hey is there like... a mad scientist gender flag / term i gotta know.... or do i make it myself,,,
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This is a xenogender/neurogender I coined for personal use but anyone can use it as long as you fit the criteria! Foxgender: A gender best described by foxes, whether for spiritual, kin, past life, comfort, or any other reason.
oh sweet!! thank you for the submission! 馃槉
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Etherealgender - a synesgender associated with feelings of flowy, soft satin fabric, a cool night's breeze, the feeling of floating in the pitch black void of space / the ocean, the feeling of weightlessness, feeling flowy and without form, feeling like your gender is "empty". may feel a vague connection to one or more genders, but mostly genderless. also associated with the planets, space, the ocean, the stars, and the colors purple and white. may also be associated with music.
mostly a personal label to help me describe how my gender feels, but if you ID with it go ahead!!!
the stripes mean :
First stripe : Connection to space, the planets, the stars, the void, or the ocean
Second stripe : The feeling of soft, flowy satin fabric, the cool nighttime breeze, weightlessness, feeling of floating in the void.
Third Stripe : Small connection to one or more gender
Fourth Stripe : Neurodivergence, synesthesia, neopronouns, and a unique relationship with gender
Fifth Stripe : Lack of gender, feeling like your gender is "empty"
ive never coined a gender or made a flag so I hope you like it ^^
馃嵀 just don't interact if you're gonna be a dick 馃嵀
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