how did the date go?
"O-Oh, th' date went great! Th' garden was very n-nice and Poet was very nice too..", His face reddened a bit, a big smile forming on his face at the thought of the other.
"I enjoyed th' date alot! I-i wouldn't mind going on another if given th' chance.."
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"I think you're pretty great at mazes.", His smiled grew, and his face reddened at what the other said about himself. He rubbed his neck, glancing away sheepishly," I-I wouldn't say I seem smart.. I just really like mazes.." he chuckled, there being a nervous tinge to it.
Why did the darn garden have to be mazey? I suck at those...
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" 'Weird Eddie'..? Was he hosting some kind of maze game or somethin'?", He was thoroughly intrigued by this, curious about this other variant of himself.
"... If he marked you as the winner, then you must be better at mazes than you think you are!"
Why did the darn garden have to be mazey? I suck at those...
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"Hm.. I dunno.", He mused aloud, him looking around. "... I'm not too bad at mazes... Maybe I can help!" ,He looked over at Poet and smiled.
Why did the darn garden have to be mazey? I suck at those...
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He also follows the tent home, and he seems quite excited about it. He also thanks the kind home as well.
As he does he grabs hold of one of Poet's hands, intertwining their fingers together with a bright smile on his face.
-a latter pillar variant shows up with an eddie variant- Hello? we're looking for the garden area here?...for a date? @themultiversehoppingmailman ~ @poetryofgloomanddoom
The tent puppet turned to the direction the voices were coming from.
"Oh,hello dears! You want to see the garden? Well you've come to just the right puppet! Follow me."
the puppet began to lead them towards a large hedge maze.
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"you do?" He seemed surprised before the surprise switched to excitement," Oh that's wonderful! Where is it?", He tilts his head curiously.
he might already be here but hiding I wouldn't be surprised
"hiding? Where? Wait why is he hiding???" He's worrying now, and he looks around in confusion.
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He spots him and perks up, heading over to him," oh, There you are!" He's smiling up at the other.
"so.. I got your letter.. I would love to go on that date now if that's fine with you.", a blush started to redden his face.
he might already be here but hiding I wouldn't be surprised
"hiding? Where? Wait why is he hiding???" He's worrying now, and he looks around in confusion.
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He starts looking for Poet, him walking around in hopes to find the Latter variant. He also calls out to him," Poet??"
he might already be here but hiding I wouldn't be surprised
"hiding? Where? Wait why is he hiding???" He's worrying now, and he looks around in confusion.
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he might already be here but hiding I wouldn't be surprised
"hiding? Where? Wait why is he hiding???" He's worrying now, and he looks around in confusion.
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-a certain latter variant left a note asking if now or tomorrow would be a good time for their date-
He perked up when he saw the note, a big happy smile forming on his face. " Oh, our date! Now would be a lovely time for it! Oh, should I send a letter back or tell him directly-?"
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yep he purrs if he get pet
His pupils expand and he sets his hands on his face," THAT SOUNDS ADORABLE!... do.. do ya think he'd let me pet him if I asked to..?"
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He perks up," REALLY??" He catches himself and clears his throat," Uh- I mean- I would like that. A lot. I would definitely love ta go on a date with ya." He gives the other a lopsided grin.
"Well, he hasn't reacted badly ta getting smooched... But ahhh I'm worried I broke him? He sorta froze and hasn't moved since-"
"gosh, if I did break him , I wouldn't even know what ta do! Oh I'd feel horrible if that was th' case!"
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ask poet on a date already
He becomes very flustered," but what if he doesn't agree if I do ask?? He- he may not want too.. and then I'd feel so diddly darn awkward for even askin'!" He covers he face and the fluster makes his blush very visible.
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the latter you smooched acts like a kibby
He gasps," he does???? Awe that's so darn cute!" He beams.
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"I can. It uh.. makes me a bit dizzy though.", He lightly chuckled. "Why do you ask?", He tilts his head.
"Well, he hasn't reacted badly ta getting smooched... But ahhh I'm worried I broke him? He sorta froze and hasn't moved since-"
"gosh, if I did break him , I wouldn't even know what ta do! Oh I'd feel horrible if that was th' case!"
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"I'm sure..", His blush from earlier came back full force as he responded. Although he smiled up at the other.
"Well, he hasn't reacted badly ta getting smooched... But ahhh I'm worried I broke him? He sorta froze and hasn't moved since-"
"gosh, if I did break him , I wouldn't even know what ta do! Oh I'd feel horrible if that was th' case!"
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"mhm...", His nod is a bigger one, and he seems to be less nervous than before. He rubs the back of his neck," I-I really do like ya."
"Well, he hasn't reacted badly ta getting smooched... But ahhh I'm worried I broke him? He sorta froze and hasn't moved since-"
"gosh, if I did break him , I wouldn't even know what ta do! Oh I'd feel horrible if that was th' case!"
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