themagenamedash · 4 months
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as per requested by @astridamongtheskies. I hope this is what you wanted :)
[I apologise profusely for not seeing this sooner as I haven't used tumblr in while]
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themagenamedash · 2 years
I’ll just leave this here as a reminder to myself
Don't you sometimes get an absolutely extrodinary, mind blowing, such an awesome idea for a story, but you just don't have enough skill level to pull it off?
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themagenamedash · 2 years
"Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?"
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themagenamedash · 3 years
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Subtle enby wallpaper. Enjoy everyone!
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themagenamedash · 3 years
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Subtle non-binary wallpaper with motivational quote for you all to enjoy! I’ll be posting a lot of this sort of thing and if you have any suggestions, feel free to request anything!
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themagenamedash · 3 years
"The best revenge is massive success"
-Frank Sinatra
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themagenamedash · 3 years
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
Chris Grosser
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themagenamedash · 3 years
"A No. 2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere."
Joyce Meyer
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themagenamedash · 3 years
“When written in Chinese the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”
-John F. Kennedy
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themagenamedash · 3 years
Love this!
Snape: I'll have a firewhiskey and he, uh... [Looks at Harry] he'll have the pumpkin juice.
Harry: honestly, Snape, I'm already 17.
Harry: I can order my own pumpkin juice.
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themagenamedash · 3 years
"Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness."
Allen Ginsberg
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themagenamedash · 3 years
It hurt because it mattered.
– John Green
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themagenamedash · 3 years
“Words demand respect. They are beautiful; they are terrible. They are a gift and a curse. I will never forget what they can do.”
Lynette Noni (extract from her book Whisper)
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themagenamedash · 3 years
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This is a book I chose to use for my English class reading and after reading it, I was blown away by this story. For anyone that is a fan of young adult, dystopian worlds full of mystery, then this is the book for you! There is also a sequel to this book called Weapon.
If you have read it, please let me know if you liked it too!
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themagenamedash · 3 years
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My little drawing I did at school while bored in my language class. What do you guys think?
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