thenextweasleys · 3 years
Hugo: I’m lost without you
Lorcan: Aww that’s so sweet
Hugo: No, no, literally, where the fuck are you? And where the fuck am I? I mean, definitely somewhere in the knockturn alley, but bro, I'm panicking
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thenextweasleys · 3 years
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it’s not like it was a surprise for the family
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thenextweasleys · 4 years
Harry: I think we should implement the No-Animals-at-home rule
Albus: I don't think so
Lily: James won't go away so easily
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
lily luna potter, you were named after two people who were, by all accounts, sensible and reasonable humans. please do not turn out like your brothers
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
Louis: what you're doing is illegal.
Fred: I'm not taking advice from you. You pronounce the 'g' in 'lasagna.'
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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Next Generation LGBT+ Club
Albus Potter : Gay
Fred Weasley II : Bisexual
Lucy Weasley : Aromantic Asexual 
Dominique Weasley : Lesbian
Ariana Thomas-Finnigan : Lesbian
Scorpius Malfoy : Bisexual
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
Scorpius: I have this urge to do something stupid.
Albus: I’m stupid. Do me.
Everyone: …
Albus: Did I just say that out loud?
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
What kind of patronus animal do you think Harry's kid's have?
Oh gosh, I sat on this ask all week trying to think because this is actually not something I’d given a whole lot of thought to before. All descriptions are taken from Muggle Net where I spent longer than I will admit reading about types of Patronus and matching them with my person HC for Harry’s kid’s personalities.
James’s Patronus might be a Swift.
Swift – Although swifts can be perceived as flighty, that’s only because they have a strong sense of determination and a drive to accomplish things as quickly as possible, which makes them go from one endeavor to the next very quickly. They are hopeful, positive, and energetic..
Albus’s Patronus could be a White Swan. 
White Swan – White swans are creatures associated with grace, beauty, and loyalty. They are incredibly loyal and protective of their mates.
Lily’s Patronus might be a Swallow.
Swallow – The swallow is associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. Regardless of its small size, this Patronus is extremely powerful and will conquer a full battalion of Dementors.
Also, I would like to note that I didn’t realize until I posted this that I picked a bird for all three of them which I think really fits for how I see the Potter kids.
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
Roxanne: [consoling Fred about a breakup] Don’t worry, Fred, you will love again, because time will heal a broken heart.
Roxanne: [picks up brick]
Roxanne: But not that bitch’s window!
[Throws brick and shatters window]
Roxanne: RUN!
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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@hpnextgensource members event: favourite family
the weasley-delacours
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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Dominique A. Weasley
Ravenclaw. 16 años. Prefecta. 
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
Scorpius: *Hears a noise outside the bedroom at midnight*
Scorpius: *Snuggles closer to Albus*
Scorpius: *Whispers to the supposed ghost fearfully* I’m under three blankets with my husband spooning me. You can’t get to me now.
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
“last of the ringleaders of dumbledore’s army is, of course, luna lovegood (now married to rolf scamander, swarthy grandson of celebrated magizoologist newt).”
daily reminder that rolf scamander is canonically dark-skinned, meaning that he and his children are people of color. stop casting lorcan and lysander scamander as pasty whites.
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
justapitofemotion says :  📂
My Random Headcanon: The Potter kids
(not influenced by cursed child at all because no!) So I see the Potter kids as being chaos on a stick. I’m sure I’ve mentioned them before- but basically I think H&G aren’t exactly good at disciplining their kids. They aren’t exactly rule-followers in their youth- and don’t really do much enforcing besides calling people out on their BS- so I think this translates into the kids being wild. Every once in a while they’ll go on a discipline kick and really try to make the kids (which usually means James) behave. It is usually short-lived and horrible for everyone.
James is a quidditch obsessed jerk with a heart of gold (whatever, I know it’s a cliche, but that’s my cliche!) He has Harry’s eyesight, but HATES glasses, so starts spelling himself contacts by around age 13 or so. By age 14-15 he works out religiously and is super buff. He is blunt, a jock, barely passes any of his classes because he simply doesn’t care. His best classes are DADA, creatures and Transfiguration. He royally blows at potions and history. He is the kid who the parents worry about, because he’s always skipping class, running around with girls, drinking underage etc. He definitely becomes a famous quidditch player, and has a huge complex about people thinking he got there due to his parents. Fic with him here: [LINK]
Al is the opposite of his brother. While his bro is all blunt out-going jock, Al is introverted anxious and subtle. (Loki to James’s Thor type energy ;) ) He has little patience for his brother, and always feels the odd man out. He gets a bit rebelious by his teens, and even thought his parents think they don’t have to worry about him- he’s the one who experiments with drugs and is more prone to go on adventures with Rose. He starts smoking around age 15 because he’s dumb. :P He’s pretty average with his studies, much like  H&G were, but is excellent at Potions- his one really good class. His ambition is to be a chef. He often likes to hang in the Muggle world because they don’t know his family and he trusts that more. Fic with him here: [link] Lily is the baby, and only girl. She is spoiled rotten. She’s sassy, smart, very similar to her mother, only way less kind for a while there. Lily is intense and perfectionistic. When she’s young she wants to be as pretty as Bill and Fleur’s girls, and always wants to be more grown up than she is. This leads to her being a bit of a ‘mean girl’ the first 4 years of school. She changes a lot after an incident, and decides to instead focus her perfectionism on somthing outside her looks and popularity- she wants to be a healer- and not just any healer- the best. So she goes on to become one eventually, and is very driven. In school she goes from being an average student to being one of the best as she’s now super motivated. Best class by far is Charms, but she’s good in all of them, really.  Fic with her here: [LINK]
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thenextweasleys · 6 years
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@hpnextgensource​ members event: Fave Family
The Delacour-Weasleys: Bill, Fleur, Victoire, Dominique and Louis
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