theinsaneharlequin · 8 years
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Fuck everyone.
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
I really miss tumblr. I know I am never on, but I have been busting my ass in school trying to keep a 4.0 average. Unfortunately my life has left me with little time for being creative and rping. I miss it dearly, I'm sure most of you know how it is to be an adult.  -sigh- 
I want to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope everybody is safe! I plan on trying to make more me time and be more creative, especially with role playing and writing. Seems as though the only writing I get to really do anymore are is all essay work.
Hope to see you all more!  Again, Happy New Year! 
- Az
aka TheInsaneHarlequin
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
winter-poppy replied to your post “psa / ish? @.@”
Same here, take your time, and don't stress over drafts, you have enough with your life, remember rp-ing is an escape we do for fun, not yet another responsibility =)
lindwyrm-lancer replied to your post “psa / ish? @.@”
//: Hey there, Kefka-mod. Please try not to let it get you down, goodness knows you have more than enough on your plate with being a fll-time student AND working. You take all the time you need and take care of yourself first and foremost ~ <3
Aww, thanks you guys! ♥♥♥ -- I seriously have some of the most patient and sweetest friends/followers on here. I know my real life comes first, I just hate making people wait very long. Just how I am. I don't like to disappoint people. Like I stated earlier though, I think once I get on a routine, and get everything smoothed out I will probably have more time. :D 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
psa / ish? @.@
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My life has became a funnel of stress and nonstop work. I seriously am trying to be a full time student and employee, and as an adult I should look life in the eyes and shrug, but I mostly whine about how tired I' am and how I desperately miss tumblr and my amazing followers. Usually while writhing on my couch unable to move from exhaustion and other work I need to accomplish.
I know I owe like... a billion drafts  [ ok more like 20 ] but I am slowly getting there, this Kefka girl just has to get on a schedule that doesn't allow her one day off a week [ like my life schedule does now]  Soon! Soon, my friends once I get all my ducks in a row we will dance the dance of madness once more! >:D < --- my determined face, 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
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Whoever made this should get an instant degree in art.
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Will be on this Sunday or Monday, those are my days off. I replied a little to people last Monday, and I plan on getting to them again and to those I missed.
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I would also like to say hello to all my new followers! Welcome to the strange, weird and socially unacceptable part of tumblr. XD I’m Azzie aka Kefka-mun.  I would make a list but I would be worried that I would miss someone…. so hey ya! 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Will be on this Sunday or Monday, those are my days off. I replied a little to people last Monday, and I plan on getting to them again and to those I missed.
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I would also like to say hello to all my new followers! Welcome to the strange, weird and socially unacceptable part of tumblr. XD I'm Azzie aka Kefka-mun.  I would make a list but I would be worried that I would miss someone.... so hey ya! 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Kefka yawned as he became weightless in the air. His thin frame levitating above the the girl to whom he spoke with.
          "No, not really... but then again I feel like my mother was an eccentric woman. Though I honestly don't remember...so I just assume." he clarified. Kefka had issues remembering his past, really anything before the experiments on his was vague and hazy. Chuckling lowly he hovered over her head a bit, peering down at her like something from a Lewis Carroll novel.
          "Oh I suppose I am, I believe most thing in life are funny, because they're all so pointless!"  
"Wow.. a crazy clown.. who would have thought." Daiki said and smiled. "But .. i do really love your smile~" Peopleoftheshadows, Daiki.
Kefka eyed the stranger cautiously… his brow knitted close together. Curious of the new person, he continued to keep eye contact, but only to profile the one before them. Still unsure, but always up for a compliment; Kefka shrugged them off and flipped his long ponytail.
          “I know it is smile. The secret to a great smile is good hygiene, and embedding a god, a fiend and a demon into your cask doesn’t hurt either.” 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
  Kefka was mixing a green see-through vial with another that was more of a deeper red color. He swished the red bottle around, his eyes sparkling at it's shimmering form. He heard a voice, one he believed was unknown to him. Turning, to gaze over his shoulder he saw a lone female. Tucking the vial [ that was obviously a type of homemade poison ] into the folds of his clothes he turned completely around to face her.
          "Yes it is an honor to meet me, and WHO~ Are you?" he questioned, his gait shifting onto one side, pressing down a bit more on his left.  
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The theinsaneharlequin is run into you~
"Oh my.. Lord Kefka. What a surprise to run into someone like you here. I feel honored."
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Kefka turned hearing a familiar voice. His pupils dilated and his grin grew. Spinning around on his heels he sung out in laughter.
          "~Kujie-coo! How's my favorite narcissist?" he inquired, his daft expression peering straight at him; his head tilted and his smile growing with each passing moment.  
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“And here I was thinking that I could go the day without seeing that face of yours.” Kuja huffed and ran his fingers through his hair. ”Clearly I was being too optimistic.”
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
-flops on the floor- I miss tumblr. I like tumblr. It's a thousand times better than facebook. People I know in real life suck. 
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Info! o3o
Just so everyone is aware, my skype, twitter, and kik accounts are all available upon requests!
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
I miss everyone so much! q.q
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theinsaneharlequin · 10 years
Work has seriously got me tired. It's been 3 years since I had a real job. I like it though. Nice people, close environment, and steady pay. Just work and trying to get ready for school. Probably wont be on till Sunday though :(
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