thehouseofthelost · 8 years
A lot of people want to kill me, I take great pride in that.
Cross Marian (via incorrectdgm)
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thehouseofthelost · 8 years
We are the warriors that built this town from dust.
“Warriors” - Imagine Dragon (via revkacharisshawke)
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thehouseofthelost · 8 years
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Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir, the brilliant commander. Pity the one time you tried to rule, you failed so miserably. You had to be beaten, humiliated, lest you destroy your own country. You even doomed the Wardens by bringing the Inquisitor down on them. You destroy everything you touch.
Is that all you’ve got? It’s nothing I’ve not said to myself.
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thehouseofthelost · 8 years
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Loyalty is more than just a word It’s a way of life. 
Photoset for Loghain Mac’Tir and his loyal Knight, Ser Cauthrien.
I tried really hard to find the artists for the images I used but I fear they have left the internet entirely.
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thehouseofthelost · 8 years
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thehouseofthelost · 8 years
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This blog is OC friendly.
Opposite post found here.
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
Once Upon a Time ----- Starters
"Love is hope. It fuels our dreams."
"It will leave an emptiness inside. A void you will never be able to fulfill."
"Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing."
"Love is weakness."
"You must trust me because if you don't, there are other ways."
"There's always people in this world who want you to give up. Don't make their jobs any easier."
"I guess if true love was easy, we'd all have it."
"Did I forget to shave?"
"Generally speaking, if you think something you want to do is wrong, it is."
"What is strong enough to drown out your own conscience?"
"I'm not bossy, I'm the queen."
"Giving in to one's dark side never accomplishes anything."
"No matter what you do. I will always find you."
"You want a side of bacon with that whiskey?"
"If he's playing a game, you can win."
"Love's the worst. I wish there was a magic cure."
"It's dangerous to confuse vengeance with justice."
"As long as you live in the past, you'll never find your future."
"I'm done reading about heroes. I want to be one."
"You have all sorts of sore places I can make you hurt."
"Maybe we met for a reason. Maybe something good happened from us being together."
"Wouldn't be the first flying monkey I've dated."
"I, for one, would like to be able to eat this week."
"By the way, have you been taking kick boxing and not telling me about it?"
"It's only going to leave a giant hole in your heart."
"Just because it seems too good to be true doesn't mean it is."
"Not a day will go by that I won't go by that I won't think of you."
"You always brought out the best in me and right now I need that."
"Can't help but feel personally violated about that part."
"No matter what you think, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you."
"So brave. So gallant. So pointless."
"I've lived a life of selfishness, cowardice, and dishonesty."
"I think it's time to haul her ass out of bed and get her to move past this."
"One thing I excel at is surviving."
"Helping you is my life."
"You need to be alive. You need to be awake so you can spend all your days knowing that I have taken everything that was suppose to be yours."
"I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you."
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
Okay so.   Apparently they’re turning off the internet on the 28th.    So as of the 28th I will be under hiatus status because I will have no internet a all for a while and I’m moving on April 1st.   I will be putting this up on all my blogs.
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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“Well?” Loghain stated leveling a look at Nathaniel.
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*Makes grouchy Nate noises*
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
“ think about what you’re doing. ” - loghain ^^
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“I have thought about about it.”   There was little choice.   They had to unite Ferelden or all was lost.   He wasn’t foolish, it was a Blight but he didn’t believe the wives tales that only a Grey Warden could stop it.   Now if only that upstart of a Bann would stop trying to bring about descent.
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
five-word sentences.
“ please just let me forget. ”
“ c'mon try to guess what. ”
“ just leave me alone already. ”
“ no, i’m not going to. ”
“ you can’t change my mind. ”
“ my mind is made up. ”
“ i’m not gonna let you. ”
“ don’t do that to me. ”
“ think about what you’re doing. ”
“ why aren’t you listening now? ”
“ i want to sleep forever. ”
“ you need to leave now. ”
“ i’ll always have your back. ”
“ now there’s no going back. ”
“ the view really is spectacular. ”
“ i didn’t think you’d care. ”
“ why can’t you trust me? ”
“ don’t even bother with clothes. ”
“ i don’t love you anymore. ”
“ i am a great person. ”
“ you are a tolerable drunk. ”
“ exactly, why are you awake? ”
“ i’m gonna ignore you now. ”
“ how is that not hilarious? ”
“ please just calm down now. ” 
“ i was already calm, asshole. ”
“ i can see your underwear. ”
“ i’m afraid you’ll replace me. ”
“ please stop losing your temper. ”
“ you can cry if needed. ”
“ you have to run away. ”
“ i just wanna be yours. ”
“ ashes, we all fall down. ”
“ i’m hoping you’ll understand me. ”
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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Ser Cauthrien and Loghain Mac Tir re-acquainted under… less than ideal circumstances.
@circlebroken here I wonder if…. this is… of interest to u uwu
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
Not sure if I will do it but I am considering moving Ser Gilmore, Fergus, and Loghain Mac Tir around so they have their own sub accounts.   Because I don’t think I can do a multimuse blog.      I want to give them more attention.   Sten is in the process of being set up onhis own blog right now.
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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Over my time here, I’ve seen lots of these posts float about in the ether.  As a way to make a more cohesive fandom, I think it’s time to try to approach this and commit again.  I will be making a sideblog with a comprehensive masterlist of all characters in Dragon Age roleplay. Anyone, of course, can participate. When I have made the blog, I will try to update entries as thoroughly as I can. Please be patient and realize sometimes in the time it takes me to do things, new stars have formed.
Reblog to be added.
( Do not like this post, please.  It will simply be confusing! )
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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“There is nothing I would not do for my homeland.” – Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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Gilmore understood what that meant,    From the bodies of Howe’s men, he managed to retrieve a bow and several arrows.    He handed them to Bri.  “If you see them nearing us, do not hesitate to attack.”    He would do what he could inturn.    This could be what saved them in the long run.   It would be a gruesome battle ahead.
“Let’s go,” he instrusted everyone as they led the way  towards the exit.    They still had to get past The Great Hall.  
siege of highever (ser gilmore, bri cousland)
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
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