Elijah moved out of her way so she could get by. “I’m making something a little more appetizing than a sandwich if you want some. I’m making gumbo,” He explained. “I feel a lot better. Just trying to get back into the flow of the living,” He heard his words and stopped stirring. “What makes you think I ever stopped. You’re my niece. I’ll always love you,”
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❝It will take a few weeks for you to get used to being alive,❞ Hope tells him from her own experience granted she had been dead for what? Ten? Fifteen minutes? Not years. ❝You know what, I think I will take the gumbo and this sandwich just to prove that I can pack it away,❞ she is a werewolf after all and it seems that means she can eat more than just the average and to top it off, she is starving herself to be good. Slowly though, she is noticing how it feels what vampires talk about when they are rung dry and she knows she can’t keep this up for much longer. Point to prove, that she is good. How? She isn’t sure. She has never been good in her book and honestly seeing her mother made her want to hide this away even more. She is back to being social, acting like a witch. ❝Is there anything that I can do with my magic to help? I have been itching to do more magic.❞ Itching to not break things.❝I know you always love me but I just thought somethings change after you are given a second chance at life?❞
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(¸.• ♛ → “Good because if you do, I will hunt you down and make you regret it.” It wasn’t a threat, that was a promise because there is something Lizzie really cares a lot and that was her family, especially her twin, she was like her other half, she wouldn’t want to see her get hurt and with Penelope was horrible how things were, at least in her eyes. “I need to give my approval, let me see but is about what? I mean, you drew her or something?” She couldn’t help now feel just a bit curious about that. “Then we can try and get along for Josie’s sake, we can try to be civil at least, I think she will appreciate that.” And everything was better than Penelope Park in her eyes.
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Drew her, yeah if Hope did that then Lizzie wouldn’t be seeing it and neither would Josie because the first thing that comes to her mind is that very...very old movie called the Titanic and that tired old line ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ and dear lord, Hope wouldn’t mind doing that. Her smile comes at that thought and she is laughing at herself before walking over to her stand ❝It is sort of not finished and I can start another but....❞ her words are cut off as she motions for Lizzie to look at the painting.❝It isn’t exactly a Josie thing but it fits? I can add her favorite animal in the middle or something...❞ The painting was woods, colorful though and did leave room for what Hope was talking about.  
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❝Just my orange juice,❞ Hope tells him as she opens the fridge.❝And food. Dear god I’m starved.❞ But not for what humans starve for. Hope grabs the orange juice and a piece of what looks like a sandwich, one of the ones that were made for them to just grab on a wim. She shuts the fridge with ease. ❝You seem to making yourself at home. I’m glad.❞ Hope doesn’t look at him as she unwraps it from the plastic cling. ❝Do you still..you know, love me?❞ She needs to hear it even if it is a lie. Hope wears her heart on her sleeve often times.
Elijah found himself in the kitchen of the Salvatore school, cooking up something.. He was trying to keep himself busy, the fear constantly running through his mind. But by cooking and trying to find some normalcy, he found himself focused. He heard the footsteps before they even made it into the kitchen. “Need something?”
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(¸.• ♛ → “Don’t push your luck. This doesn’t really make us friends, just that I don’t hate you like I did before.” And that was a good way to put it but she would never admit that maybe she was starting to like Hope, not for now at least because she was very stubborn when it comes to that. “I always do. You know Josie doesn’t need to find out about this, not for now, right? I love her more than anything but I know she wouldn’t like me to take those and to me is just sometimes hard to talk about what I feel, with her is more easy but is still hard.” Because she wasn’t really the best when it comes to feelings, she hates feeling weak. “Now, that’s something I know.” This time Lizzie said that in a joking tone. “Either way, with Penelope I didn’t like what she had with Josie, to me it was like she was trying to take her away from me…among other things, just don’t hurt my sister and everything should be okay.”
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Her relationship with Penelope, friendship wise was dead the moment she said that she was dating Josie. ❝Well, I don’t plan to ever hurt your sister Lizzie. She is my only real relationship and I don’t want to screw this up.❞ Lizzie was a nice person deep down even if she did come off sometimes like a brat. Hope wouldn’t push her luck but she is pretty sure they are on their way to becoming friends.❝So, I was doing a little painting for your sister...do you want to see or does our little whatever this is does not extend to that?❞ Lizzie makes her nervous, Hope’s future seems to depend on if Lizzie likes her enough for Josie to keep the relationship going, or at least that is how she sees it. ❝And for the record, I don’t hate you either anymore.❞
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❝You seem really chipper this morning,❞ Hope said looking up from her oatmeal, it was goopy and hardly appealing but she was willing to try anything to keep herself from starving to death. She felt hungry lingering within her that wasn’t for breakfast that was in front of her. ❝Did you have a late night?❞ She is teasing, her voice light and filled with joy.  @hybridorion 
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the short list of people that can calm Hope down when she is in the middle of a magic outburst. Freya, Caroline, and Hayley. Mostly it is a Freya thing though (As it was proven that Freya is one to calm Hope in the Originals by calling her attention to it.). 
Hope’s magical outbursts have become destructive, no longer fires that go away without a trace and it has been that way since she triggered the vampire side. She is shocked no one has noticed it lately but maybe it is because Caroline and Alaric already know that she triggered it so other’s noticing isn’t an issue.
Hope’s hybrids do have the ability to calm her down as well because her trust them.
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Hayley knew that a few years had passed by with her having found peace since she’d seen Hope grow up just a tad. She’d matured through all of her experiences and Hayley had never stopped believing in her. “Don’t be sorry, sweetheart,” she whispered back. Of course she knew why her daughter would say those words to her. She felt guilty for Hayley’s death, but she had always hoped she could know that Hayley never threw blame at Hope. In fact if Hayley hadn’t taken Greta’s daylight ring off that bitch could’ve caused even more havoc to both Hope and Klaus. The vampire shook away those thoughts as she pulled back so she could look right into her daughter’s eyes. “I love you much, Hope. That hasn’t changed, never will, okay?”
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The wind picks up ever so slightly when the word love crosses her mother’s lips. ❝I love you too, always and forever.❞ Hope felt like she was drowning in her own emotions and if she didn’t control them fast things would get a hell of a lot worse for her. ❝I never wanted you to die. I thought...we would be a family again.❞ An innocent reason for kidnapping her own mother. ❝I thought I would be strong enough to handle anything. I thought I could protect you from everything. I thought my spell was strong enough but it wasn’t.❞ Only because Roman got inside her head. ❝Roman got inside my head and he made me feel special.❞ As the anger rose within her, her eyes flash golden and she finds herself forcing them closed. ❝I should have killed him when I had the chance.❞ And so she will. Finding him and making him pay hardly seems like the worst thing in the world right now. She has to be careful, the moment she lets her emotions in she could easily force flashes of things into her mother’s mind and she isn’t ready for it. ❝Have you seen dad yet? He’s alive again too.❞
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“Really? Never would have figured.” He much preferred his niece now that she had a sense of humor, unlike her father. He couldn’t lie though, he was more than curious as to who his niece was seeing considering how poorly it went in the past. “Saltzman? The siphoner? I see you and your father have similar taste.” 
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❝What do you mean?❞ Similar taste in people? Who could her daddy be so interested in? Hope had an idea but that set a pit in her stomach if she is being honest. If her dad gets interested in someone, will he leave her? Will he no longer love her? She shoves it in the back of her mind for now. ❝Who’s dad interested in?❞
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“Most would say we’re the monsters.” Natalia replies with a hint of a smile on her red stained lips. There was a point in her life where Natalia would have easily agreed with it too, but it all came down to the perception of it all. “I was thinking of doing a little running later, but as of right now I’m just walking. I’m guessing you just did some running with the wolves?”
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Maybe they were the monsters in the night. ❝You know me so well,❞ Of course, she went for a nice long run in the woods all by her lonesome just to unwind after a long day. ❝So, do you want me to come with you for a walk?❞ Always stick a word in there that makes them have a choice. If Hope declared she would walk with them she would be taking away a choice and she has learned from past mistakes.
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Henrik listened to what his niece was saying before he smiled softly to himself. He had seen her before, but it was like his niece was even more beautiful in person that when he looked on to her. “Uh yeah…actually…there is a few things, can we talk somewhere? Henrik questioned. He knew she was used to things like this happening, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her, or come on to strong to her.  “There is something, i wanted to talk to you about… and I was wondering if you could help me with the stupid thing..” he admitted motioning the phone in front of him.
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It’s a cellphone and all Hope can do is raise a brow as she reaches out and grabs it from him. ❝You must be really really old if you do not know how to work a cell phone.❞ She quickly finds the on button on it and turns it on. She reaches back and grabs her drink before nodding to go ‘talk; somewhere else and all she really is going to allow is for them to find one of the tables in the boarding house bar and take a seat. ❝This thing needs to be charged soon as the power you have now is nothing and this might be the lamest excuse to talk to a pretty good witch that I’ve ever heard.❞ She hates doing favors for people but he did seem just a tad lost when it came to this new thing to him? Or maybe she is reading too much into the excuse and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Setting the phone down as she flips through settings. Her drink, she takes a sip of it.  ❝What is it you wanted to talk about?❞
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She knew how lucky she was to even be able to call the girl a friend since she’d caused the other pain by siphoning from her. It was an accident and one she was trying to not repeat. “Yes,” she admitted. Letting her mother know seemed to at least be the right thing to do  Maybe she could give her some advice since she only went to Hope to learn magic and control. “I think I used to be able to do magic because I took the power from myself as I’m also a werewolf. I always felt so drained afterwards though, but when I took it from her it was different,” she sighed, stopping herself from rambling. “But I didn’t like that I had to hurt her to get that power.”
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She stops to pick up a pair of boots that interested her. ❝Those are rare.❞ she is softly speaking as there is no time for sarcasm. The moment her kid mentions that she had done magic herself she thinks about the heretics that were apart of the Gemini coven and how they can use magic because they are part vampire. Her daughter must be able to use magic because of her being part wolf. ❝Well, when you pull from another source, it is different than when you use magic within you. When I use magic and try to do flashy spells and overdo it, I can be drained so I think that part is natural.❞ She decides to take another small sip of her latte to give her a second to think. ❝Well. it seems we are going to have to fix your a little and work at getting this issue under control so you don’t hurt this friend anymore right?❞
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“It did hurt and I’ll keep that in mind for the next time,” she made it a mental note to remember Hope’s words. Her first turn had been the most painful experience of her life, but she was just glad nobody else had been hurt in the process. Once Hope brought up the suggestion of practicing magic in private she nodded. “I’d like to do that and then maybe once I’m confident and in control I’ll be able to publicly come out as part witch.”
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❝I didn’t fight mine and it was quicker than normal. All the wolves say theirs took longer from what I hear so my dad’s words must be right.❞ And she had been dying at the time and having the death pulled from her as she likes to think of it.❝Yeah, maybe we can get you that far into control. You are a siphoner witch and those are rare so kind of cool.❞ Not as cool as a tribrid was but still beyond cool because this one could siphon magic from herself because of the werewolf in her.
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Despite missing being able to turn into a wolf and not being able to do it anymore, she can’t help but love being under the night sky. It’s the only time she can go looking for her daughter, but she’s sidetracked by the sound of someone nearby. The vampire isn’t sure who the other person could be, but does her best to investigate. As she sped over to where the other was she felt them running into her. Just the sight alone of the figure was enough to leave her feeling speechless. It was like the time when Hope had crossed over when she was at peace. “Hope,” her voice nearly cracked before she wrapped her arms around the other. “I’ve finally found you again.”
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She almost could feel herself choking on all the lies she is going to tell her mother starting with I’m fine and ending in I’m alive. Her mother wrapping her arms around her, she couldn’t help but relax into the comfort. If Orion or Natalia decided to go for a run she would deal with it. Tears started to form and she lets them overtake her, ❝Mommy,❞ She whispers into her mother’s ear, she had to get on her tiptoes but still. ❝I’m sorry.❞ And she knows that she shouldn’t be saying this, she was already forgiven for this and really she wasn’t the only one at fault for her mother’s death. Her sobs are shaking her whole body, she knows strong emotions means strong reactions and that was met with just a slight wind starting up by her that easily could pick up in the night. Hope has made New Orleans shake back when she was 15 so this is nothing compared to that. 
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She is slowly starving herself. Her daddy would have a fit if he knew what she was doing but dear god she wanted to be good for a week and not take a point (Or ten) away from herself by feeding on a human. She is learning control, how to be better but maybe if she had her mama she would be better. She isn’t so sure that she can control the animals within her when they fight. Wolves were made to hunt down vampires and be their weakness and that was her base really. She felt more in tune with the wolf most days than the vampire side of things. She gets a drink from the bartender that was in the boarding house’s bar and flashes a sweet smile, they all know her age but they say nothing because she works there (Being Caroline’s little helper bee has perks) and everyone knows she can be mean, scare people to get what she wants and sassy. She could play with the devil really. Looking up when her name is called, she raised a brow.
❝Somethig I can help you with?❞ She really hopes that it isn’t something related to magic. She gets it, she is powerful but she would much rather someone go bother her aunt or some other witch than her. She has had a few people need her for things and as she got better at getting what she wanted, she would say yes. ❝i don’t know you.❞ She says as if that would stop her from doing something for him. It was just a reminder that whatever she does it is because she wants to do it and not because she knows him.
Henrik had been spending the past week getting used to be alive again and meeting as many of his siblings as he could. Now he was ready to head to town, he had gone to get a cell phone to fit in with the new world around him. However, after giving up with trying to work it out he searched for one person he know would work it. Despite not meeting his niece yet this gave him a reason to find her and introduce himself.
After performing a locator spell, he headed to where she was suppose to be and searched for her. He knew what she looked like from watching over them all. After a few minutes of searching, the male spotted the female and approsched her. “Hope?” He said softly.
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Nodding dumbly, the former witch looked at her sister, taking it all in. “You too…” Pausing, the brunette took a deep breath, preparing to repeat information she was sure her sister was already aware of. “So are Kai, and Izzy.”
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❝I thought Kai was screwing with me,❞ To play a mind game in all honesty. it would have been twisted if he had but not to put it past him for doing it. Her heart hurt that she didn’t hear that Luke was back. ❝So, how are you doing?❞
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“I’m not saying I don’t want to learn control because I do, but,” she paused as she feared she would start rambling. Eileen made sure to take a moment to breathe as she wanted to stay calm. “I just think I’m more scared now because everyone around is a supernatural these days. And I have a werewolf curse to worry about as I will end up turning again soon,” she looked down, staring at her hands before sighing.
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❝Turning hurts like a bitch but do not fight it. My dad told me that one when I turned, it goes faster.❞ ANd she is going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of orange juice instead of herself. ❝And there is an abandoned building that I can teach you in,❞ It is an offer that is. ❝People only go to see that place when they wanna get wasted.❞
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Josie remembered that night, it was burned into her mind standing holding her sister’s hand as they chanted and helped a man die. The moon had been painfully big and bright. All she’d cared about beforehand was the dress code changing for feminism and possibly going to the Senior dance like Lizzie wanted. It hadn’t occurred to her how serious what she’d helped out with until Hope finally came back to school. Ever since the night had haunted her, but it was beautiful to Hope and knowing that it connected them a bit more made it maybe beautiful to her too. “I was always so worried you resented me for the ritual.” Josie mumbled to her quietly, it occurring to her now that if she’d been stubborn and refused in all likelihood she wouldn’t actually get to be on a date with Hope right now. “And I didn’t even like you back then.” Josie joked because now it felt like she liked Hope so much that she might drown in it. She couldn’t help but wonder if everyone tended to feel this way. “If I had to pick someone…” Her brows furrowed as she thought seriously on the matter, “Joan of Arc. Absolutely. She was 16 years old and led an army, people just believed in her. She was brave and stood up, even when they killed her. I think that’s amazing.” Josie was too meek to ever be like that, but it was still something she admired, the people who could act in that way. “What kind of art do you like the most?” She was genuinely curious knowing that the other girl was an artist, it might help her make plans for future dates, if she was lucky enough to get one.
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❝I resented myself for taking power back that I couldn’t handle. Josie, that would have killed me and I don’t think it is like when I died for real, it was as if there was no coming back.❞ It felt like she was going to be gone forever. Her vampire blood not going to save her in the end. ❝You and your sister hated me back then and I made you hate me.❞ And for a while she had disliked Josie and Lizzie for not trying harder, that stopped after she turned 16 though, she suddenly started seeing that she pushes others away and her attempt this time ended with her dating the one she pushed away.❝Joan of Arc, a leader of her time,❞ Hope isn’t sure she is much of a leader or who she admires more besides her mother and father. ❝I love to paint. When I was seven, my dad taught me how to mix colors to make a new one. Acrylic paint is my favorite.❞ Watercolor is her second if she had to pick the medium she uses. ❝I can sketch, draw, paint and do embroidery but ask me to knit you something and it won’t happen.❞  Hope can’t knit to save her life, it was one of those things that she finds herself a cat in a basket, all wrapped up in yawn instead of doing something with it and she isn’t sure how. ❝I’ve never tried body painting before but I watched a show on Netflix that made me seriously want to consider it for a while.❞ Maybe someday she would do that but that is a long ways off. ❝Do you do anything crafty yourself?❞ Aside from making hats for stuffed animals that is. 
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