his mask as you saw his face. his short but messy light brown hair and his black eyemask over his eyes that were smeared across his eyes, you smiled softly as you saw his stumbles coming in as he did have a small scar on his upper lip and eyebrow. You cup his cheek as he smiles and leans into your touch and kisses your palm as you take off your mask "About time that I saw your face again." you tease as he smiles and kisses your palm again. You noticed the little dimples on his cheek as he then looked at you and stopped kissing your palm. He stretched and yawned as he walked back over to his desk and sat on his chair he didn't have to do anything as you just sat in his lap and rested your head on his chest as he did the paperwork that was mostly reported.
You yawned and saw that it was nearly noon and that you two hadn't even eaten as you moved around "Hungry my little owl?" he asked looking down at you as you nodded. He leaned back opened his mini fridge and handed you some sliced apples as he knew that it was your favorite as you began to eat while looking at the paperwork. He would occasionally kiss your head and mumble in German sometimes and run his hands through his short hair. when you finished eating you cuddled up to his chest and sighed as you yawned again and got comfortable from his body heat.
He saw that you were asleep and smiled softly and looked at the time as it was midnight he rubbed his eyes and looked down at you as he put on his hood and put your mask on you as he picked you up bridal style and went into your barracks and set you on the bed and put covers over you as he kissed your head and smiled. He got up and left the room for a snack as he forgot to eat. He went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a Dr. Pepper as he closed the door and opened it he took a sip and then sighed. “What do you want, ghost? “ he said as he looked over to see Ghost leaning on the counter drinking Whiskey in his black hoodie and sweatpants with his normal skull mask on.
“How is she ?” He asked as König rolled his eyes and answered “She is ok she is asleep though and I can tell you that she is knocked out.” He said and chuckled as Ghost scoffed as Konig glared at him “ You know what's funny Ghost... When she came back to the room yesterday she was blushing and… very weak as she had some interesting marks on her.” He said and walked over to  Ghost and looked at him like he wanted to murder him on the spot. “ Let me tell you something "ghost" IF you touch her, I’ll make sure you are my target, and trust me... I never leave my targets alive for long,” he said as he was now having a face-off with Ghost. “Is that a threat?” Said Ghost standing up and looking slightly up at him “No, it’s a fucking promise “ he growled and left the area and went back to the barracks and lay in bed as he pulled you on top of him and rubbed your back as he would kiss your head “I’ll make sure that fucker won’t touch you… You're mine forever.”       
König looked at you and smiled as he saw how adorable you looked asleep and pressed against him as he took off your mask to see your whole face. How your messy hair that was all over the place and the side of your face pressed against his chest and being able to hold you like a teddy bear. It made him feel happy and at peace. He looked over to see a picture of you and his side by side holding your weapons like an active poster, you both were near your cadet years in that photo. He smiled remembering the day that he first fell in love with you.   
You were to defuse a bomb from a cargo hold as at the time you were in the special forces at the time. The timer on the bomb was going by so quickly you didn’t have enough time as it almost exploded,  as it would have killed you and your squad. He was able to pull you away in time as the bomb went off.  You both stumbled back on the ground making him land on his back and you on his chest. He was covering his head as rubble began to fall and some of the rocks were hitting his helmet. After that happened and the mission was a success you two began to be friends and got closer as days passed until one day he asked you out while you two were on a stakeout to find a drug dealer. The next thing he knew was that you two began to date in private and would make sure that you were on the same team.        
He smiled to himself as he remembered those days and he would never regret meeting you and saving your life. He closed his eyes and rested his eyes as he knew he had to keep a sharp eye on Ghost from now on to make sure that he wasn’t ever going to take you away from him. Ghost came back to the room he glared at König and glared at him as he walked over to his bed and lay down as he went to bed.
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you for all the support and love .❤️
Hope have a great year
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Our Sniper
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Summery - You are a sniper in the 141 that just came back from weeks of going on missions. You return back to base and get to spend time with your Boyfriend, König . When you saw Ghost again you were happy. Ghost has been keeping an eye on you and begins to get more and more possessive and wants you for himself. But first he had to try and convince you to be his  
Warning: Strong Language, smut, degrading,  18+
You walk down the base holding some papers in your hand that you have to give to Price. He was the Captain of Special Force 141, as he was also kind of your adoptive father due to his sort of adopting you during a mission just like what he did to Gaz, and mostly a father figure to his squad. You made sure that your face mask was secured on your face before you walked into one of the warehouses. Once you entered inside, you could already hear Price talking to 141 “Once Ghost receives data, Gaz will be there to retrieve Ghost and head back to base with the data on the Russian Military.” He said as he looked over and saw you walking over holding the mission report “Hey kiddo, are those the mission reports from Shepherd?” He asked as 141 was now looking at you. You nod and look around as you gaze at Ghost making you feel nervous but you manage to let your eyes move away from looking at him. 
You nod and hand Price the mission report as he grabs it then begins to quickly look through it as you stand there awkwardly. You look back at Ghost and you can see the height difference between him and Soap who was next to him as you then look back at Price. “Glad to be back?” he asked as you looked at him and nodded and looked around again as you realized Ghost shifted a little as he was holding onto his vest like how Price would do sometimes. You and Ghost just knew each other and didn’t really have feelings for each other as you both were just highly trained soldiers, the only difference was that you were a Marine and he was Army. You had admired him for quite some time as you looked back at him and looked at him and noticed how well-built he was. Ghost was taller than you as he stood 6'3 and you were 5’11. “How’s the arm healing?” asked Soap as you looked at him. You looked at the bandaged arm and slightly forgot you were shot in the right arm from the latest battle by a sniper as there was no major damage “It's been healing well still a pain in the ass, but it's healing.” you said as you glanced at your phone and realized that you were late for training the cadets. “Crap I got to go.” You said as you rolled your eyes in annoyance as you knew you were going to get in trouble with one of the Drill Instructors for being late. Price was still mumbling to himself as he was still reading as you turned to the exit and began to walk away “When you are done get that arm checked out to see if it's infected or not.“Price said as he glanced at you from looking at the files.
you fixed your hair and quickly folded the sleeves on your uniform as you made sure it was neat and still professional as you knew that if you were any later than 7 minutes you would have to do some report filing that you hated exceedingly. You mumbled some cursed words as you walked into the study room to see cadets in their seats. They sat up straight and looked forward as if someone was teaching them already You sighed as you hoped it was not a Drill Instructor. You walked in and felt relief when you saw König teaching or just talking to them now matter what it was you were glad that you didn't have to hear the Drill Instructors. König was also a good friend even though you guys had your nights where you guys would be Friends with Benefits for a while or do a one-night stand for stress relief. The only people who knew about the relationship were Price, Ghost, Soap, and Gaz. As you sighed with relief you walked over and stood beside him, he was taller than Ghost as he was 6'10 he was the tallest man that you knew so far as you had to look up while talking to him which hurt your neck a little sometimes just to even look up at him.
   The recruits were taking notes and listening well as they were way better than how your classmates were back in High school if you say so yourself. You tapped Konig’s back as he leaned in a little so that you could whisper to König where his ears are under his hood that has a cut out of where his eyes are. “I fucking owe you one for this,” you said as he looked at you and you can see how much you meant that as a Drill Instructor walked by the classroom with some of the other cadets from the different classrooms. You looked at the class as you thought of something and glanced at the shooting field. “Alright, once you have finished your notes head to the shooting fields and get in teams. Today's lesson will be on teamwork and relying on each other as brothers and sisters as you will be doing Capture The Flag.” You said as cadets all said “ Yes Ma’am” and began to line up against the wall and waited for the order to grab their rifle and then marched outside. You stood by König as the other instructor led them out and was making chants as the cadets replied by saying the same thing like a song he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug “I missed you Schatz (darling), “ he said as you smiled under the mask. You looked around the room to see if anyone was around as you signed and pulled down your mask.
         You revealed a scar on your top lip and nose with a longer one on your cheek. The right side of your eyebrow had a scar that could reach your eyelid. You leaned on König and sighed as he placed his hand on the nape of your head and played with your hair. You looked at König exhausted, and you soon smiled  “I've missed you too .” you stated as you hugged him while looking into his blue-grayish eyes. König lifted his hood to show his rugged face with scars on his lips, cheek, ears, and nose. You got on your tippy-toes and kissed him “We both deserve a vacation after all of this shit.” You stated with a grin making König chuckle and grab your waist “I’ll see if I can arrange that.” he said and then got a grip of your ass causing you to yelp a little and blush as you glance at him. He looked like a predator who caught its prey and was ready to devour it. “Or, I can show you how much I missed you while you were gone~.” He said as he kissed your neck. You blush and whimper and then glance over to see that the door is not locked. “K-König, the door.“ you say while trying to shove hi away from your neck. He growls making you feel puddy in his hands as you know he is not moving at all when you feel his lips on your neck but with more pressure.
König picked you up and set you on the desk as he stood between your legs then he continued to kiss your neck. You melt into it and begin to grip his hair and tug on it causing him to growl and nip at the sweet spot on your neck causing you to gasp as you grip his hair more. You felt his hand grip your neck a little as he kissed you harshly and harshly as you felt his erection throbbing on your inner thigh causing you to blush and bite your lip. He moved closer to you as his erection was now touching your crotch, causing you to blush and wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in more. He gets the idea and begins to roll up his sleeves and keeps his hand on your neck "Be a good girl and take off your pants, leave the panties on." he said as you did so while maintaining eye contact.
       As soon as you got your pants off you felt him lifting your chin up by his thumb and index finger as he brushed his gloved thumb across your bottom lip. He gently puts his thumb in your mouth as you taste the leather and gunpowder on the glove as you blush. "Such pretty eyes.." he said then removed his glove and put it on your neck as he kissed you, bit your bottom lip and moved his hand down to your pantie line.
      You closed your legs as you felt yourself getting excited and getting soaked through a little. He moved his hand over the panties as he prys your legs open you whimper and try to close them as he grips them and keeps them separated as he dips his hand down and began to rub your clothed clit slowly as you whimper and got more soaked as your juices showed more on your panties. Your breath hitched and you perked up as you gripped his hand. He made the sound of a portal and smiled as he kissed your neck and continued as you let out soft moans and whimpers. Your hips bucked forward as you gripped his hand more to the point that your nails may leave marks "Please Konig~" you whimpered as he chuckled deeply and looked at you then moved his thumb faster and added more pressure making your back arch and your moans and whimpers slightly louder "Such a lovely sound from your Fotze~" he said as he takes his hand away and then moved your panties to the side to see your dripping cunt as you whimper and blush. He chuckles and looks at it for a few more minutes "So wet just by me using my fingers" he says as you whimper and blush as if you weren't able to form words at all. He then looked at you and had hunger in his eyes "You think you can take two of my fingers?" he said as he put his ring and middle finger to your folds you felt how big they were as you whimpered and nodded. He kisses you as he inserts his two fingers you gasp and hold onto his hand "It's ok, I know my fingers are big for you." he says in a soft tone as he was knuckles deep as he gave you a second to adjust as you whimper and squirm around to get adjusted. 
   After a few minutes, you nod and looked at Konig as he began to move his fingers in and out you began to moan softly and gripped the desk "That's it, look at how well your cunt is taking my fingers in.." he moved his fingers in as you bit your lip "and out" he moved his fingers out. He kept a steady pace not wanting to hurt you as he moved your knees up a little so that he could feel you tighten up and your little whimpers and gasps. "Can I go faster darling?" he said as he began to rub your clit again, making you arch your back and nod profusely. He smiles and moves his hand faster as the room was filled with a wet sound and soft moaning from you as you felt his fingers brush against your G-spot making you grip the desk more to the point that your knuckled were turning white "Aww, my pretty girls cunt singing for me" he said as he chuckled and made sure to rub your clit more making you moan more loudly as your legs twitch. Your walls tightened around his fingers as you felt a pit in your stomach "That right got close for me. Get close for your König '' he growled and moved his hand faster as you whimpered and your legs twitched and moved around as you felt so much pleasure. You felt like you were going to break as you felt him grip your jaw making you look at him with hooded eyes "Eyes on me" he demanded as you felt that build-up burst and your legs shook as you came on his fingers as you grip his arm.
Your legs shook as you were going through the aftershock as Konig removed his fingers and licked them clean as your legs went limp as you were catching your breath. He puts your panties back over and then sat you up and put your pants on as you were still whimpering. “You are such a good girl.”  He picked you up and helped you put your jacket on and pants, as if you were just a blushing,panting mess. He saw how your neck was covered in hickeys and bite marks and smiled to himself loving how they looked at you as your legs were shaking.
As soon as you both cleaned up, you both left the room not knowing that Ghost was nearby. He heard everything as he was holding some documents. His gaze landed on you as he glared at König as he walked by as König glared back at him. You made your way to the training field to watch the cadets training. You pull out a cigarette place it on your lips and light it as you take a drag. You listened to the sound of guns going off and some of the cadets screaming orders and demands. You smiled as you began thinking about whether you should join or not just for the hell of it. You blew smoke in the air as you leaned on the railing and watched the kids running or hiding as you were lost in thought. You glimpsed over to notice  Ghost next to you watching as well you were used to him sneaking up on you not making a sound. “They still need work.” He stated as you could sense that something was off. You witnessed him looking at you as your heart raced a little “Was he good?” He asked in a stern voice that sent shivers down your spine. You blush under the mask as your eyes widen a little “ Ghost, what are you talking about .” you say as you back up a little when his whole body faces you towering over you.  
"I heard everything you slut." he growls making you shiver a little. You have never heard him utter the word 'slut' to you. "Turn around and hands on the wall." he said as your eyes widened "Why would I do that, we're in public?" you said as he walked closer to you until your back was pressed against the wall "Are you questioning my authority?" he asked as he tilted his head to the side as you shook your head "No....no sir.." you said as you looked down and heard his boots approaching you and stopped in front of you. Hy grips your jaw and makes him look up at you look up at him "Then turn the fuck around and put your fucking hands on the wall." he said through his teeth which sounded like a feral growl.
       You gave in and turned around and placed your hands on the wall as you didn’t want to piss him off more. Ghost examined you and noticed your legs shaking “So you like the risk of people walking in on you huh.” He stated and grabbed a bottle of lube “No sir..” You said as you blushed making you blush and become wet as the situation you were in was turning you on. Ghost grabbed your cargo pants and yanked them down making you gasp when you felt the cold air hitting your panties were still wet but you had your juices going down your thigh a little “Shit…” he said as he saw the juices going down your thigh and growled a little as he was getting an erection from the sight before him. He grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged on it making your back press against him and you felt his throbbing erection on you just like Konig bit it was thicker and bigger, making you gasp and whimper a little as you were rubbing your thighs together. “So, when you were getting your pussy fingered you didn't care to check if the door was locked.” he questioned as he tilted his head and began to trace his gloved hand up and down your wet slit as you arched your back and you whimpered slightly.  He pulled your waist to his hips "I bet you wished it was me fingering you out, like a real man who knows how to please a woman." he growled as he rubbed your clit causing you to your back arch into his hand more. Ghost picked you up and took you to a more private area as he held your legs in one arm then he placed his back to the wall and with his other hand pulled his zipper down. “You need a real man who knows how to fuck you properly, someone who can fuck you hard until you can’t remember your fucking name while their cock is thrusting deep in that pussy.” he growled as he grabbed your arm and sat you down with him with you on his lap as you can feel his erection against you as you can feel how big he is even though he was clothed.
     Ghost grabbed a rag from his pocket and tied it around your mouth as you gaged a little and you felt your mask in your mouth causing him to chuckle.  “Can't let the whore be too loud now can we now~” he stated as he moved his gaze to your panties. He then pulled them to the side to see that it was still leaking with your arousal.
“Fucken hell you soaked just by me talking~.” He said as he chuckled and used two fingers and collected some of your juices and chuckled “Who knew a slut like you would want to go again.... but then again.. .” He said as he took out his pocket knife making your eyes widen and shook your head as he got closer to your cunt with it "I'm gonna show you how a real man fucks his girl." he said then cuts your panties off making you calm down a little as you thought he was going to cut you.
  When you looked back at him he was lazily stroking himself as he looks at your cunt. You looked at his cock to see that it was thicker than Konigs and had an Adams ladder as you were wondering how he got those without feeling any pain. Then again.....this is Ghost that we're talking about. You napped out of the daydream when you felt his fingers collide with some of your arousal and coated his cock with it as he growls in pleasure.
   You whimpered and looked nervous because you didn't know if it would fit or not. He sees your reaction and rolls his eyes then gets a condom out "I may be risky but I'm not that risky." he stated as he puts it on his cock you blush and felt him grab your things and puts them on either side of his as your cunt was now dripping with anticipation. He pressed the tip to your entrance as you whimpered and rested your head on his shoulders.
    He slides in as you whimper in pain as you begin to feel stretched out completely. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure as your back arched and you gripped his thighs. He was thicker than Konig an you could feel it.. Percings? causing your eyes to roll back slightly as one of them was rubbing against your clit
    You tapped his arm to let him know that you were ready for him to move. "Fuck'n finally," he growls and slams his deeper in you as you muffled screamed, and moaned. His thrusts were rough and deep you had your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt too much pleasure. “Fuck, you're better than any cheap whore that I've fucked. “ he grunted and gripped your hair and pressed your head on his shoulders as he looked at your face as you were moaning unconditionally and your eyes were rolling back as your mind was turning blank. “Fuck you look like your fucking enjoying me stuffing my cock in your wet *thrust* tight  * thrust* cunt” He said as you were nodding. He smiled under his skull mask and began to rub your clit as your back arched and you tightened around him causing him to groan. You felt him get faster and more rougher as he was close as you felt his cock twitch in you.
   "You gonna cum on my cock you fucking slut Hm?" he said as he lightly slaps your face as you were moaning and nodded. Tears pricked from your eyes as he rubbed faster and thrust more into you hitting your G spot faster and was beginning to pant you nod again and gripped his thighs again "Then.." he said and his thrust went Faster and sloppier as your legs were amazing "Fucking do it, cum on this cock" he growled as you moaned and felt your second orgasm about to break through "Fucking do it now you fucking slut" he said as he helf your throat as the bubble burst and you came over his cock causing him to groan as he came in the condom.
He pulls out of you and you saw his cum in the condom as he catches his breath. Once he caught his breath, he got his knife out and cut the rag out of your mouth as when it fell you were panting and whimpering. He kisses your head and rubs your back “You did so well for me pretty girl.“ he muttered as he was getting off of his own high "Let me just ...clean you up." he said and grabbed the rag and got his cantine our and poured water on the rag and began to clean the cum off of you while praising you "You look so pretty like this" he said as he knew your mind was blank and put your pants on for you.
   After some time you two put your clothes back on as Ghost threw the condom away and looked at you then walked over to you and pulled your baklava down to hide the hand marks that he caused. He examined your face and cupped your cheek as you leaned into it he chuckled and ruffled your hair. You two went your separate ways as you went back to the classroom as the cadets were matching back. Ghost went back to the base to do whatever Price needed him to do. You walked past Konig and smiled as he winked at you while he was listening to somebody talking about their report to him.
Ghost was outside smoking he had his eyes closed as he could still see how you felt against him and how you looked at him. He was snapped out of it when he heard someone speaking to him “How is going Simon?” asked Soap as he was getting some fresh air. Ghost got interrupted in his thoughts about you and sighed as he exhaled smoke “I'm fine Jonny” he said as he looked at Soap as he leaned on the wall and looked out to see the sky getting darker.  Soap sighed and then looked at Ghost "You should get some rest Jonny." said Ghost as he looked at the stars that began to appear. "You're going to bed Simon." said Soap as he got off the wall "I will when I'm done with my cigarette," he said roughly as Soap patted his arm and then walked into the barracks.
When Ghost walked back into the barracks, he walked into his private quarters when he put his hand on the door handle a voice spoke out  "Lieutenant Ghost." said the voice as he glanced over to see Konig walking over  Ghost sighed and looked at Konig "Yes Konig?" he said as Konig cleared his throat and handed him some filed "All of the previous reports have been finished ." he said as he grabbed them and looked at them "Good work, I'll have a look at this tomorrow morning." he said as he enters his private quarters and closed the door then sets the files on his dresser and took his mask off and set it on his bedside table then sat down and laid on his back as he closed his eyes.
   He can't help but still see you in his vision Your eyes, your hair, your touch he craved it. He felt a pit of jealousy in his stomach of jealousy as he knew that you weren't his at all and were Konig but damn did he love today when he got a taste of what Konig gets daily. He wanted more of you no. He NEEDED more of you      
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thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Like to remove Crosshair’s inhibitor chip so he can return to his family
Reblog to kiss his scars better
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363 notes · View notes
thegoodclones18 · 2 years
Forgiving Love
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Prolog: After a battle in a Taboo you find yourself in the infirmity in Kamino where you meet Cody. Something sparks in you like a feeling of love. Is he felling it to ?
     You were running in the snowy woods of  Kaller you were hearing the faint sounds of blasters and screaming of people getting killed by stormtroopers. You leaned on a tree and groaned in pain as you looked at your hand that was placed on your side to see blood “Shit.” you said and head stormtroopers shouting orders. You tried to shake it off as you continued to run and tried to make it to a safe place but your vision became blurry. You tried to shake you head to considerate but ended up tripping over a rock and hitting your head on the ground.
You thought this was the end as you let a tear fall down as slowly closed your eyes and passed out on the snowy ground. A group of clone troopers found you and surrounded you with guns aimed at you. Cody stepped forward with his helmet on “Stand down, She’s unarmed.” he said as the trooper lowered their guns and let Cody flip you over to see your place face. He looked at your lips to see them truing icy blue and looked further down to see a bullet wound. He knew that it was the matter of time before you could die from bloodloss or the cold. He picked you up and held you close to his chest “Get back on the ship, were going to Kamino.” he ordered as the men saluted and began to walk back to the ship.   While Cody was walking he can feel cold you were and tried to warm you up by his body heat or by holding you closer. He took another glance at you and saw that you looked peaceful asleep making him feel like he needed to protect you from any harm. Once he got on the ship he sat down as he grabbed as blanket and placed it around you two and felt the ship takeoff. He cat help but look at how you face was pressed agents his chest plate. He moved a piece of hair out of your face as he waited to got back to Kamino and take you to the medic for possible surgery depending on how bad your condition was. 
Hours later you were in the infirmary in a bed as you had to get some stitches on you side. Cody was sitting next to you passed out as you groaned as you slowly woke up and looked around. Your body was hurting as you tried to sit up. You looked around to see medical stuff around you and heard a yawn as you looked over to see Cody without his helmet and his brown eyes met yours. He was shocked and surprised about his your eyes looked. “Where am I?” you asked as you looked at your hand to see and IV line that was connected to a bag “My squad found you on the ground bleeding in  Kaller so I took you to Kamino to get you fixed and here we are.” he said as he stretch. You glanced down to see his shirt lifted up a little as you felt your heart race and your face turning warm. 
      “Thanks.” you said as you look away trying to hide your blushing face. Cody though that it was cute and introduced himself “Im Cody. He said and hoped that you would say your name. When you said your name he smiled “That's a mesh’la name.” he said and smiled softly. You smiled and looked at the door to see it his open to see Rex “The Jedi need to see us.” he said as Cody nods and Rex left. Cody got up as he streached his back he looked at you one last time “ Till we meet again Cyar’ika.” he said and left.
You blushes at the name as you felt your heart race and you felt like you had a bond with him as you smiled. You knew that you were falling in love with him but you hoped that he felt the same.
Cody leaned on the wall next to you door and blushed as he couldn't believe that he called you Darling. He was walking down with Rex as he began to tease him about her “ Looks like somebody likes the girl.” said Rex smirking at Cody as he punched his arm “Shut up dude.” he said as they entered a meting room and saw Obi-wan and Anakin. “We need to discus the danger of the girl.” said Obi- Wan as he continued ‘She is the daughter of the clan leader in Kaller who was killed, If the Empire finds out that she's still alive, They would want her dead so we are going to assign Cody to be her protector.” said Obi-wan and looked at Cody to see his face surprised and shocked. Cody nod’s “I shall protect her with my life.” he said and saluted as he began to walk back to the medic room “She’s a princess?” he said to himself as he blushed thinking about you again and smiled “No wonder she’s cute.” he said and chucked as he began to make his way to the brunch area to get you some food. You got some stew and bread as he walked back. 
He entered to see you still on the bed “Got you some food.” he said as he gave you the bowl and bread. You began to chew it down and drink water that was right next to you. He smiled as he saw how happy you were that you were getting some food in you. 
You yawned and streached as you layed down and faced Cody “Can you stay here until I sleep?” you asked as Cody smiled “ Of course Cyar’ika .” he said and looked at the empty spot next to you. He hesitated and went over and laid right next to you as you placed your head on his chest and slowly drift of to sleep. As the lights went off in Kamino Cody fell asleep holding you and smiled as he felt your hand on his chest as well. 
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