Bungie's Return to Glory A "Destiny" Review Played on PS4 Beat in 9 Hours, 18 Minutes and 44 Seconds Review by The Autistic Gamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS DOWN BELOW! - - - I think you could imagine my delight when at the beginning of Sony's E3 2014 press conference, they gave us a look at Destiny, Bungie's newest game that was not Microsoft exclusive. The game was a FPS of course, but the thing that was groundbreaking about it was it's MMORPG like features and something called a "Shared World" which was unheard of at the time. Nowadays, this isn't such a big deal. Many games do this like The Division, but Destiny was new and it was doing something no one had seen before. I pre ordered the game becauase I loved the Halo Series, I played the First Look Alpha that week after E3 and played the Beta in July of that year, enjoying them both. But when the game came out. I stopped playing after 2 weeks. The game wasn't captivating me like it should, the game also got really mixed reviews as well and I felt that impact greatly. I stopped playing it and every time I tried to get back into it I couldn't. Now, in 2020, things finally clicked. I can finally understand why Destiny has this huge fan base. The game is amazing. It's a Looter Shooter compared to Borderlands, although the loot is much more tame in this game than it is in Borderlands. Tons of loot don't explode from enemies, most of the time, you'll find loot on the floor after you kill a boss or a fallen enemy. But before we get into that, I want to tell you why you should play it now. The game has been out for nearly 6 years, in 2019, it had it's 5th Anniversary and people are still playing it. But who knows when Bungie will cut the cord on this Action FPS MMORPG? I know backwards compatibility will be a big thing next gen, so maybe you'll still be able to play it. But after that, who knows? The game never got a PC release, so now is the time to play it now. And you should, because this game is really great. The story is a bare bones tale of Light and Darkness duking it out with each other. You get a companion named Ghost at the beginning of the game who resurrects you after years, possibly decades and centuries after you died. He was originally voiced by Peter Dinklage but now he is voiced by some nobody and I like that more, because Dinklage's acting was incredibly monotonous. He will crack a joke here and there, but he tells you all the info you need to start and continue the game. After a tutorial, you are put into the main hub world which is a tower where these so called Guardians like yourself live. There are many people there and many players still play the game to this day. You'll get to explore around and start missions and strikes. Later after the first few missions, you'll get to do patrols which help you level up greatly. The story if you are really wondering what it is since I didn't explain it well enough, is this: in the present day, humans found the traveller, which caused a golden age of space exploration, but a evil baddy called the Fallen and other such creatures took over and destroyed everything. Now there is only one city left on Earth and everyone is counting the days down to when their demise is. As the Guardian, you do missions, find out stuff about the darkness, meet a stranger who tells you your main objective and then go to this place called the Black Garden and kill all the baddies. Boom. You're done the game. It's not much to go on, but the thing that really captivated me to play more was the lore. The lore in this game is absolutely incredible. There is always a line of dialogue from someone who tells you about the world and how it got there. It's absolutely invigorating to listen to. But lets not forget the other aspects of the game. First off, the music is absolutely brilliant. It's one of my favorite game scores of this console generation and it's all thanks to co-composer Paul McCartney of Beatles and Wings fame to write the music for this game. I was absolutely moved by the music at points which is rare for a game to do so to me. There are action moments where the music really kicks in and then there are slower more somber parts that are beautiful. But there is lots to do gameplay wise. There are patrols which are absolutely fun and a great way to level up in areas when you need to get to the next mission. There are also strikes, but forget it. Unless you plan to do them all solo, you'll not find one single soul who will take on a strike with you which sucks and these are some of the hardest parts in the game as well. I ended up doing one strike in the Dark Below expansion (which I probably will review later) and soloed the entire thing but trust me you need lots of patience and time to complete them. Shooting is incredible. It's the thing Bungie usually does well in FPS games. The fun thing about it is the looting aspect. Enemies keep dropping lots of ammo and armor and weapons and you'll be filling your inventories very quick. This makes for a great sense of progression that really makes you feel like you're accomplishing something. There are problems though. Your main guardian character has some of the most generic dialogue imaginable. He'll ask bare bones questions or say stupid jokes or simple sentences. You can't really connect to him/her unless it's a Exo-like character, who are basically robots. There is also the fact that there are unkillable enemies in all the patrols For some reason, none of your guns work on them and you die instantly if you get near them. If anyone can tell me if you can actually kill them, please do, because these are some of the most annoying pieces of crap imaginable. But yeah, those are the only problems I really have with this game aside from the generic good vs evil story. But trust me, everything else is smooth sailing from there. So if you can find a used copy of Destiny: The Collection or if you have a digital copy lying around in your backlog on PS4 or Xbox One, then definitely play it. Destiny is a marvelous return to form for Bungie after two failed Halo Games ODST and Reach. This is easily the best thing they made in years. If you love deep lore, looter shooters, MMORPG Elements and PVP Multiplayer (Yes, there is competitive multiplayer in this game) you'll have a great time with this game. I highly recommend you play it now before the servers shut off forever. 9/10 PROS: -Incredibly Deep Lore for the world -Lots of people still play it -Excellent Music, Some of the best this console generation -Awesome Gunplay -Satisfying Loot system makes you feel like you're progressing greatly -Ghost is a memorable companion character -Patrols are really fun to do -Graphically still looks great for a early 8th Generation Game CONS: -Incredibly generic main character dialogue -Unkillable enemies in patrols -No one plays Strikes Anymore -Story is generic Good Vs Evil Nonsense
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Do You Have 10 GP For A Cup Of Coffee? A "Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest" Review Played on Retroarch (SNES Emulator) Beat in 11 Hours 24 Minutes and 49 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS AT THE BOTTOM! Back in the day, I was a Nintendo Kid. In fact, I still am one. I love the Nintendo Switch and I'm amazed at the comeback they made in the last few years. However, back in the day, I loved them a lot. I had a Gamecube, A Game Boy Advance, a Nintendo DS, A Wii, Nintendo 64 and SNES. One game I played on the SNES, introduced me to a huge franchise and a genre that was booming, RPGS. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is a childhood favorite game of mine and I absolutely loved it. I haven't however, beaten it until now. So how do I feel about it now that I'm 23? The game is a entry level JRPG starring a character you can name (His actual name is Benjamin) who is the hero of the prophecy and must save the four crystals of the world and defeat the Dark King. The game has you travelling with one companion at a time including Kaeli, a tree whisperer, Tristam, a treasure hunter, Phoebe, a girl who wants to stop a winter spell that has been put on Aquaria her home and Reuben, a warrior who lives in Fireburg. Guided by a old man, Benjamin and the gang face terrible threats which leads to the climax of the game. It's a very bare bones and standard Final Fantasy game and it's not very long at all. In fact, I actually 100%'d the entire game because of how easy it was to find stuff by exploring which is incredibly rewarding in Mystic Quest. There are lots of positives to say. First, although the sprite work and graphics isn't that special, it is kind of appealing to see a Final Fantasy game with a different art style. The game's simple combat and exploration are incredibly fun. It's really awesome to get all the spells and start experimenting them on enemies. The good thing about this game is that there are no random encounters. Enemies show up on the map and you can exit at any time if your characters aren't asleep or confused or what not. Mystic Quest also has a great english translation, probably because it came out in North America first. There are rarely any typos except maybe one and that's impressive coming off a disasterous Final Fantasy IV translation. One of the cool things is that in the game, you can use weapons in the world to cut down trees, blow up entrances, climb walls, it's kind of groundbreaking for it's time that it combined action adventure elements into a turn based JRPG. There are two things I absolutely love about this game coming back to it. One is the Pazuzu boss fight which is a incredibly different boss from all the others you encounter. He has a defensive spell that counters any attack or spell used on him and you have to wait it out. It's kind of like the first boss in Final Fantasy VII to be honest and must have been an inspiration to the team working on it. The other, is the soundtrack. In my opinion, the soundtrack stands as one of the greatest video game scores of all time. The music is kick ass most of the time. Fireburg, Battle Theme 1, Doom Castle, Volcano, all fantastic songs that cement Mystic Quest as one of the great soundtracks of the 90's. I still listen to it to this day and always am amazed by it. Alright, I want to get to the negatives because there are a few. First off, the game has this chest exploitation thing where if you open and chest, leave and come back, you can open the chest again with the same items, making it super easy to get lots of heal potions and bombs. I don't know if this was a programming error they overlooked or it's actually intentional but damn it's easy to do that. Also, the game is infamous for being too easy. It's only too easy if you get the encounters you want and the bosses take some time to think. But yeah, I agree with most people that it's a pretty easy game. So the thing I want to point out is that the writing, for a JRPG at the time, is pretty bad. It seems rather rushed and forced and not much thought was put into any of the ideas. Some towns folk will give you useful information, others will just do crap all. Your party members seem to come in for plot convenience as well. Plus, the party members are one shot everything while you have to hit each enemy in two shots which can get annoying. But that ending. Christ. The ending is incredibly underwhelming and is extremely rushed. There is barely any time to breathe with this ending. It just ends to cheerful after what you've been through. It's probably one of my least favorite endings to any game ever. But, at the end of the day, I feel Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is still worth checking out despite these flaws. The game was made at a time when RPGS were niche to introduce players to the genre and I think it did a fine job with that. I do recommend playing it especially for the kick ass soundtrack. Very enjoyable but not for everyone. 8.5/10 PROS: -Unique Graphics Style -Gameplay is simple and fun -Spells are extremely fun to use and experiment with -Easy to 100% the entire game -Pazuzu Boss fight was awesome -Groundbreaking World Weapon Use -One of the best soundtracks of all time -Great Translation -Exploring is worth it NEUTRALS: -(Unintentional?) Chest Exploitation makes the game very easy -The game is a bit too easy CONS: -Writing is really bad for a JRPG at the time -Party members are always stronger than you -Party Members seem to appear for the convenience of the plot -The ending is one of the worst I've seen for a game.
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To Hell and Back A "Doom (2016) Review" Played on PC Beat in 5 Hours, 22 Minutes, 6 Seconds Review by The Autistic Gamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS DOWN AT THE BOTTOM This is the definition of an overhyped game. I was unfortunately part of the huge hype train when Doom (Now implanted in our brains as Doom 2016) was announced. A True Successor to Doom 1 and 2 and Final Doom, the game was met was overhwelming praise and many calling it one of the best old school FPS Games EVER. However, I would say that's bullshit. Doom 2016 is a good game, don't get me wrong, I don't hate it by any means, but this mentality that it's better than Doom 3, a shooter inspired by Half-Life while still being Doom is true? I don't think so. The thing that made Doom 3 one of the best shooters ever was it's groundbreaking new version of the ID Tech engine that was mindblowing using dynamic shadows and lighting making for an eerie atmospheric game that is unforgettable with some of the best gameplay imaginable. Doom 2016 doesn't do anything revolutionary with it's new updated ID Tech Engine. It looks better than RAGE, don't get me wrong, but the entire point of ID Tech was to push the limits of gaming. How is this pushing the limits of gaming? I don't think it even is. So what is Doom 2016 improving? While, I wouldn't say improving, but it refines what made Doom 1 and 2 great classics. That becomes a contradication of itself throughout unfortunately. Basically, each level consists of Doomguy (Who is now pointlessly named Doom Slayer) trying to eliminate the threat of demons in the UAC Mars Research Facility. He goes from trying to cool down some reactors, to destroying a dangerous hell energy, to going to hell and back and fighting many bosses throughout. Doomguy's weapons are what you would expect, a pistol, a shotgun and super shotgun, plasma rifle, chaingun, rocket launcher, of course, who can forget the BFG (Or the Big Fucking Gun as Dwayne Johnson put it in the Doom 2005 movie?) But there are some new weapons as well, mainly the Gauss Cannon and Light Machine Gun/Heavy Assault Rifle. The Heavy Assault Rifle is ass and gets replaced with the chaingun later due to it being much more reliable. The Gauss Cannon however, was the big surprise of the game. It's super fun to use in most cases. Doomguy also has a progression system. Now, he can use suit tokens for his Preator Suit (Which is a stupid name, why not just call it the armor or space armor?) to upgrade a bunch of things, he can find robots carrying weapon upgrades that change how weapons work and of course, Argent Energy Balls that upgrade Health, Ammo and Armor. This works out pretty well for the most part and I really enjoyed getting more ammo along the way. The Chainsaw is also back, but here is the difference. In Doom 1 and 2, it was useless to me, the purpose was just to kill Pinky demons. That's it. Doom 3 had you using it to get out of corners before the enemies gang banged you to death, here, it's a gas fueled chainsaw that is a ammo drop machine. Basically, use it on small enemies, the less gas it uses, this also is part of the ammo upgrade system as you get more gas later on. There are also a bunch of secrets to discover like hidden throwback levels like Underhalls and Live Moving Models of Enemies throughout the game. Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 from Doom 3 also makes an appearance which is great and one of the highlights. There are also easter eggs to be found including one of the Dragonborn from Skyrim. So all together, this comes to a highly frantic action gameplay which is very good. There is much more of a challenge to the game than Doom 3 as the enemies are unpredictable. Enemies include Possessed, Imps, Pinky Demons, Revenants, Hell Knights, Barons of Hell, Soldiers, Lost Souls, Mancubus bosses including Spider Mastermind and Cyberdemons, and a new boss called Hell Guards and new enemies like Cyber Mancubus and Summoners (WHICH I ABSOLUTELY HATE) but gone are Arch Viles and Pain Elementals and Chaingunners. Also, power ups are back like Berserk and Quad Damage. Glory Kills are one thing I forgot to mention and this is where we will start getting into the negatives of the game. Basically, these Glory Kills can be performed to get more health and a tiny bit of ammo in gruesome ways, but the problem is because there are a limited amount of ways to kill demons, you'll be seeing the same Glory Kills over and over and which gets incredibly tiring and redundant. The boss difficulty is also a problem. Boss Fights should at least get progressively harder and harder. challenging, hard as ass and then a total pushover. The Cyberdemon fight was perfect, but the Hell Guards sucked ass and were totally cheap and then the Spider Mastermind was too easy. If the bosses were actually balanced, this would make for some fun challenges. The story is my biggest problem. Doom should not have much of a story, it should just throw you into the action and keep going and never stop. But somehow, ID Thought that throwing unskippable in game cutscenes that last way too long would be a totally okay idea. It's not. The beginning is a good example of this, you kill three possessed after getting out of chains, you put on the space armor and then a 90 Second unskippable cutscene occurs that you can't skip. The point? To show a satellite is off. Another good point is in the third level the Foundry, where the main villain of the game, Olivia Pierce, (Who is incredibly useless and is barely in the game and is a stupid villain) tries to prepare a portal to hell. All you needed was for VEGA to say that Olivia Pierce is fucking something up and you need to stop her. THAT'S IT. What Happens instead? A two minute unskippable cutscene of her preparing a hell portal then walking..... super..... duper.... slowly.... out the door. Don't even get me on when you go into Samuel Hayden's office, it's another two minute unskippable self monologue he does and is incredibly annoying. This shouldn't be happening in a Doom game. Doom is about being awesome and splattering demons into thick red paste. "BUT MICHAEL. HOW CAN YOU DEFEND DOOM 3 WHEN IT HAS THE SAME PROBLEMS!?!" You bellow. Because while Doom 3 is still technically a Doom game, it takes many other story elements and gameplay inspirations from mainly Half-Life. So the story was a bigger part of Doom 3 because it was inspired by Half-Life and it's expansions. Plus, Doom 3's story is campy, fun and compelling while Doom 2016's is boring, unnecessary and not fleshed out. Also, Doom 2016 tries to be like Doom 1 and 2 but keeps on ruining that promise with horrid amounts of story and in game cutscenes. So yeah, the story in Doom 2016 kind of sucks, it's just ripping off the story from The Lost Mission expansion from Doom 3, you have to shut down a teleporter and kill a shit ton of demons. There is some stuff about a artifact here and there, but overall it's nothing special. Also, compare Olivia Pierce to Dr. Betruger. Betruger was a menacing villain who cackled evilly and was a total insane man who wanted nothing more than for all of Mars and Earth to suffer, Elliot Swan and Jack Campbell coming to Mars to investigate pushed his buttons so hard that he said fuck it, and went completely batshit crazy and started a portal to hell. He was a fun villain and one of the most memorable parts of the game. Olivia Pierce? Her motive seems to be becoming a cult leader because she doesn't like Samuel Hayden. That's it. Also, you don't see her at all again after the fifth mission is over until the very end of the game. Also, what does opening another portal to hell benefit for you? What? Are you just going to ruin the UAC even more by opening another portal to hell? What the hell is her motive? But there is one shining light in this beacon of a dark story. Samuel Hayden. The over seven foot tall robot man is incredibly interesting to look at character wise, but he has some of the best moments in the game. He wants the best for Earth, but Doomguy's awesomeness ruins that, so in the end, he has to send Doomguy away to try and fix his own problems. He isn't a good guy or a villain, he is just some person trying to do his job as the head of a huge base. And that my friends, is all I have to say. Doom 2016 is a very good revival of the Doom 1 and 2 formula, with classic throwbacks, great weapons, awesome hell levels, some decent music (Although Iron Maiden or Dream Theater is more appropriate listening for this game), highly frantic action and is a good challenge throughout. I recommend it to people who liked the older Doom Games. 8.2/10 PROS: -Highly Frantic Action Throughout -Better Challenge than Doom 3 -Samuel Hayden is very memorable -Great Weapons that feel good to use -Lots of gore and blood for a Doom game -Lots of Secrets -Good Progression System -Decent Music -Callbacks to previous Doom games -Good Length for the campaign NEUTRALS: -Story is just borrowing from The Lost Mission CONS: -Story feels the need to stop dead in it's tracks with unskippable in game cutscenes -Boss Difficulty is all over the place -Olivia Pierce is a stupid villain
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Teleport You Out Of My Life A "Doom 3: The Lost Mission" Review Played on PC Beat in 1 Hour, 20 Minutes and 16 Seconds Review by The Autistic Gamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS DOWN AT THE BOTTOM!: Years after Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil released, The Lost Mission, part of BFG Edition and newer ports of Doom 3 on Consoles is a mini campaign that focuses on a member of Bravo Team after their demise in Doom 3's base game. You help Dr. Richard Meyers shut down a teleporter in hell that's releasing demons onto Mars. That's it. That's the entire story. What more can I say? This may be a shorter review than usual because I probably am going to repeat myself by saying that The Lost Mission has all the things that make Doom 3 great. The guns are here including the Super Shotgun and the Usless Grabber from ROE, it has the same great atmosphere, it has the same enemies from Doom 3 and ROE, it's very basic. Is it a fun side story though? Yes it is. I loved obliterating demons with my Super Shotgun and the game's length is alright although it could honestly be much longer. The best thing I can say that's new is that the Hell levels are now expanded. There are two of them and they are really good. The Hell Boat ride was also pretty sweet and something new we haven't seen before in Doom 3. There are downsides however, the story is not as compelling as ROE and there is still no god damn chainsaw? REALLY? There is also a big lack of bosses and the final and only boss in the game is too easy. Also, although not as abrupt as in ROE, the ending is still kind of abrupt but more complete thank god. There isn't much I can say about The Lost Mission, if you want more of the same than this is it. It is still Doom 3 and that's all that matters. I had a fun time with it and that's really all I can say. For now, lets leave it at this. The Lost Mission is worth playing if you've gone through everything else in BFG Edition and is still a good time. That's all. 8.3/10 PROS: -More of the Same Great Gameplay and Atmosphere -Feels more like Doom than Base Game and ROE -Nearly Every Weapon returns -All Enemies from Base Game and ROE return -Expanded Hell Levels -Fun Little Side Story in the Doom 3 Universe NEUTRALS: -Story could be way better CONS: -Still no chainsaw -Lack of Bosses -Final Boss is too easy -Abrupt Ending but not as abrupt as ROE and feels more complete
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Betruger Checks In A "Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil" Review Played On PC Beat 2 Hours, 5 Minutes and 55 Seconds Review by The Autistic Gamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS DOWN AT THE BOTTOM! Starting up Resurrection of Evil, the epilogue expansion to Doom 3, you'll notice how much more it feels like Doom. In the beginning, something goes wrong yet again and you have to get an artifact back to hell and kill the one and only Dr. Betruger who is now a evil demon. You go through caverns and hell solving puzzles and finding more PDAs to get into rooms and access more things. It still has the Half-Life feel though of level design as 3/4 of the game has you going through more of the same atmospheric and dreaded corridors and rooms throughout the now reopened Mars base. With the help of Dr. Elizabeth McNeil (who had a PDA in Doom 3's base game) the new Marine (Or Cousin of Doomguy) goes through a lot. And boy is it awesome. Let me start by saying that the Super Shotgun is the best Shotgun I've ever used in a video game ever. The awesome chunky sound and weight to it is apparent when you use it and it obliterates every enemy in one shot. You'll be wanting to use this shotgun throughout the entire game and it's such a fun weapon although it basically replaces the chainsaw which is nowhere to be seen which sucks because it was a useful weapon to get rid of enemies in corners. The atmosphere and gameplay are still amazing. There is a part in ROE where you are on a tram headed to see Dr. McNeil and a Hell Knight throws somebody at your tram which is really intimidating especially when playing on higher difficulties because you know that Hell Knight is going to come after you and kill you if you don't shoot it dead first. There are new enemies in ROE including redesigned Lost Souls and a steroid fueled version of a Mancubus that shoots blasts at you fast as hell. This makes for a much pleasant challenge and makes you think about using the Super Shotgun a lot. The campaign is also a good length for a FPS Expansion. It will take you over two hours to beat it and the story keeps you compelled throughout. It's one of the best stories for any FPS Expansion that rivals Opposing Force. The level design is still very good giving you a Delta Labs throwback level going through the dreaded teleporters again making for a nice callback. There are also great bosses that need lots of thinking involved. One boss has you shooting at him and then blowing up cores to weaken him. Great stuff! The puzzles are also very nice although there could be more as most of them are at the beginning of the game when you get introduced to The Grabber, a shameless rip off of Half-Life 2's gravity gun. Id Software saw that Half-Life 2 had that and thought, WHY NOT!? But it's not nearly as fun to use as the Gravity Gun and you'll only be using it for the very beginning of the game when you literally have no guns. The ending is a bit mixed for me. You go back to hell which is still awesome and you also get to fight Dr. Betruger to the death and he is still a very fun villain although he doesn't get much screen time. The boss fight is epic but after that the game ends abruptly cutting to credits. We don't see Cousin of Doomguy go back to Mars or be transfered out, it just stops. It's quite possibly the worst thing about the entire expansion and it's unfortunate because it was so damn good up to this point! Resurrection of Evil is definitely worth playing and you should definitely take a look into it if you loved Doom 3. The Super Shotgun is fantastic and it's basically more of the same in some aspects better and worse. Worth checking out if you want more Doom. 9.5/10 PROS: -Same Great Atmosphere and Gameplay -Super Shotgun is God Tier -Delta Labs Throwback was great -Great Story for a FPS Expansion -Much more of a Challenge than the Base Game -New Enemies and Bosses that make you think! -Hell is still awesome -Cool New Puzzles -Dr. Betruger is still a campy fun villain NEUTRALS: -The Grabber is a shameless rip off of Half-Life 2's Gravity Gun -All the puzzles are at the beginning and then none more happen -Not much of Dr. Betruger CONS: -Ending is incredibly abrupt and unsatisfying -No Chainsaw at all -The Grabber is Useless after you get every weapon
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Doomed For All Eternity A "Doom 3: BFG Edition (Base Game)" Review Played on PC Beat in 5h, 19m, 40s Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS AT THE BOTTOM In 1998, Half-Life released to groundbreaking critical acclaim. It was a game where you played as a Scientist, doing an experiment that goes horribly wrong, having to fight your way through the Black Mesa Facility while fending off aliens, marines, and other unnatural things where you eventually go to another world to fight the final evil. In 2004, Doom 3 released to incredibly polarizing reviews. It was a game where you played as a marine, going to work on a high tech Mars Base, all hell breaks loose, and you have to fight your way through the UAC/Mars base while fending off zombies, demons, soldiers, and other unnatural things where you eventually go to hell and fight the final evil. Sound very familiar? That's because Doom 3 takes A LOT of inspiration from Half-Life. The game begins very similar to it, the gameplay feels a lot like it, the atmosphere is almost like Half-Life as well with dark rooms, creepy corridors, outside areas and what not. I didn't see it at first, but it's just Half-Life with a Doom Skin. And I love it. Doom 3: BFG Edition is a masterpiece of FPS Gameplay. The game is just like Half-Life, which might make some turn their nose at playing this. But don't fret, this game is bloody amazing and I'm going to explain why. First, I want to talk about the best thing in the entire game, the atmosphere. The atmosphere in Doom 3 is amazing. Everywhere there are dark corridors, moody lighting, subtle bloody and occult imagery, Doom 3's atmosphere kicks ass. Especially in the sound design department which is absolutely killer. The story is also very campy fun. The voice acting is very mid 2000's and there are lots of different characters to look for. Elliot Swann and Jack Campbell are good characters sure, but Dr. Betruger? One of the best villains in any shooter game. I friggn love this guy. He taunts you, evilly cackles all the time and is down right crazy. He is just like the Emperor from Star Wars and I absolutely love him. Graphically, althuogh character models haven't aged well, the enemy design and level design is great. The lighting especially groundbreaking for it's time. There are many cool variations of enemies from the original Doom games from the spider eyed Imps, to the mechanically legged Pinky demons, to the Tentacle faced Mancubus, there is even new enemies to fit the bill and old ones like the Cacodemon, the Lost Souls, The Revenants, Hell Knights, Cyberdemon, excellent variety of enemies throughout the game. But the gameplay, MY GOD. It's AMAZING! It's just like Half-Life! There are puzzles to solve, there is lots of shooting, probably even more than in Half-Life, you get many characters talking about the current situation, it's awesome. The guns feel awesome and the whole shooting feels great. The gameplay is incredible. Hell is also a showstopper and the best atmosphereic level in the entire game. It looks awesome and I wish there was more of it. The game has some incredible dread and tension throughout making you worry that around the next corner you'll die instantly. If there were negatives, it's very few. The game won't let you skip cutscenes unless you have a source port (Mainly used for speedrunning), enemies can easily trap you in a corner and gang bang you to death, there is no super shotgun (That's saved for Resurrection of Evil) and the game isn't scary and by that I mean it doesn't make you scream or jump. The Imps jumping out at you from doors are meant to be a gameplay feature that you're supposed to adapt to. But I highly recommend Doom 3: BFG Edition to anyone wanting some of the best FPS gameplay ever made with a fantastic atmosphere and some incredible shooting. It's very similar to Half-Life yes, but because Half-Life is my favorite game ever, I didn't mind it at all. Half-Life is a much slower game than Doom but Doom does Half-Life super well. I suggest anyone who hasn't played it or has heard mixed things about it try it out and be amazed by everything it has to offer. 10/10 PROS: -Amazing Atmosphere -Campy and Fun Storyline -Dr. Betruger is a fantastic villain -Level Design is awesome -Gameplay is incredible. -Very Similar To Half-Life -Hell is a showstopper and one of the best levels -Lots of lore to listen and read -Graphically groundbreaking for it's time -Decent Voice Acting -Fantastic Sound Design -Great Puzzles -Flashlight can now be used with your weapon in BFG Edition CONS: -Not Scary At All -Cutscenes can't be skipped unless you use a source port -Character Models haven't aged well even remastered -Enemies can gang bang you into a corner and kill you
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PROGRESSION UPDATE #3: Bunch of new games are being played right now. I kind of lost interest in Dragon Quest Heroes at the moment so I might come back to it later. Here is the progress! --- Final Fatasy: Mystic Quest Progress: 2 Hours, 25 Minutes, 7 Seconds Childhood favorite that I never beat. Basically, the whole point was to introduce people to RPG games at the time. It has a mixed reception but I always remembered enjoying it. The soundtrack is one of the best of all time, the gameplay is nice and simple, the translation is also very good and it's also groundbreaking due to the overworld weapon use and jump feature in the game. However, characters are bland and the writing is bad with dialogue that seems aimless and pointless when you talk to townsfolk. Still, I'm enjoying it a lot. --- LEGO Batman: The Videogame Progress: 2 Hours, 34 Minutes, 47 Seconds Yet another LEGO Game. The penguin boss fight was a pain in the ass and he and Catwoman can go screw themselves for that. However, it's still good. The Xbox 360 version (Backwards Compatible on Xbox One) is much more responsive than the PC Version I was initially playing. Combat is nice and the sound is satisfying. Plus, Danny Elfman's score is in the game. Humor is kind of funny but not as good as LEGO Star Wars. Not much diversity in characters as most of the time you play as Batman and Robin, I'm hoping the villains are much better with their story and diversity though. Good stuff. --- Forza Motorsport 5: Progress: 30 Hours, 10 Minutes, 43 Seconds Decided to 100% the game because I'm having a credits problem. I'm nearly done doing all the optional Sport RT events so after that I'll continue with the Class Competition. Driving is satisfying and the AI is still challenging. Not much to say. But I'm digging it hardcore.
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A Game Without a Soul, Like A Car Without Gas A "Gear Club Unlimited" Review Played on Nintendo Switch Beat in 18 Hours and 36 Minutes Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) NOTE FROM BLOGGER: Okay, so because someone decided to go into my account (Whoever it was) and change the video I had for Gear Club Unlimited to this stupid Chinese Politics thing, here is the review again but this time with a regular picture so this doesn't happen again. I had no clue what happened but hopefully it won't happen again. PROS AND CONS SUMMARY AT THE BOTTOM! When you take a look at all the exclusive racing games for each console, it seems to come down to three main franchises. Gran Turismo for the Playstation, Forza Motorsport and Horizon for the Xbox and Mario Kart for Nintendo. It's been that way for a long time and the thing is Nintendo doesn't have a simulation based racer at all. Only recently did Grid Autosport get a port to the system with all it's DLC. However, back when the Switch launched, one game came out that took my interest. Gear Club Unlimited. Originally a Freemium Mobile Game, Gear Club Unlimited promised a good, but not great simulation type racer that Nintendo desperately needed for it's system. Gear Club Unlimited looked like the Switch's first sim racing franchise that could definitely take on Forza and Gran Turismo. However, the marketing was absolutely misleading. This is not a simulation racer. Instead, it's a arcade racer similar to that of Need For Speed or Forza Horizon. However, unlike those games, it's not open world. Gear Club Unlimited starts you off in a career of over 65 races you have to complete to earn the Legend Achievement. After that, there will be a few races left but that's for you to decide if you really want to do them. Car classes are split into four types. A, B, C and D. A, B and C have three divisions, 1, 2, and 3 while D has only 1. The difference betweeen these is that A and B do Street and Rally Races while C and D offer up only Street Races. Makes sense I guess, those luxary cars wouldn't go good on dirt at all. There is also a workshop you can use and the good thing about this is that the game makes it easy for newcomers to racing games to tune cars. All you need to do is pick a part, buy it and it will automatically upgrade your cars engine, tires, cosmetics and brakes. There is also a big customization element to the workshop as you can choose many things to put in such as couches, video game machines, vending machines, plants, flags, etc. But I highly recommend going against that as you really need all the credits you can get later on. Racing consists of a few things as well. There are street races, where you race rivals that have actual cars, Rally Races, where you go onto dirt races with your A and B class cars and finally, Time Trials, which have you racing against ghosts and doing roundabouts to get back where you started. All in all, the game is pretty simplistic. Sometimes, simplistic games are good. I don't need Half-Life to have military sim like controls to enjoy it, but this is a game where simplicity ruins the entire experience, making for a ultimately unsatisfying game. Lets start with the positives I have with it first, the few that I have. First, the rally races were easily the best part of the game. The handling was great and the drifting was awesome. It was one of the most fun things I had with this game and I absolutely couldn't stop playing these parts when I had the chance to. Also, the rewind system is a better version of Forza's rewind feature. Where Forza uses a Checkpoint based system of rewinding, Gear Club lets you rewind wherever you really want. I highly approve of this and Forza should learn from this small little game. But that's where all the positives end. The game is without a soul. Nothing has personality at all and everything it tries to do fails. It's pretty much just a bad version of a mobile game on Switch. The environments look bland, the races last too short of a time, the character portraits for the two main people working for you look absolutely uncanny valley scary, the controls are imprecise and everything just falls flat on it's face. My biggest issue is that it's missing a lot of quality of life things like cosmetic damage, a staple of racing games arcade and sim like. It is missing a workplace to get rid of cars or buy cars, it is missing online racing, it is missing just so much that makes a racing game today good. The problem is Eden Games is stuck in the past with it's game design harkening back to the days of Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. The controls make for some frustrating moments as the game rewards you with having no contact or collision in races. But it's nearly impossible to do so because of how much oversteer there is in every car, even the ones with understeer! But the thing that killed it for me is the unstable nature of the game. Cave levels drop to 15 FPS, the game crashes infrequently as well but when it does it can make you lose progress and cars so you have to buy them all over again which is the nail in the coffin. Everything about this game falls flat and there is so many other better racing games out there you can play that are much more responsive and fun. Even Nintendo's Mario Kart is still going strong today! But if you really wanted to play this, just skip it and play Forza Horizon 4. A much better game with an actual soul. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) there is a sequel to this game titled Gear Club Unlimited 2 that came out last year and I hope it has learned much of what this game failed to do. But I highly doubt this considering we're dealing with a mobile game company here. Rating: 5.1/10 PROS: -Rally Races are the most fun I had with the game -Pulling off Drifts is easy and awesome -The Workshop is simple and easy to use -The rewind feature is the gold standard of how it should be done NEUTRALS: -In what world are men called Jo (A women's name) and women called Max?! -Cars look alright but not great. CONS: -The game doesn't have a personality at all. -Misleading Marketing. It's a arcade racer not a sim! -Lots of quality of life things missing -No cosmetic damage. -Imprecise Controls can be frustrating -Frame Drops in Cave Levels -Infrequent Crashes can make you lose save data -Uncanny Valley Character Designs -Bland Graphics and Environments
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Anubis and Selket Sitting in a Tree A "Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict" Review Played on Xbox One X (Backwards Compatibility) Beat in 1 Hour, 59 Minutes and 42 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS LIST AT THE BOTTOM! - - - Stop me if you heard this one before, a fighter wants to stop someone from becoming Empress of the world, so he joins a galaxy wide tournament to save his people and right his wrongs. That's the basis for Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict UC2 is a interesting time capsule of a game. It came out at the tail end of the Original Xbox's lifecycle and was one of, if not the last good Unreal Games released before Epic got lazy with Fortnite money. Of course, this being a Xbox exclusive game, you would think the fast paced action of Unreal Tournament would be gone and replaced with some slow ass dead paced gameplay like they did with the horrid Unreal 2: The Awakening. However, Liandri Conflict keeps the spirit of UT99 in check and has all the nooks and crannies one could want from a arena shooter. I should also point out I'm only reviewing the Ascension Rites mode as that is the mode I played and beat so be aware of that. Basically, what's new to the game is that they added optional third person combat. You would think, "Oh God. Third Person Unreal Tournament? That sounds awful." but it really isn't. The only time you're forced to Third Person is when you are using your melee weapon. You can toggle first or third person when playing with guns and it actually works good in both modes. However, third person movement and jumping is a whole nother story. The game has you doing wall jumps at a few points and it is more harder than it should be. It's really janky especially if you are trying to reach higher places than usual. Probably one of the worst things about the game is jumping and how it works. Also, the game's story and characters are not very good. They're cardboard cutout characters that don't really leave a impact on you. However, when Anubis and Selket tell the audience they are former lovers in one scene, it makes up a bit of ground for a kind of tragic ending when you beat her. But those are like the only bad things about the game besides a part where you have to rush to the arena to get to your fight while fighting off Amorphis' guards. Arenas are very well designed, the guns feel satisfying especially the Flak Cannon and the gameplay is really fast paced. The AI, a halmark of Unreal games, are still top notch here. I really enjoyed the AI putting up a fight as I tried to win matches. They were really one of the best things about the game. There are also a bunch of game modes, so if you like Capture the Flag or Deathmatch, there is a mode for that as well. I really highly enjoyed playing with all the Adreniline skills as well which can help you make your next move if you're either close to death or in the lead. Finally, graphically it looks good for a original Xbox game upscaled to 4K on Xbox One X. Unreal Championship 2 is a time capsule at the tail end of the old school shooter years and is a satisfying game albiet some flaws. It's nice that this Unreal game tried to do a story and have some actual characters with some cheesy voice acting. But there ain't much going on and the campaign is incredibly short at two hours long. Still, a good time waster for those who want a nice traditional arena shooter. 7.1/10 PROS: -Arenas are well designed and look great. -Plenty of Game Modes to choose from. -Many Characters with unique abilities to play as in Tournament Mode. -Great AI. Nice and Challenging. -Satisfying Weapons and Gunplay -Adreniline Skills are actually a nice addition to the game. -Third Person Combat is optional and really well done. -Nooks and Crannies from Unreal Tournament. NEUTRALS: -Ascension Rites mode is short and may disappoint some looking for something longer. -Cheesy Voice Acting I Enjoy, but some might not. CONS: -Boring Characters -Simple, yet bad and dull storywise. -Janky Third Person Movement.
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The Brain Dead Infantry A "Earth Defense Force 5" Review Played on PC Beat in 17 Hours, 42 Minutes and 21 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS LIST AT BOTTOM! I can already imagine what the development was like for this game. I think the head at Sandlot said "HEY! Lets throw everything important but gameplay out the window!" and then 9 months later Earth Defense Force 5 was born. It's an extremely hard game for me to review, because before this, I've previously liked all of the EDF Games by Sandlot. EDF 2017 was a silly, super fun third person shooter with monster movie vibes and EDF 4.1 had the best story out of any of the games. So with EDF 5, I thought I would really enjoy it and it would be the pinnacle of the series. A part of me really really hates this game and unfortunately, that part is growing immensely. So EDF 5 is the best in the series when you compare it with the others gameplay wise. EDF 5 has the same four classes like in EDF 4.1, the gestures and emotes return, the shooting is satisfying and there is just enough enemies to not be overwhelmeed by to enjoy the overall experience. However, everything else falls flat, then gets flattend even more by a steam roller. Where do I fucking begin? The story was good at first, with it being about the rise of Storm Team during an alien invasion. But then they start adding this "God Is Real" and "God Will Kill Us All" Bullcrap that shouldn't be in a EDF Game. EDF doesn't need religion and god. It needs ants, spiders and buildings being blown the hell up. Why did we need this philosophical crap put into a game like this? Plus, the story is way more serious than in EDF 4.1. Everyone is super serial about everything and it makes you want to go back and just play EDF 2017 again. No one is making that many jokes and everyone is just... well... EVERYONE IS A DUMBASS! Whether it's the screaming man child of a reckless commander, a incredibly stupid intelligence division who wants everyone to die, a crazed religious yuppie who wants to find a egg ship, insane hippies who want peace with the aliens, steak obsessed soldiers, idiots who think frogs look like humans, bitchy Wing Divers who are at a battle of the sexes men, EVERYONE IS A FUCKING DUMBASS and I just wanted everyone to be either put in a mental institution or die horribly! The voice acting is also god awful even by EDF Standards, the voice acting is so terrible because everyone is either blunt forcing their lines with anger and frustration, screaming, trying to be like a academy award winning actress, making crappy jokes or not even trying in the slightest to sound the least convincing. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!? Sandlot, you can't just throw away everything important just to prioritize gameplay! You need that balance of likable heroes, good and engaging story, funny lines and cheesiness, YOU'VE DONE IT BEFORE! My guess is that they didn't care. They already had a cult fanbase so they decided the fans would like anything thrown at them. So we got this piece of crap instead. Can we just go back to the old continuity? So to sum things up? Do I recommend it? I'm leaning towards Yes but I'm also heavily leaning towards no. Everything important about a game is thrown out the window just to make room for gameplay. It's a chore to play, it's really frustrating, it overstays it's welcome and it feels like it never ends. So, if you are new to the series, I don't recommend it. However, hardcore fans might enjoy it. That's really all I have to say. It's a brain dead game with no brain cells. 6.8/10 PROS: -Origins of Storm Team from previous EDF Games -Interesting new Continuity -Gameplay is the best it's been for EDF -Gestures and Emotes are hilarious as usual -Graphics are a bit improved as well. -Better Ragdoll Physics -Good Difficulty CONS: -EVERYTHING ELSE -Voice acting is horrendous -Characters are loathsomely idiotic and unlikable -Story takes a total 180 from being about aliens to being about God. -Music is nowhere near as memorable -Static character faces -Overstays it's welcome -Too many levels that go on for too long
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PROGRESSION UPDATE #2 I haven't posted anything in a while, mainly because I'm trying to get through games to talk about them for you. But here is a progression update on what I'm playing so far. Three games in total. Earth Defense Force 5 Progress: 11 Hours, 53 Minutes EDF 5 is possibly the best game I played so far in the series, but it comes at a huge cost. The voice acting is absolutely abysmal and the characters have become insanely brain dead retarded in the process and not in the dumb funny endearing way like EDF 2017 or EDF 4.1 its more of the oh god why the hell did they think that would be good!? The commander guy sounds like he is not having fun at all with his lines and feels like he had been told to retry his lines fifty times until he was just frustrated and blunt forced through it. I'll get to it when I review it, but my god the voice acting is horrificly bad even by EDF Standards. Does it mean it's the worst game of the series? No, definitely not. The game is much better then EDF 4.1 as it's not throwing everything at you all at once and you actually have time to breathe and get health (which thankfully there is more of it than in 4.1) and everything seems to be improved from the predecessors in all ways. No more damn ant holes, no more chaotic bullshit, just pure fun, with lots of different weapons, better progression and excellent gameplay. - - - Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and The Blight Below Progress: 3 Hours, 7 Minutes and 6 Seconds This is the first big project I want to get done this year. Basically, it's a Dynasty Warriors clone with a Dragon Quest skin on it meaning there is just RPG Elements with it and the Akira Toriyama design is present. Basically, the characters are cardboard thin in personality but there are some charming and funny moments with them and you get more party members later. I just got the airship and am doing missions in Colossia right now. I'm still trying to manage my party as I don't know which characters I would like but to be honest it's really nice to experiment. Hack and Slash gameplay is fine but the designs are what are most impressive about the game. Liking it so far. - - - Forza Motorsport 5: Progress: 10 Hours, 39 Minutes and 49 Seconds Still getting progress on this one done. I have gotten to the last Sport series event which is American Muscle Revival and am basically just getting it done to get to the next one series. I'm enjoying the bowling challenges at the Top Gear test track a lot as those are my favorite ones to do. It also keeps bringing different challenges which is nice. Anyways nothing much to say here but I'm still enjoying it but I had to turn the music off for in game races because it's infuriatingly redundant and terrible orchestral crap.
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No Tails, Not True Dat Why Sonic Forces' Story Is An Epic Fail Critique by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) SPOILERS FOR SONIC FORCES DOWN BELOW! WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE! People who play Sonic games are so divided nowadays. There are the ones who hate every modern Sonic Game, then there are the people complaining about the ones hating every modern Sonic Game, then there are the people who think Generations and Mania are the only good ones, but we also have people who think the Modern Games are good with the exception of the Xbox 360 Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric... It's just a god damn mess. But, for me, I haven't played a 3D Sonic Game since Sonic and the Black Knight (which I liked at the time) but when I finally played through Sonic Forces, I liked it. I liked the graphics, the short burst gameplay (Even if it's two and a half hours long) and the awesome kick ass soundtrack which was the Persona 5 of the Sonic series. However, aside from one of the worst and most cringe worthy villains of all time, there is one thing that Sonic Forces fails at tremendously. The story. Now people might think, Michael, of course the story is going to be shit, Sonic Adventure 2 had the moon blow up in half and the Earth didn't go out of orbit with the other planets. Or Michael, Shadow The Hedgehog's story made you play through it 10 times just to get to the real ending. This is on a whole nother level of shit. First, even if Sonic Forces had a good story, we would still have to sit through some of the most cringe worthy dialogue and scenes ever put to game by Sonic Team. So lets get into why the story was an epic fail, even for a decent game and how we could have fixed it. Basically, Eggman is planning something big and laughs evily at his new creation. Then, all of a sudden, you're thrown into a level with Modern Day Sonic with Tails being like "OMFG SONIC EGGMAN IS ATTACKING EVERY1 HELP!!11" and it feels really rushed and disjointed. The level ends pretty quickly as well so then you get to another cutscene where Sonic saves Tails and some generic looking OC characters. Who are they? Why should we care if Eggman kills them? With the exception of Tails? Then, Eggman beats Sonic while Tails looks at his IPad or whatever he has and DOES LITERALLY NOTHING TO HELP HIM. Tails doesn't just fly into action trying to fight the hallucinations of characters, he just sits there saying "HMMM... I can't identify them." Basically, everyone then thinks Sonic is dead and Eggman takes over the whole world. Uhm, you know, there are other people who wouldn't take that shit. Where is the military? Where is the president from Sonic Adventure 2? Where is ambassadors of peace? Seriously? No one? Of fucking course, because this world only has one human and millions of anthropomorphic people who do jack shit. So Silver, Knuckles and everyone else form a rebellion and say some pretty bad dialogue and then we are introduced to our OC who you create. Knuckles immediately tells him to go on a mission that could get him killed even though it's his first day on the job. So that's when we find out Sonic is alived and has been tortured for months. But when we see Sonic, he is acting like "AH YEAWH, DIS IS HAPPENIN!" from his Sonic Adventure type of character. This is not believable at all. First, he doesn't look like he is scarred, bruised, bloody, battered, anything that would make him look like he had been tortured. What was the torture? Making him watch Jersey Shore? Because that could psychologically damage him and not kill him. Also, he gets out easily because for some reason his bonds are untied automatically and then he fights Zavok and... punches him? SINCE WHEN DOES SONIC PUNCH PEOPLE!? So the OC rescues Sonic and even though Sonic was apparently tortured for months, Knuckles asks him to immediately go on a dangerous mission with the OC that could potentially kill him because of his apparent tortured state. You know what? I'm thinking he was tortured with boredom because he doesn't do anything. The whole game then consists of Tails trying to get Omega working, then Classic Sonic apparently shows up and Tails says "Oh, you're that Sonic from another dimension, Yeah, that makes 100% Total Accurate Not Bullshit Sense" which makes no sense at all considering we have no clue how we got there. Later, Tails joins up with Modern Sonic, OC and the Rebels and mostly it's just boring from there. Sonic makes a joke about how it's been Generations (GEDDIT IT'S A THROWBACK TO GENERATIONS!11) and it's cringey as all hell. It's not until we get to the big city that things start turning for the worst again. Eggman decides to pull something out of his ass then after Sonic meets him called Null Space that's apparently something you can't get out of. Sonic gets out of it immediately with OC. Also Tail's instead of going "SONIC NOOOO!!!11" goes "How can this be!? I thought we did Blah Blah Blah!" Way to be concerned with your friend pal. This is a Deus Ex Machin if I ever seen one as Sonic just blasts out of Null Space because why not. Then, oh god... The rebels, Sonic, Classic Sonic, OC and a hundred cut and paste generic OC Characters get together for the final "Epic" battle. First, everything is wrong. It's just the same OCS copy and pasted over and over again making me not care for them at all because they are literally the exact same. The charge is just embarassing and one of the worst things I have ever seen in a game. The fighting is also not exciting. Everyone seems to either use Wispons or Hand to hand Combat and it's just boring as fuck. The whole story led up to this and then... WAIT OMEGA IS BACK!? Yes, for some reason, Omega is now turned on and is ready to fight even though he couldn't possibly have known where the fight was taking place. What the actual fuck. Basically, the story is just more boredom from there as you play as Classic Sonic and OC as everyone starts brooding how they're going to die. Then, the big bad null space goes away and then we fight Infinite who is easy as hell and then you fight Eggman and apparently kill him. He's not seen going to jail after he has been beaten or people throwing rocks at him for being a dick, he just dies and that's it. Wow. That's kind of dark. Then it becomes incredibly stupid again. Classic Sonic fades away for some reason without any explanation of the science of it from Tails, the genius in science and engineering. Sonic throws a blatant and convoluted message at the audience and Tails then says the worst thing ever: "True Dat" Fuck you Sonic Team. So, the story is a gigantic epic fucking failure of behemoth proportions that couldn't have been saved because Sonic Team was on crack this whole time. Or could it? How would I have written the story to Sonic Forces? I would have done it kind of like The Empire Strikes Back. See, Sonic Generations was the light hearted adventures of Sonic and Classic Sonic just like how it was a fun adventure in Star Wars (A New Hope) with Luke, Ben/Obi Wan Kenobi, Han, Leia, Chewy, C-3PO and R2-D2. This should have been the dark horse of the series. The story should have been much more darker, while having a few funny moments here and there. The dialogue should be semi serious like a Marvel Movie, the villain should be three dimensional and tragic instead of edgy edgelord who cuts peoples hearts out with his brooding edginess. So basically, here is the ten things they could have done: 1. Have Sonic actually been tortured for months at the start, show him bruised up and lost some of his power. 2. Have the villain be a tragic hero who helps Sonic and the team defeat Eggman and realize he is not a slave to him. 3. Cut the kiddy crap and have actual edge. Not too much, just enough to make people actually care about what's going on. 4. Have a bunch of the OC characters look different and make them have back stories and personalities or quips like "Before the war I was baker, now I live in poverty because the economy crashed" 5. Don't make the story so fast paced, it makes everything feel disjointed as all hell. 6. Have Tails use actual science to explain things about Infinite, Classic Sonic, Null Space, that stuff instead of being a useless twat. 7. Have the OC Character talk and have some interesting dialogue and interactions with the Rebels. 8. Cut all the filler crap, it just makes the story and the gameplay boring to play and watch. 9. Make Omega a bigger part of the story. Why is Tail's repairing Omega? Is he significant at all? Can he possibly stop Eggman and Infinite? 10. None of that assinine dialogue meme crap like "True Dat" or Knuckles being a dumbass. Have actual character conversations and dialogue and some funny quips here and there to contrast the dark with the light. These things could at least make the story decent, if not interesting and pretty good. I'm not saying I want a Goodfellas story or Citizen Kane performances, I just want the story to not be so idiotic and brain dead. Everything about Sonic Forces story sucks (including the Shadow DLC, but that's a whole nother story), but that doesn't mean it's an entirely bad game. The graphics and good for the most part, the environments are colorful and classic, the handling of characters feels okay, the gameplay is short burst and fun. The only other complaint I have is that the game should have been longer. I hope you understand where I come from when making this critique. It's not to bash on Sonic or trash this game, it's to tell you how not to write a story and how not to do dialogue. Hopefully, Sonic Team will learn their lesson and make another Hybrid Sonic game with actual heart and edge to it. But not too much edge.
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The Real Rise Of Skywalker A "LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga" Review Played on Xbox One X (Backwards Compatibility) Beat in 6 Hours, 39 Minutes and 12 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS SUMMARY AT THE BOTTOM: A Decade Ago in a small town not too far away from Vancouver, I was 12 years old. It was just before I found my love for FPS Games with Half-Life and way before I fell in love with Serious Sam. I was a Nintendo Kid. When I heard that LEGO Star Wars had a complete pack of all the Episodes at the time called The Complete Saga, I was ecstatic. I had just watched the movies and was loving playing games for the Wii. I bought The Complete Saga and fell in love with it. Those were simpler times. Now, I'm turning 23 in January and wanted to look back on a game I haven't played in over a decade. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga pretty much started the whole LEGO game craze. Sure, we had the two previous LEGO Star Wars Games, but this is the one that most people played and fell in love with. It's definitely an iconic game for the seventh generation of consoles and of course, I was a sucker for it back at the time. But how does my nostalgia feel about it now? Lets just start with the basics. The Complete Saga is a game where you play as a diverse cast of Star Wars characters starting with Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi from The Phantom Menance, to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and of course, Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi. Each character is unique which is always one of my biggest praises of LEGO Games is that Travellers Tales usually know how to make a diverse set of characters to fill in a game. You have mostly a choice of six characters to play as in each of the story missions at most. Some are Jedi, some are Rebels, some are Bounty Hunters, it doesn't matter. Each character, even the ones considered the worst from the movies are all helpful (Yes, I'm looking at you Jar Jar). Surprisingly, combat is super fun. Even though it's simplistic, it's most fun when you're playing a character with a blaster or a gun. Han Solo is definitely in the God Tier ranks of best characters in the game and can dodge projectiles while shooting which is super useful. Jedi on the other hand, is another story. Most of the time you're going to be spamming the same one move over and over leading to some pretty repetitive combat. However, force powers are usually fun to use and each has a light or dark side variant. So, before we talk about my biggest praises of the game, lets get down to the nitty gritty, the gameplay itself. How are the puzzles? How is the levels? How does it control? Well, this is the part where I think the game hasn't aged well that much. For one, the Episodes vary in gameplay and fun factors. The original Star Wars (Which I refuse to call Episode IV: A New Hope as it was originally just called Star Wars until 1980) is the most fun because the gameplay and puzzles are really good and feel unique. However, Attack of the Clones is the worst and is just as bad as the movie. Sure, they cut out all the boring shit from the movie, but the problem is the gameplay and puzzles flat out suck. With the exception of the Droid Factory, you'll find that the boss fights and objectives are a pain to play but not as much so in the original separate prequel trilogy game. Then there are the vehicle levels. For fucks sake, who thought this was a good idea? Every single vehicle level (except the pod race) is abysmal. They control like ass most of the time and are non intuitive. The whole game has these levels in every episode and they are trash. Most of the time, it's incredibly frustarting to just pull off a torpedo shot or trip down battle vehicles. The astroid belt in The Empire Strikes Back was the worst, as you have to run back and forth to get torpedos while dodging a crap ton of Tie Fighters which becomes infuriating. Plus, the game does not have recovery frames. Usually, in a game like Super Mario World, when Mario gets hit, he will take some recovery frames making him invincible for a few seconds to get your reactions back on track. THATS A GOOD THING. But this game doesn't have it! It's ridiculous how fast I've died in so many levels just because of this lacking feature and it makes it super hard to 100% the entire game for a such a relatively pushover game where bosses in the later episodes are easy as hell. Those were my biggest complaints other than they cut some stuff out like where Obi Wan put Baby Luke and Leia at the end of Revenge of the Sith and what happened to Yoda when Luke went back to Dagobah in Return of the Jedi. It's smooth sailing from there though. Because the humor is super satirical and really funny, especially in the original trilogy. The prequels I had a hard time laughing at stuff because it mostly took things a bit too seriously like the tone from the films. But man, once you get to the original movies, it's funny as hell. There are so many god damn genius moments where you can't help but laugh at how good the humor is. I really enjoyed a lot of it and it holds up really damn well even if there is no voice acting involved. Oh, and you can't forget the music. The whole entire score consists of tracks from the soundtrack and they are just wonderful to listen to. The Ewok's Tree Village in Return of the Jedi, The Star Destroyer going after the rebel ship in the original movie plus the ceremony, the last moments of Empire Strikes Back, even some moments of Revenge of the Sith are great! The music is iconic and awesome. It's one of the best things about the game as well. If you're looking to start your LEGO Game journey or are returning to the genre, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a wonderful treat. The humor and music hold up well and so does the shooting combat but some may be frustrated with the game's vehicle levels and super obvious but not really puzzles. There were a few moments where I felt dumb for not knowing something obvious but that was on me. Good game, just doesn't hold up that well in some regards. 74/100 PROS: -Iconic Soundtrack with some of the best tracks from the films -Hilarious Humor that is satirical and holds up well. -Shooting Combat is extremely satisfying. -Graphics are good if a bit bright. -Diverse cast of characters to play as -Unique Puzzles -Gameplay is simple but really nice. -Lot of Collectibles and replayability. NEUTRALS: -Jedi Combat can be a bit boring and repetitive for some. -Some story beats have been cut out which might annoy some. CONS: -The Prequel Trilogy games are inferior to the original trilogy, especially Attack of the Clones. -Vehicle Levels are absolute garbage and control like crap. -No Recovery Frames means quick deaths everywhere -Hard to 100% because of quick deaths -Easy as hell boss battles especially in later episodes. -AI can be a bit useless especially in combat
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Quick Reviews: House of the Dead 3 (PS NOW) and Alien Shooter (PS4) House of the Dead 3 played on Playstation Now Alien Shooter played on PS4 PRO Reviews by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) Since these games were completed or played in under a hour, I decided to go through Alien Shooter and House of the Dead 3 mainly because I don't think I can do them justice by giving them full length reviews. So basically, I will talk about Alien Shooter first then HOTD3. Pros and Cons will be at the bottom of the short review! Alien Shooter (PS4) This was a game I was super curious about. Being a Isometric Twin Stick shooter, this game looked interesting for it's alien shooting gameplay. The graphics are okay, being excusable for early 2000's and being ported to PS4. That's where everything nice I say about the game ends here. This game is god damn awful. Lets just start by saying I'm shocked how this was play tested (if at all) because nothing really works as it should. There are so many typos and grammar errors that it actually reminded me of those shitty translated NES Games like Ghostbusters and Ghosts and Goblin. But that's the least of our problems. The shooting is bad. Very bad. The way you aim doesn't make sense for a game like this especially if you're playing on PS4. The accuracy is fuck all but useful unless you put points into it which costs money. Thankfully, a good thing I can say is that after completing a level, it gives you a shit ton of money but it won't be enough to fool the game that you bought every important weapon for the next level. The casual difficulty (The easiest) is beyond ridiculous. It's hard as shit in the later levels and you lose health at a Wall Street Economy Crashing rate. The shooting is bad, the gameplay is horrid, the enemies are ridiculously hard and the programming is beyond shit. This is by far one of the worst and most inexcusable games I have ever played. It doesn't give me much hope for Zombie Shooter at all. Bottom line, just stay away from this god damn game and never play it. 3/10 PROS: -Completing levels gives you shit tons of money. NEUTRALS: -Okay Graphics for early 2000's. CONS: -The game is programmed like dog shit. -Typos and grammar errors everywhere. -Casual Difficulty is ridiculously hard. -Aiming doesn't make sense on a controller. -Game is always one step ahead of you by giving you ammo to guns you don't have. -Accuracy for all guns are shit especially the minigun. House of the Dead III (Playstation Now) This is a game that I didn't know much about. I played House of the Dead 2 many times at the arcades but HOTD 3 is something else. The characters are not that memorable (With the exception of Daniel Curien) and the story and their character arcs are muddled and odd. However, this is a pretty good light gun game that you can play on a controller. The variety of options is a big plus for me as you can tune the game however you wish. The gameplay is good and the graphics are true to House of the Dead's style. I really enjoyed most of it with the exception of the trigger slamming final boss which made me think my fingers were going to fall off by repeatedly pressing my finger fast against the R2 button. Not much to say, it's good and I got the best ending possible on my first playthrough. I just wish there was a way to insert credits instead of adding them at the beginning in the menus. 8/10 PROS: -Game is Controller Compatible -Graphics are true to the HOTD Style -Gameplay is simple but nicely executed. -Funny character lines -Multiple Endings -Interesting Flashbacks to Daniel's past with his father -Good variety of options for gameplay. NEUTRALS: NONE CONS: -Mind Numbingly bad final boss that will hurt your trigger finger. -None of the characters are that memorable -Muddled Story and Character Development.
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Symphony of The Blight A "Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon" Review Played on PC Beat in 2 Hours, 22 Minutes and 7 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) SUMMARY OF PROS AND CONS AT THE BOTTOM! You might thinking wondering how I got to play this and the answer was weird. I was playing a demo for Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom and when I finished it. I wanted something similar to play to it. I saw that Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was 12 bucks so I decided to get it and play it in one sitting. It's not a very long game. It's over 2 hours long and has platforming gameplay similar to Castlevania on NES. This game is basically just a huge homage to the third Castlevania Game, Dracula's Curse. Basically, there is a guy who is a demon slayer and must kill the big bad demon. He meets a bunch of other demon like people on the way and they help him kick demon ass and save the day. It's not really a compelling story, it's just background noise to be honest. But that's not what is so impressive about this game. What is so impressive is that Curse of the Moon is a fantastic Castlevania like platformer with some awesome bosses, challenging gameplay and some of the best of the best of the indie genre. It is a masterful game, that has some kick ass music and awesome level design. The game works like this. Traverse through a level to get to the boss and kill him. Simple, but there are many twists. The bosses when they die, try to do one more powerful attack you have to dodge which is really original. It serves as great game design as you will never expect what they will do next. There are a plentiful amount of short levels that will test you. The best thing about the game's design is that every single enemy has a pattern. Even the bosses. Even the final boss and his two forms! It made it easy to correct your mistakes when you die and it's just a wonderful way to encourage the player to follow what the enemy is doing. Speaking of the final boss, he is one tough baddie. He has one easy form and one hard form (Which becomes easy once you know his patterns) and it's so satisfying to defeat him. It took me a good 30 minutes to kill him and I used a good amount of strategies to get where I wanted to be. The Alchemist's ice arrow is very good for this situation. The characters are all good except the Alchemist until the VERY END of the game. The Alchemist is just Cannon Fodder to take damage while the others do a good amount of attacks. The whip lady was the best as she can do a good amount of long range damage. I can't really say anything bad about this game gameplay wise. But, the fullscreen in this game is broken and when you alt tab, it breaks the game and you have to go through a bunch of loop holes to get it working again to windowed mode. Other than that, it's one of my favorite games I played this year and I am so happy I got to experience it. I loved Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon and I really now want to play Ritual of the Night. Heres hoping it's just as good. Rating: 9.9/10 PROS: -Excellent Graphics and Music. -Tight Controls and Great Platforming Gameplay -Difficult yet fair Bosses! -Game Design is Top Notch -Interesting and Diverse Characters NEUTRALS: -Simple Story that is basically background noise CONS: -Fullscreen Mode is Broken Beyond Belief and Alt Tabbing Doesn't Work.
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Overwhelming Odds A "Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair" Review Played on PS4 Pro and PC Beat in 13 Hours, 26 Minutes and 26 Seconds Reviewed by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) SUMMARY OF PROS AND CONS AT THE BOTTOM! When EDF 2017 ended. I wanted more of it. I wanted to shoot more giant insects, I wanted more enemies, I wanted new enemies, I wanted more of the same gameplay that was addictive as all hell. To put it mildly, EDF 4.1 delivered on the promise of More, Bigger, and Sometimes Better. EDF 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair is a game about overwhelming odds and how even the smallest of heroes can win against the biggest villains. It is truly a rewarding game and has some incredible moments of pure chaos as hundreds of thousands of giant insects will come crawling towards you, biting you, attacking you with acid, breathing fire at you, it is just total insanity and I couldn't believe Sandlot actually went further than in EDF 2017 to push the envelope of action shooters. For those unaware though of what I'm talking about, Earth Defense Force is a niche game series with a dedicating cult following. The games are known for their monster movie influences and atmosphere, the cheesy voice acting, and directly copying Robert A. Heinlein's Novel Starship Troopers. However, EDF does not take place in space, it takes place in Japan where the EDF are. The plot is simple yet captivating. After seven years of peace on Earth after the events of EDF 2017, Mankind is yet again attacked by Ravagers. This time, the rangers aren't alone. They have Wing Divers, Air Raiders and Fencers to back them up with a stronger and more capable army of EDF Soldiers than before. The game follows Storm Team as they take out insect after insect and try to save the world yet again from the Ravagers. There are many other people helping you, including Ohara, a ravager researcher, the War Situation Reporter who talks about the current progress of EDF, The Strategic Commander and his second in command and of course, your buddies on the battlefield. You might ask yourself: Michael, how can a story about giant insects taking over the Earth be so captivating and nail biting? Well, that's the thing. It just is! It's hard to not take the story seriously as the EDF are broken and battered throughout and so is the Earth. People die. LOTS OF PEOPLE DIE. The EDF feel like they were not prepared for this at all. It makes you sad, angry, frustrated and scared that the EDF might not win. Then at the end of the game, BOOM! After trial after trail of thousands of giant insects trying to kill you, you WIN. It feels glorious and is much better conveyed than in EDF 2017. It's one of the best stories I have had the pleasure of enjoying this year compared next to Devil May Cry 4. Both games in fact have cheesy stories but are in fact serious and engaging. What's new? There are four new classes, new weapons, a few new levels, a lot of giant insects new and old and the physics for the buildings have been improved. They also added ragdolls to the mix as well. I was deeply enjoying this game throughout shooting giant insects and even dragons at one point. But to be honest, the game is not perfect. The game suffers from some frame drops on PS4 Pro even though the PC Version is totally fine. The levels keep on being used over and over and over again to the point where it feels like a been there done that situation even though 2017 had a original level every single time you played. Also, the ragdoll physics are broken in some cases. I went flying into the edge of the map at one point a like millions miles per hour and had no clue what did that. But the thing that frustrates the most is what the game does so well. The chaos. The chaos seems fine at first, but when you get to the last ten levels, it becomes a nightmare at some points. Level 87 is just insane. You have to take on a four legged fortress, four ravager deployment ships and take on ants, hectors, giant tentacle like things, spiders and everything but the cook. You will die if you do not be careful and it feels to stressful to even complete so you just want to get it over with. The game is basically the Serious Sam of action shooters which is a huge thing to say, but it really is. However with all that said, EDF 4.1 is still a solid game in the series. The whole entire game is crazy fun with some addictive gameplay and a engaging yet simple story. People are definitely missing out on this series. EDF has a cult following and it's easy to see why as the appeal is super vast. The influence of Starship Troopers is apparent and many people love the book and movie of it. It may be niche but dammit it's so good! I suggest you all buy EDF 4.1 on the holidays right away. I highly enjhoyed the game albiet it's flaws and hopefully you'll get to see the appeal for this game when you play it! 8.5/10 PROS: -The gameplay is just as much chaotic and fun as last time. -The music score has some good moments. -New Classes to choose from! -Engaging Story that's cheesy and simple but so god damn good! -Improved Building Physics -Great Banter and Conversations between Characters. -Enemy Variety! NEUTRALS: -Not much reason to play the other classes unless you want to replay it. -Graphics are okay but kind of look the same as EDF 2017 CONS: -Frame Drops on PS4 Pro. Not on PC Though. -Overwhelmingly Difficult Final Levels. -Reuse of the same levels over and over again. -Sound Mixing is terrible as explosions overlap the music and chat. -Ragdoll Physics can be broken at points.
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Youtube Channel UPDATE #1 Photos Above: The Mclaren P1 in all it's glory in Forza Motorsport 5, Giant Insects attack a Ranger in Earth Defense Force 4.1 and The Ferry in New Tristram early on in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. For those who do not know, I have my own Youtube Channel called TheAutisticGamer (For obvious reasons) and do Lets Plays and Streams on it frequently. I am getting back into the shape of things and am recording a bunch of stuff in the works. Some have been uploaded and others haven't. Heres my channel plan: Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOw54fnFgqO8fe2ctomAB_w?view_as=subscriber HALF-LIFE 2 (COMPLETED/UPLOADING) I have just finished Half-Life 2 a few weeks ago and am uploading it now. I have four videos up for it and it will be a 12 part series. HALF-LIFE 2: EPISODE ONE (COMPLETED/UPCOMING) After I'm finished uploading all of Half-Life 2, I will be uploading Episode One. I'll try and do Episode Two once I'm closer to uploading Episode One but for now it's going to get uploaded once HL2 is done uploading. This will be a Four Part Series. METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY (RECORDING/UPLOADING) I'm in the midst of uploading this series and there is only Metal Slug 6 left to do in the Anthology. I'll complete it as soon as I can with my sister. YOSHI's CRAFTED WORLD (HIATUS) Yoshi's Crafted World was a coop project me and my sister were doing. However, with us focusing most of our time on Metal Slug Anthology, it's become stagnant. We'll get back to it once Metal Slug is done. LEGO STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA (RECORDING) We have finished Episodes 1 and 2 and we'll be doing Revenge of the Sith as soon as possible. This lets play has a lot of screeching and screaming and it's extremely silly once you watch it. DIABLO 3: REAPER OF SOULS (RECORDING) I have completed 5 videos for this series and am hoping to complete it before the end of the year arrives. This will be a wizard playthrough. EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 2017 (COMPLETED/UPLOADING) This early chaotic third person shooter for the Xbox 360 is done and completed and is (I Think) a 12 Part Series. I'm very happy with how it turned out and am uploading as we speak. EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: THE SHADOW OF NEW DESPAIR (RECORDING) I am having so much fun with this one. I recorded two videos today and it will be uploaded as soon as EDF 2017 is finished. I don't know how long this will be as I heard this is a 20 hour game and I usually record for about 30 minutes per video. Who knows how long it will take? FORZA MOTORSPORT 5 (RECORDING/UPLOADING) My plans to do the Xbox One versions of Forza Motorsport start here. I'm currently 11 videos done and 2 uploaded at the moment. This series will be uploaded very frequently and is the main focus besides Diablo 3 ROS and EDF 4.1. Those are my channel plans for right now. I hope I have informed you well on this. Thanks for reading!
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