nyssatrevelyan · 7 years
"It's been much too long."
“BRI!”  Nyssa abandoned all thought of appearing to be dignified as she flung herself at the only Fereldan she would even consider jokingly calling a ‘dog lord’ -- for Bri Cousland was famed as a kennel master, dog-breeder, and had several impressively effective teams of mabari who she’d seen make short work of those seen as enemies.  “Oh Maker, it’s been forever!” she squealed, hugging her old friend tightly
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Toni chuckled and hugged her back. “Well, this is a warm welcome.”
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bransonford-blog · 8 years
For each time someone (anon or not) sends ‘🍸’, my muse will take a shot and confess something they regret/should not have done
“Somethin’ I regret? Well, thats an easy one, Bricot,” He muttered as he took the shot.
“I regret leavin’ m boys Mum... If I’d known she was carryin’ my child... I would have stayed. For him.”
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wittycneliners · 8 years
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“For some reason, I don’t really believe you.”
Because Bri wasn’t blind, that’s why.
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“Well I’m not cold. Actually, I am hot.”
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♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔
Send me a ♔ if you think I pull off my character well. ~ Accepting
Maaany thanks! And why aren’t we rping? We should be rping o.o’ Let’s remedy it forthwith!
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mackleford-blog · 9 years
@purebredferelden Three years had passed. Three whole years. Now, the exalted council had called a meeting. Something the commander had been dreading. For many reasons, he was uncertain of how things would go today. Something caught his eye. That was odd,especially in orlais. "You can have the mutt," a nearby shopkeeper muttered. Cullen blinked. Today would be interesting indeed.
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(it’s apparently good for contraception?)
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ostwickjoker · 9 years
@purebredferelden liked for fluffy banter
“Ser Cousland?” The Inquisitor pokes his head into the kennels with a smile. “I heard tell about a litter of pups born last night.”
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littlest-mage-blog · 9 years
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“Daddy does this all the time. Ice is easier for me though. Fire is too warm for me. It might be nice in the winter though.”
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📚- Do they have lots of books? 📅- Are there lots of wall decorations? If so, what kinds? //also hi hello :3c
📚- Do they have lots of books? She used to have a ton of them, now she just has a few that she can keep in her pack.
📅- Are there lots of wall decorations? If so, what kinds? She has some drawings of her friends on her walls, but that’s about it.
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wittycneliners · 8 years
“are you shivering?”
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“No I’m fine.” He was lying but he wasn’t going to admit it.
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mackleford-blog · 9 years
“Bri!” The Commander waled swiftly towards her. Hand on the back of his neck. “I uh... Can I. You. I require your assistence. Are you good with Children? Or at least Brice. I cant get him to stop screaming. Branson left and it’s like he’s a different person!” 
Cullen could deal with soldiers, or training. A four year old throwing a temper tantrum however? That was throwing him through a loop. The poor man had no idea what to do.
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thehouseofthelost · 9 years
siege of highever (ser gilmore, bri cousland)
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It had been Ser Gilmore and small group of soldiers that fought their way to the private quarters of the Couslands.    He had his own orders.   Before the Teryn had fallen at the hands of the treaterous Arl Howe, he was to make his way to Bri, secure her and then get the void out of the castle.   He had been instructed the path they were to take and it wouldn’t be easy.    What mattered was getting Lady Bri to safety.    They had cut their way up the steps but not without losing two men.    
They came crashing in to witness the Teryna Eleanor Cousland fall.    Without a word whispered, Ser Gilmore rushed Howe’s men attacking with the ferocity of a berserker and his men using swords, daggers, and bows stuck down the others and worked to protect Lady Bri.
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ashortblade · 9 years
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Mien sighed heavily, to say that she did not want to be where she was would be an understatement. It seemed that even with the Archdemon dead, the Warden still had trials endure as she found herself stuck at yet another courtly function held in her and the the new King Alistair’s honor.
“Andraste’s flaming smalls, I should have snuck out with Zevran,” she muttered thinking of the drinking and Wicked Grace she was missing while standing off to the side, absently scratching the head of her dear Mabari.
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thewardcn · 9 years
Dear person I had a crush on,
Send me one “Dear—” and I’ll write a letter to this person
Dear Gilmore diary,
Things have become sufficiently awkward with the young squire Gilmore that’s training under my father. None of this would be quite so much of an issue if he weren’t so damn handsome all over the place. I’ve sent the boy packing a number of times already, but how many times can a girl knock someone on his ass training before he realizes that there’s more to her hit than just… training? I mean, I get along with him so well when we’re not at each other’s necks in the sparring ring, on top of that! This is a curse. The Teyrn’s daughter fancies the almost-Knight! What would Delilah say about me?
On that note, is it necessary for men to be that… shirtless when they’re training? I’m positive that wearing armor when you’re practicing is better than wearing nothing. This is getting ridiculous! How many times am i going to pass the training yard while he’s half dressed and sparring? Is the Maker testing me? Am I being tried for patience and the ladylike ability to passively admire a gentleman while he’s fighting? Andraste give me strength to pass this exam.
And damn me if I’ll ever have to marry Thomas Howe when I could just keep admiring this.
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wittycneliners · 8 years
kids meme!: 1,5,8,12!
How many children does your character have? How many would they ideally WANT?
Currently in the main verse none but Alistair would be happy with any children that he could have.
What do the children call their parents?
Mom and dad or ma and da
What are some of the character’s favorite memories from their kids’ childhoods?
Giving his kids mabari and watching them bond with them and trainging them to fight and protect them self.
Does the character (or their partner, or BOTH) have some mutual hobbies or pastimes with the children that aren’t strictly playing? Like some crafts or sports that they share and have fun with?
I like to think that the entire family spends time in the garden either tending to it or just talking about the day
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